Sunday, December 14, 2008

The Best Digital Cameras for Under $300 -

I just bought a Panasonic Lumix DMC-TZ5 for $179 on line.

I love it!

Has the 401(k) failed?

THE WALL STREET JOURNAL ASKS: Has the 401(k) failed?
"I don’t think 401(k)s have done any worse than defined-benefit plans — those are in terrible shape too, as a bit of poking around at will illustrate — but one advantage of 401(k) plans and the like (including 403(b)s, 457s, SEPs, etc.) is that they’re transparent. When your 401(K) balance drops by 30-40% you know your retirement is in trouble; when public (or corporate) pension funds take a similar hit we get bland reassurances that everything’s okay. Isn’t it better to know where things stand?"

As City Goes Broke, One Expense Is Safe

As City Goes Broke, One Expense Is Safe
"Here in New York, the hostages go by different names, but serve the same function. They turn up without fail whenever the city is running short of money: library hours, firehouses, police officers, class sizes, day care centers, garbage pickup, health clinics. As perennial hostages to budget-making, these basic services, public servants and municipal buildings are captive to the current fiscal crisis.
Not so for the fastest-growing expense in the city since 2000: pension funds.
“The city’s payments to the pension plans have grown at 25 percent annually since fiscal year 2001,” said Martin Davis, a labor and pension analyst with the city’s Independent Budget Office."

Saturday, December 13, 2008

.: United States Senator Tom Coburn :: Press Room :.

:: Press Room :.:
"Examples of waste in 2008 include:

• $188,000 for Lobster Institute in Maine, home of the “LobsterCam”
• $1 million for bike paths on Louisiana levees while levees await basic repairs
• $2.4 million for a retractable shade canopy at a park in West Virginia
• $24.6 million for the National Park Service’s 100th year birthday in 2016 - 8 years early
• $3.2 million on a blimp the Pentagon does not want
• $367,000 wasted by a Texas school board on items like an inflatable alligator and under-the-sea waterslide, among other things
• $5 million for a bridge to a zoo parking lot in St. Louis
• $9,000 for a non-functioning airplane-shaped gas station in Tennessee
• $300,000 for specialty potatoes for high-end restaurants"

The Atlantic Online | February 1982 | Have You Ever Tried to Sell a Diamond? | Edward Jay Epstein

Have You Ever Tried to Sell a Diamond?
"To stabilize the market, De Beers had to endow these stones with a sentiment that would inhibit the public from ever reselling them. The illusion had to be created that diamonds were forever -- 'forever' in the sense that they should never be resold."

Stunning article! Long but worth every minute.
Written in 1982!
(hat tip to Atlanta Lou)

Friday, December 12, 2008

The latest from The Harbor

Following her wins for Best Actress at the New York and LA Film Critic's awards earlier this week, actress Sally Hawkin's star making role in Happy Go Lucky has now been nominated for a Golden Globe Best Actresss in a Comedy/Musical.

The film itself, has been nominated for Best Feature Comedy/Musical.

If you haven't seen it yet, get out and see it now! The Oscars are right around the corner!

And now that I have seen JCVD, I can say it lives up to the hype. You will be amazed at Jean Claude Van Damme - and it has a great soundtrack. Don't let his previous work stop you from seeing this film, which in my opinion is one of the best this year.

If you don't agree with me, check out Bill Idding's review of it in Friday's chronicle, or it's rottentomatoes site which shows that 87% of critics have given this movie a postive rating. Time magazine declared Van Damme worthy of an Oscar!

And don't miss the award winning documentary THE TIMES OF HARVEY MILK Saturday December 13th at 7:30 PM.

BLACKFIVE: "You can take my leg, but you can't take my heart and you can't take my soul. I'm a Green Beret."

"You can take my leg, but you can't take my heart and you can't take my soul. I'm a Green Beret."
"The story over at Soldiers Angels Germany (via the WashPo and MSNBC - link to the full story at SAG). Ten Special Forces Soldiers receive the Silver Star. MUST READ."

Make sure you click this link and watch the video of these heroes! (the end is the best!)

More snow, less clearing challenging motorists

More snow, less clearing challenging motorists
"'Road conditions have been pretty poor ... the plows have been really slow to get out to some roads,' said Jerome McCleary, a tow truck driver for T-Car in Montague and a bus mechanic for the Montague Area Public Schools."

WHO TO BLAME for job losses: Atlas has shrugged all over the country. Like many business owner…

WHO TO BLAME for job losses: Atlas has shrugged all over the country.

"Atlas has shrugged all over the country.

Like many business owners, we are no longer willing to take all of the financial and legal risks and put up with all of the aggravation of owning and running a business. Not with the prospects of even higher taxes, more regulation, more litigation and more emboldened bureaucrats on the horizon. Like others we know, we are getting out while the getting is, well, tolerable. Many who aren’t getting out are scaling back.

. . . It is no secret that owners circulated endless emails leading up to election day discussing lay off plans were Obama to win. Entrepreneurs instinctively understand the danger posed by larger liberal majorities in power. The risk-reward equation and fierce independence spirit of start up businesses are anathema to the class warfare, equality of outcome and spread the wealth mentality of the left. . . .

We got into business to be independent. We will get out for the same reason.

Truth, Economics, and Politics

Truth, Economics, and Politics
"As global warming pathologists insist that increasing carbon dioxide drives planetary meltdown, scientists who actually watch the climate trends -- as well as all the forces that affect it – see something different. They observe unchanging (if not declining) temperatures over the last dozen years despite increased global CO2 emissions during the same time period. They see Antarctic ice swells despite a greater media emphasis on Arctic ice (PDF) loss. They see a current warming bias across temperature monitoring stations; a cooling pattern since 1997; and a valid theory that solar cycles affect climate change more than any other phenomena."

Blog: Parties of Corruption

Parties of Corruption
"Which party is more corrupt? Maybe you've seen lists. The National Taxpayer's Union has a pretty good list"

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Lake Shore Drive, Chicago

Great tune from the 70s for Chicago folks.

Muskegon County eyes alternative-energy vehicles

Muskegon County eyes alternative-energy vehicles
"As of now, a portion of the county sheriff's vehicles can run on ethanol. And eight Muskegon Area Transportation System buses and trolleys use natural gas.
The first opportunity to purchase alternative fuel vehicles could come later this month.
On Dec. 11, the county department heads could release a request for 16 vehicles, pending approval from the board of commissioners.
Even though the county is considering bidding on alternative fuel vehicles, the county could face significant barriers when incorporating them into its fleet.
Two major issues are cost and availability of fuel, said Joe Siedenstrang, the county's accounting manager.
'The department will have to decide whether or not there will be enough of a savings to go with alternative fuels or not,' Siedenstrang said. 'But the absolute final decision on what vehicles to purchase comes down to the board.'"

Camille Paglia on Obama choosing Hillary as Secretary of State, and more | Salon

Camille Paglia on Obama choosing Hillary as Secretary of State, and more Salon: "Awarding such a prize plum to Hillary may be a sop to her aggrieved fan base, but what exactly are her credentials for that position? Aside from being a mediocre senator (who, contrary to press reports, did very little for upstate New York), Hillary has a poor track record as both a negotiator and a manager. And of course both Clintons constantly view the world through the milky lens of their own self-interest. Well, it's time for Hillary to put up or shut up. If she gets as little traction in world affairs as Condoleezza Rice has, Hillary will be flushed down the rabbit hole with her feckless husband and effectively neutralized as a future presidential contender. If that's Obama's clever plan, is it worth the gamble? The secretary of state should be a more reserved, unflappable character -- not a drama queen who, even in her acceptance speech, morphed into three different personalities in the space of five minutes."

Moving to Canada?

CADUSD=X Chart - Yahoo! Finance

Amazing collapse of the Canadian dollar vs US dollar.

Harvard prof slams US nut allergy hysteria •

Harvard prof slams US nut allergy hysteria
"the extreme example of when a potentially fatal peanut was 'spotted on the floor of a school bus, whereupon the bus was evacuated and cleaned (I am tempted to say decontaminated), the extreme example of when a potentially fatal peanut was 'spotted on the floor of a school bus, whereupon the bus was evacuated and cleaned (I am tempted to say decontaminated),"

Plaxico Burress On Gun Safety

Gun safety is cool!

Blago-Obama timeline

The Volokh Conspiracy
"Yet, looking at this timeline of Blagogate, it seems quite possible that someone in the Obama Camp is either lying or at least not revealing what they know. I also find it hard to believe that Obama’s closest advisors were hiding major corruption from him, especially as he was making decisions about where to place Senate candidates such as Jarrett.
"Something important is missing from this story. Let's hope that, whatever it is, the absent fact or explanation will allow the narrative to fit Obama's denial more naturally.
Since by all accounts, the Obama camp refused Blagojevich’s bribery attempt, it would be extremely unwise to lie about it. Remember, it’s not the crime that trips you up; it’s the cover-up."

The GOP Must Take Out the Trash

The GOP Must Take Out the Trash
"Now that the snows have come, the summer soldiers are sneaking off to warmer climes. No sense being a hustler where there's nothing to hustle. This process will send large numbers of future indictables home to the Democrats where they belong.
But plenty of rotten apples will remain. What can be done with them?

The simple answer is: expose, expose, and expose. Somebody -- possibly everybody -- knew what Foley, Cunningham, and Stevens were up to. Somebody should have spoken up."

Kick out the crooks, perverts and cowards.
Stand for SOMETHING!
It seems so simple.

Can our old, entrenched GOP leopards change their spots?
I doubt it.

A complete transfusion is necessary but will it come too late for our country?

Woman convicted of smuggling monkey

Woman convicted of smuggling monkey
: "A Spokane woman who hid a sedated monkey under her blouse on a flight from Thailand to Los Angeles – pretending she was pregnant – has been convicted of smuggling charges."

No word on whether she was accused of monkey abuse or spanking the...