Thursday, September 04, 2014

British Police Arrested Parents for Trying to Rescue Their Daughters from Islamic Rape Gangs

British Police Arrested Parents for Trying to Rescue Their Daughters from Islamic Rape Gangs - Pamela Geller, Atlas Shrugs:
Not only did the British police ignore the victims who came to them for help; they went after the parents who tried to rescue their children.
Is it any surprise that the craven British government banned Robert Spencer and me?
Imagine finding out that your young daughter is being regularly gang-raped by a mob of Muslim pedophiles. 
You go to police, only to be called a racist, a bigot, and a hate-monger. 
When police refuse to help, you go to the house where your daughter is being gang-raped and you try to rescue her. 
The pedophiles then calmly call the police and have you arrested for trying to rescue your daughter from being gang-raped.
This is reality in Rotherham, England. 
And if you don’t approve, you’re a racist, a bigot, and a hate-monger.

WELL, THIS IS COMFORTING: Missing Libyan Jetliners Raise Fears of Suicide Airliner Attacks on 9/11….

Instapundit » Blog Archive » WELL, THIS IS COMFORTING: Missing Libyan Jetliners Raise Fears of Suicide Airliner Attacks on 9/11….:
Missing Libyan Jetliners Raise Fears of Suicide Airliner Attacks on 9/11.
“Mekkaoui said the jets are being held by the Libyan group called Masked Men Brigade, which was designated as a foreign terrorist organization by the State Department in December.”

And this seems poorly timed: Obama Lifts Ban Barring Libyans from US Flight Schools and Nuclear Studies. 

“In a recent interview with Thomas Friedman of The New York Times, Obama admitted he never thought much about what would follow the U.S. air campaign in a post-Gaddafi Libya.”

Ya think?-----Electric vehicle sales are running out of gas

Electric vehicle sales are running out of gas - LA Times:
"Electric car sales are not charging the marketplace.
A new study by online automotive research company suggests the segment may have run out of gas.
Sales of electric drive vehicles are stuck at about 3.6% of all new car sales for 2014, Edmunds senior analyst Jessica Caldwell said.
That's below the 3.7% market share for 2013, and it's not likely to grow any before the end of the year."

Statutory rape victim forced to pay child support

Statutory rape victim forced to pay child support
PHOENIX — Nick Olivas became a father at 14, a fact he wouldn't learn for eight years.
While in high school, Olivas had sex with a 20-year-old woman. As he sees it now, she took advantage of a lonely kid going through a rough patch at home.
State law says a child younger than 15 cannot consent with an adult under any circumstance, making Olivas a rape victim. Olivas didn't press charges and says he didn't realize at the time that it was even something to consider.
The two went their separate ways. Olivas, now 24 and living in Phoenix, graduated from high school, went to college and became a medical assistant.
Then two years ago, the state served him with papers demanding child support. That's how he found out he had a then-6-year-old daughter.
Olivas said he owes about $15,000 in back child support and medical bills going back to the child's birth, plus 10 percent interest. The state seized money from his bank account and is garnisheeing his wages at $380 a month.

Obama Says U.S. Objective Is to ‘Destroy’ Islamic State…but Then Says It Can Be Made a ‘Manageable Problem’ |

Obama Says U.S. Objective Is to ‘Destroy’ Islamic State…but Then Says It Can Be Made a ‘Manageable Problem’ |
"During a joint press conference with Estonian President Hendrik Ives on Wednesday, Obama used the phrase “destroy” in talking about the Islamic State, but later said the United States wanted to make it a “manageable problem.” The two phrases came one week after Obama said the U.S. did not yet have a strategy to defeat the terror group."

Blacks Target Whites with BB Guns in Central Park; Obama, Holder, Other Race Hustlers Silent

Blacks Target Whites with BB Guns in Central Park; Obama, Holder, Other Race Hustlers Silent:
Incidents of racially motivated crimes against Whites by Blacks seem to be on the rise, especially since the race hustlers descended upon Ferguson, Missouri playing judge, jury and executioner against Officer Darren Wilson. 
.....Since Ferguson, former Marine Ralph Weems was brutally beaten by a group of blacks out of revenge for the Michael Brown shooting in Ferguson. Weems simply made the mistake of the ‘the wrong color’ at the ‘wrong restaurant.’ Left unconscious after the beating, he was placed in a medically induced coma and it is feared that he will have brain damage.
Recently, a report came out of New York of the NYPD’s Hate Crime division investigating numerous incidents of white people being attacked by black people wielding BB guns and shouting anti-white statements.
One victim, a 36 year old woman, was shot in the back of the head as she jogged through Central Park after midnight. The victim said there was a group of five black people, three men and two women, who were laughing and pointing when she turned around after being shot. According to police sources, one of the perpetrators said, “You white bitch.” The victim, who has been told the BB must remain permanently lodged in the soft tissue of the back of her head because it is too difficult to remove, said the attackers yelled other things including, “White people must die.”

Your morning get-up-and-go!------Epic Patty Cake Song (I'll Think Of You)

History for September 4

History for September 4 -
Henry Ford II 1917, Paul Harvey 1918

Dick York 1928,  Damon Wayans 1960BeyoncĂ© Knowles (Destiny's Child) 1981 

1781 - Los Angeles, CA, was founded by Spanish settlers. The original name was "El Pueblo de Nuestra Senora La Reina de Los Angeles de Porciuncula," which translates as "The Town of the Queen of Angels." 

1882 - Thomas Edison's Pearl Street electric power station began operations in New York City. It was the first display of a practical electrical lighting system. 

1885 - The Exchange Buffet opened in New York City. It was the first self-service cafeteria in the U.S. 

1886 - Geronimo, and the Apache Indians he led, surrendered in Skeleton Canyon in Arizona to Gen. Nelson Miles. 

1888 - George Eastman registered the name "Kodak" and patented his roll-film camera. The camera took 100 exposures per roll. 

1923 - The first American dirigible, the "Shenandoah," began its maiden voyage in Lakehurst, NJ

1957 - The Arkansas National Guard was ordered by DEMOCRAT Governor Orval Faubus to keep nine black students from going into Little Rock's Central High School. 

1957 - The Ford Motor Company began selling the Edsel. The car was so unpopular that it was taken off the market only two years. 

1967 - "Gilligan's Island" aired for the last time on CBS-TV. It ran for 98 shows. 

1967 - Michigan Gov. George Romney said during a TV interview that he had undergone "brainwashing" by U.S. officials while visiting Vietnam in 1965. 

1971 - "The Lawrence Welk Show" was seen for the last time on ABC-TV. 

1998 - The International Monetary Fund approved a $257 million loan for the Ukraine. 

1998 - While in Ireland, U.S. President Clinton said the words "I'm sorry" for the first time about his affair with Monica Lewinsky and described his behavior as indefensible. 

Wednesday, September 03, 2014



There’s a campaign on line, conducted by Liberty Alliance, to send 48,000 golf tees to the White House.
Each tee represents one minute of play by our president.  The site states, “Since 2009, President Obama has played 200 rounds of golf.  Since that time, Tiger Woods has played 269 rounds. At Obama’s current pace, he will soon have played more golf than TigerWoods!”  After I let that sink in, I considered sending golf balls.

U.S. Government Lost Track of 6,000 Foreign Nationals

U.S. Government Lost Track of 6,000 Foreign Nationals:
"Officials at the federal agency told ABC News there are more than 58,000 students who overstayed their visas over the past year. Approximately 6,000 of those foreign nationals were referred to Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents for “follow-up,” as they’re of “heightened concern.”

Steven Sotloff: Proud “Jewish” Supporter of HAMAS, ISIS, Rebels; His Anti-US Friends & Their Attacks on Me; “Deeply Loved Islam”

Steven Sotloff: Proud “Jewish” Supporter of HAMAS, ISIS, Rebels; His Anti-US Friends & Their Attacks on Me; “Deeply Loved Islam”:
"**** UPDATE: Steven Sotloff: ISIS’ Beheaded Anti-Israel Jew Converted to Islam Years Ago; “Hated” Israel ****

stevensotloffisisbeheading2The newly-beheaded Steven Sotloff lost his head long ago.
He was an Islamopandering schmuck who learned Arabic, bragged about loving “Islamic culture” (an oxymoron), loved HAMAS and ISIS, and was an Arab Spring Breaker (my name for all the reporters hanging out in the Middle East cheering on various Muslim rebels and their disastrous consequences).
Everything he did was part of his vocation: serving as an apologist for jihad and supporting not just Muslims, but the most extreme Muslims he could find, especially the terrorist variety.
Even as he was living and studying in Israel, Sotloff praised the election of HAMAS into power and made a habit of attacking Israel at every chance.
I know this because a little over a week ago, I was contacted by some of his friends, many of them anti-American, far-left schmucks.
And then I learned more from others who knew him even better (see the letter I received below)."

5 Feminist Myths That Will Not Die

MYTH 4: One in five in college women will be sexually assaulted.

FACTS: This incendiary figure is everywhere in the media today. Journalists, senators and even President Obama cite it routinely. Can it be true that the American college campus is one of the most dangerous places on earth for women?

The one-in-five figure is based on the Campus Sexual Assault Study, commissioned by the National Institute of Justice and conducted from 2005 to 2007. Two prominent criminologists, Northeastern University’s James Alan Fox and Mount Holyoke College’s Richard Moran, have noted its weaknesses:

“The estimated 19% sexual assault rate among college women is based on a survey at two large four-year universities, which might not accurately reflect our nation’s colleges overall. In addition, the survey had a large non-response rate, with the clear possibility that those who had been victimized were more apt to have completed the questionnaire, resulting in an inflated prevalence figure.”

Fox and Moran also point out that the study used an overly broad definition of sexual assault. Respondents were counted as sexual assault victims if they had been subject to “attempted forced kissing” or engaged in intimate encounters while intoxicated.

Defenders of the one-in-five figure will reply that the finding has been replicated by other studies. But these studies suffer from some or all of the same flaws. Campus sexual assault is a serious problem and will not be solved by statistical hijinks.

The White House’s Less-Than-Clear Answer on When Obama Knew About the Danger Posed by the Islamic State |

The White House’s Less-Than-Clear Answer on When Obama Knew About the Danger Posed by the Islamic State |
"President Barack Obama had detailed information about the severity of the danger posed by the Islamic State a year before the Sunni militant group took over large amounts of territory in Iraq, a former Pentagon official told Fox News."

Same DOJ that took 30 DAYS to get to Benghazi Takes HOURS to Begin Investigating Celebrities’ Leaked Photos

Same DOJ that took 30 DAYS to get to Benghazi Takes HOURS to Begin Investigating Celebrities’ Leaked Photos:
"Again, I fully support the FBI (or any other appropriate law enforcement agency) investigating the security breach that revealed the nude pictures of dozens of young women. What I take issue with, however, is the lack of such cooperation Americans routinely receive from this hyper-partisan Department of Justice headed by President Obama and his Attorney General, Eric Holder."

GR? Detroit???-----2014′s Best and Worst Places to Retire
2014's Best and Worst Places to Retire

To help Americans find the best places to retire, WalletHub analyzed the 150 largest cities in the United States across 25 key metrics. 
They range from cost of living to job prospects for workers aged 65 and older to the availability of recreational activities. The study also includes an examination of each city’s quality of life and health care conditions. 
By highlighting the most retirement- and wallet-friendly cities, WalletHub aims to ease the process of finding a new place to call home.

Report: Nearly a Dozen Commercial Airliners Missing Ahead of 9/11 Anniversary After Islamists Overrun Libyan Airport |

Report: Nearly a Dozen Commercial Airliners Missing Ahead of 9/11 Anniversary After Islamists Overrun Libyan Airport |
“There are a number of commercial airliners in Libya that are missing. … We found out on September 11 what can happen with hijacked planes,” one official reportedly told the Washington Free Beacon.
The aircraft were reportedly stolen in August after Islamists took control of the Tripoli International Airport. It was later reported that 11 commercial jetliners were missing."

The 20 Best Quotes From Greg Gutfeld

The 20 Best Quotes From Greg Gutfeld - John Hawkins - Page 1
18) "The great writer Michael Moynihan calls it the 'free breakfast' theory of tyrant love. 
All an evil scumbag has to do is offer something seemingly free, and somehow celebrities forgive all the other awful things they did. 
You raped my sister but bought the city a pig? 
It's a push."
15) "You know you're getting close to the truth when someone is calling you a racist."
6) "America is positively no longer a melting pot. We're a giant wallet waiting to be picked."
2) "The moment People of Color stop thinking about color, the cool racist loses his clout. 
And their radical agenda is dead -- which is why they must perpetuate the hate."

Fast-food workers plan acts of civil disobedience

Fast-food workers plan acts of civil disobedience - The Washington Post
 McDonald’s, Wendy’s and other fast-food restaurants are expected to be targeted with acts of civil disobedience that could lead to arrests Thursday as labor organizers escalate their campaign to unionize the industry’s workers.
Kendall Fells, an organizing director for Fast Food Forward, said in an interview that workers in a couple of dozen cities were trained to peacefully engage in civil disobedience ahead of this week’s planned protests.
Fells declined to say what exactly is in store for the protests in around 150 U.S. cities. But workers involved in the movement recently cited sit-ins as an example of strategies they could use to intensify their push for higher pay and unionization. Past protests have targeted a couple of restaurants in each city.
The “Fight for $15” campaign is being backed by the Service Employees International Union and has gained national attention at a time when growing income disparities have become a hot political issue.
President Obama and others have said raising wages for those at the bottom of the economic ladder could help strengthen the middle class.

Lois Lerner Caught Granting Muslim Brotherhood Front Groups Tax Exempt Status

Lois Lerner Caught Granting Muslim Brotherhood Front Groups Tax Exempt Status | The Minority Report Blog:
So it appears that Lois Lerner was not only targeting Tea Party and Conservative groups for denial or delay of their applications for tax exempt status, Lerner was at the same time speeding and green lighting the tax exempt status of Muslim Brotherhood groups. 
Lois Lerner is the most despicable of aparachecks who used her position to attack Americans who support the U.S. Constitution and to aid those who would see the United States under Sharia Law.
Read the story with scans of approval documents with Lois Lerner’s signature from

Why not? It's working fabulous for Detroit.(it really is!)-------Why Illinois should file for bankruptcy

Prove you're fiscally criminal and the federal (and state) moolah comes rollin' in!
Why Illinois should file for bankruptcy | Rare
From the more than 1,000 politicians (including three former governors) convicted of corruption, to the virtually-insolvent defined-benefit teachers pension that is likely underfunded to the tune of $76 billion, Illinois is in deep trouble. 
So fiscally feckless is the Land of Lincoln is that it makes California seem financially responsible in comparison.
Prairie State politicians are actually attempting to make some fiscally-sensible decisions to whittle down its pension and retired civil servant healthcare liabilities.
Those efforts are being successfully opposed in the courts by public-sector unions such as the American Federation of State County and Municipal Employees and affiliates of the nation’s Big Two teachers’ unions.
The most-likely solution for Illinois to finally address its long-term burdens – and force public-sector unions to agree to them – is to follow the example set by woe-begotten Detroit last year and file for bankruptcy protection.