Monday, April 27, 2020

Gretchen Whitmer Fires Back At Protesters, Refuses To Sign Any Bill That Limits Her Authority | The Daily Caller

Image result for flickr commons images Gretchen WhitmerGretchen Whitmer Fires Back At Protesters, Refuses To Sign Any Bill That Limits Her Authority | The Daily Caller:

Democratic Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer fired back at critics Friday, saying that she would refuse to sign any bill that would limit her authority.
Claiming that she was protecting the authority of the governor’s office, Whitmer said that she would not sign any bill that limited either her authority or the authority of any future governors.

New Zealand government bans books as 'non-essential' | The Post Millennial - News, Politics, Culture, and Lifestyle

Image result for no books
New Zealand government bans books as 'non-essential' | The Post Millennial - News, Politics, Culture, and Lifestyle
"...Books are essential in lockdown, but the New Zealand government doesn’t think so. 
Under the onerous orders of Jacinda Ardern, a leader praised for her ability to lead the country through this global struggle under the auspices of “sympathy, love, and integrity” according to The Guardian, New Zealand has banned the sale of books as non-essential items.
Image result for Dolores Umbridge memeInstead, the premier advises New Zealanders to keep a diary to help with contact tracing...
Under some of the toughest coronavirus restrictions that would make Michigan’s Dolores Umbridge-like governor look like a kindly grandmother in a Disney movie, Ardern’s government has banned all non-essential shopping and online delivery, and it has done so since 26 March...
The government only allows “essential” businesses to operate within this period, so bookstores—even online ones—are relegated to selling textbooks, medical books, and professional books...
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#1 Movie This Week 1959-----Imitation of Life Official Trailer #1 - Lana Turner Movie (1959) HD

Every level of government is broke!-----State unemployment funds are quickly running out of money - Business Insider

State unemployment funds are quickly running out of money - Business Insider
    People wait on line to file for unemployment in Fayetteville, Arkansas, April 6, 2020.
  • The current real unemployment rate is 20.8%, the highest since the Great Depression.
  • Many states' unemployment funds aren't robust enough to meet growing demand.
  • Typically states can apply for help from the Federal Unemployment Account, but even that could run out, experts warn.
  • "No system is designed for [this] level of unemployment," former North Carolina budget director Lee Roberts told Business Insider.
  • Roberts said it was "highly likely" states would begin limiting the duration and dollar amount of payouts to prevent the coffers from running dry.
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#1 This day 1959-----The Fleetwoods - Come Softly To Me

Coronavirus & U.S. Cities -- Moving Out Cities and Not Coming Back | National Review

Coronavirus & U.S. Cities -- Moving Out Cities and Not Coming Back | National Review
Image result for new york subways filthy"...Yesterday on my work Facebook page, a reader asked, “Why is it that the places Covid-19 show up the most are in Democrat controlled areas?” 
...“Probably because ‘the places it shows up the most’ are large densely-packed cities with a lot of international and domestic air travel and high use of mass transit, where Democrats have been winning elections more than Republicans for at least a generation and in many cases several generations.”
You can split red and blue America in a lot of ways — race, age, religiosity — but arguably the strongest factor is geography
...Today in the Wall Street Journal, Anne Kadet writes about the New York City residents who are moving out, and not coming back:
...Alison Bernstein, founder and president of Suburban Jungle, a company that specializes in matching city clients with their ideal suburban town, and helped the Usherenkos find their new home. “This whole thing is catastrophic and petrifying for families in urban areas,” she said. “People want out of the city and now.”...
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Wake up!

Detroit Dems plan censure of lawmaker for praising Trump, criticizing Gov. Whitmer - TheBlaze

Detroit Dems plan censure of lawmaker for praising Trump, criticizing Gov. Whitmer - TheBlaze:
Image result for flickr commons images State Rep. Karen Whitsett
A Democratic Michigan state lawmaker who credited President Donald Trump with saving her life because he promoted a treatment for COVID-19 is now facing censure from her own party for praising the president and criticizing the state's Democratic governor, Gretchen Whitmer.
What are the details?
When State Rep. Karen Whitsett (D) began suffering from scary symptoms like shortness of breath after falling ill with the coronavirus, she asked her doctor to prescribe hydroxychloroquine because she saw President Trump tout the drug as a possible treatment. Whitsett says it saved her life.

US Hospitals Getting Paid More to Label Cause of Death as ‘Coronavirus’ - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

US Hospitals Getting Paid More to Label Cause of Death as ‘Coronavirus’ - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
"Senator Scott Jensen represents Minnesota. He’s also a doctor. He appeared on Fox News with Laura Ingram where he revealed a very disturbing piece of information.
Dr. Scott Jensen says the American Medical Association is now “encouraging” doctors to overcount coronavirus deaths across the country.
Jensen received a  7-page document that showed him how to fill out a death certificate as a “COVID-19 diagnosis” even when there isn’t a lab test confirming the diagnosis.
“Right now Medicare is determining that if you have a COVID-19 admission to the hospital you get $13,000. If that COVID-19 patient goes on a ventilator you get $39,000, three times as much. Nobody can tell me after 35 years in the world of medicine that sometimes those kinds of things impact on what we do.”
This is absolutely bone-chilling.
Watch the interview below.
Original Sources: Fox News. Thanks to Wayne Dupree for bringing this article to our attention."

AM Fruitcake

History for April 27

Image result for coretta scott king quotes
History for April 27 -
Edward Gibbon 1737 - Historian, author, Samuel F.B. (Finley Breese) Morse 1791 - Inventor (electromagnetic telegraph), Ulysses S. Grant 1822 - 18th U.S. President, Lt. General in command of all Union armies during the U.S. Civil War, nickname: Hero of Appomattox
Image result for Edward Gibbon QuotesImage result for Samuel F.B. Morse TelegraphImage result for Ulysses S. Grant Quotes

Walter Lantz 1900 - Animator, creator of Woody Woodpecker, Coretta Scott King 1927 - Wife of Dr. Martin Luther King, Casey Kasem (Kemal Amin Kasem) 1932 - Radio announcer, DJ, host ("American Top 40), character voice of Shaggy from Scooby Doo, actor ("Hawaii Five-O")
Image result for Walter LantzImage result for coretta scott king quotesImage result for Casey Kasem

1965 - "Pampers" were patented by R.C. Duncan.
Image result for 1965 - "Pampers"

2005 - The A380, the world's largest jetliner, completed its maiden flight. The passenger capability was 840.
Image result for A380, the world's largest jetliner, completed its maiden flight

Sunday, April 26, 2020

Soros-Funded Group to Dems: Spend Millions to Advertise Mail-In Balloting in Non-English Languages

Image result for flickr commons images George SorosSoros-Funded Group to Dems: Spend Millions to Advertise Mail-In Balloting in Non-English Languages:

The Brennan Center for Justice, which is heavily financed by George Soros, is calling for Democrats to spend $250 million to educate voters about any changes that will allow vote-by-mail in the upcoming presidential election, advocating an advertising campaign about those changes in non-English languages.
The recommendations are part of the Brennan Center’s updated $4 billion nationwide funding blueprint for voting reform during the coronavirus pandemic.

Big Tech, Elected Officials Mimicking China’s Surveillance Methods To Police Citizens Amid Pandemic | The Daily Caller

Big Tech, Elected Officials Mimicking China’s Surveillance Methods To Police Citizens Amid Pandemic | The Daily Caller:
Image result for flickr commons images china flag
Two of the largest tech companies in the U.S. are using their technological know-how to track Americans infected with the virus — a technique Chinese officials perfected during the early stages of the virus. Elizabeth, New Jersey, officials are likewise using a Chinese drone company DJI to surveil citizens who might be violating lockdown orders. The U. S. Army banned the company over cyber issues.

The way we were-----Car Lots and Assembly lines of the 50s

Boob-tube-----18 "I Love Lucy" Bloopers You PROBABLY Did NOT Notice!!--Season 2

Are You Enjoying Your First Test Drive of Socialist America?

Image result for Socialist AmericaAre You Enjoying Your First Test Drive of Socialist America?
"Are you enjoying your first taste of socialism?
Life in America today is a sneak preview of life in Cuba or Venezuela.
Democrats love it.
This is the future they plan for you.
The current economic catastrophe is exactly what America will look like if we institute the Green New Deal.
The goal is to defeat climate change by killing your job, taking away your car, closing your business and turning America into Cuba or Venezuela.
It's a progressive Democrat's rainy dream.
And isn't it great?
See the source imageYou don't need to go to work. 
Money magically appears in your bank account. 
Hopefully, you can live on $1,200 every six weeks for the rest of your life.
You get to spend long days watching daytime talk shows and movies on Netflix -- you know, the things Democrats call a "typical day" for their voters.
And think of the money you can save on gas by not going anywhere.
Soon all those nasty, polluting, carbon-emitting vehicles will be just a memory of the past. 
How wonderful will it be to have time to "just think" as you wait hours for those new energy-efficient buses and subways?
So, please be honest with me: Are you enjoying your small taste of life in a socialist country?...
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Dave Agema - See if this holds true if democrats keep states...

Dave Agema - See if this holds true if democrats keep states...
"See if this holds true if democrats keep states closed from the virus.
See the source image1. It will elongate the time the virus will live, because “herd immunity” would have destroyed the ability of the virus to infect others had we not been house bound.
2. There will be shortages of food stuffs because farmers are plowing under fields and dumping milk.
3. Food prices will rise at a time when money is in short supply by citizens.
...5 . As hospitals lose money and approach bankruptcy, democrats will push for a government/ socialized medicine which always costs more and delivers worse service. (single payer service).
6. More suicides will occur from the pressures of loss of jobs and no money to support themselves and their families.
...11. Higher taxes on this generation and future generations are guaranteed to occur.
12. This shut down will be used in the future to do it again and again and we will lose yet more freedoms one perceived or intentional pandemic at a time...
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Stanford doctor explains why coronavirus lockdown policies need to end: 'Ignore the panic and rely on facts' - TheBlaze

Image result for flickr commons images Stanford UniversityStanford doctor explains why coronavirus lockdown policies need to end: 'Ignore the panic and rely on facts' - TheBlaze:

The former chief of neuroradiology at Stanford University said the United States needs to end widespread coronavirus lockdowns and adopt a more targeted approach that both protects the most vulnerable people and builds immunity in the population.
In an op-ed published in The Hill, Dr. Scott Atlas laid out some key facts he believes policymakers are ignoring about the pandemic, and called for leaders to "ignore the panic" when making decisions.

What lib-land is REALLY like.

Why are we funding this filth?-----World Health Organization's History of Promoting Radical Sex Ed

World Health Organization's History of Promoting Radical Sex Ed
"...But the “watchdog” of the global health is a lot more than the world’s disease and infection police. 
It’s also, as more Americans are starting to learn, one of the biggest promoters of abortion and peddlers of radical sex ed.
At this point, it’s undeniable. 
And it’s been its agenda for many years. 
See the source imageIf Americans are upset about anything, it shouldn’t be that the president temporarily cut the WHO’s funding. 
It should be the incredible injustice that’s been done to taxpayers by sending billions of dollars to a group that doesn’t share most people’s values.
Sharon Slater of Family Watch International exposes this shameful history in a recent publication on the WHO.
According to Family Watch:
In 2018, WHO co-published with other UN agencies and the help of International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF) the radical ‘International Technical Guidance on Sexuality Education.’ This guide purports to set the sexual health education standards for all of the world’s children. Please note that WHO defines ‘sexuality’ to encompass ‘sex, gender identities and roles, sexual orientation, eroticism, pleasure, intimacy and reproduction,’ and thus, WHO supports such controversial topics being taught to children.
If you’re still not convinced...
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Lunch video-----Michael Moore Goes Nuclear On Green Energy


Chinese journalist who disappeared for weeks after reporting on the coronavirus cover-up resurfaces in video praising police - TheBlaze

Image result for flickr commons images Chinese PoliceChinese journalist who disappeared for weeks after reporting on the coronavirus cover-up resurfaces in video praising police - TheBlaze:

A Chinese citizen journalist who went missing for nearly two months after exposing the COVID-19 outbreak in Wuhan has resurfaced in a video praising police for its "civil" and "legal" treatment of him

Must view!!-----Delingpole : Michael Moore Is Now the Green New Deal’s Worst Enemy

Delingpole : Michael Moore Is Now the Green New Deal’s Worst Enemy
"Left-wing documentary filmmaker Michael Moore is promoting a new documentary he executive produced about the environment — Planet of the Humans — and many of his usual supporters are going nuts.

  • What can the veteran left-wing activist possibly have done to earn such disapproval?
Moore has backed the most powerful, brutally honest and important documentary of his career. 
It’s also by far his bravest because it not only confronts the modern left’s greatest shibboleth — “clean” energy — but it does indeed offer a great deal of succour to Moore’s avowed enemy President Donald Trump.
...Renewable energy, the documentary makes abundantly clear, is not the solution to the problem — but an even bigger problem than the one it is supposedly solving..."

Two different Americas.

Half of Europe's coronavirus deaths were in nursing homes: WHO

Half of Europe's coronavirus deaths were in nursing homes: WHO
See the source image"Up to half of the people who died in Europe from the coronavirus were in nursing homes, a World Health Organization official said Thursday.
Dr. Hans Kluge, the agency’s Europe director, said a “deeply concerning picture” was emerging that showed the impact on nursing homes of the dangerous virus, which has killed than 110,000 Europeans, according to the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control.
Kluge noted that the care at these facilities has “often been notoriously neglected,” with employees overworked and underpaid..."
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#1 This day 1950----- HITS ARCHIVE: The Third Man Theme - Anton Karas (his original #1 ve...

YouTube to Ban Content That Contradicts WHO on COVID-19, Despite the UN Agency’s Catastrophic Track Record of Misinformation - Foundation for Economic Education

Image result for YouTube to Ban Content That Contradicts WHOYouTube to Ban Content That Contradicts WHO on COVID-19, Despite the UN Agency’s Catastrophic Track Record of Misinformation - Foundation for Economic Education
  • The policy represents a betrayal of the pioneering platform’s founding principles.
"Soon, YouTubers will be silenced if they don’t agree with the United Nations on public health.
As The Verdict reports:
YouTube will ban any content containing medical advice that contradicts World Health Organisation (WHO) coronavirus recommendations, according to CEO Susan Wojcicki.
Wojcicki announced the policy on CNN on Sunday.
...Wojcicki said that the Google-owned video streaming platform would be “removing information that is problematic”.
She told host Brian Stelter that this would include “anything that is medically unsubstantiated”...
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We are NOT asking permission!

Cuomo's Decision to Hire McKinsey Raises Concerns over Firm's Ties to China

Cuomo's Decision to Hire McKinsey Raises Concerns over Firm's Ties to China:

Image result for flickr commons images China Flag“As part of Cuomo’s effort, McKinsey & Company is producing models on coronavirus testing, infections and other key data points that along with other research and expert opinions will help underpin decisions on how and when to reopen the region’s economy,” Reuters’ Jarrett Renshaw reported on April 15. “Dani Lever, communications director for Cuomo, said McKinsey has been primarily helping New York analyze the COVID-19 surge, such as hospital capacity and infection rates.”
Democrat governors nationwide have come under scrutiny for outside firms they have hired to handle data with regard to the coronavirus pandemic. In Michigan, for instance, Democrat Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s administration faced serious criticism for hiring Democrat Party political consultants to handle private medical information of coronavirus patients. Whitmer’s state government hired “Great Lakes Community Engagement,” a company with deep ties to Democrat political activists in the state, to handle contact tracing for people who may have come in contact with someone who tested positive for the virus.