Sunday, December 14, 2014

What's Inside Your Computer: The Story Of Every Component You Need To Know

What's Inside Your Computer: The Story Of Every Component You Need To Know:
"Whether you’re buying a new computer or building your own, you’re going to be subjected to a lot of acronyms and random numbers.
It can be hard to cut through the cruft and get to the meaningful information. 
This article is here to help.
I’m going to dive into every major component inside a modern computer. 
I’ll explain what it does, its history, the important specs you need to understand and who the major players are.
You’ll learn what you need to consider when you’re buying one — whether as part of a computer, or as a separate component.
So without further ado, let’s get started."

New Justice Department study reveals that about 1 in 52.6 college women have been victims of rape/sexual assault

New Justice Department study reveals that about 1 in 52.6 college women have been victims of rape/sexual assault » AEI

More Videos: Gruber Talks About Writing Obamacare; Said Under Oath He Didn't Write It - Katie Pavlich

More Videos: Gruber Talks About Writing Obamacare; Said Under Oath He Didn't Write It - Katie Pavlich:

"But now new video dug up by investment advisor Rich Weinstein, the man behind Grubergate, shows the Obamacare architect boasted on numerous occasions about writing the legislation.

March 20, 2010 just one day before President Obama signed Obamacare into law: (comments 3:55 time mark)."

Obama opens fraud-ridden benefits programs to illegal immigrants

Obama opens fraud-ridden benefits programs to illegal immigrants |
President Obama's unilateral executive action on immigration will make hundreds of thousands, perhaps more than a million, illegal immigrants eligible for federal transfer payments. 
That will be done primarily through two widely used programs — the Earned Income Tax Credit, or EITC, and the Additional Child Tax Credit, or ACTC.
As it turns out, those two programs are already among the most corrupt and fraud-ridden in the entire federal government.
A newly-released report from the inspector general of the Internal Revenue Service confirms that the EITC is plagued by fraud (which was already well known) and also reveals for the first time that the ACTC is even worse.
In fact, for many of those affected, "willing to pay your fair share of taxes" actually means "willing to accept an assistance check from the government."
......Their growth has been extraordinary in recent years — payments increased 40 percent from 2007 to 2012 alone.
And now both are beset by staggering levels of fraud.

According to the inspector general, the IRS paid out $63 billion in EITC benefits in 2013.
Of that, 24 percent, or about $15 billion, was given improperly to people not qualified to receive it.
That improper payment rate has been enough to qualify the EITC as a "high risk" program for years.

Obama’s Plan for a Backdoor Internet Tax

Obama’s Plan for a Backdoor Internet Tax:
"Will the Federal Communications Commission tax the Internet?
It’s very possible, said FCC commissioner Mike O’Reilly at a conference sponsored by the Free State Foundation in Washington on Friday.
The tax, which could total over $7 per month on the typical American’s broadband bill, would be imposed as a consequence of regulating the internet via “net neutrality” rules that President Obama has urged the FCC to adopt..."

Sooo, it's preferable to "rob" the taxpayers?-------Editorial: Increase taxes, but don't rob from schools and cities to pay for roads fixes

Editorial: Increase taxes, but don't rob from schools and cities to pay for roads fixes | "Michigan cannot solve its roads funding problem without new tax revenues, and lawmakers cannot keep raiding the coffers of schools and cities to fix our problems.
End quote.
It’s time for Lansing to accept the reality of higher taxes to help patch our roads and move on."

Senate dodges government shutdown…again |

Senate dodges government shutdown…again |

"The Senate voted Saturday afternoon to pass a short-term continuing resolution that will keep the federal government open through Wednesday, Dec. 17.

Passage of the resolution — which the House approved on Friday — lets Congress dodge a government shutdown that was due to take place at the end of the day Saturday."

We're #37!!-------State Fiscal Condition: Ranking the 50 States

State Fiscal Condition: Ranking the 50 States | Mercatus:
I'm thinkin' increasing taxes and spending won't be helpful if they want to rise in this contest.

Iowa’s journalism school director: Follow Europe’s lead on ‘free’ speech

Iowa’s journalism school director: Follow Europe’s lead on ‘free’ speech
" ...The effects of the display were felt throughout the Iowa City community. That display immediately caused Black students and community members to feel terrorized and to fear for their safety.
The university’s response was not adequate, nor did that response occur soon enough. Our students tell us that this portrayal made them feel unwelcomed [sic] and that they lost trust in the University of Iowa. For failing to meet our goal of providing a respectful, all-inclusive, educational environment, the university apologizes. All of us need to work together to take preventive action and do everything we can to be sure that everyone feels welcome, respected, and protected on our campus and in our community.
I urge any student who was negatively affected by this incident who feels a need for support to consider contacting the University Counseling Service …
Seriously? How exactly does a piece of art whose message is anti- racism cause people to feel terrorized?"

Obama: ‘I Spend Most of My Time Watching ESPN in the Morning’

Obama: ‘I Spend Most of My Time Watching ESPN in the Morning’ | Washington Free Beacon: "While on ESPN radio with Colin Cowherd, President Obama admitted that he gets a little overwhelmed by politics in the morning and looks to a different kind of news channel.
“Listen, I spend most of my time watching ESPN in the morning,” Obama said.
“I get so much politics I don’t, you know, want to be inundated with a bunch of chatter about politics during the day.”
A report in October from the Government Accountability Institute noted Obama has missed 62.5 percent of his daily intelligence briefings during his presidency."

University study: Rats like sex partners in ‘lingerie’

University study: Rats like sex partners in ‘lingerie’ -
"MONTREAL, Canada – Students and professors at Concordia University in Montreal think they’ve learned some valuable lessons about behavior after studying male rats they mated with female rats in lingerie, then killed to look at their brains.
“In an unusual study, researchers allowed virgin male rats to have sex with females wearing special rodent ‘jackets.’ 
Later, when scientists gave the males a chance to mate again, the animals preferred to mate with jacket-wearing female rats rather than with unclad ones,” according to
“The findings suggest that male animals can learn to associate the sight and feel of clothing with sex.”
The study basically involved putting a dozen virgin male rats together with receptive female rats with their mini “jackets” and letting them go at it.
After that, they put the male rats with two receptive females, one with a jacket and one without, and they preferred jackets on.
....In other words, the scientists think the study provides insight into why men are turned on by lingerie.
The Post reports it’s the early experiences that is the big factor..."

‘This Is a Riot and an Uprising!’: Protesters Across the Nation March Against Police Violence | Video |

‘This Is a Riot and an Uprising!’: Protesters Across the Nation March Against Police Violence | Video |

"Thousands of protesters marched across the country Saturday — past the White House in the nation’s capital, along iconic Fifth Avenue in New York and in the middle of Nashville’s honky-tonk district — to call attention to the deaths of unarmed black men at the hands of police and urge lawmakers to take action.

Chanting “I can’t breathe!” ”Hands up, don’t shoot!” and waving signs reading “Black lives matter!” the demonstrators also staged “die-ins” as they lay down across intersections, and in one city briefly blocked an onramp to an Interstate."

Why Is This One Campus Assault Statistic Being Ignored?

Why Is This One Campus Assault Statistic Being Ignored? -
Given all the attention paid to sexual assault on college campuses in recent months, you'd think a Justice Department report showing that the campus rape and assault rate had dropped 52% since 1997 would attract a lot of attention.
That is, after all, what the data contained in its 20-page report, released on Thursday, show.
In 1997, the number of rapes or sexual assaults per 1,000 students ages 18-24 was 9.2. By 2013, that had fallen to 4.4. 
The same trend occurred for young women who weren't attending college. 
Justice data show that the rate peaked in 2000 at 12.2, but was down to 4.3 last year.

History for December 14

History for December 14 -
Nostradamus 1503, James Doolittle 1896, Lee Remick 1935 

Stan Smith 1946, Patty Duke 1946, Dee Wallace-Stone 1948 

1798 - David Wilkinson of Rhode Island patented the nut and bolt machine. 

1799 - The first president of the United StatesGeorge Washington, died at the age 67. 

1896 - Gen. James H. Doolittle, who led the first air raid on Japan during World War II, was born. 

1900 - Professor Max Planck of Berlin University revealed his revolutionary Quantum Theory. 

1903 - Orville Wright made the first attempt at powered flight. The engine stalled during take-off and the plane was damaged in the attempt. Three days later, after repairs were made, the modern aviation age was born when the plane stayed aloft for 12 seconds and flew 102 feet. 

1911 - Norwegian explorer Roald Amundsen became the first man to reach the South Pole. He reached the destination 35 days ahead of Captain Robert F. Scott. 

1945 - Josef Kramer, known as "the beast of Belsen," and 10 others were executed in Hamelin for the crimes they committed at the Belsen and Auschwitz Nazi concentration camps. 

1981 - Israel annexed the Golan Heights, seized from Syria in war in 1967. 

1986 - The experimental aircraft Voyager, piloted by Dick Rutan and Jeana Yeager, took off from California on the first non-stop, non-refueled flight around the world. The trip took nine days to complete. 

2013 - The Chinese spacecraft Chang'e 3 became the first spacecraft to "soft"-land on the Moon since 1976. It was only the third robotic rover to land on the moon. 

Saturday, December 13, 2014

Obama is Getting Sued; Both The Plaintiff and the Reason are Full of Irony

Obama is Getting Sued; Both The Plaintiff and the Reason are Full of Irony:

"My how things have changed since unions are unfortunately experiencing, five years after Obamacare was deceptively crammed down the throats of, who Obamacare Jonathan Gruber repeatedly referred to as, “the stupid American voter.”
A major New York City Union is suing Obama (he is specifically named as a defendant) and his regime, claiming that Obamacare will bankrupt its healthcare fund. 
A police union, the Correction Officers Benevolent Association (COBA), is claiming that Obamacare has caused its healthcare costs to skyrocket, and is asking for an exemption from the highly unpopular Democrat Party passed law."

Paying Down The Debt Is Now Almost Mathematically Impossible

Paying Down The Debt Is Now Almost Mathematically Impossible | Zero Hedge
A lot of folks don’t realize that, since the end of World War II, the US government’s total tax revenue has been almost constant at roughly 17% of GDP.
In other words, even though the actual tax rates themselves rise and fall, the government’s ‘slice’ of the economic pie is almost always the same - 17%.
I’ve worked out a mathematical model which shows that, even with absurd assumptions (7%+ GDP growth for years at a time, low interest rates, etc.), it is simply not feasible for the US government to ‘grow’ its way out.
Default has become the only option. 
And that could mean a number of things.
They could default on their creditors (other governments like China who loaned money to the US government). But this would spark a global financial and banking crisis.

They could default on the Federal Reserve, which owns trillions of dollars of US debt. But this would create an epic currency crisis for the US dollar.

They could also default on their obligations to their citizens—primarily to future beneficiaries of Social Security (who collectively own trillions of dollars of US debt).

Or they could choose to default on their obligations to every human being alive who holds US dollars… and engineer rampant inflation.
None of these is a good option. And simply put, the US government has reached a point of no return.
I aim to demonstrate this to you in today’s video podcast episode. It’s a very sobering realization.
Join me to see it for yourself:

Despite Racking Up Three Consecutive Unanimous Votes, FOIA Reform Bill Killed Off By Rep. John Boehner

Despite Racking Up Three Consecutive Unanimous Votes, FOIA Reform Bill Killed Off By Rep. John Boehner | Techdirt
FOIA reform is now truly dead. Earlier this week, it looked as though Sen. Jay Rockefeller might be the one holding the murder weapon
Despite passing unanimously through the House and the Senate Judiciary Committee, (DEMOCRAT)Rockefeller placed a hold on the bill, citing nebulous concerns by two regulatory agencies (FTC, SEC -- neither of which were willing to go on the record about their problems with the bill) and something about "law enforcement agencies" being faced with "needless litigation" that would be a drain on their bottom lines. 
Of course, this ignores the fact that plenty of litigation involving law enforcement agencies is "needless" (because why be proactive about misconduct and abuse when you can just settle later?) and that any agency fighting the War on Drugs/Terror has generally been able to secure funding and equipment with a minimum of hassle.

Rockefeller's hold provoked a deluge pro-FOIA reform phone calls and emails, leading to Rockefeller releasing his hold and the bill moving on with unanimous Senate consent. This booted it back to the House where it ran headlong into Speaker of the House John Boehner, who immediately tabled it.

But these improvements may never see the light of day, as Boehner has tabled the bill. In a press conference on Thursday morning, a journalist asked Boehner about the fate of the FOIA reform bill to which he replied, “I have no knowledge of what the plan is for that bill.” If the bill does not make the House’s calendar by the end of the day, the bill dies.
The guy who made the plan for the bill (1. Do nothing) claimed he had no idea what the plan was. If the plan was to kill the reform bill, mission accomplished. Death by Rockefeller was narrowly averted only to result in Death by Boehner -- despite the fact that the FOIA reform sailed through the House earlier with a 410-0 vote. 

Tom Coburn Just Tried One Last Time to Fix the Broken Senate, and Here’s What Happened |

Tom Coburn Just Tried One Last Time to Fix the Broken Senate, and Here’s What Happened |

"In one of this final acts in office, Sen. Tom Coburn (R-Okla.) on Friday tried to undo a Senate rule imposed by Democrats that has prevented Republicans from offering amendments to legislation for the last several years.

But Coburn, nicknamed “Dr. No” for his opposition to legislation that expands the government without finding spending cuts, was told “No” by his Democratic Senate colleagues."

Simple common sense could fix a lot of thing in our country--------6 ways the government criminalizes economic activity

6 ways the government criminalizes economic activity - MarketWatch
Although many politicians say they support economic growth, the federal government goes out of its way to criminalize broad ranges of economic activity. 
It’s as simple as this:
A person or a company wants to provide a good or a service, and Uncle Sam says no.
Here are six examples, and there are many others.
As well as tax and entitlement reform, and passing an immigration bill, the 114th Congress could simply let people work.
Federal law criminalizes exports of oil and natural gas
North America’s oil and natural gas production is surging, but it is still unlawful to export it.
On Tuesday, Rep. Joe Barton, a Republican from Texas, introduced a bill to allow exports of oil, and the bill will be considered at a House Energy and Commerce Committee hearing on Thursday.
In addition, the United States could benefit from exporting some of its natural gas production. Companies in North Dakota waste about 33% of total gas production by flaring, or burning, it.
Exports stimulate the economy and result in more jobs because foreign customers buy U.S. products. Exports also lead to more innovation.
...The export bans were set up in the 1970s, at a time when America was highly dependent on OPEC for energy.