Thursday, November 24, 2011

Massive global health fund says it's broke

Massive global health fund says it's broke - CBS News
The fund had to make some "tough decisions to protect some of the gains that have already been delivered," he added.
Among those decisions were that hundreds of millions of dollars in grants planned for China, Brazil, Mexico and Russia will now be used for other purposes, fund officials said.


Death of a currency as eurogeddon approaches

Death of a currency as eurogeddon approaches - Telegraph
No, what this is about is the markets starting to bet on what was previously a minority view - a complete collapse, or break-up, of the euro.

George Washington thanked God for USA

Column: George Washington thanked God for USA –
In his 1789 proclamation, President Washington listed the blessings for which his countrymen should be thankful.
As we gather with our family and friends, we Americans still have much to be grateful for this Thanksgiving — including the wisdom and foresight of the founders' remarkable vision of religious freedom.

A Special Thanks From Sparty

Exposing the Cost of Health Care

Exposing the Cost of Health Care - Technology Review
Travelocity for medicine: Castlight's data-driven tool sheds light on the costs of medical care, information that can be difficult for consumers to find on their own.
Credit: Castlight Health

America’s first socialist republic

America’s first socialist republic Power Line
We have much to learn from the history of the Plymouth Plantation.
For, in their first year in the New World, the Pilgrims conducted an experiment in social engineering akin to what is now contemplated; and, after an abortive attempt at cultivating the land in common, their leaders reflected on the results in a manner that Americans today should find instructive.

Japan ‘May Be’ Close to a Downgrade: S&P

Japan ‘May Be’ Close to a Downgrade: S&P - Bloomberg
“Japan’s finances are getting worse and worse every day, every second,” Takahira Ogawa, director of sovereign ratings at S&P in Singapore, said in an interview.

Death Panels, Shmeath Panels

Death Panels, Shmeath Panels. Chicks On The Right
I mean, it’s a call into a radio show, so I have nothing other than this audio to show you that proves what the caller says.
But I also have no reason to believe some random dude would pretend to be a neurosurgeon who just came back from an HHS update on Obamacare in DC, because ultimately this will be proven or disproven, and it will have done no good to make stuff up.

Death panels.
Listen and wonder.

J.R. Martinez: Who is the 'Dancing with the Stars' winner?

J.R. Martinez: Who is the 'Dancing with the Stars' winner? -
A few months into his service, the truck he was driving hit a land mine and the explosion burned over 40 percent of Martinez's body, including his face.
He was evacuated to Germany for treatment and spent a year and a half in hospital care, undergoing more than 30 surgeries.
Martinez had to relearn many basic tasks, including walking.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

U.S. Rep Sander Levin organizing support for an unemployment insurance extension

U.S. Rep Sander Levin organizing support for an unemployment insurance extension
Rep. Sander Levin is hosting a forum to organize support for a federal extension of unemployment insurance.

The CBO Quietly Downgrades Obama's $825 Bil Stimulus

The CBO Quietly Downgrades Obama's $825 Bil Stimulus - Latest Headlines -
The new report finds, for example, that the stimulus may have added as little as 0.7% to GDP growth in 2010 — when spending was at its peak

Review & Outlook: Warren Buffett's Tax Dodge

Review & Outlook: Warren Buffett's Tax Dodge -
The billionaire volunteers the middle class for a tax increase.

Uh oh, global warming loons: here comes Climategate II!

Uh oh, global warming loons: here comes Climategate II! – Telegraph Blogs
In other words, what these emails confirm is that the great man-made global warming scare is not about science but about political activism

Climate change and extreme weather: What’s the connection?

Climate change and extreme weather: What’s the connection? - Slate Magazine
Sorting through the confusion on “extreme weather events.”

Why swirling wine in a glass makes it taste better

Why swirling wine in a glass makes it taste better - Telegraph
Wine buffs who swirl their drink in a glass are using the sophisticated physics of wave technology to unleash the flavour, scientists say.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Monday, November 21, 2011

uppity | Michelle Obama | NASCAR

uppity Michelle Obama NASCAR The Daily Caller
“Bottom line: We don’t like being told what to eat,” Limbaugh said.
“We don’t like being told how much to exercise.
We don’t like being told what we’ve got to drive.
We don’t like wasting money.
We don’t like our economy being bankrupted.
We don’t like 14 percent unemployment.
The question is, what is there to cheer for when Ms. Obama and Ms. Biden show up?”

How One Man Played 'Moneyball' With 'Jeopardy!'

How One Man Played 'Moneyball' With 'Jeopardy!' : NPR
"Everybody that wants to succeed at a game is going to practice at the game," he says.
"You can practice haphazardly, or you can practice efficiently. And that's what I did."

"Obama's Pig