Friday, May 22, 2015

BIG study!! Totally bogus!---------What the Faked Gay Marriage Study Says About Academia and the Media

What the Faked Gay Marriage Study Says About Academia and the Media | The American Spectator
Two aspiring political scientists exposed a widely referenced study, which maintained that homosexuals discussing gay marriage with citizens proved “capable of producing a cascade of opinion change,” as a total fraud.
Berkeley grad student Joshua Kalla and Stanford professor David Broockman, eager to add to the project with their own study, discovered that the survey firm identified in “When Contact Changes Minds: An Experiment on Transmission of Support for Gay Equality” maintained “no familiarity with the project,” “never had an employee with the name of the staffer” believed as assisting the research, and “denied having the capabilities” to conduct such an endeavor.
The debunking unleashed myriad reactions, none as gleeful as the ones that greeted the initial study late last year.
“Perhaps he meticulously planned the whole thing with malice aforethought,” Duke sociologist Kieran Healy speculates about Michael LaCour, the gay UCLA Ph.D. accused of fabricating data.... 

New Emails Revealed: The Intel on Benghazi That Hillary Clinton Received Just Days After Deadly Attacks |

New Emails Revealed: The Intel on Benghazi That Hillary Clinton Received Just Days After Deadly Attacks |

"Among the 55,000 pages of emails former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton provided to the State Department last year are hundreds of pages related to the 2012 Benghazi attacks and the situation in Libya. The New York Times’ Michael Schmidt got an advanced look at the emails, which include a warning from U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens."

Ferguson To Create Permanent Memorial Honoring Criminal, Michael Brown. Wow.

Ferguson To Create Permanent Memorial Honoring Criminal, Michael Brown. Wow. » Louder With Crowder
"The city of Ferguson is removing the makeshift memorial to Michael Brown. Booooo!
They’re going to replace it with a better one.
A nice permanent one, so his name can be remembered forever.
Because when you think of people worthy of public memorials, Ferguson wants you to think of people like Michael Brown.
...Have any of you seen Chris Kyle’s memorial, recently?
It’s beautiful–and invisible...."

It Is Mathematically Impossible To Pay Off All Of Our Debt

It Is Mathematically Impossible To Pay Off All Of Our Debt
Did you know that if you took every single penny away from everyone in the United States that it still would not be enough to pay off the national debt?  
Today, the debt of the federal government exceeds $145,000 per household, and it is getting worse with each passing year.  
Many believe that if we paid it off a little bit at a time that we could eventually pay it all off, but as you will see below that isn’t going to work either.  
It has been projected that “mandatory” federal spending on programs such as Social Security, Medicaid and Medicare plus interest on the national debt will exceed total federal revenue by the year 2025.  
That is before a single dollar is spent on the U.S. military, homeland security, paying federal workers or building any roads and bridges.  
So no, we aren’t going to be “paying down” our debt any time in the foreseeable future. 
And of course it isn’t just our 18 trillion dollar national debt that we need to be concerned about.  
Overall, Americans are a total of 58 trillion dollars in debt.  
35 years ago, that number was sitting at just 4.3 trillion dollars.  
There is no way in the world that all of that debt can ever be repaid.  
The only thing that we can hope for now is for this debt bubble to last for as long as possible before it finally explodes.
It shocks many people to learn that our debt is far larger than the total amount of money in existence.  
So let’s take a few moments and go through some of the numbers.
Read it all and weep.

What could possibly go wrong?-----The US Wants Israel to Lose Its Nukes

The US Wants Israel to Lose Its Nukes:
Assistant US Secretary of State for International Security and Nonproliferation, Thomas Countryman, recently visited Israel and held talks with senior Foreign Ministry officials, about the possibility of making the Middle East nuclear-free.
Washington seeks to advance the idea after reaching agreement with Russia about the matter.
The State Department confirmed Countryman's visit and sources in the US Administration said that Israeli agreement to the idea would be a catalyst for bringing additional countries into discussions on the matter.
The Americans have been attempting to convene an international conference on the subject for some time, without success. 
Secretary of State John Kerry spoke about the idea with pessimism, and said it was "a very tough challenge."
The Foreign Ministry did not want to respond to the report about Countryman's visit and told Arutz Sheva that "the subject is a sensitive one, we will not talk about it."

PETA Wants A Bar To Change Its Name Because It Hurts Chickens' FEEEEEEELINGS - Chicks on the Right

PETA Wants A Bar To Change Its Name Because It Hurts Chickens' FEEEEEEELINGS - Chicks on the Right:

"According to this, PETA is demanding a bar (actually, probably a pub) in Britain change its name from "Ye Olde Fighting Cocks" because the term is offensive to chickens.

I am dead freaking serious. From the article -"

Thieves using a $17 device to break into cars with keyless systems

Thieves using a $17 device to break into cars with keyless systems
If you have a wireless key fob for a car with a remote keyless system, then you might want to start keeping your keys in a freezer or other Faraday Cage to protect it from high-tech thieves, who can use a $17 power amplifier to break into your vehicle.

Cars with keyless entry systems are capable of searching for a wireless key fob that is within a couple feet of the vehicle, but car thieves can use a $17 "power amplifier" to boost the key searching capabilities, sometimes up to around 100 meters, and pull off a high-tech car break-in.

After almost becoming a victim of a high-tech car heist again, Nick Bilton over at The New York Times said he is now keeping the keys to his 2013 Prius in the freezer. 
There had been a rash of mysterious car break-ins near his Los Angeles address, including three break-ins to his own car; all cars involved had remote keyless systems that come with a wireless key fob which is used to unlock the doors and start the engine instead of using a physical key.
Recently, he was looking out his window and saw a girl hop off her bike and pull out "a small black device from her backpack. She then reached down, opened the door and climbed into my car." 
He ran outside and the girl split, but he was curious about the black device she used to open his Prius.
He called Toyota but got no useful info; the LAPD blew it off and told him that he must have forgotten to lock his car...
He found articles from 2012 about how car thieves took only three minutes to steal keyless BMWs by exploiting "features," before discovering an article about thieves using a "mystery device to unlock vehicles."
Finally, he got answers from Boris Danev, the founder of Switzerland-based 3DB Technologies. The girl most likely used an inexpensive "power amplifier" to break into Bilton's Prius.
Mr. Danev said that when the teenage girl turned on her device, it amplified the distance that the car can search, which then allowed my car to talk to my key, which happened to be sitting about 50 feet away, on the kitchen counter. And just like that, open sesame.
"It's a bit like a loudspeaker, so when you say hello over it, people who are 100 meters away can hear the word, ‘hello,' " Mr. Danev said. "You can buy these devices anywhere for under $100." He said some of the lower-range devices cost as little as $17 and can be bought online on sites like eBay, Amazon and Craigslist.
What's the best way to protect your vehicle if it has a keyless entry system? The best way, Danev told Bilton, is to "put your keys in the freezer, which acts as a Faraday Cage, and won't allow a signal to get in or out."

Never trust the liberal media!-----Scandal Rap Sheet: 48 Reasons to Distrust & Despise the Media

Scandal Rap Sheet: 48 Reasons to Distrust & Despise the Media - Breitbart:
The American mainstream media is filled to the brim with liars, frauds, partisans, cheats, plagiarists, and those who tolerate, defend and enable all of them. 
There is no American institution — not the NFL, not the tobacco companies, not any corporation or enterprise regularly targeted by the media — that engages in anywhere near the amount of fraud and dishonesty that serially oozes from Our Media Overlords.
Forget bias for a moment. 
Forget mistakes and misstatements and stupid or nasty things said during live telecasts. 
There isn’t enough Internet to begin to list the countless instances of left-wing bias and politicking and idiocy the media engage in. 
What I’ve accumulated below is the scripted, planned and intentional.
Although I’m sure that more than a few examples have been overlooked (let me know which ones in the comments), this list is still a mind-blowing reminder of just how shamelessly corrupt the American media is. 
For these are the intentional lies, the intentional violations of ethics, the intentional manipulations, the intentional attempts to hurt the political right by employing the kind of tactics used by Third World propagandists.
And here is the most striking part:
All of these scandals involve an attempt by a media that advertises itself as non-partisan (MSNBC excepted) to aid and abet the Democrat Party, or undermine Republicans, or advance the media’s primary cause, which is to increase the size and scope of America’s central federal government.
As you read the list below, ask yourselves which American company or institution could survive a rap sheet even half as long as this one — decades of lies, cover ups, dictator-coddling, outright fraud, theft, and the fabrication of evidence.
The Watchman don’t need to be watched.
The Watchman are a disease that need to be cut completely out of our society.
  1. NBC News: ‘Dateline’ Stages General Motors Explosion – 1992
In an episode of “Dateline NBC,” NBC News rigged a pick-up truck so it would explode on impact with another vehicle.
Viewers were not told the explosion was rigged and therefore fraudulently led to believe GM trucks were unsafe.
“Dateline” is still on the air.
  1. Newsweek: Clinton’s Lewinsky Scandal Buried — January 1998
To protect then-President Clinton, Newsweek sat on and buried the story of the decade: A sitting and married president was having a sexual affair with a 22 year old White House intern.
Newsweek Monica Lewinsky
Internet upstart Matt Drudge ended up breaking the story wide open. Clinton was eventually impeached for committing perjury. He also has his Arkansas law license suspended.
  1. New Republic: Stephen Glass Blisters Republicans with Lies – May 1998
For nearly three years at the left-wing New Republic, Stephen Glass fabricated numerous stories, many of which mocked and belittled Republicans.
  1. CNN: In Exchange for Access, Saddam Hussein’s Human Rights Atrocities Covered Up – April 2003
In an April of 2003 New York Times op-ed, CNN’s chief news executive, Eason Jordan, admitted that, in exchange for keeping its Baghdad Bureau open, CNN  regularly lied to its viewers, and did so for a full decade.
Read 'em all.

Stupefying Generations of Americans

Stupefying Generations of Americans | Heartlander Magazine
I used the verb “stupefying” to describe a long process in our nation’s schools that has produced several generations of Americans, dumbed down and resulting in more than half who are functionally illiterate, nor can do math, and, as a recent headline reported “Student’s Results in Social Studies Stagnate.”
“U.S. middle-school students’ performance on social studies didn’t improve much between 2010 and 2014, federal test scores released Wednesday (April 29) show, underscoring concerns about the uniformed citizenry and workforce.” 
When it comes to U.S. history, the share of students scoring at or above proficiency last year was 18%, up one percentage point from 2010.
In other words, over 80% failed to have a grasp on the subject, critical to every citizen’s understanding of U.S. history, its Constitution, and governance...
Read it all and realize we've destroyed our nation's education system.

Scandal Rap Sheet: 48 Reasons to Distrust & Despise the Media - Breitbart

Scandal Rap Sheet: 48 Reasons to Distrust & Despise the Media - Breitbart:

"And here is the most striking part…

All of these scandals involve an attempt by a media that advertises itself as non-partisan (MSNBC excepted) to aid and abet the Democrat Party, or undermine Republicans, or advance the media’s primary cause, which is to increase the size and scope of America’s central federal government.

As you read the list below, ask yourselves which American company or institution could survive a rap sheet even half as long as this one — decades of lies, cover ups, dictator-coddling, outright fraud, theft, and the fabrication of evidence."

Hillary Clinton Supporters Actually Don't Support Hillary

Obama To Provide $163 Million For More Community Organizers To Deal With Police

Obama To Provide $163 Million For More Community Organizers To Deal With Police – BB4SP:
"Yesterday in Camden, President Obama revealed his plan for ‘improving’ relations between the police and the community in urban areas. 
We mentioned yesterday that he was going to be banning certain ‘military-style’ equipment from being provided federally to local police.
He also would be restricting certain items, such as riot gear from receiving federal funding unless it certain criteria were met, including getting approval from local mayor and city council and proving a legitimate reason for having them.
But worst of all in his scheme is that the Justice Department would be providing $163 million “in hiring grants for positions focused on building community trust”.
"Gee, I wonder who would apply and qualify for these DOJ grants?
We reported on the fact that protesters in #Ferguson were being paid to protest there and elsewhere, with money from organizations that had received resources from George Soros.
Sounds like now they may have an even greater assist now, from President Obama and the DOJ…."

History for May 22

History for May 22 -
Wilhelm Richard Wagner 1813 - Composer, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle 1859 - Author of Sherlock Holmes detective novels, Sir Laurence Olivier (Laurence Kerr Olivier) 1907 - Actor, director, producer 

Peter Nero (Bernard Nierow) 1934 - Pianist, conductor , Paul Winfield 1939 - Actor ("Sounder"), Barbara Parkins 1942 - Actress 

1819 - The steamship Savannah became the first to cross the Atlantic Ocean. 

1841 - Henry Kennedy received a patent for the first reclining chair. 

1849 - Abraham Lincoln received a patent for the floating dry dock. 

1892 - Dr. Washington Sheffield invented the toothpaste tube. 

1906 - The Wright brothers received a patent their flying machine. 

1939 - Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini signed a military alliance between Germany and Italy known as the "Pact of Steel." 

1947 - The Truman Doctrine was enacted by the U.S. Congress to appropriate military and economic aid Turkey and Greece. 

1955 - A scheduled dance to be headlined by Fats Domino was canceled by police in Bridgeport, Connecticut because "rock and roll dances might be featured." 

1967 - "Mister Rogers' Neighborhood" premiered on PBS. 

1977 - Janet Guthrie set the fastest time of the second weekend of qualifying, becoming the first woman to earn a starting spot in the Indianapolis 500 since its inception in 1911.