Monday, May 19, 2008

Your Energy Future Under the Democrats

Your Energy Future Under the Democrats
"The 'energy plan' announced by the Democrats offer one thing: a significant slowdown of our economy for at least twenty years."

Sunday, May 18, 2008

The difference between liberals, conservatives and independents

The difference between conservatives, liberals and independents:

Issues are of paramount importance to conservatives.

The political party is of value only as far as it will further the fulfillment of those issues.

The political party, and its leader, is a near "religious" experience for liberals.

Issues will be made more or less important in order to fit into the actions of the party and the behavior of its leaders.
Independents care little about the political parties.
Issues are "very" important to them but not important enough for them to do more research than the evening news a few times a week.
So they get all of their issue "information" from the liberal media.
The GOP needs to understand this difference!

Oakland Hills CC and Indy 500 2008 Indy 500 The Indianapolis Star

I just watched the end of Indy 500 qualifying on TV.

Always exciting!

And it always reminds me of my days as a caddy at Oakland Hill CC in B'Ham as a caddy.

We would listen to the 500 race in the caddy shack.... yup, the caddy shack and take "loops" to carry member's bags around the course.

Double loops meant two bags.... a heavy bitch well worth the money for a 14 year old!

When we waited for loops, we would sit around and shoot the sheet.... I was the youngest, so the 20-somethings were "gods".

Ah, the memories...

and yes, I had that exact same hat!

More Michigan License Plates

More Michigan License Plates: "A while back I posted A few new license plates designed to help Michigan raise money to offset the perpetual budget shortfall created by poor tax policy. A couple more are now being considered."

Astounding school board CUTS!

For a Better Day: Meeting 5-12: "Here is the breakdown of what we cut:

HS Asst Principal $105,000
Teachers $800,000
Reduction in expenditures $100,000
Privatize Administrators $ 65,000
Tech Services Coord $ 80,000
Privatize Coaches $ 5,000
Reduction in Unemployment $125,000
Food Price Increase $ 95,000
Community Ed $200,000
Maintaince Position $ 51,000
Energy Savings $ 75,000
Supplies for Indiv Printers $15,000
Textbooks $100,000
Privatize Security $ 5,000
Privatize Pool Employees $100,000
Cut HS Secretary Position $50,000
Cut In-room suspension aid $30,000
Cut Business Assistant $50,000
Cut 2-hour clerks $30,000
Cut HS Career Resource $40,000

Total $2,103,600"

Michigan debates drivers on cell phones

Michigan debates drivers on cell phones

"Teater now works for a company that is working to make cell phones safer and easier to use, including technology that would sense when a phone is in 'driving' mode so a driver won't be distracted while behind the wheel.
Persuading Michigan lawmakers that a new law is needed won't be easy."

United Nations Will Investigate America for Racism

United Nations Will Investigate America for Racism
"a Geneva-based United Nations human rights investigator plans to come here next week to investigate whether racism plays a role in the presidential campaign, according to a statement released yesterday."

Sea-Tac's security: Are they serious?

Sea-Tac's security: Are they serious?

.......all of a sudden I realized: We're out on the goddamn runway," Alderete recalled. "We're in a gassed-up, seven-passenger van, and no one really knows who we are. We have an unobstructed path to the main runways, the commercial gates, the whole place. It was unbelievable."......

"Both the Port of Seattle and the federal Transportation Safety Administration reviewed the incident, including videotapes, and concluded their security system is sound."

And these people tell us the federal government can manage our healthcare?

Global warming with Dr. Kyoto

Global warming with Dr. Kyoto
"Dr. Kyoto, what are carbon offsets?
Carbon offsets allow rich people like movie stars, professional athletes and Al Gore not to change their carbon-intensive lifestyles while lecturing you to simplify yours so as to do your part to fight global warming. Basically, rich people pay someone else not to emit carbon in the future so they can go right on emitting it now. Next question."

Boy shot outside downtown nightclub

Boy shot outside downtown nightclub
"Muskegon Police were dispatched to the Spotlight, 441 W. Western, shortly before 1 a.m. on a shooting call"

What a "wonderful" addition to the rich cultural stew that the downtown leaders and their cronies at The Muskegon Chronicle are serving to the entire county.

Repair bill dispute to be decided in court

Repair bill dispute to be decided in court
"Countywide, there are 1,800 culverts, most of which are made of corrugated metal pipe and were installed in the late 1950s. Repair costs vary from a couple thousand dollars to more than $100,000, and costs typically are shared between the municipality and county, Hulka said. The Syers Road repair cost is estimated at $42,000."

This is BIG!
Our county is broke.
Our roads and culverts are BROKEN!
And our county and city leaders focus on EVERYTHING but the REAL problems of unending spending and a countywide anti-business attitude.

And the spending is almost entirely on over-compensated employees with insane retirement benefits and ever increasing pay and perks.
And no one would dare even visit the issuse......

McCain Unable to Exploit Democratic Internet Fatigue as Obama Continues to Dominate

McCain Unable to Exploit Democratic Internet Fatigue as Obama Continues to Dominate
"As McCain’s inability to make any substantive inroads shows, the GOP’s dismal performance in ongoing SIPP Ratings continues to demonstrates the Party’s failure to grasp command of the Internet, which is taking an ever increasing market share from television, the principal medium for political campaigning."

The GOPers better wise up to this change from TV to Internet as the new medium.
Maybe someone ought to talk to a kid?

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Crude Mistake

Crude Mistake: "Underscoring its failure to grasp the nature of our current problems, the Senate Appropriations Committee on Friday refused to end its moratorium on oil shale development in Colorado."

Obama's health plan

Obama's health plan:
"Now that Hillary is fading fast in Obama's rear view mirror we should take a look at some of his proposals for America. Let's start with health care. Here are his words on the subject from one of his speeches:

“We now face an opportunity — and an obligation — to turn the page on the failed politics of yesterday's health care debates… My plan begins by covering every American. If you already have health insurance, the only thing that will change for you under this plan is the amount of money you will spend on premiums. That will be less. If you are one of the 45 million Americans who don't have health insurance, you will have it after this plan becomes law. No one will be turned away because of a preexisting condition or illness.”

— Barack Obama, Speech in Iowa City, IA, May 29, 2007"

Where is the money gonna come from to pay for this?

Rich guys?

Increased cigarette taxes?

Cell phone taxes?

Unending spending......

Who Is Really Responsible For The High Prices You Pay For Gasoline?

Who Is Really Responsible For The High Prices You Pay For Gasoline?:
"For the last 28 years, Democrats in Congress and a few Republicans have again and again opposed our drilling for oil in Alaska's ANWR area when we knew it contained at least 10 billion barrels of oil we could be using now."

Why isn't EVERY republican candidate for election at EVERY level not shouting out this FACT to their voters?

CARPE DIEM: Gas Taxes By State

Our gasoline problems are not caused by "evil" oil companies or our own driving around!

Check out how Michigan compares with the rest of our competition (other states) in taxes.

Bummer, Jenny and the dems jest lookin' elsewhere...... bummer Michiganders....

CARPE DIEM: Cartoon of the Day: How the Tax Rebate Works

Striking Out on Energy

Striking Out on Energy
"ExxonMobil chairman and CEO Rex Tillerson said it’s “astonishing” that Bush keeps asking Saudi Arabia to pump more oil, rather than working harder for increased oil production at home.

Tillerson called this “terribly upside down,” and went on to say the president should be fighting to open U.S. coastal waters to drilling and production on the outer continental shelf. He correctly wants to end the federal moratorium on such off-shore drilling, where kajillions of barrels of oil and natural gas are being completely ignored."

your medium is dying.. ha ha.... Nelson Muntz....

The Bitch Girls

Next time you get grumpadosh with the MSM (our wonderful "The Muskegon Chronicle") click on this link and feel the rich bloggy goodness...

Obama flipflop

youtube ain't gonna be BHussein's bestest friend... ya think?

"Why Is Obama's Foreign Policy Advisor Attempting To Shift Her Candidate's Weak Position On Meeting With Hostile Foreign Leaders?

Click Here To View Obama Versus His Advisor:

Today, Obama Foreign Policy Advisor Susan Rice Claimed That Obama Has Only Committed To Meeting With The 'Appropriate Leaders' Of Hostile Nations, Including Iran, At The 'Appropriate Time':"


"Two substantive political issues are the federal budget deficit and the war in Iraq. Now, if you're electing Democrats to control government spending, then you're marrying Angelina Jolie for her brains.

This leaves the Democrats with one real issue: Iraq. And so far the best that any Democratic presidential candidate has been able to manage with Iraq is to make what I think of as the high school sex promise: I will pull out in time, honest dear.'"

Phosphorus ban for yard fertilizer on the horizon

OK, keep Bob on the job.... but keep him out of my dang lawn!!!!!!!
Phosphorus ban for yard fertilizer on the horizon

"Phosphorus is being rooted out of the home and garden, and a Michigan-wide ban may be in our future.

And our state is insolvent...... and we pay these bozos every day to come up with bans on lawn fertilizer.... and our state is insolvent...... and our roads are falling apart..... and our "legislators" fill their tiny world with more minutia.....

I'm getting sick and tired of this......

Could film incentives be Michigan's Ishtar?

Could film incentives be Michigan's Ishtar?:
"The script reads something like this: Hollywood producers get a big tax break from Michigan, and the next thing you know they're blocking scenes in places like downtown Grand Rapids.....
But true to Hollywood form, this story takes a sudden and unexpected twist.
Turns out the program, which allows producers to get back up to 42 percent of their production costs, was so popular the cost overruns have state leaders playing the part of angry studio execs.
'It's probably costing more than we thought,' said State Treasurer Robert Klein.
Try millions more.

State budget officials discussed the problem, and other budget issues during Friday's revenue estimating conference. That's where lawmakers got a better look at the overall budget picture.
The bad news is the current budget is short by just under $44 million for the spending year ending in October. Projections for next year's budget put the shortfall at between $170 and $350 million."

Wow, and wait until Jenny and the Dems start REALLY "investing" our road-fix-up money in her eco-business contributors!

Sen. Ted Kennedy hospitalized with stroke symptoms

Sen. Ted Kennedy hospitalized with stroke symptoms: "A spokeswoman for Edward M. Kennedy says the Massachusetts senator is in the hospital for evaluation after becoming ill at his Hyannis home."

Thank "god" that Ted's 16 year, three children marriage to Joan was annulled by the wonderful Catholic Church.

Otherwise, if Teddy took that final Chappaquiddick Plunge he might have to spend eternity in "heck".

Saudi oil output hike would not solve US problems: Bush

Saudi oil output hike would not solve US problems: Bush
"US President George W. Bush said on Saturday that a hike in oil output by Saudi Arabia would not solve American energy problems. ......

'Our problem in America gets solved when we aggressively go for domestic exploration. Our problem in America gets solved if we expand our refining capacity, promote nuclear energy and continue our strategy for the advancing of alternative energies as well as conservation,' he said.

'One interesting thing about American politics these days is those who are screaming the loudest for increased production from Saudi Arabia are the very same people who are fighting the fiercest against domestic exploration, against the development of nuclear power and against expanding refining capacity.'"

That the energy industry and the GOP have failed to explain this simple fact to Americans is astounding!

Cruise with Congressman Hoekstra!

I've taken this "cruise" in the past and it is GREAT fun!
You don't have to be "political" to have an excellent time and get a chance to schmooze with our Congressman Pete.
Do it!

"Join Congressman Pete Hoekstra and Team Hoekstra on a Tropical Cruise along the Lake Michigan shoreline aboard the grand ship “The S.S. Badger”!

Ludington, MI
Saturday Evening, June 21
Boarding – 8:00 p.m.

"We will set sail from the Ludington Marina for a Caribbean style cruise
on beautiful Lake Michigan. Enjoy hors d’oeuvres and desserts
while you stroll the deck or sit back to take in the sounds
of the steel drum band and other entertainers."

The Rust Belt Should Be Bitter -

Jenny and Kwame!
The Rust Belt Should Be Bitter -

In the firestorm touched off by Barack Obama's comments about those who "cling to" guns and religion out of economic resentment, most analysis missed a crucial point: The "bitterness" felt in the so-called Rust Belt is mainly a product of high-tax, highly unionized states.

While there are pockets of prosperity in Pennsylvania, upstate New York, Ohio and Michigan, a good deal of this area is economically depressed. That's not because of Washington's policies (or lack thereof). These policies aren't killing Texas, North Carolina, Georgia, Arizona, Nevada and Florida.

While southern states do have problems, their governments generally don't smother economic growth by layering on ever-rising taxation, regulation and expenses. They don't permit workers to be forced to join closed-shop unions. No one in D.C. – Obama, Clinton, McCain or Superman – can fix the Rust Belt's self-inflicted wounds.

Western New York offers a prime example. Despite proximity to major markets, a long international border with a major trading partner, a well-developed transport system, untold natural splendors and a well-educated workforce, the Buffalo area's population shrinks every year. Why? High taxes, high government costs and forced unionization are major factors.

New York state is run by and for its public-employee unions, particularly teachers, but several others as well. The unions collect dues and then recycle a significant amount of what they collect into politicians' campaign funds. These contributions (plus state electoral law, which seems designed to protect incumbents and hobble challengers) produce tax-and-expense structures that drive employers away. To varying degrees, the same is true for much of the Rust Belt.

Mr. Obama referred to the ire of poor folks who've been given false promises in the past by national politicians. The real falsehood is the notion that federal programs or subsidies can overcome a state's own ruinous policies.

Mr. Durstewitz, co-author of "Younger Than That Now – A Shared Passage From the Sixties" (Bantam, 2001), lives in Saratoga Springs, NY.
Jenny wants to complete her governoreering by turning the rest of Michigan into Detroit!

Barack Obama's America

"One of the wisest American former officials I know asked me a few nights ago: “Michael, put on your thinking cap, and tell me where the United States will be four years from now, if Barack Obama is president.”"
Read this and weep for our country....

Friday, May 16, 2008

United Way of America sets more focused course

United Way of America sets more focused course
"The report finds that one in four high school students does not graduate on time, one in four families do not earn enough to provide for their household, and two in three young people and adults lead unhealthy lives, including those who engage in such risky behaviors as drug use, binge drinking and unsafe sex"

Well, isn't that nice.......the United Way is gonna be our own Church Lady.....

John McCain 2008 - John McCain for President

I got this e-mail from the McCain committee.
Do they really think conservatives will rush to his campaign with "eco-friendly" idiocy like this?
click to see eco-idiocy in action.

My Friends,
I have long said that I am running for president not to be someone, but to do something - to do what is hard, but necessary to address the challenges we face as a nation. In the coming weeks, I intend to address many of the great challenges that America's energy policies must meet.
One of these challenges is global climate change. Whether we call it "climate change" or "global warming," in the end we're all left with the same set of facts. Good stewardship, prudence and simple common sense demand that we act to meet the challenge and act quickly. And if we are wrong and climate change is not a threat, all we are doing is leaving a better planet for our children and lowering our dependence on foreign oil.
That is why I have proposed a cap-and-trade system that would set limits on greenhouse gas emissions while encouraging the development of low-cost compliance options. This is a market-based system to curb greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, mobilize innovative technologies and strengthen the economy.
With so much at stake in this election, it is more important than ever that we work together to secure our energy future, to create opportunities for American industry and to leave a better future for our children. I cannot succeed in my efforts without your immediate financial support.
Unfortunately, some have already begun to criticize my efforts to solve global climate change. My campaign must be financially prepared to respond to this criticism and that's why I ask that you follow this link immediately to make a donation of $50, $100, $250, $500, $1,000 or up to the legal limit of $2,300.
We Americans like to say that there is no problem we can't solve, however complicated, and no obstacle we can't overcome if we meet it together. I believe this about our country. I know this about our country. And now it is time for us to act with this resolve.
Please join my campaign today by following this link. Thank you for your support.
John McCain