Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Instapundit » Blog Archive » I MENTIONED MARKDOWNS ON WATCHES THE OTHER DAY, and I now wonder if they’re desperate. Reader Duke …
"March 21, 2011
I MENTIONED MARKDOWNS ON WATCHES THE OTHER DAY, and I now wonder if they’re desperate.
Reader Duke DeLand emails:
“April 20th 2009 I removed my wrist watch and it still rests on my bedside table.
With my phone always there I found it less-than necessary.
Many with whom i talk say the same.
Have most of us abandoned watches?”

I still wear a watch.
I have a couple of fancy ones I wear for dress occasions (one was my grandfather’s, the other was an anniversary present).
But I usually wear a Timex Ironman and I still use it pretty regularly — though the thing I really like about it is the night light, which is bright enough to let me navigate in the dark.
Posted by Glenn Reynolds at 6:37 pm"

I am a watch nerd..but they are increasingly becoming an affectation.... bummer...

Monday, March 21, 2011

Baby Joseph Is Going Home

Baby Joseph Is Going Home - Investors.com
"A Canada court had ruled that under socialized medicine their baby must die in the hospital.

Now he's in the U.S., getting the care his parents, not the bureaucrats, want."

Why Do We Let Girls Dress Like That?

Why Do We Let Girls Dress Like That? - WSJ.com
" A few minutes later, they return to the dance floor, where they shake everything they've got under the party lights.

But for the most part, there isn't all that much to shake.

This particular group of party-goers consists of 12- and 13-year-old girls"

Nine states expected to be central to battle for Senate, presidency

Nine states expected to be central to battle for Senate, presidency - The Washington Post
"Ditto Michigan, where a struggling economy could complicate Sen. Debbie Stabenow’s reelection bid as well as Obama’s path to victory in the state."

Only if we can find and support a true conservative.....an articulate conservative!

Spring Football Game, Youth Clinic Scheduled For April 30

Spring Football Game, Youth Clinic Scheduled For April 30 - MICHIGAN STATE OFFICIAL ATHLETIC SITE
Michigan State football concludes its 15 spring practices under fifth-year head coach Mark Dantonio with the Green-White intrasquad game on Saturday, April 30 at 1:30 p.m. EDT in Spartan Stadium."


UPDATED: AG APPEALS DECISION Newsradio 620 - Milwaukee, Wisconsin News, Talk, Sports, Weather Charlie Sykes
"Here is the link to the Attorney General's appeal of last Friday's ruling by Madison judge Maryann Sumi.
It makes it quite clear that she had no juridiction and that her over-reach violated both the constitutional separation of powers, but also clear and explicit insytructions from the state Supreme Court."

More on the battle in Wisconsin

Suttons Bay star, Michigan State signee Dwaun Anderson named Mr. Basketball

Suttons Bay star, Michigan State signee Dwaun Anderson named Mr. Basketball detnews.com The Detroit News
"Anderson is a 6-4 guard/forward who averaged 20.1 points, 10 rebounds, 4.5 assists, 3.3 steals and 1.9 blocks.

He signed with Michigan State where he'll join the last two winners (Derrick Nix and Keith Appling of Detroit Pershing)."

The 'Pension Ponzi' Rap

The 'Pension Ponzi' Rap
"So it is not the pension fund itself that is a Ponzi scheme.

It is the plan's accumulation of unfunded liabilities that are not fully prepaid before current workers retire that constitutes a Ponzi account within the pension fund."

Video: Gov. Rick Synder says local governments must show improvement to get state dollars

Video: Gov. Rick Synder says local governments must show improvement to get state dollars MLive.com
"To meet the accountability goal, communities would be required to post their financial data and performance on an online “dashboard” by Oct. 1.

The compensation incentive would require communities to replace defined benefit pensions with 401(k)-style retirement savings programs and require an 20 percent employee match for health care."

A GREAT start!

Muskegon Taxpayers Alliance

Muskegon Taxpayers Alliance
"Muskegon Tea Party Meeting Whitlow's Banquet Hall (on Airline Rd.)

EVERYONE is invited!"

Democrats catching impeachment fever?

Democrats catching impeachment fever? « Hot Air
"If nothing else, Dennis Kucinich is consistent.
He wanted to push articles of impeachment against George W. Bush and Dick Cheney over the Iraq war, which his own party’s leadership squelched in the summer of 2008 — when Bush’s term had all but expired anyway.
Kucinich and John Conyers instead had to settle for “impugnment hearings,” which one witness called “slightly demented.”
Now we have another military action from another president, this one without the cover of a Congressional authorization to use military force, and Kucinich wants to crank up the impeachment process, pun most certainly intended:"

Unions' political thuggery

Unions' political thuggery--Glenn Reynolds - NYPOST.com
"Just a couple of months ago, in the wake of Jared Loughner's shooting of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, simple talk of 'targeting' a political opponent for defeat was treated as beyond the pale.
But let's look at some more recent language -- and conduct -- that our bien-pensant punditry can't be bothered to notice, let alone condemn.

In Michigan, protesters opposed to Gov. Rick Snyder's austerity budget broke a window to get into the capitol building. One faces felony charges after assaulting police with an edged weapon; 14 were arrested.

In Washington, DC, the windows at GOP headquarters were shot out, not the first time that Republican offices have been subject to such attacks.

In Madison, Wis., the state capitol was occupied for weeks by teachers-union members and their supporters.
Doors and windows were broken; a mob tried to keep Republican state senators from entering the Senate chamber to vote"

Video of Charles Krauthammer: Nuclear Power In America ‘Is Dead’

theblogprof: Video of Charles Krauthammer: Nuclear Power In America ‘Is Dead’
"It's been dead for 30 years now insofar as no new nuclear power plants have been commissioned, but there are at least 16 proposals out there right now including Fermi 3 here in MI. France is now 80% nuclear, and they won't miss a beat..."

The Plot to Destroy the US Military

The Plot to Destroy the US Military
"In two generations we have gone from General Patton telling his troops to grease their tanks with the enemy’s guts to an extensive purge of Navy command officers over a series of raunchy video skits.
Slowly but surely we are turning the greatest armed forces into the world, into the most politically correct disarmed forces the world has ever seen."


Neo-Bam - WSJ.com
"As bombs started falling on Libya Saturday, blogger Glenn Reynolds noticed something striking:
'Hey, it's exactly 8 years to the day since Bush started bombing Iraq!'
Eight years--which is to say, Barack Obama ordered the bombing of an Arab dictatorship at precisely the same point in his presidency that George W. Bush did.

Of course, there were some differences.
The Libya war is new;

the Iraq one was an escalation of a conflict that had been under way for 12 years.

The U.N. Security Council had authorized action in Libya for the first time two days earlier, vs. 17 times in Iraq.

Bush had persuaded a large majority of the public that escalating the war was a good idea;

Obama had to act more quickly, without making a sustained case to either the public or Congress."

How ignorant are Americans? An alarming number of U.S. citizens don't know basic facts about their own country

How ignorant are Americans? An alarming number of U.S. citizens don't know basic facts about their own country Mail Online
"First Christina Aguilera forgot the words to the national anthem.
Now it has emerged that 70 per cent of Americans do not know what the Constitution is, and six per cent don't even know when Independence Day falls."

McCaskill will sell 'the damn plane'

McCaskill will sell 'the damn plane' - David Catanese - POLITICO.com
In a conference call Monday afternoon, McCaskill revealed that after her own review of the plane's records, she had not paid personal property taxes on the aircraft over the past four years.

theblogprof: Democratic Party principle: If you have both a mother and father in the household, you're not black

theblogprof: Democratic Party principle: If you have both a mother and father in the household, you're not black

Actor Paul Giamatti clarifies flub about Detroit

Actor Paul Giamatti clarifies flub about Detroit
"When asked about winning a Canadian acting award for his role in “Barney’s Version” he explained why he couldn’t make it to the ceremony to receive the award,
I couldn’t go because I was shooting a movie in Detroit, which is like being in prison, so I couldn’t get out of Detroit.”"

US Army 'kill team' in Afghanistan posed for photos of murdered civilians

US Army 'kill team' in Afghanistan posed for photos of murdered civilians World news The Guardian
"US Army 'kill team' in Afghanistan posed for photos of murdered civiliansCommanders brace for backlash of anti-US sentiment that could be more damaging than after the Abu Ghraib scandal"

The new "monster" Obama?

Liberals have a mental disorder, says doctor

Liberals have a mental disorder, says doctor - Reno Conservative Examiner.com
"A veteran psychiatrist now claims that liberalism is a mental disorder, not purely a political choice"

Muskegon Taxpayers Alliance: A reason for us taxpayers to pay for electric hook-up for rich

Muskegon Taxpayers Alliance: A reason for us taxpayers to pay for electric hook-up for rich
"There are rumors that this enviro-spending is because one of the more affluent county commissioners just bought a $40,000 Chevy Volt.

So he/she could plug in on your taxpayer dime for their free enviro-fuel.

How does that make you feel?

Who is it?"

Big meeting tomorrow!

Muskegon Taxpayers Alliance
"This is very important because chairman Mahoney requested an earlier start (1:00 rather than the usual 1:30) as they will be discussing options for a new jail (higher taxes?) and the county budget which will be in deep doo doo if the projected $1.2 million in state refunding is cut.

As is expected.

So this is a BIG TIME number crunch meeting that every Muskegon resident needs to attend."

A morning story

sent to me by a friend:

After wrestling with Drew to get his socks on (and him taking them off 3x) the following transpired:

M: Ok, Drew.
I'm done.
You put on your own socks.
You may come out of your room when you have your socks on.

D: No, no, I don't want to go to Trader Joes, etc.....

M: Stay in your room until your socks are on.

D: No, no, don't want to get ready, etc.

M: I'll see you when your socks are on.

Door opens...

M: Are your socks on?

D: Ya

And there is our adorably frustrating child standing in the doorway with his socks on his hands.

Farrakhan warns, advises Obama on Libya

Representative Marcia Hovey-Wright is hosting a Town Hall meeting about Michigan's Budget

"Representative Marcia Hovey-Wright is hosting a Town Hall meeting about Michigan's Budget.

Monday, March 28, 7:00 p.m. at the Stevenson Center at MCC, room 1100.

Mitchell Bean, non partisan House Fiscal Agency Director will present it.
He is an expert about Michigan's budget -- information we all need to know.
Remember: knowledge is power!
Let's have a wonderful turn-out for this."

Sunday, March 20, 2011

CARPE DIEM: Chart of the Day: Deaths per Energy Source

CARPE DIEM: Chart of the Day: Deaths per Energy Source

Izzo, Michigan State look toward next season

Izzo, Michigan State look toward next season: 'There'll be some soul-searching' MLive.com
EAST LANSING — The clarity of problems now yields to the murkiness of solutions for Michigan State basketball.

Coach Tom Izzo often has said the difficulties of this soured season were tempered by his belief that he can rationalize the reasons and address them quickly."

Perigee Moon

Perigee Moon
"The full moon is seen as it rises near the Lincoln Memorial, Saturday, March 19, 2011, in Washington.

Trump Has 'Just a Little' Doubt Obama Was Born in America

Trump Has 'Just a Little' Doubt Obama Was Born in America - FoxNews.com

Pure Michigan: St. Patrick's Day

MICHAEL MOORE: Now a racist teabagger.

Instapundit » Blog Archive » MICHAEL MOORE: Now a racist teabagger.
Also, fat and unattractive. Some things don’t change so easily.

UPDATE: Reader James Ruhland writes:
“This man of peace, wasn’t he last seen declaring war at the Wisconsin Capitol?”
Well, yeah, but against the real enemy – Republicans.

Liberal Democrats In Uproar Over Libya.
How’s that hopey-changey stuff workin’ for ya?
“They consulted the Arab League.
They consulted the United Nations.
They did not consult the United States Congress.”

Plus, from Don Surber: “I have all along wished for Barack Obama’s success because I knew the only way for him to be a successful president would be to adopt the policies of President Bush. . . . Obama wants a second term.”"

Schools Health Insurance and Corporate Welfare

Analysis: Schools Health Insurance and Corporate Welfare [Michigan Capitol Confidential]
"Most school districts willingly cover their employees’ spouses, without any regard for whether or not these spouses can get health insurance coverage elsewhere, like from their own employer.
If a school employee’s spouse works for a private business that offers health insurance but elects to enroll in the plan offered by a school district, taxpayer funds are being used by school districts to indirectly subsidize the payrolls of private businesses."

“Modest” pension benefits and “attacks on teachers?”

“Modest” pension benefits and “attacks on teachers?”
"According to their press release
“They meet amidst national attacks on teachers and other public employees’ right to collectively bargain, to receive modest retirement benefits, and with California school districts issuing thousands of layoff notices.”

This statement as a whole is frustrating but claiming public employees get modest pension benefits and that teachers are being attacked is inaccurate and absurd"

Lansing-area students may face suspension for unauthorized Capitol protest

Lansing-area students may face suspension for unauthorized Capitol protest

Rachel Jackson is a rookie at playing hooky.

But the Eastern High School junior had enough fluency in truancy to lead hundreds of students to skip school Friday and send state lawmakers a message: Don't cut education funding.

The Compensation of An “Unappreciated” and “Devalued” Spanish Teachertial]

The Compensation of An “Unappreciated” and “Devalued” Spanish Teacher [Michigan Capitol Confidential]
"A teacher taking a job at L’Anse Creuse Public Schools four years ago would have seen his or her salary increase by 37 percent from then until today.
The district pays 100 percent of the health insurance premiums for teachers and allows up to 38 visits to a chiropractor for fully-covered massage therapy treatments.

Amber Kasic Sullivan, a Spanish teacher at L’Anse Creuse High School, did a guest column for the Detroit Free Press this week.
In it, she explained that she felt “very unappreciated” and “devalued.”"

Knut Song

Super moon: Amazing pictures of the lunar planet... the nearest it has been to Earth for 20 years

Super moon: Amazing pictures of the lunar planet... the nearest it has been to Earth for 20 years Mail Online
Amazing pictures of our lunar neighbour

Saturday, March 19, 2011

The 5-fingered piano girl who will blow you away

theblogprof: Video: The 5-fingered piano girl who will blow you away
"If this was a genetic defect, you have to know there are liberal ghouls that would have had her aborted.
How many other musical geniuses have been?
Another Mozart?
How many brilliant minds were sacrificed to Molech in this country alone?"

Watch this and wonder about "handicaps".
My golly, I'm tearing up just watching and listening.
Who told this lovely child she could make beautiful music...when it was "clear" it was not possible for her "kind"?

Moonrise, Moonset and Moonphase for U.S.A. – Michigan – Detroit – March 2011

Moonrise, Moonset and Moonphase for U.S.A. – Michigan – Detroit – March 2011

Go to any Lake Michigan beach at 6:00-6:45 AM tomorrow for a great show!


Four truths and three falsehoods about the March 19 supermoon

Four truths and three falsehoods about the March 19 supermoon Water EarthSky
"What’s true – and false – about the March 19 supermoon"

Sat: Blue Lake Township to investigate controversial firefighter training session

Sat: Blue Lake Township to investigate controversial firefighter training session MLive.com: "Stapel said he arrived to the training session at 7:45 p.m. and worked until 9 p.m., which is supported by a time sheet Radtke provided to the Chronicle. He said he didn't know what the training would be when he went to Bower's house, but he didn't expect to do construction work.
“All I did the whole time I was there was hang sheetrock,” he said.
Radtke said firefighters were paid for training from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m., but most stayed to work on the house until about 9:30 p.m. without pay for the last half-hour. He provided The Chronicle with a copy of a handwritten outline of the training session, which listed, as educational elements of the training: noting elements of roof, ceiling and wall construction; looking at what a firefighter would need to avoid while cutting through a wall to escape a fire; and looking at how to cut around a window to create a door if a fire blocks normal entrances."

American Thinker: The Media and the Republicans

American Thinker: The Media and the Republicans: "The American mainstream media, once the most dominant news gathering entity in the world, has lost its credibility and is in the process of losing its influence. Yet the Republicans and some conservative intelligentsia in Washington D.C. still foolishly curry the media's favor, cower in fear of their by-gone power and do not understand their motives and mindless acquiescence to group-think mentality.

Since 1990 total newspaper circulation has dropped by 17.3 million readers (28%). The three network news broadcasts have suffered a similar fate. Since 1991 they have lost 12.6 million viewers (34%). The various mainstream news magazines such a Time and Newsweek are a mere skeleton of their former selves."

Costa Mesa layoffs: Nearly half of Costa Mesa city employees get layoff notices

Costa Mesa layoffs: Nearly half of Costa Mesa city employees get layoff notices - latimes.com
"Costa Mesa has sent layoff notices to nearly half of its employees in a dramatic austerity program being closely watched by other cities struggling with ballooning pension obligations."

Helen Thomas Defends Palestinian Suicide Bombers in Playboy Magazine

Helen Thomas Defends Palestinian Suicide Bombers in Playboy Magazine « Commentary Magazine
"Veteran reporter Helen Thomas turned up in Playboy magazine this month (fully clothed, don’t worry) as part of her ongoing anti-Semitic publicity tour."

European governments “completely puzzled” about U.S. position on Libya

European governments “completely puzzled” about U.S. position on Libya The Cable
"Clinton's unwillingness to commit the United States to a specific position led many in the room to wonder exactly where the administration stood on the situation in Libya.

'Frankly we are just completely puzzled,' the diplomat said.

'We are wondering if this is a priority for the United States.'"

Retirees see pension tax as attack on middle class

Retirees see pension tax as attack on middle class - BusinessWeek
"Snyder says Michigan can't afford the $900 million it loses to some of the nation's most generous senior tax breaks, and seniors are pushing the tax burden onto younger residents.
Retirees say it's unfair to make them pay more so Snyder can cut business taxes by $1.7 billion."

Spartans played for Merchant after coach left

Spartans played for Merchant after coach left - Washington Times:
"When Joanne McCallie left Michigan State to coach at Duke, incoming recruits Kalisha Keane,
Johnson, Brittney Thomas and Cetera Washington didn’t look for a way out.
They stayed and became Spartans under new coach Suzy Merchant.
Turned out to be a good move.
Michigan State won its first outright Big Ten title this season and is a No. 4 seed in the NCAA tournament. The Spartans (26-5) will play Northern Iowa (27-5) on Sunday night in Wichita, Kan."

» Is Obama’s Team Ready to Dump the Dollar?

» Is Obama’s Team Ready to Dump the Dollar? The Loft
"This week, Geithner said he was 'quite open' to the establishment of a new global reserve currency."

Congressional Scorecard

Congressional Scorecard
"The Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI), a public policy organization dedicated to the principles of free markets and limited government, has assembled a voting scorecard for the 112th Congress focusing on worker issues.

CEI’s labor policy website, Workplacechoice.org, will be the only real time congressional voting scorecard devoted to analyzing Congress’ labor record from a free-market perspective."

End the Drug War, Save Black America

End the Drug War, Save Black America - Reason Magazine
"'Therefore, if the War on Drugs were terminated, the main factor keeping race-based resentment a core element in the American social fabric would no longer exist.

America would be a better place for all.'"

Barack Obama: The Weakest President in history?

Home of the Daily and Sunday Express Express Yourself :: Barack Obama: The Weakest President in history?

Michigan Automotive News -

Michigan Automotive News -: "With video: Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder booed by union workers at Ford Focus celebration"

Qadaffi's Chicago Connection

American Thinker: Qadaffi's Chicago Connection
"And who can forget the photo of a beaming Obama shaking hands with a starstruck Qadaffi at the G8 summit in Italy in July 2009?"

Pew survey finds Fox News was most popular source for 2010 political news

Pew survey finds Fox News was most popular source for 2010 political news Mark Tapscott Beltway Confidential Washington Examiner

TARP Was No Win for the Taxpayers

Articles & Commentary
"Almost 30 months after its birth, TARP is far from dead.
More than 550 banks, AIG, GM, Chrysler and others still have approximately $160 billion of taxpayer money outstanding."

Friday, March 18, 2011

WEAC’s bullying tactics against businesses unworthy behavior for so-called “public servants”

"Union leaders can dress it up and use innocuous-sounding phrases like “ voluntary consumer activism,” but the bottom line is that Wisconsin’s unions are now resorting to thug-like behavior against political opponents, real or imagined."

Union equates lavish benefits to black civil rights

Union equates lavish benefits to black civil rights Byron York Politics Washington Examiner
"Fresh from defeat in Wisconsin, union leaders are planning a new campaign not just to head off future challenges to their collective bargaining powers but also to make the case that organized labor's benefits and prerogatives -- wages, health care, and pensions that are more generous than those of comparable workers in the private sector -- are the moral equivalent of rights won by black Americans during the civil rights movement."

Grand Rapids school board candidate says budget cuts require closer look at privatization, pension reform

Grand Rapids school board candidate says budget cuts require closer look at privatization, pension reform MLive.com
"Her three point plan includes the following:
1- Better fiscal management: Let’s privatize non-essential services. We need to eliminate collective bargaining because all we are really doing is bargaining away our children’s
2. Common sense cost cutting: We must use a defined contribution plan. MESSA (union-owned teacher health insurance) is a Cadillac plan that teachers pay nothing or next to nothing for. We must also roll back administrative extras such as vehicle allowances and monthly stipends.
3. More teacher accountability: We must reform teacher tenure."

Whoa nellie!
The education establishment will hate these 3 points!
Imagine an outsider who thinks cost and performance ought to be major considerations!
This woman may be the most articulate hope for our children's financial future.
Christine Jurrians.
Remember her name.

20 Days of Left-Wing Thuggery in Wisconsin: When Will Obama, Democrats, and MSM Call for Civility?

» 20 Days of Left-Wing Thuggery in Wisconsin: When Will Obama, Democrats, and MSM Call for Civility? - Big Government
"Below, you’ll find a compilation of 20 days worth of the death threats, vandalism, and intimidation practiced by pro-union thugs opposed to Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker’s budget repair bill."

Anti-Union Ad TV Commercial: Obama & NEA Bob Chanin "It is not because w...

Chevy Volt: The Car From Atlas Shrugged Motors

"Volt sales are anemic:
326 in December,
321 in January, and
281 in February.

GM announced a production run of 100,000 in the first two years.

Who is going to buy all these cars?"

Muskegon County law enforcement agencies interested in body cams, can't afford them

Muskegon County law enforcement agencies interested in body cams, can't afford them MLive.com: "While some police agencies nationwide have begun using tiny body cameras to record actions of officers and those with whom they have contact, Muskegon County jurisdictions aren’t on board.
The biggest roadblock? The cost to maintain them, authorities say."

The Libyan Tea Party

EL SENUSSI: The Libyan Tea Party - Washington Times
"My traveling companion intimated to me,
“This must be the Libyan version of the Tea Party.”

If tea is synonymous with reform, then I hope it is."

"Libyan tea Party"?
That sorta explains Barry O'Carter's "support", doesn't it?

Ray Nagin clone in the White House

American Thinker Blog: Ray Nagin clone in the White House
"Fortunately this inept mayor, Ray Nagin, is now out of office and unable to inflict upon his constituents his monumental incompetence any longer.
Unfortunately for America, his federal counterpart is very much in power for another two years and is inflicting the similar damage of his Nagin-like cluelessness and ineptitude on not just New Orleans, but America and the entire world."

One driver cut off another in U.S. 131 road-rage incident that led to wrench assault

One driver cut off another in U.S. 131 road-rage incident that led to wrench assault MLive.com
"The 50-year-old Grand Rapids area man sought his own treatment Wednesday night after another motorist hit him in the head with a 15-inch ratchet after both vehicles had pulled off the freeway at West River Drive."

Super full moon on Saturday: Orbits closest to Earth with 'rare size, beauty' seen every 20 years

Super full moon on Saturday: Orbits closest to Earth with 'rare size, beauty' seen every 20 years MLive.com

Arne Duncan: No March Madness for NCAA teams with poor graduation rates

Arne Duncan: No March Madness for NCAA teams with poor graduation rates MLive.com
"Syracuse coach Jim Boeheim told USA Today that Duncan's proposal is “completely nuts.”
He told the paper that because basketball teams have small rosters, it takes only two or three players to bring a team below the cutoff.
“Any good school can have a bad class and fall below,” Boeheim said.
“It's a lot more difficult than it looks.
What looks to be simple on paper isn't as simple as it looks.
If three guys leave (school) and your other seven guys are 'A' students, that still puts you below.
It's hard to recover from that.”"

Diversity panel wants military to look like U.S.

Diversity panel wants military to look like U.S. - Washington Times
"The commission says it wants the military to resemble the ethnic makeup of America.
It is urging the Army, Navy, Marine Corps and Air Force to “validate” the standards — such as education, test scores, criminal records and drug use — that disqualify large numbers of blacks and Hispanics.

“Racial/ethnic minorities are less likely to meet eligibility requirements than are non-Hispanic whites, and that gap is widening,” the report says."

"The gap is widening" so our betters in government now tell us we need to dumb-size our military?
Why should our military resemble America?
Has most of America been trained to kill bad guys?

Detroit News critic who quit over edited Chrysler review: 'A matter of principle'

Detroit News critic who quit over edited Chrysler review: 'A matter of principle' MLive.com
"Burgess' online review did not include this passage, which was in the print version:

'If this car came in tortoise shell, the EPA would have to put it on the endangered sedan list to prevent trappers and automotive enthusiasts from rightfully shooting it into extinction.'"

Japan tsunami and earthquake: 30 children sit silent in classroom after parents vanish

Japan tsunami and earthquake: 30 children sit silent in classroom after parents vanish Mail Online

Muskegon-area unemployment rate rises in January

Muskegon-area unemployment rate rises in January MLive.com
"In January, Muskegon County's labor force continued to decline to 81,600, 600 fewer workers than December.

Total employment in January was 71,900, a 1,000 drop from December.

The number of unemployed rose 400 to 9,700."

Chrysler suing Pure Detroit over 'Imported from Detroit' slogan

Chrysler suing Pure Detroit over 'Imported from Detroit' slogan detnews.com

Chrysler Group LLC is suing Pure Detroit, accusing the clothing retailer of improperly using the automaker's "Imported from Detroit" slogan that rocketed to popularity in the two-minute Super Bowl ad featuring hometown rapper Eminem.

Grand Rapids man charged with polygamy after first wife saw his wedding photo on Facebook

Grand Rapids man charged with polygamy after first wife saw his wedding photo on Facebook MLive.com: "When Richard Leon Barton Jr., 34, got married to a Grand Rapids woman last July, police say there was a big problem: his first wife, living in Rhode Island."

Fighting Inflation With Inflation

Fighting Inflation With Inflation - WSJ.com:
 "Great news in the war on obesity!
'The 3.9 percent increase in food prices last month is the largest monthly jump since 1974,' reports Washington's WUSA-TV:
9NEWS NOW bought eggs, milk, and bread at a Giant supermarket in Washington, DC, on October 1st. The same items at a Wisconsin Avenue Giant in the city on Wednesday night showed the increases.
Milk had increased 15 percent. Bread was up 19 percent.
Eggs remained at the same price.
Economists were predicting Wednesday that American consumers will be paying about five percent more for food next fall than they did last fall."

Eight Out of Ten Illegal Aliens Apprehended in 2010 Never Prosecuted

Eight Out of Ten Illegal Aliens Apprehended in 2010 Never Prosecuted, Says Border Congressman
"An illegal alien apprehended by the U.S. Customs and Border Protection agency during the last fiscal year had an estimated 84 percent chance of never being prosecuted,"

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Concealed Carry Holsters & Outfits for Women

Michigan St.-UCLA Preview

Michigan St.-UCLA Preview - March 16, 2011 - NCAA Division I Mens Basketball - CBSSports.com
"It's the first ever meeting in the NCAAs between the 10th-seeded Spartans (19-14) and No. 7 seed Bruins (22-10), which is difficult to fathom considering the success they've had the past decade-plus on college basketball's biggest stage."

Places to go, things to do this weekend

My picks: Places to go, things to do this weekend MLive.com
"• It's going to be a 'Dancing Queen' sort of weekend, starting off 7:30 p.m. Friday with ABBAMANIA at the Frauenthal.
Your ticket back to the days of disco will benefit United Way of the Lakeshore."

I can't go to ABBAMANIA but "your ticket back to the days of disco"?

CNN's 'Expert on Extremism': 'Radical Right' Bigger Threat Than Jihadis

CNN's 'Expert on Extremism': 'Radical Right' Bigger Threat Than Jihadis NewsBusters.org
"Mark Potok of the left-wing Southern Poverty Law Center claimed on Monday's Newsroom on CNN that radical Islam wasn't 'our biggest domestic terror threat,' that instead, 'that pretty clearly comes from the radical right in this country.'"

The New Civility: Blogger Ann Althouse’s ‘Madison Privileges Have Been Revoked’

The New Civility: Blogger Ann Althouse’s ‘Madison Privileges Have Been Revoked’
"In an unsigned “Operation: Countertroll” screed, they declare, “Your city of Madison privileges have been revoked.”

The foul-mouthed message of intimidation is crystal-clear.
This passage is (almost) profanity free:
“We are at every coffee shop on State, open to close, all the time.
We will hang up wanted posters of you everywhere you like to go.
We will picket on public property as close to your house as we can every day.
We will harass the ever-loving sh*t out of you all the time.
Campus is OCCUPIED.
State Street is OCCUPIED.
The Square is OCCUPIED.
Vilas, Schenk’s Corners, Atwood, WillyStreet — Occupied, Occupied, Occupied, Occupied.”"

Merkel aims to speed Germany's nuclear energy exit

Merkel aims to speed Germany's nuclear energy exit Reuters

Welcome to the Third World

Welcome to the Third World NetRight Daily
"As Britain suffered through its coldest December in a century, families were forced to choose between keeping homes warm and feeding their children nourishing meals — thanks to climate policies that have forced extensive reliance on wind power and deliberately driven energy prices skyward.

Barely two months later, the UK’s power grid CEO informed the country that its days of reliable electricity are numbered.
Families, schools, offices, shops, hospitals and factories will just have to “get used to” consuming electricity “when it’s available,” not necessarily when they want it or need it.

A new “smart grid” will be used to allocate decreasing electricity supplies, on a rolling basis or according to bureaucratic determinations as to which consumers most need available power — mostly from wind turbines that provided a pitiful 0.04% of Britain’s electricity during its coldest days last December."

Obama does less damage when he's golfing or Madness bracketing on ESPN

Obama does less damage when he's golfing or Madness bracketing on ESPN Gene Healy Beltway Confidential Washington Examiner

Who would argue with that?

Some nuance on destruction

Some nuance on destruction
"In the aftermath of the quake and tsunami in Japan, Larry Summers talked about the human tragedy and then gave his thoughts on the economic impact:

“If you look, this is clearly going to add complexity to Japan’s challenge of economic recovery,” Summers said.
“It may lead to some temporary increments, ironically, to GDP, as a process of rebuilding takes place.
In the wake of the earlier Kobe earthquake, Japan actually gained some economic strength.”

In Parts I and Part II I discussed why I thought this conclusion was bizarre.
It unmistakenly suggests without qualification, that there can be a positive financial impact from destruction.

As some commenters pointed out, GDP is a flow and wealth is a stock.
That is, GDP compares the change in output over time while wealth is a snapshot.
So it is possible to lose wealth (destroy buildings) while GDP goes up.
It’s possible.
I don’t think it’s very likely but it’s possible."

Michigan will receive detailed Census 2010 data next week

Michigan will receive detailed Census 2010 data next week MLive.com#cmpid=v2mode_be_smoref_face#cmpid=v2mode_be_smoref_face#cmpid=v2mode_be_smoref_face: "The first detailed information for Michigan from the 2010 Census will be released next week, documenting a decade of change in the only state to lose population."

Royal Caribbean rolls out 'all-you-can-drink' packages

Royal Caribbean rolls out 'all-you-can-drink' packages - USATODAY.com
Worried about keeping track of your spending on drinks on your next cruise?
Royal Caribbean hopes to allay your fears with a trio of new one-price, all-you-can-drink packages

Legislature sends Gov. Rick Snyder bill he sought repealing item pricing

Legislature sends Gov. Rick Snyder bill he sought repealing item pricing MLive.com
"Effective Sept. 1, retailers would no longer have to fix a price tag to every item on the store shelf under a bill sent by the House today to Gov. Rick Snyder for his signature."

How Washington Ruined Your Washing Machine

Sam Kazman: How Washington Ruined Your Washing Machine - WSJ.com
"Consumers Union, meanwhile, which publishes Consumer Reports, claims that new washers can't be compared to old ones—but that's belied by the very language in its articles.

We know that politics can be dirty.
Who'd have guessed how literal a truth this is?"

Obama admin fans flames of radiation fear

Obama admin fans flames of radiation fear JunkScience.com
"Although there have been about 4,000 thyroid “extra” cancers believed to be associated with the Chernobyl accident, there have been only nine (9) deaths since thyroid cancer is treatable.
All these cancers have occurred among people living near Chernobyl; none of occurred in the rest of the world.
Next, the timing of the study is curious.
Although it was submitted for publication back on July 2, 2010, the NIH-run journal Environmental Health Perspectives didn’t see fit to “accept” the study for publication until March 14 — three days after the nuclear accident began.
It was then rushed to online publication three days later on March 17."

Children Shields Used For The MI-GOP Tax Increases?

RightMichigan.com Children Shields Used For The MI-GOP Tax Increases?
"Oh boy, remember when we used to only see the Democrats sticking cameras in kid's faces whenever they pushed their agendas that always leads to raising taxes?
Well, our Republican-Light governor and his surrogates have chose not to be outdone by the Democrat 'for the children' meme.
The punchline to this sick joke?"

Well, these kids were used by politicians who at least paid them.
As opposed to this:

Medal of Honor

Say Anything » Medal of Honor
"There are fewer than a hundred living MoH recipients today.
Their names and their stories should not be forgotten.

My mission is to honor one of those heroes here each week, and salute them for their courage and sacrifice.

In the words of John Fitzgerald Kennedy:
“A nation reveals itself not only by the men it produces, but also by the men it honors; the men it remembers.”"

Head Start's reality

Head Start's reality - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review
"The federal government's own studies have found that Head Start is ineffective and fraud-prone."

Good News: Mandatory Spending to Exceed all Federal Revenues — 50 Years Ahead of Schedule. Which Is Like - NOW!

Good News:
Mandatory Spending to Exceed all Federal Revenues — 50 Years Ahead of Schedule.
Which Is Like - NOW!

National Labor Relations Board Facing Congressional Heat over Secret Ballots | NetRight Daily

National Labor Relations Board Facing Congressional Heat over Secret Ballots NetRight Daily: "Congressman Jeff Duncan of South Carolina introduced legislation aimed at protecting worker’s right to a secret ballot union election this week by prohibiting the National Labor Relations Board from funding a lawsuit against states that protect secret ballot rights.
Duncan’s bill, H.R. 1047, which already has 27 co-sponsors, specifically says, “No agency of the Federal Government may bring any challenge against a State statute or constitutional provision which protects the right of employees to choose labor organization representatives through secret ballot elections.’
The bill is in response to threats made by the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) to lead a lawsuit against the states of Utah, South Carolina, Arizona and South Dakota, states where voters have protected their citizens right to secret ballot elections in their state constitution."

The Cheapest Gas in the World: 12 Cents a Gallon

CARPE DIEM: The Cheapest Gas in the World: 12 Cents a Gallon
"Gasoline in Venezuela costs about 12 cents a gallon, well below the $4 a gallon or more paid in most of the industrialized world, but those low prices are bankrupting the oil-driven economy.
Read more here."

Oakland County Democrats Face Felony Charges

Oakland County Democrats Face Felony Charges Michigan Taxes Too Much
"Michael McGuinness and Jason Bauer both stood mute at an arraignment this morning before Oakland County Circuit Court Judge James Alexander.
The pair were charged under a one-man grand jury convened last fall to investigate claims that phony candidates were trying to get on the ballot to split the Republican vote."

This is a result of the democrat party's attempt to deceive Michigan voters by creating a phony "tea party".
Let's see how the Michigan media shows its contempt for such evil actions......yeah, right.

Muskegon Taxpayers Alliance: More county money to be blown away on enviro-nuttiness

Muskegon Taxpayers Alliance: More county money to be blown away on enviro-nuttiness
"'Approval is being requested to apply for funds from the Clean Energy Coalition to pay for the infrastructure necessary to install the electric charging stations at the Hall of Justice and South Campus in the amount of $15,000."

Teacher Union Employee Exaggerates Snyder Budget Cuts and More in Email to Rally Members [Michigan Capitol Confidential]

Teacher Union Employee Exaggerates Snyder Budget Cuts and More in Email to Rally Members [Michigan Capitol Confidential]
"A Michigan Education Association employee sent out an e-mail seeking to rally support from members by exaggerating Gov. Rick Snyder’s proposed cuts to schools and warning that emergency financial manager takeovers of their school districts is “inevitable.”"

Shouldn't we always expect outright lies and sophistry from our educators?
After all they have control of our children for 8 hours a day, 5 days a week.

A very short St. Patrick's Day story

'An Irish Man sitting in the pub with his wife and he says, "I love you."

She asks, "Is that you or the beer talking?"

He replies, "It's me talking to the beer.'"