Wednesday, June 24, 2020

George Floyd Was Not Killed By Police -

See the source imageGeorge Floyd Was Not Killed By Police -
"George Floyd was not killed by police. 
According to the toxicology report, Floyd died from a concentration of Fentanyl in his blood three times the fatal dose. 
Fentanyl is a dangerous opioid 50 times more potent than heroin.
You can read the analysis here--- A link is provided to the autopsy report.
Think about this for a minute. 
What becomes of a society in which facts do not matter? 
  • The US media, Democrat Party, white liberals, and the sorry excuse for a leftwing are so primed for “white racism” that they jumped to their desired conclusion and egged on riots and looting that resulted in massive property damage in multiple cities, some deaths, many injuries, and much damage to racial relations. 
  • Democrat mayors and governors stood down. 
  • Police and National Guard attempting to contain the violence were not supported. 
  • Even the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and Trump’s Secretary of Defense accommodated the rioting and looting by undermining President Trump’s stand against it. 
  • Many people’s businesses were wiped out, and in most cases insurance does not cover damage from riots. 
  • The politicians and the media are responsible for the billions of dollars the “peaceful protests” cost. 
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Lunch video-----The Ferguson Lie

Noon-toon-----Cartoon: National Emergency

Cartoon: National Emergency

Coronavirus has significantly weakened, could disappear without vaccine, top doctor reveals - TheBlaze

Coronavirus has significantly weakened, could disappear without vaccine, top doctor reveals - TheBlaze

The coronavirus has significantly weakened and could even disappear on its own, according to a top Italian doctor.
Dr. Matteo Bassetti, the head of the infectious diseases clinic at the San Martino hospital, said in an interview Sunday that COVID-19 patients who would have died two or three months ago are now recovering.
"The clinical impression I have is that the virus is changing in severity," Bassetti told the Telegraph UK.

Trump Halts Visa Programs to Free Up 600K U.S. Jobs for Americans

Trump Halts Visa Programs to Free Up 600K U.S. Jobs for Americans

President Trump will expand an executive order on Monday, halting a series of visa programs that bring hundreds of thousands of foreign workers to the United States to take American jobs.
The order will halt the inflow of foreign worker pipelines until at least December 31. The visa programs suspended include:

Atlanta mayor uses money designated for police vehicles to purchase luxury GMC Denalis for her use

DenalisAtlanta mayor uses money designated for police vehicles to purchase luxury GMC Denalis for her use
"ATLANTA – The two luxury GMC Denalis used to chauffeur Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms around town were purchased for a combined $175,000 without the apparent authorization of Atlanta City Council.
The city had designated the money for police vehicles used by patrol officers and detectives, reported AJC...
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Bad parenting?

Where are the riots?-----Hate crime hoax: Black man responsible for 'racist' graffiti at Salisbury University

Hate crime hoax: Black man responsible for 'racist' graffiti at Salisbury University
  • A black man admitted responsibility for hate crime in the form of “racially related” graffiti on the campus of Salisbury University.
  • The graffiti incidents occurred in late 2019 and early 2020, and resulted in the university president canceling classes for a day.
"...The charges allege that he “maliciously defaced the property of Salisbury University while exhibiting racial animosity” and that his actions warrant classification as a hate crime.
...Jackson must pay restitution to the university for property damages, which amounts to $494 according to WMDT-TV.
Jackson was sentenced to 18 months of incarceration...
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#1 This day 1974-----Gordon Lightfoot - Sundown {HD}

UC-Berkeley: Criticism of Black Lives Matter 'goes against our values'

See the source imageUC-Berkeley: Criticism of Black Lives Matter 'goes against our values'
...The author, who identifies as a person of color and addresses the letter to fellow faculty members, is highly critical of the conversation surrounding systemic racism following the death of George Floyd.
The author expresses fear over the potential consequences of publicly stating the arguments in the letter.
“I am worried that writing this email publicly might lead to me losing my job, and likely all future jobs in my field. 
In your recent departmental emails you mentioned our pledge to diversity, but I am increasingly alarmed by the absence of diversity of opinion on the topic of the recent protests and our community response to them,” the author wrote.
In response, UC-Berkeley’s history department took to Twitter and roundly condemned the letter.
“An anonymous letter has been circulating, purportedly written by a @UCBHistory professor. We have no evidence that this letter was written by a History faculty member. We condemn this letter: it goes against our values as a department and our commitment to equity and inclusion," the department said."...
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Bubba Wallace Goes Full Kaepernick – Despite Evidence Doubles Down on False “Noose” Claim… | The Last Refuge

Bubba Wallace Goes Full Kaepernick – Despite Evidence Doubles Down on False “Noose” Claim… | The Last Refuge
"Before NASCAR driver Bubba Wallace appeared on CNN with Don LĂ©mon to discuss his now disproven racial “noose” targeting, he had a decision to make.  
Wallace could accept the FBI/NASCAR finding and admit an honest mistake was made by an overly sensitive Richard Petty racing team; or he could make racism his new identity in NASCAR as Colin Kaepernick did with football in the NFL.  
Bubba Wallace chose the latter.noosecar 2
As a result of Wallace’s new identity, and his announced career goals, NASCAR will now fragment in the same way as the National Football League. 
Social justice will now define Mr. Wallace professional effort; driving with NASCAR becomes a method to achieve his new career aspirations.  
That inflection point, his identity choice, is clear in his interview.
However, before getting to the interview it is worth looking at how this entire fiasco was created, starting with the carefully obtuse explanation from Richard Petty Motorsports:
Obviously Richard Petty’s team are socially woke and enlightened to their obligations in a new era of racial sensitivity.  
Notice the careful wording: “discovered a rope tied in the fashion of a noose”, key word “fashion.”  
The careful wording allows the statement to skirt on the fringes of common sense truth because they don’t ‘technically’ say it’s a noose; quite simply, because it isn’t.   
If it were a noose it would be useless as a garage door pull.
That brings up the second obtuse aspect of the sentence: “discovered a rope”, notice they don’t say it was attached to the garage door pull (which it was) because that would make their misinterpretation seem even more ridiculous.  
Saying ‘we discovered a garage door pull-down rope that appeared to be fashioned as a noose’, would illicit eye-rolls.  
So they carefully avoid noting their stupidity by ignoring common sense....In essence, weak organizations are a breeding ground for communal stupid; and every one of them ends the same way.  Both the NFL and NASCAR are following the same woke business plan.  Watch his interview, you’ll see it:

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AM Fruitcake

History for June 24

Image result for Norman Cousins Quotes
History for June 24 -
E.I. Du Pont (Éleuthère IrĂ©nĂ©e du Pont de Nemours) 1771 - Chemist, industrialist, 
Ambrose Bierce 1842 - Journalist, editorialist, Jack Dempsey 1895 - Boxer
Image result for E.I. Du PontImage result for ambrose bierce quotesImage result for Jack Dempsey

Irving Kaufman 1910 - U.S. Supreme Court judge, Norman Cousins 1915 - Journalist, author, Al Molinaro 1919 - Actor ("Happy Days")
See the source imageImage result for Norman Cousins QuotesImage result for Al Molinaro Happy Days

1497 - Italian explorer John Cabot, sailing in the service of England, landed in North America on what is now Newfoundland.
Image result for John Cabot, statue

1896 - Booker T. Washington became the first African American to receive an honorary MA degree from Howard University.
See the source image

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

George Floyd attorney says removing statues could be dangerous - TheBlaze

George Floyd attorney says removing statues could be dangerous - TheBlaze

Mobs have even torn down a statue honoring Ulysses S. Grant, who defeated the Confederacy. The attorney for George Floyd's family isn't so sure that tearing down statues is a constructive idea, and it might be counterproductive.
Ben Crump is a prominent civil rights attorney who has represented the families of Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown Jr., Tamir Rice, Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, and George Floyd. Crump isn't sure that removing controversial statues, even Confederate monuments, will have the positive effects that some activists think it will.

The way we were-----Hoosiers-Free with ads.

Boob-tube-----FOX's 1st FALL PRIME-TIME TV LINEUP 1987

"Tear Them Down": Race Activist Shaun King Calls for Removal of All Statues, Murals and Stained Glass Windows of "White Jesus and his European Mother"

"Tear Them Down": Race Activist Shaun King Calls for Removal of All Statues, Murals and Stained Glass Windows of "White Jesus and his European Mother"
"Race activist Shaun King on Monday called for the taking down of all statues, murals and stained glass windows of “white Jesus and his European mother”. 
King issued his statement on Twitter to his 1.1 million followers.
“Yes, I think the statues of the white European they claim is Jesus should also come down. 
They are a form of white supremacy. 
Always have been. 
In the Bible, when the family of Jesus wanted to hide, and blend in, guess where they went? 
Not Denmark. 
Tear them down.”...
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Philadelphia Election Judge Admits to Stuffing Ballot Boxes for Democrats in Three Separate Elections

Philadelphia Election Judge Admits to Stuffing Ballot Boxes for Democrats in Three Separate Elections
See the source image"Former Philadelphia Judge of Elections Domenick J. DeMuro was upbraided by federal prosecutors on Thursday for admittedly committing electoral fraud in three separate primary elections.
“Our election system relies on the honesty and the integrity of its election officials,” the U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania William M. McSwain said in a press release.
“If they are corrupt, the system is corrupt, which creates opportunities for election fraud and for the counting of fake votes.
According to unsealed criminal charges, DeMuro stuffed ballot boxes in Philadelphia’s 39th Ward, 36th Division “for specific Democratic candidates in the 2014, 2015, and 2016 primary elections.”
One charge resulted from those instances.
DeMuro pleaded guilty to both charges.
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Rioters In California Tear Down Statue Of Ulysses S. Grant. He Defeated The Confederacy, Devastated KKK. | The Daily Wire

Image result for flickr commons images Ulysses S. GrantRioters In California Tear Down Statue Of Ulysses S. Grant. He Defeated The Confederacy, Devastated KKK. | The Daily Wire:

in California destroyed a statue of Ulysses S. Grant (not the one featured in the image above) on Friday night as far-left activists continue to destroy statues across the U.S.
Grant, a Republican who served as America’s 18th president, played a key role in helping then-President Abraham Lincoln win the Civil War.

NEVER trust the TV liars!-----WATCH: John Oliver mocked Trump in 2017 for suggesting Washington and Jefferson statues would fall | The Post Millennial - News, Politics, Culture, and Lifestyle

WATCH: John Oliver mocked Trump in 2017 for suggesting Washington and Jefferson statues would fall | The Post Millennial - News, Politics, Culture, and Lifestyle
"A clip has resurfaced on Twitter of comedian John Oliver mocking President Trump for predicting that the trend of removing statues would lead to the toppling of Washington and Jefferson.
First, Oliver plays video of Trump saying, "This week it's Robert E. Lee. I noticed that Stonewall Jackson's coming down. I wonder, is it George Washington next week and is it Thomas Jefferson the week after? You know, you really do have to ask yourself, where does it stop?"
Oliver then scoffs at Trump's "slippery slope" prediction: "I'll tell you where it stops. Somewhere! Any time someone asks, where does it stop, the answers' always f*cking somewhere. You might let your kid have Twizzlers, but not inject black tar heroin. You don't just go, 'Well, after the Twizzlers, where does it stop?'"
2017: So-called comedian John Oliver mocks President for suggesting statues of Washington and Jefferson would be next.
Trump was right.
On Thursday night, a statue of George Washington was vandalized, torched, and toppled by Antifa rioters and on Monday, a statue of Thomas Jefferson was vandalized and toppled at a high school."

Another lib-media lie exposed!-----Fake Noose – The NASCAR Bubba Wallace “Rope Noose” Was a Purposeful Hoax… | The Last Refuge

Fake Noose – The NASCAR Bubba Wallace “Rope Noose” Was a Purposeful Hoax… | The Last Refuge
"Throughout the late evening and overnight hours we have been able to assemble definitive proof the NASCAR story of a noose hanging in the garage of drive Bubba Wallace is a hoax.  [Background Here]
When the race team of Bubba Wallace arrived at Talladega Speedway in Alabama, he was assigned to garage stall #4.  
After reviewing prior video of that specific garage bay, at that specific speedway; and after reviewing a picture released yesterday showing the FBI investigators on the scene; it is clear the “rope noose” in question was nothing more than a manual garage door pull-down with a hand loop tied into it.
...It appears the hand loop (“noose”) in garage stall #5 was untied in order to facilitate the perpetuation of the claim for the hand loop (“noose”) cut-off in Wallace’s stall #4.
A review of the exact garage bay/stall in November 2019, six months prior to the arrival of Mr. Bubba Wallace’s team, shows the hand loop as it most likely existed when the team arrived...
That is the “hand loop” that was cut from the manual garage door rope and presented by the team of Bubba Wallace and NASCAR as evidence of a “noose”.   
This simple garage pull-down is what all of the racial stories have surrounded.
...It is important to note that virtually every single manual garage door at Talladega speedway has these ropes and hand-loops tied into them for use as pull-downs. 
They now appear  to have been purposefully mistaken for “nooses.”  (see more here)
However, it’s not just Bubba Wallace and NASCAR officials driving this hoax.
To give some perspective it’s worth looking at how Auto Weekly framed a completely false racial component.  
Note: Matt Weaver is the Associate Motorsports Editor for Auto Week USA and Auto Week Racing..
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History won't remember the racist and incorrigible act committed by someone on Sunday at Talladega.

Instead it will remember how the NASCAR community rose to the occasion to support one of their own. Here's how was conceived and received. 

Lunch video-----The Progressive Income Tax: A Tale of Three Brothers


MyPillow CEO: Rioters Not Wearing Masks 'Exposed a Lot of Things'

MyPillow CEO: Rioters Not Wearing Masks 'Exposed a Lot of Things':

Image result for flickr commons images Mike LindellRioters not wearing masks while many Americans were forced to remain in lockdown exposed government leaders’ double standard, MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell said at President Trump’s Great American Comeback Rally Saturday in Tulsa, Oklahoma.
“Now you have people in lockdowns, you got people that are doing riots, no masks and stuff. It exposed a lot of things. It exposed Democrat run cities like my home state of Minnesota, horribly run, horribly. It was run bad before the pandemic,” he told Breitbart News.

Must read all!!-----What My Neighborhood Needs: Fewer Virtue Signaling Lawn Signs - American Thinker

What My Neighborhood Needs: Fewer Virtue Signaling Lawn Signs - American Thinker
"...It is a telling feature of today’s Democrats that they are unable to empathize with the middle and working classes of their country of all races. 
They are cosseted in tenured university slots, the federal state and local government bureaucracies, other secure professional slots, living in safe neighborhoods and in little danger themselves. 
Moral Cruelty
I could dismiss this as mere virtue signaling by the blind but an article in the Tablet about Judith Shklar provides a more accurate, I think, view of it: It’s moral cruelty.
...We cannot afford such detachment. Everywhere around us, people are acting cruelly in the name of eradicating physical harm and arbitrary power. Anyone working in a university, cultural institution, or large corporation today has spent recent weeks reading emails, attending meetings, and participating in conversations that are theaters of moral cruelty. White people in such contexts are asked -- or required -- to admit that they are culpable, that they lack ethical and epistemic authority, that they must listen to and heed the demands of victims of racism. They humiliate themselves, literally kneeling in propitiation...
The sadistic, unjustified beatings of white people provoked by false propaganda are not abating.
The lawn signs of a few of my neighbors are mere blips of moral blindness compared to the moral cruelty we are seeing every day, from the campaign against professors like Professor William Jacobson who is critical of BLM and UCLA Professor Gordon Klein who refused a demand to grade black students  differently than other students. 
Image result for blm lawn signs...Those who liken the speech constraints and iconoclasts’ acts to the start of China’s Red Guard movement are not far off. 
...Moral cruelty contributes to actual cruelty by uncritically accepting lies that blacks are all and always treated disproportionately in the criminal justice system, by nodding in agreement with the nonsense that there is “systemic injustice” -- that is to say the very rule of law is racist. 
This is moral cruelty. 
So is groveling under the nonsensical “white privilege” rubric in the face of thuggery and cant. 
There is no collective guilt or collective innocence...
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