Sunday, October 27, 2013

Obamacare’s Magical Thinkers 3

Obamacare’s Magical Thinkers | National Review Online:

Was the government of the United States aware that CGI had been fired by the government of Canada and the government of Ontario (and the government of New Brunswick)?
Nobody’s saying.
But I doubt it would make much difference.
Asked by Mother Jones to explain why Obama the candidate uses the Internet so effectively but Obama the government is a bust, his 2008 tech maestro Clay Johnson put it this way: “The first person that you need in order to start a Web company would be a Web developer; the first person you need to start a government-contracting firm is an attorney.” 
The problem with Obamacare isn’t the website design, it’s the nature of government procurement in an unaccountable bureaucracy serving 300 million people.
Despite the best efforts of President Obama and doting tweeters in Jersey City, government isn’t groovy.
The standard rap on Obamacare is that it’s turned America’s health system into the DMV. If only.
I had cause to go to the DMV in Twin Mountain, N.H., the other day.
In and out in ten minutes.
Modest accommodations, a little down-at-heel, nothing cool about it at all.
But it worked just fine.
Friendly chap, no complaints.
Government can do that at the town level, county level, even (more sparingly) at the state level.
But a national medical regime for 300 million people?
Not in a First World country.
And, when you’re mad enough to try it, the failure is not the insignificant enrollment numbers, but the vaporization of the existing health plans of 119,000 Pennsylvanians, 160,000 Californians, 300,000 Floridians, 800,000 in that tech tweeter’s New Jersey . . .
That’s the magic that happens when you disdain the limits of prosaic, humdrum, just-about-functioning government.
Perhaps things will get so bad the coolest president ever will no longer seem quite so hip. But, alas, you’ll have to wait three years for a hip replacement.
That’s government health care for you. 
 Mark Steyn, a National Review columnist, is the author of After America: Get Ready for Armageddon. © 2013 Mark Steyn

Nation headed over ‘food stamp cliff’

Nation headed over ‘food stamp cliff’ - The Hill's On The Money:
There is little chance that Congress will act to avert what hunger activists call the “food stamp cliff” — a cut to benefits that will affect some 47 million beneficiaries, including children and the elderly.
The cut takes effect on Nov. 1, and will bring an end to a funding increase that Democrats wrapped into President Obama’s 2009 stimulus law.
"“We have never seen a cut like this affecting all beneficiaries,” said Lisa Davis of the food bank network Feeding America.
“With the government shutdown and other national and international issues going on, many people have no idea this is coming.”
Davis said that food banks are bracing for an influx of the needy as the holiday season approaches, and are concerned about keeping up with demand after donations wane in January.
“We’re hugely concerned … this will affect 23 million kids,” said Tom Nelson of Share Our Strength, a group focused on child hunger.
“At a minimum we can’t accept more cuts.”"

The New Federal Wedding Tax: How Obamacare Would Dramatically Penalize Marriage

The New Federal Wedding Tax: How Obamacare Would Dramatically Penalize Marriage:
"One bizarre feature of the Senate-passed health care bill is its pervasive bias against marriage.
Under the bill, couples would face massive financial penalties if they marry or remain married.
Conversely, couples who cohabit without marriage are given highly preferential financial treatment.
If the Senate bill becomes law, saying “I do” would cost some couples over $10,000 per year."

Health reform: Computer says no

Health reform: Computer says no | The Economist:
"A HANDSOME man told television viewers to pick up their phones and shop.
“The phone number…is 1-800-318-2596,” he said on October 21st.
“I want to repeat that: 1-800-318-2596.”
This was not a microwave salesman, but the president of the United States.
Barack Obama urged Americans to buy health insurance by phone, by mail and in person, because the website for his most important domestic reform does not work."

In what kind of alternate liberal universe could this happen?--------Hillary Clinton To Receive American Patriot Award

Hillary Clinton To Receive American Patriot Award:
"Ironically, Clinton receives the award on November 14, which is around the time 60 Minutes is running a special detailing its attempts to "get to the truth about what happened in Benghazi."

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Obamacare’s Magical Thinkers 2- CGI. A name to remember.....

Obamacare’s Magical Thinkers | National Review Online:
The witness who coughed up the intriguing tidbit about Obamacare’s exemption from privacy protections was one Cheryl Campbell of something called CGI.
This rang a vague bell with me.
CGI is not a creative free spirit from Jersey City with an impressive mastery of Twitter, but a Canadian corporate behemoth.
Indeed, CGI is so Canadian their name is French: Conseillers en Gestion et Informatique. Their most famous government project was for the Canadian Firearms Registry.
The registry was estimated to cost in total $119 million, which would be offset by $117 million in fees.
That’s a net cost of $2 million.
Instead, by 2004 the CBC (Canada’s PBS) was reporting costs of some $2 billion — or a thousand times more expensive.
Yeah, yeah, I know, we’ve all had bathroom remodelers like that.
But in this case the database had to register some 7 million long guns belonging to some two-and-a-half to three million Canadians.
That works out to almost $300 per gun — or somewhat higher than the original estimate for processing a firearm registration of $4.60.
Of those $300 gun registrations, Canada’s auditor general reported to parliament that much of the information was either duplicated or wrong in respect to basic information such as names and addresses.

Sound familiar?
Also, there was a 1-800 number, but it wasn’t any use.
Sound familiar?
So it was decided that the sclerotic database needed to be improved.
Sound familiar?

READ THIS-We're doomed-The New Normal?

The New Normal? | Zero Hedge:
"This artificial prosperity plan for Wall Street has the added benefit of allowing the captured politicians in Washington D.C. to continue their $1 trillion per year deficit spending with no consequences for their squandering of future generations’ wealth.
Bernanke and Yellen will never taper, because they can’t. 
The Fed balance sheet will continue to grow by at least $1 trillion per year until they crash the financial system again. 
Except this time, there will be no money printing solution.
We are all trapped like rats in this monetary experiment being conducted by evil mad scientists. 
No one will get out alive. 
Welcome to the new normal. 
Now eat your cheese."

Milton Friedman

Aussie PM: carbon tax is ‘socialism masquerading as environmentalism'

Aussie PM: carbon tax is ‘socialism’ | The Daily Caller:
Australia’s newly elected prime minister pulled no punches when giving his thoughts on the country’s carbon tax, which he says must be abolished as quickly as possible.

“The carbon tax is bad for the economy and it doesn’t do any good for the environment,” Abbott told The Washington Post.
“Despite a carbon tax of $37 a ton by 2020, Australia’s domestic emissions were going up, not down.
The carbon tax was basically socialism masquerading as environmentalism, and that’s why it’s going to get abolished.”"

Barackie, you're doin' a heck of a job.........CGI Federal in charge of nearly $2 billion in Sandy relief

And a great quote from the democrat memory bank:

CGI Federal in charge of nearly $2 billion in Sandy relief | The Daily Caller:
"Mr. Nelson presented that the State received a $1.7 billion allocation in CDBG Disaster Recovery aid from HUD to aid impacted businesses and residences.
He stated that the State’s Action Plan was approved on April 26, 2013 and HTFC is currently in a phase of implementing the program.
He stated that in this phase, the corporation needs to stand-up its recovery programs as soon as possible to deliver critical resources, and in order to do so, the corporation requires immediate access to consultant services to assist in policy and procedure development, training, surge capacity, and call center assistance, and stated that CGI Federal Inc. could provide such services.
The resolution was passed and scheduled to “take effect immediately.”

The Associated Press revealed Tuesday that a mere $700 million of the $60 billion federal aid package – 1.2 percent of the total funds – has been given to victims of super storm Sandy.

Nearly a year after the devastating storm, a majority of the 24,000 families that have requested monetary assistance have yet to receive a penny from the federal aid package."

It's full steam ahead for SS Badger

It's full steam ahead for SS Badger | The Detroit News
After nearly 60 years of hauling families and their cars across the lake during the summer months, the Badger’s run appeared last year to be ending.
Officials with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency had targeted the operation for its production of coal ash — material that is dumped into the water during each crossing.

Prepare to bend over again, folks. Turning political baloney into more bucks for their hack cronies......Michigan bill requires 2 license plates on vehicles

Pure Michigan license plate sample.Michigan bill requires 2 license plates on vehicles | Detroit Free Press |
"Legislation has been introduced in Lansing to require that license plates be on the front and back of every vehicle registered in Michigan.

Sen. Tupac Hunter said this week he proposed the bill after a former law enforcement officer suggested it as a way to prevent crime.

The Detroit Democrat says license plates provide a reflective surface on the front of vehicles and warn drivers when an oncoming car's headlights are off.
He also argues front license plates help police track down suspects on the run.
.....The additional cost may raise concerns."
Yeah, right....

BIG! ------Israel issues warning on report on Iran bomb

Israel issues warning on report on Iran bomb:
""We have made it crystal clear – in all possible forums, that Israel will not stand by and watch Iran develop weaponry that will put us, the entire Middle East and eventually the world, under an Iranian umbrella of terror," Danny Danon, Israel's deputy defense minister told USA TODAY."

Soooo, you spent ALL the money and now things suck. And you're SURPRISED?-----Detroit police chief: Financial woes affect safety

Detroit police chief: Financial woes affect safety | Crain's Detroit Business:
"Detroit's new police chief says the city's financial woes have hobbled his department and threatened the safety of officers, residents and visitors.
....He says officers blame pay cuts and 12-hour shifts brought on by money problems."

Union riot alert!--------Banker: Goes without saying Detroit must cut pensions

Banker: Goes without saying Detroit must cut pensions:
"Cuts to Detroit's public pensions and retiree healthcare were inevitable given the city's sagging finances, a top consultant for the city testified on Friday during the third day of a trial to determine whether the city is eligible for bankruptcy."

Who is that girl? The mysterious face of

healthcaregal.jpgWho is that girl? The mysterious face of | Fox News:
"Her star turn as a cover girl was called the "worst modeling gig ever" on Twitter, where she's even earned a fake account.
She's been called "Glitch Girl."
And that's the milder stuff."

Moronic, luddite democrats (a redundancy, I admit) prefer DarkAges "science free" food markets (and punish consumers at the same time!) -Washington State vs. GMO Foods

Blog: Washington State vs. GMO Foods:
The fundamental illogic of the measure is best explained by analogy. Suppose someone were to propose the following initiative:
All residents of the State of Washington will be required to wear and prominently display badges stating that they are not policemen. Only active policemen will be exempt from this requirement.
You would conclude that the proposer either had a paranoid fixation about policemen or was in the business of selling badges. 
The sensible alternative would be for policemen to be the only ones who need to wear badges.

I-522 has the same sort of upside-down logic. 

Instead of allowing GMO-free foods to carry special labels -- as is the current procedure for organic and gluten-free foods -- I-522 would require that everyone else be compelled to attach special labels to their products, thereby forcing them to incur extra expense and liability. 
Obviously, the real objective of the I-522 sponsors is to harass and penalize producers of GMO-containing foods -- at a considerable cost to the public in increased food prices and taxes.
Such a measure might be permissible for ingredients that are known to be toxic, like mercury in seafood. However, the proposers have not cited a single case where a GMO-containing food has been shown to have a harmful effect on consumers. 
Moreover, the use of GMO-containing foods has been endorsed by the American Medical Association, the American Association for the Advancement of Science, and the Washington State Academy of Sciences
So why all the fuss?

Teachers' Unions Put Sex Offenders Before Students

Teachers' Unions Put Sex Offenders Before Students:
"The unions are also playing the race card in fighting the legislation:
The bill has run into objections from major teachers' unions like the National Education Association and the American Federation of Teachers.
In letters to lawmakers, their criticisms included concerns that the measure might jeopardize workers' protections under union contracts.
In addition, the NEA wrote that criminal background checks "often have a huge, racially disparate impact" — a reference to critics' complaints that minorities make up a disproportionately high proportion of people convicted of crimes."

Lots of hilarious PC links here today-“Not Stupidly” Week at College Insurrection

College | political correctness | affirmative action:

America Turns To Welfare As Obamanomics Rots The Economy

America Turns To Welfare As Obamanomics Rots The Economy -
"A Senate report earlier this year noted that, based on Congressional Budget Office projections, welfare spending will rise 80% over the next 10 years. 
That's $11 trillion in welfare spending over that time. Just cutting that growth to 60%, the report found, would save taxpayers $1 trillion.
But, as we've seen, that won't happen.

Yet, surely all this money must be making a dent in all the poverty. 
Today, 46.5 million Americans live in poverty and more than 70% of all federal spending goes to dependency programs, like Social Security and Medicare.
At the same time, nearly half of all Americans no longer pay any federal income tax at all.

This nation was was once filled with proud workers and businesses eager to hire them.
But, as noted here Wednesday, a record 90.6 million Americans of working age are no longer in the labor force.
Logic tells us they have to be supported by (1) their own savings, (2) working children or spouses or (3) welfare."

The best (most depressing) column of the day-Obamacare’s Magical Thinkers

Obamacare’s Magical Thinkers | National Review Online:
"If Obama thinks nothing of tapping Angela Merkel’s cell phone (as she had cause to complain to him on Wednesday, in what was said to be a “cool” conversation, and not in the hepcat sense), why would he extend any greater privacy rights to your Auntie Mabel?"

Michelle Obama's Princeton classmate was Obamacare website builder

Michelle Obama's Princeton classmate was Obamacare website builder | The Daily Caller:
"First Lady Michelle Obama’s Princeton classmate is a top executive at the company that earned the contract to build the failed Obamacare website.

Toni Townes-Whitley, Princeton class of ’85, is senior vice president at CGI Federal, which earned the no-bid contract to build the $678 million Obamacare enrollment website at "

A Tale of Two Charts: Are We 2007 America Or 2006 Zimbabwe?

ZimbabweGuest Post: A Tale of Two Charts: Are We 2007 America Or 2006 Zimbabwe? | Zero Hedge:
"Then the market proceeded to run up to 4,000,000.
What happened?
The country ran its printing press flat-out and inflated away its currency, so the price of pretty much every tangible asset, when measured in Zimbabwean dollars, went parabolic.
Since equities represent part ownership of companies, and most non-financial companies own tangible assets, their value went up as well.
Not enough to increase in real terms (versus gold, for instance) but enough to make shorting that market a really bad idea.
So are we 2007 America or 2006 Zimbabwe?
A lot is riding on the answer."

And how'd that work out for you last time........Mortgage lenders are starting to accept lower credit scores and smaller down payments.

Home loans become a little easier to get:
"The bank's minimum down payment is now 5%, down from 10%, for primary homes and 10%, instead of 20% for second homes in those states."

Friday, October 25, 2013

Al Gore Invests in Fracking Company

Doh! This one is bogus-Al Gore Invests in Fracking Company - The Daily Currant:
I got caught in a humor site...... well the science of blogging certainly is settled!
Sure seemed like something he'd do.
Al Jazeera and all that....

"Former U.S. Vice President and environment advocate Al Gore has closed a deal to make a multi-million dollar investment in a natural gas producer that specializes in fracking.
In a statement to shareholders, Canada-based PetroBakken Resources announced that Gore and his investment partners would be pumping $200 million into the company in return for a 15 percent stake. "

Ya think? Blackstone pro sees signs of market speculation

Blackstone pro sees signs of market speculation:
"Wein added: "The feeling is that we're OK for a while and everyone thinks they're smart enough to know when the music is going to stop.""

4 Teens Charged in Death of WWII Veteran, Hot Tamale King

4 Teens Charged in Death of WWII Veteran, Hot Tamale King | CNS News:

Delusional democrat desciples of Obamacare religion blame Republicans for ObamaCare fiasco

Dean: No, really, Republicans are to blame for ObamaCare fiasco « Hot Air:
Who’s to blame for the ObamaCare debacle?
“First off all, in fairness,” Howard Dean told the Morning Joe crew earlier today, you have to blame Republicans for some of this because they delayed everything they possibly could.”
First we have to blame the party that (a) didn’t cast a single vote in favor of the ACA and (b) had no control over its 42-month rollout?
At which stage in the process do we hold responsible the people who spent $400 million in three and a half years, and who assured everyone all along the way that things were going swimmingly?
(via Andrew Johnson at The Corner):
Dean went on to blame the Republican governors who wisely decided not to tempt fate with their own exchange systems:
“The problem is they shouldn’t have done a single-size-fits-all for the 36 states,” he continued. “Partly, I have to say, they had to do that because the Republican governors refused to accept exchanges.”
Dean went on to downplay the problems facing the websites, saying the glitches are “not big.”
Dean suggests that the White House should have built regional systems rather than national systems in order to make the process less complicated.  How exactly would that have helped? HHS couldn’t even build one system that connects the consumers to the insurers and the IRS properly, but they could have built four or five simultaneously?  That sounds like the kind of thinking that went into the Obama administration’s reform policies and managerial efforts on ObamaCare all along.

Their brains must hurt! This a very popular cartoon among the left's self-described "intelliginsia".

Chilling: Reporter's confidential notes seized in firearms raid by Feds

Blog: Chilling: Reporter's confidential notes seized in firearms raid by Feds:
"But it's what wasn't in the search warrant but was seized anyway were the reporter's confidential notes that revealed sources inside the Department of Homeland Security and elsewhere in government."