Saturday, July 26, 2014

Watch What Happens When You Search ‘Obstructionist’ on |

Watch What Happens When You Search ‘Obstructionist’ on |
"It seems yet another reference site is painting conservatives with a broad, negative brush.
If you search for the word “obstructionist” on, the definition is rather benign: “person who is cautious, moderate; an opponent of change.”
But take a gander at some “obstructionist” synonyms and you get “right-winger,” “right,” “rightist,” as well as “reactionary,” “redneck” and “stick-in-the-mud.”

Report: White House To Release $34 Billion In New Regulations After Mid-Terms | The Daily Caller

Report: White House To Release $34 Billion In New Regulations After Mid-Terms | The Daily Caller:
"In 2012, the Obama administration was heavily criticized for delaying major regulations until after the presidential election. A new report by regulatory watchdogs found that the White House may once again be delaying major regulations that are expected to cost a total of $34 billion."

The very expensive death of the Chevy Volt

The very expensive death of the Chevy Volt:

I've been a student of the Chevy Volt electric-car debacle since the first time I took a stab at figuring out the actual per-unit cost of each car, with the subsidies figured in.  

The thing launched with a sticker price of $41,000, but direct state and federal subsidies - i.e. taxpaying chumps forced at gunpoint to pay for part of your shiny new electric car - could take it down to $33,500 or less.  

But if you figured in all the subsidies those taxpayer chumps were forced to give manufacturers, they really cost at least $81,000 apiece.  

You paid $33k or so, while people who will never drive a Volt, and maybe never buy a Chevy, covered the rest.

Later Voltologists suggested I was being far too generous to this boondoggle, because the subsidies indirectly drawn into production of the vehicle and its battery were far larger than the direct nuts-and-bolts subsidies I was counting.  It has been suggested the real unit cost was closer to $200,000 per car.

The surprising reason a House Republican rejected a Chamber of Commerce award |

The surprising reason a House Republican rejected a Chamber of Commerce award |
"It's not every day that a House Republican charges that the powerful U.S. Chamber of Commerce is "in the pocket of Communist China."
But Michigan freshman Rep. Kerry Bentivolio did just that on Thursday when he announced he would return the Spirit of Enterprise Award he received from the group earlier this Congress."

Illinois employers now banned from conducting background checks on interviewees

Illinois employers now banned from conducting background checks on interviewees « "CHICAGO – Employers in Illinois can no longer access criminal background checks on potential hires until after an interview is conducted.
Gov. Quinn signed into law this week a bill that prohibits private employers from asking applicants about their criminal history prior to determining if they are qualified for the job.
“Everyone deserves a second chance when it comes to getting a job,” Governor Quinn said in a press release. “This law will help ensure that people across Illinois get a fair shot to reach their full potential through their skills and qualifications, rather than past history.
...The Job Opportunities for Qualified Applicants Act, also referred to as the “ban the box” bill in reference to the box on many application forms asking applicants if they are a convicted criminal, makes Illinois the fifth state to restrict pre-interview criminal background checks."

10 Of The Most Hardcore Quotes In The History Of War - Listverse

10 Of The Most Hardcore Quotes In The History Of War - Listverse:


Quotes are often excellent for capturing a romanticized spirit of war. They offer glimpses of courage, usually without hinting at the pain or complications of combat. In reality, most of us would be too scared or distracted to say anything particularly memorable while our lives were in danger. Not like these people.9

Hannie Schaft

Prior to the 1940 German conquest of the Netherlands, Jannetje Johanna (Hannie) Schaft was a promising young law student. When Dutch students were required to sign a declaration of loyalty to the Nazis, she dropped out and joined a communist-affiliated resistance group. She helped to find shelter for Dutch Jews and eventually began carrying out assassinations, often targeting German officers and Dutch collaborators before escaping on her bicycle.
Hannie eventually became a high priority target known as “the Girl with Red Hair” (she quickly dyed it black). After her identity was discovered, the Nazis imprisoned her parents in a concentration camp. Although Hannie refused to turn herself in, she was ultimately arrested at a German checkpoint when a pistol was discovered in her bag. In 1945, she was taken out onto the beach near Bloemendaal for execution. When a German officer fired at her, the bullet only grazed her temple, allowing her to spite her murderer:
“I am a much better shot!”
A Dutch collaborator then finished the job with a submachine gun. The Netherlands were liberated three weeks later.

Hillary Spokesman: Anti-Hillary Books Should Not ‘Be Allowed’

Hillary Spokesman: Anti-Hillary Books Should Not ‘Be Allowed’:

Former Secretary of State and likely 2016 presidential contender Hillary Clinton has been stoking the flames of her candidacy and recently released her memoirs, “Hard Choices.” While Clinton has been doing the media circuit to promote the book, other authors have been working on theirs.
Three new books that paint Hillary in an unflattering (and likely honest) light are emerging within the next few months and that fact is troubling Hillary’s spokesman who lashed out at authors and booksellers who dare to question the official narrative as created by Hillary. 
In fact, Hillary’s spokesman claims that such the writing of such books “should neither be allowed nor enabled.”
The First Family Detail by Ronald Kessler, set for release next month, will joinClinton, Inc. by the Weekly Standard’s Daniel Halper and Blood Feud by Ed Klein on bookshelves. Yesterday we reported that Clinton, Inc. has shot up the charts and now both Halper and Klein’s books are outselling Hillary Clinton’s recent memoir Hard Choices.
“With Klein, Halper and Kessler, we now have a Hat Trick of despicable actors concocting trashy nonsense,” Clinton spokesman Nick Merrill said in an interview with the Washington Examiner. “Their behavior should neither be allowed nor enabled, and legitimate media outlets who know with every fiber of their beings that it is completely made up should not get down in the gutter with them.” 
Woah, woah, woah- Should not be allowed?"

Eleanor Holmes Norton says 'you don't have a right to know' what's going on in government

Eleanor Holmes Norton says 'you don't have a right to know' what's going on in government |
"Eleanor Holmes Norton, the non-voting congressional delegate for the District of Columbia, angrily sputtered during a congressional hearing Friday that the White House should not be held up to scrutiny, saying that there was no right to know what it was doing behind closed doors.
 "You don't have a right to know everything in a separation-of-powers government, my friend. 
That is the difference between a parliamentary government and a separation-of-powers government," Norton said during a House Oversight and Government Reform Committee hearing.
 It was, to put mildly, a significant departure from the more traditional liberal stance that openness and transparency are must to prevent abuses of power by government officials.
Instead the leading advocate for statehood for the District of Columbia literally argued that even the congressional committee charged with oversight shouldn't be asking questions in the first place.

The Left's dark money managers: Meet Philip Gara LaMarche |

The Left's dark money managers: Meet Philip Gara LaMarche |
"Philip Gara LaMarche is a secretive political operative who funnels billions of dollars from undisclosed donors to nonprofits and astroturf groups. But you won't hear unhinged Harry Reid railing Queegishly about him on the Senate floor. Why?"

Study: Climate Models Overestimated Global Warming For The Last 55 Years

Study: Climate Models Overestimated Global Warming For The Last 55 Years | The Daily Caller:
"Climate models relied upon by scientists and governments may be greatly overstating the warming that has occurred since the late 1950s, argues a paper analyzing the discrepancies between modeled and observed temperatures.
The paper, which was published in the journal Environmetrics, found that observed temperatures differed greatly from modeled temperatures in the tropical lower troposphere and mid-troposphere.
“Over the 55-years from 1958 to 2012, climate models not only significantly over-predict observed warming in the tropical troposphere, but they represent it in a fundamentally different way than is observed,” says Ross McKitrick, economist with the University of Guelph in Canada and co-author of the study.
According to McKitrick, all climate models predict that rising carbon dioxide levels will cause rapid warming in the troposphere over the tropics. 
But that’s not what has happened, as neither satellites nor weather balloons have detected much warming in the tropical troposphere — meaning something is likely wrong with the models."

Everyone Wins When You Buy a Rotisserie Chicken

Everyone Wins When You Buy a Rotisserie Chicken - Bloomberg View:
"Rotisserie chickens have been around for a while.
I used to bypass them and roast my own, until I noticed something:
The rotisserie chickens were actually cheaper than buying and roasting my own.
Cat Vasko noticed the same thing and decided to figure out why.
The answer makes a surprising amount of sense:
Grocery stores make them out of unsold chicken that is about to pass its expiration date.
It’s an elegant way to make a profit out of food that would otherwise be a net loss.
And it’s not just chicken -- according to Vasko, the ever-expanding prepared-foods section of the supermarket uses up all sorts of unsold produce and meat.
It is, as she says, a bit like hunter-gatherers using every inch of the animal."

FEC chair warns of chilling regulations, book ban on conservative publishers

FEC chair warns of chilling regulations, book ban on conservative publishers | "The chairman of the Federal Election Commission today blasted Democratic colleagues opposed to his effort to protect conservative media after they imposed rules on the publisher of Rep. Paul Ryan's new book, opening the door to future book regulations -- or even a ban
“By failing to affirm this publisher’s constitutional right, statutory right, to disseminate a political book free from FEC conditions and regulations, we have effectively asserted regulatory jurisdiction over a book publisher,” warned Chairman Lee E. Goodman, one of three Republicans on the six-person FEC.
“That failure reveals a festering legal uncertainty and chill for the free press rights of books and book publishers to publish and disseminate political books free from government regulation,” he added.
Since becoming chairman, Goodman has been pushing to expand protections for all media and has noted how Democrats on the panel have been eager to nick at freedoms for conservative media while Republicans have been voting for broader protections even for liberals like Democratic financier George Soros.
He recently warned that conservative online media, like the Drudge Report, could face regulation as Democrats move to tighten the so-called “media exemption” that lets the press cover politics any way they want.

This Small Town Just Took A Big Stand Against Obama

This Small Town Just Took A Big Stand Against Obama:
“We just don’t think that’s a cost that should be passed on to taxpayers,” he said, “so we are going to be billing the host of the event for that cost.”

The Government Is Cracking Down on School Bake Sales

The Government Is Cracking Down on School Bake Sales -
Barely a month after federal regulations for school cafeterias kicked in, states are already pushing back. 
Specifically, they're fighting nutrition standards that would considerably alter one of the most sacred rituals of the American public school system: bake sales.
Twelve states have established their own policies to circumvent regulations in the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010 that apply to "competitive snacks," or any foods and beverages sold to students on school grounds that are not part of the Agriculture Department's school meal programs, according to the National Association of State Boards of Education. Competitive snacks appear in vending machines, school stores, and food and beverages, including items sold at bake sales.

History for July 26

History for July 26 -
Birth anniversary of playwright George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950) and filmmakers Blake Edwards (1922-2011) and Stanley Kubrick (1928-99).

Birth anniversary of Brave New World author Aldous Huxley (1894-1963).

Happy Birthday! Kate Beckinsale, Sandra Bullock, Mick Jagger

1775 - A postal system was established by the 2nd Continental Congress of the United States. The first Postmaster General was Benjamin Franklin. 

1893 - Commercial production of the Addressograph started in Chicago, IL. 

1908 - U.S. Attorney General Charles J. Bonaparte issued an order that created an investigative agency that was a forerunner of the FBI. 

1945 - Winston Churchill resigned as Britain's prime minister. 

1947 - U.S. President Truman signed The National Security Act. The act created the National Security Council, the Department of Defense, the Central Intelligence Agency and the Joint Chiefs of Staff. 

1948 - U.S. President Truman signed executive orders that prohibited discrimination in the U.S. armed forces and federal employment. 

1953 - Fidel Castro began his revolt against Fulgencio Batista with an unsuccessful attack on an army barracks in eastern Cuba. Castro eventually ousted Batista six years later. 

1956 - Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser nationalized the Suez Canal. 

Anniversary (1990) of the signing of the Americans with Disabilities Act, which went into effect two years later.

Friday, July 25, 2014

Serious Fireworks Fly as Hannity Repeatedly Presses Palestinian Guest to Answer One Simple Question: ‘Can You Hear?!’ | Video |

Serious Fireworks Fly as Hannity Repeatedly Presses Palestinian Guest to Answer One Simple Question: ‘Can You Hear?!’ | Video |
"Fireworks went flying on the Fox News set of “Hannity” Thursday night as the conservative host repeatedly pressed a Palestinian guest over whether he thinks Hamas is a terrorist organization."

You’ll Never Guess What is Accused of Being Racist Now

You’ll Never Guess What is Accused of Being Racist Now:
"Recently, Obama supporters were caught on camera stating that failure to like Mexican food not only makes you a racist, but also makes you unfit to serve in Congress. Now, there is a new, ludicrous target in the accusation of racism for reasons that will blow your mind.
Just when we thought the ridiculousness of race baiting couldn’t get any worse, it does.  There is a new target facing wild claims of racism from far left"

FORGOTTEN: Veteran Locked Inside VA Clinic

FORGOTTEN: Veteran Locked Inside VA Clinic:
"On top of the current VA scandal, where workers at the government bureaucracy were cooking the books in order to receive bonuses while our vets died waiting for care, comes this extremely disurbing report out of Florida."

11.7% Of The World's At War: Global Geopolitical Risk Mapped

11.7% Of The World's At War: Global Geopolitical Risk Mapped | Zero Hedge

Is Detroit's New Light Rail Line America's Greatest Boondoggle?

Is Detroit's New Light Rail Line America's Greatest Boondoggle? -
"It explains in part the twisted logic behind one of the most confounding urban development projects of our time, a $137 million 3.3-mile light rail line that breaks ground in Detroit next week. How else could sane people think a bankrupt city should build a wildly expensive rail line on a partially deserted avenue in a neighborhood awash in cheap parking?

Let's consider what the new light rail line will mean for the people who live and work in the Motor City. Today, the suburbanites who commute to downtown Detroit might be frustrated by their limited lunch options—vacant storefronts don’t facilitate much culinary variety—but at least they get to enjoy a congestion-free drive to the office. Under-utilized lots and garages occupy almost 40 percent of the land in downtown Detroit, so the walk from the car to the cube takes just a few minutes."

Howard Stern Obliterates Caller: ‘If You’re Anti-Israel, Then You’re Anti-America!’

Howard Stern Obliterates Caller: ‘If You’re Anti-Israel, Then You’re Anti-America!’:
“If you’re anti-Israel, then you’re anti-America,” Stern proclaimed. “It’s the only democracy over there; it’s the only friend we have who’s willing to fight and stand up for what’s right,” he told the caller.
Stern continued to shower the pro-Hamas caller with f-bombs while providing a history lesson, saying,"

Gettin' close to tipping point-------Poll: One-third say impeach Obama

Poll: One-third say impeach Obama - Jonathan Topaz -
"One third of Americans think President Barack Obama should be impeached, a new poll says.
According to a CNN/ORC International poll released Friday, 33 percent of Americans think the president should be impeached and removed from office, compared with 65 percent who say they don’t support impeachment.
Fifty-seven percent of Republicans say they support impeaching Obama, compared with just 35 percent of independent voters and 13 percent of Democrats."

And the money keeps rolling in.... from you and your kids..........How Corktown came out on top in search for home for $148M manufacturing institute

How Corktown came out on top in search for home for $148M manufacturing institute | Crain's Detroit Business:
"The institute — led by the University of Michigan; the Columbus, Ohio-based manufacturing technology 501(c)(3) nonprofit EWI and Ohio State University — will be funded with a $70 million, five-year grant from the U.S. Department of Defense and $78 million from a consortium of 70-plus universities, businesses and organizations."

La Raza CEO: 'USA! USA!' Chants 'Made Me Angry'

La Raza CEO: 'USA! USA!' Chants 'Made Me Angry':
"La Raza President and CEO Janet Murguia said it sickened her to hear Americans against illegal immigration chanting "USA! USA!" at protests around the country. 
Singling out the Murrieta demonstrators during her keynote address at La Raza's annual conference in Los Angeles on Monday, Murguia accused them of having "cloaked their hatred in patriotism" by shouting "'USA! USA!' again and again."
"It made me angry," she said. "In fact, I was outraged.""

Michelle Obama says money in politics is bad, asks donors for 'big, fat check' - Washington Times

Michelle Obama says money in politics is bad, asks donors for 'big, fat check' - Washington Times:
"First lady Michelle Obama on Thursday night urged Democrats to “dig deep” into their pockets and “write a big fat check” before the midterm elections, but minutes later complained of too much money in politics.
Speaking at a party fundraiser in Chicago, Mrs. Obama said Democrats must triumph in the November contests if President Obama is to make progress on his agenda during the final two years of his term.
She also blasted special interest groups that funnel money to Republicans.
“So, yeah, there’s too much money in politics. 
There’s special interests that have too much influence. 
But they had all that money and all that influence back in 2008 and 2012 and we still won those elections,” she said.
Mrs. Obama then urged fellow Democrats to add even more money to the political system.
“There is something you can do right now today to make a difference, and that is to write a big, fat check. I kid you not,” she said. 
“I’m going to be honest with you.
That’s what we need you to do right now.
We need you to write the biggest, fattest check that you can possibly write.”"

Remember Those Girls Everyone Wanted To #BRING BACK? - Chicks on the Right

Remember Those Girls Everyone Wanted To #BRING BACK? - Chicks on the Right:

I'm sure you're as shocked as I am, seeing as how all of our politically-involved celebrities took time off from ordering lattes, vacationing in exotic places, and doing belfies to hashtag for those girls.  Y'all remember that, don't you?"

British Man Builds Giant Fart Machine, Aims It At France

British Man Builds Giant Fart Machine, Aims It At France:
An inventor from Stamford in Lincolnshire has embarked on a project to build the world's biggest fart machine - and then aim it straight at France. 
Colin Furze plans to place the machine on top of the white cliffs of Dover so that the French can hear it 21 miles away.
The bizarre invention will employ a giant pulse valveless engine, similar to those used in the Nazi V2 rockets. The noise that will be produced is meant to sound a bit like flatulence, so Furze says he thought it would be a good idea to house it in by specially constructed buttocks so that anyone looking through binoculars from France could see it.
The machine should also create a jet of fire when it is turned on later today. Building the machine was featured on two youtube videos, detailing a Furze’s attention to detail and build quality that might be unexpected for such an odd idea.

Hmmmm---------No criminal charges filed against Muskegon County Sheriff Dean Roesler, prosecutor rules

No criminal charges filed against Muskegon County Sheriff Dean Roesler, prosecutor rules | ""To prove any criminal charge, allegations of wrongdoing must be proven by the high standard of beyond a reasonable doubt. It is fundamental that people accused of a crime are innocent until proven guilty by this high standard. In making his decision, Prosecutor Lloyd considered allegations that, between 2007 and 2011, Sheriff Roesler withdrew money ranging from $40 to $500 from the golf outing's bank account, and used that money for personal expenses unrelated to the charity."

The statement goes on to say that Roesler made statements that the withdrawals were considered bank errors and "customer confusion."

"The investigation showed that the charitable account was set up as a subaccount to his personal bank account, earmarked for the golf outing. Sheriff Roesler contends that the withdrawals in question resulted from bank errors, or customer confusion between the various subaccounts. After the investigation began, Sheriff Roesler returned all funds that were improperly withdrawn and has removed himself from control over and access to the charitable account," the statement said.

"Since the complaint spans several years, only three of the withdrawals in question, totaling under $400 would not be barred by the statute of limitations. Additionally, because of the passage of time, certain documents, including withdrawal signature slips, have been lost. Consequently, based upon the information available, the evidence did not allow the People to disprove bank error or other mistake. Therefore, because the prosecution has the burden of proof, no criminal charges are warranted.

"While money donated to the Muskegon County Sheriff's Office Memorial Charity Golf Outing may have been diverted to non-charitable use, it appears that those funds have been returned. This charity remains a viable means to support worthy causes in the Muskegon community.""

See How Liberals Just Used The Race Card To Try And Silence Ted Nugent

See How Liberals Just Used The Race Card To Try And Silence Ted Nugent:
"Without providing a single example to back up its claim, the Coeur d’Alene Native American tribe announced the Aug. 4 concert has been cancelled.
As for an explanation to fans looking forward to the event, casino owners only suggested that he has “racist attitudes and views.”

Tomorrow!!!-----Community Paddle: Second event to launch Saturday, July 26 from North Muskegon sports park

Community Paddle: Second event to launch Saturday, July 26 from North Muskegon sports park |

NORTH MUSKEGON, MI – The second of three Lake Effect Boating Community Paddles is slated for Saturday, July 26, launching from the city of North Muskegon's Waterfront Sports Park.
The 10 a.m. informal, grassroots paddling "meet up" will take participants on an easy paddle along the northeast shore of Muskegon Lake.
...Zuidema will lead the Community Paddle Saturday, taking participants along the northern lake shoreline, east toward the Muskegon River mouth and the B.C. Cobb Generating Plant.
North Muskegon's Waterfront Sports Park is located on Lake Avenue. Taking Ruddiman Avenue from the "Four Corners," turn on First Street south to Lake Avenue and the park. Coming on Ruddiman Avenue from the Bear Lake Channel, take Second Street south to Lake Avenue and the park.
The Community Paddle is open to anyone with a kayak, canoe, standup paddle board or other paddle craft. Those not having a kayak to paddle can still participate as again Guy DeBor of Guys Ultimate Kayak Service will have kayaks and "river cat" inflatable paddle boats available free-of-charge for the roughly two-hour event. The free rentals are first-come, first-serve while craft are available.