Thursday, January 14, 2010

Dangerous Debut at Winter Olympics: Skier Versus Skier - At 100 Kilometers Per Hour

Dangerous Debut at Winter Olympics: Skier Versus Skier - At 100 Kilometers Per Hour
"'In the team, we always made jokes about locking ourselves away as soon as we had qualified for the Olympics,' Stickl told SPIEGEL ONLINE.
'Just so that nothing could happen to us.
Because our sport is so dangerous.'"

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

White House credits stimulus with up to 2M jobs

White House credits stimulus with up to 2M jobs
"President Barack Obama is trumpeting a new White House estimate that his top economist calls 'stunning': His stimulus plan has already created or saved up to 2 million jobs.
The analysis is part of the administration's quarterly report to Congress on the controversial $787 billion package of spending and tax cuts he signed weeks after taking office.
Republicans have denounced the stimulus plan as an expensive flop, pointing to a national unemployment rate stuck at 10 percent and December figures showing the economy shed 85,000 more jobs.
But the report from the President's Council of Economic Advisers said the economy is a lot better off than it would have been without the stimulus. Citing its own analysis plus a range of private sector summaries, the council estimated the annual growth rate last year would have been roughly 2 percentage points lower, and there would have been 1.5 million to 2 million fewer jobs.
'That's truly a stunning and important effect', Christina Romer, the council's chairwoman, said in a conference call with reporters. 'It has done exactly what we have anticipated it would do.'"


When the best that can be said of an administration is "delusional", one must marvel at what awaits us these next three years.

Michelle Obama: Harry Reid doesn't owe me an apology

Michelle Obama: Harry Reid doesn't owe me an apology
"First lady Michelle Obama told reporters Wednesday that Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid doesn’t owe her an apology over his racial comments about her husband’s electoral chances because she knows Reid so well."

Why is the MSM reporting this gaff as a slap at Obama?

Reid's slur was aimed at ALL "dark skinned" and "negro" sounding black Americans!!!!
Not mocha colored, Ivy-league millionaires.

And why does the MSM allow the Obamas to be the deciders and apology acceptors/

Oh.... I remember now......

Records Show Keith Gladney Firing Unusual Event

Records Show Keith Gladney Firing Unusual Event
"Why should anyone care about the firing of Keith Gladney?"

Why doesn't the media care?

Ottawa County makes Lake Michigan parks free to low-income residents

Ottawa County makes Lake Michigan parks free to low-income residents
Low-income residents will get a break on admission to Ottawa County parks with a policy change approved by county commissioners Tuesday.
The county will waive its $12 annual fee for admission to Lake Michigan parks, including Tunnel and Kirk parks, to county residents who submit a written fee waiver request along with a copy of their Michigan Bridge card.
'The Parks and Recreation Commission recognizes the importance of outdoor recreation opportunities to the health and well-being of all people,' County Parks Director John Scholtz said."

Ain't being "poor" great!

The "Michigan Bridge Card", never leave home without it!

This is for the poor, right?........meebee our state can get one?

Iron Chef Special Used Ringers, Not Veggies From The White House Garden

Iron Chef Special Used Ringers, Not Veggies From The White House Garden
"The produce used on the Food Network's Jan. 3 Iron Chef of America two-hour special White House show was billed as being from the White House garden.
But the show did not disclose that 'stunt double vegetables' were used and not produce from the First Family's garden."

Even the Food Network will shill for these phonies.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Detroit, Ann Arbor out of contention to host World Cup

Detroit, Ann Arbor out of contention to host World Cup
"Despite being listed as contenders in the U.S. bid process to host the FIFA World Cup in 2018 or 2022, the Detroit region's two prospective stadiums — Ford Field and Michigan Stadium — both removed themselves from consideration months ago."

What are the DNC and DSCC Seeing That We Aren’t?

What are the DNC and DSCC Seeing That We Aren’t? - Erick’s blog - RedState
"Coming on the heels of Martha Coakley saying Scott Brown’s surge is “frightening”, I’m hearing tonight that the DNC and DSCC have rapidly deployed senior aids to Massachusetts to try to get the Coakley campaign under control and course corrected.

Internal polling on the Democrat side suggests that Brown has pulled to within the margin of error and public polls are reflecting this.
The Democrats are panicked.
The shaping conventional wisdom is that if Brown can just keep Coakley close, even if he does not win, he may fatally wound Obamacare by spooking vulnerable Senate Democrats.
This is getting interesting."

U.S. Chamber warns of 'double-dip' recession because of Dem policies

U.S. Chamber warns of 'double-dip' recession because of Dem policies
"U.S. Chamber of Commerce President Tom Donohue warned the U.S. faces a double-dip recession because of the taxes and regulations under consideration by the Democratic Congress and President Barack Obama.

“Congress, the administration and states must recognize that our weak economy simply could not sustain all the new taxes, regulations and mandates now under consideration.
It’s a sure-fire recipe for a double-dip recession, or worse,” Donohue said in a speech providing the Chamber's outlook for 2010."

Monday, January 11, 2010

Road projects don't help unemployment

AP IMPACT: Road projects don't help unemployment
"Ten months into President Barack Obama's first economic stimulus plan, a surge in spending on roads and bridges has had no effect on local unemployment and only barely helped the beleaguered construction industry, an Associated Press analysis has found.
Spend a lot or spend nothing at all, it didn't matter, the AP analysis showed: Local unemployment rates rose and fell regardless of how much stimulus money Washington poured out for transportation, raising questions about Obama's argument that more road money would address an 'urgent need to accelerate job growth.'
Obama wants a second stimulus bill from Congress that relies in part on more road and bridge spending, projects the president said are 'at the heart of our effort to accelerate job growth.'"

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Dark Roasted Blend

Dark Roasted Blend

Shrinking U.S. Labor Force Keeps Unemployment Rate From Rising

Shrinking U.S. Labor Force Keeps Unemployment Rate From Rising
"An exodus of discouraged workers from the job market kept the U.S. unemployment rate from climbing above 10 percent in December, economists said.
Had the labor force not decreased by 661,000 last month, the jobless rate would have been 10.4 percent, according to economists including David Rosenberg at Gluskin Sheff & Associates in Toronto and Harm Bandholz at UniCredit Research in New York.
“The actual unemployment rate is higher than shown by the official numbers,”

Friday, January 08, 2010

EPA Expands Its Reach: New Air Pollution Standards Will Require Action From Hundreds More Jurisdictions

EPA Expands Its Reach: New Air Pollution Standards Will Require Action From Hundreds More Jurisdictions
"'This kind of levels the playing field,' said Leo Kay, spokesman for the California Air Resources Control Board.
'In California we've set pretty tough air pollution standards for a long time now and this brings the rest of the country to the same level.'"

That's their plan folks.
Turn EVERY state into the disaster that California now is.
It's Obama's version of what Gov. Jenny has done to Michigan, turn the entire state into Detroit.

Thursday, January 07, 2010

37 vulnerable House Dems we need to target on health care

Cassy Fiano » 37 vulnerable House Dems we need to target on health care
"Eric Cantor was able to identify 37 more Democrats who might be vulnerable or hesitant about Obamacare." - Jailhouse Crock - Jailhouse Crock
"On the same day three inmates break out of an Illinois prison, a state legislative panel approves selling another Illinois prison to the feds to house former Gitmo detainees.
What is wrong with this picture?"

CARPE DIEM: Bypass the Doctor and Go Straight to the Lab

CARPE DIEM: Bypass the Doctor and Go Straight to the Lab
"The name of one fast-growing chain of walk-in labs encapsulates the field's business model, Any Lab Test Now.

The company says it can generally have testing results within 24 hours and at a cost that is as much as 80% less than going through a doctor.

The lab franchises offer up to 1,500 tests, from a simple cholesterol check to more sophisticated packages of tests that address complex medical issues."

Column: 2010, a mid-term election year, holds plenty of hope for GOP

Column: 2010, a mid-term election year, holds plenty of hope for GOP
"Here’s my prediction: U.S. Sen. Debbie Stabenow, one of the state’s most popular Democrats, will quickly declare her candidacy for governor and win the Democratic primary."

Interesting prediction from one who knows what he's predicting.

An Insult To Our Democracy

Another democrook outrage!
Watch this and fear for our country!!!!!!!!!

H&R Blockheads and the Regulating IRS -

H&R Blockheads and the Regulating IRS
"So having made tax filing so complicated that most Americans need help with their forms, Washington now wants to raise the price of such counsel by regulating advisers in a way that may reduce their supply.
Defending the decision, IRS Commissioner Douglas Shulman declared that regulating tax preparers was reasonable because 'In most states you need a license to cut someone's hair.'
Yes, the cosmetology guild does like to raise the barriers to entry for competitors."

State Tax Revenue in U.S. Drops Most Since 1963

State Tax Revenue in U.S. Drops Most Since 1963

"U.S. state tax collections fell the most in 46 years in the first three quarters of 2009 as the recession shrank revenue from sources including personal income, the Nelson A. Rockefeller Institute of Government said."