Thursday, September 25, 2008

Sheep sex doesn't make man a sex offender

Judges: Sheep sex doesn't make man a sex offender
"A Calhoun County man who sodomized a sheep will not have to register as a sex offender because the sheep cannot be considered a victim of sexual assault under Michigan law, a court ruled this week."

Shari Lewis must be giddy in her grave!
(what WAS her hand doing up LambChop's shirt for all those years?)

If Someone Has Sex with a Sheep, Must He Register as a Sex Offender?

If Someone Has Sex with a Sheep, Must He Register as a Sex Offender?: "If Someone Has Sex with a Sheep, Must He Register as a Sex Offender?"
Is Michigan going to displace New Zeeland as the haven for sheep love?

Florida Democrat Congressman: Palin 'Don't Care Too Much What They Do With Jews and Blacks'

Florida Democrat Congressman: Palin 'Don't Care Too Much What They Do With Jews and Blacks': "said Hastings. 'Anybody toting guns and stripping moose don’t care too much about what they do with Jews and blacks."

... and this is what democrats elect to office.
Anyone hear Obama's response to one of his own supporter's racist comments.............?

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Democrats to let offshore drilling ban expire

Democrats to let offshore drilling ban expire
"Democrats have decided to allow a quarter-century ban on drilling for oil off the Atlantic and Pacific coasts to expire next week, conceding defeat in an months-long battle with the White House and Republicans set off by $4 a gallon gasoline prices this summer."


Friday, September 19, 2008

Woman Gets Life Sentence for Sex With 5-Year-Old

Woman Gets Life Sentence for Sex With 5-Year-Old
"Florida woman has been sentenced to life in prison for having sex with a 5-year-old boy.
Kelly Lumadue, 33, was found guilty Thursday of having sex with the boy 12 years ago, when she was 21, the Orlando Sentinel reports.
Lumadue told the jury she had sex with the child under the direction of her now-deceased husband, who was a professional pornographer, the paper said.
Police arrested Lumadue in 2003 after a garbage collector found the tapes in a box on the curb of Lumadue's Volusia County home, the Sentinel said."

"Conservatives have stronger startle reflexes?" News Forum: "Conservatives Have Stronger Startle Reflexes?
National Geographic News, by Brian Handwerk
Original Article
Posted By:Sector7G, 9/18/2008 11:31:10 PM
As Barack Obama and Joe Biden tussle with John McCain and Sarah Palin over the mantle of change in the U.S. presidential race, they may all be losing a little-known constituency: people who startle easily. Voters with heightened physical reactions to perceived threats—blinking or sweating when exposed to 'threatening' images—may be less likely to vote for change, a new study says."

Tuesday, September 16, 2008 - -: "I would put together a commercial that said…
James A. Johnson - former Fannie Mae CEO and Obama Advisor
Just cost you billions in taxes
Franklin Raines – former Fannie Mae CEO and Obama Advisor
Just cost you billions in taxes
Barack Obama – If we can’t afford his advisors, how can we afford him?"

Monday, September 15, 2008

Thinking Outside the Lox -

Thinking Outside the Lox - "I shall probably vote for John McCain in this year's presidential election. But I am not locked in on my vote, and if the McCain-Palin campaign gets dramatically stupid, I could go the other way. I make no claim to be an original political thinker, but, unlike so many of my co-religionists, I feel a nice sense of freedom, knowing that I am able to think, so to say, outside the lox."

Atlantic Magazine Might Sue McCain-Smearing Photographer |

Atlantic Magazine Might Sue McCain-Smearing Photographer
"The magazine's editor, James Bennet, told Fox News's Megyn Kelly Monday that he was deeply sorry about this incident, and that The Atlantic isn't taking it lying down (audio available here, partial transcript follows, h/t NBer blonde) :
JAMES BENNET, EDITOR 'THE ATLANTIC': I'm already drafting a letter of apology [to McCain]. I mean, this photographer went in there under our auspices to take a covershot for us. Again, we stand by the picture, and we produced a terrific story on John McCain...But while she was there, she behaved in an incredibly underhanded and unprofessional way. [...]
MEGYN KELLY, HOST: What do you do to shut down her use on her website, not just of that covershot, but the disgusting things she has done to John McCain's image on her website which I won't repeat here?
BENNET: She's violated the terms of our agreement with her, or our contract with her. So, we're taking steps. We're looking into steps we can see to do something about that.
KELLY: Are you considering a lawsuit?
BENNET: We're looking into what we can do.
KELLY: Would that be including legal action?
BENNET: If we can, if it's available to us, yeah.
KELLY: Has she been paid?
KELLY: Will she be?

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Frantic day on Wall Street as banks teeter - International Herald Tribune

Frantic day on Wall Street as banks teeter - International Herald Tribune: "In one of the most extraordinary days in Wall Street's history, Merrill Lynch is near an 11th-hour deal to avert a deepening financial crisis while another storied securities firm, Lehman Brothers, hurtled toward liquidation, according to people briefed on the deal."

Climate change chicanery - Telegraph

Climate change chicanery - Telegraph: "There has also been an acclaimed new paper by Michael Mann, the creator of the iconic 'hockey stick' graph, purporting to show that the world has recently become hotter than at any time in recorded history, eliminating all the wealth of evidence to show that temperatures were higher in the Mediaeval Warm Period than today."

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Cleared: Jury decides that threat of global warming justifies breaking the law - Climate Change, Environment - The Independent

Cleared: Jury decides that threat of global warming justifies breaking the law
"The threat of global warming is so great that campaigners were justified in causing more than £35,000 worth of damage to a coal-fired power station, a jury decided yesterday."

Friday, September 12, 2008

Probe into how Google mix-up caused $1 billion run on United - Times Online

Probe into how Google mix-up caused $1 billion run on United
"The comedy of errors began with just one reader who went to the South Florida Sun Sentinel’s website and viewed a 2002 article on United Airlines’ bankruptcy.
That single visit in the early hours of Sunday morning, a period of low traffic, apparently bumped it into a 'Popular Stories' in the business section.
At 1:37am, an electronic Google program swept through the paper’s website for new stories and spotted the link.
Google says its program scanned the piece and, seeing there was no 2002 dateline, indexed the article for inclusion on its news pages.
Three minutes and two seconds later, Google News readers started viewing the story on the Sun Sentinel’s Web site."

This is either a miserably written article (duh!) or more likely a Google employee who found a way to take the date tag off the United story.

Lots more to come on this scam......pity the poor investing friends/family of those Google workers who had the ability to de/re-tag posts.

bummer dudes!

Hateful or fools? -: "September 12, 2008
OKAY, I THOUGHT THE OBAMA COMMERCIAL MOCKING MCCAIN for not using a computer was dumb because it would alienate older voters. But it turns out it's a lot dumber than that:
The reason he doesn't send email is that he can't use a keyboard because of the relentless beatings he received from the Viet Cong in service to our country. . . . McCain's severe war injuries prevent him from combing his hair, typing on a keyboard, or tying his shoes.

Oops. Another unforced error from the Obama campaign, which seems to have had a lot of those lately. The above is from 2000 -- don't these people know how to use Google? Or NEXIS? Or something?
UPDATE: Ouch: 'It's extraordinary that someone who wants to be our president and our commander in chief knows how to send an e-mail ...but not how to do a five-minute Google search.' Or even how to hire someone who can . . . .
ANOTHER UPDATE: On that note, reader Amy Lopez notes that Obama was recently touting his experience managing his campaign as evidence of his executive ability. That argument isn't looking as strong after the past couple of weeks.
MORE: Epic Fail: 'This whole Obama thing has *got* to be a put-on by the DNC. Any minute Allen Funt will pop out and they’ll announce the real ticket is Hillary Clinton and Phil Bredesen (or Mark Warner) or something, right?'
posted at 07:14 PM by Glenn Reynolds"

Is this the "real" change these folks want to bring to America?



WAY cooler than any E map out there!

Click and travel.

Thursday, September 11, 2008 - Mad about Sarah - Mad about Sarah: "What is it about Sarah Palin that seems to have driven so many smart, thoughtful Obama supporters around the bend?

Wendy Doniger, the Mircea Eliade Distinguished Service Professor of the History of Religions at the University of Chicago Divinity School, wrote that Palin’s “greatest hypocrisy is in her pretense that she is a woman” and denounced “the Republican Party’s cynical calculation that because [Palin] has a womb and makes lots and lots of babies … she speaks for the women of America.”"

Pension Time Bomb -

Pension Time Bomb
"Mayor Osby Davis, who has lived in this waterfront city across San Pablo Bay from San Francisco for 60 of his 62 years, says: 'If you have a can that's leaking two ounces a minute and you put an ounce a minute in it, it's going to get empty.' He is describing his city's coffers."


Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Paul says he turned down appeal to endorse McCain

Paul says he turned down appeal to endorse McCain: "Republican Rep. Ron Paul, the libertarian-leaning Texas lawmaker who attracted a devoted following in the GOP primaries, said Wednesday he rejected an appeal to endorse John McCain's presidential bid."

Idina Menzel and Kristin Chenoweth - For Good rehersal PBS