Saturday, October 25, 2008

University researchers developing cancer-fighting beer

University researchers developing cancer-fighting beer
"A team of researchers at Rice University in Houston is working to create a beer that could fight cancer and heart disease."

I'm gonna live forever!

Greenspan a fool or a liar?

The Volokh Conspiracy - -#1224870175
"Greenspan was asked today when he realized there was a housing bubble. His answer was early '06. That's long after other observers (including your friendly neighborhood blogger, e.g.) had recognized that the unprecedented increase in housing prices, unconnected to any discernable fundamental factor beyond easy credit, had created a bubble.
Even more surprising, Greenspan explained that even after he realized there was a bubble, he never expected housing prices to decline so dramatically, because we had never had a nationwide decline in housing prices in the past. I'd heard Greenspan say this before, but I'm surprised he wasn't embarrassed to repeat it. Didn't he ever read a mutual fund prospectus ('past performance does not guarantee future results'). More to the point, given that the level of increase in housing prices, both nationwide and in specific markets, was unprecedented, why would anyone sensible look to precedent in determining to what extent prices may fall?"

Andrea Mitchell's husband ain't lookin' too good in the rearview mirror.

Thomas Sowell!

The Volokh Conspiracy - -#1224870175: "The Constrained Vision, The Unconstrained Vision, and the 2008 Election: Several times through the years I've had occasion to refer to Thomas Sowell's superb book A Conflict of Visions. This week, Peter Robinson sat down with Sowell to discuss the relevance of the book to understanding the 2008 election. Peter's column is here.
Sowell's judgment?
Asked if Obama represents the purest expression of the unconstrained vision since Franklin Roosevelt, Sowell, himself an African-American, replies: 'No. Since the beginning of American politics.'"

Natasha’s Story

Natasha’s Story

This presentation comes from photographer Rick Smolan. In 1978, Smolan was on assignment in South Korea for Time magazine. He was doing a piece on Amerasian children. One young girl caught his eye. The next few years became a quest to bring her to America.
That description doesn’t do this amazing story justice. It has more twists and emotional impact than a feature film. It’s a long video–nearly 30 minutes. But you’ll be glad you watched it.

Bring a hankie!

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1995 Obama Bizarre, Race Baiting Interview Found! HE MUST SAVE BLACKS SO HE CAN BE SAVED.

Barry spells it out.....pretty dang clear.


Gun-Toting Bible-Thumping Hillbillies Release Best Campaign Song of the Year!

Need a little lift?
Click and feel better IMMEDIATELY!

Democrats to gut US military

Frank envisions post-election stimulus from Democrats
"After the November election, Democrats will push for a second economic stimulus package that includes money for the states' stalled infrastructure projects, along with help paying for healthcare expenses, food stamps and extended unemployment benefits, U.S. Rep. Barney Frank said Thursday.
In a meeting with the editorial board of The Standard-Times, Rep. Frank, D-Mass., also called for a 25 percent cut in military spending, saying the Pentagon has to start choosing from its many weapons programs, and that upper-income taxpayers are going to see an increase in what they are asked to pay.
The military cuts also mean getting out of Iraq sooner, he said"

Friday, October 24, 2008

IBD/TIPP Tracking Poll: Day Eleven

IBD/TIPP Tracking Poll: Day Eleven
Thursday, October 23, 2008
McCain has cut into Obama's lead for a second day and is now just 1.1 points behind. The spread was 3.7 Wednesday and 6.0 Tuesday. The Republican is making headway with middle- and working- class voters, and has surged 10 points in two days among those earning between $30,000 and $75,000."

Most accurate pollster in 2004 election shows: Obama 44.8%, McCain 43.7%, Not Sure 11.6%...

Undecided 11.6%!!!!!!!!

McCain wins!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

TaxProf Blog: Obama and the Tax Tipping Point

TaxProf Blog: Obama and the Tax Tipping Point: "What happens when the voter in the exact middle of the earnings spectrum receives more in benefits from Washington than he pays in taxes? Economists Allan Meltzer and Scott Richard posed this question 27 years ago. We may soon enough know the answer"

Political Radar: Obama Tweaks Tax Plan to Rebut McCain

Political Radar: Obama Tweaks Tax Plan to Rebut McCain: "'They started saying this was welfare,' said Obama adviser Austan Goolsbee. 'So, just so they would absolutely not be able to say that, we decided that for the last two percent we'll simply add a work requirement.'"

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Shame on McCain and Palin for using an old code word for black

Shame on McCain and Palin for using an old code word for black
"The 'socialist' label that Sen. John McCain and his GOP presidential running mate Sarah Palin are trying to attach to Sen. Barack Obama actually has long and very ugly historical roots.
J. Edgar Hoover, director of the FBI from 1924 to 1972, used the term liberally to describe African Americans who spent their lives fighting for equality."

Ya can't call a spade a spade?
Jeepers, calling one a "socialist" certainly is a slur.
But if we can't call a socialist a "socialist" just what IS the code word for a socialist?
A commie, totaliarian, anti-American Marxist?

glib vs BS

The Volokh Conspiracy - -: "Some thoughtful people simply have a tendency to confuse intelligence with the ability to be glib, or more precisely, to bs.
And I think that is much of what it comes down to--if Palin doesn't know the answer to a question, she just isn't that good at making something up. Biden, by contrast, is a master bs'er, as his debate performance exhibited. As a general rule, the less informed he was about the answer to a question, the more assertive he was in answering it, such as his extraordinary answer about the legislative role of the Vice-President. It is clear that he had not the slightest idea what he was talking about, yet he just plowed ahead throwing out assertions with rhetorical flair. Classic bs. Even on issues that were supposedly in his area of expertise, such as the Constitution, he wasn't even in the ballpark of being correct. Hoven picks up on Biden's whopper of answer about kicking Hezbollah out of Lebanon, but it is pretty much the same thing--aggressive bs covering a complete lack of any clue what he is talking about."

Good news about global warming! « Fabius Maximus

Good news about global warming! « Fabius Maximus: "This time the media is promoting the ice loss of one tiny fraction of the giant ice-covered continent and completely ignoring the current record ice growth on Antarctica. Contrary to media hype, the vast majority of Antarctica has cooled over the past 50 years and ice coverage has grown to record levels since satellite monitoring began in the 1979, according to peer-reviewed studies and scientists who study the area."

Northern California City Files for Bankruptcy Protection

Northern California City Files for Bankruptcy Protection
"The city of Vallejo filed for bankruptcy protection Friday to deal with a ballooning budget deficit caused by soaring employee costs and declining tax revenue.
The San Francisco Bay area suburb of about 120,000 residents became the largest California city to seek bankruptcy protection.
Mayor Osby Davis said the city's attorneys filed papers seeking Chapter 9 bankruptcy protection in federal court in Sacramento.
'We've exhausted all avenues at this point, and this is all we had left,' Davis said. 'I had hoped to avoid it all the way up until yesterday. It's something we can't avoid ... We can't pay our bills.'"

This is what awaits us in Michigan if we continue to sleepwalk through this crisis!

Northern California City Files for Bankruptcy Protection

Northern California City Files for Bankruptcy Protection
"The city of Vallejo filed for bankruptcy protection Friday to deal with a ballooning budget deficit caused by soaring employee costs and declining tax revenue.
The San Francisco Bay area suburb of about 120,000 residents became the largest California city to seek bankruptcy protection.
Mayor Osby Davis said the city's attorneys filed papers seeking Chapter 9 bankruptcy protection in federal court in Sacramento.
'We've exhausted all avenues at this point, and this is all we had left,' Davis said. 'I had hoped to avoid it all the way up until yesterday. It's something we can't avoid ... We can't pay our bills.'"

Coming to a town near you...soon!

Hype: The Obama Effect

Hype: The Obama Effect -
"A movement is sweeping the nation. Frenzied crowds gather in every state. Young people chant and sing. Women swoon. The result is record voter turn out and a rare political enthusiasm. At the head of this unprecedented phenomenon stands a charismatic figure intent on becoming the President of the United States.
'I'm asking you to believe.'
'We are the ones we have been waiting for.'
'Yes, we can!'
These words, from Barack Obama, have inspired everything from outrageous videos to the largest campaign fundraising success in history. He has taken what was considered a sure bet Clinton machine and turned it on its head. His supporters claim he is the new Martin Luther King, Jr. He is hailed as this generation's John F. Kennedy. This documentary explores the HYPE behind Barack Obama"

Watch these videos BEFORE the election!

Fox News hires reporter who got jailed for not revealing the source who identified the CIA agent whose husband got angry at Bush for blowing her cover (the wife's, not the reporter's). But it's all OK now

So long, suckers. Millionaire hedge fund boss thanks 'idiot' traders and retires at 37

So long, suckers. Millionaire hedge fund boss thanks 'idiot' traders and retires at 37
"The boss of a successful US hedge fund has quit the industry with an extraordinary farewell letter dismissing his rivals as over-privileged 'idiots' and thanking 'stupid' traders for making him rich.

Andrew Lahde's $80m Los Angeles-based firm Lahde Capital Management in Los Angeles made a huge return last year by betting against subprime mortgages.

'The low-hanging fruit, ie idiots whose parents paid for prep school, Yale and then the Harvard MBA, was there for the taking,' he wrote. 'These people who were (often) truly not worthy of the education they received (or supposedly received) rose to the top of companies such as AIG, Bear Stearns and Lehman Brothers and all levels of our government,' he said.

'All of this behaviour supporting the aristocracy only ended up making it easier for me to find people stupid enough to take the other side of my trades. God bless America.'"

Wait... didn't stupid Georgie....and low hanger, Barry Hussein Obama get the same edukation?

Too funny!

Obama campaign flush from wealthy California donors - Los Angeles Times

Obama campaign flush from wealthy California donors
"Barack Obama raised more than $36 million last month for an account he shares with the Democratic Party, close to half of it from wealthy California donors who gave up to $61,600 each."

So much for the "little guy" donations.
No frowny faces on MSM TV from Matt or Katie.....
Big freakin' surprise!

NYC term-limits extension set for vote Thursday

NYC term-limits extension set for vote Thursday

"Mayor Michael Bloomberg's proposal to extend New York's term-limits law was put on the fast track for a vote Thursday in City Council, even though some members are still undecided about bypassing voters to give themselves and the mayor a chance at third terms.....
On Tuesday afternoon, the bill was put on the agenda for Thursday's council meeting.
"Bloomberg, a billionaire former CEO of a financial information company, argues that New Yorkers need him to manage the city through the financial crisis, and that it's too late for voters to vote on the bill before the 2009 mayoral race.

Opponents say voters, not the council, should decide changes to the term-limits law. Voters set the current limit of two consecutive terms in a 1993 referendum and reaffirmed it three years later.

Has the world gone crazy!
The voters voted in a referendum, reaffirmed it 3 years later and this thug and his crook supporters are simply able to vote it down in a city council meeting?????

And the newspapers are .......... "simply reporting the facts.... mamm..."