Monday, April 28, 2008

Mars! Deeper pocks than earlier thought!

Yahoo! Finance: "Mars, Buffett, Cooperate in $23 Billion Bid for Wrigley"

Moon outbid again!

Pacifist? -: "A collection of essays, including one on a particular breed of pacifist that Chesterton saw as new in the 20th Century: 'He does not so much believe in his own conscience as disbelieve in the common conscience which is the soul of any society. His hatred for patriotism is very much plainer than his love for peace.'"

Steep Decline at 'NYT' While 'WSJ' Gains

Steep Decline at 'NYT' While 'WSJ' Gains: "Print circulation continues on its steep downward slide, the Audit Bureau of Circulations revealed this morning in releasing the latest numbers for some of the country's largest dailies in the six-month period ending March 31, 2008. When a full analysis appears it is expected to find, according to sources, the biggest dip yet, about 3.5% daily and 4.5 for Sunday."

The Funk Brothers

Kim Komando's Video of the Day -
"The band backed up popular singers, including the Temptations, the Supremes, Stevie Wonder and many more. They reportedly played on more No. 1 records than the Beatles, Elvis, the Rolling Stones and the Beach Boys combined."

Time to Compromise on Gun Control::By Mike S. Adams

Time to Compromise on Gun Control::By Mike S. Adams: "unfortunately, the political science professor let his feelings get the better of him, which led directly to my change of heart on gun control. He began hurling epithets like “stupid, ignorant, and crazy” to the nineteen year old Millage. He so badly disrupted the event that the College Republican President called me in my office asking that I come over to try and calm him down.
I gladly complied with her request – largely because I know that these events generate intelligent debate until the first professor shows up."

Another excellent column exposing the "free speech for me but not for thee" atmosphere that is the American University today.

Read to the end where Mr Adams makes a controversial proposal on gun control.

Supreme Court upholds photo ID law for voters in Indiana

Supreme Court upholds photo ID law for voters in Indiana
"The Supreme Court ruled Monday that states can require voters to produce photo identification without violating their constitutional rights, validating Republican-inspired voter ID laws."

Imagine a party that opposed this logical method of preventing voter fraud.... The Democrat Party!

Yes, there are serious differences between the two political parties.

In a splintered 6-3 ruling, the court upheld Indiana's strict photo ID requirement, which Democrats and civil rights groups said would deter poor, older and minority voters from casting ballots. Its backers said it was needed to deter fraud.

The poor liberal writing this "painful" piece shows their bias with the "splintered" definition of a solid 6-3 vote.

Disgusting and just more proof of the MSM's slavish liberalism.

CNN's Soledad: Rev. Wright Speech a 'Home-Run'

CNN's Soledad: Rev. Wright Speech a 'Home-Run'
"Only black children 50 years ago were singled out as speaking bad English. In the 1961, it's been all over the internet now. John Kennedy could stand at the inauguration and say [attempting to imitate JFK's Boston accent]: 'ask not what your country can do for you. Ask rather what you can do for your country.' How do you spell 'ask'? [which Wright pronounced 'esk' in supposed imitation of JFK]."

So, encouraging black youngsters to continue "Detroit speak" isn't child abuse?

How can they get any job outside of Detroit?

Detroit is a national disgrace!

DETNEWS Weblog Daniel Howes' Blog: "This weekend's Wall Street Journal, arguably the most influential newspaper on the planet, offers yet another exhibit in the case to prove why Detroit is a national laughingstock."

State senator drops plan to flunk third-graders who can't read

"Hudsonville Superintendent Roxanne DeWeerd said ......
'Early intervention makes sense, but I'd be surprised if there are districts not already doing that. It's a common practice,' DeWeerd said. 'Teachers check for progress along the way. We don't wait for the MEAP scores to tell us there's a problem.'"

So we "graduate" illiterate third graders to the next grade (where they don't teach 3rd grade reading anymore)?

And we can be assured that "educators" are right on the problem and "don't wait for MEAP scores" to fix the problem.

Yeah, right.

Sunday, April 27, 2008 - Feeling a little green, are we?

Feeling a little green, are we?: "Indeed, it seems like only yesterday I awoke to my Saturday, January 27, 2007 Globe to be greeted by the hysterical, front-page headline 'Welcome to the new climate,' under a politically correct green masthead, declaring at the bottom: 'We want action. We're ready for sacrifices.'"

I am the musicman

Medical marijuana patients face transplant hurdles

Medical marijuana patients face transplant hurdles: "But Garon's been refused a spot on the transplant list, largely because he has used marijuana,"

The needles and hard core drug use probably never came up as a discussion?

Laketon Township veteran among thousands exposed to atomic-bomb radiation -

Laketon Township veteran among thousands exposed to atomic-bomb radiation - "Stafford was exposed to unknown doses of nuclear radiation with unknown long-term health effects."

Mark Steyn on Time & Global Warming on National Review Online

Mark Steyn on Time & Global Warming on National Review Online: "Where to begin? For the last ten years, we have, in fact, been not warming but slightly cooling, which is why the eco-warriors have adopted the all-purpose bogeyman of “climate change.” But let’s take it that the editors of Time are referring not to the century we live in but the previous one, when there was a measurable rise of temperature of approximately one degree. That’s the “war”: one degree."

Working poor vignette: Chuck and Deb Fles

Working poor vignette: Chuck and Deb Fles

A sad case of our liberal Chronicle obsessing on the life of the sad ... rather than those who are succeeding in our town.

Sad but predictable.

Granholm touts green energy while others are skeptical

Granholm touts green energy while others are skeptical
"Costs eventually show up on the monthly bills of residents and businesses.
And in Michigan, some opposition stems from a philosophical dislike of government mandates. The 52-megawatt farm visited by Granholm exists without an RPS, for instance, and developers already have proposed an additional 3,000 megawatts of wind power in 16 Michigan counties.
Others question the job-creation potential since wind farms don't employ many workers after construction is complete. Patterson agrees more jobs will be created if Michigan taps into the potential of making turbine blades, 'but the question is at what cost to the rest of the state?"...

And in Michigan, some opposition stems from a philosophical dislike of government mandates."

Well yeah.... didn't our forefathers have a "tea-party" about that mandate thing?

Lansing resident comes after Peace Corps stint

Lansing resident comes after Peace Corps stint: "Emily Sterk spent two years in the Peace Corps teaching people in the southern African nation of Zambia about health."

Two years seems like a long time to ......typical chick....

(actually the headline mispelled "residence" as "residents". Anyone wonder why newspaper readership is........ Titanic-ing! ("sinking" for you newswriters))


The end of an era?
"Rafael Nadal defeated Roger Federer 7-5, 7-5 Sunday to win the Monte Carlo Masters for a fourth consecutive year."

Climate Consensus Busted?- Climate Change and Sustainability - New York Times Blog

Climate Consensus Busted? Climate Change and Sustainability - New York Times Blog: "To many scientists and students of scientific history, there really is no such thing as a consensus. There is a preponderant view at any one point in time, but it is largely defined by disagreement, not agreement."

Climate change: The Deniers

Climate change: The Deniers: "The Post's series on scientists who buck the conventional wisdom on climate science. Here is the series so far:"

This is a great resource to fight the Gorbal Warmongers.