Sunday, September 28, 2014

Senator Tom Coburn Outs Members of Congress and They Aren’t Going to Like It

Senator Tom Coburn Outs Members of Congress and They Aren’t Going to Like It:

"The Daily Caller reports that Coburn shared with Ingraham the reason the American people do not trust Congress is because members of Congress lie to them; they are dishonest. He added, “ the continuing resolution [...] we’re $47 billion above what we said we would be [in the Ryan-Murray bill].”
Incredulously, Ingraham asked, “So, we were lied to about how this will all be funded?"

A Call for a Low-Carb Diet That Embraces Fat

A Call for a Low-Carb Diet That Embraces Fat -
People who avoid carbohydrates and eat more fat, even saturated fat, lose
more body fat and have fewer cardiovascular risks than people who follow
the low-fat diet
that health authorities have favored for decades, a major
new study shows.
....By the end of the yearlong trial, people in the low-carbohydrate group
had lost about eight pounds more on average than those in the low-fat
They had significantly greater reductions in body fat than the low-fat
group, and improvements in lean muscle mass — even though neither group
changed their levels of physical activity.
While the low-fat group did lose weight, they appeared to lose more
muscle than fat.
“They actually lost lean muscle mass, which is a bad thing,”
Mozaffarian said.
“Your balance of lean mass versus fat mass is much more
important than weight.
And that’s a very important finding that shows why
the low-carb, high-fat group did so metabolically well.”
The high-fat group followed something of a modified Atkins diet.
They were told to eat mostly protein and fat, and to choose foods with primarily
unsaturated fats, like fish, olive oil and nuts. But they were allowed to eat
foods higher in saturated fat as well, including cheese and red meat.

‘Good Guy With a Gun’ Stops Second Beheading… Leftstream Media Forgets to Mention That

‘Good Guy With a Gun’ Stops Second Beheading… Leftstream Media Forgets to Mention That:

"While the liberal media is willing to report that a woman was gruesomely decapitated in what President Obama would likely call another case of “workplace violence,” so many news outlets have glossed-over the details of the motive for the beheading: the assailant was Muslim who sought to wreak vengeance upon supposed infidels."

Holi crapoli! Morons "protecting" the president?!!!-------Secret Service fumbled response after gunman hit White House residence in 2011

Secret Service fumbled response after gunman hit White House residence in 2011 - The Washington Post: 
"The gunman parked his black Honda directly south of the White House, in the dark of a November night, in a closed lane of Constitution Avenue. 
He pointed his semiautomatic rifle out of the passenger window, aimed directly at the home of the president of the United States, and pulled the trigger.
A bullet smashed a window on the second floor, just steps from the first family’s formal living room. Another lodged in a window frame, and more pinged off the roof, sending bits of wood and concrete to the ground. 
At least seven bullets struck the upstairs residence of the White House, flying some 700 yards across the South Lawn.
.....Snipers on the roof, standing just 20 feet from where one bullet struck, scanned the South Lawn through their rifle scopes for signs of an attack. 
With little camera surveillance on the White House perimeter, it was up to the Secret Service officers on duty to figure out what was going on.
Then came an order that surprised some of the officers. 
“No shots have been fired. . . . Stand down,” a supervisor called over his radio. 
He said the noise was the backfire from a nearby construction vehicle."
....By the end of that Friday night, the agency had confirmed a shooting had occurred but wrongly insisted the gunfire was never aimed at the White House. 
Instead, Secret Service supervisors theorized, gang members in separate cars got in a gunfight near the White House’s front lawn — an unlikely scenario in a relatively quiet, touristy part of the nation’s capital.
It took the Secret Service four days to realize that shots had hit the White House residence, a discovery that came about only because a housekeeper noticed broken glass and a chunk of cement on the floor.

Soooo, electricity rates are soooo low that DTE has extra moolah to fund Detroit festivals?--------Dlectricity ready to light up Midtown Detroit with art, shows, bike parade this weekend

Dlectricity ready to light up Midtown Detroit with art, shows, bike parade this weekend | Crain's Detroit Business:
"Organizers and artists are working hard to make sure Midtown Detroit lights up this weekend for Dlectricity, the nighttime festival of art and light.
The free outdoor festival, which runs 7 p.m. to midnight Friday and Saturday, is part of the weeklong Detroit Design Festival, is presented by DTE Energy Co. and produced by Midtown Detroit Inc. "

Green Energy Claims are More About Hype Than About Hope

Green Energy Claims are More About Hype Than About Hope:

"According to the head of the Environmental Protection Agency, the more regulations they issue the more it improves our economy.
Here’s a new absurdity—a claim that more regulations improves our economy."

Shouldn't mass murderers save the planet too?------5 Ways ISIS Can Reduce Its Carbon Footprint

5 Ways ISIS Can Reduce Its Carbon Footprint | ClickHole

OH, FUCK OFF: Chicago Police Detective: Encryption Makes The iPhone The “Phone Of Choice For The Pedophile…

Instapundit » Blog Archive » 
Chicago Police Detective: Encryption Makes The iPhone The “Phone Of Choice For The Pedophile.”
"John J. Escalante, you’re a sorry excuse for a putz, if that’s the best you have to offer.
The truth is, we think you, and your colleagues, are all too likely to be cheats and liars.
And the evidence — especially in Chicago, of all wretched hives of official scum and villainy — seems to support that."

GOP Lawmaker Urges Generals to Rebel Against Obama and His Policies

GOP Lawmaker Urges Generals to Rebel Against Obama and His Policies:

"According to reports, Colorado Republican Rep. Doug Lamborn, who sits on the House Armed Services Committee, has called upon generals and other top military officials to refuse to put up with Obama’s micromanaging and social experimentation and resign rather than serve under a president who so clearly holds a disdain for those who wear the uniform."

Sad Dog Diary

History for September 28

History for September 28 -
Confucius 551 B.C. - Teacher and philosopher, Georges Clemenceau (France) 1841, Ed Sullivan 1902 

Alfred Gerald Caplin (Al Capp) 1909, Arnold Stang 1925, Brigitte Bardot 1934 

1781 - During the Revolutionary War, American forces began the siege on Yorktown, VA

1850 - The U.S. Navy abolished flogging as a form of punishment. 

1939 - During World War II, Germany and the Soviet Union agreed upon a plan on the division of Poland. 

1961 - "Dr. Kildare" premiered on NBC-TV. 

1961 - "Hazel" premiered on NBC-TV. 

1974 - First Lady Betty Ford underwent a mastectomy to remove a lump in her breast. 

1978 - Heavy fighting occurred in Lebanon between Syrian peacekeeping troops and Lebanese Christian militiamen. 

1991 - In response to U.S. President Bush's reduction of U.S. nuclear arms Soviet President Mikhail S. Gorbachev promised to reciprocate. 

1995 - Yasser Arafat of the PLO and Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin signed an accord that transferred control of the West Bank. 

2000 - The U.S. Federal Drug Administration approved the use of RU-486 in the United States. The pill is used to induce an abortion. 

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Read Ted Cruz’s Joke About Immigration and the White House Fence Jumper That Had an Audience Rolling With Laughter |

Read Ted Cruz’s Joke About Immigration and the White House Fence Jumper That Had an Audience Rolling With Laughter |

“We should insist that ABC, NBC, CBS, they refer to the visitor according to the term that is politically correct, an undocumented White House visitor,” Cruz said Friday, speaking at the Values Voter Summit in Washington."

What, no welcome wagon?

What This Liberal SC Justice Wants To Do To Poor Kids Is The Worst Thing I Can Imagine

What This Liberal SC Justice Wants To Do To Poor Kids Is The Worst Thing I Can Imagine:

"During a recent interview with Elle, Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg discussed the legacy she hopes to leave behind. Perhaps unsurprisingly, she chose the issue of promoting abortions as the realm in which she has been most influential."

Blog: It's All About System Change (to Socialism), Not Climate Change

Blog: It's All About System Change (to Socialism), Not Climate Change:
It is finally out in the open.  
Environmentalism in America has been completely co-opted by the International Socialist Organization (ISO) and the Communist Party USA.  
Climate alarmism is all about killing capitalism and replacing it with a left-wing dictatorship.  “Climate change” is the vehicle to rally useful climate idiots. 
“System Change Not Climate Change” is the new rallying cry for a socialist revolution.
PJ Media’s Zombie writes:
Communists along with a few environmental groups staged a “People’s Climate Rally” in Oakland, California on Sunday, September 21, in conjunction with the larger “People’s Climate March” in New York City on the same day.
Wait — did I say communists? Isn’t that a bit of an exaggeration?
At the New York event, many people noticed that gee, there sure are a lot of communists at this march. But in Oakland — always on the cutting edge — the entire “climate change” movement at last fully, irrevocably and overtly embraced communism as its stated goal. Any concerns about “optics” or operating in “stealth mode” were abandoned.
The “climate change” “crisis” is now nothing but the latest justification for “total revolution” and getting rid of capitalism forever.
Has socialism/communism proven to be a better steward of the environment than capitalism?  NRO’s Kevin Williamson sheds some light on the topic:
Under a system that imposed heavy government regimentation upon the economy, direct government ownership of the “commanding heights” of the economy (and the commanded heights, too), a socialist vision of property, etc., the environmental results were nothing short of catastrophic. Setting aside the direct human costs of socialist environmental policy in the twentieth century — the famines, the deformations, the horrific birth defects — socialism was a disaster from the purely environmental point of view, too.
Mr. Williamson goes on to describe some horrific examples of environmental disasters wrought by the leaders of socialist governments during the twentieth century.  His article is worth a read.
Since capitalism is an economic system separate from government, as opposed to socialism, there are    checks and balances in place.  Some of these come from government regulation (which ideally should be minimal), but are primarily derived from the forces of competition within the market.

Incest a 'fundamental right', German committee says

Incest a 'fundamental right', German committee says - Telegraph
Laws banning incest between brothers and sisters in Germany could be scrapped after a government ethics committee said the they were an unacceptable intrusion into the right to sexual self-determination.
“Criminal law is not the appropriate means to preserve a social taboo,” the German Ethics Council said in a statement. “The fundamental right of adult siblings to sexual self-determination is to be weighed more heavily than the abstract idea of protection of the family.”
Their intervention follows a notorious case in which a brother and sister living as partners in Saxony had four children together. The couple had been raised separately and only met when the brother, identified only as Patrick S, was an adult, and his sister Susan K was 16.

Dem Lieutenant Governor Candidate: Granholm Years 'Weren't As Bad As We Think' [Michigan Capitol Confidential]

Dem Lieutenant Governor Candidate: Granholm Years 'Weren't As Bad As We Think' [Michigan
“I think the Granholm years, you know, weren’t as bad as we think.” – Lisa Brown, the Democratic candidate for lieutenant governor running with Mark Schaueron Sept. 23 during a radio interview on "Michigan’s Big Show," according to Gongwer News Service.
For the Record says: Sounds like someone needs a refresher course on Michigan’s economy, certainly something that won’t be taught in former Gov. Granholm’s University of California-Berkeley class on how to create jobs.
Michigan lost 576,900 jobs during Gov. Granholm's eight-year tenure.
This state led the nation in United Van Lines outbound shipments from 2006 to 2009, signaling an exodus from Michigan.

Why You Won't Even Be Able to Keep Your Obamacare Plan if You Like It

Why You Won't Even Be Able to Keep Your Obamacare Plan if You Like It | Heartlander Magazine

Soon You Can Smell Like a Racist Revolutionary or a Communist Dictator

Soon You Can Smell Like a Racist Revolutionary or a Communist Dictator |
"Mario Valdes is the man who directed the scent team that interfaced with Robertet. He reportedly wanted “Ernesto” to have a woodsy and citrus tone, while “Hugo” smells more like the tropical fruits mango and papaya.
“We didn’t want to create propaganda, but rather pay homage to them and help their names endure,” Valdes told the Guardian."
Life is short...And this is what some people do with their time.

Woman Drowns After Cops Threaten Rescuers With Arrest, Reportedly Fail to Attempt Rescue Themselves

Woman Drowns After Cops Threaten Rescuers With Arrest, Reportedly Fail to Attempt Rescue Themselves - Hit & Run :
A woman in El Paso, Texas, drowned in her car early Monday morning after it got into a drainage ditch. Several bystanders reportedly tried to save the 64-year-old woman but cops stopped them.
"They went and tried to help this lady, they tried to help her, but the police said they can't, they were yelling and everything, I don't wanna say nothing bad about them, I know they give good service here and everything, but I said 'Oh, my God,'" the witness said. "They hit the window on the driver's side, and she tried to get out but there's a fence right there, and she couldn't get out. So she had all that weight with her and all the water inside. The men got scared, they didn't want to leave, they were mad, so they got scared, people were yelling so they had to leave before they got arrested."
The story about police telling men to leave was backed up by several people who live on Vulcan Avenue right next to where the drowning took place. However, KFOX14 cannot confirm if the woman was dead or alive at that time.
The woman was trapped in the car for an hour and a half before police retrieved the body. Police would not comment on the incident, saying Special Traffic Investigations was investigating.