Monday, January 07, 2008

On This Date in History

1610 The astronomer Galileo Galilei sighted four of Jupiter's moons.
Planets ordered to wear underpants

1789 The first U.S. presidential election was held. Americans voted for electors who, a month later, chose George Washington to be the nation's first president.
Palm Beach voters thought he was Chad Washington

1800 Millard Fillmore, the 13th president of the United States, was born in Summerhill, N.Y.
The Fillmore East and West celebrated his birth.

1927 Commercial transatlantic telephone service was inaugurated between New York and London.
Cell phone service put off for 70 years.

1953 President Harry S. Truman announced in his State of the Union address that the United States had developed a hydrogen bomb.
He lamented that Japan had already surrendered.

1959 The United States recognized Fidel Castro's new government in Cuba.

1997 Newt Gingrich became the first Republican re-elected House speaker in 68 years.

1999 President Bill Clinton's impeachment trial began in the Senate. (He was later acquited on charges of perjury and obstruction of justice.)

2005 Actor Brad Pitt and actress Jennifer Aniston announced they were separating after four years of marriage.

2006 Rep. Tom DeLay, R-Texas, facing corruption charges, stepped down as House majority leader. (He resigned from Congress in June 2006.)


tennis is good!

What's not to like?

My goodness are subsidized grocery stores next?

Lack of grocers prompts action: "A recently formed task force has city and business leaders joining together to answer an oft-asked question among Detroiters: Why aren't there more grocery stores in the city?
Dubbed the Detroit Fresh Food Access Initiative, the 40-plus member group of government and business leaders is exploring how local regulations and permit processes can be simplified to attract more full-scale grocers to the city.
Olga Savic, director of strategy and external affairs for the Detroit Economic Growth Corporation and one of the group's co-chairs, said the group's formation couldn't have come at a better time for the city."

Liberal Fascism. A redundancy?

"Buy this book...or the dog dies"

Tornado Warning issued for Muskegon, rest of area under a Tornado Watch

The anti-casino gods don't seem to like this get together?
Maybe it'll suck up the round-a-bout!

WZZM13 - Tornado Warning issued for Muskegon, rest of area under a Tornado Watch: "WZZM 13's Phil Dawson is in Muskegon working on a story at city hall. The meeting was interrupted and people inside were told to seek shelter in the basement."

Homeless Michigan Dems?

Momma always told me voting democrat would be bad for my future.

National convention hotel rooms taken away from Michigan Dems: "LANSING, Mich. -- Michigan Democrats no longer can count on getting hotel rooms at their national convention in Denver.
The Democratic National Committee's Rules Committee last month stripped Michigan of its 156 national convention delegates as punishment for scheduling an early presidential primary in violation of party rules. State party officials had until Saturday to come up with an alternative to the Jan. 15 contest, but declined to do so.
That decision caused the DNC to informally tell state Democratic Chairman Mark Brewer that the party no longer has reservations at the Red Lion Hotel Denver Central during the Aug. 25-28 convention, state party spokesman Jason Moon said Monday.
'We think that those hotel rooms will be given back to us,' Moon added."

Nifty thunderstorm in January

I've always loved thunderstorms and a rare Winter T-storm is just another treat from those 10,000 sq. ft. mansion owners and private jet flyers.

Thank you global warmers!

Hollywood keeps giving, even if their movies suck......


Cheap Tatas?

Tatas are always to be prized, but inexpensive Tatas are a rare treat.
And at $2500?
Ummmmmm.....nice Tatas....
Maybe I need two?

All eyes on Tata's Rs 1 lakh car-India Business-Business-The Times of India: "the Tata people's car which has been dominating mindspace both inside and outside the industry for its sheer concept and execution since the better part of a decade."

New Fred Thompson Video: Kill. Protect. Punch.

You cannot see this video and not vote for Fred!
Or you may die!

Isn't "dipping" the same thing as "stealing"?

The Detroit News Online: "Lawmakers and Gov. Jennifer Granholm dealt with the deficit by delaying payments to state universities and community colleges, dipping into funds set aside for job training and substance abuse treatment and selling off part of the state's future tobacco settlement. Taxes were not raised to fill the hole."

I just saw a PT Cruiser with a "car bra".

Gave me the willies......

Wow! Miss America might be packin'!

BLACKFIVE: Army Medic (and Miss Utah) Competing in Miss America Pageant: "GI Jill, Sergeant Jill Stevens, a Utah National Guard Medic and OEF veteran, is someone you can be proud of and support on January 26, 2008, when she competes in the Miss America Pageant.
As a National Guard soldier in College, her university pageant director convinced her to compete. She scoffed at the idea."

She's Smokin'!

Deja Vu - "a New York alderman, Peter McGuinness, proposed a city ordinance that would prohibit women from smoking in hotels, restaurants or other public places.
'Young fellows go into our restaurants to find women folks sucking cigarettes,' the alderman argued. 'What happens? The young fellows lose all respect for the women, and the next thing you know the young fellows, vampired by these smoking women, desert their homes, their wives and children, rob their employers and even commit murder so that they can get money to lavish on these smoking women.'"
(the entire column is in the 2 comments section)

A great question

TCS Daily - My Global Warming Question: "My question is this:
what are the most persuasive reasons for believing that the rise in temperature is due to increased atmospheric carbon dioxide?"

Sad, sad people.

5 of 7 developed complications?
Sounds too much like the Laetrile scam in Mexico.

Americans seek stem cell treatments in China - Cloning and stem cells- "Noting the lack of evidence, three Western doctors undertook their own limited study. It involved seven patients with spinal cord injuries who chose to get fetal brain tissue injections at one hospital in China. The study reported “no clinically useful improvements” — even though most patients believed they were better. Five developed complications such as meningitis."

MSM shocked, demands new study!

Who'd of guessed......
Michigan sees fewer gun deaths — with more permits: "Six years after new rules made it much easier to get a license to carry concealed weapons, the number of Michiganders legally packing heat has increased more than six-fold.
But dire predictions about increased violence and bloodshed have largely gone unfulfilled, according to law enforcement officials and, to the extent they can be measured, crime statistics."

Earth friendly?

Maybe he was just trying to reduce her "carbon footprint"?

My Way News - Cops: Man Cooked Parts of Slain Woman: "A man killed his girlfriend, then filleted and cooked parts of her body before calling police to tell them what he was doing, authorities said Sunday."

Is Ford back?

Sunday, January 06, 2008

What ever happened to "rainy day funds"?

Maybe they ought to take a hard look at the "budget dudes"?
This is happening everywhere.
"It's not our fault" ..... please reelect us..... and vote us more of your money.....or stop complaining"
Lansing State Journal: Clinton Co. roads budget snowed under: "After the first of two major snowfalls, Clinton County officials said their snow removal money for 2007 was gone, forcing them to use money set aside for other projects.
'We've already exceeded what we budgeted for '07, so whatever money we use (for the rest of the year) we won't have for '08 projects,' said Mike Nobach, the director of the Clinton County Road Commission"

This is scary

Voting by mail starts for California's 2008 presidential primary: "Vote-by-mail ballots go out this week in the nation's most populous state, forcing presidential campaigns to consider using scarce dollars to lure early California voters while contests unfold in New Hampshire, South Carolina and Nevada.
More than half the total votes in California's Feb. 5 primary could be mailed in, and many of those ballots will be cast long before Election Day in a state that has seen scant evidence of the 2008 presidential campaign."

Don't eat that donut or we're gonna cut ya!

Bringing in the new year, Radio Iowa reported from a bariatric surgeon at Creighton University Medical Center in Omaha. Increasing numbers of teens are coming in wanting bariatric surgeries, according to Dr. Ranjan Sudan, and “some doctors are looking at performing weight loss surgeries [sic] on children as young as five.”

A Fox News Debate Round-Up - Right Wing News (Conservative News and Views)

A Fox News Debate Round-Up - Right Wing News (Conservative News and Views)

The "unbiased, patriotic" MSM and friends

In their own words.

List of common misconceptions

Attack of the killer bulbs?

Yeah, but isn't saving the Planet more important the health of ....polluters?
Low-energy bulbs 'could cause skin cancer' - Telegraph: "The new energy-saving bulbs produce a more intense light and can exacerbate a range of existing skin problems."

"Why I Believe Bush Must Go"

At least Ronnie went with class..... and quietly.
Why I Believe Bush Must Go: "By George McGovern
Sunday, January 6, 2008; B01

As we enter the eighth year of the Bush-Cheney administration, I have belatedly and painfully concluded that the only honorable course for me is to urge the impeachment of the president and the vice president."
Not everyone agrees:

Into the mind of madness

"Are you feelin' Hucky, punk?"

Opinion: Secular left vs. Christian left huckabee, huck, guy, put, afford - "Confronted by Preacher Huckabee standing astride the Iowa caucuses, smirking, 'Are you feelin' Hucky, punk?', many of my conservative pals are inclined to respond, 'Shoot me now.'"

Muskegon Presidential Primary info

Absentee voter application:

Saturday, January 05, 2008

Comparison Test: 2007-2008 V6 Family Sedans

OK, this isn't a "family" car.
Pretty nifty photo, don't ya think?
Nissan GT-R.... zoom...
Comparison Test: 2007-2008 V6 Family Sedans: "When we last rounded up V6-powered family sedans in March 2006, the 2007 Toyota Camry XLE V6 came out on top, granting it an instant ticket to this year's face-off. But the competition is much different now, and its rivals this time around include the Nissan Altima, wholly redesigned in 2007, and all-new 2008 versions of the Chevrolet Malibu and Honda Accord."

John McCain in Norton Shores/Spring Lake Monday Jan, 14

Janurary 14 Schedule
Kazoo,Holland, Grand Rapids
Spring Lake:
4:00PM Nichols Co.
1391 Judson Rd
Spring Lake
You may want to be there by 3:30 p.m. so that you can get the best spot.
Family & Friends are welcome! Nichols is at the end of Judson Road, off of
Grand Haven Road. Has a Spring Lake Address but is in Norton Shores.

Well, duh......

Michigan GOP leaders?


"I try to think but nothing happens", "Soitenly", "Woob Woob Woob", "Nyuk Nyuk Nyuk", "I'm a victim of soicumstance", "Why you Numbskull".

U.S. Rep. Hoekstra fears Michigan's primary will be 'tainted': "Republican U.S. Representative Peter Hoekstra says the way the primary is set up could have a negative impact on the Republican candidates, “It's structured so poorly, and the results may be very much tainted because it's not really a Republican Primary.” Hoekstra explains, “It's really a primary that's open to all voters in the state, but all voter's in the state will probably only vote in the Republican Primary, it's really a mish-mash.'"

You had to see this one comming

Way better than a "task force" is a "task force AND citizen advisory committee"!
And there is that little inconvience of spending the road money for other more "important" stuff years ago.....
Times Herald - - Port Huron, MI: "The state Department of Transportation's multi-billion dollar budget isn't enough to maintain the state's roads at their current condition, and Sen. Jud Gilbert, R-Algonac, wants solutions.

Recently, Gov. Jennifer Granholm signed a bill Gilbert sponsored last year that will create a task force and citizen advisory committee charged with proposing alternative revenue sources to pay for the state's transportation needs."
The decline is due in part to the fact the state has spent bond money generated in previous years, Gilbert said, ..."

"Availability Entrepreneurs" or simply, "liars"?

Predictions for 2008 - Climate Change - Global Warming - John Tierney - New York Times: "But there’s bound to be some weird weather somewhere, and we will react like the sailors in the Book of Jonah. When a storm hit their ship, they didn’t ascribe it to a seasonal weather pattern. They quickly identified the cause (Jonah’s sinfulness) and agreed to an appropriate policy response (throw Jonah overboard).
Today’s interpreters of the weather are what social scientists call availability entrepreneurs: the activists, journalists and publicity-savvy scientists who selectively monitor the globe looking for newsworthy evidence of a new form of sinfulness, burning fossil fuels."

God rest his soul

Major Andy Olmsted
Obsidian Wings: Andy Olmsted: "Andrew Olmsted, who also posted here as G'Kar, was killed yesterday in Iraq. Andy gave me a post to publish in the event of his death; the last revisions to it were made in July."


I haven't seen a "popularity" poll on Jennie lately.....wonder why........
Study confirms: Michigration: "A United Van Lines migration study said Michigan residents are leaving the state at a rate higher than any other state for two years in a row. Census Bureau figures indicate a population loss of 36,000 people."

"loophole" casino for Muskegon?

This one has an odor right from the start.
Maybe we ought to check the bank deposits of some of our City officials?
U.P. tribe to propose casino plan: "A delegation from the Lac Vieux Desert Band of Lake Superior Chippewa Indians based in Watersmeet in the far west corner of the Upper Peninsula is expected to present a casino proposal to the city at a 5:30 p.m. work session.
Local leaders in contact with Lac Vieux Desert Band officials indicate the U.P. tribe wants to open a casino in an existing downtown building. The tribe reportedly is looking at the former SPX headquarters in the Terrace Point development, community leaders indicate.
It is also unknown how the tribe intends to get state and federal approval of a Muskegon casino, a difficult and usually years-long process. Some tribal leaders reportedly have indicated there is a 'loophole' that can be used to expedite the approval process."

But the Lac Vieux tribe has many hurdles to climb. Due to the distance between Muskegon and its reservation in the western Upper Peninsula, Bush said it will have to show that it owned land in the Muskegon area prior to the signing of the Indian Gaming Regulatory Control Act in Oct. 17, 1988

Michigan voters stiffed again

The democrat vote is essentially worthless in the Michigan primary and the GOPers have, AGAIN, set themselves up to let democrat crossovers determine who wins the Republican primary.
Nice job Michigan State party leaders..... yeah, right....
Obama's absence on state ballot rankles some : "But come Jan. 15, the name Obama will appear nowhere on Michigan's Democratic primary ballot. A squabble between state and national party officials over the primary date led Obama and former North Carolina Sen. John Edwards to withdraw their names from the ballot."
"Ask not what he can do for your country,
but what he can do to Hillary"

Tuesday, January 01, 2008!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

New Year's snowstorm hits Mich. hard - NewsFlash - "A fast-moving New Year's Day storm dumped more than a foot of snow on southeastern Michigan, a record blast that made driving hazardous, snarled the flight home for holiday travelers and threatened to do the same in New England."

Snow in Michigan!
In January!!!!!!!!!!!!

More "proof" of the wisdumb of the AlGoreites....

Ten things that will change your future - Technology -

Ten things that will change your future - Technology -

Sunday, December 30, 2007

From the sub-prime to the ridiculous: how $100bn vanished | Business | The Guardian

From the sub-prime to the ridiculous: how $100bn vanished Business The Guardian: "It began with low-income Americans being encouraged to borrow mortgages they couldn't afford.
The economic butterfly effect would eventually cause deals worth billions of dollars to fall apart; the first run on a British bank in 140 years; some of the most powerful figures on Wall Street losing their jobs; wild gyrations on the markets; and dire warnings that the world is on the brink of recession"

Getting the Story Straight | Redstate

Getting the Story Straight Redstate: "Every once in a while I am more thankful than ever for today’s technology which allows me to talk to you directly instead of having to go through the filter of the main stream media."

Saturday, December 29, 2007

It's better than a religion!

A Nation of Dim Bulbs: "The new bulbs are particularly vulnerable to extremes of temperature, for example; you won't want to use them in your garage in winter. CFLs are also 25 percent longer in size than the average incandescent. This makes them unsuitable for all kinds of lighting fixtures--particularly chandeliers and other ceiling lights--which will have to be either discarded or reconfigured, at considerable expense, after the Bush ban goes into effect. You can't use most CFLs with dimmer switches, either; ditto timers. Newer models that can be dimmed and are adaptable to timers will require you to buy new CFL-compatible dimmers and timers.
The quality of the light given off by CFLs is quite different from what we're used to from incandescents. The old bulb concentrates its light through a small surface area. CFLs don't shine in beams; they glow all the way around, diffusing their illumination. They're terrible reading lights."

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Hillary: I've Know Mrs. Bhutto Many Years

Now that's some real foreign policy experience!

Hillary: I've Know Mrs. Bhutto Many Years Sweetness & Light: "I had given a lot of thought to how Chelsea and I should dress on the trip. We wanted to be comfortable, and under the sun’s heat, I was glad for the hats and cotton clothes I had packed. I didn’t want to offend people in the communities I was visiting, but I was also wary of appearing to embrace customs reflecting a culture that restricted women’s lives and rights." - Lorrie Goldstein - BS alert! BS alert! - Lorrie Goldstein - BS alert! BS alert!: "Finally, if idiot celebrities jetting around the world claiming they are 'carbon neutral' because they buy carbon offsets understood the Kyoto Accord, they wouldn't bother, considering what hypocrites they already are.
That's because Kyoto doesn't count GHG emissions caused by flying, although it's one of the world's fastest-growing sources of GHG."

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Iowa man spends Christmas Eve stuck upside-down in opening of septic tank

Iowa man spends Christmas Eve stuck upside-down in opening of septic tank: "DES MOINES, Iowa - It was a stinky holiday for Robert Schoff.
The 77-year-old man spent part of Christmas Eve stuck upside down in the opening of his septic tank, with his head inside and his feet kicking in the air above.
'It wasn't good, I'll tell you what,' Schoff said Tuesday. 'It was the worst Christmas Eve I've ever had.'DES MOINES, Iowa - It was a stinky holiday for Robert Schoff.
The 77-year-old man spent part of Christmas Eve stuck upside down in the opening of his septic tank, with his head inside and his feet kicking in the air above.
'It wasn't good, I'll tell you what,' Schoff said Tuesday. 'It was the worst Christmas Eve I've ever had.'"

Thursday, December 20, 2007

FAQ: The End of the Light Bulb as We Know It - US News and World Report

FAQ: The End of the Light Bulb as We Know It - US News and World Report: "The incandescent light bulb, one of the most venerable inventions of its era but deemed too inefficient for our own, will be phased off the U.S. market beginning in 2012 under the new energy law just approved by Congress."

OMNIVORACIOUS: Best of the Year Roundup

OMNIVORACIOUS: Best of the Year Roundup

Wednesday, December 19, 2007 | Exposing Liberal Media Bias Exposing Liberal Media Bias: "You know all that nonsense the media have been spewing that the Bush tax cuts caused the rich to get richer and the poor to get poorer?
Well, the Internal Revenue Service and the Congressional Budget Office have published tax and income numbers for 2005, and the press couldn't be any more wrong."

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Mark Steyn is Not Alone - Opinion - Arutz Sheva

Mark Steyn is Not Alone - Opinion - Arutz Sheva: "Two 'human rights' panels, the British Columbia Human Rights Tribunal and the Canadian Human Rights Commission, have him on trial for his alleged claim that Islam does not square with Western ideals. Whatever the outcome, we're all on notice that Big Brother is watching. The word 'tribunal' itself reeks of an Orwellian nightmare and Soviet gulagism."

Against universal health care: Romania’s disastrous example

Transatlantic Politics » Blog Archive » Against universal health care: Romania’s disastrous example: "When going to a birth center resembles a Russian roulette, with no guarantees that the mother and child will be healthy, something is definitely rotten in Romania's universal health care system. Warning against all the universal-health-care-gurus in the US. There is no glamor to a corrupt, mismanaged, state-run system. And no reliable, equitable treatment either."

Monday, December 17, 2007

It's lights out for traditional light bulbs -

It's lights out for traditional light bulbs - "A little-noticed provision of the energy bill, which is expected to become law, phases out the 125-year-old bulb in the next four to 12 years in favor of a new generation of energy-efficient lights that will cost consumers more but return their investment in a few months."

Weirdest work stories of the year -

Weirdest work stories of the year - "12. 'Workers killed after seeking raises'
A car dealership owner killed two employees because they kept asking for more pay. The employer told police he was having financial problems and was under a lot of stress."

British taxpayers pay for failed asylum seekers to set up ostrich farm in Iran | the Daily Mail

British taxpayers pay for failed asylum seekers to set up ostrich farm in Iran the Daily Mail: "The revelation reignited a row over Labour's controversial policy of 'bribing' bogus refugees to leave the country."

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Michelle Malkin » Scrooges on the Hill: Saying no to Christmas resolution

Michelle Malkin » Scrooges on the Hill: Saying no to Christmas resolution: "From the office of GOP Rep. Steve King: Congressman Steve King reacted this morning to the nine “NO” votes on his resolution to honor Christmas and the Christian faith. The vote shocked Capitol Hill observers because votes on similar resolutions honoring the holidays of Islam and Hinduism passed without any NO votes. Appearing this morning on the Fox News Channel’s Fox and Friends, King said, “The [nine] naysayers didn’t make it to the floor to debate. I would like to know how they could vote Yes on Islam, Yes on the Indian Religions and No on Christianity when the foundation of this nation and our American culture is Christianity…I think there’s an assault on Christianity in America.” The nine Members voting NO were Rep. Gary Ackerman (D-NY), Rep. Yvette Clarke (D-NY), Rep. Diana DeGette (D-CO), Rep. Alcee Hastings (D-FL) (FL), Rep. Barbara Lee (D-CA), Rep. Jim McDermott (D-WA), Rep. Bobby Scott (D-VA), Rep. Pete Stark (D-CA), and Rep. Lynn Woolsey (D-CA). None of the nine voted against resolutions honoring the Islamic holiday of Ramadan and the Hindu holiday of Diwali."

Man Drinks Liter of Vodka at Airport Line

Man Drinks Liter of Vodka at Airport Line: "A man nearly died from alcohol poisoning after quaffing a liter (two pints) of vodka at an airport security check instead of handing it over to comply with new carry-on rules, police said Wednesday. The incident occurred at the Nuremberg airport on Tuesday, where the 64-year-old man was switching planes on his way home to Dresden from a holiday in Egypt. New airport rules prohibit passengers from carrying larger quantities of liquid onto planes, and he was told at a security check he would have to either throw out the bottle of vodka or pay a fee to have his carry-on bag checked as cargo. Instead, he chugged the bottle down—and was quickly unable to stand or otherwise function, police said. A doctor called to the scene determined he had possibly life- threatening alcohol poisoning, and he was sent to a Nuremberg clinic for treatment. The man, whose name was not released, is expected to be able to complete his journey home in a few days. "

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Children 'bad for planet' |

Children 'bad for planet' "John Guillebaud, co-chairman of OPT and emeritus professor of family planning at University College London, said: 'The effect on the planet of having one child less is an order of magnitude greater than all these other things we might do, such as switching off lights. 'The greatest thing anyone in Britain could do to help the future of the planet would be to have one less child.'"

Monday, December 10, 2007


Security Guard: 'God Guided Me And Protected Me' - Denver News Story - KMGH Denver: "'I saw him coming through the doors' and took cover, Assam said. 'I came out of cover and identified myself and engaged him and took him down.'"

I wonder what the Hillary camp is thinking......

Saturday, December 08, 2007

The Corner on National Review Online

The Corner on National Review Online: “Just look at the development within Europe, where the number of Muslims is expanding like mosquitoes”
Guess who said this!

Thursday, December 06, 2007

Four Winds Casino withholds revenue sharing - Muskegon Chronicle -

Four Winds Casino withholds revenue sharing - Muskegon Chronicle - "The American Indian tribe that owns the new Four Winds Casino Resort in extreme southwestern Michigan is withholding its first revenue-sharing payments from local governments and school districts."

John R. Bolton - The Flaws In the Iran Report -

John R. Bolton - The Flaws In the Iran Report - "Rarely has a document from the supposedly hidden world of intelligence had such an impact as the National Intelligence Estimate released this week. Rarely has an administration been so unprepared for such an event. And rarely have vehement critics of the 'intelligence community' on issues such as Iraq's weapons of mass destruction reversed themselves so quickly. "

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

City OKs tax break for new facility -

City OKs tax break for new facility - "In return for the 50 percent tax abatement, the company promises to retain 31 jobs and add 50 positions over the next two to three years, officials said. "

Mother Nature feels the pains of divorce (AP) : Yahoo! Green

Mother Nature feels the pains of divorce (AP) : Yahoo! Green: "Divorce can be bad for the environment. In countries around the world divorce rates have been rising, and each time a family dissolves the result is two new households. 'A married household actually uses resources more efficiently than a divorced household,' said Jianguo Liu, an ecologist at Michigan State University whose analysis of the environmental impact of divorce "

Hospital Defends Plans to Turn Patients' Beds to Face Mecca -- 12/05/2007

Hospital Defends Plans to Turn Patients' Beds to Face Mecca -- 12/05/2007: "A hospital in northern England is playing down media reports saying that nurses have been ordered to stop normal duties five times a day to turn Muslim patients' beds so that they face Mecca. British tabloid newspapers reported Tuesday that at a hospital in West Yorkshire county, 'overworked' nurses in the taxpayer-funded National Health Service (NHS) were struggling to cope with the additional duties required for Muslim patients. Apart from moving the beds, the nurses also have to provide bathing water for pre-prayer ablutions, the reports said. The new duties were causing 'havoc,' said the Daily Express, while the Daily Star said they were 'creating turmoil' and quoted a doctor at the hospital as saying it was a case of 'political correctness gone mad.'"

Monday, December 03, 2007

How not to measure temperature, part 38 « Watts Up With That?

How not to measure temperature, part 38 « Watts Up With That?: "This station, COOP number 04-1838 is in Cloverdale, CA is just a few feet away from a chimney flue and an exhaust stack of a diesel generator. Note also the rain gauge placement. "

Sunday, December 02, 2007

CNN: Corrupt News Network - Los Angeles Times

CNN: Corrupt News Network - Los Angeles Times: "THE United States is at war in the Middle East and Central Asia, the economy is writhing like a snake with a broken back, oil prices are relentlessly climbing toward $100 a barrel and an increasing number of Americans just can't afford to be sick with anything that won't be treated with aspirin and bed rest. So, when CNN brought the Republican presidential candidates together this week for what is loosely termed a 'debate,' what did the country get but a discussion of immigration, Biblical inerrancy and the propriety of flying the Confederate flag?" News Forum News Forum: "The EU says it’s a leisure vehicle The Times [London, UK], by Michael Evans Original Article Posted By:Desert Fox, 12/2/2007 6:16:13 PM People who rely on motorised scooters to help to cope with disabilities are to be hit with a £300 tax, after an EU ruling that they should be categorised along with “leisure vehicles”. The electric power-driven wheelchairs with flexible handlebars are used by people with severe mobility difficulties, such as disabled ex-servicemen. They are now taxed in the same class as snowmobiles, jet skis and racing cars. (Snip) Under the EU ruling the scooters are now subject to a £300 import tax on top of their £2,000 cost. "

More gay men describe sexual encounters with U.S. Sen. Craig | Eyepiece | Idaho Statesman

More gay men describe sexual encounters with U.S. Sen. Craig Eyepiece Idaho Statesman: "More gay men describe sexual encounters with U.S. Sen. Craig Allegations made since news of the Minneapolis case broke lend weight to rumors about Craig."

Saturday, December 01, 2007

FOX Sports on MSN - NFL - Taylor's death a grim reminder for us all

FOX Sports on MSN - NFL - Taylor's death a grim reminder for us all: "No disrespect to Taylor, but he controlled the way he would be remembered by the way he lived. His immature, undisciplined behavior with his employer, his run-ins with law enforcement, which included allegedly threatening a man with a loaded gun, and the fact a vehicle he owned was once sprayed with bullets are all pertinent details when you've been murdered."


ICECAP: "Temperature peaked in 1998 and have shown no warming for a decade now. Many scientists have been remarking about this trend for several years but no one takes heed, preferring to believe models than actual data. Here is the satellite derived global temperature trend since 1979. Note the cooling globally near the volcanically active periods of the early 1980s and 1990s. Note also the warm spike associated with the super El Nino that seemingly marked the beginning of the end of the warm Pacific trend that began in 1978. Temperature peaked in 1998 and have shown no warming for a decade now. Many scientists have been remarking about this trend for several years but no one takes heed, preferring to believe models than actual data. Here is the satellite derived global temperature trend since 1979. Note the cooling globally near the volcanically active periods of the early 1980s and 1990s. Note also the warm spike associated with the super El Nino that seemingly marked the beginning of the end of the warm Pacific trend that began in 1978. "

Melville, sperm.... no whale?

Sperm donor may owe support: "MELVILLE — A Long Island man who said he donated sperm to a female co-worker as a friendly gesture — and then sent presents and cards to the woman’s child over the years — likely will owe child support for the college-bound teenager, according to a judge’s ruling. ........ Even without genetic evidence, the man’s interactions with the child over the years had a patriarchal nature, said Jeffrey Herbst, a county attorney...."

Over-50s 'turned down for NHS treatment' - Telegraph

Over-50s 'turned down for NHS treatment' - Telegraph: "One in six said they had been denied treatment on the NHS on the basis of cost."

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

>bt: Notes from the Silent Surrender

>bt: Notes from the Silent Surrender: "The dogma of multiculturalism holds that all cultures are equal, except Western culture, which (unlike every other society on the planet) has a history of oppression and war is therefore worse. All religions are equal, except Christianity, which informed the beliefs of the capitalist bloodsuckers who founded America and is therefore worse. All races are equal, except Caucasians, who long ago went into business with black slave traders in Africa, and therefore they are worse. The genders, too, are equal, except for those paternalistic males, who with their testosterone and aggression have made this planet a polluted living hell, and therefore they are worse."

Monday, November 26, 2007

Not chicken?

Cannibal goes vegetarian in jail The Courier-Mail: "Meiwes met 43-year-old Bernd Juergen Brandes on the internet after he posted a message asking for someone he could kill and eat. In March 2001, Meiwes killed, dismembered and devoured Brandes in a house in Rotenburg, in Germany’s north. In the book Conversations with a Cannibal, Meiwes said human flesh tasted like pork and that he had reformed"

Sunday, November 25, 2007

My Way News - Study: Kids Will Eat Healthy School Food

My Way News - Study: Kids Will Eat Healthy School Food: "Maybe getting schoolchildren to eat healthy foods isn't a hopeless struggle. Bucking some common notions, a University of Minnesota study has found that school lunch sales don't decline when healthier meals are served, and that more nutritious lunches don't necessarily cost schools more to produce."

'Redacted': Battle Casualty, By Kurt Loder - Movie News Story | MTV Movie News

'Redacted': Battle Casualty, By Kurt Loder - Movie News Story MTV Movie News: "The movie's implication is that such horrific incidents are not unusual, but that they're covered up by the military and the craven mainstream media. This is possible, of course. But the contention is unpersuasive in this particular case, since all five of the soldiers involved were arrested and charged, and three have been tried and sentenced to 90, 100 and 110 years in prison — information the movie declines to convey. "

TCS Daily - Loving Monsters

TCS Daily - Loving Monsters: "One need only look at the treatment of such other topics as crime, terrorism, and warfare to see examples of the same sort of misplaced sentimentality and willful ignorance. Tolerance of criminality leads to more crime; tolerance of terrorism leads to more terrorism; efforts to appear defenseless lead to war. "

Natural disasters have quadrupled in two decades: study

Natural disasters have quadrupled in two decades: study: "The Oxfam study was compiled using data from the Red Cross, the United Nations and specialist researchers at Louvain University in Belgium. "

Euro exchange control possible in face of economic crisis : November 2007 : Ambrose Evans-Pritchard : Business : Telegraph Blogs

Euro exchange control possible in face of economic crisis : November 2007 : Ambrose Evans-Pritchard : Business : Telegraph Blogs: "The die is now cast. As the euro brushes $1.50 against the dollar, it is already too late to stop the eurozone hurtling into a full-fledged economic and political crisis. We now have to start asking whether the EU itself will survive in its current form."

Friday, November 23, 2007

Randy Pausch's Home Page

Randy Pausch's Home Page

Dying prof's last lecture hits home

Dying prof's last lecture hits home: "'Who wants to see a dying man?' he asked. 'It's a beautiful warm day in September.' "

The dollar's in decline. Great news! | Gerard Baker - Times Online

The dollar's in decline. Great news! Gerard Baker - Times Online: "For the historically short-sighted, let's remember we have been here before. Between 1985 and 1995, the dollar declined by 43 per cent against the world's big currencies — somewhat more than it has in the past six years. That period was also marked by dire proclamations of the end of US economic power. But it turned out that in those years the foundations were laid for the strongest period of US economic growth in the past 35 years. "

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Maui News | IfA solar session out of this world

Maui News IfA solar session out of this world: "Over decades of scanning changes in the sun, solar astronomers noticed that when there were few sunspots, the Earth was cold; and when there were many, the Earth was warmer. Today is a time of many sunspots, so that might explain global warming. Not so fast, says University of Hawaii solar astronomer Jeff Kuhn. You can also find a correlation between sunspots and the number of Republicans elected to the U.S. Senate."

Friday, November 16, 2007

Al Gore Wrong Again : November 2007 : ReasonMcLucus : My Telegraph

Al Gore Wrong Again : November 2007 : ReasonMcLucus : My Telegraph: " The culprit is a developing la Nina , a cooling of the water in the eastern Pacific along the South American coast"

Silver Bullet: Neo-Con? Extreme Moderate? How about Revolutionary Liberal.

Silver Bullet: Neo-Con? Extreme Moderate? How about Revolutionary Liberal.: "Often when I walked onto the set of the West Wing some of my colleagues would greet me with a chanting of “Ron, Ron, the neo-con.” It was all done in fun but it had an edge."

Atomic Trousers: Bask in Bumper Sticker Wisdom

Atomic Trousers: Bask in Bumper Sticker Wisdom: "“A PBS Mind In a FOX News World” - This particular bumper sticker is positively oozing with smugness. “God, I can't stand being surrounded by these Wal-Mart-shopping, NASCAR-watching, deer-hunting troglodytes. How can these country-fried rubes allow themselves to be spoon-fed White House talking points from Bill O’Reilly? They must not be smart enough to enjoy watching some dusty old Brits mumble through a clunky drama on PBS like I am.”"

Contrary to reports, the nation's economy is robust | Nevada Appeal | Serving Carson City, Nevada

Contrary to reports, the nation's economy is robust Nevada Appeal Serving Carson City, Nevada: "President Bush recently noted that the nation just experienced its 50th consecutive month of uninterrupted job growth, the longest in the nation's history. This is even better than the media-vaunted Clinton economy of the late '90s, which was a bubble economy if there ever was one. To be sure, the reason this economy continues to do exceptionally well year after year is because U.S. companies really have been earning record profits year after year - as opposed to the thousands of firms that never made a dime during the dot-com bubble of the late '90s (and ultimately went out of business as quickly as they began). You can be sure that if a Democrat had sat in the White House these past seven years, there would have been no end to the praise from the media and Democrats about this incredible economy."

Controversy Over Eurostar's Shock Skinhead Urinating Advert |Sky News|UK News

Controversy Over Eurostar's Shock Skinhead Urinating Advert Sky NewsUK News: "An advert depicting a tattooed skinhead urinating into a china teacup is being used to promote tourism to London."

10 hurt in plane test smash | The Sun |HomePage|Travel

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

OPENING ARGUMENT: Academia's Pervasive PC Rot (11/12/2007)

OPENING ARGUMENT: Academia's Pervasive PC Rot (11/12/2007): "'A RACIST: A racist is one who is both privileged and socialized on the basis of race by a white supremacist (racist) system. 'The term applies to all white people (i.e., people of European descent) living in the United States, regardless of class, gender, religion, culture, or sexuality. By this definition, people of color cannot be racists.' ' [emphasis added]"

Reason Magazine - Cheap Dirty Fuels Versus Costly Clean Fuels

Reason Magazine - Cheap Dirty Fuels Versus Costly Clean Fuels: "Phoenix Motorcars is ordering NanoSafe batteries from the Reno, Nevada-based company Altairnano to fuel its all-electric trucks. These lithium ion batteries can be charged in 10 minutes at a commercial 480 volt station or in six hours using home power. The trucks can accelerate from 0 to 60 in 10 seconds with a top speed of 95 miles per hour and can go 100 miles before recharging. Amazingly these batteries can be recharged 20,000 times. Typical lithium ion batteries can be recharged only 500 to 1000 times, and lead acid batteries won't last more than 700 cycles. Nanosafe batteries replace combustible graphite in typical lithium ion batteries with nanoscale titanium."

Friday, November 02, 2007 Editorials, Political Cartoons, and Polls from Investor's Business Daily -- Even Harvard Finds The Media Biased Editorials, Political Cartoons, and Polls from Investor's Business Daily -- Even Harvard Finds The Media Biased: "Just like so many reports before it, a joint survey by the Project for Excellence in Journalism and Harvard's Joan Shorenstein Center on the Press, Politics and Public Policy — hardly a bastion of conservative orthodoxy — found that in covering the current presidential race, the media are sympathetic to Democrats and hostile to Republicans."

The American Spectator

The American Spectator: "The Giuliani hate fest has also infiltrated the airwaves, where Keith Olbermann has made bashing Rudy a daily feature on his show. On Monday, an Olbermann segment entitled, 'Rudy Giuliani -- The next Dick Cheney?' was about Giuliani's penchant for 'secrecy' and 'proclivity for executive power...'"

Wednesday, October 31, 2007 - Jury Awards Father Nearly $11 Million in Funeral Protesters Case - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News - Jury Awards Father Nearly $11 Million in Funeral Protesters Case - Local News News Articles National News US News: "BALTIMORE — The father of a fallen Marine was awarded nearly $11 million Wednesday in damages by a jury that found leaders of a fundamentalist church had invaded the family's privacy and inflicted emotional distress when they picketed the Marine's funeral. The jury first awarded $2.9 million in compensatory damages. It returned later in the afternoon with its decision to award $6 million in punitive damages for invasion of privacy and $2 million for causing emotional distress to the Marine's father, Albert Snyder of York, Pa. Snyder sued the Kansas-based Westboro Baptist Church for unspecified monetary damages after members staged a demonstration at the March 2006 funeral of his son, Lance Cpl. Matthew Snyder, who was killed in Iraq"

Women blamed for men’s sleepless nights -Times Online

Women blamed for men’s sleepless nights -Times Online: "Women who wear figure-hugging clothes are giving Muslim men sleepless nights and distracting them from prayer, a prominent cleric said yesterday."

North Muskegon campaigns have some intensity -

North Muskegon campaigns have some intensity - "Override Headlee in Ferrysburg on Nov. 6

Voters in the city of Ferrysburg are being asked to do something this Nov. 6 that they wouldn't have to bother with, had the late Mr. Headlee not succeeded in attaching his pernicious tax-limiting provision to the state's constitution. The so-called Headlee Amendment was aimed at tying homeowners' property taxes to the rate of inflation; what it mainly succeeded in doing, though, was to tie the hands of city and school officials by throwing monkey wrenches into the budget processes of municipalities and school districts throughout Michigan. Thus, Ferrysburg voters have the choice -- the honor, really -- of overriding another Headlee rollback in Ferrysburg. If it is approved, the proposal would restore 0.3424 mills that would otherwise be cut from the city's operating budget, which would generate a little over $52,000. Cities, which have inflationary pressures of their own to deal with as well as ongoing steep cuts in state-shared revenues in recent years, already have a hard enough time keeping up with just the vital and basic services that their taxpaying residents expect and deserve. We strongly urge a 'YES' vote on Ferrysburg's Headlee override. "