Sunday, August 17, 2008

Obama's Edge in the Coverage Race -

Obama's Edge in the Coverage Race -
"Democrat Barack Obama has had about a 3 to 1 advantage over Republican John McCain in Post Page 1 stories since Obama became his party's presumptive nominee June 4.......

But the disparity is so wide that it doesn't look good."


"It seems that Putin's bullying is having precisely the opposite effect he intended."

We're Like SO For Obama

We're Like SO For Obama
"We're Like SO For Obama"

Listen to the children!

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Mich. WWII vet takes final flight in B-17 bomber

Mich. WWII vet takes final flight in B-17 bomber
"The sight of the giant silver bomber was more than the 84-year-old former Air Force pilot from Wayne County's Northville Township could take. More than 50 years had passed since he last flew a B-17; the reunion between plane and pilot was an emotional one.
His son, Daniel Skubick, quickly moved to his father's side with a wheelchair. The elder Skubick sat, and began to cry."

Where did we get such brave young men?

The Peacemakers patrol Grand Rapids neighborhood

The Peacemakers patrol Grand Rapids neighborhood
"A group of men known as The Peacemakers is on a mission to take back the streets of Grand Rapids.
They walked Logan Street on the city's southeast side Friday afternoon and picked up trash and spoke to residents, hoping to influence neighbors to take pride in their community and set a good example for the kids in the area.
'Quite frankly our youth don't see enough men making an outward effort to uplift the community, so we're looking to be that example to be that outward effort to hopefully uplift the community and influence some of these young people to join us and have a positive influence on our community,' said Raynard Ross, the Peacemakers organizer"

Obama economics: New taxes, more regulations

Donald Lambro
Obama economics:
New taxes, more regulations:
"The U.S. Commerce Department reported last week that we are selling more made-in-America manufactured goods abroad than ever before, that the trade deficit has fallen, and that we have a trade surplus with all of our free-trade-agreement partners. That's right, the same trade agreements that Obama says he opposes and that have been bad for our country."

American Thinker: Why artists hate conservatives

American Thinker: Why artists hate conservatives: "Artists are generally very liberal because they can't afford decent housing, private education for their children, medical expenses, or retirement funds. They tend not to be religious anymore, so they can't ask such communities for help, so they turn to government. They generally do not receive the approval of their fathers if their dads are traditionally masculine types, and receiving the approval of dads who are wimpy is not that much better. In both cases they feel marginalized and inadequate. Anger at the father leads to atheism, rebelliousness, and animosity to tradition.

Artists don't really care about the poor except that it helps them to make an argument for their own needs. You don't see Barbra Streisand or Steven Spielberg offering to create a huge endowment fund for starving actors out of their vast wealth, do you?"

The Chambliss Shimmy

The Chambliss Shimmy
"Congratulations to the Gang of 10. No, not that 'bipartisan' group of U.S. Senators who recently garnered headlines with their misguided energy 'compromise.' We refer instead to 10 GOP Senators who are proving good policy is good politics by pushing for more drilling in the Arctic.
Those 10 Republicans recently sent a letter asking President Bush to issue an executive order to conduct an immediate, state-of-the-art seismic survey of oil-and-gas resources in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge." -- Silence on Georgia -- Silence on Georgia: "DID YOU see the huge crowd outside the Russian embassy protesting the war in Georgia?
Neither did I. Now that we have a genuine war of aggression, the silence on the Left is deafening."

Friday, August 15, 2008

Mighty Sparrow: Barack the Magnificent


Basu: Thinking of Elizabeth Edwards, and her husband's betrayal | ONLINE EXCLUSIVE: Sex and politics

Basu: Thinking of Elizabeth Edwards, and her husband's betrayal ONLINE EXCLUSIVE: Sex and politics: "Last fall, at the invitation of John Edwards' presidential campaign, I sat down with Elizabeth Edwards for a one-on-one chat. Among other things, we talked about women who stand by men who cheat on them.
That was the month before the National Enquirer published allegations about an affair between John Edwards and Rielle Hunter - which he would denounce as 'tabloid trash,' before acknowledging their truth last week.
By Sept. 15, when I spoke with his wife - according to his timeline - Elizabeth already knew.
We had been discussing her contention that her husband would serve women better as president than Hillary Clinton. He had shown more commitment, she argued, to universal health care and elimination of poverty, adding, 'If she's talking about it, I'm not hearing it. ... The most feminist thing she's done is tell women to vote for her.'
So I asked Edwards about a common - but I thought unfair - position Hillary opponents were taking by faulting her for staying with Bill Clinton after his liaisons with Monica Lewinsky.
She could have layered it on and said, 'Well, it's fair game to judge her for standing by someone who lied to her and disgraced the office.' Or she could have been magnanimous and said, 'It's not fair to blame the victim for her husband's actions.'
But Edwards did neither. She simply said, 'I don't think any of us are in a position to judge other people's marriages. It's such an intimate and personal relationship.'
By then, the two women were already members of the same sorry sorority.
On Friday, as news of Edwards' admission spread, Hillary Clinton said, 'My thoughts and prayers are with the Edwards family today, and that's all I've got to say.'"

Military Humor

click for more great photos

God bless our troops!

A note to readers -

A note to readers -
"By Paul Keep
It is not an easy thing to tell Chronicle readers -- and Chronicle employees -- that the printing of this newspaper is expected to move to Walker some time this fall (see accompanying story)."

Saddleback Civil Forum

Saddleback Civil Forum

Pastor Rick Warren to Host Saddleback Civil Forum on Leadership and Compassion and Question Candidates on Faith and the Common Good
LAKE FOREST, Calif., July 21 – Sens. John McCain and Barack Obama, respective presumed Republican and Democratic presidential nominees, will end the primary season by making their first joint appearance of the 2008 campaign at Saddleback Church on Saturday, Aug.16 at the Saddleback Civil Forum on Leadership and Compassion. Dr. Rick Warren, founding pastor of the 22,000-member Orange County, Calif. mega church and moderator for the event, made the announcement today upon confirmation by both campaigns.

On FOX & CNN 8:00PM Saturday!

Thursday, August 14, 2008 News Forum News Forum: "Reply 4 - Posted by: TexasRed, 8/14/2008 6:41:22 PM

You mean Ayers wasn't a bomber, Jeremiah Wright is not a racist, Pfleger is not a racist, Rezko is not in jail, Frank Marshall in not a communist, Salinsky is not a marxist organizer. Show me some truth, man. Don't whine and cry that Corsi is a liar, show me. Refute his facts, don't try to weasel. That's what Kerry did and he still hasn't collected from T Boone, because Swift Boat means truth."

Chronicle to consolidate printing functions in Grand Rapids - Muskegon Chronicle -

Chronicle to consolidate printing functions in Grand Rapids - Muskegon Chronicle - "Declining advertising revenue has led The Muskegon Chronicle to announce it will be printed outside Muskegon for the first time in its 151-year history"

Power Line: If the Editors of the NY Times Were High School Students, They Would Flunk

Power Line: If the Editors of the NY Times Were High School Students, They Would Flunk: "Today, a red-faced New York Times issued this correction:
An article on Wednesday about a Government Accountability Office study reporting on the percentage of corporations that paid no federal income taxes from 1998 through 2005 gave an incorrect figure for the estimated tax liability of the 1.3 million companies covered by the study. It is not $875 billion. The correct amount cannot be calculated because it would be based on the companies paying the standard rate of 35 percent on their net income, a figure that is not available. (The incorrect figure of $875 billion was based on the companies paying the standard rate on their $2.5 trillion in gross sales.)
Unbelievable. Even for the New York Times, absolutely unbelievable."

Kremlin dusts off Cold War lexicon to make US villain in Georgia - Times Online

Kremlin dusts off Cold War lexicon to make US villain in Georgia - Times Online: "Russians were told over breakfast yesterday what really happened in Georgia: the conflict in South Ossetia was part of a plot by Dick Cheney, the Vice-President, to stop Barak Obama being elected president of the United States."

Open ANWR Already!: The case for drilling—and more energy production - Reason Magazine

Open ANWR Already!: The case for drilling—and more energy production

"In July, CNN repeatedly reported that offshore drilling would take 'seven to 10 years' to get into production. Yet Brazil's Petrobras expects its new finds in extraordinarily deep waters to already be producing 100,000 barrels per day in just two years. What is wrong with American oil companies that they would take so long?

In fact, the world oil shortage is political, not geological."

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

I Know The Secrets That You Keep

I Know The Secrets That You Keep
"Glenn Reynolds has been wondering what other secrets the media is sitting on and what other stories they are not pursuing that might damage Obama. I have a nominee." wins tax break to bring 250 jobs wins tax break to bring 250 jobs
"City officials fast-tracked a tax break for ....
A special City Council meeting this week approved a 10-year, 100-percent property tax abatement on up to $6 million in fixtures and equipment."

No property tax for 10 years?
Or no property tax on new investment?
Miserably written article.....

Home science under attack

Home science under attack
"Pamela Wilderman, the code enforcement officer for Marlboro, stated, 'I think Mr. Deeb has crossed a line somewhere. This is not what we would consider to be a customary home occupation.'
Allow me to translate Ms. Wilderman's words into plain English: 'Mr. Deeb hasn't actually violated any law or regulation that I can find, but I don't like what he's doing because I'm ignorant and irrationally afraid of chemicals, so I'll abuse my power to steal his property and shut him down.'
..... It appears that Deeb has grounds for a nice juicy lawsuit here.
There's a lesson here for all of us .... The government is not our friend. Massachusetts is the prototypical nanny state, of course, but the other 49 aren't far behind. ........ There's a word for what just happened in Massachusetts. Tyranny."

Do NOT forget this lesson!
The incredible expansion of government at EVERY level has coincided with a similar expansion of moronic government employees who abuse and expand their power over ALL of us!

(thanks to Atlanta Lou for this depressing article)

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Enviro-lib eco-lies debunked! -:
"AT THE WASHINGTON POST, debunking 'snake oil' about offshore drilling.
Compare to Bob Herbert's uncritical passing-along of same."

Tire-Gauge Industry Pumps Up Obama Campaign Coffers

Tire-Gauge Industry Pumps Up Obama Campaign Coffers
"On June 16, 2008, John Zimmerman, chief financial officer of Tomkins, gave nearly $7,000 in campaign contributions to Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama, according to the Center for Responsive Politics. Lo and behold, nary two months later Obama's in Springfield, Missouri, suggesting drivers inflate their tires to save gas (and, by the way, curb CO2 emissions). Coincidence? We think not. Does it come as any surprise that Tomkins owns the Syracuse Gauge Company, which bills itself as manufacturing the 'largest selection and variety of tools in the United States for filling tires [and] checking tire pressure'?"

Sort of surprising how cheaply Obama can be bought.

Muskegon County administrator abruptly steps down over budget fight

Muskegon County administrator abruptly steps down over budget fight
"Muskegon County Administrator Jack Niemiec stunned Muskegon County Commissioners and county staff Tuesday afternoon by abruptly announcing his retirement as of Sept. 12."

This is BIG!

Someone must stand up for the taxpayers and citizens of our county!

So far EVERYONE has bowed down to the big county employee unions that are bankrupting our county.

We are not all that far from becoming "Detroit West".

Are there any statesmen in our county?

George Furth, an Actor and Playwright, Dies at 75

George Furth, an Actor and Playwright, Dies at 75
"Perhaps his most memorable role was as Woodcock, the loyal railway employee who allows himself to be blown up not once, but twice, by Paul Newman’s Butch Cassidy, rather than let the train he is riding be robbed.
“Butch, you know if it were my money, there’s nobody I’d rather have steal it than you,” Woodcock calls memorably through a locked door, moments before it explodes in his face for a second time. “But you see, I am still in the employment of E. H. Harriman of the Union Pacific Railroad.”"

Cyberspace Barrage Preceded Russian Fighting

Cyberspace Barrage Preceded Russian Fighting
“It costs about 4 cents per machine,” Mr. Woodcock said. “You could fund an entire cyberwarfare campaign for the cost of replacing a tank tread, so you would be foolish not to.”“It costs about 4 cents per machine,” Mr. Woodcock said. “You could fund an entire cyberwarfare campaign for the cost of replacing a tank tread, so you would be foolish not to.”"

Obama's 'no income taxes on seniors' draws critics

Obama's 'no income taxes on seniors' draws critics
"The Tax Policy Center, a think tank run jointly by the Brookings Institution and the Urban Institute, gave the idea bad grades in a recent study of the two presidential candidates' tax plans."

Hey you kollege kids!
Barry the Prez is gonna give your grama and granpa mo of your moolah!
Cool idea?
You'll get change all right........

FCC Commissioner: Return of Fairness Doctrine Could Control Web Content

FCC Commissioner: Return of Fairness Doctrine Could Control Web Content: "There’s a huge concern among conservative talk radio hosts that reinstatement of the Fairness Doctrine would all-but destroy the industry due to equal time constraints. But speech limits might not stop at radio. They could even be extended to include the Internet and “government dictating content policy.”"

Deceiver Scoops New York Times (And ABC News!) at

Deceiver Scoops New York Times (And ABC News!) at

Beijing Olympics: Faking scandal over girl who 'sang' in opening ceremony - Telegraph

Beijing Olympics: Faking scandal over girl who 'sang' in opening ceremony
"The girl in the red dress with the pigtails, called Lin Miaoke, 9, and from a Beijing primary school, has become a national sensation since Friday night, giving interviews to all the most popular newspapers.
But the show's musical designer felt forced to set the record straight. He gave an interview to Beijing radio saying the real singer was a seven-year-old girl who had won a gruelling competition to perform the anthem, a patriotic song called 'Hymn to the Motherland'."

Heights council chastises mayor over fence repair

Heights council chastises mayor over fence repair
"The mayor's decision to spend city funds without council approval came after the city's insurance company denied a resident's claim that a city snow plow had damaged her fence earlier this year, council members said."

Good old "Detroit West", NOW with a "Kwame" in residence!

Obama without his script

Obama without his script
"The Obama campaign has for months pursued the odd strategy of having the junior senator from Illinois act as if he were already kinda-sorta president of the United States"

Imagine BHussein calling President Putin over the Georgian invasion.... ...really, think about it...... "ah...ah..... Prezzident...ah......Putin.......ah... ..Barry......."

Monday, August 11, 2008

Battle brewing over county budget c$uts

Battle brewing over county budget cuts
"Muskegon County's proposed 2008 fiscal year budget was released last week, and officials are already squaring off for a brutal fight over a shrinking pot of general fund dollars.
On one side is county Administrator Jack Niemiec and his supporters on the county board, who put together a $2.6 million deficit reduction plan that would force numerous county departments, including those run by countywide elected officials, to tighten their belts considerably.
They say they were forced to impose the plan because many of the elected officials, as well as several court administrators, failed to respond to a request to cut their budgets by 6 percent."

About time!
This is gonna be ugly, but ugly is what ya get when the cancer has spread for so long.

Media pain -: "Well, with story after story on how cars are polar-bear-killing inventions of the devil, you'd think they'd be glad to be rid of all that dirty money."

Real good talker Barack Obama loses mind on stage

Real good talker Barack Obama loses mind on stage
"The poor famous guy in this video from an Indiana TV station may be a regular rock star in Germany and have just turned 47 last week. Which, admittedly, is getting up there in years.
And he did not have his usual teleprompter. But it sure does sound like he's not very happy with this America that he wants to be the president of, if he really doesn't want his daughters to grow up in it."

Saturday, August 09, 2008

The rich are not so different after all: Hamptons town struggles with $12M deficit

The rich are not so different after all: Hamptons town struggles with $12M deficit
"East Hampton, one of the main towns on the eastern end of Long Island that make up the Hamptons, is burdened with a deficit that could exceed $12 million. And that has become a rich source of irony, given the community's spectacular wealth and its concentration of Wall Street money-management talent."

Punditry | Professor Bainbridge

Punditry Professor Bainbridge: "Public criticism of judges, moreover, is one of the limited avenues available to hold unelected judges accountable. Criticism of judges invokes the social sanction known as shaming. Society long has made use of shame as a sanction. The Pilgrim’s stocks find a modern counterpart in the perp walk beloved of white collar prosecutors. The core idea is that reputationally sensitive individuals can be influenced by having their conduct held up to public obloquy."

Benefits Calculators: About the Retirement Estimator

Benefits Calculators: About the Retirement Estimator

Friday, August 08, 2008

The Loyalty?

"Obama Sign of Progress"?

In lieu of GDP increases or personal freedom?

You're either "Loyal" or you're ........?

Thursday, August 07, 2008

You heard it here first: We won the war

You heard it here first: We won the war
"Somebody has to write this. The United States has won the war in Iraq.
I'm compelled to proclaim victory because, these days, winning wars has become politically incorrect in Western societies."

But, oh so painful a truth for those delicate liberal ears.

A scandal for Denver?

A scandal for Denver?
"Former DNC chief Don Fowler delivers the Democratic grown-ups' message, on the record, as reported in the Charlotte Observer--
If Edwards fails to clear up the story in short order, he risks party officials deciding not to have him speak or, if they do, creating a distraction from a week focused on Barack Obama accepting the nomination.
'If there is not an explanation that's satisfactory, acceptable and meets high moral standards, the answer is 'no,' he would not be a prime candidate to make a major address to the convention,' said Don Fowler, a former Democratic National Committee chair."

The Edwards "lovebaby" story gonna be BIG!

The audacity of Bathos!

The American Spectator: "Since the MSM hasn't seen fit to accurately publicize this amazing insight, I must insist that the senator's complete Obama-fuels program be immediately broadcast to the nation. This bold nine-point initiative will make both oil imports and new domestic drilling completely unnecessary by the end of Barack's eight-to-ten-year presidency."
Point two: Diet and exercise. If Americans lose, on average, ten pounds per person, each national car trip will be lighter by three billion pounds -- saving enough fuel in a year to offset weeks of ANWR oil production. This healthy-choice initiative will also allow Michael Moore and Al Gore to make outsized personal contributions to energy independence.

(hat tip to Atlanta Lou for "The audacity of Bathos")

U.S. mail carrier demands kilt uniform option

U.S. mail carrier demands kilt uniform option
"A 6-foot-tall, 250-pound mail carrier wants the U.S. Postal Service to add kilts as a uniform option for men."

First presidential campaign plane in history to have all American flags removed

First presidential campaign plane in history to have all American flags removed.
Does anyone suspect a pattern here?

Clinton Leaves Option Open for Convention Floor Vote

Clinton Leaves Option Open for Convention Floor Vote
"Hillary Clinton told a group of supporters recently that she has not yet decided whether she will put her name in for a roll-call vote at the Democratic convention in Denver later this month."


Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Inflation of the truth?

Political Punch: "it’s impossible to assert that taking these fuel savings actions would exceed future offshore oil volumes, and in fact, one might argue that the combination of achieving these savings AND developing new supply would doubly enhance US energy security.'"

Hospitals 'infested with vermin'

Hospitals 'infested with vermin'
"The cleanliness of most NHS hospitals in England is threatened by frequent invasions of rats, fleas, bedbugs, flies and cockroaches, a report claims."

Ain't free govment "healthcare" great!

'Saturday Night Live' makes CNN rethink

'Saturday Night Live' makes CNN rethink
"There was something sort of fun about watching the folks at CNN squirm when they were asked a slightly tough question.
'Why did it take a skit on 'Saturday Night Live' to change the tone of the Democratic primary coverage?' asked a member of the Television Critics Association.
'Did it take a skit to change the coverage?' replied David Bohrman, the head of CNN's Washington bureau who heads up the network's political coverage.
Well, after an 'SNL' sketch depicted a debate in which Hillary Clinton was asked tough, unfair questions while Barack Obama was tossed softballs, things did seem to change."

Meebee the GOPers might want to exploit this proof of bias?

Harley's trump Euro-nuts

"Reason enough to vote for John McCain:
"A couple hundred thousand Berliners made a lot of noise for my opponent.I'll take the roar of 50,000 Harleys any day."

Al Dente: The Mother of All Hot Dogs--HillBilly's Homewrecker

Al Dente: The Mother of All Hot Dogs--HillBilly's Homewrecker
"This hot dog is without a doubt the deadliest of all hot dogs. It's known as the 'Homewrecker' and it's available at HillBilly Hotdogs in West Virginia.....
The Homewrecker is a 3.5-lb. weapon of cardiovascular mass destruction. ...... Assured intestinal wreckage will run you $14.99. Finish it in under 12 minutes and you get a free burial t-shirt. "

Ummm, hotdog......

Telstar Logistics: Flight Report: Airborne in an Emirates A380 at SFO

Telstar Logistics: Flight Report: Airborne in an Emirates A380 at SFO: "Flight Report: Airborne in an Emirates A380 at SFO"

Very nifty ride!
Thanks to "Landslide Bob" for the link!

Gun-control groups fear top activist was NRA spy

Gun-control groups fear top activist was NRA spy: "A gun-control activist who championed the cause for more than a decade and served on the boards of two anti-violence groups is suspected of working as a paid spy for the National Rifle Association, and now those organizations are expelling her and sweeping their offices for bugs.
The suggestion that Mary Lou McFate was a double agent"

You go girl!

Detroit, Flint among 'fastest-dying' cities in US

Detroit, Flint among 'fastest-dying' cities in US: "Detroit and Flint have made Forbes magazine's list of what it calls the nation's 10 fastest-dying cities."

And Jennie and BHussein want to the same to Michigan and the entire nation!
Do what Flint and Detroit do and you'll get Flint and Detroit!
Who'd of guessed....

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Detroit 3 ask up to $40 billion in loans

Detroit 3 ask up to $40 billion in loan

"Detroit's three automakers are urging Congress to make as much as $35 billion to $40 billion in low-cost loans available during the next two to three years to assure that the companies survive long enough to retool and build a new generation of fuel-efficient vehicles."

These crooks made suicide deals with big crook unions, gave themselves millions in executive bonuses and made crappy products for decades and they want the taxpayer to bail them out!!!!!?

Thank God the buggy whip companies aren't still around!

Sewer leak spews 18x more E.coli into lake

Sewer leak spews 18x more E.coli into lake
"Sanitary sewer water entered that storm sewer system after a valve failure at a nearby lift station. After the 20- or 30-year-old valve failed, sewer water leaked into the lift station's parking lot and made its way into the storm sewers."

Government screws up..... no problem.
Imagine if this was a tax paying business that filled the lake with filth!

BUSH GOTS SEOUL!!... Pro-American Protesters Give Bush a HUGE Korea Welcome!!

BUSH GOTS SEOUL!!... Pro-American Protesters Give Bush a HUGE Korea Welcome!!
"Amy explains that none of the pro-Bush rallies were government sponsored; they were voluntary rallies by Koreans who appreciate Pres. Bush and the United States."

Monday, August 04, 2008

Congress Shuts Down 'Insane' College Financial Aid for Sex Offenders

Congress Shuts Down 'Insane' College Financial Aid for Sex Offenders
"Some of the nation's worst sex offenders will no longer be eligible to receive generous educational financial aid packages while they are confined in treatment centers under a bill approved by Congress."

Enemy of the State

Enemy of the State
"are you aware that Bobby Kennedy was McCarthy's right-hand guy? Or that many Democrats and Republicans were concerned about the verifiable infiltration of Soviet spies into our government and cultural organs? Or that, as Mr. Voight points out, commies were actually mass murderers greatly deserving of our vigilance?"

Environmentalists' Hold on Congress

Environmentalists' Hold on Congress
"For several decades, environmentalists have managed to get Congress to keep most of our oil resources off-limits to exploration and drilling. They've managed to have the Congress enact onerous regulations that have made refinery construction impossible. Similarly, they've used the courts and Congress to completely stymie the construction of nuclear power plants. As a result, energy prices are at historical highs and threaten our economy and national security."

These enviro-nuts are at war with our American way of life.
And so are those politicians who do their evil bidding.

CBS Turns Doubled GDP into 'Disappointing' News, ABC & NBC Silent

CBS Turns Doubled GDP into 'Disappointing' News, ABC & NBC Silent
"Second quarter Gross Domestic Product (GDP) doubled to 1.9 percent, up from 0.9 percent in the first quarter, the Commerce Department announced Thursday morning as consumer spending rose 1.5 percent in the quarter ending June 30, up from 0.9 percent in the first quarter, and U.S. exports soared 9.2 percent, way up from 5.1 percent in the first three months of 2008.
Yet the CBS Evening News centered a story around 'disappointing' news about the supposedly 'struggling economy' (with that on screen) -- while ABC and NBC, ....... didn't utter a syllable Thursday night about the big GDP jump.

No media bias in economic reporting.....yeah right......
And they wonder where their viewers went.

Obama: Tap nation's oil reserve to help gas prices

Obama: Tap nation's oil reserve to help gas prices
"In a reversal, Barack Obama proposed Monday that the government sell 70 million barrels of oil from its strategic petroleum stockpile to help reduce gasoline prices."

Gee, "a reversal".
BHussein isn't a flip flopper, he's a spinning top!

Sunday, August 03, 2008

Seoul probes civilian 'massacres' by U.S.

Seoul probes civilian 'massacres' by U.S. 'Of course the U.S. government should pay compensation. It's the U.S. military's fault,' said survivor Cho Kook-won, 78, who says he lost four family members"


David Paton - Telegraph

David Paton - Telegraph: "Paton was well aware of the dangers. In a letter to his wife, to be read in the event of his death, he wrote of facing “an ordeal from which I might never return”. He went on: “It may be of some comfort to you to know that if I go down, at least I go down in an attack, and I want you to hold your head high as I am managing to do despite my forebodings.”"

Pelosi firm: No vote on offshore drilling

"House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Sunday ruled out a vote on new offshore oil drilling even as Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama said he might be open to a compromise that included it."


There IS a difference in political parties!

Particles of Spirit

Particles of Spirit: "The Muskegon Chronicle showed us, once again, their amazing inability to edit their stories and pictures before printing them on the front page of the Sunday morning edition."

The Crypt: House Republicans go back on the floor Monday to talk gas prices -

The Crypt: House Republicans go back on the floor Monday to talk gas prices - "Continuing with their guerilla tactics from last week, House Republicans will be back on the floor Monday to talk gas prices, even though Congress is in recess, and they may stay there all week."

Tyson Foods . . . the Official Olympic Sponsor of IslamoFascism:

Debbie Schlussel: "Well, folks, here it is--the beginning (or maybe the middle) of the end of America as we know it. Tyson Foods is now ending employees' paid day off for Labor Day and, instead, giving 'em the paid day off for the Muslim festival, Eid Al-Fitr, which marks the end of Ramadan. It is the most important holiday in Islam."

Global Warming Did It! Well, Maybe Not.

Global Warming Did It! Well, Maybe Not.
"Somewhere along the line, global warming became the explanation for everything. Right-thinking people are not supposed to discuss any meteorological or geophysical event -- a hurricane, a wildfire, a heat wave, a drought, a flood, a blizzard, a tornado, a lightning strike, an unfamiliar breeze, a strange tingling on the neck -- without immediately invoking the climate crisis. It causes earthquakes, plagues and backyard gardening disappointments. Weird fungus on your tomato plants? Classic sign of global warming."

The Political Ignorance of Swing Voters

The Political Ignorance of Swing Voters
"swing voters - on average - tend to be far more ignorant about politics than the rest of the electorate."

Chester cites uncertainty over coal

Chester cites uncertainty over coal: "Chester says. Large plants capable of running continuously rather than just during periods of peak demand can cost $2 billion a piece to build, one reason the last big power plant capable of running 24/7 came on line in 1984."

Stanley Kurtz on "Obama's Lost Years."--

Stanley Kurtz on "Obama's Lost Years."
"The senator's tenure as a state legislator reveals him to be an old-fashioned, big government, race-conscious liberal.'"

John McCain (parody of Eric Clapton's Cocaine)

John McCain (parody of Eric Clapton's "Cocaine")

Saturday, August 02, 2008

The Margarita Grille, GR shut down!

Popular downtown bar closed
"A popular Grand Rapids nightclub has closed its doors just weeks after city officials began discussions to revoke the bar's liquor license."

So In The Tank They Don't Know They Are In The Tank

So In The Tank They Don't Know They Are In The Tank

Michael Powell of the Times probably does not even realize how laughably tilted his first two paragraphs are in his story about Obama and race.
"Senator Barack Obama is a man of few rhetorical stumbles, but this week a few of his words opened a racial door his campaign would prefer not to step through."

Whore Of Babylon-By-The-Bay Turns Off Lights, Microphones, Cameras In People's House -- Expels Press

Whore Of Babylon-By-The-Bay Turns Off Lights, Microphones, Cameras In People's House -- Expels Press
Queen 9% was not amused when Republicans tried to block adjournment and refused to leave the House floor after the Democrats irresponsibly voted for a 5-week paid vacation for themselves but not for an energy bill that would help the American people."

Friday, August 01, 2008

Muskegon Chamber Voter Guide

Muskegon Chamber


County Commissioner Candidate Ratings
from the Muskegon Area Chamber of Commerce

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Muskegon bloggers!

We all know we never get the "rest of the story" from The Chronicle or anyone else.

Here is an opportunity to click into Muskegophiles with a web-view.

These Muskegon bloggers are trying to get another view out to all of us here in MuskegonLand.

Give 'em a click!

E me at with more Muskego-Bloggers!

Obama's Global Tax

Obama's Global Tax
"A plan by Barack Obama to redistribute American wealth on a global level is moving forward in the Senate. It follows Marxist theology — from each according to his ability, to each according to his need."


Libs accuse GOPers of offering "fear" of B Hussein!

Fear of B Hussein?

How 'bout this:

1. Most liberal voting Senator in the Senate.
An even more liberal voting record in the Illinois senate.

2. A promise to increase taxes on every American and company in America by supporting the expiration of the current tax law.

3. Absolutely ZERO foreign policy or managerial experience!

4. His long association with the "Chicago Democratic Machine". The most corrupt political organization in America.

5. His "triple-double-back-flipper-with-reverse-where-am-I" on his plans for our military support in Iraq.

6. His lifelong association with haters of our country, America.
Rev "God Damn America" Wright, the Weather Underground terrorists who bombed and murdered Americans.
And who reiterated their contempt for Americans AFTER 9-11.

7. His promise to expand federal government spending and government control at every level.

8. His visiting "all 57 states". He's just not that smart. folks.....

9. His popularity among the European, Cuban, Venezuelan, Hammas, San Francisco leftist elites.

They don't like America as it is, they want us to be Europe. Do you?

10. His refusal to allow American resources: Nuclear, oil shale, drilling for oil on American soil, coal to "bridge" our energy needs to the next technology.

Folks, windmills and solar don't work yet. We tried wind power on sailing ships and sailors 200 years ago preferred ENGINES.

Vote for Obama and expect to see real change, real big and real soon.

Remember, the Germans voted for change in 1932.

They got change, all right!

Muskegon Towhship Elections

Snarky Huntress: Muskegon Towhship Elections
"Everything is decided August 5th for the Muskegon Township Trustees, Clerk, and Treasurer.
There are 8 people running for the 4 seats on the Township Board as Trustee."

"Ms Snarky" gives an excellent reason to vote "FOR" a candidate rether than "against".

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Summers Vindicated; Feminists Spinning

Imagine "angry" feminists!
A serious redundancy.....

Al Gore's Curiously Cost-Free Plan to Re-Power America

Al Gore's Curiously Cost-Free Plan to Re-Power America
"This massive push for no-carbon electricity production would help prevent climate change and cut our dependence on foreign oil. Of course, great-souled visionaries such as Gore do not concern themselves with piddling and mundane issues such as who will pay for this marvelous no-carbon energy future and how much it will cost."

Rove cited for contempt of Congress

Rove cited for contempt of Congress
"The House Judiciary Committee has voted to hold former White House strategist Karl Rove in contempt of Congress"

Where do I sign up!

It is, really.... redundant.....

FBI investigates DPS over funds

FBI investigates DPS over funds: "The FBI is investigating Detroit Public Schools for possible misuse of at least $500,000 in funds connected to a program aimed at retaining and attracting students in the beleaguered district,"

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Obama's Global Tax

Obama's Global Tax

"Election '08: A plan by Barack Obama to redistribute American wealth on a global level is moving forward in the Senate. It follows Marxist theology — from each according to his ability, to each according to his need."

Obama notes 'tragic' US past

Obama notes 'tragic' US past
"'I personally would want to see our tragic history, or the tragic elements of our history, acknowledged,' the Democratic presidential hopeful said.
'I consistently believe that when it comes to whether it's Native Americans or African-American issues or reparations, the most important thing for the U.S. government to do is not just offer words, but offer deeds.'"

L.A. blocks new fast-food outlets from poor areas

L.A. blocks new fast-food outlets from poor areas
"The Los Angeles City Council has approved a one-year moratorium on new fast-food restaurants in a low-income area of the city.
The moratorium unanimously approved Tuesday is a bid to attract restaurants that offer healthier food choices to residents in a 32-square-mile area of South Los Angeles.
Councilwoman Jan Perry says residents at five public meetings expressed concern with the proliferation of fast-food outlets in the community plagued by above-average rates of obesity."

Snarky Huntress: 10 Blooms Hummingbirds Can't Refuse

Snarky Huntress
10 Blooms Hummingbirds Can't Refuse

I love hummingbirds.
Hummingbirds don't love me.
Ms Snarky may help Gordo with his affliction!

Gov. checks out Benton Harbor post-riot progress

Gov. checks out Benton Harbor post-riot progress
"Jennifer Granholm spoke at a church Tuesday morning and visited a development that features a Jack Nicklaus-designed public golf course.
The state promised after the rioting to kick off several new programs to provide area residents with more educational, job and housing opportunities."

No talk of new jobs and the booming downtown?
Give 'em a new golf course and the riots stop?
Maybe the French ought to try this.........?

Another audit critical of Mich. child care program

Another audit critical of Mich. child care program
"For the second straight week, a state audit has been released criticizing Michigan's handling of child care for low-income families.
Auditor General Thomas McTavish said Tuesday the Michigan Department of Human Services potentially made $231 million in improper and in some cases fraudulent payments to day care providers."

So wrong on so many levels.
Why is the state in the daycare business?
It's obvious they can't provide an unecessary service without hundreds of millions of waste and fraud.
What is this program's total cost?
How much more $$$ are we taxpayers gonig to add to this disaster?

Fruitport Township passes support motion for casino

Fruitport Township passes support motion for casino
"The Fruitport Township clerk told 24 Hour News 8 there was a surprise move at Monday night's meeting to discuss a proposed casino on the property of the former Great Lakes Downs in Muskegon County's Fruitport Township.
A motion was passed to support the Little River Band of Ottawa Indian's proposal without any restrictions.
The meeting was scheduled to be informational but some board members were surprised that a motion was brought up for a vote."

I'm not for or against but ramming this thing through is starting to sound fishy.

Developing oil shale is best choice

Developing oil shale is best choice
"Democrats control Congress, so Americans ought to be asking about their plan to lower gas prices. Let's hope their plan doesn't rest on solar, wind and geothermal, because planes, trains and automobiles don't run on electricity. They run on oil — mostly foreign oil — 97 percent of the time. Let's also hope the Democrats' plan doesn't rest on ethanol to break our dependence on foreign oil, because it can't."

Monday, July 28, 2008

Can The Liberal National Media Be Trusted To Report The Facts?

Can The Liberal National Media Be Trusted To Report The Facts?

quote of the day

"QUOTE OF THE DAY: If you like what Jennifer Granholm has done for Michigan, and what Kwame Kilpatrick is doing for Detroit, you'll love what Barack Obama is going to do to America."

My Way News - Study: 'Pre-dementia' is rising, especially in men

'Pre-dementia' is rising, especially in men

Too Cuil!


Marketing pitch aims to end population drop in Holland

Marketing pitch aims to end population drop in Holland

"The City Council is expected to vote Aug. 6 on a proposal to spend $50,000 on the first phase of the campaign, which would include a Web site highlighting local neighborhoods and other benefits of living in the city.
Since the 2000 Census, Holland's population has fallen 3 percent,"

A web site!
I guess taxes, city regulation, the decline of the school system, crime, home values declining, etc. are not the problem...
The problem is the city doesn't have a cool web site!

Meebee the problem is the city has idiots running the city?

Police: Man shot churchgoers over liberal views

Police: Man shot churchgoers over liberal views
"An unemployed man accused of opening fire with a shotgun and killing two people at a Unitarian church apparently targeted the congregation out of hatred for its liberal social policies, police said

Is it time to consider banning "liberal views"?
After all, if it saves just one life.........

Crime skyrockets in 1 county, plummets right next door

Crime skyrockets in 1 county, plummets right next door
"One of the wealthiest counties in America reports crime skyrocketing by 22 percent in the first quarter of 2008, while its neighbor saw crime plummet by 19.3 percent in the same time period – coinciding with a get-tough policy on illegal immigration."