Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Before Clock Incident Made Him a Celebrity, Ahmed Mohamed ‘Racked Up Weeks of Suspensions’ and Clashed With Authority | TheBlaze.com

Before Clock Incident Made Him a Celebrity, Ahmed Mohamed ‘Racked Up Weeks of Suspensions’ and Clashed With Authority | TheBlaze.com:

"Despite rumors about the 14-year-old’s past disciplinary problems, Mohamed’s status as a minor has prevented the Irving Independent School District from speaking out on the matter.

Critics have argued that his past behavior may have influenced how school officials responded to the clock that officials thought could have been a “hoax bomb.” Irving Mayor Beth Van Duyne recently told TheBlaze that the Mohamed family has ignored requests by the school district to allow officials to speak out about the case. The context, she said, would help explain why the situation progressed as it did."

So a kid who makes a clock which looks like a bomb, skyrockets to fame and is loved by all, including the executive.
Meanwhile, other American kids are suspended because a pastry looks suspicious. 

Can you hear our enemies laughing at us?  Honestly, what kind of an upside down world do we live in?  We have become idiots!

The Case for Ben Carson Grows | Diary of a Mad Voter

The Case for Ben Carson Grows | Diary of a Mad Voter:

Image result for ben carsonEarly as it is, recent polls are beginning to tell us something about the 2016 presidential election.
For one thing, it is becoming increasingly unlikely that Jeb Bush will be the Republican nominee.  Not only is he a weak fifth (at 7%) in the just released NBC/WSJ poll, Republicans, as of now anyway,  just don’t like him. In a new Fox News poll, he has a net favorability rating (like/dislike) among GOP voters of a measly one percent.
For comparison, favorability ratings for Trump are +12,  Cruz +21,  Fiorina +30, Rubio +35, and Carson an unprecedented +52.  Almost everybody likes him. (I thought Republicans were supposed to be bigots.) Carson is also creeping up behind Trump over all, only one point behind in the aforementioned NBC/WSJ poll, 21-20.  (Fiorina and Rubio are tied for third at 11.)

The Moment Ben Carson’s Campaign Manager Shuts Down CNN Interview During ‘Muslim’ Exchange: ‘This Interview Is Over’ | Video | TheBlaze.com

The Moment Ben Carson’s Campaign Manager Shuts Down CNN Interview During ‘Muslim’ Exchange: ‘This Interview Is Over’ | Video | TheBlaze.com:

"Ben Carson’s campaign manager literally shut down a CNN interview on Sunday as anchor Jake Tapper grilled the Republican presidential candidate on his views on Muslims."

Stay strong Ben!
We need people like you.
We know the press is bowing to the ruling party.  

Step Aside Detroit: There Is A New "Worst" City For Housing In The U.S.

Step Aside Detroit: There Is A New "Worst" City For Housing In The U.S. | Zero Hedge
While the Case-Shiller index reported earlier was weaker than had been expected, and the 20 City composite index posted its third monthly decline in a row, the headline hid a wide dispersion of home prices beneath the surface.
Perhaps just to underscore this point, Case-Shiller also provided a handy chart showing the best and worst cities for home prices in the US.
It will come as no surprise that the west, with San Diego, is where the gains are still frothiest: after all the Chinese "hot money" exporters are rushing to park their funds before the exit door slams shut, and are doing so as close to home as possible.
What was surprising is the other end of the spectrum, because as Case-Shiller clearly shows, Detroit - after staging a brief dead cat bounce in the aftermath of its bankruptcy and since sliding once again - may no longer be the worst city for home prices in the US. It has now been displaced by a city which many speculate will be nothing short of the "next Detroit."

This morning!!-----Intense Solar Flare Unleashed from Unruly Sunspot

Intense Solar Flare Unleashed from Unruly Sunspot:
M7-Class Solar Flare Sept. 28, 2015"An intense solar flare took out low-frequency radio communications over South America and the Atlantic Ocean earlier today (Sept. 28), and the unstable sunspot is likely to erupt again.
...At 10:53 a.m. EDT (1453 GMT), the medium-size M7-class solar flareburst from the sunspot called Active Region 2422 (AR2422). 
...The peak of the action, when there was a brief radio communications blackout on the sunlit side of Earth, was about 5 minutes later, at 10:58 a.m. EDT (1458 GMT). 
"AR2422 has an unstable 'beta-gamma-delta' magnetic field that could erupt again at any moment," Spaceweather.com said in its forecast
At the time of this writing, there was a 40-percent chance of another, similarly sized solar flare and a 5 percent chance of a powerful X-class flare during the next 24 hours. 
X-class flares can cause planet-wide radio blackouts and radiation storms, and are 10 times more powerful than M-class flares..."

Muslim Authority Tried to Hide Biblical History of Jerusalem by Moving Tons of Earth from the Temple Mount. Looks Like a Boy Ruined That Plan When He Found a 3,000-Year-Old King David-Era Artifact. | TheBlaze.com

Muslim Authority Tried to Hide Biblical History of Jerusalem by Moving Tons of Earth from the Temple Mount. Looks Like a Boy Ruined That Plan When He Found a 3,000-Year-Old King David-Era Artifact. | TheBlaze.com:

"Jonathan Tobin in Commentary Magazine explained the political context of the fight over archaeological evidence:

By trashing an area that was loaded with precious artifacts buried over 30 centuries, the Palestinians hope to convince the world that Jews have no claim to Jerusalem, let alone any part of Israel, including the areas inside the 1967 lines.

The significance of the seal is that it shows the level of activity that is consistent with it serving as the site of the capital of ancient Israel. Since denying the existence of David’s Kingdom might hurt the case for Zionism’s legitimacy, destroying evidence of that history is key to their agenda. […]"

Criminalizing climate science: 'It's a crazy situation,' says Georgia Tech scientist

Criminalizing climate science: 'It's a crazy situation,' says Georgia Tech scientist - Watchdog.org
Climate scientist Judith Curry says data tell her the earth’s surface temperature is definitely warming and humans have something to do with it.
In the increasingly polarized world of climate research where, with increasing frequency, one side is labeled “deniers” and the other is called “alarmists,” the decorated scientist at Georgia Tech has become a target.
But the fire isn’t coming from those who deride her conclusions about a hotter planet, but instead from scientists who actually agree with her.
Because Curry questions how much of the earth’s warming can be attributed to humans and is resistant to calling for political prescriptions for climate change.
“We have this politically correct, green position that all scientists are supposed to pledge allegiance to,” Curry told Watchdog.org.
“I’m not going to pledge allegiance to that silliness.”
For such plain talk Curry has been called a “climate heretic” by Scientific American magazine and was described by outspoken climate change advocate and Penn State scientist Michael Mann as a “serial climate misinformer.”
Earlier this year, Curry was one of seven climate scientists who had letters sent to their respective universities from U.S. House of Representatives member Raul Grijalva, D-Arizona, demanding they disclose “potential conflicts of interest and failure to disclose corporate funding sources in academic climate research...”

Skepticism grows the more closely you look at the data in the latest sexual-assault survey

Skepticism grows the more closely you look at the data in the latest sexual-assault survey - The College Fix:
When I wrote about the Association of American Universities’ massive sexual-assault survey last week, which found an assault rate of just under one in four college women, what jumped out immediately was its sloppy definition of “incapacitation.”
That was just the tip of the iceberg, judging by the thoughtful and exhaustive analyses turned out by experts across the political spectrum.
For succinctness and punch, the best may come from Stuart Taylor in The Washington Post.
Co-author of a book on the Duke lacrosse rape case and a fellow at the left-leaning Brookings Institution,
Taylor points out the low response rate (19 percent), the overrepresentation of women among respondents (60 percent vs. half of the student population) and wide variation in assault rates against women among the 27 surveyed schools (13-30 percent).
He points out a startling inconsistency in the data that the survey designers failed to acknowledge:
These tables indicate that about 2.2 percent of female respondents said they had reported to their schools that they had been penetrated without consent (including rape) since entering college.
If extrapolated to the roughly 10 million female college student population nationwide, this  would come to about 220,000 student reports to universities alleging forced sex over (to be conservative) five years, or about 44,000 reports per year.
But this would be almost nine times the total number of students (just over 5,000) who reported sexual assaults of any kind to their universities in 2013, the most recent data available, according to the reports that universities must submit to the federal government under the Clery Act.
...Sadly, the only attention these analyses seem to be getting  on campus is angry disbelief.
One alleged rape victim went so far as to deny the validity of statistical critiques because, well, it happened to her, and anecdotes beat ambiguous data..."

Free sombreros handed out at restaurant BANNED by university chiefs – because they're 'racist'

Free sombreros handed out at restaurant BANNED by university chiefs – because they're 'racist' - Mirror Online:
"Killjoy university chiefs have banned students from getting free sombreros - claiming they're 'racist'.
Students were being given free sombreros by a local Tex-Mex restaurant in a bid to drum up business , before uni chiefs ordered them to stop - because it violates strict cultural appropriation rules.
The University of East Anglia student union officials even took the big floppy hats from students at the Freshers' Fair, because non-Mexicans wearing the traditional item of headwear could be seen as offensive, according to a new initiative.
The Union has stated that the handing out of sombreros breached a key advertising policy which was sent to all stall holders before the event, prohibiting any use of stereotypical imagery in advertising.
It read: "Discriminatory or stereotypical language or imagery aimed towards to any group or individual based on characteristics will not be permitted as part of our advertising."
The policy specifies 15 types of discrimination, some of which include colour, ethnic origin and nationality.
The sombreros were seen as racist and a form of cultural appropriation, despite the fact that the restaurant's website says it offers a "Tex-Mex experience".
When Pedros were asked to stop handing out the sombreros they were amicable in doing so, although some students were less impressed..."

Ben Carson's Comment About Muslims Has Some Calling For Him To Withdraw- His Response...

Ben Carson's Comment About Muslims Has Some Calling For Him To Withdraw- His Response...:

"Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson believes America’s president must embrace America’s values.

His campaign said that is the bottom line of comments that Carson made Sunday regarding Islam’s incompatibility with the Constitution, as well as his belief that America should not have a Muslim president."

People Magazine alleges Ranger course "fixed" to graduate first women

People Magazine alleges Ranger course "fixed" to graduate first women | News OK:
"A People Magazine story claims that two women who recently became the first to graduate from the Army's elite and grueling Ranger school received special treatment.
That prompted what Military.com described as a "blistering denial" late Friday from the U.S. Army that the course was “fixed” to allow women to pass and earn the coveted Ranger tab.
In a statement, Brig. Gen. Malcom B. Frost, the Army’s chief of public affairs, said that the People Magazine article charging that Army Capt. Kristen Griest and 1st Lt. Shaye Haver were given special treatment was “flat-out wrong” and “pure fiction,” Military.com reported.
Earlier this month, Oklahoma congressman Steve Russell raised questions about whether the women received special treatment and requested their performance records.
That prompted a group of women who had graduated from West Point to file a Freedom of Information Act request for Russell's Ranger school file..."

UN Program To Indoctrinate Every Child In The World Into Marxism Under The Guise Of Equal Rights To A Liberal "Education"

UN Program To Indoctrinate Every Child In The World Into Marxism Under The Guise Of Equal Rights To A Liberal "Education" | ConstitutionRising.com
"What better way to take over the planet than to indoctrinate all of the children of the world to your way of thinking and shared beliefs? 
That appears to be what is underway as Hussein Obama and his global government comrades move to provide an “education” to every child on the Earth, one that will undoubtedly include their Marxist agenda at its core.
Former Australian Prime Minister and left wing agitator Julia Gillard is leading the effort on behalf of the globalists, in conjunction with their just announced UN Agenda 2030 blueprint for global government and global austerity. 
...While the report claims that there will be local input into the educational content, it is a fair assumption to make that these same fraudulent alarmists who find it impossible to make a speech on anything without somehow weaving a threat from the air and climate into it are going to forego an opportunity to mold young minds into their shared compulsion.
It’s much more likely that the mathematics and science are merely a cover for the important topics consistent with the global Marxist thinking, man is killing the planet, success is bad, collectivism is good, obedience is freedom, everyone must be equal, religion is for fools and private property ownership is a sin. 
It’s basic Marxism and if they are successful, within a generation the entire planet will be poisoned and ready to accept their domination..."

China+Clinton+Obama. What could possibly go wrong?-----Obama calls for 1 million U.S. students to learn Chinese by 2020

Obama calls for 1 million U.S. students to learn Chinese by 2020 - EAGnews.org
WASHINGTON, D.C. – President Obama wants to quadruple the number of students learning Chinese in public schools by 2020.
Currently, there’s about 200,000 students learning Mandarin Chinese in U.S. public schools and the president wants to increase that number to 1 million by the end of the decade, the Washington Examiner reports.
...The 1 Million Strong initiative is headed by a group called the 100,000 Strong Foundation, which was first established in November 2009 by former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton with the goal of sending 100,000 American students to study in China.
...The initial 100,000 Strong program was funded in part through the Chinese government as part of its broader effort to spread its culture around the world.
The government has partnered with American universities and other foreign schools to launch Confucius Institutes to spread its ideas and bring Chinese students to foreign schools.
Those institutes have drawn criticisms from academics for a variety of reasons – from Chinese control over the professors who staff them to concerns about academic freedoms that don’t necessarily jibe with the country’s communist leadership.
But the Chinese government has also launched 357 Confucius Classrooms in American primary and secondary public schools that have also created controversy.

College Dean Has to Remind Students to ‘Welcome Debate and Discussion’ After Conservative Club’s Posters Are Defaced | TheBlaze.com

College Dean Has to Remind Students to ‘Welcome Debate and Discussion’ After Conservative Club’s Posters Are Defaced | TheBlaze.com:

"After a conservative college organization had their signs defaced with swastikas and curse words, a university official sent a school-wide email to remind students the college welcomes debate and discussion.

Several flyers advertising the Young America’s Foundation student group at Gettysburg College, a private liberal arts school in Pennsylvania, were torn down or defaced with swastikas and curse words, according to images obtained by TheBlaze."

Obama’s pen strikes again

COLUMN: Obama’s pen strikes again - Daily Inter Lake: Members:
The most important story of the past two weeks was not the visit of Pope Francis to Congress.
It was not the visit of Chinese President Xi Jinping to the White House.
It was not the resignation of John Boehner as speaker of the House.
It was not the debate over whether a Muslim should be president of the United States.
It was not the invasion of Europe by Middle Eastern refugees.
It was not even the war between Donald Trump and Fox News.
No, the most important story of the past two weeks, perhaps the most important story of the past seven years, is something you almost certainly never heard anything about.
The most important story you never heard anything about in the mainstream media is when President Obama picked up his fabled pen and signed an executive order on Tuesday, Sept. 15, entitled “Using Behavioral Science Insights to Better Serve the American People.”
Ladies and gentlemen, you have just been “Nudged.”
That is a reference to the title of a book by Obama’s former regulatory czar and Harvard Law professor Cass Sunstein.
The full title is “Nudge: Improving Decisions about Health, Wealth, and Happiness” and it was co-written with University of Chicago economist Richard H. Thaler.
The argument of that 2008 book is summed up by the authors thusly:
“People often make poor choices — and look back at them with bafflement!
...Encouraging people to make “the right choices” is called by Sunstein and Thaler “libertarian paternalism” — in other words, you are free to do what we think is best for you!
The executive order (written by Sunstein?) says that “the Federal Government should design its policies and programs to reflect our best understanding of how people engage with, participate in, use and respond to those polices and programs.

History for September 29

History for September 29 - On-This-Day.com
Miguel de Cervantes 1547, Horatio Nelson (England) 1758, Gene Autry 1907 

László Bíró 1899 - Inventor of the modern ballpoint pen, Jerry Lee Lewis 1935 - Musician, Larry Linville 1939 

Madeline Kahn 1942, Lech Walesa 1943, Andrew "Dice" Clay 1958 

1953 - "Make Room for Daddy" premiered on ABC-TV. 

1957 - The New York Giants played their last game at the Polo Grounds. The next year the Giants were in San Francisco, CA

1960 - "My Three Sons" debuted on ABC-TV. 

1962 - U.S. President John F. Kennedy nationalized the Mississippi National guard in response to city officials defying federal court orders. The orders had been to enroll James Meredith at the University of Mississippi. 

1963 - "My Favorite Martian" premiered on CBS-TV. 

1982 - In Chicago, IL, seven people died after taking capsules of Extra-Strength Tylenol that had been laced with cyanide. 264,000 bottles were recalled. 

1983 - "A Chorus Line" with performance number 3,389 became the longest running show on Broadway. 

2008 - The Dow Industrial Average lost 777 points. It was the largest one-day decline to date. The drop came after the U.S. House of Representatives had voted down a $700 billion bank bailout plan.

Monday, September 28, 2015

Bill Clinton Has a Pretty Good Idea Who’s to Blame for Hillary’s Email Woes | TheBlaze.com

Bill Clinton Has a Pretty Good Idea Who’s to Blame for Hillary’s Email Woes | TheBlaze.com:

"WASHINGTON (AP) — Former President Bill Clinton blamed Republicans and the media for the controversy surrounding his wife’s use of a private email server as secretary of state, arguing that GOP rivals want to focus on political hype to undercut her presidential campaign."

Follow the money-----Dayton, OH mayor: Bring us some Syrian (Muslim) refugees! Congressman says NO way!

Dayton, OH mayor: Bring us some Syrian (Muslim) refugees! Congressman says NO way! « Refugee Resettlement Watch:
"The Dayton, Ohio mayor is one of the 18 we told you about here yesterday who wrote to Obama asking for a supply of Syrians for their cities.
They think more refugees are going to be an economic boon to failing Democrat-run cities.
The only boost in the economy I can see is from the federal welfare dollars that would flow from Washington (but Washington doesn’t grow money on trees, it all comes from us).
Heck, they can even get more HUD housing to be built by crony developers!
Turns out that the Democrat mayor is getting a tongue-lashing from the Republican Congressman, Rep. Mike Turner, whose district includes Dayton.
(Some reports I read just now on Mayor Nan Whaley say she is planning a run for Congress.)
She may be looking for new reliably Democrat voters since the majority of Muslim refugees are voting for Democrats (see here).
Most of the Syrians (97% of those arriving in 2015) are UN-chosen Sunni Muslims.
Here is the news from the Dayton Daily News:
The Obama administration should accept more people fleeing war-torn Syria, Dayton Mayor Nan Whaley said Friday, adding the city is willing to be a landing spot to help resettle refugees.
Whaley and 17 other U.S. mayors sent a letter Thursday asking the president to increase the number of asylum-seekers America will take in.
She said Dayton is prepared to help the administration address the humanitarian crisis by welcoming refugees if they are placed here.
...However, U.S. Rep. Mike Turner, R-Dayton, said Whaley does not have the authority to extend that invitation and warned refugees require significant resources and pose a national security risk.
“Mayor Whaley’s actions are outrageous and, for the second time, she has decided to speak on behalf of the Dayton area without authority and without considering the repercussions,” he said, referring to her willingness last year to accept unaccompanied migrant children arriving at the nation’s southern border..."

Lucianne.com News Forum - Thread

Police in Florida have arrested a woman who they say appeared to be riding a sea turtle in pictures she posted to social media.

Multiple media outlets report that 20-year-old Stephanie Marie Moore was arrested by Melbourne police early Saturday on the felony charge of trying to "possess, sell, molest marine turtle." Moore was one of two women photographed in July sitting on or riding sea turtles. The photos flooded social media sites and prompted multiple complaints to the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, which handled the criminal investigation. Moore´s arrest happened when Melbourne officers responded to a disturbance"

Ah, they cheat. Get the money. Then they threaten.-----Spain tells VW subsidiary SEAT to return subsidies given to produce clean efficient cars

Spain tells VW subsidiary SEAT to return subsidies given to produce clean efficient cars | Fox News
"MADRID –  Spain's minister of industry, energy and tourism says the government will require the Volkswagen subsidiary SEAT to return subsidies it had received to produce "efficient vehicles."
Jose Manuel Soria said Saturday he expected SEAT to tell his ministry how many vehicles it had produced and sold both inside and outside Spain using software that cheats on diesel engine emissions tests.
Soria said the Volkswagen Group has given its assurances that it would maintain its investments in Spain and that the emissions scandal would "not affect the activity or employment" in Spain..."

Is there any historical precedent for Donald Trump?

Is there any historical precedent for Donald Trump? | Washington Examiner:
"In November 1964, a crowd of 5,000 attended the opening of the Verrazano Narrows Bridge, then the longest suspension bridge in the world. Presiding were New York Mayor Robert Wagner, Gov. Nelson Rockefeller and transportation and parks czar Robert Moses. Also in the crowd was a teenager named Donald Trump.
Trump later told a New York Times reporter that he remembered that on that occasion no one mentioned the name of 85-year-old Othmar Ahmann, designer of New York's famous bridges for more than 50 years. "I realized then and there that if you let people treat you how they want, you'll be made a fool," he told the Times. "I don't want to be anyone's sucker.""

Two Republican Presidential Candidates Practically Even at Top of New Poll | TheBlaze.com

Two Republican Presidential Candidates Practically Even at Top of New Poll | TheBlaze.com:

"Donald Trump and Ben Carson are pretty much dead even at the top of the Republican field vying for the 2016 presidency, NBC News reported Sunday, citing its new poll with the Wall Street Journal."

Obama's Disastrous Economic "Recovery" In 9 Horrifying Charts

Obama's Disastrous Economic "Recovery" In 9 Horrifying Charts | The Federalist Papers

Dirty kids are healthy kids

Dirty kids are healthy kids | Pork Network:
"Squeaky clean and always sick.
You’re armed with an arsenal of hand sanitizer and disinfectant wipes. 
On a mission to protect your kids from a world full of germs.
But have they had their daily dose of dirt?
It just might be what the doctor ordered, according to the latest in the hygiene hypothesis.
Where less exposure to germs leads to a greater risk of allergies and asthma.
No one wants that.
But there’s an easy fix.
Visit a farm. 
Feed the cows. 
Get your hands dirty. 
And take a deep breath of fresh air.
It’s the farm effect. 
Working with livestock, stirring up the dust and drinking from the water hose.
It exposes farm kids to good bacteria.
Building up their immune systems.
And lessening their chances for getting sick.
But one dose won’t do the trick. 
Exposure to germs at a young age, and often, is why this works.
That means the old adage “a little dirt don’t hurt” has some science to back it up.
And healthy farm kids are the proof.
So swap screen time for farm time.
And mingle with the good “bugs.”"

With Pope’s Help, U.N. Bypasses Congress on Global Socialism

With Pope’s Help, U.N. Bypasses Congress on Global Socialism
Pope Francis didn’t make the list of “Eminent Persons” assembled by the U.N. Secretary General to plan the “global development framework” for the world beyond 2015 and culminating in 2030.
But the pope didn’t need to be on the list.
After all, the Vatican has endorsed the anti-capitalist “sustainable development” agenda that is being voted on by the nations of the world at the U.N.
However, the American people, through their elected representatives, have had absolutely no input in developing this new global agenda which President Obama will implement without the input or approval of Congress.
...In his speech to Congress on Thursday, Pope Francis once again demonstrated his pro-Marxist tendencies, hailing the work of Dorothy Day, an American convert to Catholicism who never renounced her pro-Marxist views but has been described by the media as just an activist for “social justice.”
She was a founder of the Catholic Worker Movement and was the subject of a 581-page FBI file for her connections to communists and communist groups.
Nevertheless, at the White House on Wednesday and appearing with President Obama, Pope Francis specifically reaffirmed his support for the U.N.’s “sustainable and integral development” model from his “Laudato Si” encyclical.
...The pope says nice things about the poor, but the practical result of ditching capitalism for socialism will be more poverty, suffering, and death.

Hillary Clinton vs. FOIA - WSJ

Hillary Clinton vs. FOIA - WSJ:

"The Clintons are street fighters, and over their scandal-plagued years they have mastered outwitting the press, Congress, the Justice Department, even special prosecutors. But the reason Mrs. Clinton isn’t winning her latest scandal is because she faces a new opponent—one she can’t beat: the Freedom of Information Act."

No more forced union dues for UAW autoworkers in 3 Midwest states

No more forced union dues for UAW autoworkers in 3 Midwest states - Watchdog.org:
"MADISON, Wisconsin — The United Auto Workers may extend its current contract with the Big Three automakers, but that doesn’t mean UAW-represented employees in Wisconsin, Michigan and Indiana have to continue to pay union dues.
The UAW recently announced it will extend the expired four-year contract, which ended last week, on an “hour-by-hour basis” while the sides continue to negotiate a new pact.
While the UAW temporarily extends its contract with the Big Three automakers, compulsory union membership has ended for union-represented employees in three Midwest states.
But the National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation wants workers to know the extension doesn’t change the fact Big Three employees in new right-to-work states in the Midwest may now opt out of compulsory union membership.
“UAW officials can say what they want, but they no longer have the legal authority to require Big Three employees in Michigan, Wisconsin, and Indiana to pay union dues as any ‘extended’ contract is now fully covered by state Right to Work laws,” Mark Mix, president of the National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation, said in a statement..."

Brave gals. A gun mighta helped-----Sisters fight off attacker who tried to kill them in home

Sisters fight off attacker who tried to kill them in home - NY Daily News
Two sisters who fought off a man who tried to kill them in their Salt Lake City home said their bond saved them.
Bre (left) and Kayli Lasley (right) rest in the hospital after the attack.Bre and Kayli Lasley took turns tackling the man, who police identified as Robert Berger, after he snuck into Bre's bedroom in Salt Lake City late Tuesday night.
As Berger repeatedly stabbed Bre, a police officer arrived and shot him dead.
Bre, 27, was working on her computer and listening to music around midnight when she heard a man whisper near her window, which she had left open about an inch to cool down her first-floor bedroom.
She thought it was a commercial playing from her laptop and dismissed the noise.
But 10 minutes later, she couldn't ignore it.
"I heard his voice and he just said, 'Hey girl, I'm coming in," Bre told the Daily News Saturday.
Berger, standing 6'2", got inside after opening the heavy window using a broom while standing on a chair, police said.
"He said, 'You either cooperate with me or I'm going downstairs to get your little sister,'" Bre said. "He put his left hand over my mouth and started punching me in the stomach..."
Read on.
Protect yourself or pay the price.

China’s Planned City Bubble Is About to Pop—and Even You’ll Feel It

China’s Planned City Bubble Is About to Pop—and Even You’ll Feel It | Newgeography.com
Seven years after the last housing debacle devastated the world economy, we may be on the verge of another, albeit different, bubble. 
If the last real estate collapse was created due to insanely easy lending policies aimed at the middle and working classes, the current one has its roots largely in a regime of cheap money married to policies of planners who believe that they can shape the urban future from above.
This time, the potential property blowout has roots in large part outside the United States.
Many of China’s current problems, in fact, can be traced in part to its unhealthy inflation of real estate values spurred by a drive to increase urbanization and density.
...The payback for ignoring the market could be imminent.
In Boston, demand for space in expensive residential buildings—where a 500-square-foot studio in the Fenway Park area starts at $2,700 a month, and new two-bedrooms stretch into the $7,000s—may be headed toward a glut.
Sound familiar?
Even some ascendant markets like Nashville, where apartment construction is growing more than 3 percent annually, appear to be on the way to being overbuilt.
If there’s a downturn in tech, which seems likely in the next year or so, expect San Jose, Raleigh, and Austin to start seeing a decline in rents and greater competition for tenants.
As we can see in China, Australia, Canada, and now at home, planners’ hubris about what is best seems to lead inevitably to a new real estate bust.
What we don’t need is not so much more pack and stack housing, luxury units, and absentee owners but a return to an updated version of Levittown or Lakewood. 
This would help middle class families and would supercharge the economy, producing three times as many jobs as multifamily construction.
It’s about time for the political class to acknowledge that, in most cases, people know what they want better than those who claim to know best. 
That’s as true in Beijing or Shanghai as it is in Sydney, Toronto, or Los Angeles.

Obama Lied Again: He Said He’d Cut Healthcare Premiums to $2,500, But They’ve Soared to Nearly $5,000 | John Hawkins' Right Wing News

Obama Lied Again: He Said He’d Cut Healthcare Premiums to $2,500, But They’ve Soared to Nearly $5,000 | John Hawkins' Right Wing News:

"When our liar in chief first came to office he claimed that he was going to “fix” the healthcare system. Then, when he began to sell Obamacare he promised that all of our insurance premiums would be about $2,500 annually. But now we find that this liar missed it again. Premiums have soared to nearly $5,000 a year under his regime."

My God, what a hero!-----B-29: Phosphorus burned through his flesh to the bone. His body on fire, he stumbled into the cockpit

B-29: Phosphorus burned through his flesh to the bone. His body on fire, he stumbled into the cockpit:
"...Erwin was afraid the bomb would burn through the metal floor into the bomb bay.
Completely blind, he picked it up and feeling his way, crawled around the gun turret and headed for the copilot’s window. 
800px-Red_Erwin_1995His face and arms were covered with ignited phosphorus and his path was blocked by the navigator’s folding table, hinged to the wall but down and locked.
The navigator had left his table to make a sighting.
Erwin couldn’t release the table’s latches with one hand, so he grabbed the white-hot bomb between his bare right arm and his ribcage. 
In the few seconds it took to raise the table, the phosphorus burned through his flesh to the bone. 
His body on fire, he stumbled into the cockpit, threw the bomb out the window and collapsed between the pilot’s seats.
The smoke cleared enough for Simeral to pull the B-29 out of a dive at 300 feet (91 m) above the water and turn toward Iwo Jima, where Erwin could be given emergency treatment.
His crew members extinguished his burning clothes and administered first aid, but whenever Erwin’s burns were uncovered, phosphorus embedded in his skin would begin to smolder.
Although in excruciating pain, he remained conscious throughout the flight and spoke only to inquire about the safety of the crew. 
Once at Iwo Jima, medical personnel didn’t believe he would survive..."