Monday, May 04, 2015

History for May 4

History for May 4 -
Horace Mann 1796 - Educator, father of public education in the U.S., author, John Hanning Speke 1827, Hosni Mubarak 1928 - Egyptian president 

Audrey Hepburn (Edda Kathleen Hepburn van Heemstra) 1929 - Actress ("Monte Carlo Baby", "Breakfast at Tiffany's"), George F. Will 1941 - Columnist ("Newsweek"), editor, Randy Travis (Randy Bruce Traywick) 1959 - Country singer 

1626 - Dutch explorer Peter Minuit landed on Manhattan Island. Native Americans later sold the island (20,000 acres) for $24 in cloth and buttons. 

1715 - A French manufacturer debuted the first folding umbrella. 

1886 - Chichester Bell and Charles S. Tainter patented the gramophone. It was the first practical phonograph. 

1942 - The Battle of the Coral Sea commenced as American and Japanese carriers launched their attacks at each other. 

1942 - The United States began food rationing. 

1961 - Thirteen civil rights activists, dubbed "Freedom Riders," began a bus trip through the South. 

1970 - The Ohio National Guardsmen opened fire on students during an anti-Vietnam war protest at Kent State University. Four students were killed and nine others were wounded. 

1979 - Margaret Thatcher became Britain's first woman prime minister. 

1987 - Live models were used for the first time in Playtex bra ads. 

1994 - Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin and PLO leader Yasser Arafat signed a historic accord on Palestinian autonomy that granted self-rule in the Gaza Strip and Jericho. 

Sunday, May 03, 2015

Seattle-"Black lives matter" march--Yes, these are leftist "americans".

Don’t dare inquire about an acronym (and laugh) at U. of Michigan

Don’t dare inquire about an acronym (and laugh) at U. of Michigan
A University of Michigan student was booted off the Residence Staff (ResStaff) for inquiring about the meaning of an acronym … and then giggling when someone offered up a joke about it.
When ResStaff members were involved in a GroupChat, “Chris” asked what the “BBW” meant in a (black female) fellow ResStaff member’s chat handle.
This query was called “inappropriate” in a subsequent disciplinary hearing.
Two weeks later, after another follow-up disciplinary meeting, the student’s ResStaff contract was terminated in a letter claiming ineligibility due to a class requirement technicality that, according to the student, had been resolved more than a month prior.
But even in the termination letter, the hall directors couldn’t help but reference the incident, telling the student to learn “how to better manage your involvements and to hold yourself accountable for your actions.”
A fellow member who jokingly replied to the student’s question about the acronym with “bad baby walrus” was also called in for a disciplinary meeting, but was not let go. The student himself was also reprimanded as being “racist” for laughing at the joke.
Noticeably absent from any sort of discipline? The woman herself, who vulgarly insulted the student as “f*cking stupid and disrespectful” and threateningly vowed “If we have a problem the next time I see you, DON’T be surprised....”

Hillary Clinton's Dirty Closet Emptied In Seconds While You Watch

Hillary Clinton's Dirty Closet Emptied In Seconds While You Watch:

"Bill O’Reilly referred to Hillary Clinton’s controversies as “The Hillary Dilemma” on The O’Reilly Factor, saying that the Clintons always have a ready defense.

The corruption timeline begins in the 1970’s, when Hillary was working as an attorney investigating the Watergate scandal, when, it has been reported, she was fired for lies and unethical behavior."

At U-M, Sexual Violence Includes 'Discounting Feelings,' 'Withholding Sex'

At U-M, Sexual Violence Includes 'Discounting Feelings,' 'Withholding Sex' - Hit & Run :
The redefinition of the word violence continues among revelations that discounting a sexual partner's feelings and withholding sex constitutes sexual violence at the University of Michigan. The relevant info can be found at the university's "Stop Abuse" webpage:
Examples of sexual violence include: discounting the partner's feelings regarding sex; criticizing the partner sexually; touching the partner sexually in inappropriate and uncomfortable ways; withholding sex and affection; always demanding sex; forcing partner to strip as a form of humiliation (maybe in front of children), to witness sexual acts, to participate in uncomfortable sex or sex after an episode of violence, to have sex with other people; and using objects and/or weapons to hurt during sex or threats to back up demands for sex. interview with the sexual violence support coordinator at Brock University in Canada in which the administrator claims "anything that makes someone feel unsafe" counts as violence.

Oppose the Iran Deal? John Kerry Says You’re Engaging in ‘Hysteria.’ Then He Makes a Claim Even Obama Has Dismissed. |

Oppose the Iran Deal? John Kerry Says You’re Engaging in ‘Hysteria.’ Then He Makes a Claim Even Obama Has Dismissed. |

"The president’s statement would appear to stand in stark contrast with Kerry’s weekend assurances to the Israeli public that inspections will last “forever.”

The New York Times reported that Obama told Jewish leaders in a private meeting last month that he won’t meet with Netanyahu before the June 30 deadline for a final Iran deal.

With the Kerry television interview, excerpts of which were broadcast Saturday night, the Obama administration made its case for the deal directly to the Israeli public.

“I believe that where we are heading will in fact protect Israel,” Kerry said."

Why voters should be offended by Proposal 1

Why voters should be offended by Proposal 1
The most offensive aspect of Proposal 1 isn't the enormity of the tax increases proposed.
Certainly, the tax hikes are steep enough to upset voters who feel they pay enough already.
The sales tax, gas tax and vehicle tax hikes combined would take an additional $2 billion every year, making Proposal 1 the largest tax increase in Michigan since the state income tax was introduced in 1967.
But it's not the hundreds of dollars in additional taxes that voters would pay each year that inspires such bitter opposition to Proposal 1.
Nor is it the hodgepodge of unrelated spending and regulations thrown into a proposal supposedly for road repair.
Voters should be deeply offended by the scare tactics employed by the forces supporting Proposal 1, telling us that anyone — even children — might be injured or killed by flying concrete any day now unless we pass these tax hikes.
Any lawmaker who sincerely believes that has a moral obligation to do everything possible to support every alternative and ensure that one way or another, roads will be funded.
Neither our roads nor the people on them are anyone's political hostages.
And anyone who sincerely believes our road conditions are a life-threatening emergency should find it outrageous that Proposal 1, according to the House Fiscal Agency, puts only $368 million to road repairs the first year, out of $2 billion in new tax money..."

This Cartoon Captures Everything the Baltimore Riots Reveal to Us About Liberal Insanity

This Cartoon Captures Everything the Baltimore Riots Reveal to Us About Liberal Insanity:

"Consider this for example:

The mindless, riotous mass in Baltimore burned down CVS drugstore and a house nearby as if those objects were responsible and required punishment.

Who suffered?

For one, the person in this photo – Katrice Gardner."

Astounding hypocrisy of greedy, union thug. Sadly not a rare event------Teachers union whines about election cash

Teachers union whines about election cash | The Daily Caller
The American Federation of Teachers and six other organizations are hosting a conference at Georgetown University this weekend entitled “In Defense of the Public Square.”
“As attacks on the public sector and its workers increase, economic inequality widens and an avalanche of money in the political system undermines fairness, the ideal of a public square is itself under assault,” a press release the union sent to The Daily Caller explained.
The “avalanche of money in the political system” which “undermines fairness” comes from a host of super PACs and other groups.
Chief among these organizations is the American Federation of Teachers.
In 2014 alone, the American Federation of Teachers spent $19,499,848 to influence federal, state and municipal elections across the United States,according to the Center for Responsive Politics.

Watch the video and read the entire article. This is America? I teared up.----Bakers Facing $135K Fine Over Wedding Cake for Same-Sex Couple Speak Out

Exclusive: Bakers Facing $135K Fine Over Wedding Cake for Same-Sex Couple Speak Out
It was the first time seeing her bakery since the new owners moved in.
“This is really hard,” Melissa Klein said, tears filling up her eyes.
Almost two years ago, Melissa and her husband, Aaron, owners of Sweet Cakes by Melissa, had to close the bakery they built from scratch after declining to bake a cake for a same-sex wedding.
“I did all the flooring in here—this was a collection agency before we moved the bakery in,” Aaron said, peering through the glass window.
...“This country should be able to tolerate diverse opinions,” he said.
“I never once have said that my fight is [to] stop what they call equality.”
...The Daily Signal reported on Friday that an administrative law judge for the Oregon Bureau of Labor and Industries recommended the Kleins be fined $135,000 for the damages they caused for Rachel and Laurel.
...The proposed fine will now go to state Labor Commissioner Brad Avakian, who can either accept it or adjust the amount in issuing a final order, which is expected to arrive this summer.
...One question concerning the Kleins and their lawyer is why no doctor or medical expert was present during the hearings.
To claim $135,000, the couple submitted a list of mental, physical and emotional damages inflicted by the Kleins’ action.
As The Daily Signal previously reported, some of those symptoms include,
“acute loss of confidence,” 
“excessive sleep,” 
“felt mentally raped, dirty and shameful,” 
“high blood pressure,” “impaired digestion,” 
“loss of appetite,” 
“migraine headaches,” 
“pale and sick at home after work,” 
“resumption of smoking habit,” 
“weight gain” and 
“There was no expert testimony at the hearing,” Harmon said.
“The witnesses at the hearing were the two women who were requesting a cake, one of their mothers, one of their brothers and another family member.
There was no doctor, there was no psychologist, no expert testimony at all.”
In order to account for $135,000, the state isn’t just going after Aaron and Melissa’s bakery.
“The business is gone,” Harmon, their lawyer, said.
“They don’t have business assets so when we talk about [the fine] it’s personal,” Harmon added.
“It means that’s money they would have used to feed their children that they can’t use anymore.”
Aaron said the sum is enough to financially ruin their family....

All the liberal bias fit to print----NY Times blamed Reagan/Bush for LA riots, but no Obama blame for Baltimore

Marathon Pundit: Newsbusters: NY Times blamed Reagan/Bush for LA riots, but no Obama blame for Baltimore:
The Baltimore riots are the worst outbreak of urban violence since the 1992 Los Angeles riots.
The liberal New York Times was quick to blame them on President George H.W. Bush and his predecessor, Ronald Reagan, as Newsbusters reports.
But the Old Gray Lady isn't pointing the finger at Barack Obama, our first black president.
Of course unlike Reagan/Bush, racial animosity has gone up since Dear Leader took office.

Benghazi committee receives 4,000 new State Dept documents | Washington Watch | McClatchy DC

Benghazi committee receives 4,000 new State Dept documents | Washington Watch | McClatchy DC:

"Chairman Trey Gowdy, R-S.C. said he received the documents and notes from the State Department Benghazi Accountability Review Board, which was created by the department after the attacks to examine the administration’s response.

It is the first time ARB documents have been turned over to Congress. The documents have not been reviewed by the other groups that investigated the 2012 attacks."

A liberal democrat's paradise!---Venezuela to nationalize food distribution

Venezuela to nationalize food distribution - Yahoo News:
Caracas (AFP) - Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro has promised to nationalize food distribution in the South American nation beset with record shortages of basic goods, runaway inflation and an escalating economic crisis.
During a rally Friday, on International Workers' Day, the socialist leader allowed a union activist to ask for the nationalization of food and essential-item distribution.
Citing new decree-making powers recently granted by the National Assembly, Maduro said he would carry out such a measure "in the coming days and weeks."
 ...Venezuela is struggling with a recession, 68.5-percent annual inflation and severe shortages of the basic goods that it relies on oil money to import.
On any given day, people in Venezuela can wait hours to get some subsidized milk, cooking oil, milk or flour -- if they can be found at all.
...Nonetheless, Maduro also announced a 30-percent increase in public wages on Friday.

They pushed all of them out of town! 3 charts from City of Muskegon that show the collapse of a city.

History for May 3

History for May 3 -
Niccolo Machiavelli 1469 - Italian philosopher/writer , Golda Meir (Golda Mabovitch, Golda Meyerson) 1898 - Fourth Prime Minister of the State of Israel, Pete Seeger 1919 - Folk singer 

James Brown (James Joseph Brown, Jr.) 1928 - Singer, Frankie Valli 1934 - Musician (The Four Seasons), Christopher Cross (Christopher Charles Geppert) 1951 - Singer, songwriter 

1802 - Washington, DC, was incorporated as a city. 

1921 - West Virginia imposed the first state sales tax. 

1937 - Margaret Mitchell won a Pulitzer Prize for "Gone With The Wind." 

1944 - Dr. Robert Woodward and Dr. William Doering produced the first synthetic quinine at Harvard University. 

1948 - The U.S. Supreme Court ruled that covenants prohibiting the sale of real estate to blacks and other minorities were legally unenforceable. 

1971 - National Public Radio broadcast for the first time. 

1986 - In NASA's first post-Challenger launch, an unmanned Delta rocket lost power in its main engine shortly after liftoff. Safety officers destroyed it by remote control. 

1992 - Five days of rioting and looting ended in Los Angeles, CA. The riots, that killed 53 people, began after the acquittal of police officers in the beating of Rodney King. 

1999 - Mark Manes, at age 22, was arrested for supplying a gun to Eric Harris and Dylan Kleibold, who later killed 13 people at Columbine High School in Colorado

Saturday, May 02, 2015

Press Panic Over Clinton Cash - The Rush Limbaugh Show

Press Panic Over Clinton Cash - The Rush Limbaugh Show:

"... This story is based on interviews with more than a dozen donors, staffers and operatives who have interacted with the foundation or continue to do so. Taken together, their accounts portray an organization scrambling to address concerns about its budgeting, fundraising and donor-vetting while being buffeted by a raging political storm."

I'll tell you this.  Let's say you've got Sleazy Donor A over here who has donated $10 million, $15 million, $20 million to the Clinton Foundation. He's expecting Mrs. Clinton's gonna be elected the president and that Bill Clinton and Hillary are gonna be back in the #1 and #2 seats of power, and that he's gonna get it paid back for his donation, whatever it is he wants. That's why he's giving the money and he's gonna get it, but it requires her being elected. "

"Guilty" as determined by liberals at GoFundMe-----GoFundMe For Freddie Gray Officers Removed After 41 Minutes

GoFundMe For Freddie Gray Officers Removed After 41 Minutes:
The Baltimore City Fraternal Order of Police created a GoFundMe page for the six officers who were charged Friday in the death of Freddie Gray—but it lasted for less than an hour before being removed from the site.
gofundThe Fraternal Order of Police, a union representing Baltimore City police officers, set a fundraising goal of $600,000 to pay for the living expenses of the six officers, who were placed on unpaid suspension after they were charged in Gray’s death. 
In 41 minutes, the page raised $1,135.
It’s unclear whether GoFundMe deleted the fundraiser set up for the six officers, but the FOP posted on its Facebook page, “Apparently our GoFundMe account has been suspended with no explanation. 
We are working to find a new site for donations. Thank you!”..

Liberals Plan to make "Islamophobia" a Crime! - Eagle Rising

Liberals Plan to make "Islamophobia" a Crime! - Eagle Rising:

"Do you get the insidiousness of what he is saying here? It sounds nice. Equality is great isn’t it? Labour Party Ed Miliband is arguing that the government should be about the business of not just enforcing equality under the law, but also by influencing equality through the force of government action. If a group of friends is hanging out playing poker and one of them happens to say some disparaging things about Muslims… he better hope that none of his buddies says anything to the cops. Because the Labour Party would like to charge him with an “aggravated crime” and keep a permanent record of his “Islamophobia.

”Terrifying, isn’t it? And this is from our closest European ally.

If anything has ever been “Orwellian”… I think this is it."

Can our country survive ANOTHER traitor as president?---Donor Paid Up To Sway Hillary's Position On Nukes

Donor Paid Up To Sway Hillary's Position On Nukes - BuzzPo
"With Peter Schweizer’s book Clinton Cash set to be released soon, more and more information has begun to be revealed about how the Clintons made their fortune.
In 2008, Hillary Clinton changed her stance regarding the nuclear agreement between the United States and India. 
Clinton Cash alleges that the change was caused after “Indian business and government interests flooded various Clinton enterprises with cash”.
A chapter titled “Indian Nukes: How to Win a Medal by Changing Hillary’s Mind” follows the money flow surrounding the Clintons regarding the nuclear debate. 
The chapter also highlights the case of an Indian-American Clinton donor who “pleaded guilty in an illegal contribution scheme for Clinton’s 2008 run”.
The book highlights exchanges between Sant Chatwal, a New York man who was sentenced to thee years of probation after being convicted of campaign finance violations, and the Clintons.
Chatwal was allegedly behind a speech Bill Clinton gave in London that paid $450,00.
In politics nothing comes free. You have to write cheques in the American political system – Chatwal"

Heck,they live in gated, guarded communities and have armed guards protecting themselves. -----A Mass Shooting Was Just Stopped, Here's What The Media WON'T Tell You

A Mass Shooting Was Just Stopped, Here's What The Media WON'T Tell You
On Friday, an Uber driver with a concealed carry permit thwarted an attempted mass shooting by pulling his own weapon and shooting a gunman who had opened fire in Chicago’s Logan Square.
Illinois Assistant State’s Attorney Barry Quinn verified that the driver “had a concealed-carry permit and acted in the defense of himself and others.”
According to the Chicago Tribune, the driver was watching “a group of people” walk in front of his car on North Milwaukee Avenue just before midnight when 22-year-old Everardo Custodio allegedly “began firing into the crowd.” The Uber driver pulled his own gun and “fired six shots at Custodio,” wounding him in “the shin, thigh, and lower back.”
The attempted mass shooting ended with no one other Custodio injured.
The Chicago Sun Times reported that the Uber driver had dropped off a passenger minutes before Custodio allegedly began shooting. The Times contacted Uber about the incident and they simply said “the company requires all its drivers to abide by local, state and federal laws pertaining to transporting firearms in vehicles.”
This man is a hero who saved who knows how many lives, all using a simple tool of self-defense we conservatives like to call a “gun.”
So why is it the media hates stories like these?..."

This ought to be funny. It's just sad..... The ABC's of LGBT

Black Caller: I Was Told I Had to Be a Democrat or I'd Be a Traitor to My Race - The Rush Limbaugh Show

Black Caller: I Was Told I Had to Be a Democrat or I'd Be a Traitor to My Race - The Rush Limbaugh Show:

"One of the requirements of the Democrat Party is everybody who isn't rich has to be a Democrat or they are betraying their "class," much like every African-American has to be a Democrat or he or she is betraying "the race," which is why conservative Republican African-Americans are targeted for destruction.  I can give you the names.  You know 'em as well as I do.  Clarence Thomas is at the top of the list."

Britain told U.N. monitors of active Iran nuclear procurement

Exclusive - Britain told U.N. monitors of active Iran nuclear procurement: panel | Reuters:
"Britain has informed a United Nations sanctions panel of an active Iranian nuclear procurement network linked to two blacklisted firms, according to a confidential report by the panel seen by Reuters.
The existence of such a network could add to Western concerns over whether Tehran can be trusted to adhere to a nuclear deal due by June 30 in which it would agree to restrict sensitive nuclear work in exchange for sanctions relief.
Talks between six major powers and Tehran are approaching the final stages after they hammered out a preliminary agreement on April 2, with Iran committing to reduce the number of centrifuges it operates and to other long-term nuclear limitations.
"The UK government informed the Panel on 20 April 2015 that it 'is aware of an active Iranian nuclear procurement network which has been associated with Iran's Centrifuge Technology Company (TESA) and Kalay Electric Company (KEC)'," the Panel of Experts said in its annual report. The panel monitors Iran's compliance with the U.N. sanctions regime..."

Ya can't fix crooked if ya reward it----Relief goods for Nepal quake victims held up at customs: U.N.

Relief goods for Nepal quake victims held up at customs: U.N.:
"KATHMANDU (Reuters) - Some of the relief material for survivors of Nepal's devastating earthquake was being held up at the country's only international airport because of customs bottlenecks, the United Nations said on Saturday, as the death toll from the disaster passed 6,600.
Nepal exempted tarpaulins and tents from import taxes on Friday, but U.N. Resident Representative Jamie McGoldrick told Reuters the government had to loosen customs restrictions further to deal with the increasing flow of relief material.
"They should not be using peacetime customs methodology," he said.
Material was piling up at the Kathmandu airport instead of being ferried out to victims, McGoldrick said.
There was no immediate response from the government but Finance Minister Ram Sharan Mahat had appealed to international donors on Friday to send tents, tarpaulins and basic food supplies, saying some of the items received were of no use.
"We have received things like tuna fish and mayonnaise.
What good are those things for us?
We need grains, salt and sugar," he told reporters."

This is how they "think".

Ah, now we see the plan-----California drought: Can railroads come to the rescue?

California drought: Can railroads come to the rescue?:
"As California's four-year drought worsens and water supplies dwindle in the state, an old technology—railroads—could play a role in alleviating some water shortages.
"We certainly have that capability today," said Mike Trevino, a spokesman for privately held BNSF Railway, which operates one of the largest freight railroad networks in North America.
"We carry chlorine, for example.
We carry liquefied commodities."
Experts say the East Coast's plentiful water could cost cents per gallon to Californians and provide a stable, potable water supply for small communities. 
Obstacles include identifying a state willing to share some of its water, and securing the construction funds for key infrastructure work, including terminals that can handle water.
"We've actually spent some time on this and some energy, and there's merit; there's value for railroads to play a role in moving water," said Ed McKechnie, chairman of the American Short Line and Regional Railroad Association."

Wait, What? Hillary Calls for 'Restoring Trust' In Politics |

Wait, What? Hillary Calls for 'Restoring Trust' In Politics |

"Remember the last time Clinton spoke in so public a setting in New York, she was explaining that she had destroyed 31,000 emails from her time in office."

Gallup: Less Than 1% of Adult Population Part of a Same-Sex Couple

Gallup: Less Than 1% of Adult Population Part of a Same-Sex Couple
According to a recent Gallup survey, of the total U.S. adult population (approximately 243 million U.S. adults), less than 1 percent, only .8 percent (approximately 2 million U.S. adults), are part of a same-sex couple.
The same survey finds that approximately .3 percent (.3%) of U.S. adults are married to a same-sex spouse, a mere .5 percent (.5%) identify as being in a same-sex domestic partnership and, of the estimated .8 percent (.8%) of the total U.S. adult population that are a part of a same-sex couple, 780,000 are married. 
In other words, of the estimated 2 million adults that are a part of a same-sex couple, 39 percent (39%) are married
