Monday, June 27, 2016

Clinton’s Official State Department Calendar Missing ‘Scores of Names and Events’ |

Clinton’s Official State Department Calendar Missing ‘Scores of Names and Events’ |

"Comparing Clinton’s official calendar with separate planning schedules given to Clinton by her aides each day, the AP found that at least 114 “outsiders” met with Clinton but were not documented on her calendar. They also identified “at least 75 meetings with longtime political donors and loyalists, Clinton Foundation contributors and corporate and other outside interests” missing from her calendar, as well as the names of and meetings with “influential Wall Street and business leaders.”"

The Pilgrims’ Failed Experiment With Socialism Should Teach America A Lesson

The Pilgrims’ Failed Experiment With Socialism Should Teach America A Lesson | Off The Grid News
"Socialism doesn’t work. 
Just ask the Pilgrims [1].
Most Americans are familiar with the story of the Puritans landing at Plymouth Rock in 1620, but few perhaps understand their early experiment with socialism and how its failure led them to embrace individual-driven capitalism.
...“But it soon became apparent that their new homeland was far from ideal,” Patton wrote. “They also feared that a European war was on the horizon. 
Thus, after much discussion, they voted to go to America.”
Since the Pilgrims did not have enough funds to outfit for the journey and establish a colony, they sought help from the Virginia Company of London and the Virginia Company of Plymouth, companies known as “adventurers,” which were organized to fund and equip colonial enterprises.
One of the key points of the contract between the Pilgrims and the Adventurers said that all colonists were to get their food, clothing, drink and provisions from the colony’s “common stock and goods.” In addition, during the first seven years, all profits earned by colonists would go into the “common stock” until they were divided.
Single most complete authority for the story of the Pilgrims and the early years of the Colony [3]
“Today we would call this a socialist commune,” Patton wrote. 
“In other words, the Pilgrims accepted the socialist principle, ‘from each according to his ability, to each according to his need.’ 
Each person was to place his production into the common warehouse and receive back, through the Governor, only what he needed for himself or his family. 
Image result for socialismThe surplus after seven years was to be divided equally, along with the houses, lands, and chattels, ‘betwixt the Adventurers and Planters.’”
The Pilgrims actually wanted to own their own lands and homes and to work two days a week for their own gain, but the adventurers would not allow it.
Once the agreement was signed, two ships were outfitted for the journey, the Speedwell and the Mayflower. 
But the Speedwell proved unseaworthy, so everyone still willing to make the journey—102 persons—crowded aboard the Mayflower and set sail.
Patton wrote that after landing on Dec 21, 1620, the Pilgrims suffered horribly their first winter, with around half the colonists perishing. 
Aid from the now-famous native, Squanto, helped them survive with new planting techniques, but the harvests of 1621 and 1622 were still small.
The colony’s governor, William Bradford, wrote that its socialist philosophy greatly hindered its growth: 
Young men resented working for the benefit of other men’s wives and children without compensation; healthy men who worked thought it unjust that they received no more food than weak men who could not; wives resented doing household chores for other men, considering it a kind of slavery.
Governor Bradford wrote that to avoid famine in 1623, the Pilgrims abandoned socialism, Patton said.
“At length, after much debate of things, the Governor (with the advice of the chiefest amongst them) gave way that they should set corn every man for his own particular, and in that regard trust to themselves; in all other things to go on in the general way as before. 
And so assigned to every family a parcel of land,” Bradford wrote.
The colonists, each of whom now had to grow their own food, suddenly became very industrious, with women and children who earlier claimed weakness now going into the fields to plant corn. Three times the amount of corn was planted that year under the new system.
When a drought threatened the year’s harvest, Governor Bradford called a day of fasting and prayer to “seek the Lord by humble and fervent prayer in this great distress.” 
God answered that same night with rain that continued in coming days, and the year brought a plentiful harvest.
“By the fall of 1624, the colonists were able to export a full boat load of corn!” Patton wrote. 
“And the Pilgrims settled with the Adventurers. 
They purchased the Adventurers stock in the colony and completed the transition to private property and free markets.”
And the Pilgrims learned a valuable lesson about socialism and hard work.

Why Gun Control Can’t Be Solved in the USA

Why Gun Control Can’t Be Solved in the USA | Scott Adams' Blog:
"On average, Democrats (that’s my team*) use guns for shooting the innocent.
We call that crime.
On average, Republicans use guns for sporting purposes and self-defense.
If you don’t believe me, you can check the statistics on the Internet that don’t exist.
At least I couldn’t find any that looked credible.

  • But we do know that race and poverty are correlated. 
  • And we know that poverty and crime are correlated. 
  • And we know that race and political affiliation are correlated. 

Therefore, my team (Clinton) is more likely to use guns to shoot innocent people, whereas the other team (Trump) is more likely to use guns for sporting and defense.
That’s a gross generalization. Obviously.
Your town might be totally different.
So it seems to me that gun control can’t be solved because Democrats are using guns to kill each other – and want it to stop – whereas Republicans are using guns to defend against Democrats. Psychologically, those are different risk profiles.
And you can’t reconcile those interests, except on the margins.
Image result for Anti-Gun ControlFor example, both sides might agree that rocket launchers are a step too far.
But Democrats are unlikely to talk Republicans out of gun ownership because it comes off as “Put down your gun so I can shoot you.”
Let’s all take a deep breath and shake off the mental discomfort I just induced in half of my readers. You can quibble with my unsupported assumptions about gun use, but keep in mind that my point is about psychology and about big group averages.
If Republicans think they need guns to protect against Democrats, that’s their reality. 
And if Democrats believe guns make the world more dangerous for themselves, that is their reality. And they can both be right. 
Your risk profile is different from mine.
So let’s stop acting as if there is something like “common sense” gun control to be had if we all act reasonably. 
That’s not an option in this case because we all have different risk profiles when it comes to guns.
My gun probably makes me safer, but perhaps yours makes you less safe.
You can’t reconcile those interests..."

British Lawmaker Calls on Parliament to Stop the ‘Madness’ and Overturn Vote of the People on Brexit — Here’s Where Things Stand | Video |

British Lawmaker Calls on Parliament to Stop the ‘Madness’ and Overturn Vote of the People on Brexit — Here’s Where Things Stand | Video |

"The speculation comes after an online petition seeking a second referendum on a British exit from the Europe Union drew more than 1.6 million names, a measure of the extraordinary divisiveness of Thursday’s vote to leave the EU.

The online petition site hosted by the House of Commons website even crashed Friday under the weight of the activity as officials said they’d seen unprecedented interest in the measure, which calls on the government to implement a rule that stating if that if “remain” or “leave” camps won less than 60 percent of the vote with less than a 75 percent turnout “there should be another referendum.”"

Study: Chicago Criminals Avoid Gun Shows, Internet Sales, Buy Guns On Street

Study: Chicago Criminals Avoid Gun Shows, Internet Sales, Buy Guns On Street:
"A new study conducted by the University of Chicago Crime Lab, inmates in the Cook County jail said they get they guns on the streets from “personal connections” rather that outlets like guns shows and the Internet.
The study focused on “inmates who were facing gun charges or whose criminal background involved gun crimes.”
According to the Chicago-Tribune, Crime lab co-director Harold Pollack said the study shows that “some of the pathways [regarding guns] people are concerned about don’t seem so dominant.” He said very few inmates indicated using gun shows or the internet.
Rather, they get the guns in undetectable ways on the street.
He said the inmates know they run the risk of being caught by police but “were less concerned about getting caught by the cops than being put in the position of not having a gun to defend themselves and then getting shot.”
The vast majority of the inmates used handguns to commit their crimes or protect themselves, very few cited using “military-style assault weapons.”
And they said their habit was to get rid of a gun after one year because of the “legal liability” of being caught with a gun that could be linked to crimes they or others committed.”"

TYRANNY: Michelle Obama Goes Too Far, Bans One of America's Favorite Cereals

TYRANNY: Michelle Obama Goes Too Far, Bans One of America's Favorite Cereals:
"If you thought first lady Michelle Obama’s lunch programs couldn’t get any worse, think again.
New rules brought about by Obama’s lunch legislation ban popular cereals children love in daycare centers across the country.
Even worse, childcare centers will not be allowed to serve fried food, they will only be allowed to serve juice once a day and will be encouraged not to add honey to a child’s serving of yogurt, according to the Washington Free Beacon.
The new rules, which go into effect in 60 days, also place strict limits on the amount of sugar in cereals served at childcare and adult day care centers.
Breakfast cereals cannot contain more than 6 grams of sugar per dry ounce, according to the regulation.
According to that rule, Lucky Charms, Trix, Cocoa Puffs, Cap’n Crunch and Frosted Flakes will no longer be options."

Lunch video-----Bolton: 'Brexit' will revive Western security


Muslim Profiling Isn't Illegal, Unconstitutional, or Un-American - Breitbart

Muslim Profiling Isn't Illegal, Unconstitutional, or Un-American - Breitbart:

"Indeed, as a law professor who has sat on the liberal seat on CNN’s Crossfire more often than on the conservative seat, and who has won over 100 legal actions against various different types of illegal discrimination, I write to say that:

I. Limiting or even prohibiting immigration by Muslims is not illegal
II. Considering religion as a factor in formulating anti-terror policy and tactics is not necessarily unconstitutional"

Government Rates 99% of Federal Employees 'Fully Successful' or Higher

Government Rates 99% of Federal Employees 'Fully Successful' or Higher:
"According to a recent study by the Government Accountability Office, virtually all federal employees are above average.
In a five-scale rating system, 74 percent of federal employees were given the highest two ratings of “exceeds fully successful” and “outstanding.”
Image result for Government Rates 99% of Federal Employees 'Fully Successful' or HigherIncluding the middle category of “fully successful” encompasses more than 99 percent of federal employees, leaving less than one-half of one percent as either “minimally successful” or “unacceptable.”
Under a normal, bell curve distribution, an equally low percentage of employees would be rated in the lowest and highest categories.
Yet, for every federal employee with the lowest “unacceptable” rating, 386 employees receive the highest “outstanding” rating.
Are federal employees really that far superior to private sector employees, or is the rating system rigged?"

Brexit Is Not A British Revolution; It's Part Of A Global Revolt

Brexit Is Not A British Revolution; It's Part Of A Global Revolt - Forbes
Brexit is overwhelmingly analyzed as a British phenomenon, to be “understood” in narrowly British terms, even though, through the eyes of a Europeanist like me, it’s just one more event in a much broader story:  the transition from the bipolar Cold War world to something different, something that remains to be created and institutionalized.
Something more traditional.
I don’t see Brexit as a revolutionary event.
It looks rather like a continuation of the end of the post-war world, which itself was a most unusual period:  there was no major war, and two superpowers could dictate major world events.
In that unusual period, various myths were generated, of which the most important (and most misleading) was that, henceforth, international conflicts and disagreements would no longer be military, but economic (one of Bill Clinton’s favorite mantras).
Image result for Brexit A Global RevoltThis myth went hand in hand with the notion that liberal democracy was henceforth the model for the whole world.
You remember “the end of history,” don’t you?
That being the case, it followed that borders were anachronistic, and national character could be undone.
The European project was based on these fantasies.
Helmut Kohl, the driving force behind the creation of the eurozone, embraced the ugliest stereotype of his own people.
Left to their own devices, he thought, the Germans would kill again.  
Therefore they must cease to be Germans and transmogrify into Europeans, and the solvent that would dissolve German national identity was to be the euro.
If you ask the French, Italians and Dutch how that worked out, they will tell you that the Germans now rule Europe thanks to the euro;  military force is no longer necessary.   
All over Europe, you will find people intensely disgruntled with German power, who bridle under Ms Merkel’s diktats, and yearn for greater independence.  
For extras, the Brussels bureaucracy turned out to be obnoxiously intrusive and corrupt.
Finally, there’s a revolt against political correctness.  
The people despise the current elites, both because things are tough and getting tougher for most people, and because the political class is manifestly afraid of the self-declared enemies of the West.  Listen to Pierre-André Taguieff:
"The elites also face the accusation of being blind, complacent, or powerless to manage new threats to nations: 
first, massive and uncontrolled immigration; 
and, second, what looks like a new Muslim conquest, backed up by various Islamist movements’ theories (from pietistic Salafists to Jihadists[14]). 
These two reasons for fear and self-defense take on a broader significance, even a tragic sense, in a context marked by the crisis of the welfare state and the failures or the pernicious effects of human rights based politics. 
On both fronts (immigration and “Islamization”), strictly “humanitarian” politics are impossible. They are pseudo-politics, or, more accurately, they belong to the impolitic, because they disregard the fundamental fact…that it is not us who designate the enemy, it is the enemy that designates us, regardless of our “genuflections, bows and other claims of benevolent understanding.”

QUESTION: Should The U.S. Exit The UN?

QUESTION: Should The U.S. Exit The UN? #USexitUN ⋆ Doug Giles ⋆ #ClashDaily
Do you think it’s finally time for the US to get the heck out of the UN? Or do you think that we need them?
Some feel that it may be time for us to follow on the UK’s footsteps. What do you think?
Here is what a Clash Daily writer, Sylvia Andrews, has to say about it:
Image result for us out of unThe UN started with good intentions. In 1945, representatives of 50 countries met in San Francisco to draw up the United Nations charter, which was signed on June 26, 1945 and came to exist on October 24, 1945. The charter was ratified by China, France, the Soviet Union, the United Kingdom, and the United States of America. The purpose was to promote international cooperation. It started with 51 members and now has 193. The United States pays 22% of the U.N.’s annual costs, which are over 1 Billion dollars. Initially, it was an ally to Israel and the United States. Unfortunately, over time, Israel, the only democracy in the Middle East, has been chastised three times as often as all other countries combined.

  • The Arab state members have turned the UN into an organization which seems dedicated to the eradication of the state of Israel. There are constant resolutions against Israel in a variety of areas. 
  • The ones accusing Israel of human rights violations are the very ones that are committing human rights violations, and no one is chastising them! In addition, there is ongoing corruption, mismanagement, bribes, and a variety of other unseemly activities going on. 
  • There is no accountability and fraud, waste, and abuse of resources is ever-present. 
  • It has become a bloated bureaucracy which started out with 1500 employees and has now ballooned to 50,000 worldwide.
Let’s look at current UN behavior, which should give every American citizen the impetus to scream for the US to get out of the UN, and get the UN out of the US..."

Democrats, LGBT activists’ sinister plan to crack down on Christian schools | Fox News

Democrats, LGBT activists’ sinister plan to crack down on Christian schools | Fox News:

“The passage of this bill would destroy the foundation upon which this university was founded,” said Jackson. “Systematically discriminating against religious institutions and preventing student access and choice to Christian higher education is bad policy and will have a negative effect on the state of California.”

What a $39-a-night Airbnb in New York City looks like

What a $39-a-night Airbnb in New York City looks like - Business Insider:
"New York City, in all its glory, isn't cheap.
If you're visiting just for the night, expect to drop over $260 on a hotel room.
We were greeted with this lovely minimalist setup, which included a battery-powered fan, full-size mattress, curtain, and a few decorative touches.You might find a better deal through Airbnb, where the average nightly rate is $149.
Alternatively, you can sleep in a converted taxi cab for $39 ($50 after the cleaning and service fees).
One Airbnb host has converted vans, campers, and iconic New York City taxis into 'rolling rooms' for all of the budget travelers out there.
What is it actually like to stay overnight in a yellow cab?
I ditched my overpriced Manhattan apartment for two nights and tried it out.
Here's what it was like:"

AM Fruitcake

History for June 27

History for June 27 -
Charles Stewart Parnell 1846, Mildred J. Hill 1859, Helen Keller 1880 

Bob "Captain Kangaroo" Keeshan 1927, H. Ross Perot 1930, Tobey Maguire 1975 
Image result for captain kangaroo quotes

1787 - Edward Gibbon completed "The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire." It was published the following May.

1801 - British forces defeated the French and took control of Cairo, Egypt.

1893 - The New York stock market crashed. By the end of the year 600 banks and 74 railroads had gone out of business.

1927 - The U.S. Marines adopted the English bulldog as their mascot.

1931 - Igor Sikorsky filed U.S. Patent 1,994,488, which marked the breakthrough in helicopter technology.

1942 - The FBI announced the capture of eight Nazi saboteurs who had been put ashore from a submarine on New York's Long Island.

1955 - The first "Wide Wide World" was broadcast on NBC-TV.

1967 - The world's first cash dispenser was installed at Barclays Bank in Enfield, England. The device was invented by John Sheppard-Barron. The machine operated on a voucher system and the maximum withdrawal was $28.

Sunday, June 26, 2016

Report: Pentagon Plans to Repeal Ban on Transgender Troops July 1 |

Report: Pentagon Plans to Repeal Ban on Transgender Troops July 1 |

"Thornberry intensely questioned the Pentagon in a letter last July, calling on officials to provide extensive information on the impacts of repealing the ban on transgender troops.

“What would be the projected cost of changing the transgender service policy?” he asked. “To what extent would military barracks, ship berths, gym shower facilities, latrines, and other facilities have to be modified to accommodate personnel in various stages of transition and what would be the projected cost of these modifications?”

The lawmaker also asked how far the Pentagon would be willing to go in order to provide medical treatment for transgender officers. Thornberry asked if it would include “behavioral health treatment, cross-hormone therapy, voice therapy, cosmetic or gender reassignment surgery and other treatments?”"

Traditional polls got Brexit wrong. Pollfish and other smartphone platforms got it right

Traditional polls got Brexit wrong. Pollfish and other smartphone platforms got it right — Quartz:
Poll after poll predicted the Remain vote would win the day and there would be no Brexit.
Almost all of them got it wrong.
Thursday’s referendum left the UK preparing to leave the European Union, and many pollsters wondering what went wrong with their efforts to gauge public sentiment.
The polling industry’s crisis of confidence is fueled by several recent failures to forecast major outcomes. 
From British Conservatives’ victory over Labour in 2015 to Trump’s unexpected dominance of the Republican presidential primary race (you can read celebrity pollster Nate Silver’s 5,379-word mea culpa on that here), well-respected polling outfits seem to keep getting it wrong.
...One survey method, however, has proved more accurate than the rest, and is promising to become the future of polling: internet and mobile phone polling..."

Harbinger Of The Future: 7 Times The Militant Progressive Left Used Violence To Shut Down Donald Trump

Harbinger Of The Future: 7 Times The Militant Progressive Left Used Violence To Shut Down Donald Trump - Breitbart
"As presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump gears up for the Republican National Convention in Cleveland in July – where he is almost certain to face angry progressive protesters – Breitbart News has compiled a list of the worst examples of anti-Trump violence so far this year.
Below is a list of some of the most violent progressive demonstrations that have happened at Trump events across the country throughout the GOP primaries—a harbinger of what is likely to come in the days, weeks and months ahead. 
In one case, an anti-Trump protester even tried to murder Trump just this week. 
As the tactics of the protesters become more and more apparent and the coordination between violent agitators and supposedly protesters become clearer, it appears the situation nationally is only headed for an even worse outcome than has already happened. 
As Brandon Darby, Breitbart Texas managing director and a one-time leftist activist who exposed these progressives’ actions to the FBI as an informant about their actions at the Republican National Convention in Minnesota in 2008, said on Breitbart News Saturday not too long ago, they work in concert with each other...
Below is a list of seven of the top violent protests against Trump so far this year, and a sign of what’s to come moving forward...
Mobs of protestors attack Trump supporters, who were simply exercising their First Amendment right, as they leave a pro-Trump rally. They smash tail lights of cars, berate supporters with punches, and chase defenseless people down, who were frantically trying to leave the situation. A young woman is cornered by a mob against the glass windows at the front of the facility. Severely outnumbered, she stands tall as she is pelted with eggs at a point blank distance. A young man bleeding profusely from his ear, after receiving a blow from a backpack swung like a baseball bat, was jumped and spit on by the pack of thugs. Another young man wears nothing but blood and pants, after his shirt was stripped from his body, and he was suckered punched in the face. Amidst a mob mentality, the gang harasses a middle aged woman, ripping the glasses off of her face and snapping them, like a pack of schoolyard bullies. Dodging bottles and spit, a middle aged couple attempts to walk back to their car without conflict, but to no avail.

Protesters march through downtown San Jose for an hour, targeting Trump supporters and evading officers.
Read on! 

Report: Islamic State Calls for Attacks to ‘Paralyze’ Europe Following Surprise Brexit Success |

Report: Islamic State Calls for Attacks to ‘Paralyze’ Europe Following Surprise Brexit Success |

"In the hours following the U.K.’s historic vote to leave the European Union, the Islamic State has reportedly called for attacks in Brussels and Berlin in order to “paralyze” Europe.

Britons voted Thursday my a margin of 52 percent to 48 percent to leave the EU, leading the Islamic State to celebrate the immediate negative economic effects of the monumental decision. The terror group’s message reportedly came through the jihadi Telegram, an encrypted communication service often employed by Islamic State members and backers."