Sunday, May 24, 2009

Veterans Appreciation Event recap

Bottom Up Politics:
"I left the above meeting and hurried down to the “Veterans Appreciation Event” being put on by “Muskegon Patriots”. I have been working with Josh Charney the leader of Muskegon Patriots along with several others to help put on the event. Compared to the previous Tea Party event, the turnout was smaller. We planned on that due to the nature of the event, and the threat of rain also played a part. We did have a nice event with by my count, over 50 people braving the elements."

Nice recap of a proud event recognizing those who gave their all.

Splat! Former SKorean leader leaps to death over scandal

Former SKorean leader leaps to death over scandal
"Former President Roh Moo-hyun, embroiled in a penetrating corruption investigation, leaped to his death Saturday — a shocking end for a man whose rags-to-riches rise took him from rural poverty to Seoul's presidential Blue House. He was 62."

Wouldn't the USA be a better place if more "American" politicians took this option?

Snarky Huntress-tax grab!

Snarky Huntress: "When government leaders claim to oppose tax increases and promise not to create new taxes but then raid trust funds, they have deceived you because THEY HAVE CREATED A NEW TAX.

In a last minute sneak attack on gun owners, the Florida Legislature raided the concealed weapons and firearms licensing trust fund and CREATED A TAX ON THE EXERCISE OF THE SECOND AMENDMENT.

They took $6 million from the Division of Licensing Concealed Weapons and Firearm Trust Fund that is intended, by law, to be used solely for administering the concealed weapons and firearms licensing program. THAT IS A DEFACTO TAX ON GUN OWNERS (Read background Information below)."

Obama Addresses US Naval Academy Graduation | A Soldier's Perspective

Obama Addresses US Naval Academy Graduation A Soldier's Perspective: "Oddly enough, the midshipmen in attendance didn't applaud until Obama promised to 'to disrupt, dismantle, and defeat al Qaeda and its allies in Afghanistan and Pakistan.' Only then, did the soon-to-be Naval Ensigns and Marine Corps Lieutenants applaud his words. It's strength and resolve that we want, not candy-ass defeat and premature withdrawal."

Obama addressing ANY US military academy is just not right.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

USS Silversides "Lost Boat Ceremony" Sunday May 24! Be There!

"GLNMM's annual Lost Boat Ceremony will be held this Sunday, May 24, 11 a.m.
Americans, this is a truly moving event that honors those who have kept us free for so many decades.
Bring your pride, gratitude... and a hankey.
Rear Admiral Stephen E. Johnson ( will be guest speaking. The ceremony will also include a War Birds flyby and the starting of SILVERSIDES' engines.
A free walk-through tour will conclude the ceremony.
A hot dog luncheon will follow."

Saturday thoughts

Did you ever notice the anti-war types never show up at Memorial Day events?

Why does Gov. Granholm order flags at half-mast when soldiers die, but not police or firefighters? Or American contractors, most of whom are military vets?

And why aren't military deaths outside of Iraq/Afghanistan not worthy of a lowered flag?

I think we know the answer......

Malaria, Politics and DDT

Malaria, Politics and DDT
"In 2006, after 25 years and 50 million preventable deaths, the World Health Organization reversed course and endorsed widespread use of the insecticide DDT to combat malaria.

So much for that. Earlier this month, the U.N. agency quietly reverted to promoting less effective methods for attacking the disease. The result is a victory for politics over public health, and millions of the world's poor will suffer as a result."

June 6th Obama-style

Organizing for America Host or Attend a Health Care Organizing Kickoff
The subject of this e-mail from Obama's crew was: "June 6th: It all begins!"

"On June 6th, thousands of people just like you are beginning to organize for health care reform by hosting or attending a Health Care Organizing Kickoff."

I guess June 6th means different things to different Americans.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Muskegon Patriots Memorial Day event

Muskegon Patriots!
"When: May 23, 2009 Promptly starting at 1030AM (aprox 1hr)

Where: Veterans Memorial Park, Causeway

Parking: Please reserve south end of the park for Handicap Parking Only. All other parking will be in north end of Park, more parking areas will be announced on Tuesday, and they will all be near the park.

Event: At this event we will be honoring our Veterans and Service Men and Women.
If it were not for the time honored traditions of our armed services from President Washington to our current volunteer military we would not be able to enjoy this great Nation.

Bring with:
Please bring signs supporting our troops and veterans.
Cameras, video for sharing after the event
Money for t-shirts, hats, buttons, and beverages ($10, $10

There will be three Speakers
We will have a large signing area with a petition calling for the
removal of Janet Napoitano
Fundraising for continued support of the Muskegon Patriots"

75 MOVIES every man should see….

75 MOVIES every man should see….: "75 MOVIES every man should see."

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Editorial: Orchard View facing tough budget choices

Editorial: Orchard View facing tough budget choices
"A looming $1.6 million budget shortfall has forced Orchard View school board members to consider privatizing custodial and maintenance services -- something that several other area school districts have done"

Barack Obama's national security remarks

Barack Obama's national security remarks
"These are extraordinary times for our country. We are confronting an historic economic crisis. We are fighting two wars. We face a range of challenges that will define the way that Americans will live in the 21st century. There is no shortage of work to be done, or responsibilities to bear."

Dick Cheney's national security remarks

Dick Cheney's national security remarks
"Being the first vice president who had also served as secretary of defense, naturally my duties tended toward national security. I focused on those challenges day to day, mostly free from the usual political distractions. I had the advantage of being a vice president content with the responsibilities I had, and going about my work with no higher ambition.
Today, I'm an even freer man. Your kind invitation brings me here as a private citizen - a career in politics behind me, no elections to win or lose, and no favor to seek."

Divided MCC board approves tuition hike

Divided MCC board approves tuition hike
"A divided Muskegon Community College Board of Trustees Wednesday approved a 4.7 percent tuition hike."

Where is Prez Obama's "Shared Sacrifice" from the MCC employees?

Automatic annual wage step-ups, annual COL increases, monster benefits and pensions that don't seem to "Sharing" the sacrifice of students, parents and taxpayers.

The TWO AMERICAS ...again....

Aren't Regulations A Form of a Tax?

Aren't Regulations A Form of a Tax?
"Remember when Obama said that not one single American making under $250,000 would pay a single dime more in federal taxes?
Well the new emission standards Obama wants will make the cars we all buy as much as $600 - $1,300 more expensive."

As Cartoonists See It for the week of May 17

As Cartoonists See It for the week of May 17

Memorial Day parades, activities listed

Memorial Day parades, activities listed:
"The following is a look at local Memorial Day activities"

Hilarious Honda Insight 1.3 IMA SE Hybrid review

Jeremy Clarkson Honda Insight 1.3 IMA SE Hybrid review
"So here goes.
It’s terrible.
Biblically terrible.
Possibly the worst new car money can buy.
It’s the first car I’ve ever considered crashing into a tree, on purpose, so I didn’t have to drive it any more.
The biggest problem, and it’s taken me a while to work this out, because all the other problems are so vast and so cancerous....."

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

MEA prez threatens Benton Harbor board; board ignores her grandstanding

MEA prez threatens Benton Harbor board; board ignores her grandstanding
"The Benton Harbor school board last night voted to save a projected $2.75 million over five years by contracting for bus service.
Never an easy decision, the board put taxpayers first and made a wise decision.
MEA president Iris Salters took the opportunity to grandstand against privatization and even issued a threat to the board, according to the Herald Palladium:
“There will be a day when you rue the day you made this decision,” Salters said.

Anyone smell a recall?

With the Southfield story, we know the MEA isn’t above exacting revenge. There, the Uniserv director herself filed the recall petitions. Here, we’re guessing if a recall is filed, the MEA will be a little better about covering their tracks."

This is big union thuggery at its .... well normal level from the teacher's union thugs who seem immune from ANY media scrutiny, ever!

Michigan Budget, Michigan Legislature [Mackinac Center]

Michigan Budget, Michigan Legislature
"It's not really all that hard to cut state government spending — if you're willing to think outside the box and if you reject, 'But that's not the way we've done it in the past!' You also have to be willing to anger certain special interests (including government employees and their unions) who benefit from the status quo.
If you are willing to do those things, then here's a list of ways to achieve $2.24 billion in savings."

Wind turbine plant could create 219 jobs

Wind turbine plant could create 219 jobs
"The Michigan Economic Growth Authority board Tuesday tried to sway WindTronics officials' plant location decision by granting the company a 10-year, $3.7 million tax break if it selects an existing building in Muskegon's Port City Industrial Park.
WindTronics plans to invest $4.4 million in its first manufacturing plant that would employ up to 219 workers within five years. Michigan Economic Development Corp. officials say such a plant in Muskegon would generate an additional 243 indirect jobs."

How many times will we hear these same promises of jobs (taxpayer cost is $17,000 per job!) with zero follow up by ANYONE when the jobs don't pan out and the lies are buried?

Has our wonderful Muskegon Chronicle heard what's happened in Greenville? Yep!
But they'll never tell us in their paper.

Michigan unemployment in April reaches highest mark since 1983

"A year ago, Michigan's April unemployment rate was 7.9 percent."
No worries, failure is the new "success"!
Lots of Obamamana flows to those who excel at the new "success".

Automotive Pension Disaster; $42 Billion in Pension Promises Completely Unfunded

Automotive Pension Disaster; $42 Billion in Pension Promises Completely Unfunded
"The potential for General Motors Corp. and Chrysler LLC to end their plans has left the PBGC facing the prospect of adding 900,000 current and future beneficiaries. The PBGC, which pays retirement income to almost 44 million Americans, estimates that $77 billion of the automotive industry’s pensions are underfunded, with about $42 billion of that not funded at all."

Doesn't ANYONE understand the ramifications of this disaster that is here now?

Japan economy shrinks at record 15.2 percent pace

Japan economy shrinks at record 15.2 percent pace
"Japan's economy contracted by a 15.2 percent annual pace in the first quarter - its sharpest drop on record - as exports plunged, companies slashed production and families cut back on spending, the government said Wednesday.
But the outlook is hopeful."
DOWN 15.2%?!!!
In one quarter?!!!
This is the Japan we were told to emulate by the democrats?
This is the same style of economics foisted on us by today's Obamanomics.

Rail heads petition to stop moving toxins

Rail heads petition to stop moving toxins
"Federal law requires railroads to transport such materials, which are used in manufacturing, agriculture and water treatment."

Responsible credit-card users to “subsidize” deadbeats now

Responsible credit-card users to “subsidize” deadbeats now
"Just a little friendly congressional intervention in the marketplace to shift risk from people who can’t afford the product to people who can. Hey — it worked out with mortgages, didn’t it?"

Tuesday, May 19, 2009


"Teachers don't know no stinkin' math.
MALDEN, Mass. (WPRI) - According to state education officials, nearly three-quarters of the people who took the state elementary school teacher’s licensing exam this year failed the new math section.
The Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education is releasing the results Tuesday. They say that only 27 percent of the more than 600 candidates who took the test passed. The test was administered in March of this year."

LA, Other CA Cities Most Polluted In US | Sweetness & Light

LA, Other CA Cities Most Polluted In US Sweetness & Light: "A report by the American Lung Association
17 May 2009: Six out of ten Americans live in urban areas where air pollution can cause major health problems. While a new report for the American Lung Association acknowledges substantial progress against air pollution in many areas of the USA, it finds nearly every major city was still burdened by air pollution. Despite America’s growing “green” movement, the air in many cities became dirtier during the past 12 months. The research names Pittsburgh, Los Angeles and Bakersfield as the most polluted US cities."

Global warming could be twice as bad as forecast

Global warming could be twice as bad as forecast
"Global warming's effects this century could be twice as extreme as estimated just six years ago, scientists reported on Tuesday.
Earth's median surface temperature could rise 9.3 degrees F (5.2 degrees C) by 2100, the scientists at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology found, compared to a 2003 study that projected a median temperature increase of 4.3 degrees F (2.4 degrees C).
The new study, published in the American Meteorological Society's Journal of Climate, said the difference in projection was due to improved economic modeling and newer economic data than in previous scenarios.
Earlier climate warming may also have been masked by the global cooling effect of 20th-century volcanoes and by the emission of soot, which can add to warming, the scientists said in a statement.
To reach their conclusions, the MIT team used computer simulations that took world economic activity as well as climate processes into account, they said in a statement."

Caroline Glick: Iran's global reach

Caroline Glick: Iran's global reach
"As far as Washington is concerned, Iran's latest threats to destroy Israel were nothing more than payback for statements by Netanyahu and other senior Israeli officials regarding Israel's refusal to countenance a nuclear armed Iran.
Over the past several weeks, we have learned that the administration has made its peace with Iran's nuclear aspirations."

There is little question that it will take a major attack with WMDs for Obama to act... and even that might not be enough!

Vehicle break-ins on sharp rise in Muskegon County

Vehicle break-ins on sharp rise in Muskegon County
"Over the past two months, Muskegon County has been plagued by hundreds of vehicle break-ins, and in most cases the victim left valuables visible in an unlocked vehicle, police said.
Between March 1 and Friday, authorities countywide responded to 308 such incidents,"

The jails and prisons are full and the bad guys know it's a slap on their thieving wrist if they get caught.

Bummer dudes....

Monday, May 18, 2009

State may back off on new kindergarten rule

State may back off on new kindergarten rule
"It's not a lot to go on, but rumors out of Lansing are that the full-day requirement for developmental kindergarten next year will be delayed.
That means some districts expect to still offer half-day 'young fives' or DK programs in the fall, but that could change depending on the state's budget process."

Soak the Rich, Lose the Rich

Soak the Rich, Lose the Rich
"Here's the problem for states that want to pry more money out of the wallets of rich people. It never works because people, investment capital and businesses are mobile: They can leave tax-unfriendly states and move to tax-friendly states........
.....we found that from 1998 to 2007, more than 1,100 people every day including Sundays and holidays moved from the nine highest income-tax states such as California, New Jersey, New York and Ohio and relocated mostly to the nine tax-haven states with no income tax, including Florida, Nevada, New Hampshire and Texas.
We also found that over these same years the no-income tax states created 89% more jobs and had 32% faster personal income growth than their high-tax counterparts."

Happiness Is ... Being Old, Male and Republican

Happiness Is ... Being Old, Male and Republican
"Americans grow happier as they age, surveys find. And a new Pew Research Center survey shows the tendency is holding up as the economy tanks.
Happiness is a complex thing. Past studies have found that happiness is partly inherited, that Republicans are happier than Democrats, and that old men tend to be happier than old women."

Seriously, find a happy liberal!

They don't exist!

Bummer dudes......dudettes....

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Is the Dog-o-Matic an owner's best friend?

"Frenchman Romain Jarry, 31, who insists the device is not cruel, hopes to introduce it to Britain next year after it proved a huge success in his home town of St Max, near Nancy.
It costs the equivalent of £13 to wash a small dog, £22 for medium size, rising to £31 for the largest customers. Cats can also be catered for - at the small-dog price."

Spilled mercury causes hazmat cleanup in Hazel Park

Spilled mercury causes hazmat cleanup in Hazel Park
"Investigators are trying to figure out how a small amount of highly toxic mercury ended up on a sidewalk on Dequindre just south of Nine Mile Road.
A pedestrian called police at about 9 a.m. Sunday to report seeing a substance that looked like mercury, Sgt. Craig Fowler said.
'We called the hazmat crew and they confirmed that it did appear to be mercury,' Fowler said."

I remember when we were kids in the 50s we'd smash open thermometers to get the mercury and play with it for weeks.

None of us got sick or died.

We didn't even think to put it on out hotdogs....... but most of us are now conservatives......OMG!

Is mercury fondeling corrolated with conservatism?

And that is why libs want to keep it from young minds...........?

Man, 85, charged in fatal hammer attack on neighbor

Man, 85, charged in fatal hammer attack on neighbor

Hammer licensing?
If it saves just one life.....

Brady Hammer-Control?

Legal savvy, empathy keep Granholm on Supreme Court short list, experts say

Legal savvy, empathy keep Granholm on Supreme Court short list, experts say
"Michael Traugott, a political science professor at University of Michigan, says Granholm's strength is her mix of legal and political skills.
'If he doesn't want someone who's hasn't spent their life on the bench, who has practical experience, then you can see how she could fit,' he said.
'She has good legal experience. But she also has the experience that goes to the issue of empathy he seems to want.'"

But where do these "experts" prove Granholm's empathy for employers, employees or taxpayers?

Well, they don't.

But "those people" don't matter anymore.....

More state cutbacks on way

More state cutbacks on way
"State departments are bracing for 8 percent cuts next year in the wake of an agreement by the state's top economists Friday that the treasury will take in $1.72 billion less in tax collections next year than expected.
The cuts will mean more state worker layoffs and reductions in programs and services on top of statewide cuts ordered earlier this month by Gov. Jennifer Granholm to balance this year's budget."

Notice no interest in their President's concept of "shared sacrifice".
State workers who aren't laid off (those with GM/Chrysler seniority) seem to prefer others share the sacrifice....just like all government employees in our state.

Popular village of Three Oaks nearly broke

Popular village of Three Oaks nearly broke
"Three Oaks -- Not many communities of 1,800 have a poet laureate, community radio station, art-film house, and a downtown park that shows silent movies accompanied by an orchestra.
This isle of whimsy tucked in the southwest corner of Michigan differs from other quaint burgs in one other way.
It's nearly broke."

How could this happen?
With all this free stuff?
....... could there be a connection?

As Cartoonists See It for the week of May 10

As Cartoonists See It for the week of May 10

Michigan's broke, but it could be worse

Michigan's broke, but it could be worse
"Most of the economic stimulus money flowing into Lansing from Washington will go to keep state and school budgets in balance, not to fund hundreds of millions in job-creating infrastructure projects beyond those receiving stimulus money earmarked for that purpose"

So the "economic stimulus" is really not a stimulus but a public employee bailout just like the bailout for Chrysler and GM?

And about as successful too.

Column: Rumors of our demise premature

Column: Rumors of our demise premature
"I refer to the loose talk we've heard that The Muskegon Chronicle is going out of business, or has moved all of its employees to Grand Rapids, or has moved out of its downtown Muskegon building, or whatever else ignorant people are offering as their versions of truth these days.
None of the statements above is true."

It would be nice if The Chronicle continued its Terri Schiavo live-but-dying grip on life.

It would be way better if they started to report on what really is happening in our county, city/township governments and the MAISD and school spending vs how our kids are educated.

But that doesn't seem to be in the cards..... or Chairman Keep woulda told us, right?

Gas-tax increase introduced

Gas-tax increase introduced
"Lawmakers and road advocates began what will be a months-long push to raise $1.8 billion in higher gas tax and registration fees over the next half-decade that they say is required to keep Michigan roads in decent repair."

The tax-increase tsunami is rollin' folks!

Call you legislators or forever hold your peace.

One-size-fits-all laws strain local resources

One-size-fits-all laws strain local resources
"And, as one state official put it, it's another instance of 'one size fits all' laws.

If that were the only recent unfunded mandate ordered by the state or federal government, the city would take it and run like a thief.

Of course, it isn't."

Biden Reveals Location of Secret VP Bunker

Biden Reveals Location of Secret VP Bunker
"Biden told his dinnermates about the existence of a secret bunker under the old U.S. Naval Observatory, which is now the home of the vice president.
The bunker is believed to be the secure, undisclosed location"

Not any more....

5 Reasons Ethanol is a Major Scam

5 Reasons Ethanol is a Major Scam:
"3. All fuels laced with ethanol reduce the vehicle's fuel efficiency, and the E85 blend drops gas mileage between 30% and 40%, depending on whether you use the EPA's fuel mileage standards or those of the Dept. of Energy."

Saturday, May 16, 2009

43 stun-gunned at prisons' Take Your Kids to Work Day

43 stun-gunned at prisons' Take Your Kids to Work Day
"A total of 43 children were directly and indirectly shocked by electric stun guns during simultaneous ''Take Your Sons and Daughters to Work Day'' events gone wrong at three state prisons, according to new information provided Friday by the Florida Department of Corrections."

The Volokh Conspiracy

The Volokh Conspiracy
"Two YouTube videos help put proposed budget cuts and our growin"

New York Times, Nation's "Paper of Record," Rejects Frontpage Coverage of Pelosi Scandal

New York Times, Nation's "Paper of Record," Rejects Frontpage Coverage of Pelosi Scandal

Judge blocks 'robo-calls' selling car warranties

Judge blocks 'robo-calls' selling car warranties
"A federal judge has issued two temporary restraining orders designed to stop what officials describe as a wave of deceptive 'robo-calls' warning people their auto warranties are expiring and offering to sell them new service plans."

Anti-Gun Blacklist Bill Introduced in U.S. House

Anti-Gun Blacklist Bill Introduced in U.S. House
"H.R. 2159 would give 'the Attorney General the authority to deny the sale, delivery, or transfer of a firearm or the issuance of a firearms or explosives license or permit to dangerous terrorists. . . . if the Attorney General determines that the transferee is known (or appropriately suspected) to be or have been engaged in conduct constituting, in preparation for, in aid of, or related to terrorism, or providing material support thereof, and the Attorney General has a reasonable belief that the prospective transferee may use a firearm in connection with terrorism.'

H.R. 2159 does not, however, impose any requirements or limits on the information the Attorney General could use to make a determination, and it proposes that 'any information which the Attorney General relied on for this determination may be withheld from the applicant if the Attorney General determines that disclosure of the information would likely compromise national security.'

In stark contrast to the scheme proposed in H.R. 2159, federal law (already!) establishes guidelines for the nine categories of persons currently prohibited from possessing firearms, and it protects the right of a person to be told why he is prohibited. The latter is important because a person who is not prohibited can be mistaken for someone who is, due to incomplete or incorrect records in the FBI's database of prohibited persons, or due to being mistaken for a prohibited person on the basis of a similar name or other personal information."

Obama to name Utah gov. envoy to China

Obama to name Utah gov. envoy to China
"A Republican governor whose name has come up as a potential challenger to President Barack Obama in 2012 intends go to work for the president as ambassador to China, a source close to the governor said.
Utah Gov. Jon Huntsman, who is fluent in Mandarin Chinese from his days as a Mormon missionary in Taiwan, has accepted the appointment.....
He made headlines recently for encouraging the Republican Party to swing in a more moderate direction if it wanted to bounce back from the 2008 elections.....He signed an initiative that would set a regional cap-and-trade effort to reduce global warming.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Gateway Pundit: Change!... Obama's Defense Cuts Cost St. Louis 30,000 Jobs

Lot's of nice, high-pay, American jobs gone, gone, gone!

Hope and change, baby!


The problem is that between 2003-2008 there was such hysterical antagonism to Bush that the combatants never worried about the often vicious means they used to achieve their supposedly lofty ends, and so now, finding themselves in a position of responsibility, are infuriated that anyone, well, would even conceive of playing hardball as they once did.
The striking thing about the sudden wounded-fawn Democratic syndrome is that Cheney is far milder than Gore was, that the CIA is not the firebrand Pelosi has been, and Bush has been silent about Obama in a way that even Clinton was not about Bush. If this softball stuff excites such outrage, what will happen if politics really get rough, say, as it was around 2007?
I expect we’ll find out."

Pelosi's Self-Torture -

Pelosi's Self-Torture -

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Obama Says U.S. Long-Term Debt Load ‘Unsustainable’ (Update1) -

Obama Says U.S. Long-Term Debt Load ‘Unsustainable’ (Update1) - "President Barack Obama, calling current deficit spending “unsustainable,” warned of skyrocketing interest rates for consumers if the U.S. continues to finance government by borrowing from other countries."

Gulf Coast of Florida

Ooh yeah!!

Muskegon Democrats | Home

Muskegon Democrats
05/11/2009 QUOTE OF THE DAY:
'In the past year, despite a vice presidential nod that rocketed her to stardom, Sarah Palin's favorable ratings in her state have plunged from 86 percent to 54 percent. Jeez, you reveal yourself to be a connivin', scandal-dodgin', logic-twistin', ignorance embracin', witch doctor-lovin', bridge-to-nowhere thankin' then no-thankin', stimulus money rejectin' hypocrite and people just turn on ya. Oh well, at least Russia loves ya, ma'am. Look---they're wavin' at ya now.' Bill in Portland, Maine"

This is our Muskegon County democrat party official site.

They must be so proud!

Palin: Obama believes same thing as anti-gay beauty queen

Palin: Obama believes same thing as anti-gay beauty queen
“What I find so remarkable is that these politically-motivated attacks fail to show that what Carrie and I believe is also what President Obama and Secretary Clinton believe — marriage is between a man and a woman,” Palin said."

Muslim Demographics

It's coming, folks!

Pension issue isn't just about the teachers

Pension issue isn't just about the teachers
"it's against the law in Illinois to reduce the retirement benefits for any public employee -- a violation of Illinois' Constitution actually. You can't undo that without a Constitutional amendment, which nobody is proposing."

Aren't laws that public employees make for themselves great!

Granholm to Supreme Court? Serious tax issues fit Obama pattern

Granholm to Supreme Court? Serious tax issues fit Obama pattern
"The Ivory Tower reports this morning that Michigan's very own Governor Jennifer Granholm has landed smack dab on the Obama administration's short list of potential nominees to fill outgoing Justice David Souter's seat on the United States Supreme Court."

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

What The EPA's Ruling Means For Business -

What The EPA's Ruling Means For Business
"The decision on CO2 emissions is likely a boon for cleantech; critics fear huge risk to the U.S. economy.

The Environmental Protection Agency ruled today that carbon dioxide, a suspected cause of global warming, is an air pollutant that it is legally bound to regulate, a decision likely to have a vast impact on the U.S. economy and the way American companies do business. It is also a boon for cleantech, and may turn investors away from carbon intensive industries for good.
Lisa Jackson, the EPA administrator, signed a so-called endangerment finding, stating that carbon dioxide and five other products of fossil fuel combustion are harmful to both the environment and to human health. As a result, the EPA could begin regulating automotive CO2 emissions as soon as June. The ruling also gives the EPA broad power to regulate greenhouse-gas emissions from industry and electric power utilities for the first time."

This is disturbing-"Mission Accomplished" deleted.

I posted this back in 2007 when a friend told me "Bush landed on the aircraft carrier, said "Mission Accomplished" and told the world that the war was over".

It is an oft told lie, made up by Bush-haters and the liberal MSM (redundancy alert!) so when I saw it again on the web I went back to my original post and clicked my link to the US government website and found, voila! gone, deleted, out-of-there!
The US government had deleted the link and any mention of what President Bush said that day.

I even went to youtube and found only hate-Bush, misleading or shortened to the point of meaningless links to videos.

The entire Bush speech on video is nowhere to be found.
So the lie will be perpetuated and the truth buried.
Our brave new world with our great leader and his acolytes.

An aside:
My friend is an elderly gentleman who had no internet connection, so I went to the US government website and printed out the entire Bush "Mission Accomplished" speech on the USS Abe Lincoln.

He read it and responded, "you got this from the internet, right? Anyone could have written that. I don't believe things from the internet".

He gets most of his "news" from TV and Time magazine.

He had comfortably settled into his belief and no more information was needed.

State a lie often enough and people will see it as the truth.

MuskegonSummerCelebration to offer "Early-In Passes" $135

MUSKEGON, MI, May 13, 2009
The Muskegon Summer Celebration, ...., announces a chance for patrons to avoid the line and enter the Chrysler-Jeep-Dodge (Obama) Main Stage venue early for this year’s event, June 25 – July 5.
Up to 1000 patrons will be allowed into the concert venue beginning at 5:00 PM each day. Those patrons will either have purchased a special Sappi 11-Day Pass good for early entrance each night or a special ticket upgrade good for that particular night. There will be 400 Sappi 11-Day Early- In Passes available for $135 at the Downtown Summer Sampler/Sappi Pass Party, May 15 – 17, and 600 individual early-in upgrades for each night selling for $10 each.

This is a good idea.
Wait for the howls of angst from those who want free stuff!

US Speeding Towards Financial Crash

US Speeding Towards Financial Crash
"a warning from a top credit rating agency that the nation risked losing its triple A rating if it did not start putting its finances in order, is coming back to haunt us.
That warning from Moody’s focused on the exploding healthcare and Social Security costs that threaten to engulf the federal government in debt over coming decades. The facts show we’re in even worse shape now, and there are signs that confidence in America’s ability to control its finances is eroding."

Recession Drains Social Security and Medicare

Recession Drains Social Security and Medicare
"the Medicare fund that pays hospital bills for older Americans is expected to run out of money in 2017, two years sooner than projected last year. The Social Security trust fund will be exhausted in 2037, four years earlier than predicted"

And just where is this "Social Security TRUST FUND"?

In someone's lockbox?

Yeah, right......

Oh, our youth are just wild about big spendin' BarryO.

Wait till they realize the bill is theirs.

Was It a Sucker's Rally?

Was It a Sucker's Rally?
"You can have a jobless recovery, but you can't have a profitless recovery. Consider: Earnings are subpar, Treasury's last auction was a bust because of weak demand, the dollar is suspect, the stimulus is pork, the latest budget projects a $1.84 trillion deficit, the administration is berating investment firms and hedge funds saying 'I don't stand with them,' California is dead broke, health care may be nationalized, cap and trade will bump electric bills by 30% . . . Shall I go on?"

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Chrysler Walks Away from Lemon Laws | The Truth About Cars

Chrysler Walks Away from Lemon Laws The Truth About Cars: "When life gives you lemons, you make lemonade (or glazed strawberry lemon streusel muffins). When Chrysler gives you lemons, you’re SOL. Since April 30, Judge Arthur Gonzales has to approve payment on claims against Chrysler incurred before C11. That includes “lemon law” settlement checks to customers who bought defective Dodge, Chrysler or Jeep products. Not happening. “San Diego attorney Ellen Turnage represents a client who reached a settlement with Chrysler over a 2006 Dodge Magnum with a bad suspension. The car has been returned to Chrysler, but the automaker’s check bounced. ‘Now he’s got no car and no money, so he can’t go buy a new one,’ Turnage said of her client. ‘He’s stuck. We’re hanging on to a glimmer of hope that at some point this will all be resolved.’” As the LA Times reports, Turnage’s pessimism is well-justified. Instead of saying, sorry, we’ll expedite this, the new Chrysler is telling aggrieved customers to FO&D.
The company said it had no plans at this point to ask the bankruptcy judge to approve payments to settle lemon law complaints. ”This is a complex process and there are a lot of issues being discussed,” said Chrysler spokesman Mike Palese. “This could be one of those issues that comes up in the course of the bankruptcy, but I can’t say that we have any plans to present it at this time.”
Chrysler advises customers with pending lemon law complaints to file a proof of claim form with the Bankruptcy Court and join the ranks of the automaker’s unsecured creditors.
“In that case, you’ll be lucky to get pennies on the dollar,” [Atlanta attorney Alex]"


"Democrats, despite their being just as surprised as LaTourette and Ryan. Theirs is a partisan silence, with their opinions known only because this reporter asked.
Would Democrats have been so quiet if President George W. Bush's administration had announced that no plants would close, only to be boldly contradicted within 24 hours?"

And how would our "unbiased" MSM have responded?

CONVERSATIONAL SUGGESTIONS for Pelosi and the troops.

CONVERSATIONAL SUGGESTIONS for Pelosi and the troops.
Nancy Pelosi’s waterboarding questions No. 67 and 68. “These are just a few of the questions Pelosi needs to address; I am sure my Capitol Hill colleagues have their own. Until the Speaker does a better job of answering them — in the words of the Southwest commercial — she might not be free to move about the country without being hounded.”"

John Morris: Unmedicated: Pension Tsunami

John Morris: Unmedicated: Pension Tsunami
"John McCain came up with a great phrase when he used the term Generational Theft to describe what our government has done."

Soda Tax Weighed to Pay for Health Care

Soda Tax Weighed to Pay for Health Care
"Senate leaders are considering new federal taxes on soda and other sugary drinks to help pay for an overhaul of the nation's health-care system."

The first few waves of the giant tsunami of taxes planned by the demo-socialists and their Great Leader.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Video Warning of Pitfalls of Consumption Is a Hit in Schools -

Video Warning of Pitfalls of Consumption Is a Hit in Schools - "Which is one reason “The Story of Stuff,” a 20-minute video about the effects of human consumption, has become a sleeper hit in classrooms across the nation.
The video is a cheerful but brutal assessment of how much Americans waste, and it has its detractors. But it has been embraced by teachers eager to supplement textbooks that lag behind scientific findings on climate change and pollution. And many children who watch it take it to heart: riding in the car one day with his parents in Tacoma, Wash., Rafael de la Torre Batker, 9, was worried about whether it would be bad for the planet if he got a new set of Legos."

Sunday, May 10, 2009

DIJONGATE: What have we learned? “Congratulations to Professor Jacobson. Traffic at his Legal Insu…

DIJONGATE: What have we learned?
"but rather that MSNBC and other major media are no longer in the news business. They’re doing public relations for the Obama administration and the Democratic Party. . . . Obviously, reporters didn’t think ‘Dijon mustard’ fit the narrative the White House wanted, and so they fudged the quote — and NBC even edited its own video — to omit the offensive French phrase. Jacobson pointed this out, and it was like showing a Rorschach inkblot to Charles Manson.”"

Barack Obama Prepares Country For Liberal Newspaper Bailout

Barack Obama Prepares Country For Liberal Newspaper Bailout
"The notable thing in context is that Obama primarily in the speech talks about newspapers, with other media outlets being mentioned second (collectively), or when making a joke (for example, noting that Jefferson hadn’t seen Cable News.) It would appear from the speech clearly that Obama holds the mainstream media, and particularly newspapers above online media. It is clear that when he talked about “tough and vibrant media” that he is referring to mainstream media, and newspapers in particular.

He concludes with the line that the problems in the media industry are “problems worth solving,” which sounds an awful lot like the final word that there’s going to be a newspaper bailout.
Last week White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs said there would be no bailout for newspapers. "

More of our tax dollars for "TARP" $$$ to the failed liberal newspapers of the past?

What Republicans need is a mutiny

What Republicans need is a mutiny
"Two major debates face conservative Republicans about the future of the party. The first, rekindled by Sen. Arlen Specter's switch to the Democratic Party, is whether the GOP should move further leftward. The second is whether conservatives should tone down their advocacy on social issues. History is on the side of outspoken conservatives in both debates."

We've already had a mutiny and the party leadership is holed up under the poopdeck and has no idea they've lost control of the ship.

The problem is that no one else has control of the ship....

Group declares war on incumbents

Group declares war on incumbents
"A new political force calling itself Tea New York was unveiled in downtown Buffalo Saturday afternoon, and leaders promised to make things uncomfortable for incumbent officeholders."

Pension Tsunami

Pension Tsunami

Read it and weep!

Obama Likes Wanda Sykes Joke About Rush Limbaugh death— ‘I Hope His Kidneys Fail’

Obama Likes Wanda Sykes Joke About Rush Limbaugh — ‘I Hope His Kidneys Fail’

Yet, delicate libs whine when Americans (and Rush) work for and hope that Obama and his socialist agenda fail.

The sad, ignorant libs in the liberal MSM seem to have forgotten the lib's support of those murderous monsters who would kill our brave troops.

Cheney on Powell v Limbaugh: 'I'd Go with Rush Limbaugh'

Cheney on Powell v Limbaugh: 'I'd Go with Rush Limbaugh'
"From the Sunday, May 10 Face the Nation:

BOB SCHIEFFER: Rush Limbaugh said the other day the that the party would probably be better off if Colin Powell left and just became a Democrat. Colin Powell said Republicans would be better off if they didn't have Rush Limbaugh speaking for them. Where do you come down?
DICK CHENEY: Well, if I had to choose, in terms of being a Republican, I'd go with Rush Limbaugh I think. My take on it was Colin had already left the party. I didn't know he was still a Republican.
SCHIEFFER: So you think that he's not a Republican?
CHENEY: I just noted he endorsed the Democratic candidate for President this time, Barack Obama. I assume that that's some indication of his loyalty and his interests.
SCHIEFFER: And you said you take Rush Limbaugh over Colin Powell?
CHENEY: I would, politically."

Too funny!

Uber lib Schieffer doesn't realize that a democrat supporter is a democrat.

And I'll take Rush over most GOPers any day.

Saturday, May 09, 2009

Pensions at risk: Who will pay?

Pensions at risk: Who will pay?
"Under such circumstances, millions of Americans with no pensions of their own would wind up paying higher taxes to maintain pension benefits for autoworkers."

What Congress Knew -

What Congress Knew - "These days, Speaker Pelosi insists she heard and saw no evil. 'We were not -- I repeat -- were not told that waterboarding or any of these other enhanced interrogation methods were used,' she told reporters late last month. 'What they did tell us is that they had . . . the Office of Legal Counsel opinions [and] that they could be used, but not that they would.'"

Job losses slow, but is it from government hiring? | McClatchy

Job losses slow, but is it from government hiring? McClatchy: "April's net job loss total actually was somewhat misleading: Private-sector employment actually fell by 611,000 jobs, but government hiring, which added 66,000 jobs, mostly for the upcoming census, offset some of them"


“Since April 30, Judge Arthur Gonzales has to approve payment …:
"CHRYSLER WALKS AWAY FROM LEMON LAWS. “Since April 30, Judge Arthur Gonzales has to approve payment on claims against Chrysler incurred before C11. That includes ‘lemon law’ settlement checks to customers who bought defective Dodge, Chrysler or Jeep products. Not happening.”"

"Currahee" - The New Editor

"Currahee" - The New Editor

MPs' expenses: minister Kitty Ussher used allowances for £20,000 house make-over

MPs' expenses: minister Kitty Ussher used allowances for £20,000 house make-over
"Her two-page note details 12 separate major repairs she hoped to have carried out on the home in South London, including the removal of a “bad taste” Artex ceiling.
Miss Ussher is one of 12 MPs from three political parties whose expenses under the second home allowance will be revealed in detail in tomorrow’s Sunday Telegraph."

A government with zero media oversight will test the limits every day.

Some Muskegon County commissioners are spending travel dollars with no media exposure.

MuskegonPundit is on it.

Friday, May 08, 2009

Michigan State Police cut of 100 troopers likely will hurt response times in West Michigan's rural areas

Michigan State Police cut of 100 troopers likely will hurt response times in West Michigan's rural areas
"'It's been my dream to be a trooper,' said Miller, who has worked for the last six months out of the Wayland Post making the hour-long drive to a job he just found out is slated to be dropped as part of a budget-cutting move from Lansing.
'I came to the state police because I thought it was a place to have a career,' said the 41-year-old father of two from St. Joseph. 'Now, here I am.'"
Jenny shoots us citizens in the head again.....

Postmaster presses Congress to act on retiree bill - DMNews

Postmaster presses Congress to act on retiree bill
"The agency is on track to lose about $6.4 billion this year, despite efforts to target $5.9 billion in cuts for fiscal year 2009, which ends September 30, and anticipates an additional lost of $6 billion next fiscal year,"

And these folks tell us the very SAME government can run our entire health care system?

Tea Party Toolbox

Our Muskegon "Tea Party" rally:
Muskegon Rally:
May 23, 2009
Veterans Park (in between the N Muskegon Causeway
10:30am-end (aprox. 1 hour)

National Event:
July 4th 2009 in Lansing at the State Capital.

"Declaring our independance from reckless spending"

Caravan decorationg party before we leave here in Muskegon!
More info to come.

Great "Toolbox" info from Jack McHugh at the Mackinac Center

Friends -

Since the Tea Parties, the questions that everyone has been asking are "what next?" and "what else can we do?"

The Mackinac Center has posted three important tools with some answers. All three are now live on

The first is "
Tea Party Activists have Attitude," and it describes the 'tude they should have to change the incentives on members of the political class.
(First item: "Tea Party activists aren't impressed that their politician is a 'nice guy.' They're all 'nice guys' - get over it, and hold them accountable for their deeds rather than their smile.")

The second installment is called "
Ten Minute Tea Party Activist" and it lists 10 specific actions activists can do.
These are more sophisticated than the usual "civic creed" nostrums - I think you will like. This list is now live on (and will be the featured Current Comment on Monday).

Finally, a "
Candidate Quesionnaire for Tea Party Activists" provides "hard-to-dodge questions that suggest whether a candidate for the Michigan Legislature actually supports limited government principles."
Emphasis on "hard to dodge" - these go way beyond the "Do you support tax and spending cuts?" that they all say "yes" to, and which tell you nothing.

Please don't hesitate to spread these tools far and wide.

Thanks for all you do.

Jack McHugh

Thursday, May 07, 2009

CIA Says Pelosi Was Briefed on Use of 'Enhanced Interrogations' - Capitol Briefing

CIA Says Pelosi Was Briefed on Use of 'Enhanced Interrogations' - Capitol Briefing

Millions, Billions, Trillions - Political Punch

Millions, Billions, Trillions - Political Punch
"$17 billion is without question real money, and it means something, though within the context of the president's budget it's less than one half of one percent of the total budget.

And it's about 1.4 percent of the projected deficit for 2010 of $1.17 trillion.

And as the Wall Street Journal points out, the president's proposed 'cuts are outweighed by proposals to spend more on an array of programs and regulatory functions.' The budget for the Federal Railway Administration budget is increased, for instance, from $1.8 billion to $2.7 billion.

Whether or not $17 billion is a lot of money in spending cuts depends, of course, on what one compares it to -- and who's doing the comparing."

"Great Leader" must assume we voters are economic morons or...... "Great Leader" is an economic moron.

I vote.

I'm not an economic moron.

"Great Leader" is and he's misjudged Americans.... I hope!

Gov't Attempting to Seize Smith & Wesson

Gov't Attempting to Seize Smith & Wesson
"a clause in the 2009 Stimulus Bill calls for the federal government to seize industries and companies that are essential to the economy or 'government function.'

The Treasury Department contacted the company in March 2009, asking to buy shares at $10 above market price. However, this offer was sharply rebuffed.

Similar offers have been made to Remington."

This government is out of control!

Records violations ensnare housing nominee

Records violations ensnare housing nominee
"President Obama's choice for the government's No. 2 housing job is embroiled in the largest fine in U.S. history for 'blatant violations' of open records laws after the Washington State Supreme Court chastised his office for withholding documents detailing taxpayer costs for a new professional football stadium in Seattle"

Does Obama know ANYONE who is not a crook?


"“House Democrats took the easy and short-sighted route to $138 million in one-time federal money, while turning their backs on the job providers who will be left to foot the bill of the $69.7 million per-year expansion of the 100 percent employer-financed unemployment insurance system.”
The Democrats’ action today will permanently increase costs and further strain the unemployment system and the ability of the state to fulfill its commitment to those who are currently eligible for unemployment benefits.”"

Click the link to see how really, really bad this democrat supported bill is!

Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Powell Says Shrinking GOP Should Return To The Center

Powell Says Shrinking GOP Should Return To The Center: "Powell told corporate security executives........ The party must realize that the country has changed, he said. 'Americans do want to pay taxes for services,' he said. 'Americans are looking for more government in their life, not less.'"

And this guy said he was a republican?

Chrysler: The Next Pension Crisis?

Chrysler: The Next Pension Crisis?
"But for the PBGC, and for Chrysler employees, it's quite possible that all that's been done is to delay the inevitable. Chrysler's pension plans are $9.3 billion underfunded."

Monday, May 04, 2009

The President Who Hates His Country

The President Who Hates His Country: "In just the first 100-days of his tenure, Obama’s words and actions have demonstrated that he is no friend of the country he leads. This is only a smattering of what happened on his recent three-continent trip abroad and to Mexico:"