Thursday, September 18, 2014

My God, EVERYONE in government is listening to ALL of our private communication! And non-government crooks too!-----Who Is Running Phony Cell Phone Towers Around The United States?

Who Is Running Phony Cell Phone Towers Around The United States? | Popular Science
Since filing an amicus brief with the EFF on the first case in the country challenging the constitutionality of "Stingray" surveillance in 2012, the ACLU has used press reporting and analysis of government records to establish that 43 different state and local law enforcement agencies in 18 states have the technology
On the federal level, at least 12 agencies have purchased interceptors, including the National Security Agency, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Drug Enforcement Administration, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives, and all the branches of the U.S. military. 
But amidst this thicket of government and police surveillance, security experts cannot rule out the possibility that foreign spies or criminal hackers are also using the cell tower simulators in the United States
The most sophisticated interceptors cost roughly $100,000, though a skilled, determined hacker could cobble together a basic interceptor for less than $2,000.
ESD America CEO Les Goldsmith says that we don't know for sure who's using the interceptors, but he speculates that owners might be the U.S. government, foreign spies, or possibly criminal hackers.

DISGUSTING, LYING DEMOCRATS------Rush Limbaugh strikes back at DCCC

Rush Limbaugh strikes back at DCCC -
Glicklich says those remarks were taken out of context. Whatever the case, some people found the DCCC's efforts to fundraise off Limbaught's remarks unseemly. (The email directed recipients to a form where they were required to fill out their email address and had the option of supplying their zip code. After giving their information to the DCCC, they are redirected to ActBlue and asked for a donation, preferably recurring weekly.)
"Using rape to build lists is just wrong, and they'd slam any Republican doing it," one Democratic campaign strategist wrote in an email. "Limbaugh's comments are disgusting, and should be called out, but this is the wrong way of doing it."
Glicklich similarly condemned the DCCC's tactics: "Even for the partisan DCCC, this reprehensible behavior reaches a new low," he said. "They should apologize to women everywhere, and donate the funds they raised by this fiction to the real victims of sexual violence. We are waiting for their explanation."
The full transcript of Limbaugh's remarks, as provided by Glicklich, follows:
"Consent must be freely given, can be withdrawn at any time, and the absence of 'no' does not mean 'yes.'" How many of you guys, in your own experience with women, have learned that "no" means "yes" if you know how to spot it? Let me tell you something. In this modern world, that is simply not tolerated. People aren't even gonna try to understand that one. I mean, it used to be said it was a cliche. It used to be part of the advice young boys were given.   See, that's what we gotta change. We have got to reprogram the way we raise men. Why do you think permission every step of the way, clearly spelling out "why"... are all of these not lawsuits just waiting to happen if even one of these steps is not taken?
UPDATE (4:07 p.m.): Emily Bittner, the Communications Director at the DCCC, emails:
The world according to Rush Limbaugh: women who use the birth control pill are ‘sluts,’ ‘no means yes if you know how to spot it,’ and anyone who dares question him is ‘reprehensible.’ There’s no context where no means yes, and that’s why thousands of Americans are responding to our petition demanding that his sponsors to pull their advertising.

Child abuse!------Debt and Deficits in CBO’s Updated Budget Outlook: 2014 to 2024

Debt and Deficits in CBO’s Updated Budget Outlook: 2014 to 2024 | Mercatus:
"This week’s charts use data from the Congressional Budget Office’s (CBO) recently released update to its Budget and Economic Outlook to show the trends and components of projected debt and deficit increases.
The charts show that debt and deficits will continue to grow over the coming decade..."

History for September 18

History for September 18 -
Samuel Johnson 1709, Greta Garbo 1905, Eddie "Rochester" Anderson 1905 

Robert Blake 1938, Fred Willard 1939, Frankie Avalon 1939 

1759 - The French formally surrendered Quebec to the British. 

1789 - Alexander Hamilton negotiated and secured the first loan for the United States. The Temporary Loan of 1789 was repaid on June 8, 1790 at the sum of $191,608.81. 

1830 - The "Tom Thumb", the first locomotive built in America, raced a horse on a nine-mile course. The horse won when the locomotive had some mechanical difficulties. 

1850 - The Fugitive Slave Act was declared by the U.S. Congress. The act allowed slave owners to claim slaves that had escaped into other states. 

1927 - Columbia Phonograph Broadcasting System made its debut with its network broadcast over 16 radio stations. The name was later changed to CBS. 

1947 - The United States Air Force was established as a separate military branch by the National Security Act. 

1955 - The "Ed Sullivan Show" began on CBS-TV. The show had been "The Toast of the Town" since 1948. 

1963 - "The Patty Duke Show" premiered on ABC-TV. 

1981 - A museum honoring former U.S. President Ford was dedicated in Grand Rapids, MI

1997 - Ted Turner, U.S. Media magnate, announced that over the next ten years he would give $1 billion to the United Nations. 

1998 - The U.S. House Judiciary Committee voted to release to videotape of President Clinton's grand jury testimony from August 17. 

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Steal from our veterans. Get a "get out of jail free" card------VA Manager Steals From Veterans To Build Dream House

VA Manager Steals From Veterans To Build Dream House | The Daily Caller:
"A former Veterans Affairs supervisor has been sentenced for stealing up to $20,000 of government property, a recent Justice Department release announced.
From 2010 to 2013, 48-year-old Venita Godfrey-Scott directed her employees to use materials and supplies intended for VA medical center upkeep on her own house.
These taxpayer-funded home improvement projects included “a deck in her backyard, carpet installation, and various kitchen, bathroom and basement improvements.”
She also instructed employees to buy other necessary materials with her government-issued credit card, and had them work on these projects during normal work hours, when they were being paid by the VA.
Godfrey-Scott was a facilities supervisor, responsible for “carpentry, paint, locks, doors, and other minor construction projects,” for the VA Medical Center in West Haven, Conn. (RELATED: VA Medical Center Coke Ring Busted)
She plead guilty to the charges in May 2014.
While she faced a maximum sentence of 10 years in prison, she will serve only four years of probation, and 120 hours of community service. "

Peeling a very expensive onion-----Michigan Supreme Court must hear no-fault FOIA case

Michigan Supreme Court must hear no-fault FOIA case - Politics Blog - The Detroit News:
"Several states have no-fault auto insurance, by which insurers pay the medical bills of people injured in auto accidents regardless of whose fault the accident is.
Michigan is the only state in the nation in which this reimbursement is unlimited.

This has led in part to Michigan’s highest-in-the-nation auto insurance rates. Adding fiscal insult to bodily injury is that victims of auto accidents in no-fault states use more medical services and pay higher prices for the same services used by other patients.

The real problem, however, is the Michigan Catastrophic Claims Association (MCCA.) This legislatively-created body is made up of the state’s automobile insurance companies and manages the state’s catastrophic claims fund. The MCCA figures in order to keep the no-fault pool adequately funded, Michigan auto owners must pay an extra $186 for their auto insurance, per vehicle, per year. In this manner, the MCCA has collected a hefty $15 billion in assets for the state’s catastrophic claims fund. 

The MCCA denied a Freedom of Information Act request for its secret formula filed by the Coalition Protecting Auto No-Fault (C-PAN) and the Brain Injury Association of Michigan (BIAMI.) Both groups are clearly on the side of keeping no-fault insurance intact, yet they cite a study which shows Michigan auto owners may be paying 15 percent more than we have to to keep the MCCA properly funded. They may be right. In 2012, for example, the MCCA reportedly took in $69 million more than it paid out.

Ted Cruz Says Obama’s Plan for Islamic State is ‘Defined by Its Confusion’ |

Ted Cruz Says Obama’s Plan for Islamic State is ‘Defined by Its Confusion’ |
"Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) had harsh words for the Obama administration’s plan to fight the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria, after a hearing in which Obama’s military strategists said there is no military solution to the terrorist group.
“The Obama administration’s plan to combat ISIS is defined by its confusion,” Cruz said after a Senate Armed Services Committee hearing, referring to one of the acronyms used for the Islamic State."

Morons teaching our kids. Never heard 'bout this on NPR.........Wisconsin school district spends $167k on lawyers before dropping $8k dispute

Wisconsin school district spends $167k on lawyers before dropping $8k dispute -
FREDONIA, Wis. – Taxpayers in Wisconsin’s Northern Ozaukee School District are learning a very expensive lesson about public school spending.

Money_Down_The_Toilet 337x244Residents of the small town of Fredonia recently learned the district has already spent roughly $167,000 in legal fees on an $8,000 lawsuit over a storm water dispute with a school neighbor, who is also a school board member, Fox6 reports.
Board member and adjacent property owner Kendall Thistle “says it all started back in 2006, when a new residential development caused excess storm water to flow across the school’s property and onto his. So Thistle built a berm to protect his farm,” the news site reports.
“The school district says that berm caused flooding on school property” and created a safety hazard for students, and paid $8,000 to fix the problem permanently, according to Fox6.
The district also voted to sue the Thistles to recover the money in February 2011, and the case has been tied up in the courts since. After three years of legal wrangling, ballooning legal costs eventually convinced school board members to drop the lawsuit this May.
Ozaukee County Judge Paul Malloy scolded district officials over the “imprudent” lawsuit this spring, pointing out the obvious fact that it “never should have gotten this far” and the district elected leaders will “need to answer to their electorate,” Fox6 reports.

Common sense. Not hysteria. What a concept!-------5 Things About Bobby Jindal’s Energy Plan

5 Things About Bobby Jindal’s Energy Plan - WSJ
Gov. Bobby Jindal of Louisiana hopes to emerge as a leading policy thinker in the field of potential GOP presidential candidates. He released an energy plan Tuesday that in some ways is more nuanced and moderate than ideas espoused by other candidates. The 43-year-old governor’s energy plan includes a number of proposals championed by other Republicans, including expanded domestic energy production and the elimination of environmental regulations that target coal-fired power plants. Here’s five more surprising things you should know.




Mr. Jindal calls to gradually phase out a federal mandate requiring increasingly large amounts of biofuels, mainly from corn-based ethanol, to be blended into the nation’s gasoline supply. Considered the bellwether for presidential politics, Iowa is also the country’s biggest producer of corn and this mandate is considered a sacred cow in the state. Signaling the importance of this mandate to presidential politics the last go-around, then-GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney’s energy plan supported it in 2012.


Renewable energy, including wind and solar, get a fair bit of ink in the report, but Mr. Jindal’s recommendations don’t include some of the biggest priorities for the industries, including extending the production tax credit for the wind industry or pushing a federal renewable portfolio standard. Still, his commitment to renewables is more than a lot of other Republicans, and his long-term goals for the industry, including reforming the tax code and other financing mechanisms, could help boost renewables.


Mr. Jindal also has a whole section devoted to climate change, which is more than most Republicans have given the issue.
But he takes positions directly at odds with environmentalists—and, likely, with whoever becomes the Democratic presidential nominee—by questioning the role humans play in global warming and calling on the U.S. to withdraw from climate talks led by the United Nations.

He look like Obama's son?------Yolanda Reyes homicide: Witness says co-worker Shawn Jarrett was particularly 'friendly' to victim

No marches?
No wall to wall TV coverage?
No screams of racism?!!!
Just another day of black on white crime in the crazy land we call America.
Yolanda Reyes homicide: Witness says co-worker Shawn Jarrett was particularly 'friendly' to victim |

 "WALKER, MI -- Convicted murderer Shawn Jarrett was particularly "friendly" to co-worker Yolanda Reyes in the days before the Grand Rapids mother went missing and later turned up dead, newly released court documents show.
.....Detectives said Reyes' homicide has many similarities to other crimes that Jarrett committed in the past. 
In two of three assaults, he knew the victims and, in fact, was their next-door neighbor.
Following the 1982 homicide of a neighbor in Pennsylvania, Jarrett tried to get rid of three stolen watches. 
One of those belonged to the victim, police said."

EPA Doubles Number of Coal Plant Closings

EPA Doubles Number of Coal Plant Closings:
"In the run-up to the “People’s Climate March” scheduled for September 21, the non-partisan U.S, General Accountability Office (GAO) just doubled its estimate for coal plants expected to retired to comply with the Obama Administration’s new Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) over the next decade.
EPA recently proposed or finalized four regulations that will negatively impact coal-fired generation that provides 37% of America’s electricity.
New regulations include:

(1) Cross-State Air Pollution Rule;
(2) Mercury and Air Toxics Standards;
(3) Cooling Water Intake Structures regulation; and
(4) Disposal of Coal Combustion Residuals regulation.

The GAO in 2012 stated that “between 2000 and 2011, 150 coal-fueled units with a total net summer generating capacity of 13,786 MW have been retired.” The GAO said that in response to regulations and factors such as low natural gas prices, companies might retire or retrofit about 7%, or one in 13 existing coal-fueled plants.
The GAO warned at the time that these actions may “increase electricity prices” and “affect reliability–-the ability to meet consumers' demand—-in some regions.” 
.....The updated impact will result in the loss of 42,192 megawatts, over three times the amount of production shuttered between 2000 and 2011. GAO emphasized “This level of retirements is significantly more retirements than have occurred in the past.”
....Residential utility rates rose in every year of the Obama Administration according to the U.S. Energy Information Agency (EIA).

See Which Countries Islamic State Fighters Are Coming From |

See Which Countries Islamic State Fighters Are Coming From |
"Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty put together the infographic below, drawn from CIA data, showing how many fighters different countries have contributed to the Islamic State’s 30,000-strong army.
It turns out the U.K. and France are contributing more fighters than many Arab nations including Egypt, Libya and Yemen (though on a per-capita basis, Muslim Arab nations lead the world in numbers of Islamic State fighters)."

OUTRAGE: Principal bans and removes American flags from students’ trucks on 9/11

OUTRAGE: Principal bans and removes American flags from students’ trucks on 9/11 - Wounded American Warrior:
"Excerpted from WND: A South Carolina high school principal’s decision to confiscate American flags from students’ vehicles on 9/11 has promoted meetings this week between school officials and outraged students.
WSPA-TV reported Principal Aaron Fulmer removed the flags from vehicles parked at Woodruff High School in Spartanburg, claiming rules forbid anything that creates a disturbance or draws an “unusual amount of attention.”

Obama: My Plan Makes Electricity Rates Skyrocket

And we ain't buildin' no more .........Power grid groans, blackouts roll through L.A. area as heat wave nears peak

Power grid groans, blackouts roll through L.A. area as heat wave nears peak - LA Times:
"Power outages linked to L.A.'s intense heat wave rolled across the city Tuesday.
As temperatures approached dangerous highs, harried crews restored service to one area only to be sent to another blackout.
The scorching heat wave has pushed demand for electricity to an all-time high, and the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power dispatched extra crews to respond to damaged equipment that had left thousands of customers without service.
As of 10 a.m., there were 3,300 customers without power, most of them in Los Feliz and Hollywood."

Ummm. An inconvenient truth?----Study: Domestic Violence Is A Widespread Scourge Among Latino Families

Study: Domestic Violence Is A Widespread Scourge Among Latino Families | Fox News Latino

Domestic violence is extremely widespread among Hispanic families, according to a study released Monday by the Allstate Foundation.
Sixty-four percent of respondents in a nationwide survey of Hispanic women said they personally knew a victim of abuse, while 30 percent admitted to having been abused themselves.
Asked whether physical, sexual, emotional or financial abuse was their reason for escaping from a dangerous relationship, 88 percent put physical abuse in first place, while 39 percent named financial abuse.

Read it all and demand change before it is too late-----The War on Poverty Has Been a Colossal Flop

The War on Poverty Has Been a Colossal Flop

Today, the U.S. Census Bureau will release its annual report on poverty. This report is noteworthy because this year marks the 50th anniversary of President Lyndon Johnson’s launch of the War on Poverty. 
Liberals claim that the War on Poverty has failed because we didn’t spend enough money. 
Their answer is just to spend more. 
But the facts show otherwise.Since its beginning, U.S. taxpayers have spent $22 trillion on Johnson’s War on Poverty (in constant 2012 dollars). Adjusting for inflation, that’s three times more than was spent on all military wars since the American Revolution.
The federal government currently runs more than 80 means-tested welfare programs. 
These programs provide cash, food, housing and medical care to low-income Americans. 
Federal and state spending on these programs last year was $943 billion. (These figures do not include Social Security, Medicare, or Unemployment Insurance.)

One third of the U.S. population received aid from at least one welfare program at an average cost of $9,000 per recipient in 2013.

Over 100 million people, about one third of the U.S. population, received aid from at least one welfare program at an average cost of $9,000 per recipient in 2013.
If converted into cash, current means-tested spending is five times the amount needed to eliminate all poverty in the U.S.
But today the Census will almost certainly proclaim that around 14 percent of Americans are still poor. The present poverty rate is almost exactly the same as it was in 1967 a few years after the War on Poverty started. Census data actually shows that poverty has gotten worse over the last 40 years.
How is this possible? How can the taxpayers spend $22 trillion on welfare while poverty gets worse?
The answer is it isn’t possible.  Census counts a family as poor if its income falls below specified thresholds. But in counting family “income,” Census ignores nearly the entire $943 billion welfare state.

For most Americans, the word “poverty” means significant material deprivation, an inability to provide a family with adequate nutritious food, reasonable shelter and clothing. But only a small portion of the more than 40 million people labelled as poor by Census fit that description.

The typical family that Census identifies as poor has air conditioning, cable or satellite TV, and a computer in its home.

The The media frequently associate the idea of poverty with being homeless. But less than two percent of the poor are homeless.  Only one in ten live in mobile homes. The typical house or apartment of the poor is in good repair and uncrowded; it is actually larger than the average dwelling of non-poor French, Germans or English.
According to government surveys, the typical family that Census identifies as poor has air conditioning, cable or satellite TV, and a computer in his home. Forty percent have a wide screen HDTV and another 40 percent have internet access. Three quarters of the poor own a car and roughly a third have two or more cars. (These numbers are not the result of the current bad economy pushing middle class families into poverty; instead, they reflect a steady improvement in living conditions among the poor for many decades.)

There Were 124 Reports on Bush’s Approval Rating in First Half of 2006 — Compare That to Reports on Obama’s in First Half of 2014: ‘Incredible’ |

There Were 124 Reports on Bush’s Approval Rating in First Half of 2006 — Compare That to Reports on Obama’s in First Half of 2014: ‘Incredible’ |
"The media study appears to have originated at the Media Research Center, which analyzed past ABC, CBS and NBC evening newscasts earlier this month to determine how many times public opinion polls were referenced for each president during the specified time frame:"



Headline of the day!------Muskegon's Pere Marquette is not a nude beach: Man charged with indecent exposure

Muskegon's Pere Marquette is not a nude beach: Man charged with indecent exposure | "MUSKEGON, MI – It's fairly common knowledge that Pere Marquette Beach in Muskegon is not a "clothing-optional" attraction.
But Kevin Donald Majeski, 50, thought he had reason enough when he allegedly stood next to a black Cadillac on Sept. 2 around 4:30 p.m. along Beach Street completely naked, according to Muskegon Chief Assistant Prosecutor Timothy Maat.
He's since been banned from the beach for the rest of the year, Maat said, and was charged with a misdemeanor."