Sunday, December 28, 2014

Think Rudy Giuliani Will Back Down on His ‘Hating American Police’ Comments? Watch What He Has to Say. | Video |

Think Rudy Giuliani Will Back Down on His ‘Hating American Police’ Comments? Watch What He Has to Say. | Video |

"Appearing on CBS’ “Face the Nation” Sunday morning, former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani doubled down on his indictment of those in power.

When host Major Garrett asked Giuliani whether he’d like to walk back his comments about President Barack Obama helping foster an atmosphere of “hating American police”, the former mayor was quick with the comeback."

This MAJOR Retail Chain is Funding Al Sharpton’s Race War

This MAJOR Retail Chain is Funding Al Sharpton’s Race War:

"As several chains have made it clear that my firearm is not welcome in their store, they’ve simultaneously made it clear that my money is not welcome, either. As stores bend to Shariah law or promote a pro-homosexual agenda in their marketing, it seems clear that stores are getting caught in the crossfire between the right and left and are being forced to take sides."

Economic Expert: Obama’s ‘Economic Recovery’ is Built on Lies

Economic Expert: Obama’s ‘Economic Recovery’ is Built on Lies:

"However, even modest scrutiny of our economic state will reveal that we are a nation resting atop a house of cards as we remain insurmountably in debt to the tune of $18 trillion and are saddled with a bitterly divided political system that squabbles over a meager proposed cut of 2.4% to expected government spending.

When we add in the fact that this administration’s only go-to answer to economic issues is to punish the job creators in a misguided attempt to meld economics with a warped understanding of social justice, it’s easy to see that even if Obama and his minions can tout inflated and manipulated stats, such illusions are not reflective of actual economic reality."

A Group Of Angry Liberals Is About To Try And Shut Down Fox News

A Group Of Angry Liberals Is About To Try And Shut Down Fox News:

"According to a recent WND report, a number of protest groups are planning a disruptive demonstration at the headquarters of Fox News Channel and the New York Post, two media outlets under the umbrella of Rupert Murdoch’s News Corp.

An online invitation to the “shutdown” event describes Murdoch as a “corporate racist” who “supports and disseminates racist, classist, sexist … misinformation” through the aforementioned organizations."

TAMMY BRUCE: Health care records to share with federal government strips public privacy, control - Washington Times

TAMMY BRUCE: Health care records to share with federal government strips public privacy, control - Washington Times:

"Get ready to fight back: Last week, the Health and Human Services Department announced a plan to share your medical records with over 35 federal agencies — all in the name of “health care,” of course. All in the name of “efficiency,” the favorite excuse used by fascists wherever they appear.

Of Obamacare’s many assaults on our quality of life, financial security and personal privacy, there was a pre-Obamacare signal from the federal government that any expectation of medical privacy was quickly becoming a quaint, and dead, notion."

Soooo, a drunk's gotta promise not to let a "sober" blow for him/her/it/them/...whaterver?--------Ignition locks proposed to curb state’s drunken drivers

Ignition locks proposed to curb state’s drunken drivers - SFGate:
"People convicted of drunken driving in California soon may have to blow in a tube to prove they’re sober before their vehicle will start.
State Sen. Jerry Hill, D-San Mateo, wants to expand a program already in place in four California counties, including Alameda, and 24 other states.
Under the proposed state law Hill will introduce Monday, anyone convicted of driving under the influence would be required to install an ignition interlock device in their car for six months on a first offense and a year on a second conviction.
Drunken drivers kill 1,000 people in California each year and injure 20,000, Hill said, and research shows people convicted of drunken driving are rarely doing it for the first time: 
Repeat offenders account for one-third of annual convictions in the state.
Hill has a personal reason for proposing the measure.
Thirty years ago, his best friend was killed by a drunken driver.
He said he was also moved to act when he read a story a few years ago about a man arrested for his ninth DUI who still had a license.
...Under the legislation, an offender would have to pay to install and lease the device. 
If he or she cannot afford it, the company that owns the devices would help pay. 
The devices generally cost about $100 for installation and $50 to $100 a month to lease them."

Mayor de Blasio Gets Up to Speak. Watch How the NYPD Responds. | Video |

Mayor de Blasio Gets Up to Speak. Watch How the NYPD Responds. | Video |

"Hundreds of officers standing outside the church where a funeral was being held for a New York City policeman killed in an ambush shooting turned their backs on the mayor as he spoke during the Saturday service."

Ten Quick Facts You May Not Know About NYC Mayor Bill De Blasio

Ten Quick Facts You May Not Know About NYC Mayor Bill De Blasio
Here are ten interesting facts you may not know about New York City’s Communist Democrat Mayor Bill de Blasio, who was elected in 2013 with a whopping 72% of the vote. The leftist mayor is accused of fostering an environment that led to the tragic execution-style racial assassinations of two NYPD officers on Saturday. 

  • Bill de Blasio was born Warren Wilhelm, Jr., on May 8, 1961. He first changed his name to the hyphenated Warren de Blasio-Wilhelm, adding his mother’s maiden name. In 2002, he dropped the “Warren” and the “Wilhelm,” and changed his name for a second time to what it is currently, Bill de Blasio. 
  • Bill de Blasio was the campaign manager for Hillary Clinton’s Senate campaign in 2000. 
  • Bill de Blasio was a fervent supporter of the Marxist Sandinista government in Nicaragua in the 1980′s, a government that was backed by the Communist Soviet Union and Cuba. 
  • At the height of Cold War tension, while still a student at New York University, de Blasio toured the Communist Soviet Union in 1983. 
  • His first job was in 1984 with the NYC Department of Juvenile Justice. 
  • Bill de Blasio received a master’s degree in International and Public Affairs at Columbia University, the same school attended by Barack Obama. 
  • Bill de Blasio ran Democrat New York Congressman Charlie Rangel’s re-election campaign in 1994. 
  • In 1994, Bill de Blasio married a lesbian activist, Chirlane McCray. The newlyweds honeymooned in Fidel Castro’s Communist Cuba. 
  • In 2009, de Blasio’s election campaign to be NYC’s third “Public Advocate” was supported by the pro-Communism, Working Families Party. 
  • Both of de Blasio’s parents were communists, leading historian Ron Radosh to describe him as a “bona fide red diaper baby.” 

Here’s How Loony Leftists Reacted to JetBlue’s Incredibly Kind Act

Here’s How Loony Leftists Reacted to JetBlue’s Incredibly Kind Act:

"While the airline received praise from many for their generosity, they also received bomb threats and a call for boycotts. It looks like some people’s hatred of the police, driven by the divisive, hate-filled words from Barack Obama, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Eric Holder, and Communist New York Mayor Bill de Blasio, formerly known as Warren Wilhelm, Jr., that they are incensed that JetBlue would show such generosity towards and support of our men and women in blue."

Too many American's not thinking for themselves. 

Michele Bachmann says: Obama Embraces ‘Agenda of Islamic Jihad’ to Convert “United States into an Islamic Caliphate” - Eagle Rising

Michele Bachmann says: Obama Embraces ‘Agenda of Islamic Jihad’ to Convert “United States into an Islamic Caliphate” - Eagle Rising:

"Unless we forget, Obama stood and engaged in taqiyyah when he told the American people that the Islamic State was neither Islamic nor a state. Other examples of the Obama administration standing with Islamists include his State Department’s recent working alongside a designated terrorist organization in order to whitewash their terrorist connections, and John Kerry’s taqiyyah claim that “The real face of Islam is a peaceful religion based on the dignity of all human beings.”

Barack Obama poked America’s veteran’s in their eyes, while at the same time committing treason by funding, supplying arms and military equipment to America’s enemies, the Muslim Brotherhood. He traded known five known Islamic Taliban terrorist leaders for one American deserter, and one of those leaders has already vowed to fight the US."

Soul brothers of Castro, Stalin, Mao and Hitler----UVA student leaders want secret trials for rape cases

UVA student leaders want secret trials for rape cases
“Taking Action On Sexual Assault — A Student Perspective” is the title of a two-page document containing various recommendations to help combat the “sexual assault storm” at the University of Virginia.
“It is a problem among us, and a problem we must fix at personal and cultural levels,” the introduction says.
Indeed, the document has three sets of recommendations — nine for UVA’s Board of Visitors, and seven each for administration and students.
One of these (for the BOV) is something you might have come to expect: a requirement to take Women and Gender Studies courses.
There is much to learn about our culture’s impact on and interaction with women. Assuring that each student engages with these ideas is an enabler of cultural change. The BOV can: budget increased support for the program, direct schools to create requirement.
Other ideas include the creation of a Gender Violence Institute, an All-Night Women’s Center, and mandatory faculty training “on their responsibilities and how to sensitively interact with survivors.”
But what is most … frightening is the call for closed criminal trials in rape cases:
One hurdle to pursuing criminal resolution may be the painstaking public nature of trials. Introducing privacy could make that path more attractive. The BOV can: advocate publicly to Richmond.

Here’s What Shariah Law Apparently Has to Say About Women’s Facebook Passwords | Video |

Here’s What Shariah Law Apparently Has to Say About Women’s Facebook Passwords | Video |

"An Islamic preacher says that women who keep their social media and cellphone passwords secret from their husbands are violating shariah law, asserting that husbands are entitled to and must demand to know that information.

The Middle East Media Research Institute reported that Palestinian cleric Sheik Khaled Al-Maghrabi gave a lecture at Jerusalem’s Al-Aqsa Mosque earlier this month in which he said women who withhold the passwords to their cellphones, computers or social media accounts, including Facebook, are violating Islamic law."

It amazes me that liberal American's especially liberal American women turn a blind eye to the oppression of Islam.  They demand everything must be equal so as to LIBERATE them.  This is far from liberating.  This is going backwards at lightening speed.  

American liberals need to wake up.

Civil Rights Leader Niger Innis Reveals The Three Individuals More Dangerous to America Than Al Sharpton

Civil Rights Leader Niger Innis Reveals The Three Individuals More Dangerous to America Than Al Sharpton:
"Civil Rights leader Niger Innis appeared on “Your World” on FOX News with guest host Charles Payne on Tuesday to discuss the racial division caused by professional racial grievance profiteer, MSNBC host Al Sharpton, whose latest target in which to cause racial strife, rioting and mayhem is New York City."
The Top Three...

Life is tough. Life is tougher if you're stupid..... 'er than machines-------Technological singularity

Technological singularity - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:
"The technological singularity hypothesis is that accelerating progress in technologies will cause a runaway effect wherein artificial intelligence will exceed human intellectual capacity and control, thus radically changing or even ending civilization in an event called the singularity.[1]
Because the capabilities of such an intelligence may be impossible for a human to comprehend, the technological singularity is an occurrence beyond which events may become unpredictable or even unfathomable.[2]"
...A technological singularity includes the concept of an intelligence explosion, a term coined in 1965 by I. J. Good.[15]
Although technological progress has been accelerating, it has been limited by the basic intelligence of the human brain, which has not, according to Paul R. Ehrlich, changed significantly for millennia.[16]
However, with the increasing power of computers and other technologies, it might eventually be possible to build a machine that is more intelligent than humanity.[17]
If a superhuman intelligence were to be invented—either through the amplification of human intelligence or through artificial intelligence—it would bring to bear greater problem-solving and inventive skills than current humans are capable of.
It could then design an even more capable machine, or re-write its own software to become even more intelligent. 
This more capable machine could then go on to design a machine of yet greater capability.
These iterations of recursive self-improvement could accelerate, potentially allowing enormous qualitative change before any upper limits imposed by the laws of physics or theoretical computation set in.[18][19][20]

...Existential risk
Berglas (2008) notes that there is no direct evolutionary motivation for an AI to be friendly to humans. Evolution has no inherent tendency to produce outcomes valued by humans, and there is little reason to expect an arbitrary optimisation process to promote an outcome desired by mankind, rather than inadvertently leading to an AI behaving in a way not intended by its creators (such as Nick Bostrom's whimsical example of an AI which was originally programmed with the goal of manufacturing paper clips, so that when it achieves superintelligence it decides to convert the entire planet into a paper clip manufacturing facility).[71][72][73] 
Anders Sandberg has also elaborated on this scenario, addressing various common counter-arguments.[74] 
AI researcher Hugo de Garis suggests that artificial intelligences may simply eliminate the human race for access to scarce resources,[65][75] and humans would be powerless to stop them.[76] 
Alternatively, AIs developed under evolutionary pressure to promote their own survival could outcompete humanity.[68]
Bostrom (2002) discusses human extinction scenarios, and lists superintelligence as a possible cause:
When we create the first superintelligent entity, we might make a mistake and give it goals that lead it to annihilate humankind, assuming its enormous intellectual advantage gives it the power to do so. For example, we could mistakenly elevate a subgoal to the status of a supergoal. We tell it to solve a mathematical problem, and it complies by turning all the matter in the solar system into a giant calculating device, in the process killing the person who asked the question.
A significant problem is that unfriendly artificial intelligence is likely to be much easier to create than friendly AI. While both require large advances in recursive optimisation process design, friendly AI also requires the ability to make goal structures invariant under self-improvement (or the AI could transform itself into something unfriendly) and a goal structure that aligns with human values and does not automatically destroy the human race. An unfriendly AI, on the other hand, can optimize for an arbitrary goal structure, which does not need to be invariant under self-modification.[77]

It's coming, folks. Make sure you know WHAT it is!-------We could get to the Singularity in ten years | KurzweilAI

We could get to the Singularity in ten years 
How Might a Positive Singularity Get Launched In 10 Years From Now?
This way of thinking leads to a somewhat different way of thinking about the timing of the Singularity. What if, rather than thinking about it as a predictive exercise (an exercise in objective studying what’s going to happen in the world, as if we were outsiders to the world). What if we thought about it the way an athlete thought about a game when going into it, or the way the Manhattan Project scientists thought at the start of the project, or the way Dantzig thought about his difficult homework problems?
  • What if we knew it was possible to create a positive Singularity in ten years?. What if we assumed we were going to win, as a provisional but reasonable hypothesis?
  • What if we thought everyone else in the class knew how to do it already?
  • What if we were worried the bad guys were going to get there first?
  • Under this assumption, how then would we go about trying to create a positive Singularity?
  • Following this train of thought, even just a little ways, will lead you along the chain of reasoning that led us to write this book.
  • One conclusion that seems fairly evident when taking this perspective is that AI is the natural area of focus.
Look at the futurist technologies at play these days — nanotechnology, biotechnology, robotics, AI — and ask, “which ones have the most likelihood of bringing us a positive Singularity within the next ten years?”
Nano and bio and robotics are all advancing fast, but they all require a lot of hard engineering work.
AI requires a lot of hard work too, but it’s a softer kind of hard work. Creating AI relies only on human intelligence, not on painstaking and time-consuming experimentation with physical substances and biological organisms.
And how can we get to AI? There are two big possibilities:
  • Copy the human brain, or
  • Come up with something cleverer

Amazing!-----The Cicret Bracelet: Like a tablet...but on your skin.

Percentage of Americans Who Didn't Read Last Year

Percentage of Americans Who Didn't Read Last Year | Better Ed

Obamacare Architect Gruber Going To The Supreme Court

Obamacare Architect Gruber Going To The Supreme Court | The Daily Caller:
"But given his access to the Obama administration during the passage of Obamacare and his expertise on how the health-care law works, the plaintiffs are including Gruber’s initial understanding of the law in their case. Gruber’s name is mentioned six times during the 129-page opening brief which the plaintiffs filed Monday.
They’re not alone. The group coordinating the lawsuit, the Competitive Enterprise Institute, noted in October that while the Obama administration had cited Gruber in every brief during the King v. Burwell lawsuit before Gruber’s comments on subsidies became public, they scrubbed him from their final brief asking the Supreme Court not to hear the case."

What the Frack?

What the Frack? (Part 1 of 2) - Liberty Conservatives
Answer’s to Potential “cons”:
1. Negative environmental consequences from the amount of water needed to frack-
According to the website, the following numbers corresponding to the amount of water needed are true in the USA:
-500,000 active gas wells in the US
-8 million gallons of water per fracking
-18 times a well can be fracked
So, that’s a lot of water…right? However, let’s compare the amount of water needed to frack, with what an average family of 4 uses each year. Any guesses? SURELY with all of our government mandates and energy efficiencies we have pared this down to almost nothing right? Wrong. Every year a typical family of four in the USA uses 146,000 gallons of water…and that is a 2013 statistic, so this INCLUDES the gallons saved from many of the most recent EPA mandates! The fact is that the amount of water used for fracking isn’t really all that significant when you think of the money savings and national defense implications of having energy independence.
2. Negative consequences from the chemicals used in the water that is used to frack-
Over 600 different chemicals are used in the creation of “fracking fluid”, and include the “scary” ones like radium, lead, uranium and mercury (just to name a few). The thought is that, as these chemicals are shot into the shale, that MUCH of what is in this dangerous cocktail will seep into the ground water supply and make many sick. The truth? According to some recent research done out of Duke University, the claims from the left about the seepage are just plain wrong. In fact, it is now proven fact that shooting these high powered water and chemical cocktail streams into the shale deposits thousands of feet below the surface does not cause groundwater contamination…AT ALL. The truth? As long as there is regulation helping to make sure that the process is done properly, this is a 100% complete non-factor as far as “potential problems” go with fracking.
3. Negative consequences from VOC’s-
I am sure somewhere in the arctic right now there is a family of polar bears teetering on an iceberg the size of the wood plank that Rose from the famous Titanic movie rested on as she watched Jack sink to the bottom of the sub-zero temperature ocean, that are SUPER concerned about what the  liberals are referring to as “harmful VOC’s (volatile organic compounds) and how it will affect their already dwindling ice caps (this of course is sarcastic in nature as it has been proven that Al Gore and his crying polar bears is a bunch of malarky). It is being said, right now, in many university classrooms and “enviro-wackadoodle” think-tanks across the nation that these VOC’s are being released into the atmosphere, creating harmful contaminated air, acid rain, and ground level ozone. Looking deeper though, we see the ACTUAL truth behind the progressive fear mongering. According to an article at, there are new EPA mandates, that are required to be in place in 2015, that are going to drastically reduce the amount of these “VOC’s” to a pretty much insignificant amount:
“The EPA estimates the green completion process and other required changes will annually cut about 95% of the VOCs emitted from 11,400 newly fracked and 1,400 refracked wells.17 For 2015 the agency estimates that full implementation of the new rules will result in reductions of 190,000 tons of VOCs, 11,000 tons of hazardous air pollutants, and methane equivalent to 18 million tons of CO2 above and beyond reductions already mandated in Wyoming, Colorado, and a few places in Texas.”
So, when we look at “what is” and “what liberals are saying”, again, we have discrepancies. I am not saying AT ALL that fracking is a “be all end all” with NO DANGER whatsoever. There is danger and there is also potential for abuse if these companies don’t have accountability. What I am saying is that the potential positives of fracking FAR outweigh the potential negatives and, when we are energy independent, I feel that many of the progressive dissenters will be doing all they can to distance themselves from the anti-frackers and lining up to take credit for helping to make fracking a reality—you know, the way they normally do about, well, just about everything good that happens that they have had no hand in WHATSOEVER.

History for December 28

History for December 28 -
Woodrow Wilson 1856 - 28th U.S. President, John Molson 1763 - Beer brewer, founder of Molson Beer, Cliff Arquette (Charley Weaver) 1905 - Actor (The RCA Victor Show, Hollywood Squares), grandfatehr of actress Roseanna Arquette 

Martin Milner 1927 - Actor (Route 66, Adam 12, Columbo), Edgar Winter 1946 - Musician (Edgar Winter’s White Trash), Denzel Washington 1954 - Actor (Glory, Malcolm X, The Hurricane) 

1832 - John C. Calhoun became the first vice president of the United States to resign, stepping down over differences with President Jackson. 

1869 - William E. Semple, of  Mt. Vernon, OH, patented an acceptable chewing gum. 

1937 - The Irish Free State became the Republic of Ireland when a new constitution established the country as a sovereign state under the name of Eire. 

1945 - The U.S. Congress officially recognized the "Pledge of Allegiance." 

1956 - After five years on television, the last "Ding Dong School" was aired on NBC-TV. 

1973 - The Chamber of Commerce of Akron, OH, terminated its association with the All-American Soap Box Derby. It was stated that the race had become "a victim of cheating and fraud." 

1973 - Alexander Solzhenitsyn published "Gulag Archipelago," an expose of the Soviet prison system. 

1981 - Elizabeth Jordan Carr, the first American test-tube baby, was born in Norfolk, VA

1989 - Alexander Dubcek, who had been expelled from the Communist Party in 1970, was elected speaker of the Czech parliament. 

Saturday, December 27, 2014

Wisconsin Sheriff’s Blistering Call for NYC Mayor to Distance Himself from ‘Race-Hustler’ Al Sharpton | Video |

Wisconsin Sheriff’s Blistering Call for NYC Mayor to Distance Himself from ‘Race-Hustler’ Al Sharpton | Video |

"According to Sheriff David Clarke, “Since 1999, police use of deadly force against black males is down 75 percent.” He also said, “In 2011 and 2012, 386 white people were killed by police officers, 140 black people were killed by police officers in that same time period.”

Watch the entire clip:"

Feds spending $50 million on new immigration workers |

Feds spending $50 million on new immigration workers |

“They are in the process of hiring 1,000 full-time staff to quickly approve applications for the president’s illegal amnesty, which will provide work permits, photo IDs, Social Security and Medicare to illegal immigrants — all benefits rejected by Congress,” Sen. Jeff Sessions, R-Ala., said earlier this month. “This action will mean that American workers, their sons, their daughters, their parents, will now have to compete directly for jobs, wages, and benefits with millions of illegal immigrants.”

Hmmmm. No mention of price? Fear the silence!-----They've got the power: 3 things to know about Consumers Energy's future in Muskegon

They've got the power: 3 things to know about Consumers Energy's future in Muskegon |
1. Look for a community solar program to be rolled out during the first quarter of 2015. Mengebier said the group is planning to roll out an initiative in which a West Michigan community would be eligible for a solar farm development. The company would solicit "subscribers" willing to purchase green energy at a higher rate from a new solar energy farm. If the subscribers are there, Consumers Energy would be willing to build a local solar array capable of producing a megawatt of electricity. The installation would likely cover several acres.
"You're paying a little bit more," Mengebier said. The solar energy is, on the whole, more expensive to produce.
2. Stay tuned for news on a potential Gamesa Wind farm development in Muskegon County. Consumers Energy confirmed Dec. 22 that it has been talking to Gamesa Wind about possibly buying electricity from a wind farm in development at the Muskegon County Wastewater Management System...
3. Despite a forecast energy shortage, the Muskegon B.C. Cobb is probably still coming down. Mengebier said that Michigan's Lower Peninsula is on track to have a two- or three-gigawatt shortfall of electricity by April 2016 because of the shutdown down older plants like the B.C. Cobb in Muskegon.
Don't panic -- the lights will stay on. Besides other safeguards in place, the company is required to be able to provide a 15-percent cushion on top of its peak demand, he said.
"We are not predicting that we are not going to be able to meet the environmental needs of our customers," Mengebier said. But closing down smaller coal-based plants like Muskegon's B.C. Cobb because of environmental regulations means that there's a gap that will need to be filled with alternative energy sources or newer plants.
"These are really old plants," he said. "Most of these were built in the 1950s."

Obama: America Has Become ‘Less Racially Divided’ Under My Presidency |

Obama: America Has Become ‘Less Racially Divided’ Under My Presidency |

"Amid racially charged protests and controversial police altercations, President BarackObama said the United States is less racially divided now than before he took office.

NPR released quote excerpts of an interview set to air on “Morning Edition” starting Monday, including one in which host Steve Inskeep asked if the country is more racially divided now compared to when Obama took office six years ago."

$433K NIH Grant: Do Movies Have FAT PEOPLE

$433K NIH Grant: Do Movies Have FAT PEOPLE | The Daily Caller:
"The federal government is paying $433,577 so some researchers can find out if movies — particularly movies aimed at children — have fat characters in them.
The Daily Caller is not making this up.
The grant of nearly half a million dollars comes from the National Institutes of Health, reports the Washington Free Beacon.
...The title of the study is: “Pass the popcorn: ‘Obesogenic’ behaviors and stigma in children’s movies.”
In their application for the generous grant, the researchers claimed that a “preliminary” study “examined movies and found top-grossing G- and PG-rated movies depict unhealthy eating and sedentary activity as the norm, while simultaneously mocking overweight characters.”
...Thus, in order to be totally sure that some children’s movies feature fat people, the researchers somehow convinced the federal government that $433,577 needs to be spent..."

USDA’s impossible advice on dinnertime with the family: Only talk about ‘fun, happy things’ |

USDA’s impossible advice on dinnertime with the family: Only talk about ‘fun, happy things’ |

"The U.S. Department of Agriculture has tried some difficult things before, like its various attempts to get kids to eat vegetables, or its effort to get people to stop eating cookie dough.

But USDA this week made a recommendation that could be virtually impossible to follow —"

Holi crapoli, the Devil just clicked on MuskegonPundit!

At 27.2 minutes, the current cost of gas in minutes worked to drive 100 miles is the lowest since 1999 (26.3 minutes).

Tuesday afternoon links » AEI:
"1. Chart of the Day.
Incorporating the combined effects of: a) the increase in average fuel economy over time, b) the increase in the average hourly wage, and c) falling gas prices, the chart above shows the number of minutes of work required to buy enough gasoline to drive 100 miles. 
At 27.2 minutes, the current cost of gas in minutes worked to drive 100 miles is the lowest since 1999 (26.3 minutes). "

‘Coalition of NYPD Cops, Detectives, and Supervisors’ Send NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio Very Defiant and Public Message |

‘Coalition of NYPD Cops, Detectives, and Supervisors’ Send NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio Very Defiant and Public Message |

"The message evoked behavior by some NYPD officers and police union leaders last week who turned their backs to the mayor at a hospital after two officers were fatally shot.

The officers’ deaths followed protests around the country over the deaths of black men at the hands of white officers, and New York police unions have blamed de Blasio for allowing protests they say foster an anti-police sentiment."