Saturday, August 11, 2012

Muskegon County free food truck sites for August 2012

Muskegon County free food truck sites for August 2012 |

Muskegon County ranked 72nd in Michigan for voter turnout in primary

Muskegon County ranked 72nd in Michigan for voter turnout in primary |
Based on the unofficial voter turnout statistics released by the Secretary of State’s office, Muskegon County ranked 72nd among the 83 counties with its voter turnout of 16.49 percent.

Water service agreement involving Muskegon, others gains county public works board's approval

Water service agreement involving Muskegon, others gains county public works board's approval |
Hailed by some as a step toward a countywide municipal water system and criticized by others for lacking an opt-out clause, the 40-year agreement brings three water-buying municipal entities – the Northside regional water system, Roosevelt Park and North Muskegon – together in buying water from Muskegon’s water filtration plant.

Laketon, North Muskegon produce highest voter turnout rates; Muskegon County relatively low

Laketon, North Muskegon produce highest voter turnout rates; Muskegon County relatively low |
The voter turnout breakdown by municipality in Muskegon County was:

Montague, 13.04 percent
Muskegon, 13.55 percent
Muskegon Heights, 8.69 percent
North Muskegon, 25.51 percent
Norton Shores, 19.49 percent
Roosevelt Park, 20.73 percent
Whitehall, 13.86 percent
Blue Lake, 16.7 percent
Casnovia, 17.13 percent
Cedar Creek, 15.84 percent
Dalton, 11.73 percent
Egelston, 21.37 percent
Fruitland, 16.52 percent
Fruitport, 16.06 percent
Holton, 10.89 percent
Laketon, 27.44 percent
Montague, 15.01 percent
Moorland, 15.83 percent
Muskegon, 16.36 percent
Ravenna, 21.3 percent
Sullivan, 20.8 percent
Whitehall, 17.13 percent
White River, 19.36 percent

Editorial: Muskegon County voters missed an important opportunity

Editorial: Muskegon County voters missed an important opportunity | to increase voter turnout: have a better history of politicians..and yes district attorneys are included in that...not saying one thing yet doing another.
it makes people not care anymore because they feel it just doesn't matter.
Another thing that may make people feel their vote counts is to acctually count every vote.

What would make Roosevelt Park better? (with poll)

What would make Roosevelt Park better? (with poll) |
Resident Eric Grimm, a Muskegon attorney, asked if Roosevelt Park could put its city council packets online, like North Muskegon does.
Chandler said putting them online would tie up his computer for most of the day with uploading because of the city’s older technology, but he could provide hard copies to people who request them.

Join MLive and Muskegon Chronicle at first 'Give a Damn' meeting

Join MLive and Muskegon Chronicle at first 'Give a Damn' meeting |
On Tuesday, Aug. 14, we're partnering with Love Community Garden to host the first "Give a Damn" meeting.
You may have seen posters about it around town.
We'll be at the garden near the corner of 8th and Monroe in Muskegon at 6:30 p.m.

Statewide coalition seeks Muskegon's ideas on Michigan future transportation policies |

Statewide coalition seeks Muskegon's ideas on Michigan future transportation policies |
The series of community-based forums on Michigan's transportation future began in Midland on June 12 and will end in St. Joseph on Sept. 25.
What Muskegon County’s transportation system should look like in the future is the topic of a community forum Wednesday from 6 to 8 p.m.
Muskegon’s meeting Wednesday is the seventh of the 17 events.
The transportation forum will be at the United Way of the Lakeshore building, 31 E. Clay.
Those interested in attending are asked to register through Marti Lamphear of Disability Connection of West Michigan at or (231) 722-0088.

Hermosa Beach meter maids making nearly $100K?

Hermosa Beach meter maids making nearly $100K? - Brian Calle: Uncommon Ground : The Orange County Register
When contemplating the many reasons cities in California and elsewhere are venturing closer to bankruptcy, look no further than the relatively lucrative and often-unjustifiable salaries bestowed on municipal employees – and the lofty pension benefits attached to the high pay.
One of the latest examples comes from the California coastal city of Hermosa Beach, where some community service staffers who collect money from parking meters and manage their operations – positions once widely known as “meter maids” – are making nearly $100,000 a year in total compensation, according to city documents.

Paul Ryan: Hiding Spending Doesn't Reduce Spending

Why has Betsy DeVos-led education group spent $113,000 supporting Democrats in Wisconsin?

Why has Betsy DeVos-led education group spent $113,000 supporting Democrats in Wisconsin? |
“AFC, which typically allies itself with right-wing Tea Party types, is now mailing fliers to voters praising Democratic candidates, but discussing issues besides their support for school choice,” the website reported.
“This support can be attributed to the fact that some pro-voucher Democrats are being challenged in primaries by candidates who oppose AFC’s agenda.”

Friday, August 10, 2012

'Romney Murdered JonBenét Ramsey,' New Obama Campaign Ad Alleges

'Romney Murdered JonBenét Ramsey,' New Obama Campaign Ad Alleges | The Onion - America's Finest News Source
“I think this is a fair ad, and I think Mitt Romney owes an explanation to the American people as to why he murdered JonBenét Ramsey,” said Obama campaign manager Jim Messina, who called the commercial’s black-and-white reenactment of Mitt Romney carrying a kicking and screaming child to her death “accurate.”

School board candidate filing deadline is Tuesday, many openings available

School board candidate filing deadline is Tuesday, many openings available |
There are plenty of opportunities to run for a spot on a school board, with all but one Muskegon County school district holding elections in November.
The filing deadline for the election is 4 p.m. Tuesday.

Agriculture Department Pays $2 Million for a Single Intern

Agriculture Department Pays $2 Million for a Single Intern
Among the IG’s findings: the USDA spent more than $2 million on an internship program that only hired one full-time intern, $3 million on technology hardware that was never used, and $235,000 on a project that was later canceled due to redundancy.

Can she be THAT stupid?

Bread and circuses

Bread and circuses - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Bread and Circuses" (or bread and games) (from Latin: panem et circenses) is a metaphor for a superficial means of appeasement.
In the case of politics, the phrase is used to describe the creation of public approval, not through exemplary or excellent public service or public policy, but through diversion, distraction, and/or the mere satisfaction of the immediate, shallow requirements of a populace.[1] as an offered "palliative."

Juvenal decried it as a simplistic motivation of common people.

The phrase also implies the erosion or ignorance of civic duty amongst the concerns of the common man.

Manchester United makes disappointing public debut

Manchester United makes disappointing public debut - ESPN
Earlier this month it announced a $559 million, seven-year shirt sponsorship agreement with Chevrolet.

Obama the great disabler

Mark Steyn: Obama the great disabler
Right now, combined total debt in the United States is just shy of $700,000 per family.

Add in the so-called "unfunded liabilities" that a normal American business would have to include in its SEC filings but from which U.S. Government accounting conveniently absolves itself, and you're talking about a debt burden per family of about a million bucks.

Boy Whose Hot Dog Cart Was Shut Down by the City of Holland Now Homeless

Boy Whose Hot Dog Cart Was Shut Down by the City of Holland Now Homeless [Mackinac Center]
“Nate and I are now in a shelter,” Lynette said. “Doug can’t stay with us because he takes prescription narcotics to deal with his pain and the shelter does not allow him with those kinds of drugs.”

Meteor-shower party complete with s'mores planned for Muskegon and Oceana county state parks

Meteor-shower party complete with s'mores planned for Muskegon and Oceana county state parks Muskegon State Park, 3560 Memorial, is hosting a meteor watching party at 9 p.m. on Sunday.