Saturday, May 05, 2012

Get creative Causeway drivers, it's your only option

Editorial: Get creative Causeway drivers, it's your only option |
Should MDOT have polled area residents about completely closing the Causeway?
Should they have given our state lawmakers a heads up so they could handle the fallout?
You bet.
But that train has left the station.

S.O.S. offices need better customer facilites

Letters: S.O.S. offices need better customer facilites |
Region 3 Manager Terrence Wilks, who is based in Grand Rapids, has informed me he is in charge of 27 S.O.S. offices, 20 of which do not have public restrooms.
Should this be a statewide average -- 65,000 people a day will not find a public restroom in the S.O.S. office?

Let the people vote on emergency manager law

Steve Gunn: Let the people vote on emergency manager law |
Simply put, the law allows the state to appoint an emergency financial manager for local governments and school districts that are on the brink of bankruptcy.
The state-appointed managers have wide-ranging powers to balance budgets, including the option of voiding existing union contracts.

Don't discount the MEA; teachers can dig deep when fighting for their cause

Tim Skubick: Don't discount the MEA; teachers can dig deep when fighting for their cause |
The Republicans are also digging deep as they attempt to impose more financial burdens on teacher health and retirement benefits.

Finances for a new jail should be put on the ballot

Letters: Finances for a new jail should be put on the ballot |
The figure of $8 million in county savings for the jail has been all over the newspaper in the past year. So, $8 million that we as citizens and taxpayers don't exactly know where it came from (I would say at least some of it came from our pockets), and $8 million that the sheriff says is specifically earmarked for a new jail facility. That seems a little off, doesn't it?
The same people that make the decisions about the county budget have authority over the jail and have made decisions to put this money aside into a jail fund, can't make decisions to use this funding to maintain the current jail facility? No wonder the jail is in its current dilapidated and neglected state. The county "can't" (I think won't) spend the money necessary to maintain a decent and livable jail, but can justify the need for a new, more expensive one after the current facility is deemed almost unfixable? The thing is, the $8 million that the county has saved for the jail isn't going to be near enough for the new plan.

Where is the county possibly going to get the around $40 million more that is needed for a new facility? Our pockets. Whether they ask us or not.Right now the county plans to finance the new jail with some sort of increase in taxes that hasn't been made public yet, and they hope won't be made public until it's already set in stone. They plan to decide on using taxpayer money in a backroom deal without asking the taxpayers, without getting voter approval.If you're concerned about the County using public money for a public facility without asking the public, please call your county commissioner and demand that they put the financing mechanism for a new jail on the ballot.


Legislative collaboration to change medical marijuana should be applauded

Tim Skubick: Legislative collaboration to change medical marijuana should be applauded | ...efforts in the Michigan House to fill in the Swiss cheese holes in the state's controversial medical marijuana law, which is now on its way to the Senate.

How should the Hackley Administration building be used?

Take our poll: How should the Hackley Administration building be used? |
Muskegon school officials are looking for new ways to use the Hackely Administration Building across from Hackley Park on Webster Avenue in downtown Muskegon. School officials say the building has too much space for district offices.

Why Michigan's presidential vote matters in 2012

Why Michigan's presidential vote matters in 2012 |
If Michigan appears to be still up for grabs later this year, you can also expect to be subjected to a lot of nasty television and radio ads during the summer and fall.
That is the price we will pay for being in the middle of the action.
Knowing which issues will sway voters isn’t easy to discern this far out.

Secretary of State's proposed voting reforms miss the mark

Letter: Secretary of State's proposed voting reforms miss the mark |
However, stricter photo ID requirements and regulating volunteer groups, like the League, that conduct voter registration drives are not necessary and will make it more difficult for some people to vote.
Michigan already has voter identification methods that work very well and that meet national standards. There is no evidence of voter impersonation fraud in our elections.

Editorial: Fisherman's Landing swap deserves a thorough review

Editorial: Fisherman's Landing swap deserves a thorough review |
The Chronicle Editorial Board urges city commission to allow city staff members to thoroughly review this proposal because of the major impact it could have on both job development and tourism in our community.
To dismiss the plan before staff can review it would be a mistake.

iowahawk: Julia's Circle of Life

iowahawk: Julia's Circle of Life
The continuing adventures of Barack Obama's favorite eyeless, mouthless government dependent

The Whole Truth

Friday, May 04, 2012

From Michigan to Illinois to Ohio, teacher pension problems -- and changes -- fuel political debate

From Michigan to Illinois to Ohio, teacher pension problems -- and changes -- fuel political debate |
As dire as conditions are for the Michigan Public Employee Retirement System, be advised it could be worse.
Just look at Illinois.

Wisconsin Recall Amnesia

Review & Outlook: Wisconsin Recall Amnesia -
But it speaks volumes that Democrats are running on everything except their real goal—which is to restore the political dominance of government unions.

Recycling Eyeglasses Is a Feel-Good Waste of Money

Recycling Eyeglasses Is a Feel-Good Waste of Money - Bloomberg
In a paper published in March in the journal Optometry andVision Science, four researchers compare the full costs ofdelivering used glasses to the costs of instead deliveringready-made glasses in standard powers (like my drugstorereaders, but for myopia as well).
The authors find that recycledglasses cost nearly twice as much per usable pair.

Lake Express and GVSU water institute team up May 5 to celebrate Lake Michigan

Lake Express and GVSU water institute team up May 5 to celebrate Lake Michigan |
The public will have a chance to tour the 192-foot passenger and vehicle catamaran ferry at its dock in Lakeside, 1918 Lakeshore, on Muskegon Lake.
There is limited seating for two afternoon excursions into Lake Michigan at 11 a.m. and 1:30 p.m.

People Not In Labor Force Soar By 522,000, Labor Force Participation Rate Lowest Since 1981

People Not In Labor Force Soar By 522,000, Labor Force Participation Rate Lowest Since 1981 | ZeroHedge
it is just getting sad now.
In April the number of people not in the labor force rose by a whopping 522,000 from 87,897,000 to
This is the highest on record. The flip side, and the reason why the unemployment dropped to 8.1% is that the labor force participation rate just dipped to a new 30 year low of 64.3%.

Tuesday, May 01, 2012

White Lake Beacon - Whitehall and Montague, Michigan

White Lake Beacon - Whitehall and Montague, Michigan
Jim Riley, host of WKBZ radio’s EyeOnMuskegon, has filed suit against the Muskegon County Board of Commissioners for alleged violations of the Open Meetings Act and the Freedom of Information Act.

Occupiers Have Big Plans for Big Communist Holiday

Occupiers Have Big Plans for Big Communist Holiday - By Jim Geraghty - The Campaign Spot - National Review Online
It’s the May Day edition of the Morning Jolt.
According to Wikipedia, May Day “has been an important official holiday in countries such as the People’s Republic of China, North Korea, Cuba and the former Soviet Union” — and of course, with company like that . . . the Occupy Crowd.

True cost of obesity in America: $190 billion

True cost of obesity in America: $190 billion - Health - Diet and nutrition -
U.S. hospitals are ripping out wall-mounted toilets and replacing them with floor models to better support obese patients.
The Federal Transit Administration wants buses to be tested for the impact of heavier riders on steering and braking.
Cars are burning nearly a billion gallons of gasoline more a year than if passengers weighed what they did in 1960.

Monday, April 30, 2012

If I Wanted America to Fail: Free Market Agitprop With a Lesson

RealClearMarkets - If I Wanted America to Fail: Free Market Agitprop With a Lesson
Finally, I'd like to ask my liberal friends:
 If failure is not your objective then why are you demanding that failed policies be continued, and even expanded?
I recommend you invest the four minutes and 39 seconds it takes to watch this video, even if you are a radical environmentalist.
Especially if you are a radical environmentalist.
Because this guy is your worst nightmare.
Ignore him at your peril.

Feds eye retirement-fund tax to cut $16 trillion-plus deficit

Feds eye retirement-fund tax to cut $16 trillion-plus deficit -
Uncle Sam, in a desperate attempt to fix its $16 trillion-plus deficit, is leering over Americans’ retirement nest egg as its new bailout fund.
Capitol Hill politicians are assessing tax changes that could let the Internal Revenue Service lay claim to a portion of the $18 trillion sitting in 401(k) accounts and other tax breaks used by middle-class workers, including cutting the mortgage tax deduction.

BRITAIN BATTLES NEW BRUSSELS ORDER TO FLY EU FLAG EVERY DAY - Home of the Daily and Sunday Express | UK News :: Britain battles new Brussels order to fly EU flag every day
The regulations would require any organisation managing European funds to display permanently the EU’s blue and yellow pennant.
This is a dramatic scaling up of rules which already force the Communities and Local Government Department in Whitehall to fly the flag for a week a year from Europe Day on May 9.

SmartMeters cost more, could save money

SmartMeters cost more, could save money | WOOD TV8
The meters automatically report usage six times a day to Consumers Energy and can allow the company to control power to customers.
The new SmartMeters are more expensive than traditional meters -- Consumers will spend about $300 each, and that cost will get passed on to customers.

What a concept!
We pay more to give them (and the government!) more control over our lives!

GVSU pays 5x market value for Admiral

GVSU pays 5x market value for Admiral | WOOD TV8
GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. (WOOD) - Grand Valley State University paid $1 million for a gas station near their downtown Grand Rapids campus and will tear it down in the summer to expand their footprint in the area.
But the Admiral Gas Station at 346 West Fulton is worth approximately $200,000, according to city records.
The assessed value of the property is $94,400, meaning the actual value is $188,800.


Anything The Government Gives You, The Government Can Take Away

Guest Post: Anything The Government Gives You, The Government Can Take Away | ZeroHedge
A majority of doctors support measures to deny treatment to smokers and the obese, according to a survey that has sparked a row over the NHS‘s growing use of “lifestyle rationing”.

Kids Count report looks at infant, maternal health

Kids Count report looks at infant, maternal health |
A report on Michigan maternal and infant health says the number of low-birth-weight babies and babies born to unmarried women statewide is increasing.
The Michigan League for Human Services' Kids Count in Michigan report released Monday also says the state saw lower rates of teenage births and fewer premature births between 2000 and 2010.
The report calls for more funding to implement suggestions from a state infant mortality summit.

Follow the money!

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Wind Farms Warming Texas

Wind Farms Warming Texas : Discovery News
New research finds that wind farms actually warm up the surface of the land underneath them during the night, a phenomena that could put a damper on efforts to expand wind energy as a green energy solution.