Saturday, June 27, 2015

History for June 27

History for June 27 -
Helen Keller 1880, Bob "Captain Kangaroo" Keeshan 1927, H. Ross Perot 1930 

Julia Duffy 1951, Tobey Maguire 1975 

1693 - "The Ladies' Mercury" was published by John Dunton in London. It was the first women's magazine and contained a "question and answer" column that became known as a "problem page." 

1787 - Edward Gibbon completed "The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire." It was published the following May. 

1871 - The yen became the new form of currency in Japan. 

1885 - Chichester Bell and Charles S. Tainter applied for a patent for the gramophone. It was granted on May 4, 1886. 

1893 - The New York stock market crashed. By the end of the year 600 banks and 74 railroads had gone out of business. 

1931 - Igor Sikorsky filed U.S. Patent 1,994,488, which marked the breakthrough in helicopter technology. 

1964 - Ernest Borgnine and Ethel Merman were married. It only lasted 38 days. 

1973 - Former White House counsel John W. Dean told the Senate Watergate Committee about an "enemies list" that was kept by the Nixon White House. 

1985 - Route 66 was officially removed from the United States Highway System. 

Friday, June 26, 2015

Judge Napolitano Unleashes Scathing Reaction to Supreme Court Decision — and He Doesn’t Hold Back on John Roberts | Video |

Judge Napolitano Unleashes Scathing Reaction to Supreme Court Decision — and He Doesn’t Hold Back on John Roberts | Video |

“The court is now in the business of saving a statute in order to save its reputation,” Napolitano said, summarizing the dissent of Justice Antonin Scalia.

“I believe … [Roberts] will continue to undermine his won credibility as a fair-minded jurist, because he has reached to bizarre and odd contortions in order to save this statute twice,” Napolitano said."

How the lib-snobs "think"-----Kim Kardashian appeared on NPR and listeners are outraged

Kim Kardashian appeared on NPR and listeners are outraged - The Washington Post:
Last weekend, the producers of “Wait, Wait, Don’t Tell Me” — the NPR quiz show known for its cheeky, wonkish humor — committed a horrible, no-good, sacrilegious faux pas:
They booked a particular celebrity for an interview.
The outrage was instantaneous.
“My first impulse after her introduction on the show was to question the meaning of life,” one commenter wrote.
Another listener angrily informed NPR’s ombudsman, Elizabeth Jensen, that they found the show “so misguided and offensive, I fear I will never be able to listen again.
“I think three horsemen of the apocalypse are now fully mounted,” a third commented.
The interviewee in question?
None other than Kim Kardashian, television personality, mobile-phone game mogul, selfie aficionado, wife of Kanye, mother of North and apparent harbinger of the end of the world...
...The man who helped precipitate that shift, a researcher and radio consultant named David Giovannoni, had a name for this particular persnickety brand of NPR listener: monks.
“These types are different from the regular news consumers, the typical news consumers who like debate and ideas, depth and logic.
This different type of listener, not so dissimilar demographically, is vastly different psycho-graphically,” he said, according to Pesca.
“Sharply differentiated by their needs and gratifications,” monks seek “to escape from the troubled exterior world and seek an interior serenity.”
People who only wanted to hear classical music on NPR?
People who find Kim K. joking about Kim Jong Un so offensive that they fear “contamination through the speakers?”
Also monks.
Here’s what Pesca had to say:
There is a type of NPR listener — and it’s a type of media consumer, it goes way beyond NPR—that defines themselves by what they are not.
To some extent, we all do this.
The bands we like, the foods we don’t eat.
But with them, it’s a much huger deal.
They’re closed-minded, they use affiliation with NPR...
A news consumer might not like the vapidity of Kim Kardashian on her e-show — but at least if they are a fan of this news comedy show, might be curious enough to see what a comedy show does with this figure, in the context of comedy.
The Monk, on the other hand, is driven by a desire to achieve the inner state that allows him or her to make sense of the world.
NPR or whatever media, for the Monk, is an escape from the sullied world. 
It’s crabby, it’s snooty and it hates the big booty.

Unintended consequences-----Supreme Court may make marriage more than just option for same-sex couples seeking benefits

Equality makes sense. 
Hopefully government and other tax associated institutions will stop taking tax dollars and gifting employee benefits to those who choose not to marry. 
Otherwise it would be terribly unfair.
Get this fixed now!

Supreme Court may make marriage more than just option for same-sex couples seeking benefits - Crain's Detroit Business:
If same-sex couples legally can marry in Michigan, then some actually might have to in order to preserve partner benefits coverage through their employers.
... Almost half of the 25 percent of employers in the survey who said they offer benefits to unmarried partners of employees today offer such plans only for unmarried same-sex couples.
That suggests the benefits picture could change quickly at some of those companies after the end of this month..."
Banning Flags

British White Sex Slave Ring Run By Muslims Grows to Over 300 Victims | John Hawkins' Right Wing News

British White Sex Slave Ring Run By Muslims Grows to Over 300 Victims | John Hawkins' Right Wing News:

"For well over two decades the British police in Rotherham, England completely ignored and refused to investigate the growing case of white teenagers being turned into sex slaves for the area’s Muslim invaders. Why? Because the cops were afraid of being called “racists.” Now that the cops there are FINALLY doing something about the massive criminal enterprise they have now found over that 300 white British girls were repeatedly raped and turned into prostitutes by Muslims."

Uber Driver Robbed At Gunpoint After Company Disarmed Drivers

Uber Driver Robbed At Gunpoint After Company Disarmed Drivers
On Wednesday, an Uber driver in Queens was robbed by a man who allegedly got in his car, pointed a rifle at him, and demanded his money.
This incident took place just two weeks after Uber formally changed its gun policy by banning drivers from possessing firearms for self-defense.
It comes less than a week since Uber made that change public.
According to the New York Daily News, the Uber driver stopped for up a 22-year-old man “on 67th Ave. and Burns St. in Rego Park just after midnight.”
The two negotiated a price then the man got in the car, only to allegedly point a rifle at the driver and demand all his money.
The driver handed over $60 and the 22-year-old suspect jumped out of the car and fled.
...Ironically, when Uber announced the ban on guns for self-defense they said the impetus was “to make sure riders and drivers feel comfortable.” 
Perhaps they meant riders who intend to hold up drivers?
Things were different just two months ago.
For example, the Chicago Tribune reported that on April 20 an armed Uber driver was able to use his concealed carry handgun to stop an attempted mass shooting.
That same driver would now have to flee for cover and scream for help like everyone else, thanks to the new prohibition against guns for self-defense."

Crappy Days Are Here Again by Myron Magnet

Crappy Days Are Here Again by Myron Magnet, City Journal June 24, 2015
It’s De Blasio Time, and madmen with machetes are on the loose.
Twenty-three prior arrests, including menacing someone with a machete five years ago, and this madman is still walking the streets? 
Seeing a passerby’s video of Sook Yeong Im, a pretty young Korean tourist, lying on the 40th Street sidewalk after crazy career criminal Frederick Young, 43, had twice slashed open her arm with his viciously honed weapon—exposing muscle fiber and sending blood spurting everywhere—brought back in an instant the knot of fear New Yorkers carried in their stomachs in the pre-Rudy Giuliani era, when out-of-control crime was killing not just one person every four hours, 365 days a year, but also was killing Gotham itself.
That the assault occurred in Bryant Park at 11:30 on a sun-drenched early-summer morning, as the victim was looking for a seat after her yoga class, seemed to unravel just about every gain that the tireless efforts of thousands over 20 years had achieved to make New York once more the capital of the world. 
Suddenly, it seems we’re back to Son of Sam or the Wild Man of West 96th Street..."

Quotas and ping pong tables?!!!-----Wayne State medical school told it could be placed on accreditation probation

Wayne State medical school told it could be placed on accreditation probation - Crain's Detroit Business:
"...The 1,200-student medical school in Midtown Detroit —  the largest single medical school campus in America — was cited for 12 violations of LCME accreditation standards, including a lack of student diversity and lack of independent and active teaching in the school curriculum, said Roy Wilson, Wayne State’s president.
...Other areas of noncompliance with LCME standards include inadequate numbers of students’ lockers and lack of space in cafeteria, lounge and auditorium areas, Wilson said.
But Sobel said LCME ignored Wayne State’s large gymnasium, meditation room and recreation room for students.
“(LCME) noted one student complained we only had one pingpong table,” he said.
If the Wayne State medical school is placed on LCME probation, it will join an increasing number of schools cited the past several years...."

Taxpayers slapped with $866,615 jet fuel bill for Obama's Earth Day speech |

Taxpayers slapped with $866,615 jet fuel bill for Obama's Earth Day speech |

"President Obama's decision to take his Earth Day speech attacking climate change "deniers" to Florida, home of two GOP presidential candidates, cost taxpayers $866,615.40 just for the flight of Air Force One.

Taxpayer watchdog Judicial Watch revealed Wednesday that the Air Force provided documents showing the flight expenses of flying the jumbo jet 4.2 hours to Miami. He was then helicoptered 20 minutes to the Florida Everglades for his speech."

How many will be blackmailed?-----Cyber Commander: OPM Hack Highlights Data Theft Danger

Cyber Commander: OPM Hack Highlights Data Theft Danger | Washington Free Beacon
On Capitol Hill Wednesday, OPM Director Karen Archuleta revealed that as many as 18 million Social Security numbers contained in a database on federal security clearance holders appear to have been compromised.
She declined to comment when asked if the total number of federal workers who were victimized in the OPM hack could be as many as 32 million.
OPM’s official estimate of the total number is that 4.2 million current and former federal workers were victims of the cyber attacks that was discovered in April and appears to have been carried out since at least December.
So far, two OPM databases were breached, a central personal network and a separate security clearance database used to check the backgrounds of federal employees involved in classified work. That database involves millions of people who are questioned about security clearance renewals or new clearances.
...“Quite frankly just continually responding to individual incidents, I don’t think in the long run is going to get us to where we need to be,” Rogers said..."

Total crap survey!!!-----22.5 percent of female undergrads at U-M have been sexually assaulted, survey shows

22.5 percent of female undergrads at U-M have been sexually assaulted, survey shows |
While an overwhelming majority of students reported feeling safe from sexual assault on the University of Michigan's campus, 22.5 percent of undergraduate women and 6.8 percent of undergraduate men reported having been victims of sexual assault in the past year, according to survey results released Wednesday by school officials.
The survey, issued to 3,000 students with a 67 percent response rate, defined sexual assault as any form of nonconsensual touching and kissing or oral, vaginal or anal penetration.
The findings mirrored a nationwide Washington Post-Kaiser Family Foundation poll of current and recent students, published June 12, which stated that 1 in 5 women say they were sexually assaulted while in college.
...A more in-depth breakdown of the student survey showed that 9.7 percent of all female students who responded said they experienced nonconsensual sexual penetration—oral, vaginal or anal—compared to 1.4 percent of male students.
In most of those instances, the nonconsensual penetration happened after verbal pressure, while under the influence of drugs or when the student was too drunk to stop the penetration from happening. Less than 1 percent of the students said that physical force was involved.
Verbal pressure was described in the survey as telling lies, threatening to end a relationship or spread rumors, showing displeasure, criticizing their sexuality or attractiveness or getting angry after being told no...

U.S. Army Considers Removing Portraits of 'Enemies' Like Gens Robert E. Lee, 'Stonewall' Jackson- Breitbart

U.S. Army Considers Removing Portraits of 'Enemies' Like Gens Robert E. Lee, 'Stonewall' Jackson - Breitbart:
"After receiving a complaint from “an unidentified official,” the U.S. Army War College is pondering whether to keep portraits of “enemies” like Generals Robert E. Lee and Thomas “Stonewall” Jackson hanging at the college.
According to the Washington Times, college spokesperson Carol Kerr said the complaining official was “struck by the fact that [the college] has quite a few Confederate images” and described Lee and Jackson as “enemies of the United States Army.”
The official said, “[Lee] was certainly not good for the nation.
This is the guy we faced on the battlefield whose whole purpose in life was to destroy the nation as it was then conceived.”
It should be noted that Lee was a graduate of West Point who was wounded fighting for the United States in the Mexican-American War and who “received several battlefield promotions” from the U.S. Army during that war.
In addition to this, anyone familiar with Lee’s writings can tell you he did not fight offensively against the United States during the Civil War.
Rather, he wrestled with how to respond to what he saw as a U.S. invasion of the southern states and decided his loyalties should lie with Virginia first and foremost..."

Data Proves that Slavery has Little to do with the Current Plight of African-Americans - Eagle Rising

Data Proves that Slavery has Little to do with the Current Plight of African-Americans - Eagle Rising:

"Williams goes on to discuss similar problems when analyzing modern black unemployment rates and low earnings.

I was amazed by all of the FACTUAL information provided by Williams, which can be easily proved with just a little research. The numbers are staggering and the connection between the problems in the black community and the welfare state are so far more compelling that it seems almost laughable that liberals continue to blame slavery for these issues. The truth is staring them in the face and still they choose to ignore it.

I think I may have been most impressed with this statement, though."

History for June 26

History for June 26 -
Pearl S. Buck 1892, William P. Lear 1902, Peter Lorre 1904 

Col. Tom Parker 1909, Eleanor Parker 1922, Greg LeMond 1961 

1819 - The bicycle was patented by W.K. Clarkson, Jr. 

1917 - General John "Black Jack" Pershing arrived in France with the American Expeditionary Force. 

1927 - The Coney Island Cyclone roller coaster opened in New York. 

1936 - The Focke-Wulf Fw 61 made its first flight. It is often considered the first practical helicopter. 

1942 - The Grumman F6F Hellcat fighter was flown for the first time. 

1948 - The Berlin Airlift began as the U.S., Britain and France started ferrying supplies to the isolated western sector of Berlin. 

1963 - U.S. President John Kennedy announced "Ich bin ein Berliner" (I am a Berliner) at the Berlin Wall. 

1976 - The CN (Canadian National) Tower in Toronto, Canada, opened. 

1985 - Wilbur Snapp was ejected after playing "Three Blind Mice" during a baseball game. The incident followed a call made by umpire Keith O'Connor. 

1998 - The U.S. Supreme Court ruled that employers are always potentially liable for supervisor's sexual misconduct toward an employee. 

2000 - Indonesia's President Abdurrahman Wahid declared a state of emergency in the Moluccas due to the escalation of fighting between Christians and Muslims. 

Thursday, June 25, 2015

The Top 15 Most Antonin Scalia Quotes From His New Obamacare Dissent |

The Top 15 Most Antonin Scalia Quotes From His New Obamacare Dissent |

"Here are the top 15 quotes we pulled from his scathing rebuke of the Roberts court’s ruling that saved Obamacare’s federal exchanges. It is Scalia at his Scaliaiest (emphasis added):

No. 1: ‘SCOTUScare’

“We should start calling this law SCOTUScare.”

As Negotiation Deadline Looms, U.S. Reportedly Ready to Offer Iran High-Tech Reactors |

As Negotiation Deadline Looms, U.S. Reportedly Ready to Offer Iran High-Tech Reactors |

“We don’t accept 10-year restriction. We have told the negotiating team how many specific years of restrictions are acceptable,” Khamenei said. “Research and development must continue during the years of restrictions.”

His office followed up Wednesday with a graphic listing the Iranian position, which included its previously stated demands that all sanctions must be lifted “on the same day deal is signed” and that no military sites will be open to international atomic inspectors."