Monday, January 31, 2011

The "New Civility" (Cont'd): Actor Richard Dreyfuss On Ed Schultz Praying For Cheney's Death: "NOT Uncivil," "Beautifully Phrased"

theblogprof: The "New Civility" (Cont'd): Actor Richard Dreyfuss On Ed Schultz Praying For Cheney's Death: "NOT Uncivil," "Beautifully Phrased"
"MSNBC’s Ed Schultz calling former Vice President Dick Cheney “an enemy of the country” who should go “to the Promised Land,” is not an example of political incivility but is actually “beautifully phrased,” according to actor Richard Dreyfuss, who is spearheading a nationwide initiative on civics education and civility in political discourse"

Oil over $100 as Egypt protests intensify / Middle East & North Africa - Oil over $100 as Egypt protests intensify
"Oil prices broke through the $100 a barrel level for the first time in more than two years, amid market fears that Egypt’s turmoil will hit oil flows."

Bush's fault!
OK, maybe Engler's fault......

As Egypt goes offline US gets internet 'kill switch' bill ready

As Egypt goes offline US gets internet 'kill switch' bill ready
"Senator Susan Collins, a co-sponsor of the bill, said that unlike in Egypt, where the government was using its powers to quell dissent by shutting down the internet, it would not."

Use the kill switch on her career!

Michigan public employees earn twice the compensation as workers in the private sector

Report: Michigan public employees earn twice the compensation as workers in the private sector
"Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder will release a report today that shows the average Michigan state employee is compensated at twice the rate of their private-sector counterpart."

Def Poetry - KRS-One & Doug Fresh - 2nd Quarter

I'm not sure what to think about this but "we still thinking like niggers" seems to get a pass.

Are we two peoples?

Address civil servant productivity

Mark Haveman: Address civil servant productivity

The more important issue is public sector productivity -- delivering more and better services for the same tax dollars.
Evidence suggests a widening gap between public- and private-sector productivity.

Sen. Schumer on the Three Branches of Government

Inside the mind of those who would control and tax us to death!

Moody’s begins treating pensions like bond debt

Moody’s begins treating pensions like bond debt « Calpensions
“Pension underfunding has been driven by weaker-than-expected investment results, previous benefit enhancements and, in some states, failure to pay the annual required contribution to the pension fund,”"

This is a move that may be the first step to fixing this disaster.

Why Electric Cars Aren’t Selling

Why Electric Cars Aren’t Selling - Hong Kong - WSJ
"To encourage the adoption of plug-in cars, the White House proposed on Jan. 26 to change a tax credit to a US$7,500 cash rebate for electric cars and plug-in hybrids purchases."

Folks, this is outrageous!

Fiscal Reckoning Draws Closer

Fiscal Reckoning Draws Closer NetRight Daily
"On January 26th, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) announced that the budget deficit would top $1.5 trillion in 2011, the highest ever on record.
That is mostly because of the unpaid-for $56 billion extension of unemployment benefits and a $120 billion cut in payroll taxes on employees from December’s tax deal."

Huizenga to hold town hall meeting Monday night at Muskegon Community College

Huizenga to hold town hall meeting Monday night at Muskegon Community College
"U.S. Rep. Bill Huizenga, R-Zeeland, is holding a town hall meeting Monday night at Muskegon Community College.
Huizenga, who represents Michigan's 2nd congressional district, will discuss 'federal issues and recent events in Congress' from 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. in room 1100.
The public is welcome to attend."

Irony: Terrorist-enabling CAIR upset that CA man arrested in front of Dearborn mosque with fireworks in car

theblogprof: Irony: Terrorist-enabling CAIR upset that CA man arrested in front of Dearborn mosque with fireworks in car
"Technically, firecrackers are explosive material, but it's not until later that we find out what that material actually is:

Stockham was arraigned Wednesday on one count of a false report or threat of terrorism (a 20 year felony), and one count of explosives possession with unlawful intent (a 15 year felony) for possession of Class-C fireworks."

Verizon's iPhone - A quick reality check

Verizon's iPhone - A quick reality check -The Kim Komando Radio Show
"After years of speculation, Apple's popular iPhone is finally coming to Verizon's network.
But it’s not for everyone.
There are some very compelling reasons not to buy the Verizon iPhone yet.

We can set our watches by Apple's update schedule. Apple should announce the iPhone 5 in June.
So, the current iPhone will be outdated in just a few months.
And upgrading to the iPhone 5 will be costly."

From the Plastic Age of Vinyl Records to the Digital Age: Your Phone is Now Becoming Your Wallet

CARPE DIEM: From the Plastic Age of Vinyl Records to the Digital Age: Your Phone is Now Becoming Your Wallet
"But by the end of the year you may not even think twice about reaching for your phone to pay at the register instead of fumbling for your credit card"

State workers should be required to cover the costs of expanded health care coveragews

State workers should be required to cover the costs of expanded health care coverage The Detroit News
"But Michigan can't afford roommate benefits that allow just about anyone to be added to health care policies.
A better approach would be to take another whack at modifying the law.
In the meantime, the cost of this giveaway should come from the state employees who want to add more people in their household to their employee benefit packages"

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Sarah Palin's Gun Control Warnings At Safari Club International

Sarah Palin's Gun Control Warnings At Safari Club International - The Daily Beast
"Rocking the house at the Safari Club International annual convention, Sarah Palin warned Obama was out for their gun rights—and dangled a major hint about 2012."

Tawdry details of Obamacare

WOLF: Tawdry details of Obamacare - Washington Times
"If you would like to know what the White House really thinks of Obamacare, there’s an easy way.
Look past its press releases.
Ignore its promises.
Forget its talking points.
Instead, simply witness for yourself the outrageous way the White House protects its best friends from Obamacare."

Video: Suns stuntman dunks himself right through through the rim

theblogprof: Video: Suns stuntman dunks himself right through through the rim
"Don't know if this was intentional or just a mishap, but the kid's lucky to not have been hurt if it indeed was unintentional:"

My speedy smart phone!

I was never satisfied with my Verizon-Samsung Omnia 2 phone and just went to the VZ site and saw a new software update.
It's like I have a new phone!

If you have a smart phone, check out your carrier's site to see if there is an update.

GOP State Convention bummer - Lt Gov Brian Calley has sour grapes

theblogprof: GOP State Convention bummer - Lt Gov Brian Calley has sour grapes
"So Brian Calley makes a speech at the State Convention today.

I’ll set aside for now that his speech was almost identical to the one that he gave in August, a fact that did not impress anyone irrespective of the speech’s quality.
But it’s how he started his speech that raised an eyebrow.
I was certainly not alone.
I’m paraphrasing here, but Calley started out by saying “Good morning.
This is is a better morning than the last time we met. I don’t think anyone is running against me here.”

It was a slight at the tea party that 1) nominated their own candidate for Lt Gov at the GOP Convention in August, and 2) turned the state red.
Not classy, but apparently Calley."

Anyone in Michigan state government who still doesn't get it is gonna "get it" soon.

Snyder's tax plan hits big firms hardest

Snyder's tax plan hits big firms hardest The Detroit News
"Gov. Rick Snyder wants to kill the Michigan Business Tax and replace it with a 6 percent corporate income tax that would be applied mostly to larger Michigan companies and include an exemption for small businesses, according to a draft law obtained Friday by The Detroit News.
The proposal got mostly positive reviews from employers, but certain companies such as large manufacturers and insurance companies say they could face a tax increase under the plan.

At the same time, Snyder is expected to significantly cut back targeted tax credits such as those received by the film industry and paid to industry by the Michigan Economic Growth Authority"

A VERY good start!

Ex-SOS Land considering challenging Stabenow in 2012

Ex-SOS Land considering challenging Stabenow in 2012 The Detroit News
"Land, who spoke to The Detroit News while attending the Michigan Republican Party convention at DeVos Place in Grand Rapids, said she plans to meet next week with another possible candidate, former U.S. Rep. Pete Hoekstra, before making a decision.

Other possible candidates include Republican National Committeeman Saul Anuzis and businessman Tim Leuliette."

I spoke with Terri Friday night at the GOP convention and she said she's looking to enter the race.
The same with Saul, who's very open about his interest.

Challengers Close to Stabenow

Challengers Close to Stabenow
"A Wilson Research Strategies (R) poll shows two Republicans within striking distance of Sen. Debbie Stabenow (D-MI).

Stabenow leads Secretary of State Terri Lynn Land (R), 46% to 41%, and tops Rep. Pete Hoekstra (R), 47% to 41%."

Democrats Charged in 'Massive' Voter Fraud Case

Democrats Charged in 'Massive' Voter Fraud Case - Voter Fraud - Fox Nation
"A 59-page, 116-count indictment charges Troy Democratic City Councilman Michael LoPorto and Edward McDonough, Democratic Commissioner of the Rensselaer County Board of Elections, with forgery and criminal possession of a forged instrument."

BJ's Dick's Stores Are A Match Made In Heaven

BJ's Dick's Stores Are A Match Made In Heaven
"Two retail stores with sexual tension"

Republicans embrace Obama rail initiative

Republicans embrace Obama rail initiative - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room
"Key Republicans are embracing a major spending initiative outlined in President Obama's State of the Union address"

Expose them!
Defeat them!

Obama infects federal work forces with 'British disease'

Obama infects federal work forces with 'British disease' Examiner Editorial Editorials Washington Examiner
"Britain's economy nearly came to a standstill in the late 1970s as a result of a contagion known as the British disease -- endless work stoppages, slowdowns and strikes called by militant trade unions.
Company owners and managers had to secure prior approval from union bosses before carrying out even the most routine workplace tasks.
As a result, productivity plummeted, and exports of once-popular British products like cars and motorcycles dropped sharply or disappeared entirely.
Economic growth stagnated, investors fled overseas, and the country's standard of living declined.
The fever was broken only after voters awarded Margaret Thatcher with a massive Tory landslide in 1979.
She then 'broke' the unions during the ensuing miners strike, enabling her to push major reforms through Parliament, including new limits on trade unionism and its power in the management of British firms

Sadly, an executive order signed by President Obama in 2009 has injected a massive dose of the British disease into the daily operation of the federal government.
Executive Order 13522 is innocuously titled "Creating Labor-Management Forums to Improve Delivery of Government Services."
The reality is that the only thing improved will be the ability of federal employee union bosses to tell managers of government departments and agencies what they can and cannot do.
What makes this an even more extraordinary turn of events, however, is the fact the Obama administration has empowered union bosses to exercise this new power behind closed doors without fear of exposure via the Freedom of Information Act."

Experts: Cell phone networks fall short of 4G standards

Experts: Cell phone networks fall short of 4G standards The Detroit News
"While fourth-generation networks are slightly faster than third-generation — 3G — networks, they fall short of true 4G speeds, according to an international group that sets cell phone standards.
They are more like 3.5G networks."

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Instapundit » Blog Archive » ANSWERING THE IMPORTANT QUESTIONS: Why ARE women’s breasts getting bigger?

Instapundit » Blog Archive » ANSWERING THE IMPORTANT QUESTIONS: Why ARE women’s breasts getting bigger?

UPDATE: Reader Arthur Lueck writes: “While I am not the most religious sort, I think the reason is clear:
God loves us and want us to be happy.”"

Egypt: Three Possible Outcomes

Pajamas Media » Egypt: Three Possible Outcomes
"Egypt: Three Possible Outcomes
It might be the entire Western position in the Middle East that is swept away, and one dictatorship might be replaced by a worse one.
I hope this analysis is wrong;
I fear that it is accurate"
