Friday, May 27, 2016

Washingtonian Editor: People Shouldn’t Say ‘Start a Family’ Because It’s Offensive |

Washingtonian Editor: People Shouldn’t Say ‘Start a Family’ Because It’s Offensive |

"Bill O’Sullivan, the senior editor of the Washingtonian magazine, wrote in an editorial Thursday that the “loathsome” phrase “start a family” should be scrubbed from the vocabulary because it’s offensive to single people and couples without children."

FAU Professor Praises Severing Hands Under Sharia Law

FAU Professor Praises Severing Hands Under Sharia Law | The Daily Caller
"At a panel discussion on Islam and terrorism at Florida Atlantic University, a professor on the taxpayer-funded school’s faculty praised the Sharia law practice of cutting off the hands of criminals who steal.
The words of wisdom concerning the notorious Islamic penal code came from Bassem Al Halabi, an electrical engineering and computer science professor at Florida Atlantic University. Florida
In countries in the Middle East where Sharia law is not practiced, Al Halabi said, people “die in dozens and hundreds every day because of organized crime.
People kill people — other people — for steal [sic] pizza for 10 dollars.
So when Islamic Sharia is saying about capital punishment — so even though it sounds very severe, but if that is the solution to prevent any crimes, then it still has a lot of rules and regulations.”
Al Halabi then defended cutting off criminals’ hands.
“I will just mention one and stop here, which is: let’s say cutting the hand off a person if they steal,” the Florida Atlantic professor continued.
“It sounds very severe.
It sounds very barbaric, I know.
But if it takes one or two people to have their hands cut off and then there’s no more stealing in the whole nation, that’s a much better resolution than having hundreds of people die every day.”
Al Halabi also assured attendees at the event that “Sharia is being practiced in the United States.”
“We at the Islamic Center of Boca Raton, we practice Sharia — if someone doesn’t know,” he said..."

‘EcoSexual’ students at SMC ‘marry the ocean’

‘EcoSexual’ students at SMC ‘marry the ocean’

  • Earlier this month, a professor at Santa Monica College led students in an ‘EcoSexual Sextravaganza’ in which participants ‘married the ocean.’
  • After the ceremony, some students made their way to the shoreline, where they were urged by event organizers to “consummate” the marriage and “make love with the water.”

Lunch video-What ARE they learning in school?-----Americans Forget The Meaning of Memorial Day!

Arizona Gets Fed Up With Trump-Protesters... Makes Move EVERY State Should Follow

Arizona Gets Fed Up With Trump-Protesters... Makes Move EVERY State Should Follow:

"In Arizona, it just became a lot more dangerous to carry out a protest that blocks traffic.

Gov. Doug Ducey signed into law a piece of legislation that makes longer jail sentences possible for blocking traffic during protests —"

The Indy 500's moment of truth

Insights & Analysis - OPINION: The Indy 500's moment of truth
"For many of us, May is the high holy month of our passion for racing. 
In 2016, this fifth month of the Gregorian calendar feels different than the past twenty Mays that were tainted by division, decline and disillusionment. 
There is hope in the air and pride in our hearts as we approach the long-anticipated 100th Running of the Indianapolis 500. 
We know we are witnessing living history and we can't help but feel a long-missed anticipation and excitement as we approach the morning of 5/29/16.
This is also our collective moment of truth, for the 100th Running of the Indianapolis 500 represents a core sample of our hopes, dreams and fears for our sport in the context of the modern world. 
Our journey together has spanned two centuries and taken us from the dawn of the age of speed to the rise of the information age. 
The sport has survived two world wars and one racing civil war to arrive at this pivotal moment that has been 105 years in the making.
Now it is up to us make the most of it..."
Read on!

This Is How Much Your Health Insurance Payment Is About To Jump By

This Is How Much Your Health Insurance Payment Is About To Jump By | Zero Hedge:
"It's official: years of warnings that Obamacare will lead to dramatic increases in healthcare premiums are about to be validated.
As the WSJ writes, big health plans stung by losses in the first few years of the U.S. health law’s implementation are seeking hefty premium increases for individual plans sold through insurance exchanges in more than a dozen states."

Leona Clinton and the little people

Leona Clinton and the little people | Washington Examiner:
"...But Clinton's scandal is not really about emails. 
They are important details, but they are not the big picture. 
Her scandal — actually, the latest of a lifetime of scandals — is about the contempt she has shown for all the rules that little people have to live by. 
Like Leona Helmsley, the New York millionairess who notoriously suggested that "only the little people pay taxes," Clinton appears to believe that there is one set of rules for her and another for everyone else."

After Hillary Drops Out... What? | PJ Media

After Hillary Drops Out... What? | PJ Media:

"The State Department's report on Hillary Clinton's insouciant attitude toward cyber-security would finish any other American politician. She ignored the law, flouted it repeatedly, and didn't care; folks are in prison for less. The only thing that's holding her up at this point is her Amen Corner in the media, most of whom know her personally and who long for a Clinton Restoration in order to reclaim their places as house courtiers. "

Bus that drives over cars: China unveils futuristic transport concept

Bus that drives over cars: China unveils futuristic transport concept:
"IT LOOKS like a cross between an oversized train and a transformer.
But this is actually an elevated bus and China hopes it holds the answer to its crazy traffic jams.
The Transit Elevated Bus (TEB) would see passengers ride above the traffic below with stops placed along the route in a similar system to the subway — except apparently cheaper.
A scale model of the bus was unveiled just days ago at the 19th China Beijing International High-Tech Expo, and it certainly attracted some attention.
While the cost was not made clear, the engineer in charge of the TEB project said he believed it would solve major congestion issues across the country.
Bai Zhiming told China’s Central Television network, CCTV News: “With a carrying capacity of 1200 people at a time, the TEB has the same functions as the subway while its cost of construction is less than one fifth of the subway.
“Its construction can be finished in one year.”

AM Fruitcake

History for May 27

History for May 27 -
Cornelius Vanderbilt 1794 - Entrepreneur (shipping and railroads), Wild Bill Hickok 1837 - gunfighter, scout, lawman, Dashiell Hammett 1894 - Author

Hubert H. Humphrey (Hubert Horatio Humphrey, Jr.) 1911 - Served as Vice President under Lyndon B. Johnson, Herman Wouk 1915 - Author, Henry Kissinger 1923 - Former U.S. Secretary of State

1647 - Alse Young (Achsah Young or Alice Young), a resident of Windsor, CT, was executed for being a "witch." It was the first recorded American execution of a "witch."

1896 - 255 people were killed in St. Louis, MO, when a tornado struck.

1933 - Walt Disney's "Three Little Pigs" was first released.

1941 - The German battleship Bismarck was sunk by British naval and air forces. 2,300 people were killed.

1942 - German General Erwin Rommel began a major offensive in Libya with his Afrika Korps.

1969 - Construction of Walt Disney World began in Florida.

1994 - Nobel Prize-winning author Alexander Solzhenitsyn returned to Russia. He had been in exile for two decades.

1997 - The U.S. Supreme Court ruled that the sexual harassment suit filed by Paula Jones could continue while President Clinton was in office.

Thursday, May 26, 2016

WallBuilders - Issues and Articles - Who are the Racists and when did they Switch Political Parties?

WallBuilders - Issues and Articles - Who are the Racists and when did they Switch Political Parties?:

"Democratic apologists instantly posted comments dismissing that claim, arguing that everybody knows that in the 1960s and 1970s, the racists within the Democrat Party left and became Republicans. 1 Is the claim true? Did the racist Democrats become the Republicans in the 1960s and 1970s who took over the south?"

When you've lost the NYT...-----Hillary Clinton Is Criticized for Private Emails in State Dept. Review

Hillary Clinton Is Criticized for Private Emails in State Dept. Review - The New York Times
"WASHINGTON — The State Department’s inspector general has sharply criticized Hillary Clinton’s exclusive use of a private email server while she was secretary of state, saying she had not sought permission to use it and would not have received it if she had.
In a report delivered to members of Congress on Wednesday, the inspector general said that Mrs. Clinton “had an obligation to discuss using her personal email account to conduct official business” with officials responsible for handling records and security but that inspectors “found no evidence” that she had requested or received approval from anyone at the department to conduct her state business on a personal email.
The report also said that department officials “did not — and would not — approve her exclusive reliance on a personal email account to conduct Department business.”
It also added new detail about Mrs. Clinton’s motivation for using the private server, which she has said was set up for convenience..."
Read on.

After Hillary Drops Out... What?

After Hillary Drops Out... What? | PJ Media
The State Department's report on Hillary Clinton's insouciant attitude toward cyber-security would finish any other American politician.
...They can't protect her as they once could, and the multiplicity of media means that while the gatekeepers are still at the gates, the walls on either side have fallen. 
Meanwhile, State has publicly called her a liar and left a stinking mess on her doorstep that even her faithful house boys are going to find difficult to sweep aside.
Now what? 
Maybe this what:
The Democratic National Committee is considering a plan to re-insert Vice President Joe Biden into the presidential race, Donald Trump said Wednesday in California, a stunning claim on a day when front-runner Hillary Clinton faced new questions about her classified email scandal.
'I hear they're gonna actually slip Joe Biden in and he's going to take Bernie's place,' Trump told a rally audience of thousands in Anaheim, California, referring to Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders. 'I hear they want to slip him in,' he repeated. 'Cause I will say, the system is rigged against Bernie, 100 per cent.'
Read on! 

Obama Snaps Photo With Communist Leader, Then People Notice What's in Background

Obama Snaps Photo With Communist Leader, Then People Notice What's in Background:

"It’s bad enough that President Barack Obama is snapping selfies with communist leaders. Now he’s doing it with a specific one who helped kill tens of thousands of American men.

During his visit to Vietnam, Obama has been doing a lot of ill-advised apologizing for America. However, that’s not the worst thing."

College cancels 'Men in Literature' course, says it's too focused on men

College cancels 'Men in Literature' course, says it's too focused on men - The College Fix:
"A “Men in Literature” course taught successfully for eight years at Springfield College has now been canceled after campus officials complained the class was too focused on men.
The popular humanities department-approved course was taught by Dr. Dennis Gouws.
Campus leaders, prior to axing the course, accused the scholar of turning the English class into something of a men’s gender studies class.
In return, Gouws changed the curriculum to appease campus leaders’ concerns — to no avail.
...Perhaps not coincidentally, Herzog and Gouws fractious interactions predate the “Men in Literature” situation.
Herzog had previously denied a request for sabbatical leave for Dr. Gouws in 2014, and had also reprimanded him in an e-mail for missing a “sexual harassment prevention” training to which he had already been excused, the report also said.
What’s more, when Gouws had put up a poster in 2013 bringing awareness to false rape accusations, college officials reported a complaint about the posters contributing to a “hostile environment.”
Dean Herzog then declared the group behind the poster, A Voice for Men, a hate group. 
She cited the Southern Poverty Law Center, an organization famous for labeling many groups that aren’t sufficiently liberal “hate groups.”...

The Real Reason College Tuition Costs So Much - The New York Times

The Real Reason College Tuition Costs So Much - The New York Times
BOULDER, Colo. — ONCE upon a time in America, baby boomers paid for college with the money they made from their summer jobs.
Then, over the course of the next few decades, public funding for higher education was slashed. These radical cuts forced universities to raise tuition year after year, which in turn forced the millennial generation to take on crushing educational debt loads, and everyone lived unhappily ever after.
This is the story college administrators like to tell when they’re asked to explain why, over the past 35 years, college tuition at public universities has nearly quadrupled, to $9,139 in 2014 dollars.
It is a fairy tale in the worst sense, in that it is not merely false, but rather almost the inverse of the truth.
The conventional wisdom was reflected in a recent National Public Radio series on the cost of college. 
“So it’s not that colleges are spending more money to educate students,” Sandy Baum of the Urban Institute told NPR.
“It’s that they have to get that money from someplace to replace their lost state funding — and that’s from tuition and fees from students and families.”
In fact, public investment in higher education in America is vastly larger today, in inflation-adjusted dollars, than it was during the supposed golden age of public funding in the 1960s. 
Such spending has increased at a much faster rate than government spending in general.
For example, the military’s budget is about 1.8 times higher today than it was in 1960, while legislative appropriations to higher education are more than 10 times higher.
In other words, far from being caused by funding cuts, the astonishing rise in college tuition correlates closely with a huge increase in public subsidies for higher education. 
If over the past three decades car prices had gone up as fast as tuition, the average new car would cost more than $80,000.
...The rapid increase in college enrollment can be defended by intellectually respectable arguments. Even the explosion in administrative personnel is, at least in theory, defensible.
On the other hand, there are no valid arguments to support the recent trend toward seven-figure salaries for high-ranking university administrators, unless one considers evidence-free assertions about “the market” to be intellectually rigorous.
What cannot be defended, however, is the claim that tuition has risen because public funding for higher education has been cut. 
Despite its ubiquity, this claim flies directly in the face of the facts."
Read on!

Lunch Video shows Hillary Clinton 'lying for 13 minutes' 

Video shows Hillary Clinton 'lying for 13 minutes'
YouTube video entitled "Hillary Clinton lying for 13 minutes straight" has been viewed more than seven million times on the internet.
The video shows Mrs Clinton changing her positions on a variety of issues including Wall Street, healthcare, trade deals, and same sex marriage
...He later explained that it was "not a pro-Trump video" and he planned a similar attack on the presumptive Republican nominee in due course.
The footage included Mrs Clinton saying in 2004 that marriage is a "sacred bond between a man and a woman".
A decade later she said: "I support it personally and as a matter of policy and law."
It also transposed her recent comments blaming banks for the home foreclosure crisis with previous ones in which she said: "Homebuyers who paid extra fees to avoid documenting their income should have known they were getting in over their heads."
The video also included her claims that she had once landed in Bosnia under sniper fire, and footage showing she did not.