Tuesday, November 25, 2014

The Millions Jon Gruber Got From You, in One Chart

The Millions Jon Gruber Got From You, in One Chart:

"Gruber — whom Obama dismissed Sunday as “some adviser” — raked in $5.9 million in taxpayer dollars through federal and state contracts awarded from 2008 to 2014 by agencies such as the Department of Health and Human Services."

Check out the chart...

Michigan teacher compares Ferguson looting to the Boston Tea Party, cites ‘white privilege’

Michigan teacher compares Ferguson looting to the Boston Tea Party, cites ‘white privilege’ - EAGnews.org:
FERGUSON, Mo. – Activist teachers are already spinning yarns in their classrooms to score political points in the shooting death of Ferguson, Missouri teen Michael Brown.
Ferguson BostonThe unidentified Selma, Alabama teacher who wassuspended for having students reenact the shooting isn’t the only one.
Mike Kaechele, a Grand Rapids, Michigan teacher says the incident, as well as resulting looting and rioting, are a good reminder that “institutional racism has always been” in America.
He writes on his “Concrete Classroom” blog:
The tragic event of the killing of MIchael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri have led to protests and rioting against police brutality. 
It brings to the surface (again) the institutional racism that has always been in our country. 
I think white privilege causes some to look at Ferguson as an excuse for criminal activity rather than a political protest.

Celebrate William F. Buckley’s birthday with his tension-filled Saul Alinsky interview from 1967 (video)

Celebrate William F. Buckley’s birthday with his tension-filled Saul Alinsky interview from 1967 (video) | Video | TheBlaze.com:
"To celebrate the legacy of the man born some 89 years ago today, we thought we would share the following video from the YouTube archives of Buckley interviewing “Rules for Radicals” author Saul Alinsky back in 1967 on Buckley’s “Firing Line” program.
Buckley attempts to cut to the heart of Alinsky’s philosophy, and Alinsky bobs and weaves around Buckley’s jabs, in a characteristically obfuscatory fashion."

The fallacy of memes

The fallacy of memes:
"One of the memes that always gets under my craw and raises my ire is the half-assed stupid memes that have to do with immigration.
You know the one’s I’m talking about, featuring a picture or a cartoon of a Native American that delivers the message that if you don’t want ‘immigration’, then maybe you should consider what was ‘done’ to the Native Americans.
Stop it,
Stop pimping misinformation in order to foment hatred and resentment.
That’s all you’re doing, you aren’t being constructive or helpful or even the least bit informative.
First of all, I don’t know a single person who is against legal immigration. 
No one, of any political stripe; point that American out to me and I’ll show you a minority of one. What smart people are, is against unrestrained, untracked illegal immigration, crossing this country’s borders (we have them, Native Americans didn’t) without permission. 
And doing so is illegal. 
That makes the people who do so law breakers in the eyes of existing law, and it should remain that way.
You cannot have a welfare state (what America has become) and also have open borders.
This is inarguable, unless it is the purpose of said action to reduce the nation to poverty and eradicate its greatness.
Sadly, there are many who seem to want just that thing."

Watch: Store Robbed by Brown Looted on National TV

Watch: Store Robbed by Brown Looted on National TV:
ferguson market looting"Ferguson Market and Liquor, the store that Michael Brown robbed before he was killed by Officer Darren Wilson was looted during the aftermath of the grand jury's decision to not indict Wilson as CNN's cameras rolled on Monday."

BREAKING… Audit CONFIRMS IRS Targeted 292 Conservative Groups – Just 6 Liberal Groups

BREAKING… Audit CONFIRMS IRS Targeted 292 Conservative Groups – Just 6 Liberal Groups | The Gateway Pundit:
The Obama IRS Scandal involves:
** At least 292 conservative groups targeted
** At least 5 pro-Israel groups targeted
** Constitutional groups targeted
** Groups that criticized Obama administration were targeted
** At least two pro-life groups targeted
** A Texas voting-rights group was targeted
** Conservative activists and businesses were targeted.
** At least 88 IRS agents were involved in the targeting scandal
** At least one conservative Hispanic group was targeted
Today the Inspector General confirmed that 292 conservative groups were targeted by the IRS. Only 6 liberal groups were targeted.

We the Peasants... :

We the Peasants... :: SteynOnline:
As Thanksgiving week begins, a couple of turkey nuggets...
~The President's drive-by amnesty for however many bazillion fine upstanding members of the Undocumented-American community is particularly revolting to those of us chumps who were suckered into going through what passes for the legal immigration process in this country. 
Over at Powerline, an immigration lawyer points out one of the consequences of Emperor Barack's proclamation:
The proposed executive action on immigration (or whatever name you want to give it) will allow [illegal aliens] who have US citizen or green-card children and who have been here for five years to apply for some kind of quasi-status and open market work authorization. That would allow them to work for a period of time at any employer, the authorization presumably renewable until they decide to leave or have an option for US permanent resident status (green card status). This, the administration tells us, is fair and just and Biblical – yada/yada.
But this option is explicitly NOT available to those in the US in a valid legal status. There are millions of people in the US who have temporary status – as students or temporary workers or researchers or as investors (lots of Koreans own businesses with E-2 investor visas, for example). These people – many of them have US citizen children and have been here five years. These people who have been here legally and not violated their immigration status – these people are explicitly NOT eligible for open market work authorization, renewable indefinitely.
You must be in violation of the law to benefit from this provision.
That is to say, you must be a law-breaker to enjoy the protections of American law. 
If you're law-abiding, get lost. 

Sprint Wanted to Offer a Facebook-Only Internet Plan for Phones. The Government Blocked It.

Sprint Wanted to Offer a Facebook-Only Internet Plan for Phones. The Government Blocked It.:

"With a stroke of a pen, the networks connecting millions of Americans to the world-wide web would be subject to thousands of regulations, requiring them to obtain FCC permission for the most basic of decisions. The nimble Internet we know would be slowed to the speed of government, and innovation level of a local water company."

#FergusonSyllabus trends, educators to use situation as social justice lesson

#FergusonSyllabus trends, educators to use situation as social justice lesson:
It’s the way many educators across the nation communicated Monday night in the wake of the Ferguson grand jury decision not to indict police officer Darren Wilson for the shooting death of Michael Brown.

Educators talked about bringing up racism in America in their classrooms, and bemoaned how to explain to students this “injustice.”

They Tweeted out progressive curricula. They spoke of anger and pain. They prepped for their lesson plans.

Here’s a taste of what students in kindergarten through college may get Tuesday as the nation awakens to a post-Ferguson world:"

Obama Just Made This List and He’s Not Going to be Happy About it

Obama Just Made This List and He’s Not Going to be Happy About it:
"Maybe this news is why Obama found it necessary to unconstitutionally play dictator with America’s immigration laws. "

The War on Politics-Free Thanksgiving

The War on Politics-Free Thanksgiving - Hit & Run : Reason.com
Last year, if you recall, we had a Michael Bloomberg group giving pointers on—I swear I am not making this up—"Talking Turkey About Guns," while President Barack Obama's Organizing for America group sent out email guides to whipping up familial support for Obamacare. MSNBC's Chris Hayes also got into the act, as did the Democratic National Committee. The year before saw similar efforts from The Huffington Post and NPR.
This year, aside from the usual grim survival tips, we at least have the innovation of The New York Times publishing dinner-table tips from—also not making this up—crisis negotiators. And today the leftysplainers at Vox.com have issued instructions on "How to Survive Your Family's Thanksgiving Arguments." Judging by their entry on Common Core, the answer appears to be "Dodge the criticism, then bore them to death with questionably relevant context." 

Michael Brown’s Mom Reacts to Ferguson Grand Jury Decision: ‘They Think This a ‘F***ing Joke’ | Video | TheBlaze.com

Michael Brown’s Mom Reacts to Ferguson Grand Jury Decision: ‘They Think This a ‘F***ing Joke’ | Video | TheBlaze.com:

"Michael Brown’s mother was captured on video Monday night reacting to the grand jury announcement that Ferguson police officer Daren Wilson would not be indicted for the shooting death of her son.

“You mother***ers think this a joke!” Lesley McSpadden shouted, seemingly directing her outrage toward the area the decision was being broadcasted. “They think this a f***ing joke!”

History for November 25

History for November 25 - On-This-Day.com
Andrew Carnegie 1835, Carry Nation 1846, Joe DiMaggio (MLB) 1914 

Ricardo Montalban 1920, Ben Stein 1944, Amy Grant 1960 

1783 - During the Revolutionary War, the British evacuated New York. New York was their last military position in the U.S. 

1850 - Texas relinquished one-third of its territory in exchange for $10 million from the U.S. to pay its public debts and settle border disputes. 

1867 - Alfred Nobel patented dynamite. 

1884 - J.B. Meyenberg received the patent for evaporated milk. 

1957 - U.S. President Dwight D. Eisenhower suffered a stroke. 

1976 - O.J. Simpson (Buffalo Bills) ran for 273 yards against the Detroit Lions. 

1985 - Ronald W. Pelton was arrested on espionage charges. Pelton was a former employee of the National Security Agency. He was later convicted of 'selling secrets' to Soviet agents. 

1986 - U.S. President Reagan and Attorney Gen. Edwin Meese revealed that profits from secret arms sales to Iran had been diverted to rebels in Nicaragua. National Security Advisor John Poindexter resigned and Oliver North was fired. 

1992 - The Czech parliament voted to split the country into separate Czech and Slovak republics beginning January 1, 1993. 

1998 - The IMF (International Monetary Fund) approved a $5.5 billion bailout for Pakistan.

Live Updates and Video: Ferguson Reacts to Grand Jury’s Decision Not to Indict Officer Darren Wilson | Video | TheBlaze.com

Live Updates and Video: Ferguson Reacts to Grand Jury’s Decision Not to Indict Officer Darren Wilson | Video | TheBlaze.com:

"FERGUSON, Mo. (AP) — A grand jury has decided not to indict Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson in the death of Michael Brown, the unarmed, black 18-year-old whose fatal shooting sparked weeks of sometimes-violent protests.

St. Louis County Prosecuting Attorney Bob McCulloch announced the decision Monday evening. A grand jury of nine whites and three blacks had been meeting weekly since Aug. 20 to consider evidence."

CNN Contributor Makes Incendiary, Unfounded Claim About Michael Brown Shooting — and No One Corrects Her | Video | TheBlaze.com

CNN Contributor Makes Incendiary, Unfounded Claim About Michael Brown Shooting — and No One Corrects Her | Video | TheBlaze.com:

"As the country waited anxiously for the Ferguson, Missouri, grand jury’s decision in the fatal Michael Brown shooting on Monday night, CNN contributor Donna Brazile basically branded officer Darren Wilson a murderer live on the air. Further, the show’s host failed to correct her unfounded statement."

Monday, November 24, 2014

Surprise: Border Crossings Surge With Obama's Legalization Announcement - Katie Pavlich

Surprise: Border Crossings Surge With Obama's Legalization Announcement - Katie Pavlich:

"Last week President Obama announced his plan to legalize at least five million people living illegally in the United States during a primetime address to the nation from the White House. He detailed the plan again last Friday at a Las Vegas high school.

Just before his announcement, law enforcement officers working in and people living along the Texas border with Mexico were already seeing a surge in illegal immigration as a result. From Local ABC 5 news in the Rio Grande Valley: "

‘The Report’s Full of Crap’: GOP Senator Says Benghazi Investigation Is Far From Over | TheBlaze.com

‘The Report’s Full of Crap’: GOP Senator Says Benghazi Investigation Is Far From Over | TheBlaze.com:

"When he was asked on Sunday morning about the Friday report from the Republican-controlled House Intelligence Committee that cleared Obama administration appointees of wrongdoing regarding the 2012 attack on the U.S. diplomatic mission in Benghazi, Libya, Graham didn’t mince his words.

“I think the report’s full of crap,” he told CNN guest host Gloria Borger."

Great Lakes ice cover developing; Earliest in over 40 years

Great Lakes ice cover developing; Earliest in over 40 years | MLive.com:
"Ice is already starting to develop on Michigan's Great Lakes.
This is the earliest ice on some of the Great Lakes in at least 40 years.
According to the Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory, on November 20, 2014, three of Michigan's Great Lakes had ice starting to form.
modis-great-lakes-final.jpgLake Superior and Lake Michigan were one-half percent ice covered, while Lake Huron had one percent ice.
Lake Erie was not reporting any ice as of Nov. 20, 2014.
Decent early season ice coverage records date back to 1973.
Last Friday was the earliest date that all three Great Lakes already had ice since the better reporting of early season ice began.
Lake Superior actually had ice forming on November 15th of this year.
That is the earliest ice on Lake Superior in the good data set.
Lakes Superior, Michigan and Huron had ice 10 days earlier this year than last year.
Lake Superior only had five and a half months without any ice on the lake."

Like your Obamacare plan? HHS may re-enroll you in a different one | WashingtonExaminer.com

Like your Obamacare plan? HHS may re-enroll you in a different one | WashingtonExaminer.com:

"So now HHS is proposing to fix this with another rule that would bump people off their Obamacare plans into plans that, while cheaper, may not meet their needs in terms of deductibles, choice of doctors, or a litany of other factors that drive health insurance choices — unless they navigate the Obamacare exchange each year to pick a new plan."

Unable to find full-time work, millions stringing together part-time jobs

Unable to find full-time work, millions stringing together part-time jobs - Business - The Boston Globe:
The number of workers stringing together part-time jobs because they can’t find full-time employment remains at historically high levels more than five years after the recession ended, another sign that the economic recovery has yet to reach millions of people in New England and across the country.
Historically, the numbers of so-called involuntary part-time workers increase during recessions and their immediate aftermaths as companies cut hours and cautiously add employees.
Once the economy picks up, those numbers typically fall quickly.
But today some 7 million Americans are working part time even though they want full- time jobs — nearly 3 million more than in 2007, when the last recession began, according to the Labor Department.
“It is a cause for alarm,” said John Silvia, chief economist for Wells Fargo & Co., in Charlotte, N.C. “I don’t think since World War II we’ve seen this kind of dislocation.”
Silvia and other economists worry that the high levels of involuntary part-time work indicate a “new normal” in which companies increasingly rely on part-time rather than full-time employees, much as they have replaced full-time, permanent positions with temporary or contract workers.
As with temps and contractors, having more part-timers allows employers to cut costs, since the workers often do not qualify for health insurance and other benefits.
Its also increases employers’ flexibility to ramp up or cut their workforces as economic conditions change, economists said.

‘O Throws Hillary Under Bus’: Listen to the Obama Comment That Some Are Interpreting as a Jab at Clinton | Video | TheBlaze.com

‘O Throws Hillary Under Bus’: Listen to the Obama Comment That Some Are Interpreting as a Jab at Clinton | Video | TheBlaze.com:

"President Barack Obama says he wants a Democrat in the White House in 2016 and is pledging to do everything possible to help that nominee succeed.

At the same time, Obama says the public wants that “new car smell” when it comes to the next presidential campaign."

Meijer beats Target, Wal-Mart and Best Buy for Black Friday deals in national survey

Meijer beats Target, Wal-Mart and Best Buy for Black Friday deals in national survey | MLive.com
WALKER, MI — Midwest retailer Meijer is showing it can hold its own against national retailers when it comes to Black Friday deals.
The Walker-based retailer, with 213 stores in a five state footprint, came in fourth on the list of best retailers in an analysis of Black Friday ads by WalletHub.
The personal finance social network said the results are based on a survey of 5,525 deals from the 2014 Black Friday ad scans of 22 of the biggest U.S. retailers. 
The results show which retailer has the deepest discounts by category. 
What it doesn't capture are which retailers that have the lowest price on one hot item like a 50-inch TV or a Xbox bundle.
Meijer has an average discount of 52 percent. 
Topping the list was department store chain JCPenney with an average discount of 65 percent followed by Macy’s and Rite Aid with discounts of 54 and 53 percent, respectively.

Only 50% Of Scientists Blame Mankind for Climate Change In New Study

Only 50% Of Scientists Blame Mankind for Climate Change In New Study:

"In fact, many studies cast doubt on climate alarmism and many scientists have differing views from the so-called "consensus." In 2010, Marc Morano released a collection of more than 1000 scientists who “challenged man-made global warming claims.” Similarly the Nongovernmental International Panel on Climate Change aggregated “thousands of peer-reviewed scientific journal articles that do not support” man-made climate change.

Interestingly, a third of farmers surveyed claimed they had not noticed any significant effects of global warming. This is an inconvenient realization for the many alarmists that believe climate change is already disrupting weather.

L.A. school district pays $139 million to settle sex abuse claims

L.A. school district pays $139 million to settle sex abuse claims - EAGnews.org
LOS ANGELES – The Los Angeles school district has settled a civil lawsuit with dozens of victims of infamous child-molesting teacher Mark Berndt for $139 million.

berndt1Attorneys representing 150 clients with sexual abuse claims against the Los Angeles Unified School District announced Friday they reached a settlement with the district for $139 million, avoiding a jury trial that would have required the victims to testify, the Los Angeles Times reports.
The settlement covers claims by parents and students impacted by the heinous sexual deeds of former Miramonte Elementary Teacher Mark Berndt, who was convicted and sentenced to 25 years in prison for decades of student sex abuse. The case is the second involving Berndt’s victims, as dozens of claims were settled last year for $30 million, according to the news site.

Since Obama’s Selectively Enforcing Immigration Law, Could Another President Selectively Enforce Tax Law? Hear How Obama Answered That Question. | Video | TheBlaze.com

Since Obama’s Selectively Enforcing Immigration Law, Could Another President Selectively Enforce Tax Law? Hear How Obama Answered That Question. | Video | TheBlaze.com:

"If President Barack Obama can exercise “prosecutorial discretion” — basically deciding not to enforce the law in certain cases — when it comes to immigration, could later presidents decide not to enforce other laws?

Could, say, a Republican president decide not to enforce tax laws?"

Obama's Amnesty Will Cost $22,000 Per U.S. College Grad

Obama's Amnesty Will Cost $22,000 Per U.S. College Grad | The Daily Caller:
President Barack Obama’s amnesty for four million illegal immigrants will cost Americans about $2 trillion, or roughly $40 billion a year for the next five decades.
The cost of Obama’s generosity is equivalent to 30 cents extra for every gallon of gas bought by Americans.
Or a $10 monthly fee added to every cellphone.
Or a $22,000 tax on every American graduate’s four-year college degree.
The $2 trillion cost is driven by the federal government’s support for all poor people, says Robert Rector, a budget analyst at the Heritage Foundation. Rector explained that, on average, the illegal immigrants benefiting from the amnesty have a 10th grade education.

War against men-------Men Who Don’t Sit and Cross their Legs are “Manifestation of Patriarchal Privilege”

Time Magazine: Men Who Don’t Sit and Cross their Legs are “Manifestation of Patriarchal Privilege” | PUNDIT PRESS:
Time Magazine has declared that men who are able to sit and not cross their legs are a “manifestation of patriarchal privilege.” Pundit Press was the first site to report on this specific passage.
In an article called, “‘Man Spreaders,’ There’s No Excuse for Not Closing Your Legs on the Subway,” Time’s Etiquette section slammed men who do not sit with their legs together. 
But more than it being impolite and against etiquette, there is a much bigger problem with men like this: they are proliferating “the patriarchy.”
The article explains that men sitting with their legs apart “is the most visual manifestation of patriarchal privilege and that is why it is especially angering.” 
Again, people who sit like this are not just inconsiderate, particularly if there is little space, but they are actively pushing their male-centric agenda.
The author, Brian Moylan, then states that people don’t like men with their legs apart because “everyone” thinks of the oppression of women: 
“It says to everyone, “I find this comfortable and I am a man so my comfort comes before all else in this entire universe and especially you.” 
That’s why people hate this.”
manspreading-subwayAnd if you spread your legs when you sit, you’re not a real man, the article explains: 
“Men are saying that they don’t care about anyone else, and that is awful. 
They think that it is somehow manly, by claiming their territory. 
That is not manly.”
The article also included this apparently terrifying picture that it saved on its website as “Manspreading subway:”

And the Records Keep Falling

And the Records Keep Falling | Somewhat Reasonable
America is experiencing record setting cold, any where you go or live, you just can’t avoid it.
The Lower-48 or CONUS spatially average temperature plummeted overnight to only 19.4°F typical of mid-winter not November 18th!   
weather mapAn astounding 226-million Americans will experience at or below freezing temperatures (32°F) on Tuesday as well — if you venture outdoors.
More than 85% of the surface area of the Lower-48 reached or fell below freezing Tuesday morning. All 50-states saw at or below freezing temperatures on Tuesday.
Record lows from Idaho to Nebraska and Iowa south to Texas and east through the Great Lakes, the eastern 2/3 of the US will shatter decades-long and in some cases, century-long records. Temperatures east of the Rockies will be 20-40°F below climate normals.
Compared to normal, temperatures over the past several days have dropped off a cliff — to 10°C below climate normal — more anomalous than even during the polarvortex of early January.
How cold is it? Boston.com reports that during the past week, 1,360 daily low maximum records were set — meaning  those ,1360 cities and towns saw their coldest daily highs ever recorded on that particular date.

$15 miminum wage?------I spent a weekend on a cruise ship staffed by robot bartenders

I spent a weekend on a cruise ship staffed by robot bartenders | The Verge:
 "The two robots are perfectly efficient, fast bartenders. 
They always select the perfect amounts of Bulleit borboun, ice, and lime, and shake it just so before dumping it carefully into my plastic cup.
They move in fluid, full gestures, almost as if they're human.
(Their programmers studied an Italian dancer, strapping sensors to him as he moved and using his movements to teach the robots how to operate.)
They pick from 127 bottles arrayed above them, and at one point, they stop pouring drinks and they dance."

NBC has nothing to say about Al Sharpton's $5 million back-tax problems | WashingtonExaminer.com

NBC has nothing to say about Al Sharpton's $5 million back-tax problems | WashingtonExaminer.com:

"How do the executives at NBC feel about willfully paying and providing a TV platform to a man who reportedly owes the government more than $4.5 million in back taxes?

They’re not saying."