Thursday, April 20, 2017

Limbaugh: Advertisers Never Target The Left, Only The Right

Limbaugh: Advertisers Never Target The Left, Only The Right:

 "“Let me ask you a question. Have you ever wondered why not a single left-wing media figure is ever the target of advertiser boycotts? Have you ever noticed that, and, if you haven’t, please take notice of it, and then ask yourself, why? What in the world could explain the one-sidedness of this?” Limbaugh said."

Champs-Élysées‬‬ attack: 1 police officer killed, 2 seriously injured in Paris shooting | Fox News

Champs-Élysées‬‬ attack: 1 police officer killed, 2 seriously injured in Paris shooting | Fox News:

"A police officer was killed and two were seriously injured when a gunman opened fire late Thursday on the famed Champs-Élysées shopping district in Paris before he was shot dead, officials said."

History of EPA Employee Misconduct Could Result in Layoffs

History of EPA Employee Misconduct Could Result in Layoffs:

 "The Environmental Protection Agency has been riddled with employee misconduct, including workers who drink, smoke marijuana, and watch porn on the job.

Inspector general reports over the past few years detailing employee misbehavior could serve as ammunition for EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt, who is seeking to eliminate 25 percent of the 15,000 employees at the agency."


Harvard tells students gender can 'change from day to day'

Harvard tells students gender can 'change from day to day'

  • The office of BGLTQ Student Life at Harvard University has released a new school-sponsored guide telling students to “fight transphobia” and “get the facts about gender diversity.”

  • The flyer that was handed out to students on campus asserts that “there are more than two sexes” and that “gender is fluid and changing,” often fluctuating on a daily basis.
  •  The office of BGLTQ Student Life at Harvard University has released a new school-sponsored guide telling students to “fight transphobia” and “get the facts about gender diversity.”
    The guide, which was distributed to students on campus, declares that “there are more than two sexes” and that “gender is fluid and changing,” adding that someone’s gender identity “can be affirmed and/or expressed in many ways,” and can even “change from day to day.”
    Read on!

    Out of control!-----NY taxpayers fuming after school spends $153,000 on ‘educational’ trip to Disney World |

    NY taxpayers fuming after school spends $153,000 on ‘educational’ trip to Disney World |
    "LONG ISLAND, N.Y. – Long Island taxpayers are fuming after learning they spent over $150,000 to send seniors from Shoreham-Wading River High School on an “educational” trip to Disney World.
    The senior trip to Disney World is a school tradition dating back to the 1990s, but in prior years students footed most of the bill, with the district shelling out less than $10,000 to help them out.
     Last year, about one in three seniors participated, Newsday reports.
    But school officials re-labeled the trip as an “educational field trip” and used taxpayer funds to cover nearly the entire tab, including airfare and hotel rooms for the four-day trek to the Orlando theme park, resulting in about 80 percent of the 227 seniors at Shoreham-Wading River participating in the trip.
    The bill: nearly $153,000.
    District officials are now scrambling to appease angry taxpayers tasked with voting on the district’s proposed budget for next year in less than a month..."

    Judicial Watch Sues State Department and USAID for Records about Funding and Political Activities of George Soros’ Open Society Foundation – Macedonia - Judicial Watch

    Judicial Watch Sues State Department and USAID for Records about Funding and Political Activities of George Soros’ Open Society Foundation – Macedonia - Judicial Watch:

     "Judicial Watch announced today that it filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit against the Department of State and the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) for records and communications relating to the funding and political activities of the Open Society Foundation – Macedonia.  The Macedonia organization, part of George Soros’ Open Society Foundations, received nearly $5 million from USAID from 2012 to 2016. "

    QUESTION ASKED: Is Donald Trump’s Unpredictability an Advantage in Handling North Korea?

    Instapundit » Blog Archive » QUESTION ASKED: Is Donald Trump’s Unpredictability an Advantage in Handling North Korea? “Strat…:
     QUESTION ASKED: Is Donald Trump’s Unpredictability an Advantage in Handling North Korea?
    “Strategic ambiguity” doesn’t leave any mystery about where you stand, but rather about what you might do.
    Posted by Stephen Green at 2:49 pm