Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Obama Films Anti-Oil Drilling Video-From a Jet

Obama Films Anti-Oil Drilling Video-From a Jet - Breitbart:
"On Sunday, President Barack Obama released an anti-oil drilling environmental video shot aboard Air Force One–an aircraft that has a 53,611 gallon fuel capacity."

Dems keep the Keystone bill clogged up in the Senate

Dems keep the Keystone bill clogged up in the Senate | TheBlaze.com:
"Democrats on Monday night were able to stall legislation that would approve the Keystone XL pipeline, sending Republicans back to the drawing board on a plan to get the bill through the Senate.
The Senate held two votes on whether to end debate on the bill and move it toward passage, but it failed both times, 53-39. 
Sixty votes were needed to advance the bill."

Study: 60 percent of 2014 job growth caused by expiration of unemployment benefits

Study: 60 percent of 2014 job growth caused by expiration of unemployment benefits | WashingtonExaminer.com:
"Sixty percent of job creation in 2014 was caused by the expiration of unemployment benefits, according to a new working paper published by the National Bureau of Economic Research.
In late 2013, a standoff between Republicans and Democrats led to the abrupt expiration of long-term unemployment benefits. Democrats warned that the expiration would have disastrous ramifications, but Republicans had long argued that allowing Americans to collect unemployment benefits for an indefinite period of time provided a disincentive for them to work.
The new new working paper found that the expiration of benefits was responsible for the creation of over 1.8 million jobs. 
Nearly 1 million of those jobs were created by workers who would have otherwise stayed out of the labor force if unemployment benefits had been extended. Overall, almost 3 million jobs were created in 2014."
Photo -

Watch Obama get ‘Daisy nuked’ over Iran

Watch Obama get ‘Daisy nuked’ over Iran:
"Today, a new ad from Secure America Now that recreates the famous “Daisy Girl” imagery is anything but subtle in suggesting Obama’s refusal to stand up to the Islamist government of Iran is putting America on the same disastrous path.
“These are the stakes,” the new “Daisy” ad declares. “We either stand up to supporters of terrorism, or we and our allies risk losing the freedom we cherish.
We must not let the jihadist government of Iran get a nuclear bomb. President Obama has an opportunity to stop it.
But he is failing. Join with us, and let’s secure America – now.”
Watch the new “Daisy” ad below:"

History for January 27

History for January 27 - On-This-Day.com:
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart 1756, Lewis Carroll 1832, Hyman Rickover 1900 

William Randolph Hearst Jr. 1908, David Seville (Chipmunks) 1919, Donna Reed 1921 

1606 - The trial of Guy Fawkes and his fellow conspirators began. They were executed on January 31. 

1870 - Kappa Alpha Theta, the first women’s sorority, was founded at Indiana Asbury University (now DePauw University) in Greencastle, IN

1880 - Thomas Edison patented the electric incandescent lamp. 

1926 - John Baird, a Scottish inventor, demonstrated a pictorial transmission machine called television. 

1945 - Soviet troops liberated the Nazi concentration camps Auschwitz and Birkenau in Poland. 

1948 - Wire Recording Corporation of America announced the first magnetic tape recorder. The ‘Wireway’ machine with a built-in oscillator sold for $149.50. 

1967 - At Cape Kennedy, FL, astronauts Virgil I. "Gus" Grissom, Edward H. White and Roger B. Chaffee died in a flash fire during a test aboard their Apollo I spacecraft. 

1985 - The Coca-Cola Company, of Atlanta, GA, announced a plan to sell its soft drinks in the Soviet Union. 

1998 - U.S. First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton appeared on NBC's "Today" show. She charged that the allegations against her husband were the work of a "vast right-wing conspiracy." 

1999 - The U.S. Senate blocked dismissal of the impeachment case against President Clinton and voted for new testimony from Monica Lewinsky and two other witnesses. 

Monday, January 26, 2015

Report: Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl to Be Charged for Desertion — Here Are the Details | Video | TheBlaze.com

Report: Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl to Be Charged for Desertion — Here Are the Details | Video | TheBlaze.com:

"Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, who was reportedly held captive by Taliban militants for five years, will be charged for desertion, according to sources of retired Lt. Col. Tony Shaffer. Bergdahl was only released after President Barack Obama negotiated with the terrorists, agreeing to release five prisoners from Guantanamo Bay.

Shaffer, senior fellow at the London Center for Policy Research, told Bill O’Reilly on Monday night that his sources have confirmed the Army has concluded its investigation and Bergdahl’s lawyer has been given a “charge sheet” informing him of the desertion charge."

Judicial Watch obtains ‘smoking gun’ Benghazi documents

Judicial Watch obtains ‘smoking gun’ Benghazi documents:

"Among the documents obtained by the Washington-based government watchdog Judicial Watch was a memo sent the day after the Sept. 11, 2012, attack to the U.S. Embassy in Tunis, Tunisia, by the State Department’s Diplomatic Security Command Center titled “Emergency Message to U.S. Citizens: Demonstrations.”

The Diplomatic Security Command Center, or DSCC, was well aware that the attack was carried out by highly organized and armed Islamic militia, because the DSCC was the unit that monitored the attack in real time via video transmissions from a drone.

The message is identical to the emergency message issued by the U.S. Embassy in Tunis and archived on the embassy’s website."

The Small Thing the Radical, New, Far-Left Greek PM Did After Being Sworn in That Glenn Beck Noticed and Is Calling a ‘Dangerous Symbol’ | Video | TheBlaze.com

The Small Thing the Radical, New, Far-Left Greek PM Did After Being Sworn in That Glenn Beck Noticed and Is Calling a ‘Dangerous Symbol’ | Video | TheBlaze.com:

"Over the weekend, the far-left in Greeze pulled out a victory over the country’s governing conservatives. While there certainly is plenty to be concerned about, it was the small thing the newly-sworn-in prime minister did as his first official act that had Glenn Beck worried.

After being sworn in, Greece’s Alexis Tsipras laid flowers at the memorial erected to commemorate the Greeks killed by the Nazis. That may seem benign, but as Beck said, it was a “shot across the bow.”

Pentagon bureaucracy grows as troops are cut | WashingtonExaminer.com

Pentagon bureaucracy grows as troops are cut | WashingtonExaminer.com:

"In the last several years, the Pentagon has brought more than 165,000 soldiers home from combat. It has shaved the end strength of each service, and it has put needed maintenance and modernization of its warships and aircraft on hold to scrape up the savings to meet sequester cuts.

So why does its back office keep growing?"

The Costs and Benefits of Wind Energy: Competing Groups Hold Forums [Michigan Capitol Confidential]

The Costs and Benefits of Wind Energy: Competing Groups Hold Forums [Michigan Capitol Confidential]:

"After initially allowing Michigan Capitol Confidential to sit in and listen to its Michigan Wind Energy Forum in Lansing on Tuesday, the American Wind Energy Association changed its mind.

Within five minutes, an association official grabbed Michigan Capitol Confidential’s camera and asked its reporter, Anne Schieber, to leave. Schieber was stationed in the back of the room, observing and recording for a potential news story."

Cowardly America------Horrid result when teacher confiscates cell phone

We teach timidity.
We will pay the awful price.
Horrid result when teacher confiscates cell phone:
"The scuffle originally took place about 1 p.m. Tuesday during a physics class.
According to the Paterson Press, “The 23-second video shows the 16-year-old with his arms wrapped around the teacher, knocking him into an empty desk.
The student then wrestles the teacher across the front of the classroom before slamming him to the floor.
The teen then reaches down and wrests something from the teacher before breaking away when someone in the classroom yelled: ‘Security.’”
...“I’m disappointed I didn’t see any other kids in the classroom help [the teacher] out,” Peter Tirri, president of the local teachers union, told the Press. “Maybe they were afraid. I don’t know.”"

The World Burns, America Fiddles

The World Burns, America Fiddles | Power Line:
"It would be hard to overstate how poorly things are going for the United States around the world. 
Iran moves steadily toward acquiring nuclear weapons, with the apparent approval of the Obama administration. Iraq, once hailed as one of the Obama administration’s greatest successes by Joe Biden, is now largely occupied by ISIS.
The carnage in Syria continues.
The government of Yemen, a key ally in the war against Islamic terror, has fallen.
In Nigeria, Boko Haram slaughters thousands and now controls much of Africa’s richest country.

And Russia continues to chip away at Ukraine.
Let’s pause on this one for a moment.
Having absorbed Crimea, Russia is now concentrating its fire on the eastern half of Ukraine, perhaps with a plan to secure Crimea via a land bridge to Russia.
There is no longer any pretense about the fact that Russian soldiers have invaded Ukraine and are fighting alongside separatist rebels.
The New York Times reports that the war in Ukraine is “exploding.”
The Kiev Post profiles Ukrainian soldiers struggling to hold onto the strategically important city of Debaltseve.
Stratfor issues a “red alert” and speculates about Russia’s strategic intentions.

If any of this is of concern to the Obama administration, it is not evident. 
Obama, apparently intent on building socialism in one country–haven’t we heard that somewhere before?–views everything that happens elsewhere with seeming indifference, when he is not actively working to undermine American interests, as in Iran.
While he almost never submits to questions from actual journalists (even friendly ones, which they pretty much all are), he did take time to give interviews to four YouTube celebrities. 
This montage depicts the result; you could never make this up":

This One Graph Shows Why Obama Owes Texas and Rick Perry a Huge ‘Thank You’

This One Graph Shows Why Obama Owes Texas and Rick Perry a Huge ‘Thank You’:

"Even as there are more Americans dependent on government (other taxpayers) because of Obama’s lousy economic record, and 92 million Americans are out of the workforce, the lowest number since the days of Democrat President Jimmy Carter, Obama, a Marxist economic illiterate, continues to say how well the economy is doing."

Obama intimidating Benghazi witness into silence?

Obama intimidating Benghazi witness into silence?:

"During remarks on the House floor earlier this month, Gohmert implied the administration was using the case to silence Petraeus on Benghazi.

“This administration knows that General Petraeus has information that would virtually destroy any credibility that the administration might still have nationally and internationally,” Gohmert said. “So what else would this administration do but leave over his head for over a year and a half the threat, ‘We’re going to prosecute you, so you’d better keep your mouth shut’?”

Mother of Slain SEAL Sniper Issues Challenge to Michael Moore. The Odds of Him Accepting Are Likely Close to Zero. | TheBlaze.com

Mother of Slain SEAL Sniper Issues Challenge to Michael Moore. The Odds of Him Accepting Are Likely Close to Zero. | TheBlaze.com:

"Debbie Lee, the mother of slain Navy SEAL sniper Marc Alan Lee, issued a tough challenge to outspoken filmmaker Michael Moore at the 2015 SHOT Show in Las Vegas on Friday. It would be a shock if Moore actually accepts the challenge."

Biden to Doctors: Obamacare Settled It, Health Care is a 'Right' - Breitbart

Biden to Doctors: Obamacare Settled It, Health Care is a 'Right' - Breitbart:

"There is no provision in the Constitution or in the text of the Obamacare bill that refers to health care as a “right.” Nor are any other necessities–such as food, water, shelter and clothing–“rights” under any federal law or constitutional provision."

Health care is not a right, neither is a job, home, car, phone, internet and the list goes on...

You do however, have the right to be ignorant. 

Radical Left Winning Big in Greece, Neo-Nazis Not Far Behind (UPDATE: Greek Gov’t Out)

Radical Left Winning Big in Greece, Neo-Nazis Not Far Behind (UPDATE: Greek Gov’t Out) | TheBlaze.com:
"Greece’s governing conservatives have conceded defeat to the radical left."
It's usually a radical that will claim they have the answers.

If it will help human beings, the eco-nutz will oppose it-------Large Upper Peninsula mining plan slated for public debate; DNR wary

Large Upper Peninsula mining plan slated for public debate; DNR wary | MLive.com
"He favors the mining operation.
"I think it's overwhelming in support and that those in opposition are only a few but, as we know, those few can draw upon a large contingent of national and international groups," said Batchelder, 66, who was raised near Higgins Lake.
"We need jobs, we need commerce, we need to feed our businesses and we need kids in our schools. We need families who are participating in our communities."
The Sierra Club is among national organizations opposing the mining.
"Michigan's public lands like these are too valuable to sell off -- and to do so for a few million dollars in short-term benefits would be tantamount to theft," chapter director Anne Woidwode said in a statement."

Education and class: America’s new aristocracy

Education and class: America’s new aristocracy | The Economist:
"WHEN the candidates for the Republican presidential nomination line up on stage for their first debate in August, there may be three contenders whose fathers also ran for president. 
Whoever wins may face the wife of a former president next year. 
It is odd that a country founded on the principle of hostility to inherited status should be so tolerant of dynasties.
Because America never had kings or lords, it sometimes seems less inclined to worry about signs that its elite is calcifying.
Thomas Jefferson drew a distinction between a natural aristocracy of the virtuous and talented, which was a blessing to a nation, and an artificial aristocracy founded on wealth and birth, which would slowly strangle it.
Jefferson himself was a hybrid of these two types—a brilliant lawyer who inherited 11,000 acres and 135 slaves from his father-in-law—but the distinction proved durable.
When the robber barons accumulated fortunes that made European princes envious, the combination of their own philanthropy, their children’s extravagance and federal trust-busting meant that Americans never discovered what it would be like to live in a country where the elite could reliably reproduce themselves.
Now they are beginning to find out, (see article), because today’s rich increasingly pass on to their children an asset that cannot be frittered away in a few nights at a casino. 
It is far more useful than wealth, and invulnerable to inheritance tax. 
It is brains.

Notes on Another Clinton Scandal: Was Vince Foster Killed?

Special Report: Notes on Another Clinton Scandal: Was Vince Foster Killed? | Truthstream Media
:But the Clinton’s have many skeletons in the proverbial closet, and many other scandals that could crop up during her second bid for the highest office in the land, and larger quest for power.
We encountered one of those while on a road trip through Arkansas – and stopping off in Hope. It is not only the famed birthplace of former president Bill Clinton, as well as former governor Mike Huckabee, it is also the hometown and burial ground of Vince Foster, a man who was childhood neighbors with Bill, partner at the Rose Law Firm with Hillary, and as deputy legal council for the White House, one of the closest keepers of the Clinton Administration’s most personal secrets.
Early into the first term, when the Clinton’s found themselves already embroiled in scandals including those surrounding the Travel Staff and Whitewater financial investigations, Vince Foster was found dead in Fort Darcy Park, officially ruled to be a suicide – but suggesting much more.
Foster’s death prompted a wave of controversial as conflicting facts in the investigation of his death suggested murder and a cover-up at the highest levels. It became fuel for whatHillary Clinton termed a “vast right-wing conspiracy” that increasingly nested on the growing Internet, and has remained one of the most conspicuous and shady events under the still looming reign of the Clinton’s.
In the end, with Vince Foster such as close associate and friend of the family, his is the closest body to their front door on what has been considered a very long “trail of dead bodies” entangled in mystery, intrigue, conspiracy