Friday, June 06, 2008

Liberal Scrooges

The American Spectator
"Many modern liberals like to openly discuss their altruism. Garrison Keillor explains that 'I am liberal and liberalism is the politics of kindness.' But it rarely seems to turn into acts of kindness, especially when it comes to making charitable donations."

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Statue of Jesus Stolen Off Cross in Detroit

Statue of Jesus Stolen Off Cross in Detroit
Thieves seeking copper to sell as scrap may have stolen an 8-foot statue of Jesus Christ off a crucifix in Detroit. Problem is, it's made of plaster."
Thankfully, Detroit has an African American as its mayor......

Obama connected to Marc Rich pardon?

Holder's reputation dinged by Marc Rich pardon
"The last time Washington attorney Eric Holder participated in a high-profile vetting, it was for fugitive financier Marc Rich.
The episode in 2001 became the final scandal of the Clinton administration and landed Holder, at the time the No. 2 official at the Justice Department, in the middle of a congressional investigation.
Now Holder, a co-chairman of Barack Obama's campaign, is one of three big names who will lead the search for a potential running mate for the presumed Democratic presidential nominee."

New contract for GRPS support staff

New contract for GRPS support staff
"While Grand Rapids Public Schools teachers wait for a contract deal for this school year, three other employee groups have a tentative deal for next school year.
The three unions represent support staff.
The deal gives those employees a one-half percent pay increase plus any built-in 'step' raises based on seniority"

Report: Mich. graduates low percentage of blacks, Hispanics

Report: Mich. graduates low percentage of blacks, Hispanics
"A new report says Michigan high schools have graduation rates well below the national average for black and Hispanic students."

Joe Soucheray -

Joe Soucheray - "I am waiting for the day when Big Educators are dragged before congressional committees and treated like oil company executives, who in turn are treated like the Cosa Nostra. Let the Big Deans and the Big Chancellors sit under the hot lights. It would be delightful to see, say, the presidents of all the Big Ten schools summoned to Washington and grilled about why they should be allowed to raise tuition year after year while also accumulating untold wealth in their endowment accounts.
Year after year those higher-education costs go up and the only response from politicians has been to figure out a way to redistribute more wealth so that tax credits go to the people who can't afford to go to college"

Why We Went to Iraq

Why We Went to Iraq
"Of all that has been written about the play of things in Iraq, nothing that I have seen approximates the truth of what our ambassador to Baghdad, Ryan Crocker, recently said of this war: 'In the end, how we leave and what we leave behind will be more important than how we came.'"

Ed McMahon fighting foreclosure on his Beverly Hills home

Ed McMahon fighting foreclosure on his Beverly Hills home
"McMahon, 85, has been unable to work as a pitchman for various products since he broke his neck 18 months ago, said his spokesman, Howard Bragman.
'There are plenty of people affected by the weak economy, bad housing market or bad health,'"

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

'Carbon Belch Day' promotes un-green actions | Green Tech - CNET

'Carbon Belch Day' promotes un-green actions Green Tech - CNET "Smoke cigars, do a partial load of laundry, drink bottled water, and feel no shame. That's what a campaign against a carbon trading bill is urging.
The latest parody of the proliferation of 'green' social-networking sites and eco-friendly events comes via 'Carbon Belch Day,' a campaign from the conservative alliance that encourages people to pollute as much as possible on June 12."

French screen icon Bardot fined for anti-Muslim remarks

French screen icon Bardot fined for anti-Muslim remarks
France's 1960s screen icon Brigitte Bardot received a 15,000-euro (23,000 dollar) fine on Tuesday for inciting hatred against Muslims.
In December 2006, the film star-turned-animal rights activist wrote a letter to France's then interior minister, current President Nicolas Sarkozy, arguing that Muslims should stun animals before slaughtering them during the Aid al-Kabir holiday.
She outraged anti-racist groups by saying: "I've had enough of being led by the nose by this whole population which is destroying us, (and) destroying our country by imposing their ways."
Bardot, now 73 and suffering from arthritis, was absent from Tuesday's court hearing in Paris. She wrote to the court saying: "I'm sickened by how (these organisations) are harassing me."
She added: "I will not shut up until stunning is carried out" on animals before their ritual slaughter.
Bardot already has four convictions on similar charges. In 2004 she was fined 5,000 euros for inciting racial hatred in her book "Un Cri Dans le Silence" (A Cry in the Silence).
France is home to Europe's largest Muslim community, estimated at five million people.

Monday, June 02, 2008

Dumb luck?

The Corner on National Review Online: "Iraq and the General War on Terror [Victor Davis Hanson]

How odd (or to be expected) that suddenly intelligence agencies, analysts, journalists, and terrorists themselves are attesting that al-Qaeda is in near ruins, that ideologically radical Islam is losing its appeal, and that terrorist incidents against Americans at home and abroad outside the war zones are at an all-time low—and yet few associate the radical change in fortune in Iraq as a contributory cause to our success."

Sunday, June 01, 2008

Going green means having green to spend

Going green means having green to spend
"The dirty secret of the environmental movement is how indifferent it can be to the poor.

Consider the widespread ban on DDT. As environmental groups celebrated the recovery of bald eagles, parents in poor countries buried 20 million children who died from the ensuing malaria outbreak.

Now we see another crisis looming from the fight against global warming. Food riots are breaking out in poor countries as motorists in wealthy countries burn grains and oils in gas tanks"

Cancer patient Linda O'Boyle dies after NHS ends free care over top up - Telegraph

Cancer patient Linda O'Boyle dies after NHS ends free care over top up - Telegraph
"A woman who was refused free NHS cancer treatment after she paid for extra drugs has died, reigniting the debate over whether patients should be allowed to 'top up' their care.
Linda O'Boyle and her husband Brian, both retired health workers, decided to pay for treatment in addition to that available on the NHS in order to prolong her life.
Mrs O'Boyle was told that meant she was considered a private patient and so had to pay for all her treatment.
Government guidelines currently ban patients from mixing public and private care."

Getting Oil From A Stone

Getting Oil From A Stone
"Exxon Mobil's CEO says his energy company's 'corporate social responsibility' is to produce more energy. While Congress wants to tax oil profits, he wants to spend them to find more oil. What a concept."

A Bleak Future

A Bleak Future
: "Politics: Imagine an America where the government decides what profits are acceptable. Imagine our country with the oil industry nationalized. Impossible? Not with Democrats in control of Washington.
One California Democrat, saying out loud what many on her side of the aisle have been thinking for some time, has threatened to seize the oil industry.
'This liberal will be all about socializing, uh, uh . . . would be about . . . basically taking over and the government running all of your companies,' Rep. Maxine Waters told oil executives on May 22 during yet another show-trial congressional hearing."

Op-ed column: U.S. must tap its own oil resources or face even greater energy crisis

Op-ed column: U.S. must tap its own oil resources or face even greater energy crisis: "A great oil discovery was made in Alaska during the mid-1960s. It would prove to be the largest oil field in North America. But in order to exploit that oil, a pipeline 800 miles long had to be constructed over difficult terrain. A consortium of energy companies planned to build this $8 billion pipeline. But because sections of pipeline rights-of-way would pass through federal lands, the project required congressional approval. Congress, neither the House nor the Senate, would not approve the project. After all, didn’t the nation have excess producing capacity? And what about the environment — how could the pipeline be constructed across frozen ground, hundreds of streams, including the great Yukon River?"

American Preaching in a vacuum

American Preaching in a vacuum: "Holier-than-thou AAR constantly rails on corporate greed and dishonesty, yet it was a poster child for both even before it broadcast its first mindless assault on the vast right-wing conspiracy. Its backers lied to investors when they claimed they had $30 million in venture capital when they only had $6 million. Five weeks after the network's debut, its chairman and co-founder, Evan Montvel-Cohen, was forced out. Only later was it disclosed that to help get Air America off the ground, he looted the nonprofit organization where he was director of development out of $875,000 in taxpayer funds that were supposed to be spent helping children and the elderly in the Bronx."

Mother who defied the killers is gunned down

Mother who defied the killers is gunned down
Five weeks ago Leila Hussein told The Observer the chilling story of how her husband had killed their 17-year-old daughter over her friendship with a British soldier in Basra. Now Leila, who had been in hiding, has been murdered - gunned down in cold blood. Afif Sarhan in Basra and Caroline Davies report on the final act of a brutal tragedy"

Man admits 'having sex' with 1,000 cars

Man admits 'having sex' with 1,000 cars
"Edward Smith, who lives with his current 'girlfriend' – a white Volkswagen Beetle named Vanilla, insisted that he was not 'sick' and had no desire to change his ways."

Saturday, May 31, 2008

Detroit mayor vetoes funds for lawyers trying to remove him

Detroit mayor vetoes funds for lawyers trying to remove him
"Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick has vetoed $250,000 set aside by the City Council to pay for lawyers to try to remove him from office amid a text-messaging sex scandal."


RWDB – J.F. Beck: JOHN QUIGGIN'S FAVOURITE UNRELIABLE SOURCE: "Lambert says Eritrea's anti-malaria program produced dramatic results by switching away from DDT. In reality, Eritrea produced dramatic results while greatly increasing DDT use."

Chances dim for climate-change legislation - May. 30, 2008

Chances dim for climate-change legislation - May. 30, 2008: "An influential coalition of Fortune 500 companies and environmental groups that was formed to support climate-change legislation has splintered over the Lieberman-Warner bill that is headed next week to the Senate floor."

Friday, May 30, 2008

President Bush Outlines Iraqi Threat

President Bush Outlines Iraqi Threat: "First, some ask why Iraq is different from other countries or regimes that also have terrible weapons. While there are many dangers in the world, the threat from Iraq stands alone -- because it gathers the most serious dangers of our age in one place. Iraq's weapons of mass destruction are controlled by a murderous tyrant who has already used chemical weapons to kill thousands of people. This same tyrant has tried to dominate the Middle East, has invaded and brutally occupied a small neighbor, has struck other nations without warning, and holds an unrelenting hostility toward the United States.
By its past and present actions, by its technological capabilities, by the merciless nature of its regime, Iraq is unique. As a former chief weapons inspector of the U.N. has said, 'The fundamental problem with Iraq remains the nature of the regime, itself. Saddam Hussein is a homicidal dictator who is addicted to weapons of mass destruction.'"

YouTube - World's Most Dangerous Airports

YouTube - World's Most Dangerous Airports

Shred of the Month - May 2008: Bicycles

Shred of the Month - May 2008: Bicycles

Civilization Comes First

Civilization Comes First:
"None the less I'm a strong supporter of MCain. Despite my very Libertarianish tendencies.
Make it harder for you to vote for McCain? You have no idea how hard it is for me to vote for the crap the GOP serves up to me. But you know there is a fookin' war on and my pet issues can wait until our civilization is properly secured."

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Best of the Web Today -

Best of the Web Today - "I really believe that she just always thought 'This is mine' [laughter, hoots]. 'I'm Bill's wife. I'm white. And this is mine. And I jus' gotta get up. And step into the plate.' And then out of nowhere came, 'Hey, I'm Barack Obama.' And she said: 'Oh, damn! Where did you come from!?!?!' [Crowd going nuts, Pfleger screaming]. 'I'm white! I'm entitled! There's a black man stealing my show.' [Sobs.] She wasn't the only one crying! There was a whole lotta white people cryin'!"

Global Warming Skeptics Plot 'Carbon Belch Day'

Global Warming Skeptics Plot 'Carbon Belch Day'
"Conservative grassroots group wants people to waste as much energy as possible on June 12 by 'hosting a barbecue, going for a drive, watching television, leaving a few lights on, or even smoking a few cigars.'
The point: the group wants to 'help Americans break free from the 'carbon footprint guilt' being imposed by Climate Alarmists.'"

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

McClellan's Mess

McClellan's Mess: "We're no longer surprised when a longtime confidant of a president comes out with a tell-all book. It's almost de rigueur. What's sad, however, is when so much of what the book tells is, in fact, false."

Sales of Spam rise as consumers trim food costs - Yahoo! News

Sales of Spam rise as consumers trim food costs - Yahoo! News: "The price of Spam is up too, with the average 12 oz. can costing about $2.62. That's an increase of 17 cents, or nearly 7 percent, from the same time last year."

When facts get in the way | STANDPOINT.ONLINE

When facts get in the way STANDPOINT.ONLINE: "British newspaper writing is famously more vigorous and readable than its American equivalent. But this comes at a price: there’s a good chance that anything you read in a British newspaper isn’t true.

When I worked as a leader writer for an American ­paper I was embarrassed when I was told that it was official policy not to trust any item in any British paper except the FT."

Dr. Helen: "Senator Biden Wants to Give Your Ex-Wife a Free Attorney..."

Dr. Helen: "Senator Biden Wants to Give Your Ex-Wife a Free Attorney...": "'Senator Biden Wants to Give Your Ex-Wife a Free Attorney...'"

Best of the Web Today -

Best of the Web Today - "The trouble is that MAD depends on a series of assumptions about the nuclear adversaries in question, not all of which would necessarily apply in a confrontation between Iran and Israel or the U.S. One key assumption is that the actors are rational--meaning, among other things, not suicidal. Given that Iran is ruled by religious revolutionaries who have been known to use suicide as a tactic, this cannot be taken for granted."

Punxsutawney Condi -

Punxsutawney Condi - "Where do we go from here? If this really were Groundhog Day, we would at least learn something from the previous, persistent failures. Even Mr. Murray's character changed his ways. But Iranian leaders have had six years to develop their nuclear programs since they were exposed in 2002, and the progress they have made has been formidable."

Granholm's Tax Warning -

Granholm's Tax Warning - "This is a major embarrassment for Governor Jennifer Granholm, the second-term Democrat who shut down the state government last year until the Legislature approved Michigan's biggest tax hike in a generation. Her tax plan raised the state income tax rate to 4.35% from 3.9%, and increased the state's tax on gross business receipts by 22%. Ms. Granholm argued that these new taxes would raise some $1.3 billion in new revenue that could be 'invested' in social spending and new businesses and lead to a Michigan renaissance.
Not quite. Six months later one-third of the expected revenues have vanished as the state's economy continues to struggle. Income tax collections are falling behind estimates, as are property tax receipts and those from the state's transaction tax on home sales.
Michigan is now in the 18th month of a state-wide recession, and the unemployment rate of 6.9% remains far above the national rate of 5%. Ms. Granholm blames the nationwide mortgage meltdown and higher energy prices for the job losses and disappearing revenues, but this Great Lakes state is in its own unique hole. Nearby Illinois (5.4% jobless rate) and even Ohio (5.6%) are doing better.
Leon Drolet, the head of the Michigan Taxpayers Alliance, complains that 'we are witnessing the Detroit-ification of Michigan.' By that he means that the same high tax and spend policies that have hollowed out the Motor City are now infecting many other areas of the state."

Mich. House votes to ban partial birth abortions

Mich. House votes to ban partial birth abortions: "Michigan lawmakers moved closer to a state-level ban of what opponents call partial birth abortion on Tuesday.
The Democratic-led House passed the ban by a 74-32 vote late Tuesday.
The Republican-controlled Senate has approved similar legislation.
But Democratic Gov. Jennifer Granholm doesn't support the bill and might veto it because it doesn't include an exception for the health of the mother, setting the scene for a possible override showdown."

Study: Global warming could worsen Great Lakes problems

Global warming could worsen Great Lakes problems
"A new report says climate change could worsen a litany of problems plaguing the Great Lakes, from low water levels to depleted fish populations.
The report was released Wednesday by the Healing Our Waters-Great Lakes Coalition, which represents more than 100 advocacy groups."

U.S. Representative Robert Wexler, Representing the 19th District of Florida

U.S. Representative Robert Wexler, Representing the 19th District of Florida: "Today Congressman Robert Wexler (D-FL) called for former White House Press Secretary Scott McClellan to appear before the House Judiciary Committee to testify under oath regarding the devastating revelations made in his new book on the Bush Administration’s deliberate efforts to mislead the American people into the Iraq War."

Spanish-English school program proving popular

Spanish-English school program proving popular
"The two-way immersion program, in which students are taught primarily in Spanish,"

This isn't an "immersion" program , it's teaching kids in Spanish!

And using the poor kids as a reason to hire extra teacher aids.

Classic garbage from a garbage school system.

Planet Slayer - Greenhouse Calculator

Planet Slayer - Greenhouse Calculator

Find out WHEN you SHOULD die!

What a nice idea for a kids show!

Granholm's Tax Warning -

Granholm's Tax Warning - "'we are witnessing the Detroit-ification of Michigan.' By that he means that the same high tax and spend policies that have hollowed out the Motor City are now infecting many other areas of the state."

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Your next president is not a smart man.

Your next president is not a smart man.
"Your next president is not a smart man."

Your next president is not a smart man.
Rupert keeps telling me not to be so sure Obama’s going to win in November. I keep telling Rupert he doesn’t read enough conservative blogs and thus doesn’t realize how many conservatives are so tired of getting “poked in the eye” and “stabbed in the back” that they’re gonna take their “principles” all the way to nowhere on Election Day by sitting home or voting third-party rather than voting for McCain, which is the ONLY WAY to keep Obama out of office. But they’re just Na. Ga. Da. (not gonna do it). Because they want to “punish” the Republican party. Teach them a lesson!
Sorry, I know lots of you who feel that way are very wonderful people who I really do respect, but I’ve said it before and I’m saying it again: I think your plan is shitty. You’re going to get Obama elected, you realize that right? If you’re cool with that, more power to you, but I for one will NOT welcome my new Dumbass Overlord Obama. There are two new reasons for that today.
First: He has no fuckin’ clue what Memorial Day is for.
On this Memorial Day, as our nation honors its unbroken line of fallen heroes — and I see many of them in the audience here today — our sense of patriotism is particularly strong.
That’s via Hot Air, where you can also see that when McCain pointed out the error, this was the response:
Obama’s camp declined to hit back, with spokesman Bill Burton saying “Memorial Day is a day to honor our nation’s veterans, not a day for political posturing.”
Jesus on a battlestar. We have a whole holiday to honor veterans; it’s called VETERAN’S DAY. Memorial Day is for the ones who died while serving, and it’s a pretty simple concept, and you’d think presidential candidate would be capable of making that distinction but you’d be so wrong.
Second, via Ace of Spades, on the same venerated day:
…Obama also spoke about his uncle, who was part of the American brigade that helped to liberate Auschwitz…
Oy. I wonder how the Russians feel about that, seeing as how they’re the ones who liberated Auschwitz, not the Americans. Maybe Obama identifies so deeply with the Red Army that he has conflated things in his wee little brain.

GVSU, others count on freshmen despite economy

GVSU, others count on freshmen despite economy
This month also is when college admissions officers start sizing up their numbers for the fall. Their hope: that amid a bad economy, they guessed correctly on the number of admitted students who will follow through and enroll."

Interesting that the cost to the student/family/taxpayer isn't even a consideration to thie "journalist".

Not to mention the quality of the "product" as 60% of their students (custoners) don't graduate....... total waste of money and time.

And a dream.... thanks "kollege" lobby...

Obama Campaign Scrambles to Correct the Record on Uncle’s War Service

Obama Campaign Scrambles to Correct the Record on Uncle’s War Service
"There were two obvious problems with the tale: Auschwitz was liberated by the Soviet Army, and Obama’s American mother was an only child."

Polar bear listing is big win for area group (with video) | ®

Polar bear listing is big win for area group
"The center's blueprint for saving the polar bear is ambitious and complex. It includes:
● Challenging offshore oil and gas leasing in Alaska within six months.
● Launching a large-scale challenge to the licensing of coal-fired power plants around the country sometime after that.
● Finally, challenging large-scale, local government development plans in major cities.
These efforts would be in the name of reducing greenhouse gases that many scientists are now linked to the breakup of the Arctic-area sea ice on which polar bears live."

The difference between demos and GOPers, continued....

Winningreen Issue Alert

Democrats must now choose between high energy prices and new production

By Gretchen RandallDate: May 27, 2008Issue:

U.S. House Republicans last week introduced 15 bills to increase our domestic oil and gas production such as opening the offshore and ANWR, recycling spent nuclear fuel, credits to build coal-to-liquid plants, encourage building new refineries and continuing support for renewables such as wind and solar.

They also roll back the renewable fuel standards or ethanol requirements to the 2005 level instead of the ever increasing amount in the Democrat bill passed in 2007 and reduce the number of boutiques fuels.
Proposed legislation also waives the import tariff on imported sugar-based ethanol, repeals the limitation the Democrats placed on development of oil shale and repeals the ban of the use of tar sands, coal-to-liquid or shale oil by the military that Democrats enacted earlier.

More specifics on each of the bills can be found at where most of the bills are now posted.

Zombie Time!... Obama Sees Dead People at New Mexico Speech (Video)

Zombie Time!... Obama Sees Dead People at New Mexico Speech (Video): "Barack Obama opens up his Memorial Day speech in Las Cruces, New Mexico:

On this Memorial Day, as our nation honors its unbroken line of fallen heroes -- and I see many of them in the audience here today -- our sense of patriotism is particularly strong.
Let's hope that he didn't see any fallen heroes in the audience!
Add, this to the growing list of Obama gaffes."

Global warming sceptics in an unholy row - Telegraph

Global warming sceptics in an unholy row
"The latest carbon credits scheme - published in a parliamentary committee report - is squarely on the side of the believers. The idea is that everyone gets an annual carbon ration to spend on fuel and energy bills and, if you want to overspend, you buy credits from low carbon emitters.
It's just like the medieval trade in indulgences, where remission for sins was granted by the Church once the sinner confessed and received absolution. By the late Middle Ages, the system had grown corrupt, with professional pardoners selling indulgences by the bucketload.
The medieval market in indulgences ended with the Reformation. You can imagine the outcome of this market in modern sin. Oceans of sackcloth-and-ashes piety from those who underspend their carbon credit, and badly informed abuse for people who like flying abroad on holiday."

Global warming sceptics in an unholy row - Telegraph

Global warming sceptics in an unholy row
"I wonder when people last got widely and publicly ridiculed for not believing in God: probably not for several hundred years.
Nowadays, you'd get a slightly odd look for doing the opposite and expressly stating your faith. But, if you really want to know what it's like to be a 16th-century heretic, try saying you're a bit sceptical about man-made global warming.
Temperatures do seem to have gone up a little, even though environmentalists acknowledge that we might be in for a cool spell now. And we've certainly had our fair share of tsunamis, hurricanes and typhoons recently. Still, no one has convincingly proved that all this is definitely man's fault. Try saying that in polite circles and it's like saying you're partial to roasted babies."

CFP: UN’s IPCC preying on people’s ignorance

CFP: UN’s IPCC preying on people’s ignorance

Here is what John McLean said, “The IPCC would have us believe that its reports are diligently reviewed by many hundreds of scientists and that these reviewers endorse the contents of the report. An analysis of the reviewers’ comments for the scientific assessment report by Working Group I show a very different and very worrying story.”—

I have been unable to determine who chose the reviewers or why they were chosen. We know they were sworn to secrecy during the process and it continued after.

McLean again: The comments for Working Group I are the only set of reviewers’ comments to be made available to the public, and only then thanks to use of US Freedom of Information laws rather than a willingness on the part of the IPCC to allow people to examine the material.

Subway Bans Homeschooled Kids from Essay Contest

Subway Bans Homeschooled Kids from Essay Contest
"Subway -- the multi-national fast-food sub-shop giant -- has shot themselves in the foot. Again."
Don't forget to let Subway know how you feel! 800-888-4848

American Thinker Blog: Obama Words That Matter

American Thinker Blog: Obama Words That Matter: "So, just what would a President Obama do?

On 60 occasions, promised action is prefaced with the words 'He will...' For example: 'He will...

...make sure homebuyers have honest and complete information about their mortgage options

...give a tax credit to all middle-class homeowners

...improve rural schools and attract more doctors to rural areas

...ban the permanent replacement of striking workers

...improve the assessments used to track student progress to measure readiness for college

...provide incentives to give teachers paid common planning time so they can collaborate to share best practices

...stop the development of new nuclear weapons.'

The how of what he will do is absent."

Dealers worry that Mercury is a goner

Dealers worry that Mercury is a goner
"With no product in the pipeline, Ford dodges questions about the declining brand's fate."

Boy attacked by eagle in Manistee County

Boy attacked by eagle in Manistee County
"An 11-year-old boy has been injured when an eagle attacked him during a walk through the woods in Manistee County.
Radio station WKLA reports Alex Birch was attacked by the eagle about 9 p.m. Sunday in Copemish. He was treated at a local hospital for numerous cuts and scratches to his back, head and neck."

Events to raise money for Wings of Mercy

Events to raise money for Wings of Mercy
"Both events begin at 8 a.m. at Executive Air Transport, 4905 Stariha."


"The act, for one, requires the department to ensure that 'all actions authorized, funded or carried out' by all federal agencies aren't likely to 'result in the . . . adverse modification of habitat' of listed species.
This was odious enough when the presence of a few worthless snail darters was sufficient to derail massive public-works projects.
But because polar bears are now imperiled by global warming (officially, anyway), any carbon emissions anywhere in the country could conceivably be judged an illegal threat to their habitat."

Monday, May 26, 2008

Bill Clinton says wife is victim of a ‘cover up’ « - Blogs from

Bill Clinton says wife is victim of a ‘cover up’
"And they're trying to get her to cry uncle before the Democratic Party has to decide what to do in Florida and Michigan” – which the party would need to do “unless we want to lose the election. '"

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Indianapolis 500

"It's Race Day At Indy"
Indy 500 Pace Cars.
The T-Bird was the Pace Car in 1961. The Studebaker followed in 1962. No wonder Studebaker went out of business.

A mother's tribute

April 13, 2006
"I drove today to Scappoose Oregon to meet Karla Comfort, the mother of our fallen Hero L/Cpl John M Holmason and photographed the HMVEE she had painted as a tribute to her son and 9 others of his unit that gave their all in Iraq. Below I have included an article from Camp Pendleton CA. It was such an honor to have been able to photograph this work of love and be able to share it with all."
A nice story and a Super Mother. No wonder Karla had such a fine son.

Muskegon hero, Ike Kepford, Memorial Day!

Groundbreaking planned for air ace's monument

"The public is invited to a 3 p.m. groundbreaking ceremony Saturday for a monument to Muskegon's most famous air ace, Lt. Ira 'Ike' Kepford.
A three-quarter-scale replica of Kepford's fighter plane will be displayed on a pylon near the bow of LST-393, the World War II-era Navy tank-landing ship of D-Day fame berthed at Muskegon's Mart Dock that is undergoing conversion into a floating military museum."

Pretty cool

Tribute to the American Flag & our Sevice Men & Women: "Between the fields where the flag is planted, there are 9+ miles of flower fields that go all the way to the ocean."

Memorial Day in Muskegon "Lost Boat" Ceremony-USS Silversides

This "Lost Boat" Ceremony is a truly moving tribute to the brave young men who gave their lives for our country.
Well worth your time.

"Every year on the Sunday of Memorial Day weekend, the Great Lakes Naval Memorial and Museum holds the Lost Boat Ceremony. This event honors the 52 submarines and and 3,000 men who were lost during WWII. Each year there is a different keynote speaker. This past year guests were honored to have Admiral Richard Anderson speak about his experiences on USS BLENNY, SS-324, and USS CORPORAL, SS-346."

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Apocalypse later: a nuclear world the solution to a burning question

Apocalypse later: a nuclear world the solution to a burning question:
"If you really believe the problem is not only enormous but pressing, you have only two options. One is to cut back emissions by radically reducing your energy use and thereby your economic activity. The other is to adopt nuclear power." - Group wants Wi-Fi banned from public buildings - Group wants Wi-Fi banned from public buildings: "A group in Santa Fe says the city is discriminating against them because they say that they're allergic to the wireless Internet signal. And now they want Wi-Fi banned from public buildings."

Friday, May 23, 2008

GRPS Board to stop collecting union dues

GRPS Board to stop collecting union dues: "The Grand Rapids Board of Education voted to suspend collecting union dues out of teachers' paychecks.
The move comes after a mediation session was held Thursday. School officials say that session was unproductive. The board also took a no-confidence vote in Grand Rapids Education Association president Paul Helder.
The dues are now taken out of teachers' paychecks by the district and forwarded to the union. It amounts to $57,000 every pay period, once every two weeks."

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Skyrocketing Oil Prices Stump Experts -

Skyrocketing Oil Prices Stump Experts -

House passes farm bill

House passes farm bill:
"Michigan's six House Democrats voted for final passage.
The state's nine Republicans splintered, with seven voting for it and two against it.
U.S. Rep. Candice Miller, R-Harrison Township, called the bill a 'great example of bipartisan compromise' that would 'greatly' help sugar beet growers in her district.
In addition to Walberg and Miller, Republicans voting for the bill were Dave Camp of Midland; Fred Upton of St. Joseph; Mike Rogers of Brighton; Thad McCotter of Livonia and Pete Hoekstra of Holland.
In addition to Knollenberg, Republican Vern Ehlers of Grand Rapids voted against it.
Michigan's senators -- Carl Levin, D-Detroit, and Debbie Stabenow, D-Lansing -- support the legislation."

European Court agrees to hear chimp's plea for human rights

European Court agrees to hear chimp's plea for human rights
"His name is Matthew, he is 26 years old, and his supporters hope to take his case to the European Court of Human Rights."

Well, liberals and democrats have "human rights". Why not include a smarter species?

March of the Polar Bears

March of the Polar Bears
"The Interior Department, bound by the Endangered Species Act, has declared polar bears a 'threatened' species because they might be endangered 'in the foreseeable future,' meaning 45 years. (Note: 45 years ago, the now-long-forgotten global cooling menace of 35 years ago was not yet foreseen.)"

McCain's "evil" minister? News Forum: "Sen. John McCain recruited the support of an evangelical minister who describes Islam as 'anti-Christ' and Mohammed as 'the mouthpiece of a conspiracy of spiritual evil.'"

Don't mention the war

Don't mention the war
"HOW do you know when things are going well for the US and its coalition allies in Iraq? When you see virtually nothing about it on your television screen or in the papers."

Potato-Potatoe, What About Obama Gaffes?

Potato-Potatoe, What About Obama Gaffes?
"Last May, he claimed that tornadoes in Kansas killed a whopping 10,000 people:
'In case you missed it, this week, there was a tragedy in Kansas. Ten thousand people died — an entire town destroyed.'
The actual death toll: 12."

Mona Shores provides health plan for child care workers

Mona Shores provides health plan for child care workers
"In March, the Mona Shores Community Child Care Center ended the month in a $43,500 deficit."

They're broke but can't break the habit of never-ending spending.

We taxpayers must tighten our belts so big education can let theirs out.

Quagmire in Grand Rapids!

Two die in separate GR shootings
"Grand Rapids police say a 34-year-old Kentwood man was killed after he was shot multiple times along a Southeast Side street Wednesday night, the first of two shooting deaths in Grand Rapids overnight."

Isn't it time we considered pulling out of Grand Rapids?

Maybe President Obama will have a nice chat with the murderers and everything will be nice again..... sorta like it is in Chicago......

live dangerously be a conservative: BIGGER STAGE - SMALLER BUT NOT LESSER PARTS

live dangerously be a conservative: BIGGER STAGE - SMALLER BUT NOT LESSER PARTS

"“Big” politics can be personal too."

Interesting insight from live dangerously. Everything we do is affected by politics at many levels.

Those who ignore that fact are giving away their own freedom.

Pigs At The Public Trough: So Much Pork Even The Dept. of Agriculture is Against The $300B Farm Bill

CARPE DIEM: Pigs At The Public Trough: So Much Pork Even The Dept. of Agriculture is Against The $300B Farm Bill:
"Imagine if Michigan's struggling Big Three automakers suddenly struck this deal with Congress: The U.S. government would buy the Motor City's cars for roughly twice the world market price, then resell them at about an 80% loss."

High Pump-Price Fairy Tales

High Pump-Price Fairy Tales: "The reason that no new facilities have been built is partly because it costs far less to expand production capacity at existing plants than it does to expand capacity by building new plants. And because existing refineries are ideally situated near oil terminals and pipelines, it's more convenient to increase capacity in those locations than to do so elsewhere."

If Big Oil continues to make statements that are easily proven as lies, things are gonna get worse for everyone.

Update: Congresswoman denies foreclosure report

Update: Congresswoman denies foreclosure report: "Capitol Weekly reported that Richardson walked away from the mortgage on her $535,000 Sacramento home, letting the house slip into foreclosure and disrepair less than two years after she bought it with no money down."

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Obama Oregon Win ‘Enormous Day in American Politics’ |

Obama Oregon Win ‘Enormous Day in American Politics’
"On Wednesday’s CBS 'Early Show' co-host Julie Chen took the relatively obscure milestone of Obama winning Tuesday’s Oregon primary, thereby getting the majority of pledged delegates, and declared that it was: 'An enormous day in American politics as Barack Obama inches closer to his dream.'"

Report: Most oil, gas beneath public lands off-limits - Los Angeles Times

Report: Most oil, gas beneath public lands off-limits - Los Angeles Times: "A new report from the Bush administration says most of the oil and more than 40% of the natural gas beneath public lands in the United States are off-limits to drilling.

Rolling back environmental safeguards and employing new drilling technologies would give energy companies access to 19 billion barrels of oil and trillions of cubic feet of natural gas, administration officials said Wednesday."

The Day Lebanon Died

The Day Lebanon Died: "Beirut's death struggle ends amid a sea of Western indifference and U.N. incompetence. A deal struck Wednesday in Qatar gives Hezbollah the control it seeks. Welcome to Hezbollahstan."

Lt-Cdr Jack Smart - Telegraph

Lt-Cdr Jack Smart - Telegraph: "Lieutenant-Commander Jack Smart, who has died aged 91, took part in two of the most daring midget submarine operations of the Second World War."

Bill weighs in on Hillary's campaign

Bill weighs in on Hillary's campaign
-'I think most of the press people are in Obama's demographic. ... There have been times when I thought I was literally lost in a fun house.'"

-On accusations that he and Hillary have played the race card: "This was cold-blooded, calculated, manipulated and a revolting strategy

Boy shot outside downtown nightclub -

Boy shot outside downtown nightclub - "'I don't wish for (the Spotlight) to go out of business, but fighting is not good for business at all, especially for someone to get shot right outside my place,' said Johnson. 'It's had a negative effect on my customers, some who said they're less likely to come down here when the Spotlight is open late at night.'
Johnson said he wished the police would be more proactive, such as patrolling when the club is about to close.
'It shouldn't take somebody to get killed, but it probably will to make things change,' he said"

Obama said oops on 6 state Senate votes - Los Angeles Times

Obama said oops on 6 state Senate votes - Los Angeles Times: "Barack Obama angered fellow Democrats in the Illinois Senate when he voted to strip millions of dollars from a child welfare office on Chicago's West Side. But Obama had a ready explanation: He goofed.

'I was not aware that I had voted no,' he said that day in June 2002, asking that the record be changed to reflect that he 'intended to vote yes"

Public Pension Plans Face Billions in Shortages - New York Times

Public Pension Plans Face Billions in Shortages - New York Times:

In 2003, a whistle-blower forced San Diego to reveal that it had been shortchanging its city workers’ pension fund for years, setting off a wave of lawsuits, investigations and eventually criminal indictments.

"The mayor ended up resigning under a cloud. With the city’s books a shambles, San Diego remains barred from raising money by selling bonds. Cut off from a vital source of cash, it has fallen behind on its maintenance of streets, storm drains and public buildings. Potholes are proliferating and beaches are closed because of sewage spills."

But by one estimate, state and local governments owe their current and future retirees roughly $375 billion more than they have committed to their pension funds.

This is Muskegon, folks!

Wake up!

GRPS warns of cuts or deficits if student-loss isn't stopped

GRPS warns of cuts or deficits if student-loss isn't stopped: "Grand Rapids Public Schools Superintendent Bernard Taylor warned Monday night of deficit spending - the district running out of money - or staff cuts in just more than a year if the district doesn't stem the tide of student-loss."

Jeepers.... no talk of adjusting pay and benefits for all those unionized employees.... like every other "business" in the WORLD.

Why are public employees exempt from the facts of life that every American must face?

Suicide State!

Mich. House passes plan aimed at boosting resident hiring: "The Michigan House has approved a plan aimed at making sure companies that get state construction contracts and economic development incentives hire in-state workers."

Are our demo-legislators actually spies from indiana, Ohio and Illinois?

Tough math for Obama Mickey Kaus - Slate Magazine

Tough math for Obama
"I think this means he basically has to win either Ohio or Colorado. Not the odds-on bet you would expect in a Democratic year. ... See also Karl Rove's maps. [via RCP] ..."

McGeezer still will most likely find a way to kick out his conservatives but this math is interesting.

"broke" Muskegon County never ending spending

Homes to bank on:

The land bank put up a $5,000 bond to stop condemnation on the Washington Street house, then put about $50,000 into improvements.

"In 2007, it purchased 21 properties off the tax reversion list. This year the board still is deciding how many properties in which to invest."

Our totally insolvent county tells us, endlessly, there are no places to cut spending but it somehow finds the money to fund the employees and improvements for their own tax payer funded, non-volunteer "habitat for humanity".

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Barack Carter Obama

Barack Carter Obama: "He views Iran's nuclear threat as 'tiny.' He'd meet with its leader, who is pledged to Israel's destruction. His adviser wants Israel to disarm. Clearly, Barack Obama is running for Jimmy Carter's second term."

Fox wins TV season crown

Entertainment News, "The writers strike, along with the rising popularity of DVRs and the increased availability of programming on multiple platforms, conspired to make this season the lowest-rated on record for the broadcasters. There was also a dearth of breakout hits, with no new show emerging as the biz’s savior.
Of course, the broadcasters have been losing audience share to cable for years -- but this season saw the most troubling year-to-year declines yet."

Stink over alarmist theory

Stink over alarmist theory
"global warming in fact halted in 1998 - a basic point confirmed by almost all measuring bodies"

Canton Council proposes jail time for tall grass

Canton Council proposes jail time for tall grass
"For residents tired of that overgrown lot that resembles a minijungle next door, the city wants to help by trying to put high-grass violators behind bars.

City Council wants to beef up its existing high-grass and weeds law by making a second offense a fourth-degree misdemeanor, which is punishable by a fine of up to $250 and up to 30 days in jail."

So much for 'settled science'

So much for 'settled science': "Almost no climate scientist who backed the alarmism ever expected warming would take anything like a 10 or 15-year hiatus."


Obama Absurd
"Susan Rice, Barack Obama’s foreign policy advisor, is at it again. She is on a mission to save Obama from himself, insisting that he never promised to meet with Mahmoud Ahmadinejad–and that he never said without preconditions.
The bizarre additional explanation this time is that it was some other unnamed leader of Iran he may have had in mind for a get together. Two problems :1) it is a lie and 2) huh"

He Eats As Much As He Wants

Too funny!