Saturday, January 24, 2009

CARPE DIEM: Interesting Charts of the Day

CARPE DIEM: Interesting Charts of the Day
"As the chart shows, there has been a general downward trend in government employees as a percent of total payrolls since the mid-1970s, from more than 19% in 1975 to below 16% by 1998, with a slight reversal of the trend since 2000.
As much as we hear about the growth in government, it seems like the jobs data tell a different story. Comment welcome.
One explanation for the top chart is that there have been so many productivity gains in manufacturing that we can produce increasingly higher levels of output over time with fewer and fewer manufacturing workers?"

VERY interesting charts.

This site is a MUST every day.

Cut cable costs by watching TV online for free

Cut cable costs by watching TV online for free
"Your television service probably isn’t high on that list. But maybe it can be.
Most major television networks are putting their shows online. You can watch the latest episodes whenever you want. For some shows entire seasons are available."

This is cool!

All animals are equal . . .

All animals are equal
"“All animals are equal” read the original sign in George Orwell’s Animal Farm, but shortly after Napoleon and his fellow porcine commissars take over that motto is emended to “All animals are equal, but some are more equal than others.”"
Meebee some are hearing the new sound of "change"?

Accessorizing the Wine-Box Revolution

Accessorizing the Wine-Box Revolution
"I have it on good authority that boxed wine is cool again. No, really."

CARPE DIEM: More On $71 Per Hour vs. $49 Per Hour

CARPE DIEM: More On $71 Per Hour vs. $49 Per Hour: "What do employees of the United Auto Workers cost auto makers in salary and benefits?"

Despite the hot air, the Antarctic is not warming up

Despite the hot air, the Antarctic is not warming up
"This instantly became the warmists' chief icon, made the centrepiece of the IPCC's 2001 report. But Mann's selective use of data and the flaws in his computer model were then so devastatingly torn apart that it has become the most comprehensively discredited artefact in the history of science."

Obama lie at the begining?

How did the media ignore this?

Obama to Republicans on Stimulus Package: I Won:

True, but Obama won by, among other things, promising a net decrease in federal spending.
Here he is during the third debate: 'what I've done throughout this campaign is to propose a net spending cut.... What I want to emphasize ... is that I have been a strong proponent of pay-as-you-go. Every dollar that I've proposed, I've proposed an additional cut so that it matches.'
Obama would have a much better case for Republican deference to his spending plans if he had actually campaigned in favor of the most massive increase in federal spending, ever, instead of as a budget-cutter."


"President Obama warned Republicans on Capitol Hill today that they need to quit listening to radio king Rush Limbaugh if they want to get along with Democrats and the new administration.
'You can't just listen to Rush Limbaugh and get things done,' he told top GOP leaders, whom he had invited to the White House to discuss his nearly $1 trillion stimulus package.
One White House official confirmed the comment but said he was simply trying to make a larger point about bipartisan efforts."

Imagine if President Bush told democrat politicians they "can't just listen to Oprah, The View, Olbermann, AirAmerica, etc."!

To simply make a "larger point".

President "B Hussein Obama" is quickly morphing into "President Hussein" WAY too quickly!

Chrysler jobs bank ends Monday

Chrysler jobs bank ends Monday
"The controversial jobs bank -- a program that allowed UAW workers to receive pay while not working -- ends Monday at Chrysler, the union has told its members.
"In a letter obtained by the Free Press, General Holiefield, the UAW's vice president of the Chrysler department, told members that the change was to comply with the terms of the federal loan agreement that gave Chrysler $4 billion to stay afloat.
"Without this loan, the corporation would most certainly" have "been forced to file for bankruptcy protection," he wrote in the letter dated Thursday.
"In order to be in compliance with the mandate, the jobs bank will be eliminated effective Jan. 26," he added. "Employees that are either in the jobs bank or would have been in the bank will be placed on unemployment ... until such time that we have a clarification of all of the stipulations ... in the 'terms of agreement.' "

What the heck does "until such time that we have a clarification of all stipulations" mean?

Is there weasel room in this deal?

Wolverine World Wide tannery closure means higher sewer rates

Wolverine World Wide tannery closure means higher sewer rates
"In anticipation of the footwear factory's closure, Rockford officials plan a 25 percent rate hike for sewer users"

Every utility bill in Michigan will be increasing significantly as our governmental leaders realize that we consumers will take any increase they foist on us with silence.

The "poor" and "minorities" will be spared the increases as they have a loud voice.

Take from the "rich", give to the poor.

Robin Hood, dudes!

U.S. Rep. Fred Upton cooperating with probe into denied access at inauguration

U.S. Rep. Fred Upton cooperating with probe into denied access at inauguration
"charging that there had been a 'failure in planning and organization and one that must be explained.'"

Remember, these are the same people who want to control our entire health care system!

Downtown Muskegon sculpture cleaned of graffiti

Downtown Muskegon sculpture cleaned of graffiti
'Muskegon, Together Rising,' the large-scale sculpture symbolizing the rebirth of the city's downtown, is as good as new.
The graffiti recently spray-painted on one side of the welded stainless steel sculpture was successfully removed."


Friday, January 23, 2009


"Here is what many of you don’t understand … to stimulate the economy you need to stimulate what runs the economy. Had suddenly government mandated to me that I didn’t need to pay taxes, guess what? Instead of depositing that $288,000 into the Washington black-hole, I would have spent it, hired more employees, and generated substantial economic growth. My employees would have enjoyed the wealth of that tax cut in the form of promotions and better salaries. But you can forget it now."

Excellent and chilling.

Read the entire letter.

I know of 3 business owners here in Muskegon thinking the EXACT same thing.

Exactly as Ayn Rand proffered in Atlas Shrugged.


"has chosen little-known, NRA-backed, upstate Congresswoman Kirsten Gillibrand to succeed Hillary Rodham Clinton as New York's junior senator, it was learned last night.
The surprising - and, for many Democrats shocking - decision to pick the conservative Gillibrand, 42"

Holy moley!
NY goes from a brain-dead Kennedy to a woman with REAL intelect and spunk.
Who'd of thunk?

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Graffiti mars downtown sculpture

Graffiti mars downtown sculpture
"The vandals who spray painted graffiti on the downtown Muskegon sculpture, 'Muskegon, Together Rising,' have not only disrespected its artist but also 'offended an entire community,' said the president of the Community Foundation for Muskegon County."

This crime happened Monday and it's still not repaired.

Just a sad blot on a sad, expensive, enormous can opener, in the land of grant writers, earmarks and unemployment.

Lotta folks who cheered President Obama's call for action seem to prefer others do the "action".

Explosive Video Reich, Obamas economic advisor no "White Male Construction Workers"

Explosive Video Reich, Obamas economic advisor no "White Male Construction Workers"

Holy shittake!

My letter to my local newspaper

A question to the managers of The Muskegon Chronicle

I've attached a link to an article about a local newspaper that is thriving in today's tough newspaper market.

Their formula is simple;
1. Don't give your product away for free
2. Make your product worth the customer's money

Also attached is another link

It includes this letter to the WSJ that exemplifies what most of my friends say about our local paper:

" Exactly right, except the media do not take reports and put them into understandable context. They distort reports completely out of context, and call it truth. Papers are not going out of business because bloggers will do reporters' work for free; papers are falling because they are confirming readers' belief that we cannot trust the mass media, ever, on anything, so why pay for lies? The blogosphere did not do this to you; you did it to yourselves."

We simply don't get the real news from The Muskegon Chronicle therefore we won't pay for it any longer.

I've been a Chronicle subscriber since 1976.

When I recently dropped my subscription I wasn't asked why. There was no follow up call to see why they had lost another customer.

I sensed there really was no interest in hearing the truth.

Monopolies tend to produce inferior product and the loss of competitive skills.

Our county, cities and townships have serious problems ahead.

Muskegon County will lose approximately $3 million in state funding within 14 months.

There are offers from private companies to take over our airport and Brookhaven that could save the county $millions per year.

The county seems to be on the verge of tearing down the Herman Ivory Bus Terminal and building a very expensive multi-story parking ramp 50 yards away. And about 150 yards away from the parking ramp they just tore down!

Our schools are not educating our children, according to the MEAP scores.

And what do we hear from The Chronicle?..............zzzzzzzz

Where is the expose on the Hilton/Holiday Inn bond debacle?

Instead we get COLOR comics!

There is serious news to be reported and The Chronicle is a no show at every event.

Do I sound angry?

You bet!

A once great newspaper that provided essential information to our community has abrogated its responsibility and in so doing destroyed the jobs of its employees and soon, it seems, will finalize its own destruction.

I doubt there is the business acumen or the will, this late in the game, to become the trusted source of facts and truth that The Chronicle once was.

I'd sure love to be proven wrong.


Patient care needs to be No. 1 priority

Patient care needs to be No. 1 priority
"Does any of this apply to the current layoff announcement? Only if fewer nurses translates into less attention to detail within the Mercy Health Care system."

Interesting editorial from the remains of the once great Muskegon Chronicle.

The editorialist seems to advocate for greater "attention" for patients yet past editorials have shown our local paper to be a tireless champion of government run health care.

Like our post office?
Our wonderful state unemployment office?
Our US Treasury?

Just where in the world is a government run health care system better than the USA?

The crocodile tears of The Chronicle betray their contempt for the patient in need of quality care.

Not Warming As Much as We Thought

Not Warming As Much as We Thought
"John Ray over at the Greenie Watch site found a little nugget from James Hansen and NASA: the warming trend has been projected downward. Since Hansen’s GISS data always seems to be at odds with satellite observations, it has come under close scrutiny as of late. The latest revision from Hansen and company is downward, to 0.15 degrees C per decade, which is a full 25% lower than the IPCC’s “gold standard” predictions (with 95% accuracy) of 0.20 degrees C per decade. No press release yet on this, however."

Muskegon Taxpayers Alliance

Muskegon Taxpayers Alliance: "Today 3:30 commissioners meet!
The big one here today is the Transportation committee and will they continue their quest to tear down the Herman Ivory bus terminal and replace it 50 yards away in the new parking ramp across from the Holiday Inn."

Today Thursday 3:30 4th floor County Building