Thursday, June 04, 2015

History for June 4

History for June 4 -
Rosalind Russell 1908, Gene Barry 1922, Dennis Weaver 1924 

Dr. Ruth Westheimer 1928, Bruce Dern 1936 - Actor, Angelina Jolie 1975 - Actress 

1792 - Captain George Vancouver claimed Puget Sound for Britain. 

1816 - The Washington was launched at Wheeling, WV. It was the first stately, double-decker steamboat. 

1896 - Henry Ford made a successful test drive of his new car in Detroit, MI. He called the vehicle was called a "Quadricycle." 

1935 - "Invisible" glass was patented by Gerald Brown and Edward Pollard. 

1939 - The first shopping cart was introduced by Sylvan Goldman in Oklahoma City, OK. It was actually a folding chair that had been mounted on wheels. 

1940 - The British completed the evacuation of 300,000 troops at Dunkirk, France. 

1942 - The Battle of Midway began. It was the first major victory for America over Japan during World War II. The battle ended on June 6 and ended Japanese expansion in the Pacific. 

1944 - During World War II, the U.S. Fifth Army entered Rome, which began the liberation of the Italian capital. 

1947 - The House of Representatives approved the Taft-Hartley Act. The legislation allowed the President of the United States to intervene in labor disputes. 

1974 - The Cleveland Indians had "Ten Cent Beer Night". Due to the drunken and unruly fans the Indians forfeited to the Texas Rangers. 

1974 - Sally Murphy became the first woman to qualify as an aviator with the U.S. Army. 

Wednesday, June 03, 2015



Beach Speech

By Tammy Derouin

It was a beautiful afternoon in West Michigan this past Sunday, more specifically at Pere Marquette Beach.  What was going to be a quick drive around the ovals, turned into an unplanned stop and included sitting on the rocks while the girls ran up and down the shoreline.

They wanted to get their feet wet.  Thinking they’d run screaming in the opposite direction as soon as the water hit their big toes, I told them ankle deep was the limit.  To my surprise, they didn’t run, but they did scream.  They stood their ground as the stared down Lake Michigan attempting not to flinch. 

Even though they weren’t there to swim, they got the usual beach speech.  Respect the water.  It can and will take you down, especially if you don’t pay attention.  Know your limits and do not turn your back to the water. 

Once they got used to the icy sting of the water, it was easier to go a little deeper.  Slow rolling white caps gave them the impression that everything would remain calm.  Experience with Lake Michigan told me there’s no such thing as a guaranteed calm.  Of course, the ankle deep limit was long gone as I stared at drenched shoes and socks.  One of the girls didn’t think the water would get to her before her shoes came off.  At this point, I was hoping their clothes would stay dry.  I fired a few warning shouts but then I decided to let them get reacquainted with the big lake.  As I watched them run and play, I couldn’t help draw a few parallels...

Eco-madrasas for our children?-----Climate Change Indoctrination? 13 States Adopt Common Core Science Lessons

Climate Change Indoctrination? 13 States Adopt Common Core Science Lessons | Fox News Insider
The Wall Street Journal reports:
While publicly billed as the result of a state-led process, the new science standards rely on a framework developed by the Washington, D.C.-based National Research Council.
That is the research arm of the National Academy of Sciences that works closely with the federal government on most scientific matters.
All of the National Research Council’s work around global warming proceeds from the initial premise of its 2011 report, “America’s Climate Choices” which states that “climate change is already occurring, is based largely on human activities, and is supported by multiple lines of scientific evidence.” 
From the council’s perspective, the science of climate change has already been settled. Not surprisingly, global climate change is one of the disciplinary core ideas embedded in the Next Generation of Science Standards, making it required learning for students in grade, middle and high school.

Exposed: Obama Is Bypassing Congress To Deliver A Major Blow To The Constitution

Exposed: Obama Is Bypassing Congress To Deliver A Major Blow To The Constitution:

"One of the changes the administration now seeks to enact is denying gun ownership to those who have been guilty of any type of domestic abuse.

“That could be a person who spanked his kid, or yelled at his wife, or slapped her husband,” Michael Hammond, legislative counsel for the Gun Owners of America, warned in a statement.

The ATF is also looking to prohibit the mentally ill from owning firearms, which gun rights’ groups oppose.

“The Obama administration is trying very hard to disqualify people from owning a gun on the basis that they are seeing a psychologist,” Hammond argued."

US military training in US cities?!! For what danger?-----City says loud explosions were army training exercise

City says loud explosions were army training exercise - WNEM TV 5:
It was a peaceful afternoon, and then residents said it seemingly turned hostile.
"I was standing there, and all of a sudden, boom!" Jean Glenn said.
"I mean it was loud, it blew up the whole sky or whatever, it was like four or five big bangs," Annette Humphrey said.
Explosions you'd expect in a war zone echoed through Flint. People's homes shook and those inside were caught off-guard.
It all went down at the shuttered Lowell Junior High on the city's east side.
The blasts are just an Army exercise.
"There's older people, it probably gave them a heart attack or something," Glenn said.
Flint's spokesman Jason Lorenz said the city has been in talks with the army for months now about using parts of the city.
"It's an exercise to help their personnel do training with urban environments," Lorenz said.
That training includes using aircraft and simulated ammunition.
It will continue for the next 10 days..."

How Law Enforcement in One State Kept $16,000 Found in Farmer’s Car Despite No Charges Being Brought |

How Law Enforcement in One State Kept $16,000 Found in Farmer’s Car Despite No Charges Being Brought |

"According to the Institute for Justice, a libertarian law firm that seeks to protect civil liberties and public interest, in 2010 only three states in the U.S. received a B grade or better in what it calls “policing for profit.” It describes “policing for profit” as when assets are forfeited, sold and then used to “fund agency budgets — all without so much as charging you with a crime.” IJ has featured some of the “craziest things” civil asset forfeiture has brought in under U.S. laws.

The institute gave Montana with a D+ overall in “policing for profit.”

“The state only requires probable cause to forfeit property,” IJ explained on its website of Montana’s status. “This is the lowest standard of proof the government must meet to prove your property is related to a crime."

Wayne County may ask taxpayers to shore up pension fund

Wayne County may ask taxpayers to shore up pension fund:
"Several Wayne County Commissioners on Tuesday pushed back against a plan to levy a one-time property tax assessment as part of residents' summer tax bills to cover $49 million owed to the employee retirement system.
Taxpayers would have to pay the amount unless the county can find another source for the funds.
But the majority of commissioners clearly stated their opposition to a tax increase during a committee meeting, meaning the money will likely be pulled from the Delinquent Tax Revolving Fund.
The fund is used to provide communities with delinquent tax money that has not yet been collected. The treasurer's office borrows money to cover what is needed and then takes over the collection of the delinquent taxes."

School budget compromise heads to vote; $50M set aside to potentially cover Detroit schools debt

School budget compromise heads to vote; $50M set aside to potentially cover Detroit schools debt - Crain's Detroit Business:
LANSING — .."It was not widely perceived in the field as helpful," he said of rewarding districts for best practices. "I don't know that we need to incent repeatedly good behavior."
Lawmakers also set aside $50 million in case they later agree to Gov. Rick Snyder's recent request to cover debt in Detroit's troubled school district. That debate is unlikely to be resolved until the fall at the earliest.
Overall, the school aid budget will rise by $209 million, or 1.5 percent. It includes $26 million in new funding for the GOP governor's initiative to improve students' reading skills by third grade.

William Rankin, The Man Who Rode The Thunder

Here Are the Responses One Filmmaker Got When He Went Around a Muslim Neighborhood in Minnesota Asking if People Preferred Shariah Law | Video |

Here Are the Responses One Filmmaker Got When He Went Around a Muslim Neighborhood in Minnesota Asking if People Preferred Shariah Law | Video |

"A filmmaker recently walked around the Cedar-Riverside neighborhood in Minneapolis, asking Muslims about Shariah law, their views on insults to the Prophet Muhammad and their cultural preferences.

At the beginning of the nearly five-minute video, filmmaker Ami Horowitz explained in a voice-over that it has been reported that dozens of individuals from the community have left to join terror groups abroad, so he wanted to “find out what is going on.”

We must understand their needs. And accomodate..... Becoming disabled by choice, not chance: ‘Transabled’ people feel like impostors in their fully working bodies

Becoming disabled by choice, not chance: ‘Transabled’ people feel like impostors in their fully working bodies | National Post:
OTTAWA — When he cut off his right arm with a “very sharp power tool,” a man who now calls himself One Hand Jason let everyone believe it was an accident.
But he had for months tried different means of cutting and crushing the limb that never quite felt like his own, training himself on first aid so he wouldn’t bleed to death, even practicing on animal parts sourced from a butcher.
“My goal was to get the job done with no hope of reconstruction or re-attachment, and I wanted some method that I could actually bring myself to do,” he told the body modification website ModBlog.
His goal was to become disabled.
People like Jason have been classified as ‘‘transabled’’ — feeling like imposters in their bodies, their arms and legs in full working order.
“We define transability as the desire or the need for a person identified as able-bodied by other people to transform his or her body to obtain a physical impairment,” says Alexandre Baril, a Quebec born academic who will present on “transability” at this week’s Congress of the Social Sciences and Humanities at the University of Ottawa.
“The person could want to become deaf, blind, amputee, paraplegic.
It’s a really, really strong desire.”
Most of them are men.
About half are in Germany and Switzerland, but he knows of a few in Canada.
Most crave an amputation or paralysis, though he has interviewed one person who wants his penis removed.

Another wants to be blind.
Many people, like One Hand Jason, arrange “accidents” to help achieve the goal.
One dropped an incredibly heavy concrete block on his legs — an attempt to injure himself so bad an amputation would be necessary.
But doctors saved the leg.
He limps, but it’s not the disability he wanted...
Read on. Much more!

Wasn't the whole idea to save money?------Blue Cross through to go up 11.3%

Blue Cross through to go up 11.3%:
Seventeen of 21 Michigan health insurers selling coverage at are requesting rate hikes, apparently in anticipation of a U.S. Supreme Court decision that could cut federal subsidies for those policies.
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan, which writes about 70 percent of the policies, is seeking an 11.3 percent increase.
More than half of the insurers are seeking premium increases of 5 percent or more beginning in January under the Affordable Care Act, the Michigan Department of Insurance and Financial Services said Monday.
More than 340,000 Michiganians purchased insurance on the health exchange last year and could be affected by the requests.
Five insurers, including Blue Cross, requested double-digit increases. 
The largest, 37 percent, is sought by Time Insurance Co., which is creating all new plans for next year.

Feds pour $32 million more into beleaguered solar industry

Feds pour $32 million more into beleaguered solar industry -
The Department of Energy has doled out another $32 million to support the solar industry, a sector fraught with technology challenges and scandal – and nevertheless propped up with billions of taxpayer dollars during the Obama Administration.
This latest funding is dedicated to training a workforce of solar technicians, developing new technology and implementing a database to share performance data, the DOE announced in a press release last week.
The training goal is 75,000 workers by 2020 and an undisclosed amount of “other professionals” in other fields such as real estate, finance, insurance and fire and safety.
What the release didn’t say was that the Obama Administration has spent $150 billion on green initiatives between 2009 and 2014, yet the industry cannot survive without government giveaways, a Brookings Institution study found.
“Taxpayers shouldn’t be forced to spend even more money on job-training programs that are proven failures,” said Heritage Foundation energy expert David W. Kreutzer.
“Industry will provide job-training where there are real jobs to be filled. 
The energy revolution in places like North Dakota and Texas has created hundreds of thousands of jobs—many of which required considerable technical skill—without a federally funded job-training program.”
...SolarCity also finds itself under investigation by the FBI for allegations it misused taxpayer funds. In that case, The Oregonian reported that after it blew a federal deadline SolarCity officials backdated an application for a $12 million government grant.
...“If solar is as competitive as its supporters say, then great!
We can get rid of renewable mandates, net-metering, the 30 percent investment tax credit, etc.; and let solar run everybody else out of business,” Kreutzer said.

Obama: ‘Many of the Things Said About Me Are Terribly Unfair’ |

Obama: ‘Many of the Things Said About Me Are Terribly Unfair’ |

"President Barack Obama told a gathering of young Southeast Asian leaders that democracy has led to “terribly unfair” things being said about him.

“As I always point out, democracy is hard,” Obama told the town hall gathering of 75 people with the Young Southeast Asian Leaders Initiative at the White House Monday. “I think many of the things said about me are terribly unfair.”

Economic suicide--------State Senate OKs health coverage for many immigrants here illegally

State Senate OKs health coverage for many immigrants here illegally - LA Times:
"The state Senate on Tuesday approved a hotly debated measure that would allow many immigrants in the country illegally to sign up for special healthcare programs that would offer the same benefits as Medi-Cal.
The action comes just days after lawmakers significantly scaled back the plan, which originally would have offered state-subsidized Medi-Cal to people in the country without authorization.
State Sen. Ricardo Lara (D-Bell Gardens) said his proposal provides “what we can realistically achieve now” for the estimated 2 million people in the state illegally.
“We are talking about our friends. 
We are talking about our neighbors and our families who are denied basic healthcare in the richest state of this union,” Lara told his colleagues.
...Sen. Jeff Stone (R-Murrieta) said the legislation only makes worse a shortage of physicians to treat patients on Medi-Cal.
“This bill would only add hundreds of thousands of patients to the rolls with no one to care for them,” Stone said."

What the $15/hr morons will never understand

History for June 3

History for June 3 -
Jefferson Davis 1808/1808 - American soldier, politician, President of the Confederate states of America during the U.S. Civil War , Leo Gorcey 1916/1917 - Stage and movie actor, Tony Curtis (Bernard Schwartz) 1925 - Actor ("Sweet Smell of Success," "Some Like it Hot," father of actresses Jamie Lee Curtis and Kelly Curtis 

Boots Randolph 1927 - Musician, his saxophone hit became Benny Hill's signature tune, Larry McMurtry 1936 - Author ("Lonesome Dove"), Rafael Nadal 1986 - Tennis player 

1539 - Hernando De Soto claimed Florida for Spain. 

1784 - The U.S. Congress formally created the United States Army to replace the disbanded Continental Army. On June 14, 1775, the Second Continental Congress had created the Continental Army for purposes of common defense and this event is considered to be the birth of the United States Army. 

1805 - A peace treaty between the U.S. and Tripoli was completed in the captain's cabin on board the USS Constitution

1856 - Cullen Whipple patented the screw machine. 

1888 - "Casey at the Bat" the poem by Ernest Lawrence Thayer was first published. 

1937 - The Duke of Windsor, who had abdicated the British throne, married Wallis Warfield Simpson. 

1965 - Edward White became the first American astronaut to do a "space walk" when he left the Gemini 4 capsule. 

1989 - Chinese army troops positioned themselves to began a sweep of Beijing to crush student-led pro-democracy demonstrations in Tiananmen Square. 

2003 - Sammy Sosa (Chicago Cubs) broke a bat when he grounded out against the Tampa Bay Devil Rays. The bat he was using was a corked bat.(IllinoisFlorida

Tuesday, June 02, 2015

Obama's America: Guess which lunch time sandwich has now been deemed racist?

Obama's America: Guess which lunch time sandwich has now been deemed racist?:

"…The Tribune noted that the school started the new year with “intensive staff trainings, frequent staff meetings, classroom observations and other initiatives,” to help educators understand their own “white privilege,” in order to “change their teaching practices to boost minority students’ performance.””Last Wednesday, the first day of the school year for staff, for example, the first item of business for teachers at Scott School was to have a Courageous Conversation — to examine a news article and discuss the ‘white privilege’ it conveys,” the Tribune added."

This isn't White privilege - PB&J is AMERICANA!

White privilege only exists in the minds of liberal nuts - completely unrelated to the nuts used in the all-American, classic sandwich.  

Victims of Climate Wars Seek Asylum in Asia.

Victims of Climate Wars Seek Asylum in Asia. | Somewhat Reasonable:
"People migrate when they are starving, fearful or oppressed.
Industries are the same.
At the same time that unhappy people are flooding towards Europe and Australia, the climate wars in those same countries are sending struggling business refugees to Asia.
They are migrating as government promotion of expensive intermittent energy (wind and solar) and government taxes on hydro-carbon energy cause soaring electricity costs and falling profits.
The sad results of Europe’s infatuation with wind and solar energy toys are clear. 
Without Russian gas, French nuclear, Scandinavian hydro, North Sea oil, Iceland geothermal and German and Polish coal, the European green zone would freeze in the dark every winter. 
Green energy is not the solution – it is the problem...
Future generations will look back in wonder at this futile expulsion of our capital, industry and jobs. It will not reduce CO2 emissions – just moves them elsewhere with not the slightest effect on Earth’s climate or biosphere."

No money for potholes or bridges but plenty for empty choo choo trains-----Michigan may temporarily suspend lease on unused rail cars for Ann Arbor-Detroit line

Michigan may temporarily suspend lease on unused rail cars for Ann Arbor-Detroit line - Crain's Detroit Business:
"LANSING — A Michigan state agency said Monday it is negotiating to temporarily suspend the lease on 23 commuter rail cars that have sat unused and cost the state $11.4 million.
Michigan Transportation Department Rail Director Tim Hoeffner told reporters in a conference call that negotiations are ongoing with Great Lakes Central Railroad, the company from which the state is leasing the cars.
Hoeffner said the company is willing to relieve the department of lease payments for up to five years so the company can sublease the cars to another rail project."

Militant Black Muslim Leader Calls for “War” Against Police and Whites - Eagle Rising

Militant Black Muslim Leader Calls for “War” Against Police and Whites - Eagle Rising:

"Once again, the leader of the New Black Panther Party, Malik Zulu Shabazz, is making waves for some vile and explosive comments that he recently made on his “Black Power Radio” program.

The outspoken and violent man argued that police brutality in America had gone too far and that black communities must start defending themselves against the violence of white America – “by any means necessary.”

Waddya bet she gets reelected. It is Flint. And it is democrats------Flint without candidates on August primary ballot after clerk announces wrong filing deadline

Flint without candidates on August primary ballot after clerk announces wrong filing deadline - Crain's Detroit Business:
"Flint remains without any candidates on the ballot for the Aug. 4 primary after a judge ruled against a City Council member's request to get his name onto it.
State election officials say that (DEMOCRAT) City Clerk Inez Brown mistakenly told candidates their nominating petitions with at least 900 valid signatures were due April 28. 
The actual deadline was April 21."

Obama: I Don’t Believe In Divisive Racial Politics - Breitbart

Obama: I Don’t Believe In Divisive Racial Politics - Breitbart:

"President Obama explained to a group of young Asian leaders today that it was important not to betray one’s principles while being a leader.

He pointed out that one of his core principles is to “treat everyone fairly” regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation or religion.

“One of my core principles is that I will never engage in a politics in which I’m trying to divide people or make them less than me because they look different or have a different religion,” Obama said. “That’s a core principle, that’s not something I would violate.”

I thought Detroit was broke------Business owners can apply for loans, tech help through Motor City Match starting today

Business owners can apply for loans, tech help through Motor City Match starting today - Crain's Detroit Business:
"The program will offer $500,000 in grants, loans and technical assistance to a wide variety of firms, from those in the idea phase to those needing help to build out their space.
“Business owners tell us there are two main problems: finding the right space and getting all of the funding together to open,” said Rodrick Miller, CEO of the Detroit Economic Growth Corp., which administers the program. “"

Latest GDP Report Proves that Obama is Purposefully Destroying America |

Latest GDP Report Proves that Obama is Purposefully Destroying America |

"Here are the facts.

The first quarter GDP – which is the measurement of our economy – was just revised on Friday to negative 0.07%. This number is a disaster.

But this isn’t some aberration or outlier. This is the entire Obama presidency. Obama’s seven first quarters as president are at a combined average of NEGATIVE 0.43%. Obama is the only president in the history of America’s recorded economic measurement to accomplish this.

Let me repeat: This is the worst seven-year record in the history of America’s recorded GDP."

Feds give Michigan State $585,000 to study ‘far right’ social media use

Feds give Michigan State $585,000 to study ‘far right’ social media use:
"Even as Americans today celebrate the temporary expiration of the Patriot Act, plans are underway by the feds to increase monitoring of Internet activity.
The Department of Justice recently awarded Michigan State University a $585,719 grant to study  “far-right” groups’ social media use, an effort aimed at battling violent extremism, the Washington Free Beacon reports.
The grant summary states:
There is currently limited knowledge of the role of technology and computer mediated communications (CMCs), such as Facebook and Twitter, in the dissemination of messages that promote extremist agendas and radicalize individuals to violence.
The proposed study will address this gap through a series of qualitative and quantitative analyses of posts from various forms of CMC used by members of both the far-right and Islamic extremist movements..."

The New Nationwide Crime Wave

The New Nationwide Crime Wave - WSJ
Since last summer, the airwaves have been dominated by suggestions that the police are the biggest threat facing young black males today.
A handful of highly publicized deaths of unarmed black men, often following a resisted arrest—including Eric Garner in Staten Island, N.Y., in July 2014, Michael Brown in Ferguson, Mo., in August 2014 and Freddie Gray in Baltimore last month—have led to riots, violent protests and attacks on the police.
Murders of officers jumped 89% in 2014, to 51 from 27.
President Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder, before he stepped down last month, embraced the conceit that law enforcement in black communities is infected by bias.
The news media pump out a seemingly constant stream of stories about alleged police mistreatment of blacks, with the reports often buttressed by cellphone videos that rarely capture the behavior that caused an officer to use force.
Almost any police shooting of a black person, no matter how threatening the behavior that provoked the shooting, now provokes angry protests, like those that followed the death of Vonderrit Myers in St. Louis last October.
The 18-year-old Myers, awaiting trial on gun and resisting-arrest charges, had fired three shots at an officer at close range.
...The state’s attorney general, Eric Schneiderman, wants to create a special state prosecutor dedicated solely to prosecuting cops who use lethal force.
New York Gov.Andrew Cuomo would appoint an independent monitor whenever a grand jury fails to indict an officer for homicide and there are “doubts” about the fairness of the proceeding (read: in every instance of a non-indictment); the governor could then turn over the case to a special prosecutor for a second grand jury proceeding.
This incessant drumbeat against the police has resulted in what St. Louis police chief Sam Dotson last November called the “Ferguson effect.”
Cops are disengaging from discretionary enforcement activity and the “criminal element is feeling empowered,” Mr. Dotson reported.
Arrests in St. Louis city and county by that point had dropped a third since the shooting of Michael Brown in August.
Not surprisingly, homicides in the city surged 47% by early November and robberies in the county were up 82%.
Similar “Ferguson effects” are happening across the country as officers scale back on proactive policing under the onslaught of anti-cop rhetoric.
Arrests in Baltimore were down 56% in May compared with 2014.
“Any cop who uses his gun now has to worry about being indicted and losing his job and family,” a New York City officer tells me.
“Everything has the potential to be recorded.
A lot of cops feel that the climate for the next couple of years is going to be nonstop protests...”

Vince Vaughn Goes Off on Gun Rights in a Way That Will Make 2nd Amendment Advocates Smile: ‘Banning Guns Is Like Banning Forks’ |

Vince Vaughn Goes Off on Gun Rights in a Way That Will Make 2nd Amendment Advocates Smile: ‘Banning Guns Is Like Banning Forks’ |

"In excerpts from the interview published Monday, Vaughn said he supports the right for people to have a gun in public “full stop, not just in your home” and that the Second Amendment is “not about duck hunting” but “to resist the supreme power of a corrupt and abusive government”:

Marijuana church given tax-exempt status in Indiana: 'Somebody at the IRS loves us'

Marijuana church given tax-exempt status in Indiana: 'Somebody at the IRS loves us' - Washington Times:
"The IRS has incorporated an Indianapolis marijuana-smoking church as a tax-exempt religious organization.
Bill Levin, founder of the First Church of Cannabis in Indianapolis, was notified of the approval last week, which will now allow donors to deduct contributions on their taxes, the CNHI Indiana Statehouse Bureau reported Saturday.
IRS documents provided by Mr. Levin confirmed the agency’s approval, CNHI said.
“Somebody at the IRS loves us because we got it back in less than 30 days,” Mr. Levin told Tax Analysts’ David van den Berg.
The church is currently in negotiations for two spaces in Indianapolis and plans to “proselytize the wonderfulness of the gift that this plant is to our human nature,” Mr. Levin said.
So far, more than 600 members have paid amounts ranging from $4.20 to $1,000 to join the church, Mr. Levin said.
Fundraising is being conducted partly on, where the church has raised over $10,800.
The church’s first service is scheduled for July 1 — the day the state’s Religious Freedom Restoration Act goes into effect."