Sunday, May 23, 2010

Why losers have delusions of grandeur

Why losers have delusions of grandeur -
"Charles Darwin observed that “ignorance more frequently begets confidence than does knowledge.”"

Don't Rule Out a Double Dip Recession -

Don't Rule Out a Double Dip Recession -

Republican Djou wins U.S. House seat - Hawaii News

Djou wins U.S. House seat - Hawaii News
"The celebration at Hawaii Republican Party headquarters was barely 15 minutes old as Charles Djou, the GOP's newest darling, had already moved past the historic victory and turned his sights toward the general election in November."

Multiculturalism Trumps Feminism - Mark Steyn

Multiculturalism Trumps Feminism - Mark Steyn

I wrote last week about the American Academy of Pediatrics' support for Female Genital Mutilation-lite - a 'ritual nick'.

In return, I received a remarkable number of letters asserting I'd invented the whole thing.
Not so.
You can find chapter and verse and here.

One reason why readers think we rightwing madmen are just making this stuff up is because of the shameful silence (and worse) of western feminists, who implicitly accept a two-tier sisterhood, in which some women get to lead the lives they choose while others, in the interests of 'cultural sensitivity', get a literally rawer deal that begins with FGM and, if they're really unlucky, ends with 'honor killing'.

So I'm happy to salute the great Tina Brown, a fully paid-up Clinto-Blairite but not one prepared to descend into barbarism.
Over at her Daily Beast, Miss Brown has published a tough and unsparing column by Ayaan Hirsi Ali on what the AAP's 'nick' really means - and where it leads.

I have one tiny quibble with the e-mail alert Tina sent out:
Do read the extraordinary piece by Ayaan Hirsi Ali this morning on The Daily Beast on the outrageous proposal from the American Academy of Pediatrics to 'nick' little girls, a slippery slope to tolerating genital cutting in the U.S.—Tina Brown

'Genital cutting' is itself a euphemism.
In its 1998 policy position, the AAP used the phrase 'female genital mutilation'.
A decade on, they prefer to call it 'female genital cutting' - 'mutilation' being regarded by cultural accommodationists as too judgmental.
At the rate this slippery slope is greased, you can guess where we'll be in another decade.
05/23 09:23 AMShare"

The depravity of the liberal left is stunning!

Plans for a 13-storey mosque at Ground Zero provoke anti-Muslim backlash

Plans for a 13-storey mosque at Ground Zero provoke anti-Muslim backlash - Times Online
"Plans to build a 13-storey mosque and Islamic centre two city blocks from Ground Zero in New York are provoking an anti-Muslim backlash in America."

How do you say "in your face" in Islam?

Build a giant mosque at Ground Zero!

"Exclusive Followup: Identity & Union-Democrat Ties of Fake Tea Party Petition 'Organizer' Revealed" is a production of Chetly Zarko and Zarko Research & Consulting.
"Exclusive Followup: Identity & Union-Democrat Ties of Fake Tea Party Petition 'Organizer' Revealed"

GREAT blog-research to find the demo-union scum behind the voting scam to disenfranchise Michigan voters!

Too bad the Michigan MSM is asleep again.....

Steele: 'Is Joe Sestak lying right now?' on White House job offer

Steele: 'Is Joe Sestak lying right now?' on White House job offer - POLITICO Live
"DNC Chair Tim Kaine, appearing along with Steele, was asked by host Chris Wallace: 'Should the white house answer the question openly and honestly instead of stonewalling?'

Kaine replied, 'I don't know stonewalling, I'm not sure what obligation they have.

If the question gets asked, it's something they should deal with.'"

Craven coward!

Palin accuses Obama of being in bed with big oil

Palin accuses Obama of being in bed with big oil
"The former vice presidential candidate and Alaska governor, who champions off-shore drilling, criticized the media for not drawing the link between Obama and big oil and said if this spill had happened under former Republican president George W. Bush the scrutiny would have been far tougher.

'I don't know why the question isn't asked by the mainstream media and by others if there's any connection with the contributions made to president Obama and his administration and the support by the oil companies to the administration,' she told Fox News Sunday."

Drawing lines: Counties, cities, townships villages, school districts. Is it time to take some places off the map?

Drawing lines: Counties, cities, townships villages, school districts. Is it time to take some places off the map?

Grand Rapids Mayor George Heartwell made local government consolidation the keynote of his State of the City speech at the beginning of the year.
"The greatest gift we could leave for our grandchildren would be a consolidated government," Heartwell said.

Interesting comment.

I guess outing the public employees union member's ever increasing wages and benefits sorta slipped his mind.

So, our grandchildren will be best gifted by more union and politician control over fewer groups of us pathetic citizens?
Hitler, Mao, Hugo, et al would be proud.

Health Care Bill Handouts to Big Labor Have Already Begun... Don't Say We Didn't Warn You

Health Care Bill Handouts to Big Labor Have Already Begun... Don't Say We Didn't Warn You

Indy 500 starting lineup

Indy 500 starting lineup -

Stealth Unionization Plot Survives Another Attempt to Kill It

Stealth Unionization Plot Survives Another Attempt to Kill It [Mackinac Center]
"Another attempt to stop the funding of the government agency tied with stealth unionization of home day care workers was defeated this week.
This time, an amendment to House Bill 5838 would have spelled out that the Michigan Home Based Child Card Council would have its funding yanked.

It was defeated by a 62-44 vote."

Local democrats Bennett and senate candidate MaryValentine voted with the union thugs.
Every democrat, save one, voted to keep this outrage.

Every GOPer voted to end it.

Remember in November!

Whittaker Chambers: The New Deal as Revolution

»Whittaker Chambers: The New Deal as Revolution - Big Government
"When Chambers finally realized the administration was apathetic to the traitors in its midst, he had to reassess what he knew of FDR and his policies.
In his classic autobiography, Witness, he describes how this rebuff affected him:"

Obama Has Enraged the "Citizen Class"

Austin Hill : Obama Has Enraged the "Citizen Class"
"While an overwhelming majority of the citizen class supports Arizona’s effort to uphold the significance of citizenship and sovereignty, President Barack Hussein Obama has sided with the United Nations, Venezuelan Dictator Hugo Chavez, China, and the President of Mexico in opposing the state of Arizona.

One would hope that the President of the United States – any President of the United States – would seek to protect all fifty of the states that he governs from international criticism, even if he didn’t happen to like the behavior of one of his states.

But our current President stands united with some of the most thuggish regimes in the world, in opposing his fellow Americans of Arizona."

Investigators: Edmonds rape suspect deported nine times

Investigators: Edmonds rape suspect deported nine times Seattle Area Local News
"Madrigal's arrest and immigration record includes a staggering number of contacts with law enforcement since 1989.
That's the year he was convicted of theft using a firearm in California.

He was deported a couple of times after that.
Then in 1999, he was arrested for drug sales in both San Diego and San Francisco.
Records show that he was deported three times that year between April and August.

He was arrested for drugs again in Stockton, Calif. in 2000.
In 2002, he pleaded to third degree sexual assault in Denver. Later that year, he was deported again.
And in 2003, records show he was deported three more times."

And Obama's democrat henchmen are more outraged by the AZ law that the reality of America today.

Stealth IRS campaign mandates millions of new 1099 tax forms

Stealth IRS campaign mandates millions of new 1099 tax forms
"But SMC's survey found that extending 1099s just to services purchased from corporations would push that number to at least 200 filings per year for a typical small business -- adding an estimated $6,000 to the cost of preparing the average tax return.

And that's without even accounting for the requirement that 1099s be filed for purchases of goods"

Sell Everything, You Won't Recognize America By The End Of The Year

Dow Theorist Richard Russell: Sell Everything, You Won't Recognize America By The End Of The Year

"Do your friends a favor.
Tell them to 'batten down the hatches' because there's a HARD RAIN coming.
Tell them to get out of debt and sell anything they can sell (and don't need) in order to get liquid.

Tell them that Richard Russell says that by the end of this year they won't recognize the country."

Quotes of the day

Quotes of the day
"City government was developed to serve its citizens.

Today the citizenry is working in large part to serve the government.

It is always hard to shrink government spending.

It is particularly difficult when public-sector unions have such a unique lever of pressure.We have to escape this cycle or it will crush us."

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Prosecutors lay out case in garbage cart bid rigging scheme

Prosecutors lay out case in garbage cart bid rigging scheme -
"A day after Chicago's inspector general said a Daley administration program to boost minority- and women-owned businesses in city contracts is beset with fraud, federal prosecutors laid out for a judge how they think a politically connected firm rigged a $1.7 million contract."

Jet-Setting Dave Matthews Wants You To Walk To Work

Jet-Setting Dave Matthews Wants You To Walk To Work
"“What I try and do is try and, with the knowledge that I have, is offset my contribution to [carbon emissions].

I think people that don’t move around as much as me can take a bike when it’s a nice day.”

You MUST watch all of this. Finally the perfect answer to, “Celebutard says what…?”

CNS reporter Nicholas Ballasy asks a simple question and what follows are three-plus minutes of what would make for a howlingly funny SNL skit if only SNL had the courage to pop their heads out of the bubble and seek to “get it” once again.

It’s probably time to move beyond howling “hypocrite” when we’re presented with revealing moments like this.

Celebrity and elitist hypocrite are now tied together as automatically as Patrick Goldstein and Polanski-supporting blacklister or Robert Rodriguez and race-hustling demagogue.

The entertainment value, however, never grows tiresome."

America's new culture war: Free enterprise vs. government control

America's new culture war: Free enterprise vs. government control
"In one, America will continue to be an exceptional nation organized around the principles of free enterprise -- limited government, a reliance on entrepreneurship and rewards determined by market forces.

In the other, America will move toward European-style statism grounded in expanding bureaucracies, a managed economy and large-scale income redistribution.

These visions are not reconcilable."

D.C. to begin using more-expensive Trojan condoms in HIV prevention program

D.C. to begin using more-expensive Trojan condoms in HIV prevention program
"High school students and college-age adults have been complaining to District officials that the free condoms the city has been offering are not of good enough quality and are too small and that getting them from school nurses is 'just like asking grandma or auntie.'"

Williams sisters back at Nos. 1-2 at French Open

Williams sisters back at Nos. 1-2 at French Open - Yahoo! News
"PARIS – Serena and Venus Williams are the French Open's two top-seeded women"



Michigan Teacher Salary

Michigan Teacher Salary Teaching Salaries in MI: $54,739
"Michigan is fourth on our comfort scale because there are great lakes and good teacher salaries.

New teachers make an average starting salary of $35,557 and an average overall salary of $54,739.

If you enjoy natural beauty, snowy winters, and desire an affordable lifestyle, this northern state is a great place to become a teacher.

Teachers that have a Master's Degree live even better in Michigan - but you'll be comfortable with a standard teaching certificate if you don't mind a few less canoe and hunting trips or a cabin in the UP!"

No mention of hours worked or benefits and still $54,739 average pay.

But the unions tell us WE need to pay more.

Will we cut our income so the teacher's union members can have more of our money to spend?

10 Coolest Bathroom Accessories

10 Coolest Bathroom Accessories -

» D.C. Metro Police Escorted SEIU Protesters to Bank Of America Executive’s Home

» D.C. Metro Police Escorted SEIU Protesters to Bank Of America Executive’s Home - Big Journalism
"The Maryland officers reported there were approximately 500 protesters on and near the front lawn of Baer’s house.

Montgomery County was not given a “heads-up” concerning the planned protest.
Although a protest permit is technically required in Montgomery County, in practice no citation is issued if the protestors disperse when requested to do so by the owner of the private property they occupy"

More video on this outrage.

Cat and crow

Amazing video.

Sales tax may save schools from cuts

Sales tax may save schools from cuts-Lansing State Journal
"A rise in sales tax revenue means that Michigan school districts probably will escape budget cuts for the 2010-11 school year, state economists said Friday."

Here it comes!!!!!!!

The triple autopilot increases in teacher pay will only increase if we all pay more.

The teachers continue their early retirement, platinum benefits and $100/hr total compensation.

Yeah, we need to pay more.....

Friday, May 21, 2010

The fruits of weakness

Charles Krauthammer - The fruits of weakness
"This is not just an America in decline.

This is an America in retreat -- accepting, ratifying and declaring its decline, and inviting rising powers to fill the vacuum."

Every day, in almost every way I see the signs of Germany in the 30s....amazingly without the nationalism.

The "we hate America" meme seems to resonate with a significant portion of "american" votrons in the same manner as "Germany hates the world" invigorated millions of Germans in the 1930s.

Their final solution may well be those the Obama regime "outs" as the country's "new Jews".

Once they have public anger focused on the requisite group, the purges will begin.

There is little question that the trial balloons have been tested with their willing enablers in the liberal MSM.

And the Wiemar-GOP is fighting the conservatives and the Tea Party members as much as they are fighting Obam-ism.

I will fight on but I worry.

When you are glad you have no children and are old......well, that's the sign of a government that promises a failed future that we have seen so many times in the past.

November 2, 2010 may well be the most important date for our country since 12-25-1776.