Thursday, July 29, 2010

Driver in fatal crash convicted of murder after he 'catapulted over the bounds of human decency' with .425 blood-alcohol level

Driver in fatal crash convicted of murder after he 'catapulted over the bounds of human decency' with .425 blood-alcohol level
"Franco-Avina faces life in prison with the possibility of parole when he is sentenced on Aug. 25.
If he is paroled, he likely will be deported."

Nice PC mention the murderer is an ILLEGAL!

Second opponent cries foul over Jay Riemersma's campaign tactics, files complaint with Federal Election Commission

Second opponent cries foul over Jay Riemersma's campaign tactics, files complaint with Federal Election Commission
"Former state Rep. Bill Huizenga on Thursday filed a formal complaint against political opponent Jay Riemersma for what he called illegal attack ads against Huizenga and another candidate seeking the 2nd Congressional District's Republican nomination."

The Amnesty Memo

The Amnesty Memo - Robert VerBruggen - The Corner on National Review Online
"According to an internal U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services memo going the rounds of Capitol Hill and obtained by National Review, the agency is considering ways in which it could enact “meaningful immigration reform absent legislative action” — that is, without the consent of the American people through a vote in Congress.

“This memorandum offers administrative relief options to . . . reduce the threat of removal for certain individuals present in the United States without authorization,” it reads."

The Golden Witch Hunt: Left-Wing, Mainstream Media Target Gold Advertisers

The Golden Witch Hunt: Left-Wing, Mainstream Media Target Gold Advertisers
"“A secret tax has been discovered in ObamaCare.
Is there really a connection between both and your health?
How did this happened?”
Kudlow said. “[T]his is an incredible story – gold and ObamaCare and the deal is it's a hosing for small business just to put some meat on the bones.
Every time one of these gold bullion dealers makes a trade – a gold bullion dealer and everyone’s buying gold coins – if it’s above $600, they're going to have to file a 1099 IRS form.
Some of these guys may have to file 10,000 forms in a year.”"

The IPCC, Climate Change and Solar Sophistry

The IPCC, Climate Change and Solar Sophistry

My Tax Burden

My Tax Burden: "Fill out the left-hand column and click Calculate to estimate your 2011 income tax under three scenarios"

County workers 'spike' retirement pay - Government -

County workers 'spike' retirement pay - Government -
"Nearly all of Stanislaus County's management employees and more than 75 percent of rank-and-file workers cash out unused vacation time to 'spike' their retirement pay, according to a study."

Everyone is on the hook for city of Bell benefits

Letters: Everyone is on the hook for city of Bell benefits- The Orange County Register
"And so now it comes to light that the 'enraged' folks of Bell actually made it possible for their city employees to earn the outrageous salaries by way of Measure A, which was approved by the apparently uninformed voters of Bell ['Bell residents want more resignations,' Front page, July 24].

This is why I cringe every time I hear an ad telling people they must vote. Just vote – it's your duty.
Nary a word is ever said about making an informed vote or to please stay home if you are not aware of the issues.

Obviously the voters of Bell should have studied the Measure a bit more closely before they voted or they should have just stayed home.

And to add insult to injury, we, the tax paying people of California are on the hook to pay the outrageous pensions of the officials that were allowed the salaries by the approval of an uninformed populace.
The fine folks of Bell, many of whom are below poverty, aren't paying the taxes that will go toward paying these con-artists until their death, but my husband and I will, even though we never would have voted to allow such a horrible Measure to pass."

Party at the DOJ: Golf, Pool Parties and other Fun on the Taxpayer Dime

Party at the DOJ: Golf, Pool Parties and other Fun on the Taxpayer Dime - Big Government
"Untold millions of your tax dollars are paying for recreation in the name of crime prevention: pool parties, rollercoaster rides, and police donut-eating contests.
The idea is that fun activities keep kids out of trouble, build self-esteem and prevent crime.

CBS News investigative correspondent Sharyl Attkisson reports the problem is the money comes from the Department of Justice – which doesn’t even have enough resources to keep up on analyzing foreign intelligence.
Now, the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO)has found nobody is measuring just how much is spent on the recreation – or whether it even works.

Sen.Tom Coburn, R-Okla., estimates well over $100 million tax dollars over five years has been spent on recreation to fight crime.
Coburn says poor tracking leads to questionable spending.
At least $200,000 was spent for officials to attend conferences at golf resorts in Florida and Palm Springs, or a film festival featuring “Santa, The Fascist Years.”

Many of the grants are earmarked by Congress without the normal public review.
Justice Department officials told the GAO that it makes them harder to scrutinize.
So they rely on recipients to follow the rules: not all of them do."

The BP Spill: Has the Damage Been Exaggerated?

The BP Spill: Has the Damage Been Exaggerated? - TIME
"President Obama has called the BP oil spill 'the worst environmental disaster America has ever faced,' and so has just about everyone else."

Right up there with the swine flu "PANDEMIC!!!"

Who's coming to the Tea Party?

Petoskey News-Review - Who's coming to the Tea Party?
"A group calling itself the 'Tea Party' filed more than 59,000 signatures to get it placed on the Michigan general election ballot as an official party.
Many grassroots organizers say they don't want an official party and call the move by a relatively unknown former UAW worker, a trick by Democrats to splinter voters support, reminiscent of Republicans supporting independent Ralph Nader to fracture independent voter support in the George W. Bush, Al Gore election in 2000 presidential election."

Year of the Tea Party Voter

Year of the Tea Party Voter -
"The party-affiliation breakdown of the 'pox on all politicians' segment is fascinating.

Only 44% are Republicans, while 34% are independents and 21% are Democrats.

That breakdown roughly mirrors the profile of people who in other polls identify themselves as Tea Party supporters.

Interestingly, however, PPP finds that only about 35% of the 'angriest segment' actually call themselves Tea Partiers.

That's compared to about 25% of voters in the electorate as a whole who identify themselves as Tea Party supporters."

These are the voters most likely to vote for the phony "tea party" candidates that are now set up in Michigan by the liberal/union supporters of the democrat party.

Many independents are angry with both parties but know what the Tea Party movement stands for.

Few will realize that the official "tea party" that will be on the ballot in 29 Michigan races are leftist/socialist phonies.   

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

SEC Says New FinReg Law Exempts It From Public Disclosure - SEC Says New FinReg Law Exempts It From Public Disclosure
"So much for transparency.
Under a little-noticed provision of the recently passed financial-reform legislation, the Securities and Exchange Commission no longer has to comply with virtually all requests for information releases from the public, including those filed under the Freedom of Information Act.
The law, signed last week by President Obama,"

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

NEW: Shirley Sherrod’s Husband Caught On Video!

NEW: Shirley Sherrod’s Husband Caught On Video!
"this time, we get to meet Mr. Charles Sherrod through his own video clip giving a speech in January 2010 on the “white man and his Uncle Tom.“ Keep in mind, this speech was given in 2010, after Obama has won the election and been in office a good year. Maybe he just didn’t get that news?
Charles Sherrod: …”“We must stop the white man and his Uncle Toms from stealing our elections!”"

G.M. Puts $41,000 Price Tag on the Volt

G.M. Puts $41,000 Price Tag on the Volt -
"The Chevrolet Volt, a plug-in car capable of driving about 40 miles at a time on battery power without using any gasoline, will have a sticker price of $41,000 before a $7,500 federal tax credit, General Motors said Tuesday."

So the federal government (that's us, folks) is subsidizing its own auto company to the tune of $7,500/car.
Doesn't ANYONE see anything nuts about this?

In wake of witness affidavit, Mike Cox denies attending wild Manoogian party

In wake of witness affidavit, Mike Cox denies attending wild Manoogian party
"WDIV, the Detroit Free Press and Fox 2 report attorney Norman Yatooma has obtained a sworn affidavit from a motorcycle club member who says he worked security at the party and saw Cox receive a lap dance and Carlita Kilpatrick assault stripper Tamara 'Strawberry' Greene."

"Strawberry" was sitting on his cox?

Monday, July 26, 2010

'If Hizbullah strikes, we hit Lebanon'

'If Hizbullah strikes, we hit Lebanon'
"He told the newspaper that since the Lebanese goverment is allowing Hizbullah to rearm, 'we will not run after each Hizbullah terrorist or launcher. . . . We will see it as legitimate to hit any target that belongs to the Lebanese state, not just to Hizbullah.'"

National Data: If Obama Has Stepped Up Enforcement, Why Suppress The Numbers? 07/21/10 - National Data: If Obama Has Stepped Up Enforcement, Why Suppress The Numbers?
"No photo ops. No press coverage.
But more illegals displaced from jobs Americans need?
That is the implication.

Well, there really isn’t any.
We don’t know how many illegals were arrested in the workplace last year or how many were fired by employers seeking to avoid criminal prosecutions.
For some strange reason, Immigration And Customs Enforcement’s latest “Workplace Enforcement Overview” does not present enforcement activity for FY2009, the first year President Obama could sway the agency’s agenda.

So the NYT’s Preston merely recycles ICE boilerplate:
'Over the past year, Immigration and Customs Enforcement has conducted audits of employee files at more than 2,900 companies.
The agency has levied a record $3 million in civil fines so far this year on businesses that hired unauthorized immigrants, according to official figures.'

Let’s see.
About 7 million illegal aliens are estimated to be working in the United States—so the Administration is fining employers an average 43 cents per illegal alien worker.
Not exactly a fearsome prospect."

CALIFORNIA PENSION REFORM » Bell city manager’s pension could top $30 million

CALIFORNIA PENSION REFORM » Bell city manager’s pension could top $30 million
"If Bell city manager Robert Rizzo retires and lives another 30 years, he could collect about $30,000,000 over the life of his pension.
Here’s a good summary"

$30,000,000 for one city employee?!!!!!!!

Taking What is Not Yours

Taking What is Not Yours NetRight Daily
"Don’t be fooled by Obama’s plan for America’s Great Outdoors Initiative.
The claims are more land is in need of protection and more American’s should have the benefit of seeing the great outdoors in their natural state, but the government already owns 1 out of every 3 acres in the U.S. — 1 out of every 2 acres in the West"