Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Planet Slayer - Greenhouse Calculator

Planet Slayer - Greenhouse Calculator

Find out WHEN you SHOULD die!

What a nice idea for a kids show!

Granholm's Tax Warning -

Granholm's Tax Warning - "'we are witnessing the Detroit-ification of Michigan.' By that he means that the same high tax and spend policies that have hollowed out the Motor City are now infecting many other areas of the state."

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Your next president is not a smart man.

Your next president is not a smart man.
"Your next president is not a smart man."

Your next president is not a smart man.
Rupert keeps telling me not to be so sure Obama’s going to win in November. I keep telling Rupert he doesn’t read enough conservative blogs and thus doesn’t realize how many conservatives are so tired of getting “poked in the eye” and “stabbed in the back” that they’re gonna take their “principles” all the way to nowhere on Election Day by sitting home or voting third-party rather than voting for McCain, which is the ONLY WAY to keep Obama out of office. But they’re just Na. Ga. Da. (not gonna do it). Because they want to “punish” the Republican party. Teach them a lesson!
Sorry, I know lots of you who feel that way are very wonderful people who I really do respect, but I’ve said it before and I’m saying it again: I think your plan is shitty. You’re going to get Obama elected, you realize that right? If you’re cool with that, more power to you, but I for one will NOT welcome my new Dumbass Overlord Obama. There are two new reasons for that today.
First: He has no fuckin’ clue what Memorial Day is for.
On this Memorial Day, as our nation honors its unbroken line of fallen heroes — and I see many of them in the audience here today — our sense of patriotism is particularly strong.
That’s via Hot Air, where you can also see that when McCain pointed out the error, this was the response:
Obama’s camp declined to hit back, with spokesman Bill Burton saying “Memorial Day is a day to honor our nation’s veterans, not a day for political posturing.”
Jesus on a battlestar. We have a whole holiday to honor veterans; it’s called VETERAN’S DAY. Memorial Day is for the ones who died while serving, and it’s a pretty simple concept, and you’d think presidential candidate would be capable of making that distinction but you’d be so wrong.
Second, via Ace of Spades, on the same venerated day:
…Obama also spoke about his uncle, who was part of the American brigade that helped to liberate Auschwitz…
Oy. I wonder how the Russians feel about that, seeing as how they’re the ones who liberated Auschwitz, not the Americans. Maybe Obama identifies so deeply with the Red Army that he has conflated things in his wee little brain.

GVSU, others count on freshmen despite economy

GVSU, others count on freshmen despite economy
This month also is when college admissions officers start sizing up their numbers for the fall. Their hope: that amid a bad economy, they guessed correctly on the number of admitted students who will follow through and enroll."

Interesting that the cost to the student/family/taxpayer isn't even a consideration to thie "journalist".

Not to mention the quality of the "product" as 60% of their students (custoners) don't graduate....... total waste of money and time.

And a dream.... thanks "kollege" lobby...

Obama Campaign Scrambles to Correct the Record on Uncle’s War Service

Obama Campaign Scrambles to Correct the Record on Uncle’s War Service
"There were two obvious problems with the tale: Auschwitz was liberated by the Soviet Army, and Obama’s American mother was an only child."

Polar bear listing is big win for area group (with video) | ®

Polar bear listing is big win for area group
"The center's blueprint for saving the polar bear is ambitious and complex. It includes:
● Challenging offshore oil and gas leasing in Alaska within six months.
● Launching a large-scale challenge to the licensing of coal-fired power plants around the country sometime after that.
● Finally, challenging large-scale, local government development plans in major cities.
These efforts would be in the name of reducing greenhouse gases that many scientists are now linked to the breakup of the Arctic-area sea ice on which polar bears live."

The difference between demos and GOPers, continued....

Winningreen Issue Alert

Democrats must now choose between high energy prices and new production

By Gretchen RandallDate: May 27, 2008Issue:

U.S. House Republicans last week introduced 15 bills to increase our domestic oil and gas production such as opening the offshore and ANWR, recycling spent nuclear fuel, credits to build coal-to-liquid plants, encourage building new refineries and continuing support for renewables such as wind and solar.

They also roll back the renewable fuel standards or ethanol requirements to the 2005 level instead of the ever increasing amount in the Democrat bill passed in 2007 and reduce the number of boutiques fuels.
Proposed legislation also waives the import tariff on imported sugar-based ethanol, repeals the limitation the Democrats placed on development of oil shale and repeals the ban of the use of tar sands, coal-to-liquid or shale oil by the military that Democrats enacted earlier.

More specifics on each of the bills can be found at where most of the bills are now posted.

Zombie Time!... Obama Sees Dead People at New Mexico Speech (Video)

Zombie Time!... Obama Sees Dead People at New Mexico Speech (Video): "Barack Obama opens up his Memorial Day speech in Las Cruces, New Mexico:

On this Memorial Day, as our nation honors its unbroken line of fallen heroes -- and I see many of them in the audience here today -- our sense of patriotism is particularly strong.
Let's hope that he didn't see any fallen heroes in the audience!
Add, this to the growing list of Obama gaffes."

Global warming sceptics in an unholy row - Telegraph

Global warming sceptics in an unholy row
"The latest carbon credits scheme - published in a parliamentary committee report - is squarely on the side of the believers. The idea is that everyone gets an annual carbon ration to spend on fuel and energy bills and, if you want to overspend, you buy credits from low carbon emitters.
It's just like the medieval trade in indulgences, where remission for sins was granted by the Church once the sinner confessed and received absolution. By the late Middle Ages, the system had grown corrupt, with professional pardoners selling indulgences by the bucketload.
The medieval market in indulgences ended with the Reformation. You can imagine the outcome of this market in modern sin. Oceans of sackcloth-and-ashes piety from those who underspend their carbon credit, and badly informed abuse for people who like flying abroad on holiday."

Global warming sceptics in an unholy row - Telegraph

Global warming sceptics in an unholy row
"I wonder when people last got widely and publicly ridiculed for not believing in God: probably not for several hundred years.
Nowadays, you'd get a slightly odd look for doing the opposite and expressly stating your faith. But, if you really want to know what it's like to be a 16th-century heretic, try saying you're a bit sceptical about man-made global warming.
Temperatures do seem to have gone up a little, even though environmentalists acknowledge that we might be in for a cool spell now. And we've certainly had our fair share of tsunamis, hurricanes and typhoons recently. Still, no one has convincingly proved that all this is definitely man's fault. Try saying that in polite circles and it's like saying you're partial to roasted babies."

CFP: UN’s IPCC preying on people’s ignorance

CFP: UN’s IPCC preying on people’s ignorance

Here is what John McLean said, “The IPCC would have us believe that its reports are diligently reviewed by many hundreds of scientists and that these reviewers endorse the contents of the report. An analysis of the reviewers’ comments for the scientific assessment report by Working Group I show a very different and very worrying story.”—

I have been unable to determine who chose the reviewers or why they were chosen. We know they were sworn to secrecy during the process and it continued after.

McLean again: The comments for Working Group I are the only set of reviewers’ comments to be made available to the public, and only then thanks to use of US Freedom of Information laws rather than a willingness on the part of the IPCC to allow people to examine the material.

Subway Bans Homeschooled Kids from Essay Contest

Subway Bans Homeschooled Kids from Essay Contest
"Subway -- the multi-national fast-food sub-shop giant -- has shot themselves in the foot. Again."
Don't forget to let Subway know how you feel! 800-888-4848

American Thinker Blog: Obama Words That Matter

American Thinker Blog: Obama Words That Matter: "So, just what would a President Obama do?

On 60 occasions, promised action is prefaced with the words 'He will...' For example: 'He will...

...make sure homebuyers have honest and complete information about their mortgage options

...give a tax credit to all middle-class homeowners

...improve rural schools and attract more doctors to rural areas

...ban the permanent replacement of striking workers

...improve the assessments used to track student progress to measure readiness for college

...provide incentives to give teachers paid common planning time so they can collaborate to share best practices

...stop the development of new nuclear weapons.'

The how of what he will do is absent."

Dealers worry that Mercury is a goner

Dealers worry that Mercury is a goner
"With no product in the pipeline, Ford dodges questions about the declining brand's fate."

Boy attacked by eagle in Manistee County

Boy attacked by eagle in Manistee County
"An 11-year-old boy has been injured when an eagle attacked him during a walk through the woods in Manistee County.
Radio station WKLA reports Alex Birch was attacked by the eagle about 9 p.m. Sunday in Copemish. He was treated at a local hospital for numerous cuts and scratches to his back, head and neck."

Events to raise money for Wings of Mercy

Events to raise money for Wings of Mercy
"Both events begin at 8 a.m. at Executive Air Transport, 4905 Stariha."


"The act, for one, requires the department to ensure that 'all actions authorized, funded or carried out' by all federal agencies aren't likely to 'result in the . . . adverse modification of habitat' of listed species.
This was odious enough when the presence of a few worthless snail darters was sufficient to derail massive public-works projects.
But because polar bears are now imperiled by global warming (officially, anyway), any carbon emissions anywhere in the country could conceivably be judged an illegal threat to their habitat."

Monday, May 26, 2008

Bill Clinton says wife is victim of a ‘cover up’ « - Blogs from

Bill Clinton says wife is victim of a ‘cover up’
"And they're trying to get her to cry uncle before the Democratic Party has to decide what to do in Florida and Michigan” – which the party would need to do “unless we want to lose the election. '"

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Indianapolis 500

"It's Race Day At Indy"
Indy 500 Pace Cars.
The T-Bird was the Pace Car in 1961. The Studebaker followed in 1962. No wonder Studebaker went out of business.

A mother's tribute

April 13, 2006
"I drove today to Scappoose Oregon to meet Karla Comfort, the mother of our fallen Hero L/Cpl John M Holmason and photographed the HMVEE she had painted as a tribute to her son and 9 others of his unit that gave their all in Iraq. Below I have included an article from Camp Pendleton CA. It was such an honor to have been able to photograph this work of love and be able to share it with all."
A nice story and a Super Mother. No wonder Karla had such a fine son.