Sunday, March 20, 2011

MICHAEL MOORE: Now a racist teabagger.

Instapundit » Blog Archive » MICHAEL MOORE: Now a racist teabagger.
Also, fat and unattractive. Some things don’t change so easily.

UPDATE: Reader James Ruhland writes:
“This man of peace, wasn’t he last seen declaring war at the Wisconsin Capitol?”
Well, yeah, but against the real enemy – Republicans.

Liberal Democrats In Uproar Over Libya.
How’s that hopey-changey stuff workin’ for ya?
“They consulted the Arab League.
They consulted the United Nations.
They did not consult the United States Congress.”

Plus, from Don Surber: “I have all along wished for Barack Obama’s success because I knew the only way for him to be a successful president would be to adopt the policies of President Bush. . . . Obama wants a second term.”"

Schools Health Insurance and Corporate Welfare

Analysis: Schools Health Insurance and Corporate Welfare [Michigan Capitol Confidential]
"Most school districts willingly cover their employees’ spouses, without any regard for whether or not these spouses can get health insurance coverage elsewhere, like from their own employer.
If a school employee’s spouse works for a private business that offers health insurance but elects to enroll in the plan offered by a school district, taxpayer funds are being used by school districts to indirectly subsidize the payrolls of private businesses."

“Modest” pension benefits and “attacks on teachers?”

“Modest” pension benefits and “attacks on teachers?”
"According to their press release
“They meet amidst national attacks on teachers and other public employees’ right to collectively bargain, to receive modest retirement benefits, and with California school districts issuing thousands of layoff notices.”

This statement as a whole is frustrating but claiming public employees get modest pension benefits and that teachers are being attacked is inaccurate and absurd"

Lansing-area students may face suspension for unauthorized Capitol protest

Lansing-area students may face suspension for unauthorized Capitol protest

Rachel Jackson is a rookie at playing hooky.

But the Eastern High School junior had enough fluency in truancy to lead hundreds of students to skip school Friday and send state lawmakers a message: Don't cut education funding.

The Compensation of An “Unappreciated” and “Devalued” Spanish Teachertial]

The Compensation of An “Unappreciated” and “Devalued” Spanish Teacher [Michigan Capitol Confidential]
"A teacher taking a job at L’Anse Creuse Public Schools four years ago would have seen his or her salary increase by 37 percent from then until today.
The district pays 100 percent of the health insurance premiums for teachers and allows up to 38 visits to a chiropractor for fully-covered massage therapy treatments.

Amber Kasic Sullivan, a Spanish teacher at L’Anse Creuse High School, did a guest column for the Detroit Free Press this week.
In it, she explained that she felt “very unappreciated” and “devalued.”"

Knut Song

Super moon: Amazing pictures of the lunar planet... the nearest it has been to Earth for 20 years

Super moon: Amazing pictures of the lunar planet... the nearest it has been to Earth for 20 years Mail Online
Amazing pictures of our lunar neighbour

Saturday, March 19, 2011

The 5-fingered piano girl who will blow you away

theblogprof: Video: The 5-fingered piano girl who will blow you away
"If this was a genetic defect, you have to know there are liberal ghouls that would have had her aborted.
How many other musical geniuses have been?
Another Mozart?
How many brilliant minds were sacrificed to Molech in this country alone?"

Watch this and wonder about "handicaps".
My golly, I'm tearing up just watching and listening.
Who told this lovely child she could make beautiful music...when it was "clear" it was not possible for her "kind"?

Moonrise, Moonset and Moonphase for U.S.A. – Michigan – Detroit – March 2011

Moonrise, Moonset and Moonphase for U.S.A. – Michigan – Detroit – March 2011

Go to any Lake Michigan beach at 6:00-6:45 AM tomorrow for a great show!


Four truths and three falsehoods about the March 19 supermoon

Four truths and three falsehoods about the March 19 supermoon Water EarthSky
"What’s true – and false – about the March 19 supermoon"

Sat: Blue Lake Township to investigate controversial firefighter training session

Sat: Blue Lake Township to investigate controversial firefighter training session "Stapel said he arrived to the training session at 7:45 p.m. and worked until 9 p.m., which is supported by a time sheet Radtke provided to the Chronicle. He said he didn't know what the training would be when he went to Bower's house, but he didn't expect to do construction work.
“All I did the whole time I was there was hang sheetrock,” he said.
Radtke said firefighters were paid for training from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m., but most stayed to work on the house until about 9:30 p.m. without pay for the last half-hour. He provided The Chronicle with a copy of a handwritten outline of the training session, which listed, as educational elements of the training: noting elements of roof, ceiling and wall construction; looking at what a firefighter would need to avoid while cutting through a wall to escape a fire; and looking at how to cut around a window to create a door if a fire blocks normal entrances."

American Thinker: The Media and the Republicans

American Thinker: The Media and the Republicans: "The American mainstream media, once the most dominant news gathering entity in the world, has lost its credibility and is in the process of losing its influence. Yet the Republicans and some conservative intelligentsia in Washington D.C. still foolishly curry the media's favor, cower in fear of their by-gone power and do not understand their motives and mindless acquiescence to group-think mentality.

Since 1990 total newspaper circulation has dropped by 17.3 million readers (28%). The three network news broadcasts have suffered a similar fate. Since 1991 they have lost 12.6 million viewers (34%). The various mainstream news magazines such a Time and Newsweek are a mere skeleton of their former selves."

Costa Mesa layoffs: Nearly half of Costa Mesa city employees get layoff notices

Costa Mesa layoffs: Nearly half of Costa Mesa city employees get layoff notices -
"Costa Mesa has sent layoff notices to nearly half of its employees in a dramatic austerity program being closely watched by other cities struggling with ballooning pension obligations."

Helen Thomas Defends Palestinian Suicide Bombers in Playboy Magazine

Helen Thomas Defends Palestinian Suicide Bombers in Playboy Magazine « Commentary Magazine
"Veteran reporter Helen Thomas turned up in Playboy magazine this month (fully clothed, don’t worry) as part of her ongoing anti-Semitic publicity tour."

European governments “completely puzzled” about U.S. position on Libya

European governments “completely puzzled” about U.S. position on Libya The Cable
"Clinton's unwillingness to commit the United States to a specific position led many in the room to wonder exactly where the administration stood on the situation in Libya.

'Frankly we are just completely puzzled,' the diplomat said.

'We are wondering if this is a priority for the United States.'"

Retirees see pension tax as attack on middle class

Retirees see pension tax as attack on middle class - BusinessWeek
"Snyder says Michigan can't afford the $900 million it loses to some of the nation's most generous senior tax breaks, and seniors are pushing the tax burden onto younger residents.
Retirees say it's unfair to make them pay more so Snyder can cut business taxes by $1.7 billion."

Spartans played for Merchant after coach left

Spartans played for Merchant after coach left - Washington Times:
"When Joanne McCallie left Michigan State to coach at Duke, incoming recruits Kalisha Keane,
Johnson, Brittney Thomas and Cetera Washington didn’t look for a way out.
They stayed and became Spartans under new coach Suzy Merchant.
Turned out to be a good move.
Michigan State won its first outright Big Ten title this season and is a No. 4 seed in the NCAA tournament. The Spartans (26-5) will play Northern Iowa (27-5) on Sunday night in Wichita, Kan."

» Is Obama’s Team Ready to Dump the Dollar?

» Is Obama’s Team Ready to Dump the Dollar? The Loft
"This week, Geithner said he was 'quite open' to the establishment of a new global reserve currency."

Congressional Scorecard

Congressional Scorecard
"The Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI), a public policy organization dedicated to the principles of free markets and limited government, has assembled a voting scorecard for the 112th Congress focusing on worker issues.

CEI’s labor policy website,, will be the only real time congressional voting scorecard devoted to analyzing Congress’ labor record from a free-market perspective."

End the Drug War, Save Black America

End the Drug War, Save Black America - Reason Magazine
"'Therefore, if the War on Drugs were terminated, the main factor keeping race-based resentment a core element in the American social fabric would no longer exist.

America would be a better place for all.'"