Saturday, July 29, 2017

History for July 29

Image result for Booth Tarkington Quotes
History for July 29 -
Booth Tarkington 1869, Benito Mussolini 1883, Melvin Belli 1907
Image result for Booth Tarkington QuotesImage result for Benito Mussolini QuotesImage result for melvin belli quotes

Marcel Bich 1914 - Manufacturer and co-founder of Bic, Ken Burns 1953, Martina McBride 1966
Image result for Marcel Bich BICImage result for Ken Burns Image result for Martina McBride

1950 - Disney's adaptation of Robert Louis Stevenson's "Treasure Island" was released.
Image result for Disney's adaptation of Robert Louis Stevenson's "Treasure Island"

1957 - Jack Paar began hosting the "Tonight" show on NBC-TV. The name of the show was changed to "The Jack Paar Show." Paar was host for five years.
Image result for Jack Paar began hosting the "Tonight"

1957 - The International Atomic Energy Agency was established.
Image result for International Atomic Energy Agency was established.

1958 - The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) was authorized by the U.S. Congress.
Image result for 1958 - The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) was authorized

1968 - Pope Paul VI reaffirmed the Roman Catholic Church's stance against artificial methods of birth control.
Image result for pope birth control

1981 - England's Prince Charles and Lady Diana Spencer were married.
Image result for Prince Charles and Lady Diana Spencer were married.

1985 - General Motors announced that Spring Hill, TN, would be the home of the Saturn automobile assembly plant.
Image result for Spring Hill, TN, would be the home of the Saturn automobile assembly plant.

2005 - Astronomers announced that they had discovered a new planet (Xena) larger than Pluto in orbit around the sun.
Image result for new planet (Xena)

Friday, July 28, 2017

Venezuela Descends Into Dictatorship, But Networks Can’t Be Bothered

Venezuela Descends Into Dictatorship, But Networks Can’t Be Bothered:

Image result for flickr commons images Venezuela Flag"Venezuela’s oppressive, socialist president hopes to seize even more power, yet the broadcast networks continue to largely ignore his country’s violent descent into dictatorship.

With over 100 Venezuelans dead from the rapidly escalating violence between the government and protesters, a special vote will take place on July 30 to give authoritarian president Nicolas Maduro the power to rewrite the Venezuelan Constitution to strip legislative power from the rightfully-elected National Assembly."

The way we were-----Starship - "Nothing's Gonna Stop Us Now" - ORIGINAL VIDEO - HQ

Total Government And Personal Debt In The U.S. Has Hit 41 Trillion Dollars ($329,961.34 Per Household)

Total Government And Personal Debt In The U.S. Has Hit 41 Trillion Dollars ($329,961.34 Per Household):
"We are living in the greatest debt bubble in the history of the world.
In 1980, total government and personal debt in the United States was just over the 3 trillion dollar mark, but today it has surpassed 41 trillion dollars. 
That means that it has increased by almost 14 times since Ronald Reagan was first elected president.  I am searching for words to describe how completely and utterly insane this is, but I am coming up empty. 
We are slowly but surely committing national suicide, and yet most Americans don’t even understand what is happening.
According to 720 Global, total government debt plus total personal debt in the United States was just over 3 trillion dollars in 1980. 
That broke down to $38,552 per household, and that figure represented 79 percent of median household income at the time.
Today, total government debt plus total personal debt in the United States has blown past the 41 trillion dollar mark. 
When you break that down, it comes to $329,961.34 per household, and that figure represents 584 percent of median household income...
...One of my pet peeves is the national debt.
Image result for f-35 Our politicians spend money in some of the most ridiculous ways imaginable, and yet no matter how much we complain about it nothing ever seems to change.
For example, the U.S. military actually spends 42 million dollars a year on Viagra.
Yes, you read that correctly.
42 million of your tax dollars are being spent on Viagra every year.
And overall spending on “erectile dysfunction medicines” each year comes to a grand total of 84 million dollars
Image result for viagra
According to data from the Defense Health Agency, DoD actually spent $41.6 million on Viagra — and $84.24 million total on erectile dysfunction prescriptions — last year.
And since 2011, the tab for drugs like Viagra, Cialis and Levitra totals $294 million — the equivalent of nearly four U.S. Air Force F-35 Joint Strike Fighters..."

Conference teaches K-12 educators how to combat ‘whiteness in schools’ - The College Fix

Conference teaches K-12 educators how to combat ‘whiteness in schools’ - The College Fix:
"A recent conference hosted by an Ivy League university focused on integration and inclusion in K-12 education and included workshops on how educators should face white privilege in their classrooms, challenge microaggressions and address “Eurocentric pedagogical approaches.”...

Other workshops touched on topics such as using hip hop as a form of therapy in schools, instituting restorative justice for student discipline and examining segregation and desegregation."
Read it all!

Johns Hopkins Psychiatrist: ‘Transgendered Men Don’t Become Women,’ They Become ‘Feminized Men,’ ‘Impersonators’

Johns Hopkins Psychiatrist: ‘Transgendered Men Don’t Become Women,’ They Become ‘Feminized Men,’ ‘Impersonators’:

"Dr. Paul R. McHugh, the Distinguished Service Professor of Psychiatry at Johns Hopkins University and former psychiatrist–in-chief for Johns Hopkins Hospital, who has studied transgendered people for 40 years, said it is a scientific fact that “transgendered men do not become women, nor do transgendered women become men.”

All such people, he explained in an article for The Witherspoon Institute,  “become feminized men or masculinized women, counterfeits or impersonators of the sex with which they ‘identify.’”"

Retailer apologizes after font makes ‘glitter’ appear to read as ‘Hitler’ | Articles | Main

Retailer apologizes after font makes ‘glitter’ appear to read as ‘Hitler’ | Articles | Main
"The company’s chief marketing officer quickly responded after Twitter users pointed out that a tote bag carried a message that looked quite different than what its design intended.
Image result for dohMarketers and designers take note: Font choice matters.
With the wrong font, a seemingly innocuous tote bag can get misinterpreted as mild hate speech.
Check out the product...from the online retailer BelleChic, which Quotable Life designed and produced.
Do you notice anything off?..."
Read on!

Marine dog with cancer gets tear-filled hero's farewell - Chicago Tribune

Marine dog with cancer gets tear-filled hero's farewell - Chicago Tribune
"Hundreds of people in Michigan came together to say a tear-filled final goodbye to a cancer-stricken dog who served three tours in Afghanistan with the U.S. Marines.
Cena the 10-year-old black lab received a hero's farewell Wednesday before being euthanized at the USS LST 393, a museum ship in Muskegon, and carried off in a flag-draped coffin.
Cena, who was recently diagnosed with terminal bone cancer, was a bomb-sniffer for the Marines until his retirement in 2014.
The celebration for Cena was organized by his owner, Lance Cpl. Jeff Young, who was paired with the dog in 2009 and 2010 while on a combat tour in Afghanistan and who adopted him in 2014.
Cena then became DeYoung's service dog to help him with his post-traumatic stress disorder.
"My whole adult life I've had Cena," DeYoung said.
"When I was 19 overseas learning how to be responsible, I had Cena.."
Read on...hanky time.

Lunch video-----Something is Wrong with MSNBC


Cable Networks Black Out Coverage on Wasserman Schultz IT Scandal

Cable Networks Black Out Coverage on Wasserman Schultz IT Scandal:

Image result for Flicker Commons Images Debbie Wasserman Schultz"Major cable news networks have given no coverage to the burgeoning scandal involving IT staffers to former DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz, according to a Washington Free Beacon analysis.

Reporting by the Daily Caller News Foundation has revealed that Wasserman Schultz's top information technology staffer Iman Awan was arrested Monday after trying to flee the country amidst investigations into Awan concerning banking fraud and a criminal cybersecurity probe. "

$2 Million Bathroom | RealClearPolitics

$2 Million Bathroom | RealClearPolitics:
"Did you see the $2 million dollar bathroom?
That's what New York City government spent to build a "comfort station" in a park.
I went to look it.
There were no gold-plated fixtures. 
Image result for toilet moneyIt's just a little building with four toilets and four sinks.
I asked park users, "What do you think that new bathroom cost?"
A few said $70,000. 
One said $100,000. 
One said, "I could build it for $10,000."
They were shocked when I told them what the city spent.
No park bathroom needs to cost $2 million. 
An entire six-bedroom house nearby was for sale for $539,000.
Everything costs more when government builds it..."
Read on!

Social Security’s Creeping Fiscal Crisis | International Liberty

Social Security’s Creeping Fiscal Crisis | International Liberty
"...a program that will soon have an annual budget of $1 trillion. 
Especially since the tax-and-spend crowd in Washington is actually arguing that the program should be expanded
...Table VI.G9, which shows the annual inflation-adjusted budgetary impact of the program.
It’s also worth noting that the program already is in the red. Social Security outlays began to exceed revenues back in 2010.
And the numbers will get more out of balance over time..."

Scientists find key 'friendliness' genes that distinguish dogs from wolves - LA Times

Scientists find key 'friendliness' genes that distinguish dogs from wolves - LA Times
Image result for dogs wolves"Your dog is basically a super social wolf, and scientists may have found the gene that makes him want to cuddle with you.
A new study shows that friendliness in dogs is associated with the same genes that make some people hyper-social.
The study, published this week in the journal Science Advances, found that structural variations in three genes on chromosome 6 are correlated with how much canines socialize with humans.
An analysis of DNA from two dozen animals revealed that these genes look very different in dogs than they do in wolves..."
Read on!

#1 This day 2012-----Carly Rae Jepsen - Call Me Maybe

Today's sea-level rise is BELOW normal - Ice Age Now

Today's sea-level rise is BELOW normal - Ice Age Now
This talk of unprecedented sea-level rise is complete nonsense.
"Today’s sea-level rise is BELOW normal-By Robert Felix
During the last ice age almost all of Canada, along with parts of Europe and Asia, were buried beneath one to two miles of ice.
At the same time, sea levels stood 350 to 400 feet lower than today.
Sea levels were so low that the entire continental shelf, at least in eastern North America, was above water.
Many states on the eastern seaboard were twice as big as today.
New Jersey’s shoreline, for example, stood 60 to 100 miles east of its present location.
Same in the west.
...Why were sea levels so low? 
Because that’s where the water came from to create those huge ice sheets.
Literally millions of cubic miles of water had turned to ice.
Then, about 10,000 years ago, the ice began to melt and sea levels began to rise.
Rising sea levels have been the norm
If you run the numbers you’ll find that sea levels have been rising an average of .42 to .48 inches (just under half-an-inch) per year for the past 10,000 years.
Rising sea levels have been the norm, in other words, for 10,000 years.
And that brings us to today.
What are sea levels doing right now?
Sea levels now rising slower than normal
According to NASA, sea levels are rising 3.4 mm (about 1/8th of an inch) per year..."
Read on!

You ought to know!

This Insane Poll Shows Free Speech In America Is Dying | Daily Wire

This Insane Poll Shows Free Speech In America Is Dying | Daily Wire:

Image result for Flicker Commons Images First Amendment"It’s a troubling moment for freedom of speech.

For years, the Right has suggested that the Left is the force most dangerous to freedom of speech. From college campuses to attempts to restrict election spending to the push for hate speech regulations, the Left sees freedom of speech as an obstacle.

Now many Republicans are reciprocating."