Monday, August 31, 2009

Kennedy and the KGB

American Thinker: Kennedy and the KGB: "Shortly after the announcement of Ted Kennedy's death, I had already received several interview requests. I declined them, not wanting to be uncharitable to the man upon his death. Since then, I've seen the need to step up and provide some clarification.

The issue is a remarkable 1983 KGB document on Kennedy, which I published in my 2006 book, The Crusader: Ronald Reagan and the Fall of Communism (HarperCollins). The document is a May 14, 1983 memo from KGB head Victor Chebrikov to his boss, the odious Soviet General Secretary Yuri Andropov, designated with the highest classification. It concerns a confidential offer to the Soviet leadership by Senator Kennedy. The target: President Ronald Reagan. (A pdf file of the original Russian language document and an English translation are available here.)

With Kennedy's death, this stunning revelation is again making the rounds, especially after Rush Limbaugh flagged it in his 'Stack of Stuff.' I'm being inundated with emails, asking basically two questions: 1) is the document legitimate; and 2) what does it allege of Senator Kennedy?

First off, yes, the document is legitimate. If it were not, I would have never reported it. Over the years, from my book to radio and web interviews, I've provided specifics. Briefly summarized, here are the basics:

The document was first reported in a February 2, 1992 article in the London Times, titled, 'Teddy, the KGB and the top secret file,' by reporter Tim Sebastian. Russian President Boris Yeltsin had opened the Soviet archives. Sebastian discovered the document in the Central Committee archives specifically. When his article appeared in the Times, other on-site researchers dashed to the archives and grab"

Another Failed Presidency

Another Failed Presidency
"Barack Obama is on track to have the most spectacularly failed presidency since Woodrow Wilson.
In the modern era, we've seen several failed presidencies--led by Jimmy Carter and LBJ.
Failed presidents have one strong common trait-- they are repudiated, in the vernacular, spat out.
Of course, LBJ wisely took the exit ramp early, avoiding a shove into oncoming traffic by his own party."



Go to this site every day!
Great stuff from a great mind!

Another 12 Misspelled Signs

Another 12 Misspelled Signs -
"Another 12 Misspelled Signs"

Obama’s Policies are Hypocritical ::

Mayor Bing: 10% of city workers must go

Mayor Bing: 10% of city workers must go
"Mayor Dave Bing this morning said his administration has found ways to keep the city's cash flowing beyond October, but said he still needs to reduce Detroit's work force by 10 percent."

An adult as Detroit mayor?
My golly, a tiny light at the end of a very long, long tunnel.
You go, Bingster!

Top Ten Poverty Cities

from an e-mail:

Top 10 Poverty Cities:

City, State, % of People Below the Poverty Level
1. Detroit , MI 32.5%
2. Buffalo , NY 29..9%
3. Cincinnati , OH 27.8%
4. Cleveland , OH 27.0%
5. Miami , FL 26.9%
5. St. Louis , MO 26.8%
7. El Paso , TX 26.4%
8. Milwaukee , WI 26.2%
9. Philadelphia , PA 25.1%
10. Newark , NJ 24.2%

U.S. Census Bureau, 2006 American Community Survey, August 2007

What do the top ten cities (over 250,000) with the highest poverty rate all have in common?

Detroit, MI (1st on the poverty rate list) hasn't elected a Republican mayor since 1961;

Buffalo, NY (2nd) hasn't elected one since 1954;

Cincinnati , OH (3rd)...since 1984;

Cleveland , OH (4th)...since 1989;

Miami , FL (5th) has never had a Republican mayor;

St. Louis , MO (6th)....since 1949;

El Paso , TX (7th) has never had a Republican mayor;

Milwaukee , WI (8th)...since 1908;

Philadelphia , PA (9th)...since 1952;

Newark , NJ (10th)...since 1907.

Einstein once said, 'The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.'

It is the poor who habitually elect Democrats---yet they are still

"You cannot help the poor by destroying the rich.
You cannot strengthen the weak by weakening the strong.
You cannot bring about prosperity by discouraging thrift.
You cannot lift the wage earner up by pulling the wage payer down.
You cannot further the brotherhood of man by inciting class hatred.
You cannot build character and courage by taking away people's initiative and independence. You cannot help people permanently by doing for them, what they could and should do for themselves."

Abraham Lincoln .....
...................and Mr. Obama, you are no Abe Lincoln

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Sears revival of Christmas Club

Sears revival of Christmas Club draws interest from West Michigan shoppers; retail analysts wait and see
"But her eyes sparkled like tinsel when she heard about the new Sears Christmas Club, which pays 3 percent interest on money saved by consumers for holiday shopping."

Regraveling, 30s style unemployment, lay-a-way.
Everything old is new again.

State issues 30-day layoff notices to employee unions

State issues 30-day layoff notices to employee unions
"State officials said 30-day layoff notices were sent today to all state employee bargaining units, nearly five weeks ahead of the day the new budget year begins."

You reap what you sow?

CARPE DIEM: Creative Destruction

CARPE DIEM: Creative Destruction:
"1. Mobile phones replace alarm clocks.

2. 158 million U.S. Internet users watched online video in July, the largest audience ever recorded. Online video reached another all-time high in July with a total of 21.4 billion videos viewed during the month.

3. Toyota to Close Union Plant in California, the first time Toyota has ever closed a U.S. plant."

Stop 'emotionalizing' the cap-and-trade debate

Stop 'emotionalizing' the cap-and-trade debate
"The approach won't work because it would use a government mandate to create a market for which there is no consumer demand.
Since the American economy is mainly powered by energy produced from carbon fuels and will be for the foreseeable future, reducing carbon emissions requires slowing or eliminating economic growth, with the result that 2 million more Americans will become unemployed by 2012, according to an analysis by the conservative Heritage Foundation. Similarly, the Brookings Institution -- certainly no sentinel of rightward analysis -- also predicts dire economic results from Waxman-Markey."

Students in Michigan pay for broken 'Promise'

Students in Michigan pay for broken 'Promise'
"Thousands of Michigan college students are being forced to scrape together an extra $500 or more for tuition because of uncertainty over a popular scholarship program."

Aren't most government promises broken as soon as they are promised?
No mention of "why" tuition is exploding.
No mention of the abysmal graduation rates from Michigan colleges.

Grand Rapids Community College President Steven Ender calls employee salaries 'excessive and unsustainable'

Grand Rapids Community College President Steven Ender calls employee salaries 'excessive and unsustainable'
"Grand Rapids Community College salaries are 'approaching being excessive and unsustainable' and some might be frozen as the school adjusts to financial pressures, President Steven Ender told employees.
Ender, speaking at a 'Learning Day' gathering Thursday to kick off the fall semester, told faculty and staff
he wants to hire an outside firm to review salaries from top to bottom and compare them with similar posts at other community colleges"

What's going on at GRCC?

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Bill would let local Michigan governments decide on restaurant smoking

Bill would let local Michigan governments decide on restaurant smoking
"A Michigan lawmaker says local governments should be able to ban smoking in restaurants and bars since a proposed statewide ban is stalled in the Legislature.
A bill sponsored by Rep. Gary McDowell would let each county, city, township and village decide if people can smoke in local bars and restaurants.
Michigan law allows only the Legislature to ban smoking in food establishments.
McDowell says the law should be changed because legislators will not pass a statewide ban.
The Rudyard Democrat had planned to testify Wednesday in a House committee, but his bill has been taken off the agenda."

Let each community make their own decision!
What a concept!
Imagine if each restaurant and bar could make that same decision with their own businesses!

Saranac, Lowell school officials work to stem tide of student transfers

Saranac, Lowell school officials work to stem tide of student transfers
"Superintendent Jeanette Adams wants to stop the trend of students who live along Saranac's border with Lowell choosing to enroll in the Kent County district.
But how to do that without drawing lines in the schools-of-choice sand?
'We don't want to coerce people to come here,' Adams said of her Ionia County district.
'For many families, it's not always about what's better, but what's closer.'"

Maybe they ought to focus more on "attracting" rather than "coercing"?
Like providing a quality education......

Things only a Kennedy could get away with

Mark Steyn: Things only a Kennedy could get away with
"We are enjoined not to speak ill of the dead.
But, when an entire nation – or, at any rate, its 'mainstream' media culture – declines to speak the truth about the dead, we are certainly entitled to speak ill of such false eulogists."

Kennedy, Bork and the Politics of Judicial Destruction

Kennedy, Bork and the Politics of Judicial Destruction
The death of a public figure, especially a polarizing one, always makes things a bit dicey in opinionland.
Do the detractors speak ill of the dead?
Do the defenders pre-empt such criticisms, or does that just inspire the critics? In the case of Ted Kennedy, whose many accomplishments got due recognition everywhere, most chose to duck the fight on anything more problematic.

There was comparatively little talk about a Harvard scandal, a very sad end to a first marriage or a controversial rape trial. Even among the pundits and partisans, the name Mary Jo Kopechne was for the most part mentioned only in passing; those on the right who tried to make much of it seemed more petulant than aggrieved — perhaps even shrill — while those on the left who tried to make the best of it sounded patently absurd. "

But if this isn’t the occasion to dwell on the senator’s personal shortcomings, it should be one to examine his words. And in terms of both dramatic and lasting effect, nothing in his 46-year tenure in the Senate comes close to this:"

click to see the video and read the tawdry story of a scumbag.

Peter Foster: The man who doubted Al Gore

Peter Foster: The man who doubted Al Gore
"I once attended a dinner party thrown by a corporate executive who — like his guests — was astonished at my apostasy, which was met by the requisite mime show of shock from other guests.
The following day he e-mailed me a news item about melting Arctic ice.
That, presumably, would put me straight."


10 Weirdest College Mascots

10 Weirdest College Mascots
"Without a doubt, one of the strangest college sports mascots has to be Scrotie, the unofficial mascot of the Rhode Island School of Design. The costume is unique and at the same time horrific, looking exactly like a giant penis wearing a red cape with the scrotum hanging beneath.

The school's basketball team is known as the Balls, and their slogan is, 'When the heat is on, the Balls stick together.' The hockey team is called the Nads, and their cheer is 'Go Nads!'
Scrotie was created to cheer on the Nads in 2001. Despite his status as an unofficial mascot, he's present at all the games and widely accepted by the student body. (Link)"

Welcome to AfterMath

NYT Calls on Terror Regime to Stop Accidentally Terrorizing People

NYT Calls on Terror Regime to Stop Accidentally Terrorizing People:
"The Times editorializes today on abuses in the Iranian prison system, and it is one of those pieces in which you can’t tell whether the writer is dense or stupid:
Iran’s Constitution and law prohibit torture; however, the 2008 State Department human rights report cites numerous credible reports over the years in which security forces and prison personnel tortured prisoners.
The government should be ferreting out and putting an end to these abuses.
One could attempt to take this seriously and ask, Why would the government “ferret out” and “put an end” to the very brutality by which it keeps itself in power? This is like saying to a mafia boss, “You should ferret out the people in your organization who are involved in stealing, bribery, and extortion, and put an end to these abuses.” Seriously?"

Would "dense" AND "stupid" be a redundancy?

Donations, card games may help fund Holton Township culvert

Donations, card games may help fund Holton Township culvert
"So this is what local government has come to: recycled wastewater pipe and a hat passed to collect donations.
That is what has finally resolved the stalemate over the collapsed Syers Road culvert in Holton Township that has left the road closed for two years."

This is what happens when government spends all your money on ..... government employees!

Ship's log: The Indiana Harbor

Ship's log: The Indiana Harbor
Length: 1,000 feet.
Destination: Consumer Energy, Cobb slip.
Cargo: Coal.

Scheduled arrival: 7 p.m. Sunday.
Scheduled departure: 3 a.m. Monday.

Points of Interest: Built in 1979 as a twin-screw self-unloading bulk carrier for American Steamship Co. She is the ninth 1,000-footer built for Great Lakes service. Indiana Harbor is an awesome sight steaming up Muskegon Lake to deliver coal to Consumers Energy."

Grand Haven voters to decide on ward system

Grand Haven voters to decide on ward system
"'I feel that myself and other council members have tried their best to represent the whole community and not just the neighborhood in which we live,' he said. 'It is better to think of how everyone would benefit rather than a small population.'"

Oh, get real!
Look how successful the ward system is for Muskegon and Detroit!

"this 18-year nightmare did not have to be for Dugard"

But it became increasingly clear Friday that this 18-year nightmare did not have to be for Dugard, with new details surfacing that authorities blew numerous chances to catch her alleged captor.

Neighbors complained to law enforcement that a psychotic sex addict was in their midst, alarmed that Phillip Garrido was housing young girls in backyard tents. A deputy showed up to investigate, but never went beyond the front porch.

Probation officers showed up at the home, too, but had no inkling that his back yard was actually a labyrinth of tents, sheds and buildings that were Dugard's prison.
They did not even know he had children on the premises.

Garrido also wore a GPS-linked ankle bracelet that tracked his every movement, the result of his sex-crime convictions that sent him away to Leavenworth for a 50-year stint, only to get paroled after 10 years.

"Why is he out and about?" said Dan DeMaranville, who investigated Garrido in the 1970s rape case in Nevada. "If he's on lifetime parole, where was his parole officer? The guy was a sick puppy, and should have been neutered before he was paroled."

The outrage came as a sheriff's department acknowledged that it missed an opportunity to arrest Garrido in 2006 after the neighbor complaint about children in the yard.

"We missed an opportunity to bring earlier closure to this situation," Contra Costa County Sheriff Warren E. Rupf said. "I cannot change the course of events but we are beating ourselves up over this and continue to do so."

"We should have been more inquisitive, more curious and turned over a rock or two."

I sure hope there is a new sheriff in town soon!

Friday, August 28, 2009

Kent County prepares to sue state over unfunded foster care programs

Kent County prepares to sue state over unfunded foster care programs
"Kent County has been authorized to sue the state over provisions of a 2008 settlement Michigan reached with a national children's rights advocacy group -- which local officials say illegally impose unfunded mandates, creating a strain on county coffers.
The national group, Children's Rights Inc., sued the state last year after a series of high-profile abuse cases, alleging some children placed with Michigan foster care providers were being harmed because of a lack of adequate monitoring. The case was settled late last year, with the state agreeing to a list of provisions including providing more case workers in abuse and neglect complaints, adding legal counsel for the parties involved and expanding eligibility requirements for foster care.
Kent County officials say the settlement, reached without their consent, violates the state constitution by mandating more than $4 million in added services, only half of which would be reimbursed by the state. They also say having to pay for services mandated by the settlement places in jeopardy less-expensive programs, which are more effective in preventing abuse and neglect"

It's about time!

AIG CEO defends holiday, slams lynch mob attacks

AIG CEO defends holiday, slams lynch mob attacks
"He makes no apologies for his passion for Croatia, including his palatial villa with 12 bathrooms and his vineyards on the Peljesac Peninsula about a two hours drive north of Dubrovnik."

Who doesn't need 12 bathrooms?

Ted Kennedy's Soviet Gambit

Ted Kennedy's Soviet Gambit
"Kennedy's message was simple.
He proposed an unabashed quid pro quo. Kennedy would lend Andropov a hand in dealing with President Reagan.
In return, the Soviet leader would lend the Democratic Party a hand in challenging Reagan in the 1984 presidential election.
'The only real potential threats to Reagan are problems of war and peace and Soviet-American relations,' the memorandum stated.
'These issues, according to the senator, will without a doubt become the most important of the election campaign.'"

Final Cash for Clunkers data

Final Cash for Clunkers data
1. Toyota Corolla
2. Honda Civic
3. Toyota Camry
4. Ford Focus front-wheel drive
5. Hyundai Elantra
6. Nissan Versa
7. Toyota Prius
8. Honda Accord
9. Honda Fit" Chrysler...where are you?
Chairman Obama will be looking into this soon, I'm sure!

Big Beck: Goes over 3 million viewers, beats O’Reilly

Big Beck: Goes over 3 million viewers, beats O’Reilly in demo: Cable News Ratings for Wednesday, August 26, 2009
"Though a little scandal might alienate advertisers, it’s pure ratings gold.
Last night Glenn Beck had over 3 million viewers at 5pm, second only to O’Reilly for the night.
But, Beck had more 25-54 viewers than O’Reilly (888K to 876K).
I don’t watch or really even care about the cable news wars, but still…wow.
Even though Beck airs before primetime, when there are fewer people watching TV, he had the most 25-54 viewers in the cable news world for the night."