Saturday, March 03, 2007

The Daily Ablution: The Guardian of Hypocrisy

The Daily Ablution: The Guardian of Hypocrisy: "More harmful are the accusations levelled against Al Gore - an intelligent, persuasive individual who has become a Green hero for his campaign urging (or hectoring, take your pick) all of us to pursue a Gaia-friendly lifestyle, lest disaster ensue.
For Mr. Gore, it's nothing less than a moral imperative to do so - it is, indeed, 'the most pressing moral issue of our time'.
The revelation that Mr. Gore's electricity consumption at just one of his homes is nearly 20 times that of the average American household has dented his image as the Green Moralist-in-Chief, and his self-defence is less than persuasive. Here it is, as presented at a 'progressive' website, through a spokesperson:"


go to item 11584 for the debate on Anne Coulter

Friday, March 02, 2007

Peoples Paradise?

Professionals Exit Venezuela -

Chávez's Grip on PowerDrives Out Oil Experts; Support Hugo or You Go
By PETER MILLARDFebruary 15, 2007; Page A10
CARACAS, Venezuela -- Oil-rich Venezuela has experienced the kind of economic boom in recent years that should be flush with job opportunities. But an increasing number of professionals, many of them from the oil industry, are looking abroad for work, driven away by President Hugo Chávez's effort to extend state control over the economy, and by inflation verging on 20%.
Since his re-election in December, Mr. Chávez has pursued an agenda of "21st Century Socialism," painting a future of "communal cities" and state-run cooperatives dedicated to production, not profit.
"Chavez's electoral triumph and the radicalized discourse has increased the desire to emigrate," said Luis Vicente Leon, the head of Datanalisis, a Caracas polling firm.
Not everyone is dissatisfied. Mr. Chávez, who first took office in 1999, has gained a broad base of popular support among Venezuela's poor, largely by spending billions of dollars on social programs. And a newly rich class of Venezuelans with close connections to the government is likely to stick around as long as they can continue to profit from Mr. Chávez's rise.
Still, at the U.S. Embassy call center for visas in Caracas, the lines have been jammed since Mr. Chávez announced in early January the nationalization of the electricity industry and Venezuela's largest telecommunications firm. "It doubled practically overnight," said a U.S. diplomat.
The number of Venezuelans receiving U.S. legal permanent residence more than doubled from 2000 to 2005, when 10,870 got their green cards. In that period the overall number of green cards increased by a third. During that period the number of Venezuelan-born U.S. residents increased 42%, to 151,743, according to the U.S. Census Bureau.
The oil industry appears to be taking notice of the available talent. Qatar Petroleum has run ads in local papers this year, offering tax-free salaries for geologists, reservoir engineers and geophysicists.
Canadian immigration law firm Benchetrit & Associates recently held four days of seminars in Caracas on living and working in Canada. "A plan for your life," read an advertisement for the seminars.
A Canadian embassy spokesman said oil companies are the main recruiters on the ground in Caracas. Canada is developing extra-heavy oil reserves that are comparable to those in Venezuela's Orinoco river basin, providing a ready job market for current and former staffers at Venezuela's state oil company, Petroleos de Venezuela SA, or PdVSA. The number of work visas Canada granted Venezuelans more than doubled last year, to 340.
Any opposition-minded oil workers still left at PdVSA face a difficult environment. During the presidential campaign last year, PdVSA President Rafael Ramirez told company executives to join Mr. Chávez's political movement or hit the road. In 2003, Mr. Chávez sacked around 20,000 PdVSA staffers -- about half the company's work force -- for walking off the job, calling them "terrorists." A majority of them were the managers, accountants and field engineers who turned the state oil venture into a world-class oil company during a period of robust expansion in the 1990s.
Many found work elsewhere, including in Mexico, Canada and Saudi Arabia, at a time of high demand for experienced oil workers.
The lost expertise has taken a toll on PdVSA, the country's largest single employer. Its share of the global market for crude oil supply is shrinking, and accidents and outages are on the rise. Analysts say the cost to PdVSA of producing a barrel of oil has nearly doubled in the past five years to more than $4.50.
White-collar executives at Electricidad de Caracas, which provides 10% of the country's power, and CANTV, the leading telephone company, also are bracing for a politicized workplace after Mr. Chávez finishes nationalizing the two firms by the end of March. Employees there say many staffers are seeking early retirement and expect management to discourage political opposition to Mr. Chávez. In January, Mr. Chávez floated the idea of capping salaries for state employees, giving the most valuable technicians and managers at these firms another reason to move on.
This isn't the first time Venezuelan professionals have rushed for the exits. A multitude of professionals fled the country in 2003 after a nationwide general strike failed to remove Mr. Chávez from office.
According to Datanalisis, the number of Venezuelans who said they were interested in emigrating peaked at around 44% during the 2002-2003 political crisis, which saw the country run out of gasoline for two months. Interest in emigration started declining as the economy rebounded, but Datanalisis expects another spike this year.

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Bush Loves Ecology -- At Home

Bush Loves Ecology -- At Home: "
The 4,000-square-foot house is a model of environmental rectitude. "

Competitive Enterprise Institute

Competitive Enterprise Institute: "In Al Gore's An Inconvenient Truth, the only facts and studies considered are those convenient to Gore's scare-them-green agenda. And in many instances, he distorts the evidence he cites. In fact, nearly every significant statement Gore makes regarding climate science and climate policy is either one sided, misleading, exaggerated, speculative, or wrong."

Oh, baby: $500 to all newborns? -

Oh, baby: $500 to all newborns? - "Happy birthday, baby, here's $500 -- courtesy of California taxpayers.
Legislation announced Wed- nesday would provide a tax-free, long-term investment account to every baby born in California, regardless of the parents' financial or immigration status.
Senate Bill 752 is meant to persuade more families to invest for the future.
'If we ask people to invest in California, California must invest in its people,' said Sen. Darrell Steinberg, D-Sacramento, who is co-authoring the bill with Republican Sen. Bob Dutton of Rancho Cucamonga.
'Every child ought to grow up knowing that they are worth investing in, from birth on,' Steinberg said.
The proposed account, called Kids Investment and Development Savings, or KIDS, is meant to grow until the child turns 18 and could withdraw the money for a house, education, vocational training or to roll over into a retirement account.
But critics say the state has more critical needs than padding accounts for children too young to say thanks. Sen. George Runner, R-Lancaster, said it's hard to support giving $500 to every newborn when the state says it doesn't have enough money to build prisons."

FrontPage :: The Inconvenient Truth About Al Gore by Michael Reagan

FrontPage :: The Inconvenient Truth About Al Gore by Michael Reagan: "Gore has proven time and again to be a complete hypocrite. He preaches the need to eliminate man-made pollution. On his website advising people to fight global warming by discovering what their so-called carbon footprint is, he says, “You may be surprised by how much CO2 you are emitting each year,” and advises that you should “calculate your personal impact and learn how you can take action to reduce or even eliminate your emissions of carbon dioxide.”"

Alien technology the best hope to 'save our planet:' ex-defence boss

Alien technology the best hope to 'save our planet:' ex-defence boss: "former Canadian defence minister says be believes advanced technology from extraterrestrial civilizations offers the best hope to 'save our planet' from the perils of climate change.
Paul Hellyer, 83, is calling for a public disclosure of alien technology obtained during alleged UFO crashes -- such as the mysterious 1947 incident in Roswell, New Mexico -- because he believes alien species can provide humanity with a viable alternative to fossil fuels."

The News Buckit: "Seven words you can never say on television"... but which are said on the Internet. A lot.

The News Buckit: "Seven words you can never say on television"... but which are said on the Internet. A lot.: "So how much more does the Left use Carlin's 'seven words' versus the Right? According to my calculations, try somewhere in the range of 18-to-1."

Taxing Wages -

Taxing Wages - "In France, Germany and Belgium the tax wedge is truly expropriating: 50.2%, 52.5% and 55.4%, respectively. The average employee in these three countries takes home less than half of what it costs to employ him. Most of the money goes to the state through income and payroll taxes.
Yet when EU finance ministers met this week and railed against the rising gap between wages and company profits, Europe's enormous tax wedge didn't merit a mention. Corporate greed -- not government greed -- was blamed for the discrepancy."

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Much hype. Little substance.

3.2% decline warrants disaster style coverage by the MSM? No wonder their viewership is dropping faster than Bill Clinton's pants.

American Thinker Blog: A Modest Proposal to Eco-Celebs

American Thinker Blog: A Modest Proposal to Eco-Celebs: "The day after Al Gore won an Oscar for his crockumentary on global warming, An Inconvenient Truth, which warns that the earth is threatened with horrific catastrophes unless we all cut our energy consumption instantly, it turned out that the real inconvenient truth is that he, like the celebrity eco-warriors is a hypocrite "

Muskegon County Election Results

Muskegon County Election Results

Tuesday, February 27, 2007 - Prince Charles Calls for Ban on McDonald's Restaurants and Big Macs - International News | News of the World | Middle East News | Europe News - Prince Charles Calls for Ban on McDonald's Restaurants and Big Macs - International News News of the World Middle East News Europe News: "The Prince of Wales told a nutritionist in Abu Dhabi Tuesday that the “key” to people eating healthily was to ban McDonald’s fast food restaurants."

NWA union sues over rewarding excellence

NWA union sues over new perks: "The union also complained about a new 'success-sharing' program that raises pilots' pay, saying that Northwest 'unilaterally determined' how the pilots should be rewarded. It also criticized the airline's move to create 'employee involvement teams' to discuss working conditions without union representatives."
Jeepers, just like the teeeechers unions who won't allow superior teachers to be rewarded. Seems like a pattern. Big surprise!

ABC News: Al Gore Will Not Only Run, but He Can and Will Win in '08

ABC News: Al Gore Will Not Only Run, but He Can and Will Win in '08: "Make no mistake: Former Vice President Al Gore will be our next president. "

IBD Editorials: The Lion In Winter

IBD Editorials: The Lion In Winter: "In a speech before a joint session of Congress on Sept. 20, 2001, President Bush pointed out the real reasons the terrorists hate us and our British allies:
'They hate what they see right here in this chamber — a democratically elected government. Their leaders are self-appointed. They hate our freedoms: our freedom of religion, our freedom of speech, our freedom to vote and assemble and disagree with each other.'
If we retreat, they will not sleep. The Democrats who want to retreat, to set a date certain for our exit from Iraq and to defund our troops fit Winston Churchill's definition of an appeaser:
'One who feeds a crocodile, hoping it will eat him last.'
To al-Qaida, the Democrats want to ring the dinner bell. "

Al Gore's Own Inconvenient Truth - Wizbang

Al Gore's Own Inconvenient Truth - Wizbang: "Yikes! Gore is an energy glutton. Now compare this to President Bush's comparatively modest home in Crawford, Texas, which is a model of environmental friendliness:"

Very funny!

GOOD MORNING NIGERIA!: "You might also enjoy another favorite of mine. His name is Anthony Robbins. He also sells delightful motivational tapes. Although I would avoid the video version. He is a large man with enormous jaws, and after viewing his videos, I have had nightmares about horses biting me."

No business boom in Michigan

Toyota to build Miss. SUV plant: "Toyota Motor Corp. announced this morning plans to build a $1.3-billion assembly plant near Tupelo., Miss., expected to open in 2010."
Governorette Jenny demands federal money and trade destroying tarriffs while Red state Mississippi overcomes hurricanes and attracts business and jobs. Anyone wonder which state has the brightest future?

Why did they lie to us?

Garlic does not lower cholesterol: study Health "Eating garlic raw or in supplement form does not lower 'bad' cholesterol levels, despite widespread health claims for the pungent plant bulb, researchers said on Monday.
'It just doesn't work,' said Christopher Gardner of the Stanford Prevention Research Center in California. 'There's no shortcut. You achieve good health through eating healthy food. There isn't a pill or an herb you can take to counteract an unhealthy diet.'"
Shoot, I thought a pill and a burger was the perfect combo to insure a healthy life. Bummer....

Mich. sheriff's department auctioning M-16 to raise cash

Mich. sheriff's department auctioning M-16 to raise cash: "A 1986 federal law banned the sale of new automatic weapons but allowed those already in circulation to be sold."

Monday, February 26, 2007

He cares! -: "Gore’s average monthly electric bill topped $1,359.'"
Hey...caring ain't free...

Where does this talent come from?!!!

YouTube - Bianca Ryan from America's Got Talent: "The amazing performance of 11 year-old Bianca Ryan on 'America's Got Talent' 6/28/06"
I don't usually watch these type of shows. Maybe I ought to?

nifty phrase

Hillary's doomed taboo - By Mickey Kaus - Slate Magazine: " That isn't the 'politics of personal destruction.' It's due diligence. "

Bad business plan for NYT

American Thinker- Print Article: "Yet management led by a chief executive who owes his position to nepotism continues to position the newspaper properties as propaganda organs, destroying a century's legacy as a trusted news source. As we have been saying for years, well before the company's crisis became visible in its stock price, Pinch Sulzberger is destroying the value of the company founded and nurtured by his ancestors."
Too many newspapers and media outlets are destroying their customer base and I can't figure out why. Bummer...... thank God AlGore invented the internet and re-invented the documentary....

Stuck in the Mud -

Stuck in the Mud - "My polls show that Democrats now hold a perceived advantage with voters not just on reducing deficits and balancing the budget but on an issue long seen as a GOP strength: ending wasteful spending. That alone should jar Republicans into taking a fresh approach."

School funding problems in county 'very serious'

School funding problems in county 'very serious': "School populations and staffing haven't kept up with the rest of Michigan's economy. We're seeing reductions in staff and wages and benefits throughout our state and yet our school districts have tried to maintain what they have. "

Summer Sell-abration?

County ups surcharge on festival ticket buyers
Still a bargain!

Science knowledge increases, but ...: Nation & World: The Seattle Times

Science knowledge increases, but ...: Nation & World: The Seattle Times: "In addition, these researchers noted an increase in college students who report they are 'unsure' about creationism as compared with evolution."