Monday, February 28, 2011

Top 100 Teacher Salaries 2010

Champion News: "Top 100 Teacher Salaries 2010"

You have got to click this one!
And that doesn't include bennees.....
And they want MORE of our money?!!!!!
The top teacher makes $191.000+.

Obama Gets a Smackdown from Gov. Walker

Obama Gets a Smackdown from Gov. Walker - Gov. Scott Walker - Fox Nation
"Gov. Scott Walker on Monday afternoon responded to comments President Barack Obama made earlier in the day about the protests in Madison:
Walker's office issued this statement:

'I'm sure the President knows that most federal employees do not have collective bargaining for wages and benefits while our plan allows it for base pay.

And I'm sure the President knows that the average federal worker pays twice as much for health insurance as what we are asking for in Wisconsin.

At least I would hope he knows these facts.

'Furthermore, I'm sure the President knows that we have repeatedly praised the more than 300,000 government workers who come to work every day in Wisconsin.

'I'm sure that President Obama simply misunderstands the issues in Wisconsin, and isn't acting like the union bosses in saying one thing and doing another.'"

John Edwards Is Out of Sight, but Not for Long

John Edwards Is Out of Sight, but Not for Long -
"That “more” is the possibility that a federal grand jury in Raleigh could soon hand up an indictment against him in a case centering on campaign finance practices."

Media Hides Real Reason for Rise in Gas Prices

Media Hides Real Reason for Rise in Gas Prices
"Oh, the media has finally started covering “Pain at the Pump” but they are not giving us the real reasons for the jump.
Unrest in the middle east has given the cabal of President Obama and the media, “cover” to blame others for the spike to the stratosphere.

The real reasons are three-fold, with unrest in the middle east being the least of the three.

1) Devaluation of the dollar.
The incessant printing of money by this administration began the rise of gas prices months long before the middle east blew up.
I’m no Alan Greenspan, but I can figure out that if oil prices are tied to the dollar, and you print more dollars, the oil price will go up, up, up.
2) An energy policy that calls for less drilling for oil at home, not more.
3) Unrest in the middle east."

The real cost of 'global warming'

The real cost of 'global warming' – Telegraph Blogs
"The renewable energy industry is helping to destroy the UK economy and drive up unemployment says a new report.
For every one of David Cameron’s “green jobs” created in the renewable energy sector (mainly solar and wind), another 3.7 jobs are being lost in the real economy, says the independent study by Verso Economics."

Recession Ushers in Widest Income Inequality Gap on Record

Recession Ushers in Widest Income Inequality Gap on Record PBS NewsHour Sept. 28, 2010 PBS
"The U.S. now has the greatest disparity between the rich and the poor within Western industrialized countries, new Census data show.
Timothy Noah of Slate magazine and Howard University professor Roderick Harrison looks at the growing income gap in America."

How's that hope and change working for ya?

Is Obama prepping the left for bad news on EPA?

Is Obama prepping the left for bad news on EPA? « Green Hell Blog
"The coincidence of:

Sen. Sherrod Brown’s letter to Obama about EPA regs;

Pew Center chief Eileen Claussen’s “prediction” in today’s Guardian about Obama;
and’s howling about the Brown letter,
may be signs that Obama is preparing his base for the impending news that the EPA will be delaying implementation of its greenhouse gas regulations by two years.

And, no, a two year delay is most certainly not good enough — it’s just a ploy to help Obama skate through the 2012 election."

Charles G. Koch: Why Koch Industries Is Speaking Out

Charles G. Koch: Why Koch Industries Is Speaking Out -
"For many years, I, my family and our company have contributed to a variety of intellectual and political causes working to solve these problems.

Because of our activism, we've been vilified by various groups.

Despite this criticism, we're determined to keep contributing and standing up for those politicians, like Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, who are taking these challenges seriously.

Both Democrats and Republicans have done a poor job of managing our finances.

They've raised debt ceilings, floated bond issues, and delayed tough decisions."

Please read this in full!

Firefighters or Mitch Albom's Movie Subsidy?

Firefighters or Mitch Albom's Movie Subsidy? [Michigan Capitol Confidential]
"Taxpayers in Allen Park may not share Albom’s confidence in the program after the city voted to lay off all 27 firefighters.
As reported in the Detroit Free Press, a failed film studio project is the reason.

“The decision to issue the layoff notices was attributed to financial problems caused by the decision announced last year by Unity Studios to leave the city for Detroit.”

The city and state offered a sweet subsidy deal of its own to lure the promoter of a supposedly $146 million project called “Unity Studios.”

A Nov. 2010 Mackinac Center blog post summarizes what followed:
“It’s taken less than two years for the entire project to implode.

The (ceremonial) groundbreaking in August 2009 was followed by a tumultuous period which saw Unity Studios founder Jimmy Lifton go from promising thousands of jobs at his privately owned utopian 104-acre film studio and “retraining program,” to a scaled down studio and film school on city-owned property, to near eviction and eventually hightailing it out of Allen Park to set up shop in Detroit.”"

Taxpayers' gain, public workers' pain

Taxpayers' gain, public workers' pain -
"Manitowoc County operates a juvenile detention center at a cost of about $350,000 a year.
That center currently holds a single inmate.

The county executive has proposed closing the center and paying another county to hold the single inmate.
Seems sensible, right?
So why has it not happened?
The local paper has the details:

The relevant labor contract forbids Manitowoc County to do any subcontracting if unionized workers have been laid off."

Low-flow toilets cause a stink in SF

Low-flow toilets cause a stink in SF
"San Francisco's big push for low-flow toilets has turned into a multimillion-dollar plumbing stink.
Skimping on toilet water has resulted in more sludge backing up inside the sewer pipes, said Tyrone Jue, spokesman for the city Public Utilities Commission.
That has created a rotten-egg stench near AT&T Park and elsewhere, especially during the dry summer months."


L.A. Police Union Urges Members to ‘Stand in Solidarity’ with SEIU and MoveOn.Org.
The folks at BoingBoing seem to like it that the Wisconsin cops are siding with protesters, but where’s the reason for trust from those who feel otherwise?
Do we want police to take sides in political disputes?

Apparently some do.

This is why (1) you should always bring a camera; and (2) public employee unions should be illegal.

If union protesters turn violent — as they increasingly have — can you trust pro-union police to intervene?"

Single-Payer Hell: British NHS denies cancer patients life-extending drugs to save $$$

theblogprof: Single-Payer Hell: British NHS denies cancer patients life-extending drugs to save $$$
"From the UK Telegraph: Cancer sufferers refused life-extending drugs despite Government pledge.
And the subline: 'Dying cancer patients have been refused costly life-extending drugs on cost grounds despite a Government promise to end the 'scandal' forever.'

If you want to know what ObamaCare will be like, check out how this story starts out:

Their requests have been rejected by regional health authorities who were accused of operating covert “blacklists” to restrict dozens of treatments to save money.

Coming soon, your liver transplant is going to be decided based on your politics."

Canadian Doctor Lotteries

Chances for Local Government Union Pay Reform Good in House; Questionable in GOP Senate

Chances for Local Government Union Pay Reform Good in House; Questionable in GOP Senate [Michigan Capitol Confidential]
"Among the features that upset its critics most, the law governing binding arbitration with local police and fire unions does not allow arbitrators to first consider the ability of a local government to afford the pay raises that are being demanded by unions.
Local officials say this creates a situation where union salaries can only go up, even if the local government can’t afford it.

“There is never a ‘win’ where concessions are made in arbitration,” said Samantha Harkins, legislative associate for the Michigan Municipal League, a lobbying organization for municipalities across the state.
“It’s never a cost-going-down situation.”

Public Act 312, the law that requires binding arbitration for police and firefighter unions when they cannot agree to a contract with their municipalities, has been considered a problem for years by municipal officials and many in the GOP.
Today, with Republicans in firm control of the entire Legislature and the governor’s office, there is a serious effort brewing in the Michigan House to eliminate PA 312 altogether.

But the major obstacle may come from within the Republican Party’s own ranks.
Last week, speaking to the MIRS newsletter (, GOP Senate Majority Leader Randy Richardville said a repeal of PA 312 was not on his agenda."

Video - FOX News Reporter Gets Hit During Live Broadcast From Wisconsin

RealClearPolitics - Video - FOX News Reporter Gets Hit During Live Broadcast From Wisconsin
"While reporting outside the Wisconsin state capital, FOX News correspondent Mike Tobin is struck by a pro-union protester.
The demonstrators were chanting 'FOX News lies.'"

Grand Haven Blockbuster kaput

West Michigan News from the Grand Haven Tribune a Michigan Newspaper
"There will soon be one less choice in the area to get the latest movie releases.
The Blockbuster store at 520 N. Beacon Blvd. is closing its doors."

President, Hillary Clinton flub Mideast

President, Hillary Clinton flub Mideast--Michael A. Walsh -
"'It's 3 a.m. and your children are safe and asleep,' it began.
'But there's a phone in the White House and it's ringing.
Something's happening in the world.
'Your vote will decide who answers that call.
Whether it's someone who already knows the world's leaders, knows the military, someone tested and ready to lead in a dangerous world . . . Who do you want answering the phone?'

Now we know the answer: neither of the above."

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Tea Party rally Arizona |

Tea Party rally Arizona Tea Party Patriots Republicans The Daily Caller - Breaking News, Opinion, Research, and Entertainment
"Antsy for results, tea party supporters gathered for a weekend strategy summit say they’re intent on making sure the Republicans they helped return to power last fall live up to promises to dramatically change course in Washington."

My goal is to hold them accountable here in Muskegon too!

Articles & Commentary

Articles & Commentary
"A crucial distinction has been lost in the debate over Walker's proposals:

Government unions are not the same thing as private sector unions.

Traditional, private sector unions were born out of an often bloody adversarial relationship between labor and management.
It's been said that during World War I, U.S. soldiers had better odds of surviving on the front lines than miners did in West Virginia coal mines. Mine disasters were frequent; hazardous conditions were the norm.
In 1907, the Monongah mine explosion claimed the lives of 362 West Virginia miners.
Day-to-day life often resembled serfdom, with management controlling vast swaths of the miners' lives.
And before unionization and many New Deal-era reforms, Washington had little power to reform conditions by legislation.
The labor-politician negotiations can't be fair when the unions can put so much money into campaign spending.
Meanwhile, government unions have no such narrative on their side.
Do you recall the Great DMV cave-in of 1959?
How about the travails of second-grade teachers recounted in Upton Sinclair's famous schoolhouse sequel to 'The Jungle'?
Don't feel bad, because no such horror stories exist.

Government workers were making good salaries in 1962 when President Kennedy lifted, by executive order (so much for democracy), the federal ban on government unions.
Civil service regulations and similar laws had guaranteed good working conditions for generations.

The argument for public unionization wasn't moral, economic or intellectual.
It was rankly political."