Thursday, November 07, 2013

It was actually a pop-tart from Mars!

Fun read of the day! Schadenfreude is greatly underrated------Loyal Obama Supporters, Canceled by Obamacare

Loyal Obama Supporters, Canceled by Obamacare - ProPublica:
"So what is Hammack going to do?
If his income were to fall below four times the federal poverty level, or about $62,000 for a family of two, he would qualify for subsidies that could lower his premium cost to as low as zero.
If he makes even one dollar more, he gets nothing.
That’s what he’s leaning toward — lowering his salary or shifting more money toward a retirement account and applying for a subsidy."

An Oregon Football Coach Was Fired For Planning A Party At Hooters

An Oregon Football Coach Was Fired For Planning A Party At Hooters:
"In news that would have made every Little League coach I ever had as a kid piss his baseball shorts with laughter, an Oregon middle school football coach has been fired because he wanted to host a team party at Hooters and he would not back down from demands from the school district’s athletic director that he reconsider.
 In fact, coach Randy Burbach told Corbett School District AD Jean-Paul Soulagnet that he would rather lose his job than tell his kids that they couldn’t enjoy some above-average jumbo wings at Jon Gruden’s favorite restaurant.
So Soulagnet fired him.
It’s funny how that works out, when employees lay down an ultimatum and are quickly booted.
It’s almost like it’s a horrible idea."

Top 100 Inspirational Quotes

Top 100 Inspirational Quotes - Forbes: "
Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve. –Napoleon Hill
Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. –Steve Jobs"
Read 'em all

And the liberal media covers up for them again-------Obama-linked firm received 'unauthorized' $100,000 contract for Michelle Obama’s anti-obesity effort

Obama-linked firm received 'unauthorized' $100,000 contract for Michelle Obama’s anti-obesity effort | The Daily Caller:
"The marketing firm that created first lady Michelle Obama’s “Let’s Move” anti-obesity campaign’s logo, slogan and web design has close ties to the Obama administration and was paid $100,000 in an “unauthorized” no-bid contract, according to internal documents."

Well, he did promise to "fundamentally transform the USA"----The Worst Is Yet to Come

Best of the Web Today: The Worst Is Yet to Come -
"What's not working isn't just the website--the online user interface--but the complicated system that lies behind it.
To say HHS needs to fix the "website" is like saying your car needs repairs to its steering wheel and accelerator when in fact the whole engine is junk."
..But wait. 
If you have to sign up for insurance half a month before your policy becomes effective, then the deadline for an ObamaCare fraud victim whose current policy ends Dec. 31 to avoid a lapse in coverage is around Dec. 15. 
Even in the unlikely event that HHS fulfills the promise to get the federal exchange working by then, some ObamaCare fraud victims will have barely two weeks to purchase insurance.
In the likely event that Sebelius's Nov. 30 pledge turns out to be just another vaporware promise, the number of uninsured Americans will start rising on Jan. 1 as the fraud victims' policies begin to expire.
.....But we are fast approaching the point where the question of the mandate is a tangential one. Among those who are left without coverage by the ObamaCare fraud and debacle, some will become seriously ill or injured, and others will be unable to get care for pre-existing conditions. 
At that point ObamaCare will be not just a technical, political and economic disaster but a humanitarian one as well.

Wednesday, November 06, 2013


News from The Associated Press:
 "WASHINGTON (AP) -- The number of poor people in America is 3 million higher than the official count, encompassing 1 in 6 residents due to out-of-pocket medical costs and work-related expenses, according to a revised census measure released Wednesday."

Health and Human Services quietly giving unions Obamacare fix

Health and Human Services quietly giving unions Obamacare fix |
"The Department of Health and Human Services quietly released a final rule last week that includes an intention to exempt some union insurance plans from a substantial new tax known as the reinsurance fee."


News from The Associated Press:
"MARACAY, Venezuela (AP) -- Evelina Gonzalez was supposed to undergo cancer surgery in July following chemotherapy but wound up shuttling from hospital to hospital in search of an available operating table. On the crest of her left breast, a mocha-colored tumor doubled in size and now bulges through her white spandex tank top.
Gonzalez is on a list of 31 breast cancer patients waiting to have tumors removed at one of Venezuela's biggest medical facilities, Maracay's Central Hospital. But like legions of the sick across the country, she's been neglected by a health care system doctors say is collapsing after years of deterioration."

Man Seeks Millions After N.M. Police Force Colonoscopy in Drug Search

Man Seeks Millions After N.M. Police Force Colonoscopy in Drug Search - US News and World Report:
"Civil rights attorney says Hispanic officers may have targeted 'white boy' because they 'don't like him living in their community'"

Impressive, even by democrat "standards"-----407 Sourced Examples Of Obama’s Lies, Deceptions, Distortions, Etc.

407 Sourced Examples Of Obama’s Lies, Deceptions, Distortions, Etc. -
"An independent journalist has released – into the public domain – a list of 407 examples of President Obama’s lies, deceptions, distortions, stupidity, cronyism and so on."

Fukushima Debris "Island" The Size Of Texas Near US West Coast

Fukushima Debris "Island" The Size Of Texas Near US West Coast | Zero Hedge:
"To be sure, there has been much speculation, much of it unjustified, in the past two years debating when, how substantial and how acute any potential debris from Fukushima would be on the US.
Which is why it was somewhat surprising to see the NOAA come out with its own modeling effort, which shows....... openly confirm that a debris field weighing over 1 million tons, and larger than Texas is now on the verge of hitting the American coastline, just west off the state of California."

Blockbuster video rental chain will shut remaining U.S. stores, including metro Detroit locations

Blockbuster video rental chain will shut remaining U.S. stores, including metro Detroit locations | Crain's Detroit Business:
"Blockbuster LLC, the video-rental company now owned by Dish Network Corp., will close its remaining 300 U.S. stores, ending an era for a retail chain that was once a hallmark of shopping centers across the country."

Chilling-Read it all-------Jill Kelley: How the Government Spied on Me

Jill Kelley: How the Government Spied on Me -
"It has been a full year since federal agents snooped through the private emails of my husband and me, setting in motion a series of events that ultimately led to the resignations of Central Intelligence Agency Director David Petraeus and Gen. John Allen, the commander of coalition forces in Afghanistan.
The anniversary is a somber reminder of the unintended consequences and harsh realities that can result from unrestrained government probing into Americans' personal communications."

Forget the "...if you like you health plan you can keep it..." lie. How 'bout the "'s gonna save you money..." lie------------49-State Analysis: Obamacare To Increase Individual-Market Premiums By Average Of 41%

49-State Analysis: Obamacare To Increase Individual-Market Premiums By Average Of 41% - Forbes:
"One of the fundamental flaws of the Affordable Care Act is that, despite its name, it makes health insurance more expensive.
Today, the Manhattan Institute released the most comprehensive analysis yet conducted of premiums under Obamacare for people who shop for coverage on their own.
Here’s what we learned.
In the average state, Obamacare will increase underlying premiums by 41 percent. 
As we have long expected, the steepest hikes will be imposed on the healthy, the young, and the male. "

Warming hysterics provide proof they're totally wrong yet don't realize it------Warming Gases Reach Record High

Soooo, there's been no warming even though CO2 is rising but that's OK cuz it's the "ocean's fault" but the oceans won't totally fix things. 
You gotta give us a bunch more of your money..... then things will be really good.......

Warming Gases Reach Record High - The Daily Beast:
"Gases that drive global warming reached record high levels in 2012, with carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide levels increasing more rapidly last year than in its average rise over the past decade, according to a report released Wednesday by the World Meteorological Association.
The rapid increase of these gases has increased warming effects by almost a third since 1990.
It’s not all recent effects, either: since the start of the industrial era in 1750, global average levels of CO2 in the atmosphere have increased by 141 percent.
Although there has been a slowdown in temperature increases in the past few years, scientists warned that people shouldn’t get too comfortable: the oceans have been sucking up the extra heat, but soon that heat will come out into the atmosphere."

Gays now totally boring, ENDA struggle reveals

Gays now totally boring, ENDA struggle reveals | The Daily Caller:
 "With this week’s push for ENDA (the Employment Non-Discrimination Act), another anti-business piece of legislation that allows self-identified cultural victims to sue their employers after they get fired, all the familiar annoying characters have come out of the tastefully-refurbished woodwork.
These include aggrieved LGBTQIAX7@! advocacy groups as well as simpering DNC flacks talking about “marriage equality” and blaming bigoted Republicans for the fact that Chaz Bono hasn’t been elected president. "

Part 2-Detroit mayor's biggest problem? The residents who just don't care

Rochelle Riley: Detroit mayor's biggest problem? The residents who just don't care | Detroit Free Press |
"Detroit’s new mayor may think his biggest problem is a possible bankruptcy, a fleeing tax base or crime.
But he would be wrong.
Its biggest problem was evident all day Tuesday in the basement of the Refuge Cathedral on the city’s east side.
That was where 25-year-old April Stephens sat for 11 hours, waiting for voters.
The church off Gratiot, six miles from downtown, is home to Precinct 109, which Stephens has staffed since she was 16. 
It has only two registered voters. 
And by 7 p.m., neither had showed.
So Stephens spent Election Day like the Maytag repairman in the old commercial, waiting for someone — anyone — to need her."

Obamacare isn't the first ObamaClunker-Our Cash For Obama's Clunkers

Our Cash For Obama's Clunkers - Forbes:
Obama’s Cash for Clunkers trade-in program was a perfect example.  In yet another of his failed promises, President Obama told us that the Car Allowance Rebate System (yes – “CARS”) – the formal name of Cash for Clunkers – would create 70,000 jobs!  That’s right, if you didn’t like your car, you didn’t have to keep it – and in the process we all would be better off.
Even though Obama took $2.85 billion of our cash, according to Brookings, only a paltry 3,676 new jobs were created – at a staggering cost of $1.4 million per job.  Those are clunker-like results by any standard.  Of course, that failure was dwarfed by the Stimulus Bill at nearly a trillion dollars and Obama’s Solyndranomic energy programs that have done just as poorly at astronomically higher price tags.
All of this, of course, was very predictable.  In 1946, Henry Hazlitt, in his tour de force Economics in One Lesson, summarized the questions we face today:
“There is no more persistent and influential faith in the world today than the faith in government spending.  Everywhere government spending is presented as a panacea for all economic ills.  Is private industry partially stagnant?  We can fix it all by government spending.  Is there unemployment?  That is obviously due to ‘insufficient private purchasing power.’ The remedy is just as obvious.  All that is necessary is for government to spend enough to make up the deficiency.”
The problem with that thinking, Hazlitt points out, is that “for every public job created . . . a private job has been destroyed somewhere else . . . All that has happened, at best, is that there has been a diversion of jobs . . . More bridge builders, fewer automobile workers, televisions technicians, clothing workers, farmers.”
Government spending, you see, is at best a net-zero proposition.  To fill up your bucket, government has to empty the buckets of others.  But it is actually worse than that.

There is also the problem of how government wastes our cash.  We must always keep in mind what Milton Friedman told us: “Nobody spends somebody else’s money as wisely as he spends his own.”  The Obama experience has confirmed once again that government wastes like no other.

Drugging our children into a future of perma-fog-----Surge in ADHD diagnoses gets a red flag

Surge in ADHD diagnoses gets a red flag - FRANCE 24:
"Doctors sounded a warning Tuesday over a rise in ADHD diagnoses, saying some children may be needlessly taking powerful drugs intended to correct a poorly understood disorder.

Writing in the British Medical Journal (BMJ), the researchers noted treatment for attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) had risen massively in recent years, even though its causes are unclear and drugs can have adverse effects.

ADHD is a disorder blamed for severe and frequent bouts of inattention, hyperactivity or impulsivity. Children and young adolescents are those who are most diagnosed with it.

But some experts fear the term ADHD may "medicalise" problems related to a child's personality or maturity level, the effects of poor parenting or other home problems."

Who says a college degree is worthless----Michigan State's Ryan Riess wins World Series of Poker title, $8.4 million

Michigan State's Ryan Riess wins World Series of Poker title, $8.4 million | Detroit Free Press |

"Substitute religion" for morons.......Ex-Australian PM John Howard sticks it to the greenies

Ex-Australian PM John Howard sticks it to the greenies – Telegraph Blogs:
""Climate change" has become a "substitute religion" for people with a "nakedly political" agenda which has less to do with saving the planet than it does with reining in economic growth and wealth redistribution.
Well we knew this.
But how how nice it is to hear it from the mouth of a statesman as distinguished as former Australian Prime Minister John Howard, whose blistering speech last night at the Global Warming Policy Foundation you can read in full here."

Ya can't fix what the folks don't care to fix......Detroit mayor's biggest problem? The residents who just don't care

Rochelle Riley: Detroit mayor's biggest problem? The residents who just don't care | Detroit Free Press |
"The result: Detroit wound up with a city precinct with two people who share an apartment building address.

I’m sure you also want to know why Precinct 109 — and Precinct 105, whose poll is in that same church basement — had full staffs on hand Tuesday.
Precinct 105 has four registered voters, so there were more volunteers at seven than expected voters — six."

How you gonna collect tax on something they can grow in the backyard? ---Colorado Voters Approve 25% Tax on Marijuana

Colorado Voters Approve 25% Tax on Marijuana | CNS News:

COLORADO: Voters approved a 25 percent tax on newly legal recreational marijuana to fund school construction. Opponents argued the tax rate would benefit black market sales.

MAINE: Voters in Portland, Maine's largest city, declared victory on a measure to legalize possession of recreational amounts of marijuana.

MICHIGAN: Voters in Ferndale, Jackson and Lansing approved proposals offering some legal protection to users of small amounts of marijuana.

UTAH: Residents in the small town of Hyde Park are voting on whether to allow beer sales in a proposal that has divided the conservative, mostly Mormon city. Hyde Park is among a handful of dry cities left in the state, and the ordinance would only allow the sale of beer with the alcohol content of 3.2 percent."

More of that "smart diplomacy"......Iran demands right to expand nuclear program

Iran demands right to expand nuclear program | The Daily Caller:
"Ayatollah Ali Khamenei also restated the regime’s view of Israel:
“We have said since the very first day (of the Islamic Revolution), and we do say it now and we will say it in the future as well, that we believe the Zionist regime is an illegitimate and bastard regime.”"

Obama's america------‘You Could Never Anticipate This Happening in the United States of America’

‘You Could Never Anticipate This Happening in the United States of America’ | Video |
What began as a simple traffic stop ended in a humiliating and nightmarish ordeal for a New Mexico man. It won’t come as a surprise to most people why the man has now filed a federal civil rights lawsuit.
The incident began on Jan. 2 as David Eckert was leaving the local Walmart in Deming, N.M. He reportedly failed to make a complete stop at a stop sign, prompting police to pull him over.
The officers asked him to step out of the vehicle and claim the man appeared to be clenching his buttocks, Eckert’s attorney, Shannon Kennedy, told TheBlaze. It is unclear why police removed him from the vehicle in the first place. However, because the cops believed he was clenching his buttocks, they took it as reason to suspect him of hiding narcotics in his anal cavity.
New Mexico Man David Eckert Sues After Anal Cavity Search, Colonoscopy After Traffic Stop
Police officers detained Eckert while they sought a search warrant for an anal cavity search.
“What is so strange about this case is they held him with no evidence,” Kennedy said. “They seized him to collect evidence, to go on a fishing expedition on someone’s body.”
Upon securing the warrant, Deming police officers took the man to an emergency room, but hit their first snag when a doctor refused to perform the anal cavity search because he believed it to be “unethical.”
So police tried again at the Gila Regional Medical Center in Silver City, N.M., where doctors agreed to the search.
KOB-TV outlined the disturbing series of events that occurred next, details confirmed by medical records and official documents provided to TheBlaze by Eckert’s attorney:
1. Eckert’s abdominal area was X-rayed; no narcotics were found.
2. Doctors then performed an exam of Eckert’s anus with their fingers; no narcotics were found.
3. Doctors performed a second exam of Eckert’s anus with their fingers; no narcotics were found.
4. Doctors penetrated Eckert’s anus to insert an enema. Eckert was forced to defecate in front of doctors and police officers. Eckert watched as doctors searched his stool. No narcotics were found.
5. Doctors penetrated Eckert’s anus to insert an enema a second time. Eckert was forced to defecate in front of doctors and police officers. Eckert watched as doctors searched his stool. No narcotics were found.
6. Doctors penetrated Eckert’s anus to insert an enema a third time. Eckert was forced to defecate in front of doctors and police officers. Eckert watched as doctors searched his stool. No narcotics were found.
7. Doctors then X-rayed Eckert again; no narcotics were found.
8. Doctors prepared Eckert for surgery, sedated him, and then performed a colonoscopy where a scope with a camera was inserted into Eckert’s anus, rectum, colon and large intestines. No narcotics were found.

Education union thuggery! Teacher's union head spreads slur that concerned parent is a neo-Nazi

Teacher's union head investigates whether parent is neo-Nazi | The Daily Caller:
Pennsylvania father is steaming mad after the head of a local teacher’s union suggested he may be a “neo-Nazi” for questioning a school assignment.
Josh Barry, of Camp Hill, Penn., expressed concern after his daughter brought home an assignment analyzing a New York Times article discussing the recent government shutdown. first reported the story.
The assignment asked questions like, “Whom do you hold most responsible for the government shutdown?” and “Do you feel it is principled or irresponsible for politicians to threaten a shutdown?”
Barry thought it was an exercise in indoctrination.

After contacting his daughter’s teacher, Barry heard back from the school’s principal. After a discussion, a friend of Barry’s relayed a voicemail she received from another teacher named Cydnee Cohen.

Cohen, who is also the president of the local chapter of the teacher’s union — the East Pembrook Education Association, which is part of the Pennsylvania State Education Association (PSEA) — said on the voicemail, “We’re having some problems with a parent in our school district and on his [Facebook] page you are one of his friends … but I would like to know, some of it seems like he is a neo-Nazi.”

...“You have a teacher who’s an officer in the union who looks at these teachers as hers,” said Barry. “Her method is to go after the concerned parent and discredit and slander them.”
Barry called Cohen’s inquisition a case of “big-time union thuggery on display.”
“She’s been taught to associate people who question authority, who raise their fist in the air who say I believe in the Constitution, or don’t indoctrinate my child, as you’re automatically a Nazi,” he said.

How could anyone expect things will get better when EVERY incumbent is reelected? ----Five new faces will join four re-elected Detroit City Council incumbents

Five new faces will join four re-elected Detroit City Council incumbents |
"DETROIT, MI -- Each member of Detroit City Council who ran for re-election won their race Tuesday, but new faces will make up a majority of the body next year."

Dirty tricks not so important when democrats are the tricksters.......Revealed: Obama Campaign Bundler Helping Fund Libertarian in Tight Va. Gubernatorial Race

Revealed: Obama Campaign Bundler Helping Fund Libertarian in Tight Va. Gubernatorial Race |
"A major Democratic Party benefactor and Obama campaign bundler helped pay for professional petition circulators responsible for getting Virginia Libertarian gubernatorial candidate Robert C. Sarvis on the ballot — a move that could split conservative votes in a tight race.

Campaign finance records show the Libertarian Booster PAC has made the largest independent contribution to Sarvis’ campaign, helping to pay for professional petition circulators who collected signatures necessary to get Sarvis’ name on Tuesday’s statewide ballot.

Austin, Texas, software billionaire Joe Liemandt is the Libertarian Booster PAC’s major benefactor. He’s also a top bundler for President Barack Obama."

Tuesday, November 05, 2013

Election 2013 Vote Tracker: See Muskegon-area results as they come in, other live updates

Election 2013 Vote Tracker: See Muskegon-area results as they come in, other live updates |

Election 2013 live blog: Poll results as they come in.

Election 2013 live blog: Poll results as they come in.

Obama's "Baghdad Bobs" are jumping the shark----- CNN's boss Zucker: backlash a product of racism

Zucker: backlash a product of racism | The Daily Caller:
"“You know — this is what we’re going to cover, these are the big stories, keep this stuff in mind as you go about your day and all that stuff,” he continued.
“And according to two sources, CNN sources — on the 9 a.m. editorial call, he said all of this bashing of and the Obamacare thing was in the end — come on, take a guess — racist.
That people are just saying Obama couldn’t build a website because he is black and you know, they hate him. That’s the president of CNN.
That’s Jeff Zucker.
That’s his guidance to the troops.”"

Union thugs hire legal thugs to annoy judge-----Detroit union lawyer didn't answer key questions, bankruptcy judge says

Detroit union lawyer didn't answer key questions, bankruptcy judge says | Crain's Detroit Business:
"The judge in Detroit's bankruptcy told the top lawyer for the United Auto Workers that he failed to answer the two most important questions he was asked in a trial on whether the city can remain under court protection.

U.S. Bankruptcy Judge Steven Rhodes today repeatedly tried to force the general counsel for the UAW, Michael Nicholson, to say whether the union had negotiated with the city over proposed cuts to pension benefits and health-care benefits for retirees.

"I want to tell you, sir, this question and the last question were probably the two most important questions you were asked here today," Rhodes told Nicholson, a union witness.

When Nicholson began answering by accusing Detroit's emergency manager, Kevyn Orr, of ignoring UAW proposals, Rhodes interrupted him.

"You are not answering the question," the judge said."

Obama'a america------- Parents slam pro-Islam slant in Florida school textbook

Parents slam pro-Islam slant in Florida school textbook - Washington Times:
"The book, “World History,” devotes fully 32 pages — an entire chapter — on “Muslim Civilizations,” including descriptions of the Koran and a listing of the Five Pillars of Islam, The Daily Caller reported.
But noticeably missing is information on any other religion."

Cool. Bring in the feds whenever your boss doesn't like your outfit----Senate Bill Bans Discrimination Against Cross-Dressers

Senate Bill Bans Discrimination Against Cross-Dressers | CNS News:
"The Employment Non-Discrimination Act, which will come up for a cloture vote in the Senate today, mandates that employers in the United States permit men to dress as women at work and women to dress as men as long as they otherwise adhere to “reasonable dress or grooming standards.”"

Holy crapoli, they've found a NEW way to make travel suck even more! ----Arming TSA officers hits resistance on the Hill

Arming TSA officers hits resistance on the Hill - Kevin Robillard -
"Friday’s slaying of a Transportation Security Administration officer at Los Angeles International Airport is fueling calls from union leaders to give some of the agency’s employees guns, handcuffs and the power to make arrests."

Tell me. Just where is the money going to come from for these nifty "tax credits" (which are NOT tax credits at all) ----436,000 Michiganders could be eligible for Obamacare tax credits next year

Report: 436,000 Michiganders could be eligible for Obamacare tax credits next year |
"An estimated 436,000 Michiganders will be eligible for health insurance tax credits next year, but far fewer are expected to use them, according to a new report."

You liked bailing out the banks? You're gonna love Obama's insurance company bailout! ---The Coming Obamacare Bailout

The American Spectator : The Coming Obamacare Bailout:
"Next on the horizon is an Obamacare “death spiral” for the private health insurance industry.
Taxpayers will now be told a new bailout of hundreds of billions for the private health insurers must be passed, or else private health insurance will go out of business under Obamacare."

How to optimise your WiFi signal

How to optimise your WiFi signal | Hardware.Info United Kingdom:
"A slow wireless connection, it's not fun but it can happen to any of us. We will show you how to perform first-aid next time your home network has an attack of sluggishness. After reading this article you'll be ready to start tinkering around the inner workings of your router. Not with a soldering iron, but with a mouse.

We've all been in this scenario. You're connected to a router and the signal is strong, but internet is really slow. Dial-up connection slow. The signal looks fine, so physically moving the router won't do much. Buying a new router might, but that costs money, and getting a cheap one kind of defeats the purpose.

There are other options. Inside the router there are a number of things you can play around with in order to increase the transfer rate of the wireless signal of your router. We will describe how to make manual adjustments to the bandwidth of the channels and the strength of the signal."

And we give these guys a monopoly to deliver 1st class mail? -----Postal Service Overpaid Truckers $61.5 Million for Their Gas

Postal Service Overpaid Truckers $61.5 Million for Their Gas | Washington Free Beacon:
USPS lost $1.9 billion in second quarter of 2013
"The United States Postal Service overpaid trucking contractors $61.5 million through its Voyager Card Program, which allows drivers to expense their gas on a credit card."

Enviro-nutz ALWAYS choose ANYTHING over kids-----Kid Cages at School Bus Stops Spark Outrage

Kid Cages at School Bus Stops Spark Outrage - David Spady - Page full:
"In Catron County, New Mexico, aggressive Mexican gray wolves are terrorizing residents.
Here wolves are killing pets in front yards in broad daylight, and forcing parents to stand guard when children play outside.
The threat has become so ominous the local school district has decided to place wolf shelters (kid cages) at school bus stops to protect school children from wolves while they wait for the bus or parents. 
These wolf proof cages, constructed from plywood and wire, are designed to prevent wolves from taking a child. 
The absurdity of this scenario is mind-numbing.
What kind of society accepts the idea of children in cages while wolves are free to roam where they choose?"

This ought to be a joke but the joke's on us---------Obamacare levies fines on non-profit hospitals that offer free healthcare to the poor

Poor Richard's News - Obamacare levies fines on non-profit hospitals that offer free healthcare to the poor

Ya get more of what ya subsidize........Welfare, Not Full-Time Work, Is Now America's No. 1 Occupation

Welfare, Not Full-Time Work, Is Now America's No. 1 Occupation -
"Dependency: "Is Welfare The New Normal?" we wondered in an editorial last Thursday, and we didn't have long to wait for an answer. On Friday an answer came back in depressing new data from the Census Bureau.
...A Cato Institute study in August found that welfare now pays more than minimum-wage work in 35 states. Indeed, the federal government has 126 separate programs to help low-income earners.
"The current welfare system provides such a high level of benefits that it acts as a disincentive for work," the study said. "Welfare currently pays more than a minimum-wage job in 35 states, even after accounting for the Earned Income Tax Credit, and in 13 states it pays more than $15 per hour."."

Get government out of the way of entrepreneurs and job creators! -------Microbreweries could double beer production under proposed Michigan law

Microbreweries could double beer production under proposed Michigan law | Crain's Detroit Business:
"HB 4709, sponsored by Rep. Kevin Cotter, R-Mt. Pleasant, would increase the amount of beer a microbrewer could brew annually to 60,000 barrels from 30,000.

HB 4710, sponsored by Rep. Peter MacGregor, R-Cannon Township, would allow a brewpub to have an interest in as many as five other brewpubs, as long as the combined production of those brewpubs does not exceed 18,000 barrels in a year. The law now limits a brewpub to having an interest in up to two others, so long as combined production does not exceed 5,000 barrels a year, according to a House Fiscal Agency analysis.

HB 4711, sponsored by Rep. Andy Schor, D-Lansing, would allow a brewer to sell beer for on-premises consumption at up to two of its licensed locations where it produces beer. The law now only allows for a brewer to sell its beer for on-premises consumption at one location.

Under state law, microbreweries can sell only the beer they produce, and they cannot sell wine or spirits. "

The problem is our new fear of your government! ----Obama: ‘I Want To Put The Fear Of God In All Of You’

Obama: ‘I Want To Put The Fear Of God In All Of You’ « CBS DC:
"President Barack Obama cast Republican Ken Cuccinelli on Sunday as part of an extreme Tea Party faction that shut down the government, throwing the political weight of the White House behind Democrat Terry McAuliffe in the final days of a bitter race for governor.

“Nothing makes me more nervous than when my supporters start feeling too confident,”
Obama said during the rally. “So I want to put the fear of God in all of you.”"

MSM sorta missing a big story......Oh, Barry's MSM propaganda ministers at "work" again. -NYC Subways overrun with homeless as panhandling busts down

Beg Apple: Subways overrun with homeless | New York Post:
"It’s an express train — to the bad old days.
Cops are giving homeless people and panhandlers in the subways the kid-glove treatment, arresting subterranean scofflaws far less frequently than just two years ago, data show.
The ranks of the homeless, meanwhile, have swelled to 1,841 this year — a 13 percent increase over last year’s tally, the city’s Department of Homeless Services says.
For straphangers, it has created an atmosphere of fear.
“I feel threatened, especially taking the train at night,” explained Brooklynite Lortashia Smith, who said she has been followed off trains several times.
“The police can definitely do more.”"

Obama's america: Fluff over substance rules----Illinois gay marriage, not pensions, on tap as legislature returns this week

Illinois gay marriage, not pensions, on tap as legislature returns this week -
"SPRINGFIELD—Illinois lawmakers return to the Capitol on Tuesday for the final scheduled week of the fall session with a measure to legalize same-sex marriage at the forefront and a vote to deal with the state's massive public pension debt unlikely to happen."

And we wonder that these morons can't even teach? ---GA Mom is Banned from Daughter’s School After Posting Weapons Permit on Facebook

Georgia mother is banned from daughters school for posting conceal permit on facebookGA Mom is Banned from Daughter’s School After Posting Weapons Permit on Facebook:
"“I feel like a criminal. I want I want to be heard. I want a public apology,” says Mount.
On Wednesday, Mount says she was handed a notice from Richmond County Board of Education police.
“He tells me that were going to issue you a criminal trespass warning,” says Mount.
The notice banned her from McBean Elementary School where her disabled daughter attends."

What is it about the super-wealthy that makes them want to stop others from achieving their best?-------Wealthy didn't 'build that,' they 'rode it,' says Gross

Wealthy didn't 'build that,' they 'rode it,' says Gross:
"Many counter that the top 1 percent already pay more than 36 percent of the federal taxes and 40 percent of the income taxes in high-tax states like New York and California.
Others point out that Gross focuses on people who made their fortunes from finance—those who "borrowed money or charged fees on expanding financial assets."

He ignores the vast number of millionaires and billionaires who made their fortunes by starting companies—whether it's a trucking company or tech company, or maker of electric cars or Spanx. 
Should those people also feel guilty?

And with so many Americans not paying any federal income taxes, many argue that the wealthy already carry enough of the burden."

How's that smart diplomacy workin' out? -------Death to America Chants in Tehran as Hardliners Rally

Death to America Chants in Tehran as Hardliners Rally - Bloomberg:
"Tens of thousands of Iranian demonstrators held one of the biggest anti-American rallies in years outside the former U.S. Embassy in Tehran, as hardliners stepped up opposition to President Hassan Rouhani’s outreach to President Barack Obama.
Demonstrators waved banners attacking the U.S. and burned American flags during the annual state-sponsored event termed the “Day of National Confrontation Against World Imperialism.”