Saturday, July 30, 2016

Here is a Handy List of Hillary's Trillion Dollar Tax Increases - Katie Pavlich

Here is a Handy List of Hillary's Trillion Dollar Tax Increases - Katie Pavlich:

"If she makes it to the White House, you'll be paying more in taxes. A whopping $1 trillion more.

Our friends over at American's For Tax Reform, who launched last year, have made a list of Hillary's tax proposals "

Giuliani: This Is the Most Anti-Police, Anti-Law Enforcement Convention I've Ever Seen | PJ Media

Giuliani: This Is the Most Anti-Police, Anti-Law Enforcement Convention I've Ever Seen | PJ Media:

"Former Mayor of New York Rudy Giuliani appeared on Fox and Friends this morning to provide commentary on the Democratic National Convention. Rudy pointed out that not a single Philadelphia police officer was allowed on the convention floor. He said four high-ranking Philadelphia police officers told him Hillary Clinton did not want uniformed police officers wandering around the delegates."

“White media get to the back! Black media come to the front!” shouted an organizer with a bullhorn.

'Take It to the Streets and F**k the Police.' Protestors Rail Against Cops at DNC |Heat Street
By Jillian Kay Melchior|6:39 pm, July 26, 2016
UPDATE: On Tuesday afternoon, organizers of the Black Lives Matter march screamed at white reporters to adhere to a scheme of racial segregation.
“White media get to the back! Black media come to the front!” shouted an organizer with a bullhorn.
The organizer, annoyed that people weren’t immediately adhering to her instructions, began hectoring white journalists who hadn’t complied.
“Excuse me, sir!” she yelled. “Somebody needs to tell this person to get to the back…. Somebody needs to tell these folks to get to the back!”
“We are not afraid to put people out!” the organizer yelled. “White people to the back! Black people to the front!”
See video of the incident below:

BLM activists told white media to get to the back today.

A-26 Invader Nose Gear Collapse On Landing

On Monday, July 25th, the A-26 Invader "Silver Dragon" suffered a nose gear collapse on landing at EAA AirVenture Oshkosh 2016. 
The crew had already executed a go around after hearing a pop while cycling the gear, and orbited to troubleshoot the problem. 
Eventually the decision was made to land on runway 36.


FBI ISSUES CHILLING STATEMENT – It’s Happening… | John Hawkins' Right Wing News

FBI ISSUES CHILLING STATEMENT – It’s Happening… | John Hawkins' Right Wing News:

"I don’t know why the FBI is freaking out over ISIS. I mean, it’s not like they’re as dangerous as my AC unit, right Secretary of State Kerry?"

What is Old, and New, and Scary in Russia’s Probable DNC Hack

What is Old, and New, and Scary in Russia’s Probable DNC Hack - Lawfare:
"...There is nothing new in one nation’s intelligence services using stealthy techniques to influence an election in another.
...The data breaches are raising questions as the U.S. considers whether to move toward electronic balloting. 
More people than ever are using the internet to register to vote and to request mail-in ballots.
Some states have even become vote-by-mail only in recent years.
“If you can’t keep the voter registration records safe, what makes you think you can keep the votes safe?” asked Pamela Smith, president of election watchdog Verified Voting.
Image result for electronic vote fraudFor a politically inclined hacker, insecure voter data could “very easily” create a pathway to “massive” voter fraud, said Joseph Kiniry, CEO of Free & Fair, which advocates for secure digital election systems.
“If you can go in there and delete rows based on someone’s name or political affiliation, we will have a massively screwed up election process on the day,” he said.
The Russian hack of the DNC was small beans compared to the destruction of the integrity of a national election result.  
This scary thought raises an OPM-hack-inspired question:
Who in the U.S. government is responsible for this problem?  
Election fraud is typically the responsibility of election officials working with law enforcement officials.
But when election fraud with national consequences is potentially threatened by foreign adversaries, it should become the responsibility of (at a minimum) national intelligence officials.
But are they on this problem? 
Does the United States government have a well-worked out plan to ensure that our highly computerized and highly decentralized system for electing the President is protected from foreign disruption via cyber-exploitation or cyber-attack?  
I have no idea—but I seriously doubt it."

Monster Win Is Good For Energy Drink Makers and Consumers

Monster Win Is Good For Energy Drink Makers and Consumers -
"July has been a bad month for those leading the foolhardy charge against energy drinks.
Earlier this month saw the quiet but welcome dismissal of a set of lawsuits against Monster, the maker of popular energy drinks. 
The suits, filed earlier this year by Morgan & Morgan, a Florida-based law firm, claimed just two cans of Monster could be deadly.
"When the Monster lawsuit started earlier in 2016, the law firm Morgan & Morgan claimed two 16-ounce cans of Monster Energy contained a 'lethal dose' of caffeine and that 'overconsumption of energy drinks has led to heart attacks, strokes and even death,'" reported the news website Inquistr this week. 
"The Florida-based personal injury law firm has now asked the courts to dismiss their lawsuits."
The news is particularly noteworthy because the media loudly trumpeted the purported dangers of energy drinks in the wake of the lawsuits. 
A Daily Beast piece on the lawsuits, typical of the tone of some reports, described the lawsuits' target under an ominous (and false) heading: "death juice."
Most reports on the lawsuit's withdrawal, when they have appeared, have been of the demure, three-sentence variety. monster 
Ominous-sounding lawsuits make for good headlines.
Dismissals no so much.
As part of its campaign against Monster, Morgan & Morgan had launched a website seeking potential plaintiffs to challenge the energy-drink maker.
Image result for monster death juice"If you or someone you know has experienced heart problems, seizures, an irregular heartbeat, kidney failure, or any other adverse effects after drinking Monster Energy drinks," the firm's website advertises, "you may be entitled to compensation."
Maybe not.
"The voluntary dismissal of these lawsuits, we believe, speaks volumes," Marc P. Miles of Shook, Hardy & Bacon, counsel for Monster Energy Company, said in a company press release. 
"We believe fairness dictates that the media now write about the dismissals..."

Liabilities of Liberalism

Liabilities of Liberalism - Taki's Magazine:
"“Liberalism,” James Burnham once wrote, “is the ideology of western suicide.”
Writers on the right find it fashionable to cite Burnham’s decree.
In an era when being white, Christian, male, and proud is as sinful as cold-blooded murder, it appears that liberalism is inspiring massive self-hatred on the forgers of the West.
The statistics don’t lie: White Europeans are a dying breed.
In the U.S., the death rate of middle-aged whites exceeds that of minorities.
In Europe, the birth rates of natives are collapsing.
The number of “nones”—that is, people identifying as faithless—is increasing among young adults.
Put it all together and you have the makings of an entire society slowly smothering the life out of itself.
Is liberalism truly to blame?
It’s an easy answer, for sure.
Leftism is an ideological cancer that brings misery, death, and famine to all societies. 
Just ask anyone who has lived (or lives) in a communistic country.
But I don’t think Marx’s brainchild is responsible for what’s ailing America, or the West as a whole.
In fact, I’ve come to think it’s something much more familiar.
The enemy, as Pogo said, may very well be us.
The culprit behind Western lethargy is liberalism, by which I mean the actual definition of liberalism. 
Libertarians call it classical liberalism.
Leftist intellectuals call it pluralism or tolerance.
Economists call it laissez-faire.
“The very ethos that gave birth to the most powerful society in history is eroding its very purpose for being.”..."
Read on!

Tucker Carlson Says Nancy Pelosi’s Remarks on ‘White Males’ Show Dems Have ‘Pulled the Mask Off’ | Video |

Tucker Carlson Says Nancy Pelosi’s Remarks on ‘White Males’ Show Dems Have ‘Pulled the Mask Off’ | Video |

"House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) told PBS that “white males” without college educations have voted Republican “because of guns, because of gays, and because of God — the three Gs — God being the woman’s right to choose.”"

As vets died, VA spent millions on art

As vets died, VA spent millions on art | Washington Examiner
"Hundreds of veterans have died while waiting to get care from the Department of Veterans Affairs, all while the department spent millions of taxpayer dollars on high-end art.
According to an investigation by COX Media Washington, D.C. and American Transparency, the VA has spent $20 million on high-end art over the last 10 years,
$16 million of that spent during President Obama's tenure.
The investigation found one particularly egregious example: $670,000 combined spent on two sculptures at a VA center for the blind..."

First poo-themed dessert cafe set to open in Canada

First poo-themed dessert cafe set to open in Canada | Americas | News | The Independent:
"In Toronto, a city crammed full of fine restaurants, famous chefs and innovative dining ventures, it would be difficult for anyone to create a new fad.
poopcafe.jpgBut one George Brown College graduate is hoping her “Poop Café Dessert Bar” will cause the next big stink.
Opening mid-August in Koreatown, Lien Nguyen’s cafe will offer an all-brown menu, in the shape of human stools.
Japan 'naked restaurant' to ban customers for being overweight
“I’m trying to make poop cute,” Ms Nguyen explained to the Toronto Star..."

AM Fruitcake

History for July 30

Image result for Thomas Sowell Quote
History for July 30 -
Thornstein Velben 1857, Henry Ford 1863, Vladimir Kosmo Zworykin 1889 - Invented the iconoscope, called the "Father of Television"
Image result for Thorstein Veblen Quotes

Casey Stengel 1890, Thomas Sowell 1930, Arnold Schwarzenegger 1947

1619 - The first representative assembly in America convened in Jamestown, VA. (House of Burgesses)

1942 - The WAVES were created by legislation signed by U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt. The members of the Women's Accepted for Volunteer Emergency Service were a part of the U.S. Navy.

1945 - The USS Indianapolis was torpedoed by a Japanese submarine. The ship had just delivered key components of the Hiroshima atomic bomb to the Pacific island of Tinian. Only 316 out of 1,196 men aboard survived the attack.

1956 - The phrase "In God We Trust" was adopted as the U.S. national motto.

1965 - U.S. President Johnson signed into law Social Security Act that established Medicare and Medicaid. It went into effect the following year.

1974 - The U.S. House of Representatives Judiciary Committee voted to impeach President Nixon for blocking the Watergate investigation and for abuse of power.

1990 - In Spring Hill, TN, the first Saturn automobile rolled off the assembly line.

2003 - In Mexico, the last 'old style' Volkswagon Beetle rolled off an assembly line.

Friday, July 29, 2016

Private Servers Were Recommended: Clinton | The Daily Caller

Private Servers Were Recommended: Clinton | The Daily Caller:

"Democratic presidential nominee and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton claimed publicly for the first time in a recent CBS News “60 Minutes” interview that using private email servers was “recommended” to her.

The revelation — highlighted in a Judicial Watch lawsuit against the State Department — raises new unanswered questions about who may have suggested or influenced Clinton’s decision to relay sensitive and classified State Department information on private channels."

IRS looking into Clinton Foundation 'pay-to-play' claims

IRS looking into Clinton Foundation 'pay-to-play' claims | Fox News:
Image result for clinton pay to play"The IRS confirmed in a letter it is looking into claims of “pay-to-play” practices at the Clinton Foundation, after dozens of Republican lawmakers requested a review of potential “criminal conduct” at the organization founded by the family at the center of this week’s Democratic National Convention.
Commissioner John Koskinen wrote in a July 22 letter to Republican Rep. Marsha Blackburn that the issue has been “forwarded” to the IRS “Exempt Organizations Examinations” program in Dallas.
“This program considers all referrals and will send you a separate acknowledgement letter when it receives your information,” he wrote, in a letter first reported by The Daily Caller.
It’s unclear whether the agency might take any further action. 
The letter noted that, under the law, they could not reveal “any actions we may take on this information.”
A Clinton Foundation source, though, rejected reporting that the letter indicates an investigation.
“Nowhere does this letter say that there’s an investigation, or that the IRS is even considering an investigation,” the source said. "

Are You Better Off Than You Were 7 Years Ago?

Are You Better Off Than You Were 7 Years Ago? | Stock News & Stock Market Analysis - IBD
President Obama says by most measures people in the country are better off.
But he ignores all those measures that show families falling behind while he's been president.
While patting himself on the back in his speech at the Democratic Convention, President Obama said that "by so many measures, our country is stronger and more prosperous than it was when we started."
Clearly, Obama needs a new ruler.
The question isn't whether the country is better off than it was when Obama took office — when it was still in a recession — it's whether the country is better off than it was when the recovery started almost exactly seven years ago.
Using that as the gauge, many Americans — by several measures — are actually worse off after seven years of Obama's "recovery" than they were just as the recession was ending.
That's an incredible testament to the abject failure of Obamanomics, not a legacy that anyone should hope will continue into the next administration.
Let's run some of the numbers:

  • More in poverty: During Obama's "recovery," 3.1 million people fell into poverty, and the poverty rate climbed from 14.3% in 2009 to 14.8% in 2014, according to Census.
  • Lower household incomes:  Census data show that only the top 40% of households made gains in income under Obama, while the remaining 60% saw their incomes shrink between 2009 and 2014. The bottom 20%, for example, saw their incomes decline by 8.4% over those years.
  • More on food stamps: There were 8.7 million more people on food stamps this April (the last year for which data are available) than there were when recovery started, according to the Department of Agriculture.
  • More labor dropouts: While the number of people who are unemployed fell by about 7 million between June 2009 and today, the number who are no longer in the labor force — either because they've quite looking for work or retired — climbed an astonishing 14 million.
  • Less optimism: In June 2009, the IBD/TIPP Economic Optimism Index was 50.8 — anything above 50 represents optimistic, under 50 pessimism. This July, the Optimism Index was 45.5. And while 52% of the public thought the country was headed in the wrong direction, 64% feel that way now.

How does Obama square these facts with his sunny outlook? He doesn't. He just ignores them. But the public knows what's going on..."

EXCLUSIVE: IRS Investigates Clinton Foundation's 'Pay-to-Play' Operations | The Daily Caller

EXCLUSIVE: IRS Investigates Clinton Foundation's 'Pay-to-Play' Operations | The Daily Caller:

"IRS Commissioner John Koskinen referred congressional charges of corrupt Clinton Foundation “pay-to-play” activities to his tax agency’s exempt operations office for investigation, The Daily Caller News Foundation has learned.

The request to investigate the Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation on charges of “public corruption” was made in a July 15 letter by 64 House Republicans to the IRS, FBI and Federal Trade Commission (FTC). They charged the foundation is “lawless.”"

John Bolton: Russia Probably Already Has Hillary Clinton's Emails

John Bolton: Russia Probably Already Has Hillary Clinton's Emails:
Appearing on Thursday’sBreitbart News Daily with SiriusXM host Stephen K. Bannon, former U.N. Ambassador John Bolton addressed the “famous email flap” from Donald Trump’s press conference on Wednesday.
“I heard what he said. He did not call on the Russians to hack into Hillary’s computer,” Bolton said. “He was making the point – I understood it when I heard it the first time; 
I’m sure most people did – that the Russians probably already had her emails. 
They got them when Hillary put them in that unsecured email server.”
“What Trump was saying was the Russians are already there. 
They probably know more about Hillary’s email than the FBI because Hillary’s lawyers erased all those 30,000 emails that were not turned over to the State Department,” Bolton noted, adding:
I think he was dinging the Democrats for being more concerned about the just terrible emails we saw out of the DNC than the security risk that Hillary created by her own actions. And I think the Democrats are scared to death that the Russians, or somebody, does have all those emails that are not about her yoga lessons and Chelsea’s wedding, but are about the Clinton Foundation..."

Anyone can now print out all TSA master keys

Anyone can now print out all TSA master keys:
"Shortly after The Washington Post inadvertently published a photo of seven TSA master keys, a group of security experts were able to copy their designs and release their 3D models online.
Now, these same experts have deciphered the secrets of the eighth and last master key the agency uses even without a photo to guide them.
The first seven keys are manufactured by a company called Travel Sentry, while this one is by a separate manufacturer named Safe Skies.
Since the hackers didn't have a photo of the last key, they bought as many Safe Skies locks as possible, took them apart and examined their innards.
Anyone with access to a 3D printer can now reproduce all eight keys..."