Thursday, January 22, 2015

History for January 22

History for January 22 -
Sir Francis Bacon 1561, André Ampère 1775, Linda Blair 1959 

1771 - The Falkland Islands were ceded to Britain by Spain. 

1874 - A patent was issued to Samuel W. Francis for the spork. 

1900 - Off of South Africa, the British released the German steamer Herzog, which had been seized on January 6. 

1901 - Queen Victoria of England died after reigning for nearly 64 years. Edward VII, her son, succeeded her. 

1917 - U.S. President Wilson pleaded for an end to war in Europe, calling for "peace without victory." America entered the war the following April. 

1941 - Britain captured Tobruk from German forces. 

1944 - Allied forces began landing at Anzio, Italy, during World War II. 

1950 - Alger Hiss, a former adviser to U.S. President Franklin Roosevelt, was convicted of perjury for denying contacts with a Soviet agent. He was sentenced to five years in prison. 

1968 - "Rowan & Martin's Laugh-In", debuted on NBC TV. 

1973 - Joe Frazier lost the first fight of his professional career to George Foreman. He been the undefeated heavyweight world champion since February 16, 1970 when he knocked out Jimmy Ellis. 

1973 - The U.S. Supreme Court struck down state laws that had been restricting abortions during the first six months of pregnancy. The case (Roe vs. Wade) legalized abortion. 

1984 - Apple introduced the Macintosh during the third quarter of Super Bowl XVIII. 

1995 - Two Palestinian suicide bombers from the Gaza Strip detonated powerful explosives at a military transit point in central Israel, killing 19 Israelis. 

1998 - Theodore Kaczynski pled guilty to federal charges for his role as the Unabomber. He agreed to life in prison without parole. 

2000 - Elian Gonzalez's grandmothers met privately with U.S. Attorney General Janet Reno as they appealed for help in removing the boy from his Florida relatives and reuniting him with his father in Cuba. 

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

$7.5 Trillion in Debt Added Under Obama | The Weekly Standard

$7.5 Trillion in Debt Added Under Obama | The Weekly Standard:

"Under President Obama, $7.5 trillion has been added to the national debt. The number is being highlighted by the Republican National Committee ahead of President Obama's State of the Union address"

MEDC's New Program: Government Funding Government

MEDC's New Program: Government Funding Government [Michigan Capitol Confidential]:
"In promoting a new variation on its expansive mission, a recent Michigan Economic Development Corporation press release referenced a "surge in new businesses, restaurants and shops."
However, none of those enterprises will receive any of the $50,000 MEDC is kicking in to a “crowdfunding” project sponsored by the Michigan Municipal League, a (LIBERAL) lobbying and information resource organization funded by local governments.
Instead, a total of $100,000 will be turned over to the City of Ypsilanti to convert a city-owned farmers market called the Freighthouse into a “community center.”
Essentially, a state “economic development” agency is helping a government-funded lobbyist organization fund an amenity owned by a local unit of government."

Jihad in France: It's Just Beginning

Jihad in France: It's Just Beginning:
"The demonstration gathered nearly four million people, but seeing in it a mobilization against terrorism, jihad and anti-Semitism would be a mistake.
The Ambassador of Saudi Arabia attended, shortly after his nation had just finished flogging the young blogger Raif Badawi with the first 50 lashes of his 1000 lash sentence.
Badawi is being flayed alive -- "very severely," the lashing order said.
He has 950 lashes to go.
Mahmoud Abbas, the President of Palestinian unity government, which includes Hamas and supports jihadist terrorism as well as genocide, was at the forefront -- smiling.
Israel's Prime Minister, Binyamin Netanyahu, was originally not invited.
He came anyhow.
He was told not to speak.
He spoke anyhow.
As a sign of disapproval, French officials left before his speech.
Although six Jews were among the seventeen victims, the anti-Semitic dimension of the attacks was barely spoken about.
The words "Islam" and "jihadist" were not mentioned."

A nation united: 10 states considering Article V, more to join in coming weeks - Convention of States

A nation united: 10 states considering Article V, more to join in coming weeks - Convention of States:

"We the People are standing up, fighting back, and reclaiming our heritage, and that national heritage knows no state or regional boundaries. The states created the federal government, and gave it limited enumerated powers. Congress and the President have far exceeded these powers, with the cover of the federal courts. But We the People have reached the limits of our patience and tolerance. And we intend to use the power reserved to our state legislatures in Article V to call a convention to propose amendments to restrain the federal government.

Do we have the support of the majority of Americans? Absolutely. According to Gallup, 66% of Americans think the federal government is too big, and too powerful. That number is so large that it clearly crosses political, ideological and geographical lines in America."

Trickel up poverty-------Barack Obama Floated A Blockbuster Policy Change In His State Of The Union That Almost Everyone Missed

Barack Obama Floated A Blockbuster Policy Change In His State Of The Union That Almost Everyone Missed | John Hawkins' Right Wing News
The whole speech was intentionally deceptive statistics, mixed with transparently dishonest appeals to bipartisanship and outright lies.
However, there was one earth shaking line that seemed to have slipped past most people.
And let’s close the loopholes that lead to inequality by allowing the top one percent to avoid paying taxes on their accumulated wealth.
Obama isn’t merely proposing to “increase taxes on the rich” there. That would involve raising the tax rate on what they earn.
What he’s proposing is actually taking a slice of what PEOPLE HAVE ALREADY EARNED.

This would be just like the income tax.
Today, it would be low and targeting the richest Americans.
Tomorrow, a wealth tax would be sky high and soaking the middle class. 
The government already gets a slice of everything we make, can’t they be satisfied with that? 
Do we really want the government taking part of what we’ve saved after taxes as well? 
Does their greed know no bounds?

MSNBC/Rachel Maddow love Michigan's RINO Governor--------Obamacare sea change: GOP governor boasts about ACA benefits

Obamacare sea change: GOP governor boasts about ACA benefits | MSNBC:
(Conservative blogger) R Al Bain"There’s an uncanny resemblance in the two Party’s logos. Example: Snyder brags about his signature Healthy Michigan program. “It’s outstanding progress.” Snyder said. Progress, that is, implementing a key element of President Obama’s signature domestic-policy achievement the Affordable Care Act (ObamaCare)"
Maddow: "The very idea that we’d see a Republican governor bragging about Affordable Care Act benefits – in the final stretch of a tough re-election campaign, no less – seemed hard to fathom. And yet, here we are (thanks to my colleague Nick Tuths for the heads-up).
Gov. Rick Snyder on Tuesday touted Michigan’s successful Medicaid expansion as part of his re-election bid, saying 63,000 more low-income adults have signed up than projected this year, with [three-and-a-half] months left.

The Language of the State of the Union

The Language of the State of the Union - The Atlantic
FREEDOM: Perhaps the defining value of American society, the word is surprisingly rare in the nation's first century. 
It appears only once in the Constitution, and early presidents used it sparingly. 
Not until FDR placed the "Four Freedoms" at the heart of his 1941 State of the Union did the term become a staple of presidential rhetoric. 
Since then, it has flourished, but with a noticeably partisan tilt: the four presidents to use it the most are Eisenhower, Reagan, and the Bushes.
To date, Obama has used it less frequently than any president since Warren Harding. 
Benjamin Schmidt

BREAKING: Karl Marx Delivers America’s State of the Union Address

BREAKING: Karl Marx Delivers America’s State of the Union Address:

"Keep in mind that government cost estimates, like Obamacare, which was passed based on a stack of Democrat lies, are almost always drastically underestimated. When Medicare was passed in 1965 under Democrat Lyndon B. Johnson’s “Great Society,” government projected that the cost in 1990 would be $9 billion on Part A hospital costs. The actual cost in 1990 was $67 billion. Today, we have Parts A, B, C, and thanks to Republican George W. Bush, Part D. The total cost for Medicare in 2013 was $585.7 billion, not including other socialist entitlement programs, all of which threaten to bankrupt the nation.

Obama was virtually silent on the mention of the rising threats of Islamic terrorism, as usual, and as would be expected. As was he silent on the over $100 trillion in unfunded liabilities the nation suffers from, and the $18 trillion-dollar debt, $8 million that occurred under his reign."

Obama Has Two More Years Left to Destroy the U.S.

Obama Has Two More Years Left to Destroy the U.S.:
"The vehicle for the nation’s destruction is the greatest hoax of the modern era, the claim that global warming must be avoided by reducing “greenhouse gas” emissions.
A President who lied to Americans about the Affordable Care Act, telling them they could keep their insurance plans, their doctors, and not have to pay more is surely not going to tell Americans that the planet is now into its 19th year of a cooling cycle with no warming in sight.
To raise the ante of the planetary threat hoax, he has added “climate change” when one would assume even the simple-minded would know humans have nothing to do with the Earth’s climate, nor the ability to initiate or stop any change.
In 2015, the White House is launching a vast propaganda campaign through the many elements of the federal government to reach into the nation’s schools with the climate lies and through other agencies to spread them.
In particular, Obama has been striving to utilize the Environmental Protection Agency to subvert existing environmental laws and, indeed, the Constitution unless Congress or the courts stop an attack that will greatly weaken the business, industrial and energy sectors. It will fundamentally put our lives at risk when there is not enough electricity to power homes and workplaces in various areas of the nation. At the very least, the cost of electricity will, in the President’s own words, “skyrocket.”

Obama’s State of the Union Speech Gets Fact-Checked |

Obama’s State of the Union Speech Gets Fact-Checked |

"THE FACTS: By many measures, the economy is still recovering from the deep scars left by the Great Recession."

I'm still surprised this isn't government produced video.... ObamaPoop------How To Poop At Work. This Is HYSTERICAL!

How To Poop At Work. This Is HYSTERICAL!:
"We’ve all been there. You’re at work, when all of a sudden the grumbling in your tummy rises to the surface, but not knowing how to relieve ourselves inconspicuously.
This short guide will give you all the tips needed for etiquette on how to properly pinch a loaf in the workplace.
Prepare to die laughing!"

Green Beret Sniper Pens AWESOME Letter to ‘Crisco Sweating’ Michael Moore

Green Beret Sniper Pens AWESOME Letter to ‘Crisco Sweating’ Michael Moore:
"This was seen as not only an insult to the legacy of Navy SEAL Chris Kyle, credited with being the deadliest sniper in U.S. military history, but also an insult to all American military snipers and all who put on the uniform in service to our country.
Green Beret sniper Bryan Sikes took some time to pen a letter to Moore that absolutely destroyed him in an incredibly hilarious and fabulous way.
Mr. Moore-"

1,700 Private Jets Fly to Davos to Discuss Global Warming

1,700 Private Jets Fly to Davos to Discuss Global Warming - Breitbart:
"A squadron of 1,700 private jets are rumbling into Davos, Switzerland, this week to discuss global warming and other issues as the annual World Economic Forum gets underway.
The influx of private jets is so great, the Swiss Armed Forces has been forced to open up a military air base for the first time ever to absorb all the super rich flying their private jets into the event, reports Newsweek.
“Decision-makers meeting in Davos must focus on ways to reduce climate risk while building more efficient, cleaner, and lower-carbon economies,” former Mexican president Felipe Calderon told USA Today."

{WATCH} Obama Wants Cow Farts Reduced by 25% by 2020

{WATCH} Obama Wants Cow Farts Reduced by 25% by 2020 ⋆ Dc Gazette:
"I cannot believe this is a real story, but unfortunately it is and it will effect your bottom line.
For now, cows and farmers both can breathe easier, at least until September and budget time rolls around again.
In January, when the ‘CRomnibus’ bill was shoved through, a rider was slipped into it prohibiting the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) from going after livestock farmers and penalizing them for the amount of methane emissions produced. 
The EPA is working on a way to charge farmers a yearly fee of $175 per cow. 
Cow farts make up nine percent of all methane gas on the planet, Obama wants this figure reduced by 25% by 2020.
Changing the diet of the cows from GMO corn to natural grasses would take care of a large amount of the problem, but would be prohibitively expensive.
Being charged per head of cattle will also be prohibitively expensive.
So, expect milk, milk products, beef, and pork to go up in price at the grocery store."

History for January 21

History for January 21 -
Stonewall Jackson 1824, J. Carrol Naish 1897, Christian Dior 1905 

Telly Savalas 1924, Steve Reeves 1926, Geena Davis 1957 

1793 - During the French Revolution, King Louis XVI was executed on the guillotine. He had been condemned for treason. 

1846 - The first issue of the "Daily News," edited by Charles Dickens, was published. 

1853 - Dr. Russell L. Hawes patented the envelope folding machine. 

1908 - The Sullivan Ordinance was passed in New York City making smoking by women illegal. The measure was vetoed by Mayor George B. McClellan Jr. 

1911 - The first Monte Carlo car rally was held. Seven days later it was won by Henri Rougier. 

1924 - Soviet leader Vladimir Llyich Lenin died. Joseph Stalin began a purge of his rivals for the leadership of the Soviet Union. 

1954 - The Nautilus was launched in Groton, CT. It was the first atomic-powered submarine. U.S. First Lady Mamie Eisenhower broke the traditional bottle of champagne across the bow. 

1970 - ABC-TV presented "The Johnny Cash Show" in prime time. 

1977 - U.S. President Carter pardoned almost all Vietnam War draft evaders. 

1980 - Gold was valued at $850 an ounce. 

1994 - A jury in Manassas, VA, acquitted Lorena Bobbitt by reason of temporary insanity of maliciously wounding (severing his penis) her husband John. She accused him of sexually assaulting her. 

1998 - A former White House intern said on tape that she had an affair with U.S. President Clinton

2003 - It was announced by the U.S. Census Bureau that estimates showed that the Hispanic population had passed the black population for the first time.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Worth Defending

By Tammy Derouin

There are several examples of what is coming our way.  The Middle East is an inferno.  Saudi Arabia, known for being the “home of Islam,” is building a fence to protect their country from radical Islamic extremists.  But in all fairness, calling it a fence is deceiving.  It’s a high tech security system with several layers of protection which includes fencing but also ditches, sensors, rapid response vehicles, helicopters and watch towers. 

Now let’s think about this for a moment.  Wouldn’t that be like Vatican City building a fence to keep Christian out?  I suppose many on the left would argue that there are extreme Christians.  But, what is their definition of an extreme Christian?   Christians are not handing out death sentences to non-believers.  They are not stoning homosexuals.  They are not oppressing women, honor killing, beheading or burning people alive.  I think even the left would have a difficult time concluding that all extremism is equal. 

Another interesting fact is that the Saudis’ feel their country is worth defending.  They understand the threat of ISIS/ISIL.  They understand, so they naturally want to protect themselves. 

WRONG AGAIN: Greenland’s Ice Sheet Defies Critics With 4-Year High | The Daily Caller

WRONG AGAIN: Greenland’s Ice Sheet Defies Critics With 4-Year High | The Daily Caller:
“Global sea ice is at a record high, another key indicator that something is working in the opposite direction of what was predicted,” Peiser said. “Most people think the poles are melting… they’re not. This is a huge inconvenience that reality is now catching up with climate alarmists, who were predicting that the poles would be melting fairly soon.”
The evidence keeps growing, just like the ice at both poles. 

Despite having tickets, journalists barred from 'Defend the Prophet' event

Despite having tickets, journalists barred from 'Defend the Prophet' event - National Conservative |
GARLAND, Tx: On Monday night it was revealed that Fox News correspondent Jesse Watters of the Watters' World segnent on the O'Reilly Factor was barred from the 'Defend the Prophet' conference in Garland Texas on Saturday. Other journalists were allowed to enter the premises, but only for the first twenty minutes.

As reported at Fox News, Watters explained that his ticket was "revoked" as he landed in Dallas by representatives of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), who were evidently "gatekeeping the press attendance." Watters opted to interview some of the attendees outside of the conference, which was held at the Curtis Culwell Center.
The invitation for the event explains that "[H]ate groups in the U.S. have invested at least $160 million dollars to attack our Prophet and Islam" but does not go into specifics. The organizers continue to say that "accusations [against Islam] were invented by Islamophobes in America."
Watters asked one of the attendees about a controversial keynote speaker, Imam Siraj Wahhaj, who is an "unindicted co-conspirator in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing" as reported at the Washington Times. The unnamed attendee responded angrily that the assertion was "propaganda."
Wahhaj was also quoted as making many divisive comments, including:
If only Muslims were clever politically, they could take over the United States and replace its constitutional government with a caliphate.

ANOTHER amazing true story about an American hero-------Here’s What American Sniper Chris Kyle Said About His Killing Two Men at a Gas Station in 2009

Here’s What American Sniper Chris Kyle Said About His Killing Two Men at a Gas Station in 2009 | FrontBurner | D Magazine:
"Chris Kyle was incredible.
He was simply an incredible, real-life action hero.
Before his death, he was already known as the deadliest sniper in American history and as a best-selling author.
Since his death, a few reporters have heard trickles of other stories.
Around Midlothian, one story in particular has been raising eyebrows.
It goes something like this: when he was first back from Iraq, in 2009, Chris Kyle killed two armed men who were attempting to carjack him at a gas station.
I first heard this story more than a year ago.
It hasn’t made the news much."
Click to read it all!

Liberal Senator’s Spouse to Earn $1 Billion from Government Deal

Liberal Senator’s Spouse to Earn $1 Billion from Government Deal:

"Oddly enough, the mainstream media who dutifully reports on fictitious wars on women and the dangers of conservative political donors have been largely MIA in discussing the blatant conflict of interest taking place in Washington.

The New York Post reports on this outrage:

Ever wonder how lowly paid lawmakers leave office filthy rich?"

Nanny of the week: Towns ban sledding

Nanny of the week: Towns ban sledding «
"From Iowa to New Jersey, from Nebraska to Oklahoma, more towns are passing rules than ban sledding, tobogganing, tubing and other kinds of winter-sliding-down-the-hillside fun.
As Free Range Kids reported earlier this month, the problem is that people do sometimes get hurt while sledding.
And sometimes, those people — or their parents — filelawsuits and try to get taxpayers to pay outlandish settlements over those mishaps."

New Tea Party Caucus Chairman: ‘If We Sit By, Obama Will Take Over More of Our Lives and Our Liberties’

New Tea Party Caucus Chairman: ‘If We Sit By, Obama Will Take Over More of Our Lives and Our Liberties’:

"Thomas began the interview by saying, “A lot of people are demoralized right now and feel like giving up because people are not listening in Washington. Talk to the camera. Tell people why they shouldn’t give up and what gives you hope.” 

Rep. Huelskamp responded, “What gives me hope is that fact that we’ve been gifted with a truly blessed nation, a blessed system of the Constitution, and we have a responsibility not only to the past, but to the future — I’ve got four children. And like many Moms and Dads, I’m worried about the future.”

Montgomery County neglect inquiry shines spotlight on ‘free-range’ parenting

Montgomery County neglect inquiry shines spotlight on ‘free-range’ parenting - The Washington Post:
"Two days after the story of their children’s unsupervised walk home from a park became the latest flash point in an ongoing cultural debate about what constitutes responsible parenting, Danielle and Alexander Meitiv were still explaining their “old-fashioned” methods of child-rearing.
They eat dinner with their children.
They enforce bedtimes, restrict screen times and assign chores.
They go to synagogue.
More controversially, they let their 10-year-old son and 6-year-old daughter venture out together to walk or play without adults.
“How have we gotten so crazy that what was just a normal childhood a generation ago is considered radical?”
Danielle Meitiv asked in the living room of her Silver Spring home as yet another news crew dropped by to question the couple.
She and her husband are facing an investigation for neglect, they say, after allowing their children to walk together unaccompanied from a Silver Spring park along busy Georgia Avenue toward home, a mile south.
They made it halfway before police picked the children up, alerted after someone called....

Police Raided Christian Parents’ Home Searching for ‘Miracle’ Substance. They Reportedly Left with Couple’s Seven Kids. | Video |

Police Raided Christian Parents’ Home Searching for ‘Miracle’ Substance. They Reportedly Left with Couple’s Seven Kids. | Video |

"Hal Stanley, a husband and father from Hot Springs, Arkansas, answered a knock at his door last Monday to find police officers surrounding his home in possession of a search warrant. The nightmare ordeal ended hours later with officers reportedly taking his seven kids for at least 72 hours.

State police and Garland County officers were apparently looking for a “miracle” supplement that claims to help treat cancer and other illnesses. The product is not illegal and can be purchased online, but the FDA has warned of serious health concerns regarding the product. The agency claims the product, Miracle Mineral Solution, can morph into a bleach and cause nausea, vomiting and diarrhea."

So does this mean that everyone's house will be raided?  There are a lot more LEGAL medications available which cause much worse side affects.
The government is flexing its muscle.  They don't want anyone to make their own decisions.  You become even more of a target if you dare to be self-reliant.

Ted Cruz and Ben Carson to GOP: Stop Nominating Moderates from the ‘Political Class’ for President!

Ted Cruz and Ben Carson to GOP: Stop Nominating Moderates from the ‘Political Class’ for President!:

"In separate speeches to the South Carolina Tea Party Coalition Convention on Sunday, both Dr. Carson and Sen. Cruz respectfully, but forcefully, called for the election of a true conservative leader for the office of president after years of repeated attempts to put-forth moderate Republicans who have ultimately failed to energize the GOP base."

Holi crapoli!!!!!-------Consumers Energy seeks rate increase for electricity, was granted gas price hike

Consumers Energy seeks rate increase for electricity, was granted gas price hike | Crain's Detroit Business:
"Residential customers would experience an 11.5 percent increase"

Video: Islamic State Threatens to Kill Two Hostages Unless Japan Pays $200 Million in 72 Hours |

Video: Islamic State Threatens to Kill Two Hostages Unless Japan Pays $200 Million in 72 Hours |

"An online video released Tuesday purported to show the Islamic State group threatening to kill two Japanese hostages unless they receive a $200 million ransom in the next 72 hours.

The video, identified as being made by the Islamic State group’s al-Furqan media arm and posted on militant websites associated with the extremist group, mirrored other hostage threats it has made. The militant in it also directly addresses Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, now on a six-day visit to the Middle East with more than 100 government officials and presidents of Japanese companies."

Bumped---Best Film in Decades: American Sniper Breaks All-Time Record for Limited Release

We saw it yesterday afternoon in liberal, Dillon CO.
A Monday afternoon, 4:30.
The theatre was packed.
At the end of the movie, everyone sat quietly to watch the credits to the end.
Maybe to get control of our emotions.....
No one left until credits ended and lights went on.
Complete silence as we left the theatre.
Another big line was formed up for the next show.
Amazing movie.
Made me proud to be in the same country as those brave hereos.

Best Film in Decades: American Sniper Breaks All-Time Record for Limited Release | Pamela Geller, Atlas Shrugs
"Longtime readers of Atlas Shrugs know how much I love movies — not the dreck that’s served up today, but the great golden age of Hollywood, when America was a proud force for good. Every Saturday night, I run a movie from that era that reminds my readers who and what we are and could be.
Tonight I saw a film that all Americans should see. Finally, a modern film that made me proud to be an American:  American Sniper. It tells the truth about the war we are in and the savages we are fighting (a word used repeatedly, I might add).
Every film about war about and since Vietnam, with few exceptions, has been a left-wing hate-filled attack on America. Proud, patriotic films about American heroism and goodness have gone the way of all great American  institutions, such as individualism, liberty, and capitalism under the decades-long siege by the left.
Clint Eastwood can join the pantheon of great American directors such as Frank Capra and John Ford, proud Americans who loved their country and made films that reflected the culture of the good. We owe Clint Eastwood a huge debt...

Fox News Producer Tried to Report From Inside Texas Muslim Convention. Take a Look at What Followed. | Video |

Fox News Producer Tried to Report From Inside Texas Muslim Convention. Take a Look at What Followed. | Video |

“Did you fill out the media form?” a man appearing to be an organizer asked Watters outside the ”Stand With the Prophet” event.
“Yeah, I filled out the media form and I bought tickets too, personally,” the Fox News producer replied. “And now they’re saying I can’t go in.”

“There’s a certain type of media allowed,” the man replied to Watters.

“I thought this was supposed to be open press and I came all the way down here from New York,” Watters countered as the man walked away."