Tuesday, February 27, 2007

FOXNews.com - Prince Charles Calls for Ban on McDonald's Restaurants and Big Macs - International News | News of the World | Middle East News | Europe News

FOXNews.com - Prince Charles Calls for Ban on McDonald's Restaurants and Big Macs - International News News of the World Middle East News Europe News: "The Prince of Wales told a nutritionist in Abu Dhabi Tuesday that the “key” to people eating healthily was to ban McDonald’s fast food restaurants."

NWA union sues over rewarding excellence

NWA union sues over new perks: "The union also complained about a new 'success-sharing' program that raises pilots' pay, saying that Northwest 'unilaterally determined' how the pilots should be rewarded. It also criticized the airline's move to create 'employee involvement teams' to discuss working conditions without union representatives."
Jeepers, just like the teeeechers unions who won't allow superior teachers to be rewarded. Seems like a pattern. Big surprise!

ABC News: Al Gore Will Not Only Run, but He Can and Will Win in '08

ABC News: Al Gore Will Not Only Run, but He Can and Will Win in '08: "Make no mistake: Former Vice President Al Gore will be our next president. "

IBD Editorials: The Lion In Winter

IBD Editorials: The Lion In Winter: "In a speech before a joint session of Congress on Sept. 20, 2001, President Bush pointed out the real reasons the terrorists hate us and our British allies:
'They hate what they see right here in this chamber — a democratically elected government. Their leaders are self-appointed. They hate our freedoms: our freedom of religion, our freedom of speech, our freedom to vote and assemble and disagree with each other.'
If we retreat, they will not sleep. The Democrats who want to retreat, to set a date certain for our exit from Iraq and to defund our troops fit Winston Churchill's definition of an appeaser:
'One who feeds a crocodile, hoping it will eat him last.'
To al-Qaida, the Democrats want to ring the dinner bell. "

Al Gore's Own Inconvenient Truth - Wizbang

Al Gore's Own Inconvenient Truth - Wizbang: "Yikes! Gore is an energy glutton. Now compare this to President Bush's comparatively modest home in Crawford, Texas, which is a model of environmental friendliness:"

Very funny!

GOOD MORNING NIGERIA!: "You might also enjoy another favorite of mine. His name is Anthony Robbins. He also sells delightful motivational tapes. Although I would avoid the video version. He is a large man with enormous jaws, and after viewing his videos, I have had nightmares about horses biting me."

No business boom in Michigan

Toyota to build Miss. SUV plant: "Toyota Motor Corp. announced this morning plans to build a $1.3-billion assembly plant near Tupelo., Miss., expected to open in 2010."
Governorette Jenny demands federal money and trade destroying tarriffs while Red state Mississippi overcomes hurricanes and attracts business and jobs. Anyone wonder which state has the brightest future?

Why did they lie to us?

Garlic does not lower cholesterol: study Health Reuters.com: "Eating garlic raw or in supplement form does not lower 'bad' cholesterol levels, despite widespread health claims for the pungent plant bulb, researchers said on Monday.
'It just doesn't work,' said Christopher Gardner of the Stanford Prevention Research Center in California. 'There's no shortcut. You achieve good health through eating healthy food. There isn't a pill or an herb you can take to counteract an unhealthy diet.'"
Shoot, I thought a pill and a burger was the perfect combo to insure a healthy life. Bummer....

Mich. sheriff's department auctioning M-16 to raise cash

Mich. sheriff's department auctioning M-16 to raise cash: "A 1986 federal law banned the sale of new automatic weapons but allowed those already in circulation to be sold."

Monday, February 26, 2007

He cares!

Instapundit.com -: "Gore’s average monthly electric bill topped $1,359.'"
Hey...caring ain't free...

Where does this talent come from?!!!

YouTube - Bianca Ryan from America's Got Talent: "The amazing performance of 11 year-old Bianca Ryan on 'America's Got Talent' 6/28/06"
I don't usually watch these type of shows. Maybe I ought to?

nifty phrase

Hillary's doomed taboo - By Mickey Kaus - Slate Magazine: " That isn't the 'politics of personal destruction.' It's due diligence. "

Bad business plan for NYT

American Thinker- Print Article: "Yet management led by a chief executive who owes his position to nepotism continues to position the newspaper properties as propaganda organs, destroying a century's legacy as a trusted news source. As we have been saying for years, well before the company's crisis became visible in its stock price, Pinch Sulzberger is destroying the value of the company founded and nurtured by his ancestors."
Too many newspapers and media outlets are destroying their customer base and I can't figure out why. Bummer...... thank God AlGore invented the internet and re-invented the documentary....

Stuck in the Mud - washingtonpost.com

Stuck in the Mud - washingtonpost.com: "My polls show that Democrats now hold a perceived advantage with voters not just on reducing deficits and balancing the budget but on an issue long seen as a GOP strength: ending wasteful spending. That alone should jar Republicans into taking a fresh approach."

School funding problems in county 'very serious'

School funding problems in county 'very serious': "School populations and staffing haven't kept up with the rest of Michigan's economy. We're seeing reductions in staff and wages and benefits throughout our state and yet our school districts have tried to maintain what they have. "

Summer Sell-abration?

County ups surcharge on festival ticket buyers
Still a bargain!

Science knowledge increases, but ...: Nation & World: The Seattle Times

Science knowledge increases, but ...: Nation & World: The Seattle Times: "In addition, these researchers noted an increase in college students who report they are 'unsure' about creationism as compared with evolution."

Americans lag only Turkey in discrediting evolution

Americans lag only Turkey in discrediting evolution: "Miller points a finger at 'by the book'' religions like those practiced by fundamentalists in the United States and Iraq.
'Fundamentalists in this country say everything you need to know is in the Bible, period. Islamists say everything you need to know is in the Koran, period,'' Miller said."

1 in 6 on public assistance?!!!!

LubbockOnline.com: "The welfare state is bigger than ever despite a decade of policies designed to wean poor people from public aid.
The number of families receiving cash benefits from welfare has plummeted since the government imposed time limits on the payments a decade ago. But other programs for the poor, including Medicaid, food stamps and disability benefits, are bursting with new enrollees.
The result, according to an Associated Press analysis: Nearly one in six people rely on some form of public assistance, a larger share than at any time since the government started measuring two decades ago."

Incomprehensible Intersections

Dark Roasted Blend: Incomprehensible Intersections: "They are called the 'Malfunction Junctions', or 'Spaghetti Intersections', and they are located almost in every major city in the West. You can find the streets that end nowhere, streets that strangely allow traffic in both direction (without providing proper lanes), streets that change names more often than a communist Cold War spies."

Crimes leave elderly broke and betrayed

Crimes leave elderly broke and betrayed: "He is among many concerned about elder abuse, particularly financial misdeeds against the elderly that are believed to be among the least-reported crimes.
They also are crimes that haven't captured the public's attention. "
Interesting, the silence of the liberal lambs over Jenny's "get out of jail free" proposal. Crooks destroy lives. Reducing criminal penalties is criminal. Imagine the liberal lion's roar if Engler had suggested this.....

Killer Kites!

11 dead, over 100 injured at Pakistani kite flying festival, officials say : "At least 11 people died and more than 100 people were injured at an annual spring festival in eastern Pakistan celebrated with the flying of thousands of colorful kites, officials said Monday.
The deaths and injuries were caused by stray bullets, sharpened kite-strings, electrocution and people falling off rooftops on Sunday at the conclusion of the two-day Basant festival, said Ruqia Bano, spokeswoman for the emergency services in the city of Lahore."
Will there be a Kite-Brady Bill in Lahore soon?

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Thomas Sowell on Barack Obama on National Review Online

Thomas Sowell on Barack Obama on National Review Online: "Senator Barack Obama recently said, “let’s allow our unions and their organizers to lift up this country’s middle class again.”"

Meetings make us dumber, study shows - LiveScience - MSNBC.com

Meetings make us dumber, study shows - LiveScience - MSNBC.com: "People have a harder time coming up with alternative solutions to a problem when they are part of a group, new research suggests. "

Mayhem Main Event at NBA All-Star Weekend - AOL Sports

Mayhem Main Event at NBA All-Star Weekend - AOL Sports: "Things got so bad that she closed the 24-hour restaurant from 2 a.m. to 4 a.m.

'I have been spit on. I have had food thrown at me,' she said. 'I have lost two servers out of fear. I have locked my door out of the fear of violence.'"

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

FOXNews.com - Sword-Wielding Man Confronts Neighbor After Hearing Woman's Cries on Porn Film - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News

FOXNews.com - Sword-Wielding Man Confronts Neighbor After Hearing Woman's Cries on Porn Film - Local News News Articles National News US News: "OCONOMOWOC, Wis. — A sword-wielding Wisconsin man broke into his neighbor's apartment thinking he was chivalrous after hearing the cries of a woman he thought was in peril — but instead, she was in porn.
James Van Iveren was in his Oconomowoc apartment listening to music when he heard loud cries from a woman he thought was pleading for help, reported the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel. The 39-year-old grabbed a cavalry sword, a family heirloom, and rushed upstairs to forcibly open the quarters of an upstairs tenant he barely knew.
'It was a woman screaming,' Van Iveren said of the Feb. 12 incident. 'She was screaming for help.'
Bret Stieghorst told police that he was watching a pornographic DVD when Van Iveren kicked open his door, damaging the frame and lock in the process, with a 39-inch blade in hand.
Stieghorst said Van Iveren demanded 'Where is she?' while thrusting the sword at him.
The neighbor told police Van Iveren became increasingly aggressive as he repeated the question, insisting that he had heard a woman being raped. The complaint said that, with the sword pointed at him, the neighbor led Van Iveren throughout the apartment, opening closet doors to prove he was alone."

The Hillary Spot on National Review Online

The Hillary Spot on National Review Online: "Edwards: 'Perhaps the Greatest Short-Term Threat to World Peace Is the Possibility That Israel Would Bomb Iran's Nuclear Facilities'
Hillary Spot reader Michael points out this little gem in Peter Bart's column on John Edwards' comments in Hollywood:
There are other emerging fissures, as well. The aggressively photogenic John Edwards was cruising along, detailing his litany of liberal causes last week until, during question time, he invoked the 'I' word — Israel. Perhaps the greatest short-term threat to world peace, Edwards remarked, was the possibility that Israel would bomb Iran's nuclear facilities. As a chill descended on the gathering, the Edwards event was brought to a polite close.
Really? Israel is the biggest threat? Not Ahmedinijad? Not al-Qaeda? Not a coup attempt in Pakistan? Not a complete breakdown in Iraq drawing in the Saudis, Turks, and Iranians?
Or, you know, perhaps not."

Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich

Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich: "It takes about 16 PB&J sandwiches to save a chicken's life, for example. "

Power Line Forum | The UN? You’ve Gotta Be Freakin’ Kidding Me

Power Line Forum The UN? You’ve Gotta Be Freakin’ Kidding Me: "For my tax dollar, the all-time best Capitol Hill event involving celebrities occurred back in 1985, when the House Democratic Task Force on Agriculture held a jam-packed hearing that featured testimony on the plight of the American farm family from—I am not making this up—Sissy Spacek, Jessica Lange and Jane Fonda. Technically, of course, these women are not members of struggling farm families: They are rich actresses. But they have all played members of struggling farm families in major motion pictures, which more than qualifies them to testify before a congressional task force. They were so sincere it made your teeth hurt. Both Lange and Fonda broke down crying, and thousands of photographs were taken. A genuine family-farm member could have set fire to herself on the Capitol steps and not have gotten half the press coverage."