Wednesday, September 18, 2013

FBI: Chicago passes New York as murder capital of U.S.

FBI: Chicago passes New York as murder capital of U.S.:
"The city of Chicago registered more homicides than any city in the nation in 2012, surpassing even New York — despite the fact that the Second City has only one third as many residents as the Big Apple.
...But residents of Chicago and New York were much less likely to be victims of a homicide than residents of Flint, Mich. 
Sixty-three murders occurred in 2012 in Flint, a city of 101,632, meaning one in every 1,613 city residents were homicide victims.
Detroit, which experienced 386 homicides in 2012, was almost as unsafe; that’s enough murders to account for one in every 1,832 residents."

'New' Dow vs. Current Dow

'New' Dow vs. Current Dow:
"On September 10, three component changes were announced for the Dow Jones industrial average.
Effective September 23, Alcoa, Bank of America and Hewlett-Packard will be replaced by Goldman Sachs, Nike and Visa.
On this page, we're showing you how the "new" Dow would be performing if the changes became effective on the morning they were announced."

Probe launched over claim that elite Capitol Police unit blocked from Navy Yard massacre

Probe launched over claim that elite Capitol Police unit blocked from Navy Yard massacre | Fox News:
"The board that oversees the U.S. Capitol Police has opened an investigation into whether a tactical team of officers that was one of the first on the scene during the Washington Navy Yard shooting was ordered to stand down. "

Climate Change Reconsidered Presents Mountains of Peer-Reviewed Evidence

Climate Change Reconsidered Presents Mountains of Peer-Reviewed Evidence | Heartlander Magazine:
"The new report, known as CCR-2, includes more than 1,000 pages documenting the evidence that anthropogenic carbon dioxide emissions are not causing a global warming crisis.
The report contains literally thousands of citations to the peer-reviewed literature."

It's Not About The Nail

"Don't try to fix it. I just need you to listen." 
Every man has heard these words. 
And they are the law of the land. 
No matter what."

Michigan Black Chamber of Commerce: We want 'fairness and equity' in Detroit projects

Michigan Black Chamber of Commerce: We want 'fairness and equity' in Detroit projects | Detroit Free Press |
"As Detroit seeks to revitalize and redevelop, the Michigan Black Chamber of Commerce — and other groups representing minority businesses owners — plans to make a case for more inclusion in these projects.

“Or goal is to make sure there is fairness and equity,” said Ken Harris, president and CEO of the chamber.
“We must make it a priority that we are included, and the processes are inclusive.
It makes sense to have minority and African-American firms at the table.”

He added: “We find it deplorable if they are not.”

More than $500K awarded for Great Lakes projects

More than $500K awarded for Great Lakes projects | Lansing State Journal |
"The money is provided in part by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. A full list of projects is posted online."

GVSU students protest removal of sculpture used in nude parody of Miley Cyrus ‘Wrecking Ball’ video

GVSU students protest removal of sculpture used in nude parody of Miley Cyrus ‘Wrecking Ball’ video |
 "The university removed the sculpture – essentially a large, metal ball hanging from a steel cable – Tuesday morning, saying it needed to verify the “structural integrity” to ensure it wouldn’t collapse under the weight of multiple students."

Student Indoctrination

Student Indoctrination — The Patriot Post:
"You ask, “Williams, what can be done?”
Students should record classroom professorial propaganda and give it wide distribution over the Internet. 
I've taught for more than 45 years and routinely invited students to record my lectures so they don't have to be stenographers during class.
I have no idea of where those recordings have wound up, but if you find them, you'll hear zero proselytization or discussion of my political and personal preferences.
To use a classroom to propagate one's personal beliefs is academic dishonesty.

Vladimir Lenin said, “Give me four years to teach the children and the seed I have sown will never be uprooted.” That's the goal of the leftist teaching agenda."

The N-Word & the L-Word

The N-Word & the L-Word — The Patriot Post:
"We have been told time and again that the world will stop spinning if white people utter the word that's tossed around like a Frisbee in the black community.
Blacks never explain why the word that's supposed to be the worst obscenity imaginable has such wide currency within their own ranks. "

Muskegon schools boss says special-education students from Muskegon Heights straining budget

Muskegon schools boss says special-education students from Muskegon Heights straining budget |
"Muskegon Superintendent Jon Felske said 80 students who had qualified for special-education services at Muskegon Heights have enrolled at Muskegon this year.
"Everybody knows special-education students cost more than the state and federal dollars that are available to support those students," Felske said. "So it's a reduction in the general fund to support those students."

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Putting Time In Perspective

wait but why: Putting Time In Perspective:


This is a wonderful 3 minutes.
Grab a hankie....

"The Thai telecommunications conglomerate True is getting rave reviews worldwide for its latest spot, "Giving," which tells the story of a man unexpectedly rewarded for a lifetime of good deeds he performed without expecting anything in return."

Yesterday, Obama Was Not My President--or Yours

Yesterday, Obama Was Not My President--or Yours:
"It was also an act that places Obama's passivity during the Benghazi attacks--and his decision to fly to Las Vegas the next day for a campaign fundraiser--in perspective.
This is a president who, even as Navy Seals approached Osama bin Laden's hideout, retired to play cards with his pals.
The image is of a man with little regard for the lives of Americans in "his" military, or their families, beyond their use as campaign props."

Aaron Alexis and the war on standards

Aaron Alexis and the war on standards | Power Line:
"According to reports, Alexis was arrested in Seattle in 2004 for shooting out the tires of a parked car. Apparently, he did so in a rage because he felt two construction workers had disrespected him.

The Seattle police said today that it referred Alexis’ case to the Seattle Municipal Court for charges of property damage and discharge of a firearm.
But there’s no indication that Alexis was ever prosecuted. "

Thirteen killed at Navy Shipyard by a crazy person (and William Jefferson Clinton)

Blog: Thirteen killed at Navy Shipyard by a crazy person (and William Jefferson Clinton):
President Clinton?
In 1993, Clinton issued an order banning guns from US military bases.
Excepting military police and troops shooting under supervision at practice ranges, no person (regardless of rank) is today allowed to carry any weapon (including standard service pistols) onto any US military base or to keep any weapon, even stored securely, in his office or personal quarters.
Prior to that order, officers of certain ranks were required to wear side arms.
Anyone who watched more than a few minutes of the extensive television coverage of yesterday's attack at the Navy Shipyard saw multiple accounts by senior Navy officers who described running for their lives after others nearby them fell or hiding under their desks, desperately texting colleagues seeking and offering reassurance that they had escaped the shooter thus far.
Think about that. 
Career commissioned officers of the United States Navy--the Navy of "I have not yet begun to fight!" and "Don't give up the ship!"--the Navy of "We have met the enemy and they are ours!" and "Damn the torpedoes!  Full speed ahead!"--the Navy of which George Washington said "[W]ithout a decisive Naval force we can do nothing definitive, and with it, everything honorable and glorious!"--had no choice but to "shelter in place," cowering despite their proven personal courage and the best training in human history, while a lone gunman without benefit of body armor calmly executed 12 of their colleagues and wounded as many others.
NAVSEA has been described as the beating heart of the US Navy.  (It might be better to say that it is the Navy's brain.)  Our response to this attack should not be to lament (as one hospital spokeswoman, Dr. Janice Orlowski, said) that "there is something evil  at the heart of American society that we as Americans have to work to try to eradicate." We should re-arm the officers commissioned to defend America so that they can in turn defend themselves.
It happened once because we were foolish. Twice because we were too politically correct to learn from the Fort Hood attack.
What will it make of us if we allow this to happen again?

When Men Hoist the Pirate Flag

When Men Hoist the Pirate Flag | According To Hoyt:
"Chivalry and the code thereof was the laying down of those good reproductive (and civilizational) rules that make for a functioning society that passes on its values to its young: men who put their strength at the service of the weaker; women who praised them and admired them for it; and children who were raised to do the same.
Tearing it down might seem like freedom, but you can’t remove the walls and wish the roof would remain standing."

Global warming report could backfire on environmentalists

Global warming report could backfire on environmentalists |
"HOLDING CLIMATE CHANGE DENIERS ACCOUNTABLE" read the headline of a League of Conservation Voters press release announcing a $2 million barrage of ads aimed at Republican Sen. Ron Johnson, as well as GOP Reps. Mike Coffman, Dan Benishek and Rodney Davis.
"We're changing the terms of the climate change debate," said an LCV spokesman. "It's no longer acceptable to be a member of Congress and deny basic science."

wait but why: Why Generation Y Yuppies Are Unhappy

You MUST click link to see the entire excellent fable:

wait but why: Why Generation Y Yuppies Are Unhappy:
"Paul Harvey, a University of New Hampshire professor and GYPSY expert, has researched this, finding that Gen Y has "unrealistic expectations and a strong resistance toward accepting negative feedback," and "an inflated view of oneself."  He says that "a great source of frustration for people with a strong sense of entitlement is unmet expectations. They often feel entitled to a level of respect and rewards that aren’t in line with their actual ability and effort levels, and so they might not get the level of respect and rewards they are expecting."

For those hiring members of Gen Y, Harvey suggests asking the interview question, “Do you feel you are generally superior to your coworkers/classmates/etc., and if so, why?”  He says that “if the candidate answers yes to the first part but struggles with the ‘why,’ there may be an entitlement issue. This is because entitlement perceptions are often based on an unfounded sense of superiority and deservingness. They’ve been led to believe, perhaps through overzealous self-esteem building exercises in their youth, that they are somehow special but often lack any real justification for this belief.""

Sun Mysteriously Goes All Quiet Just When Its Activity Should Be Highest

Sun Mysteriously Goes All Quiet Just When Its Activity Should Be Highest - Wired Science:
"Almost every measure of solar activity flatlined over the weekend.
The event, though not unprecedented, is odd considering that our local star has just passed what is supposed to be the peak of its solar cycle, when activity is at its highest."

Sugar is 'addictive and the most dangerous drug of the times'

Sugar is 'addictive and the most dangerous drug of the times' - Telegraph:
"Obesity hit the headlines in July when police arrested three people from the town of Alkmaar for abusing Shetland ponies by filming them while they ridden by obese women clad in erotic clothing and wielding whips."

Yeah, yeah.
Sugar is bad, big deal.
But fat women on tiny horses with whips............
....ummmmm.......tiny horses......squished by fat women......ummmmmm

Monday, September 16, 2013

Palin firefighter copyright lawsuit Complaint — no proof of “fundraising” off photo

Sarah Palin | SarahPAC | Firefighter Photo | Ground Zero:
"Another media meme is created. Plus — some legal lessons."
Never trust the MSM.

ObamaCareCosts By The Numbers

ObamaCareCosts By The Numbers - GOP:
"Coordinates For A Train Wreck"

Congress’s Exemption from Obamacare

Congress’s Exemption from Obamacare | National Review Online:
"Senator David Vitter, a Louisiana Republican, has demanded a floor vote on his bill to end an exemption that members of Congress and their staffs are slated to get that will make them the only participants in the new Obamacare exchanges to receive generous subsidies from their employer to pay for their health insurance.
Angry Senate Democrats have drafted legislation that dredges up a 2007 prostitution scandal involving Vitter. The confrontation is a perfect illustration of just how wide the gulf in attitudes is between the Beltway and the rest of the country — and how viciously Capitol Hill denizens will fight for their privileges"
Washington really is like Heaven for our elected "betters".

'Hot dog seasoning emergencies' and other stupid Illinois political tricks

Blog: 'Hot dog seasoning emergencies' and other stupid Illinois political tricks:
"The Illinois Department of Corrections declared a "hot dog seasoning emergency" when the department ran out of seasoning at the Menard Correctional Center meat shop. 
They resorted to an emergency $15,000, no-bid contract to restock their supply to end the crisis.
This isn't an isolated incident.
For the fiscal year that ended June 30, Gov. Pat Quinn's administration approved more than $135 million in no-bid, emergency purchases.
The practice has continued into the current fiscal year, with Illinois Medicaid officials awarding no-bid ObamaCare contracts that could be valued as high as $190 million.
These aren't real emergencies.
This is mismanagement and failure to plan ahead.
Mismanagement shouldn't be used as an excuse for government to give out emergency, no-bid contracts that skirt the regular competitive bidding rules.
The problem with competitive bids, of course, is that the wrong people might bid too low, and favored vendors, those rich sources of patronage jobs, campaign donations, and what the Chicago vernacular calls "clout," might have to make do with the diminished profit opportunities offered by the free markets for their goods and services."
.........Now that Illinois has given us Barack Obama as president, crony capitalism is alive well beyond the dreams of Gilded Age robber barons.

Costa Concordia salvage operation: live - Telegraph

Costa Concordia salvage operation: live - Telegraph

Costa Concordia salvage video livestream

Costa Concordia salvage video livestream

25 Most Violent Places In The World

The Price of Non-Victory

The Price of Non-Victory | National Review Online
There’s a detail deep in this Washington Post story that deserves to be more widely known:
As it intensifies its withdrawal from Afghanistan, the U.S. military is being forced to fly massive amounts of gear and equipment out of the country instead of using cheaper overland and sea routes, according to Pentagon officials.
Military logisticians would like to send home 60 percent of their equipment and vehicles by trucking them into Pakistan and then loading them onto ships — the least expensive method by far. But cargo is flowing out on that route at only one-third the planned rate, the officials said.
They’re right. Flying the stuff out – to prevent the Taliban getting hold of them – is up to seven times as expensive. So what’s the problem with the land routes? Well, the political class that’s spent a decade blathering about an “exit strategy” apparently failed to anticipate an exit fee:
The government of Afghanistan closed the border this summerafter a dispute over whether the Pentagon and its contractors should have to pay $70 million in customs “fines” for taking the military gear out of the country. The Pentagon has refused to pay, calling the penalties a thinly veiled attempt at a shakedown.
There’s a price for everything – except for incurring the displeasure of the superpower. From kleptocrat clients in Kabul to war criminals in Damascus, no one has to worry about that. Imagine what Karzai must think of the guys who’ve kept him alive for 12 years even to attempt this shakedown.
We’ve wasted much of the last month bleating about how some pointless strike on Syria is necessary to maintain America’s credibility. But the biggest blow to that global credibility is the superpower’s inability to win wars.
The American way of war doesn’t work; around the world everybody knows it; and we on the right need to address it.

Obama: An American Chamberlain

Blog: Obama: An American Chamberlain:
"It is, in short, not too much to speak of the week just past as another Munich.
In particular, one could fairly quote Winston Churchill's bitter speech to the House of Commons after that false peace:
"We have sustained a total and unmitigated defeat...
We are in the presence of a disaster of the first magnitude...
[O]ur loyal, brave people...should know the truth.
They...should know that we have sustained a defeat without a war, the consequences of which will travel far with us along our road; they should know that we have passed an awful milestone in our history;
..and that the terrible words have for the time being been pronounced against the Western democracies:
"'Thou are weighed in the balance and found wanting.'"