Sunday, August 07, 2011

An excellent E-mail going around

These are possibly the 5 best sentences you'll ever read:

    1. You cannot legislate the poor into prosperity by legislating the
wealthy out of prosperity.

    2. What one person receives without working for, another person must
work for without receiving.

    3. The government cannot give to anybody anything that the government
does not first take from somebody else.

    4. You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it!

    5. When half of the people get the idea that they do not have to work
because the other half is going to take care of them, and when the other
half gets the idea that it does no good to work because somebody else is
going to get what they work for, that is the beginning of the end of any


45K Verizon workers strike over new labor contract

My Way News - 45K Verizon workers strike over new labor contract
"The Communications Workers of America said negotiations in Philadelphia and New York stalled Saturday night after Verizon continued to demand more than 100 concessions from workers regarding health care, pensions and work rules"

Every Muskegon county union contract is up Sept. 30.
Hold you breath...and your wallet!

Saturday, August 06, 2011

'No risk' the US will lose its top credit rating, says Treasury's Geithner

'No risk' the US will lose its top credit rating, says Treasury's Geithner - The Hill's On The Money
"Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner said Tuesday there is 'no risk' the U.S. will lose its top credit rating amid a new analysis that revised its outlook on American debt to 'negative.'"


Friday, August 05, 2011

Obama Speech - Awkward Silence

Obama Speech - Awkward Silence - Veterans Jobs Mediaite
"a man in the audience took matters into his own hands and shouted “awkward!” at the President."

Decade of Stimulus Yields Nothing but Debt

Decade of Stimulus Yields Nothing but Debt: Caroline Baum - Bloomberg
"Ten years and $8.35 trillion later, what do we have to show for this decade of deficit spending?
A glut of unoccupied homes, unemployment exceeding 9 percent, a stalled economy and a huge mountain of debt.
Real gross domestic product growth averaged 1.6 percent from the first quarter of 2001 through the second quarter of 2011."

America's 10 sickest housing markets

America's 10 sickest housing markets - Business - Real estate -
"1. Tucson, Ariz.
Homeowner vacancy rates: 6.8 percent (1st)
Rental vacancy rates: 15.9 percent (6th)
Total housing units: 440,909
Unemployment: 7.8 percent
Tucson’s homeowner vacancy rate was 3.2 percent one year ago.
It is now over double that.
The city had a booming residential housing market before the crash.
Since then, demand is so low that median home prices have dropped 18 percent in the past year and 33 percent since 2008.
In addition, the city has among the highest rate of foreclosures in the country."

Time to Say It - Double Dip May Be Happening

Time to Say It - Double Dip May Be Happening -
"It has been three decades since the United States suffered a recession that followed on the heels of the previous one.
But it could be happening again."

NYT throwing in the towel?
How's that hopee changee thing workin' out for you?

Police Investigating Multiple Beatings Near State Fair Park

Police Investigating Multiple Beatings Near State Fair Park - Milwaukee News Story - WISN Milwaukee
"Milwaukee police said that around 11:10 p.m., squads were sent to the area for reports of battery, fighting and property damage being caused by an unruly crowd of 'hundreds' of people. One officer described it as a 'mob beating.'"

No mention of race here.
I guess we all know what that means.....

Tea Party the ultimate winner in debt deal

Tea Party the ultimate winner in debt deal Susan Ferrechio Politics Washington Examiner
"There were historically steep cuts, no tax increases and a commitment to even bigger spending reductions in the near future."

And the American people!

Thursday, August 04, 2011

Detroit: A pension fantasyland

Detroit: A pension fantasyland « Burypensions Blog
"All the factors remain in place for fiscal collapse and five years from now when Detroit Police and Firemen are told the truth the only difference is that it won’t be in a Central Falls auditorium but in Cobo."

Key dates for the Budget Control Act of 2011

Key dates for the Budget Control Act of 2011 NetRight Daily

Average Lansing Teacher Missed 3.5 Weeks of School Last Year

Average Lansing Teacher Missed 3.5 Weeks of School Last Year [Michigan Capitol Confidential]
"In the Lansing School District, the average teacher was absent from the classroom for 17.6 days — or three and a half weeks — during the 2010-11 school year"

‪Kirk Cousins Kickoff Luncheon Speech‬‏

‪Kirk Cousins Kickoff Luncheon Speech‬‏ - YouTube
"Michigan State Quarterback Kirk Cousins delivers the speech to represent the players at the 2011 Big Ten Kickoff Luncheon."

A MUST WATCH for all Spartan fans!
This talented young man is wise far beyond his years.
Watch to the end to see his comments about the "privileged".


Follow the money: Bailout tracker

Follow the money: Bailout tracker -
"'s bailout tracker
The government is engaged in a far-reaching - and expensive - effort to rescue the economy.
Here's how you can keep tabs on the bailouts."

Wednesday, August 03, 2011

Chevy Volt: Still Not Selling

Chevy Volt: Still Not Selling The Weekly Standard
"The July sales numbers are out and the Chevy Volt continues to electrify (get it?) the country.
GM sold … 125 Volts last month!"

Does that mean we taxpayers saved 10,000 x $7,500 rebates?

Federal $725,000 grant for 'Teaching American History' awarded to Muskegon, Ottawa counties

Federal $725,000 grant for 'Teaching American History' awarded to Muskegon, Ottawa counties
"Educators in Muskegon and Ottawa counties have been awarded a $725,000 federal grant to continue their efforts to enhance lessons on American history"

I'm thinking the kids would just a soon have the money instead of the liberal propaganda.
I'm sure their parents would.

» Blood Money: How SEIU and Media Matters Stole Justice from Kenneth Gladney

» Blood Money: How SEIU and Media Matters Stole Justice from Kenneth Gladney - Big Government
"You can see The Narrative at work as I write this.
The same MSM that assured us that when it came to Barack Obama, the church he attended for two decades didn’t matter, is now obsessing over a church Rep. Michele Bachman’s hasn’t attended in over a year.
Here you have two separate (and wildly hypocritical) narratives at work: one meant to protect a Democratic presidential candidate, the other meant to damage a GOP presidential candidate."

Tuesday, August 02, 2011

Europe on Brink of 'Major Financial Collapse'

Europe on Brink of 'Major Financial Collapse': Guggenheim CIO - CNBC
"'They keep throwing more and more liquidity at it thinking it's going to get better and it's not,' he added.
Europe fails to recognize that it has a 'structural problem, not a liquidity problem.'"

No Snyder Recall On November Ballot

No Snyder Recall On November Ballot « CBS Detroit
"The group organizing the campaign to recall Michigan Governor Rick Snyder says it will not meet this Friday’s deadline to collect the 800,000 signatures needed to make the November ballot."

Dr. Rob Steele

F-35B Decision Data Ready Next Summer; First Look at Plane in Flight

F-35B Decision Data Ready Next Summer; First Look at Plane in Flight
"'What we wanted today was just to get the truth out,' he said.
The country, Amos said, had a basic choice: field 11 or 22 carriers.
Take away the F-35B and America would be left with half as many carriers because the Harrier jump jet is closing in on the end of its operational life.
If it is retired and there aren't any F-35Bs, then the Marines would be left with their smaller deck carriers and virtually nothing to put on them that could do what the Marines recently did in Libya.
They led the way in striking Muammar Qaddafi, without a single big-deck Navy carrier in sight."

Rust will restrict Canadian submarine’s diving range

Rust will restrict Canadian submarine’s diving range -
"One of the Canadian navy’s four Victoria-class submarines will be restricted in its ability to dive deep beneath the seas because of rust, according to a document obtained by The Canadian Press."

Monday, August 01, 2011

The Comforting Life of Ideological Fanatics

The Comforting Life of Ideological Fanatics « Commentary Magazine
"Translation: Barack Obama, the most liberal president in generations, hasn’t been liberal enough.
His problem hasn’t been profligacy but frugality.
During the last two-and-a-half years, as $3.7 trillion has been added to our national debt, it turns out Obama has spent too little.
Despite his efforts to slander and misrepresent the proposals of his opponents, Obama turns out to be too civil, too accommodating, too darn decent.
And the man Democrats considered their Great Communicator just three years ago is suffering from a “communications problem,” unable to educate the public to the wisdom of post-Herbert Hoover economics."

Coverage with no copay extended to birth control

My Way News - Coverage with no copay extended to birth control
"Officials said the women's prevention package will be available Jan. 1, 2013, in most cases, resulting in a slight overall increase in premiums."

Party schools and sober schools list revealed

Party schools and sober schools list revealed
"Ohio University has been named the nation's No. 1 party school."

Saturday, July 30, 2011

MSNBC: Leaning Left for 15 Long Years - A Year-by-Year Video Retrospective |

MSNBC: Leaning Left for 15 Long Years - A Year-by-Year Video Retrospective

Maryland pensions: Maryland Court of Appeals keeps firm on hook for state pension funds

Maryland pensions: Maryland Court of Appeals keeps firm on hook for state pension funds -
"Maryland's highest court ruled Wednesday that an actuarial firm is on the hook for about $73 million after making mistakes in valuations for three state retirement programs over more than two decades."

Michigan's 401(k) plan saved state more than $4 billion

Michigan's 401(k) plan saved state more than $4 billion Lansing State Journal
"A 14-year-old reform that ended defined pension benefits for new state employees has saved the state up to $4.3 billion in unfunded state employee pension liability, according to a new report by the Mackinac Center for Public Policy."

Bureaucracy Humor, Probably Created by Somebody at Homeland Security or HUD « International Liberty

Bureaucracy Humor, Probably Created by Somebody at Homeland Security or HUD « International Liberty: "Want to know why we are still in a recession even though we have added
over 200,000 new federal employees in the past two years?
Simple, it’s not a good time to be an ant!"