Thursday, October 27, 2016

Lunch video-----Law Enforcement Motivation


The worst of ObamaCare is yet to come | New York Post

The worst of ObamaCare is yet to come | New York Post:

"Still ahead: Budget crises in the states that accepted temporary federal bribes to massively expand their Medicaid rolls. More premium hikes on the exchanges, as ever fewer healthy people sign up for coverage — prompting even lower enrollment, and more price hikes, in a sharp “death spiral.”

The “Cadillac tax” will kick in soon, too — so if your union has won great health coverage at the bargaining table, that plan will pay a penalty to Uncle Sam.

The legal challenges aren’t done yet, either."

John Stossel: The ruling class, this election and you

John Stossel: The ruling class, this election and you | Fox News
"...The elite have a lot of influence over how we see things.
I don't like Donald Trump.
I used to.
I once found him refreshing and honest.
Now I think he's a mean bully.
I think that partly because he mocked a disabled person.
I saw it on TV.
He waved his arms around to mimic a New York Times reporter with a disability -- but wait!
It turns out that Trump used the same gestures and tone of speech to mock Ted Cruz and a general he didn't' like. 

It's not nice, but it doesn't appear directed at a disability.
I only discovered this when researching the media elite for my TV show.
Image result for media liesEven though I'm a media junkie, I hadn't seen the other side of the story. 
The elite spoon-fed me their version of events.
Another reason I don't like Trump is that he supported the Iraq war -- and then lied about that.
Media pooh-bahs told me Trump pushed for the war years ago on The Howard Stern Show.
But then I listened to what Trump actually said.
"Are you for invading Iraq?" Stern asked.
Trump replied, "Yeah, I guess ... so."
Later, on Neil Cavuto's show, Trump said, "Perhaps (Bush) shouldn't be doing it yet, and perhaps we should be waiting for the United Nations."
I wouldn't call that "support" -- the way NBC's debate moderator and many others have.
I was stunned by how thoroughly the media have distorted Trump's position. 
That's a privilege you get when you're part of the media elite:
You get to steer the masses' thinking.
At the second debate, we all know that Trump walked over to Hillary Clinton's podium, as if he was "stalking Ms. Clinton like prey," said The New York Times.
CNN said, "Trump looms behind Hillary Clinton at the debate."
Afterward, Clinton went on Ellen DeGeneres' show and said Trump would "literally stalk me around the stage, and I would just feel this presence behind me.
I thought, 'Whoa, this is really weird.'"
But it was a lie. 
Watch the video. 
Clinton walked over to Trump's podium. 
Did the mainstream media tell you that? 
The ruling class has its themes, and it sticks to them.
When Clinton wore white to a debate, the Times called the color an "emblem of hope" and a Philadelphia Inquirer writer used words like "soft and strong ... a dream come true." 
But when Melania Trump wore white, that same writer called it a "scary statement," as if Melania Trump's white symbolized white supremacy, "another reminder that in the G.O.P. white is always right..."

Russian Scientists Predict Ice Age Within 15 Years

Russian Scientists Predict Ice Age Within 15 Years
Russian Scientists Predict Ice Age Within 15 Years Because Sun Is ‘Cooling’

Several scientists have predicted a coming ice age due to the extreme cooling of the sun as measured by active sun spots, or eruptions. Obviously, the science of global warming is not ‘settled’ as claimed by warmists.  TN Editor
Experts say that solar activity as low as it currently is has not been seen since the mini-ice age that took place between 1645 and 1715 – a period known as the Maunder Minimum where the entire Thames froze over.
A new model has allowed experts to predict solar activity with more accuracy than ever before and it suggests that magnetic activity will fall by 60 per cent between 2030 and 2040.
The model looks at the Sun’s ’11-year heartbeat’ – the period it takes for magnetic activity to fluctuate. This cycle was first discovered some 173 years ago.
However, a mathematician has established a more up-to-date model that can forecast what the solar cycles will look like based upon dynamo effects in two layers of the Sun.
...“Combining both waves together and comparing to real data for the current solar cycle, we found that our predictions showed an accuracy of 97 per cent.”
Ms Zharkova says the next cycle is set to peak in 2022, and the cycle after, known as Cycle 26, will herald a new ice age.

1 in 4 U.S. teachers are chronically absent, missing more than 10 days of school

1 in 4 U.S. teachers are chronically absent, missing more than 10 days of school - The Washington Post:
"More than 1 in 4 of the nation’s full-time teachers are considered chronically absent from school, according to federal data, missing the equivalent of more than two weeks of classes each academic year in what some districts say has become an educational crisis.
The U.S. Education Department’s Office for Civil Rights estimated this summer that 27 percent of the nation’s teachers are out of school for more than 10 days of regular classes — some missing far more than 10 days — based on self-reported numbers from the nation’s school districts.
But some school systems, especially those in poor, rural areas and in some major cities, saw chronic absenteeism among teachers rise above 75 percent in 2014, the last year for which data is available.
In the Alamance-Burlington School District, located between Greensboro and Chapel Hill, N.C., 80 percent of its 1,500 teachers missed more than 10 days of school in the 2013-2014 school year. Cleveland reported that about 84 percent of its 2,700 teachers had excessive absences.
Nevada’s Clark County School District, which includes Las Vegas, reported that more than half of its 17,000 teachers were chronically absent — missing a total of at least 85,000 work days, or the equivalent number of hours that nearly 500 teachers would work during an entire 180-day school year..."
Read on!

‘If this goes viral, Trump will win’: Michael Moore leaves internet dazed, confused and on fire | BizPac Review

‘If this goes viral, Trump will win’: Michael Moore leaves internet dazed, confused and on fire | BizPac Review:

"A video excerpt from liberal Michael Moore is taking the internet by storm. But it’s not Moore’s loyal fans singing his praises for a passionate political confession – it’s Donald Trump’s supporters who are doing the cheering.

In the speech that was given before an audience in Ohio, reportedly for the film “Trumpland,” Moore delves deep into the mindset of Trump’s appeal."

October (non) Surprise.... Obamacare Is Collapsing...

Steve Russo - October (non) Surprise.... Obamacare Is Collapsing...:
And don't forget the current increases are on top of the past massive, YEARLY, premium increases. Oh yes, those pesky deductibles and co-pays. 
Up every year. And I almost forgot this minor annoyance. 
The number of Drs. and specialists moving out of Medicare (already gone from Obamacare) to "private pay only". 
In the same manner the rich never see a TSA line or stacked lines of airliners at their executive airport, they'll never have any experience with the "healthcare" they vote for us little people.
"October (non) Surprise.... Obamacare Is Collapsing and Rates Are Going Up! Alternative Headline.... The Affordable Care Act, Is Unaffordable
In the... "We told you so" category....
Image result for obama care liesRegardless of what Obama, Hillary and Democrats told you, their executive fiat and destruction of our Healthcare System is working exactly as they planned. 
And Democrats own every single page of this massive 3500 pages (11,000 pages of regulations) leviathan of failure. 
So get ready to pay out your ass for substandard care. 
Everything Obama, Pelosi, Reid, Hillary and Democrats told you, wouldn't happen, is happening. Shocker, they lied.
~ THEN: Obama: "We're going to lower premiums, per family, by $2,500 per year."
NOW: Obama Admin Announces Obamacare Premiums Will Rise By 22% to 70% Next Year
NOW: Obama: I Had Nothing To Do With Skyrocketing Healthcare Costs!
~ THEN: 36 Times Obama Said You Can Keep Your Healthcare Plan and Doctor...
NOW: Blue Cross, Aetna, United, Humana Flee Obamacare Exchanges
NOW: More Than 1 Million Will Lose Healthcare Insurance in 2017 ...
NOW: Whether retiring early or fleeing... doctors are leaving healthcare
...Clinton Thug Robert Creamer Planned Obamacare in Jail

AM Fruitcake

History for October 27

History for October 27 -
Desiderius Erasmus Roterodamus (Erasmus of Rotterdam) 1466 - Dutch Renaissance humanist, Theodore Roosevelt (U.S.) 1858, Emily Post (Price) 1873

Dylan Thomas 1914, John Cleese 1939 - Actor, comedian, Lee Greenwood 1942 - Singer

1659 - William Robinson and Marmaduke Stevenson became the first Quakers to be executed in America.

1787 - The first of the Federalist Papers were published in the New York Independent. The series of 85 essays, written by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison and John Jay, were published under the pen name "Publius."

1858 - Roland Macy opened Macy's Department Store in New York City. It was Macy's eighth business adventure, the other seven failed.

1904 - The New York subway system officially opened. It was the first rapid-transit subway system in America.

1925 - Fred Waller received a patent for water skis.

1938 - Du Pont announced "nylon" as the new name for its new synthetic yarn.

1947 - "You Bet Your Life," the radio show starring Grouch Marx, premiered on ABC. It was later shown on NBC television.

1954 - The first Walt Disney television show "Disneyland" premiered on ABC.

Wednesday, October 26, 2016



Life Preserver

By Tammy Derouin

We are all products of our experiences.  Everyone will encounter a wide range of emotional events in their lifetime.  On the scale of life, we sometimes have to journey to those outermost ends of the scale.  We experience extreme highs, which we never want to end and miserable lows, which can’t end soon enough.  Finding a spot which keeps life reasonably balanced is most desirable.

As much as you would like, you cannot control everything in your life.  There will always be outside forces which will try to influence your spot on the scale. Numerous experiences will enrich your life. Many individuals and events play a positive role in shaping the path you travel.  There are also experiences where individuals or events will attempt to destroy you.  Finding a balance during such difficult times isn’t always easy. 

How you handle outside, destructive forces, plays a big part in how or if you survive the attack.  Sometimes you end up floating in misery for a while; that’s life and it’s unavoidable.  But, knowing when the life preserver has been thrown and then grabbing a hold of it, puts the control right back in your hands; tipping the scale back in your favor.  There comes a time when you have to decide, are you going to wallow and more than likely drown or are you going to swim and attempt to survive?

It truly comes down to survival.  Once you realize that your life and your liberty are priceless gifts, you will do everything you can to protect and defend them.......  

Fact-Check: No, the Clinton Foundation Did Not 'Spend Ninety Percent' of Money Donated on 'Programs'

Fact-Check: No, the Clinton Foundation Did Not 'Spend Ninety Percent' of Money Donated on 'Programs' - Breitbart:
"Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton said during the third presidential debate, “We at the Clinton Foundation spend ninety percent — ninety percent — of all the money that is donated on behalf of programs of people around the world and in our own country.”
Fact-Check: FALSE
Indeed, Clinton’s “ninety percent” claim is false according to her troubled charity’s own tax filings.
Peter Schweizer, president of the Government Accountability Institute, Breitbart News Senior Editor-at-Large, and author of Clinton Cash said the Clinton Foundation has spent as little as six percent of its total income on actual charitable endeavors.
“If you actually look at the numbers of their filings and 990s, that’s what it indicates,” Schweizer said last month in an interview with SiriusXM host Alex Marlow on Breitbart News Daily.
Image result for hillary clinton foundation
“The Clinton Foundation will say, ‘We assisted or facilitated in 100,000 kids getting immunizations.’ Well, okay, what does that mean?
And they don’t really tell you.
They don’t really explain to you how it works.”
“So the number is absolutely correct, that six percent goes to other charities,” Schweizer continued. “The other 94 percent is in this stew of marketing, and management, and travel expenses, and sort of all these obscure things, that it’s really hard to dissect what is the end result of that 94 percent being spent.”
What’s more?
Political analyst Sean Davis, the co-founder of The Federalist and a former adviser to Sen. Tom Coburn and Gov. Rick Perry, examined the Clinton Foundation’s 2013 tax filings and found that “Hillary Clinton’s non-profit spent more on office supplies and rent than it did on charitable grants.” 
“The Clinton Foundation spent nearly $8.5 million–10 percent of all 2013 expenditures–on travel,” Davis contends.
“Nearly $4.8 million–5.6 percent of all expenditures–was spent on office supplies.”"

Quantifying the impact of the Affordable Care Act

Unbiased America:
(K.R.) There are many ways to quantify the impact of the Affordable Care Act on the cost of heath insurance, and it's easy to manipulate the data by comparing apples to oranges or leaving out costs, as some less scrupulous efforts have done. 
But most researchers agree that the law has bent the cost curve upwards, and quite dramatically. 
For example:
No automatic alt text available.• A Brookings 2014 study used actual data and found that "enrollment-weighted premiums in the individual health insurance market increased by 24.4% beyond what they would have had they simply followed…trends."
• S&P Global Institute found that average individual market medical costs increased substantially between 2013 and 2015, up an estimated 69%.
• 2014 insurer data shows that premiums for individual market Qualified Health Plans (QHPs), ACA-compliant plans certified to be sold on exchanges, were much higher than premiums for individual market non-QHPs, mostly plans in existence before 2014 that did not comply with the ACA.

If The Media Investigated Hillary Like They Did Watergate, We Wouldn’t Need WikiLeaks

If The Media Investigated Hillary Like They Did Watergate, We Wouldn’t Need WikiLeaks:

"Today, both publications have become willing accomplices in suppressing the same type of information they worked so tenaciously to expose all those years ago. By openly and unapologetically acting as institutional surrogates for the Clinton campaign, these same institutions, and nearly every other mainstream media outlet in America, have gone hands-off in exposing what may very well turn out to be the most explosive and damaging corruption scandal in American politics since “Tricky Dick” was reelected back in ’72."

Consumer Reports announces most, least reliable cars — with plenty of surprises

Consumer Reports announces most, least reliable cars — with plenty of surprises | ExtremeTech: "Broad trends: Asian cars rock. Buick, too
Here are some key trends that we see.
First, the Asian brands rule the rankings.
The 10 brands rank 1-2-5-6-7-8-10-11-12-13, all in the top half. The average ranking is 7.5 (out of 29).
Kia and Hyundai are 5 and 7 (and no model was ranked below average), meaning the Korean brands are as good as the Japanese brands.
Thus you can buy most any Asian car coming off lease and expect decent reliability.
Among US automakers (meaning US-headquartered), Buick was the outlier with its third place finish, same as it earned on the J.D. Power Vehicle Dependability Index three-year-reliability survey.
After that, the best for GM was Chevrolet in 15th among 29 brands...
Europe’s premium automakers have often fared poorly in long-term reliability rankings.
They argued that when you a build a complex car, there may be more things that need attention.
Still, Lexus at No. 1 overall has a lot of complexity, as does Audi (No. 4) and BMW (No. 9). Note also that the two top-scoring models are Toyota and Lexus hybrids, which have additional complexity as well..."
Here are the least reliable cars. 
All are American cars except the dead-last Fiat 500L.

  • Cadillac Escalade (most unreliable of the bottom 10). Buy a Chevrolet Suburban or GMC Yukon XL instead, CR says, neither of which is saddled with the Cadillac CUE infotainment system. (Except look who’s No. 4 on the bottom 10 list below.)
  • Ford Focus.
  • Jeep Renegade
  • Chevrolet Suburban / GMC Yukon XL
  • Chrysler 200
  • Tesla Model X
  • Ram 2500 pickup
  • Chevrolet Tahoe / GMC Yukon
  • Ford Fiesta
  • Fiat 500L

Do your homework!-----What You Should Know About the Democratic Party Platform

What You Should Know About the Democratic Party Platform
"During the recent Democratic National Convention the delegates voted to adopt their party’s platform, a document that outlines the statement of principles and policies that the party has decided it will support.

Why should Christians care about a document that few non-politicians will ever read? 
Because of the influence the two major party platforms have on public policy. 
While the platform is not binding on the presidential nominee or any other politicians, political scientists have found that over the past 30 years lawmakers in Congress tend to vote in line with their party’s platform: 89 percent of the time for Republicans and 79 percent of the time for Democrats. 
For this reason we should be aware of what is proposed in these documents and how they may affect the welfare of our nation (Jeremiah 29:7).
This article will provide, without commentary, an outline of the Democratic platform as it relates to several social issues. 
Every statement is either a direct quote or a summary of the platform’s position. 
(Last week, we examined the GOP party’s platform and stance on these and related issues.)

...Criminal Justice Reform

...Opposes racial profiling that targets individuals solely on the basis of race, religion, ethnicity, or national origin.
Supports a requirement to make the Department of Justice investigate all “questionable or suspicious police-involved shootings.”
...Supports removing barriers to help formerly incarcerated individuals successfully re-enter society by “banning the box” (persuading employers to remove from their hiring applications the check box that asks if applicants have a criminal record). 

Supports executive action to “ban the box for federal employers and contractors, so applicants have an opportunity to demonstrate their qualifications before being asked about their criminal records.”
Supports expanding re-entry programs, and restoring voting rights for felons.
Supports, whenever possible, prioritizing prevention and treatment over incarceration when tackling addiction and substance use disorder.
...Supports abolishing the death penalty.

Discrimination and Racial Issues

Supports ending discrimination on the basis of race, ethnicity, national origin, language, religion, gender, age, sexual orientation, gender identity, or disability.
Supports promoting “racial justice through fair, just, and equitable governing of all public-serving institutions and in the formation of public policy.”
Supports removing the Confederate battle flag from public properties, “recognizing that it is a symbol of our nation's racist past that has no place in our present or our future.”
Calls for a “societal transformation to make it clear that black lives matter and that there is no place for racism in our country.”
Supports making community college free for all students.
...Supports refinancing of current student loan debt.
MUCH more here.
Read on and make an informed decision!

Lunch video-----The Spitfire's Fatal Flaw


UNDERCOVER VIDEO: Hillary Clinton Personally Directed Plan to Incite of Violence at Trump Rallies | National Review

UNDERCOVER VIDEO: Hillary Clinton Personally Directed Plan to Incite of Violence at Trump Rallies | National Review:

"Project Veritas’s most recent undercover video sting has already resulted in firings (Scott Foval of Democracy Partners) and caused one of Hillary Clinton’s key operatives — Robert Creamer – to resign from the campaign. The videos show evidence that Democratic operatives worked directly with the DNC to incite violence at Donald Trump rallies this year. "

The Bully Party

Conservative Political Cartoons Daily - Timeline:
The Bully Party-By Scott Adams
I’ve been trying to figure out what common trait binds Clinton supporters together.
As far as I can tell, the most unifying characteristic is a willingness to bully in all its forms.
  • If you have a Trump sign in your lawn, they will steal it.
  • If you have a Trump bumper sticker, they will deface your car.
  • If you speak of Trump at work you could get fired

On social media, almost every message I get from a Clinton supporter is a bullying type of message.
  • They insult. 
  • They try to shame. 
  • They label. 
  • And obviously they threaten my livelihood.
  • We know from Project Veritas that Clinton supporters tried to incite violence at Trump rallies. 

The media downplays it.
We also know Clinton’s side hired paid trolls to bully online.
You don’t hear much about that.
Yesterday, by no coincidence, Huffington Post, Salon, and Daily Kos all published similar-sounding hit pieces on me, presumably to lower my influence.
(That reason, plus jealousy, are the only reasons writers write about other writers.)
Joe Biden said he wanted to take Trump behind the bleachers and beat him up. 
No one on Clinton’s side disavowed that call to violence because, I assume, they consider it justified hyperbole.
Team Clinton has succeeded in perpetuating one of the greatest evils I have seen in my lifetime.
Her side has branded Trump supporters (40%+ of voters) as Nazis, sexists, homophobes, racists, and a few other fighting words.
...The Clinton message is that some Americans are good people and the other 40% are some form of deplorables, deserving of shame, vandalism, punishing taxation, and violence.
She has literally turned Americans on each other.
It is hard for me to imagine a worse thing for a presidential candidate to do.
I’ll say that again.
As far as I can tell, the worst thing a presidential candidate can do is turn Americans against each other.
Clinton is doing that, intentionally.
Read on!